"Japan-France is a small island nation in Eurasia. Located in the Sea of Japan-France, it lies west of the Isles of Beria, north of \u5927\u5442\u5B8B\u5E1D\u56FD, or Dai R\u016Bzon Teikoku, south of The Peoples' Republic of Belgium, and east of Der Pazifische Ozean. Japan-France is connected to Mainland China by the Chanel Tunnel No. 5, which runs under Great Britain. The west coast of Japan-France is known for its stunning beaches, which is why the country is often identified as \"The Land of the Setting Sun\". Japan-France is a constitutional unitary semi-imperial republic, a system of government where both an Emperor descended from the Sun King and a Prime Minister appointed by the Emperor are present in the day-to-day inoperation of the state. A major economic power, Japan-France boasts the world's 3.5th largest econ"@en . "Japan-France is a small island nation in Eurasia. Located in the Sea of Japan-France, it lies west of the Isles of Beria, north of \u5927\u5442\u5B8B\u5E1D\u56FD, or Dai R\u016Bzon Teikoku, south of The Peoples' Republic of Belgium, and east of Der Pazifische Ozean. Japan-France is connected to Mainland China by the Chanel Tunnel No. 5, which runs under Great Britain. The west coast of Japan-France is known for its stunning beaches, which is why the country is often identified as \"The Land of the Setting Sun\". Japan-France is a constitutional unitary semi-imperial republic, a system of government where both an Emperor descended from the Sun King and a Prime Minister appointed by the Emperor are present in the day-to-day inoperation of the state. A major economic power, Japan-France boasts the world's 3.5th largest economy and consumes nearly 50% of the world's cigarettes, even though it only makes up 2% of the global population. Japan-France also boasts (at every opportunity) the world's sixth-highest life expectancy."@en . "Japan-France"@en . . . . . .