"Active Skill 2"@en . . "Burns enemies' eyes, inflicting damage at and decreasing their Attack by for 1 turn. If there is an on the battlefield, this skill additionally decreases their Attack by ."@en . . . "Burn, Burn"@en . . "Call forth flames that attack enemies in their range at Atttack and heal allies by . The flames also burn MP off all targets in their range."@en . "Active Skill 1"@en . "attack_down"@en . "Burnt Eye"@en . . "Spooky/Skills"@en . "heal_and_attack"@en . "attack up"@en . "Punishment for Good Children"@en . "Active Skill 3"@en . . "A light explodes, attacking enemies in its range at and healing allies by . The enemies are for 2 turns and receive more damage when attacked. If there is an on the battlefield, the skill cast Reflects Damage on Spooky, reflecting of all incoming damage for turns."@en . "Spooky Skill 4"@en . "Passive Skill"@en . "Red Witch of the Black Forest"@en . "Spooky's Final Skill Power increases by when her HP is or less. If there is an on the battlefield, this skill cast a effect which has Spooky take of the damage Banshee Receives and keeps Spooky's HP from falling blow ."@en . "Spooky Skill 1"@en . "Spooky Skill 3"@en . "Total Genes required to max this skill's level is ."@en . "Spooky Skill 2"@en .