. "11"^^ . "Imperial"@es . . . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio\n*Era de la Rebeli\u00F3n\n*Era de la Nueva Republica"@es . "11"^^ . . . "Burr Nolyds"@es . . . "Burr Nolyds"@es . "11"^^ . . "Light"@en . "Burr Nolyds era un arist\u00F3crata humano rico y arrogante que gobern\u00F3 brevemente al Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico en el 11 DBY como jefe del Consejo Gobernante Interino Imperial. Originalmente ascendi\u00F3 en la escalera pol\u00EDtica del Imperio despu\u00E9s de proveer a la organizaci\u00F3n con recursos importantes, y su deseo de poder le llev\u00F3 a apoyar al antiguo guardia imperial Carnor Jax que tramaba matar al Emperador Gal\u00E1ctico Palpatine y tomar el trono para si mismo. A\u00F1os despu\u00E9s de la muerte de Palpatine, Nolyds se sent\u00F3 en el consejo que gobierna del imperio de Carnor Jax, y cuando Jax fue asesinado por el Guardia real Kir Kanos, Nolyds asumi\u00F3 el control actuando como jefe del consejo y gobernante del imperio. Nolyds se aferr\u00F3 firmemente a su poder y se opuso a la sugerencia de la concejal Feena D'Asta de que el Imperio firmara un tratado de paz con la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica, sus oponentes en la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica. Su reinado demostr\u00F3 ser de corta duraci\u00F3n cuando fue asesinado por el yuuzhan vong Nom Anor, un aliado del conspirador Xandel Carivus. La muerte de Nolyds vino en forma de un disco de mensaje autodestructivo que Anor hab\u00EDa dejado en sus c\u00E1maras. El acalorado consejo respondi\u00F3 eligiendo al ,aparentemente, incompetente Carivus para sucederle para que as\u00ED pudieran tirar de las cuerdas de Carivus e investigar el asesinato."@es . . "Blanco"@es . "11"^^ . . "Burr Nolyds"@en . "L\u00EDder del Consejo Gobernante Interino Imperial"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Head of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council and ruler of the Galactic Empire"@en . . . "11"^^ . . . "Burr Nolyds"@en . . . . "Burr Nolyds"@en . . "Burr Nolyds was a wealthy and arrogant Human male aristocrat who briefly ruled the Galactic Empire in 11 ABY as head of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He originally ascended the Empire's political ladder after supplying the organization with important resources, and his desire for power led him to support former Imperial Royal Guard Carnor Jax's plot to kill Galactic Emperor Palpatine and seize the Imperial throne. Following Palpatine's death, Nolyds sat on the Ruling Council of Jax's Crimson Empire, and when Jax was later killed by his fellow former Royal Guard Kir Kanos, Nolyds took over as acting head of the council and ruler of the Empire. Ruling from a villa in the planet Ord Cantrell's city of De-Purteen, Nolyds held tightly to his power and opposed Councilor Feena D'Asta's suggestion that the crumbling Empire make peace with the New Republic, their opponents in the Galactic Civil War. His rule proved to be short-lived when he was assassinated by Nom Anor, an ally of the scheming Councilor Xandel Carivus; Nolyds's death came in the form of a self-destructing message disk that Anor had left in his chambers. The shaken council responded by electing the seemingly-incompetent Carivus to succeed him so they could pull Carivus's strings and investigate Nolyds's murder from behind the scenes."@en . "Green"@en . "Burr Nolyds was a wealthy and arrogant Human male aristocrat who briefly ruled the Galactic Empire in 11 ABY as head of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council. He originally ascended the Empire's political ladder after supplying the organization with important resources, and his desire for power led him to support former Imperial Royal Guard Carnor Jax's plot to kill Galactic Emperor Palpatine and seize the Imperial throne. Following Palpatine's death, Nolyds sat on the Ruling Council of Jax's Crimson Empire, and when Jax was later killed by his fellow former Royal Guard Kir Kanos, Nolyds took over as acting head of the council and ruler of the Empire."@en . . . . . "Burr Nolyds"@en . . "11"^^ . . . . . "Burr Nolyds era un arist\u00F3crata humano rico y arrogante que gobern\u00F3 brevemente al Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico en el 11 DBY como jefe del Consejo Gobernante Interino Imperial. Originalmente ascendi\u00F3 en la escalera pol\u00EDtica del Imperio despu\u00E9s de proveer a la organizaci\u00F3n con recursos importantes, y su deseo de poder le llev\u00F3 a apoyar al antiguo guardia imperial Carnor Jax que tramaba matar al Emperador Gal\u00E1ctico Palpatine y tomar el trono para si mismo. A\u00F1os despu\u00E9s de la muerte de Palpatine, Nolyds se sent\u00F3 en el consejo que gobierna del imperio de Carnor Jax, y cuando Jax fue asesinado por el Guardia real Kir Kanos, Nolyds asumi\u00F3 el control actuando como jefe del consejo y gobernante del imperio. Nolyds se aferr\u00F3 firmemente a su poder y se opuso a la sugerencia de la concejal Feena D'Asta de que el "@es . . . "*Galactic Empire\n**Dark Empire\n***Imperial Ruling Council\n**Crimson Empire"@en . . . . "Pelo"@es . "Galactic Empire"@en . . . . . . . . .