. . . "Active"@en . "Koran"@en . . . . . . . . . "Mardah was a female Bajoran. Mardah was a dabo girl who worked for Quark and dated Jake Sisko for around a year. (DS9 episodes: \"Sanctuary\", \"Playing God\", \"The Abandoned\") In 2371, Mardah left Deep Space 9 to attend the Regulus III Science Academy. (DS9 episode: \"Fascination\") Kai Winn Adami disapproved of Jake dating Mardah. (DS9 - Rebels novel: The Liberated)"@en . "Mardah"@en . . . . . "2351"^^ . "Mardah was a female Bajoran. Mardah was a dabo girl who worked for Quark and dated Jake Sisko for around a year. (DS9 episodes: \"Sanctuary\", \"Playing God\", \"The Abandoned\") In 2371, Mardah left Deep Space 9 to attend the Regulus III Science Academy. (DS9 episode: \"Fascination\") Kai Winn Adami disapproved of Jake dating Mardah. (DS9 - Rebels novel: The Liberated)"@en . . . "thumb|Mardah (2371) Mardah ist Bajoranerin und arbeitet als Dabo-M\u00E4dchen in Quarks Bar. W\u00E4hrend ihres Entomologie-Studiums l\u00E4sst sie sich von Jake Sisko bei den Hausaufgaben helfen. Sp\u00E4ter verlieben sich die beiden, was Jakes Vater gar nicht gef\u00E4llt. Neben den Vorurteilen gegen\u00FCber dem Beruf des Dabo-M\u00E4dchen, st\u00F6rt ihn die Tatsache, dass Mardah vier Jahre \u00E4lter ist als Jake. (DS9: , ) Mardahs Eltern werden w\u00E4hrend der Besetzung von Bajor umgebracht, und sie lebt bis zu ihrem 13. Geburtstag bei Nachbarn. Sie hat einen Bruder und eine Schwester, mit denen sie allerdings seit l\u00E4ngerem keinen Kontakt mehr hat. (DS9: ) Die Beziehung zu Jake endet, als Mardah 2371 an der Wissenschaftsakademie auf Regulus III aufgenommen wird und Deep Space 9 verl\u00E4sst. (DS9: )"@de . . "Vers la fin de 2360s elle s'est d\u00E9plac\u00E9e de Bajor pour vivre \u00E0 bord de Terok ni, qui plus tard est devenu notoire en tant qu'espace profond 9. L\u00E0 elle a travaill\u00E9 \u00E0 la barre de Quark o\u00F9 elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 employ\u00E9e en tant que fille de dabo. Son choix de carri\u00E8re a caus\u00E9 une crevasse entre ses et ses enfants de m\u00EAmes parents, qui n'ont pas \u00E9t\u00E9 exactement faits fr\u00E9mir de son travail en tant que fille de dabo. Elle l'a trouv\u00E9 stup\u00E9fier combien de personnes ont jug\u00E9 d'autres bas\u00E9es sur rien plus que leur travail. (DS9 : \u00AB Abandonn\u00E9s \u00BB) En d\u00E9pit de travailler \u00E0 l'endroit de Quark, Mardah poursuivait toujours une pleine \u00E9ducation, allant \u00E0 l'\u00E9cole de la station, o\u00F9 elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 not\u00E9e pour ses talents d'\u00E9criture. Keiko O'Brien a fr\u00E9quemment indiqu\u00E9 \u00E0 Mardah qu'elle devrait essayer d'obtenir certaines de ses histoires \u00E9dit\u00E9es. En d\u00E9pit de l'encouragement pour qu'elle poursuive l'\u00E9criture, elle a par la suite choisi d'\u00E9tudier dans le domaine de l'entomologie. (DS9 : \u00AB Abandonn\u00E9 \u00BB, \u00AB sanctuaire \u00BB) Dans mid-2370, Mardah l'a demand\u00E9e \u00E0 Jake Sisko au pr\u00E9cepteur avec une partie de son travail d'entomologie - ce qui \u00E9tait en r\u00E9alit\u00E9, plus d'une \u00AB date d'\u00E9tude. \u00BB Jake a \u00E9t\u00E9 forc\u00E9 de mentir \u00E0 son p\u00E8re, d\u00FB \u00E0 sa profession, afin de s'assurer que les deux pourraient se r\u00E9unir. (DS9 : \u00AB Sanctuaire \u00BB) Pendant les parties de leur dater, Jake a souvent \u00E9crit, quel Mardah a d\u00E9crit comme, \u00AB certaines des choses les plus belles [elle a eu] jamais lues. \u00BB C'\u00E9tait cette po\u00E9sie qui par la suite l'a gagn\u00E9e plus de. (DS9 : \u00AB Abandonn\u00E9s \u00BB) Quelques semaines plus tard, Jake a accidentellement dit son p\u00E8re au sujet de Mardah, professant son amour pour elle. Il plus tard a admis \u00E0 son p\u00E8re qu'il \u00E9tait incertain comment il r\u00E9agirait au fait que Mardah \u00E9tait une fille de dabo. Pour prouver \u00E0 son p\u00E8re qu'elle \u00E9tait plus que juste une \u00AB fille \u00BB, Jake a voulu l'avoir exc\u00E9dent de sorte que son p\u00E8re ait pu la rencontrer. Apr\u00E8s r\u00E9ception \u00AB avancent \u00BB, Jake a coul\u00E9 pour informer Mardah