"Ultana Annax was a Human female who was, at different times, a senator, a political dissident, and a government official. Hailing from the planet of Deltron in the Inner Rim Territories, she became the world's representative in the Galactic Senate at the age of twenty-two, in 25 BBY. After a year of working as a senator, she noted the bureaucracy and corruption that existed in the Galactic Republic government. As a result, she founded a political clique of senators who sought to change the system, called the Reformists. As the Clone Wars began, her movement grew more influential and larger, and in 21 BBY, seeing as their diplomatic methods were having little results, attempted a coup d'\u00E9tat. It failed, and Annax was forced to leave the Senate, and go underground as the movement's leader."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*Rebellion era\n*New Republic era"@en . "Ultana Annax"@en . "27"^^ . . "Ultana Annax was a Human female who was, at different times, a senator, a political dissident, and a government official. Hailing from the planet of Deltron in the Inner Rim Territories, she became the world's representative in the Galactic Senate at the age of twenty-two, in 25 BBY. After a year of working as a senator, she noted the bureaucracy and corruption that existed in the Galactic Republic government. As a result, she founded a political clique of senators who sought to change the system, called the Reformists. As the Clone Wars began, her movement grew more influential and larger, and in 21 BBY, seeing as their diplomatic methods were having little results, attempted a coup d'\u00E9tat. It failed, and Annax was forced to leave the Senate, and go underground as the movement's leader. When the conflict ended, Annax and her movement were branded as terrorists by the newly created Galactic Empire. The movement continued minor actions against the Imperial government of Palpatine, though never a full-on insurrection. In 2 BBY, Annax and her advisors merged the movement with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, at the invitation of Bail Organa, who knew her from their Senate days (though he never joined the Reformists as at the time he viewed them to be too radical). She was given an administrative position in the Alliance government, and acted as an advisor to the Alliance's leadership, including Mon Mothma. After the Galactic Civil War ended, Annax held different government posts in the New Republic, and served up until the Yuuzhan Vong War. During the. Inflict, she was killed when the extragalactic invaders attacked Coruscant."@en . . . "47"^^ . "*Galactic Republic\n*Reformist Movement\n*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n*New Republic"@en . . "Fair"@en . . "Ultana Annax"@en .