. . . "\"\" said that he designed every detail of the Valiant, and so it must have been built, or at least completed, within the 18 months that the Master was working as Harold Saxon. It was used for the first human contact with the Toclafane. (TV: The Sound of Drums) The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness teleported onboard using Jack's vortex manipulator at the coordinates 58.2 north by 10.02 east. Rusty the Dalek remembered the Daleks attacking the Valiant when the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald attempted to reopen his suppressed memories. (TV: Into the Dalek)"@en . . . "The Sound of Drums"@en . "\"\" said that he designed every detail of the Valiant, and so it must have been built, or at least completed, within the 18 months that the Master was working as Harold Saxon. It was used for the first human contact with the Toclafane. (TV: The Sound of Drums) The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness teleported onboard using Jack's vortex manipulator at the coordinates 58.2 north by 10.02 east. In the following year in an erased timeline, the Valiant was the base of operations for the Master. The Jones family (with the exceptions of Martha, who had escaped, and Leo) and Captain Jack Harkness were imprisoned on the ship, as was the Tenth Doctor. It also held the paradox machine created from the Doctor's TARDIS. When the timeline was erased, the Valiant was the only point in space and time not to revert, instead moving directly through time, due to it being the \"eye of the storm\", that is, of the paradox machine. (TV: Last of the Time Lords) During the Sontaran invasion of Earth in 2008, Colonel Mace called in the Valiant, which was referred to by the call-sign \"Hawk Major\". The ship's powerful turbines were used to clear the Sontarans' poisonous fog-like gas from the ATMOS factory and the energy weapon was used to blast apart the factory, killing many Sontarans. (TV: The Poison Sky) The Valiant was targeted when the New Dalek Empire attacked Earth following the planet's transportation to the Medusa Cascade. A massive force of Daleks swarmed the ship, taking out its shields. The order was given to abandon ship, and Jack Harkness reported that the Valiant was \"down\". (TV: The Stolen Earth) Rusty the Dalek remembered the Daleks attacking the Valiant when the Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald attempted to reopen his suppressed memories. (TV: Into the Dalek) At some point following the Dalek invasion, the Valiant was apparently salvaged and repaired, or replaced by another ship with the same name. The Twelfth Doctor asked whether he was being taken to the Valiant (mistakenly referring to the craft as \"Cloudbase\") during the -initiated Cyberman attack on Earth, but Kate Stewart told him that doing so would be too obvious and too easy of a target. He was instead taken to an aircraft designated as Boat One. (TV: Death in Heaven)"@en . "Valiant (aircraft carrier)"@en . . . "Valiant"@en . . . . . "Airborne military aircraft carrier"@en . . . .