des bonnes nouvelles. (DS9 : \u00AB Jouant Dieu \u00BB) En d\u00E9pit de d\u00E9sapprover son fils datant ans de Jakes de dabo la fille quatre l'a\u00EEn\u00E9, Ben Sisko finalement a invit\u00E9 Mardah plus de pour le d\u00EEner dans 2371 t\u00F4t - avec les intentions de voir contre ce qu'\u00E9tait il vers le haut. Pour le d\u00EEner elles ont eu la crevette cr\u00E9ole avec de la sauce de Mandalay, que Mardah a appr\u00E9ci\u00E9e, car elle \u00E9tait partielle \u00E0 la nourriture \u00E9pic\u00E9e. Pendant le d\u00EEner, alors que Jake v\u00E9rifiait le dessert, Mardah a admis \u00E0 Ben que bien qu'au d\u00E9but, Jake ait sembl\u00E9 comme juste des autres teenaged le gar\u00E7on, elle s'est rendu compte qu'il y avait plus \u00E0 lui que cela, qu'il \u00E9tait plein des surprises, et qu'elle s'est inqui\u00E9t\u00E9e de lui beaucoup. Apr\u00E8s d\u00EEner, l'attitude de commandant Sisko's envers Mardah est devenue beaucoup plus d'accepter, une fois qu'il obtenait une chance de conna\u00EEtre tous les deux ses et Jake meilleur. (DS9 : \u00AB Abandonn\u00E9s \u00BB) Sous peu ensuite, Mardah a obtenu admis \u00E0 l'acad\u00E9mie de la Science sur Regulus III, la for\u00E7ant \u00E0 d\u00E9placer 300 ann\u00E9es-lumi\u00E8re de DS9 - et de Jake. Elle a cass\u00E9 les nouvelles \u00E0 Jake le jour o\u00F9 elles avaient projet\u00E9 sur accrocher vers le haut des d\u00E9corations pour le festival de gratitude de Bajoran - le m\u00EAme jour Jake pr\u00E9vu pour donner \u00E0 Mardah une boucle d'oreille de Bajoran comme cadeau. Les deux plus tard se sont cass\u00E9s vers le haut. (DS9 : \u00AB Fascination \u00BB) Mardah, jou\u00E9 par Jill Sayre, est apparu seulement dans l'\u00E9pisode \u00AB abandonn\u00E9 \u00BB."@fr . . "thumb|Mardah (2371) Mardah ist Bajoranerin und arbeitet als Dabo-M\u00E4dchen in Quarks Bar. W\u00E4hrend ihres Entomologie-Studiums l\u00E4sst sie sich von Jake Sisko bei den Hausaufgaben helfen. Sp\u00E4ter verlieben sich die beiden, was Jakes Vater gar nicht gef\u00E4llt. Neben den Vorurteilen gegen\u00FCber dem Beruf des Dabo-M\u00E4dchen, st\u00F6rt ihn die Tatsache, dass Mardah vier Jahre \u00E4lter ist als Jake. (DS9: , ) Die Beziehung zu Jake endet, als Mardah 2371 an der Wissenschaftsakademie auf Regulus III aufgenommen wird und Deep Space 9 verl\u00E4sst. (DS9: )"@de . . . "Mardah"@de . . . "Vers la fin de 2360s elle s'est d\u00E9plac\u00E9e de Bajor pour vivre \u00E0 bord de Terok ni, qui plus tard est devenu notoire en tant qu'espace profond 9. L\u00E0 elle a travaill\u00E9 \u00E0 la barre de Quark o\u00F9 elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 employ\u00E9e en tant que fille de dabo. Son choix de carri\u00E8re a caus\u00E9 une crevasse entre ses et ses enfants de m\u00EAmes parents, qui n'ont pas \u00E9t\u00E9 exactement faits fr\u00E9mir de son travail en tant que fille de dabo. Elle l'a trouv\u00E9 stup\u00E9fier combien de personnes ont jug\u00E9 d'autres bas\u00E9es sur rien plus que leur travail. (DS9 : \u00AB Abandonn\u00E9s \u00BB)"@fr . "Female"@en . "Mardah was a Bajoran female born in 2351. Her parents were killed during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Following their deaths, Mardah and her siblings, Sarjeno and Koran, were raised by neighbors. In 2364, at the age of thirteen, Mardah moved out to live on her own. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\") In mid-2370, Mardah asked Jake Sisko to tutor her with some of her entomology homework \u2013 which was in reality, more of a \"study date.\" Jake was forced to lie to his father, due to her profession, in order to ensure that the two could get together. (DS9: \"Sanctuary\", \"Playing God\")"@en . . . "Mardah was a Bajoran female born in 2351. Her parents were killed during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Following their deaths, Mardah and her siblings, Sarjeno and Koran, were raised by neighbors. In 2364, at the age of thirteen, Mardah moved out to live on her own. