"false"@en . "false"@en . . "Abyssal"@en . "false"@en . "NPC"@en . . "Humanoid"@en . . "Opash was a sanctioned Necromancer who lived around Marquet during the Age of Arcanum. He was fascinated by the craft so much so that he defied the laws in place and practiced the extremes of necromancy, focusing on the shaping of flesh and perverting the line between life and death. Consequently, he is an ideological enemy of the Raven Queen. Opash broke the laws of necromancy at the time and was slated for death, but through clever diplomacy and many owed favors he managed to just be exiled to The Island of Viscan in the south Lucidian Ocean."@en . "false"@en . . . "Dead"@en . "false"@en . "Opash"@en . . "Wizard"@en . "Experimented on Thordak"@en . "Opash"@en . "false"@en . "Destroyed by Thordak"@en . "false"@en . . . "Opash was a sanctioned Necromancer who lived around Marquet during the Age of Arcanum. He was fascinated by the craft so much so that he defied the laws in place and practiced the extremes of necromancy, focusing on the shaping of flesh and perverting the line between life and death. Consequently, he is an ideological enemy of the Raven Queen. Opash broke the laws of necromancy at the time and was slated for death, but through clever diplomacy and many owed favors he managed to just be exiled to The Island of Viscan in the south Lucidian Ocean."@en . "Opash"@en . "Opash"@en . . .