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\") In the late 2360s, she moved from Bajor to live aboard space station Terok Nor, which later became known as Deep Space 9. There, she worked at Quark's, where she was employed as a dabo girl. Her career choice caused a rift between her and her siblings, who were not exactly thrilled with her job as a dabo girl. She found it amazing how much people judged others based on nothing more than their job. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\") Despite working at Quark's, Mardah still pursued a full education, attending the station's school, where she was noticed for her writing talents. Keiko O'Brien frequently told Mardah that she should try to get some of her stories published. Despite the encouragement for her to pursue writing, she eventually chose to study in the field of entomology. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\", \"Sanctuary\") In mid-2370, Mardah asked Jake Sisko to tutor her with some of her entomology homework \u2013 which was in reality, more of a \"study date.\" Jake was forced to lie to his father, due to her profession, in order to ensure that the two could get together. (DS9: \"Sanctuary\", \"Playing God\") During the early stages of their dating, Jake often wrote what Mardah described as \"some of the most beautiful things [she had] ever read.\" This poetry eventually won her over. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\") A few weeks later, Jake accidentally told his father about Mardah, professing his love for her. He later admitted to his father that he was unsure how he would react to the fact that Mardah was a dabo girl. To prove to his father that she was more than just a \"girl\", Jake wanted to have her over so that his father could meet her. After receiving the \"go ahead\", Jake ran off to inform Mardah of the good news. (DS9: \"Playing God\") Despite disapproving of his son dating a dabo girl four years Jakes' senior, Ben Sisko finally invited Mardah over for dinner in early 2371 \u2013 with the intentions of seeing what he was up against. For dinner, they had Creole shrimp with Mandalay sauce, which Mardah enjoyed, as she was partial to spicy food. During dinner, while Jake was checking on dessert, Mardah confessed to Ben that although at first, Jake seemed like just another teenaged boy, she had realized there was more to him than that, that he was full of surprises, and that she cared about him very much. After dinner, Commander Sisko's attitude towards Mardah became much more accepting, once he got a chance to know both her and Jake a little better. (DS9: \"The Abandoned\") Shortly thereafter, Mardah was accepted into the Science Academy on Regulus III, forcing her to move 300 light years from DS9 \u2013 and Jake. She broke the news to Jake on a day they had planned to spend hanging up decorations for the Bajoran Gratitude Festival \u2013 the same day, Jake intended to give Mardah a Bajoran earring as a gift. The two subsequently broke up. (DS9: \"Fascination\") Mardah, played by Jill Sayre, appeared only in the episode \"The Abandoned\". There was some dispute in the pronunciation of this character's name. In the script for \"Sanctuary\", it was pronounced as \"MAR-duh\". [1] However, in the script for \"Playing God\", it was pronounced as \"MAHR-duh\". [2] The script for \"The Abandoned\" did not include a pronunciation for this character's name. [3] The role was originally to have gone to Chase Masterson; however, Masterson was thought to be too old due to the age difference between herself and Cirroc Lofton. Avery Brooks (who directed \"The Abandoned\") stated that she might be a love interest for his own character, but not for Lofton's. Masterson had played the role with \"kittenesque sexuality\", so the producers kept her in mind as they thought she could play a fun character. Masterson was later cast for Leeta in \"Explorers\" without a clear indication whether she would come back, but due to her performance she became a recurring character. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 238) Another actress who auditioned for the role of Mardah was Tracy Middendorf, who was later cast as the second of three actresses to play Tora Ziyal. (Cinefantastique, Vol. 28, No. 4/5, p. 63)"@en . "Mardah"@fr . "Mardah"@en . . . "2371"^^ . . .