. . "Talk-show host"@en . "Humaine"@fr . "thumb|250px Anna is een Libertaans modetijdschrift, voor het eerst uitgebracht als onafhankelijk modeblad in 1971. In 1997 kocht Alpha Media de rechten van het tijdschrift op. Met een uitgebreid lezerspubliek van enkele tienduizenden lezers is Anna het meestgelezen Libertaanse modemagazine. Anna raakte bekend nadat Alpha Media het tijdschrift overnam. Een nieuwe redactie liet onder andere Isabelle Cagnet en Diana Petrucci halfnaakt verschijnen op de cover. Dit lokte enige controversi\u00EBle reacties in Libertas op. Ondertussen poseerde ook Stefanie Olsen voor het magazine. De naam Anna is een verwijzing naar prinses Anna van Libertas die bekendstond om haar indrukwekkende kledingdracht. De redactie van het tijdschrift is in het Muntegu Business Center in Muntegu gevestigd. Categorie:Mode Categorie:Tijdschrift Categorie:Alpha Media Categorie:Muntegu Holding"@en . . . "Anna, under the spell of Shattered Sight, throws her necklace into the fire."@en . . "Jarred/Doom"@en . "Tanya Allen"@es . . . . . . "150"^^ . . . "290"^^ . "Bill Schwab"@en . . "right"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Festival of Fantasy Parade"@en . . . . . . "Anna's mother died while giving birth to Anna. Her father died three years before King Endon assumed the throne, leaving Anna in the care of her grandfather, Crian. Anna lived in Del's forge with Crian, cooking, cleaning, and presumably helping her grandfather with other small tasks. Crian's skill as a blacksmith ensured that they were never lacking food, though they were still quite poor."@en . . . "Wildstorm Universe"@en . "Anna is a female mii who loves the color blue. She is a bitch that deserves to die. The 31 year-old woman hates me so thats why i say all of this. If she was not nasty to me, i would not do this. Friends- 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 billion Enemies- 1 (Me)"@en . "circa 1000 A.D."@en . . . . "left"@en . . . "Katski"@fr . "Anna can refer to three distinct characters. \n* Anna I, 1st Generation Itako. She is the senior of Asakura Anna and lives in Los Angeles. \n* Asakura Anna, 2nd Generation Itako. Born Ky\u014Dyama Anna (\u6050\u5C71\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA Anna Ky\u014Dyama). She is the wife of Asakura Yoh and one of main characters of the series. \n* Alumi Niumbirch, 3rd Generation Itako. A member of the Patch Tribe and the daughter of Silva, she is nicknamed \"Anna the Itako III\" (\u4E09\u4EE3\u76EE\u30A4\u30BF\u30B3\u306E\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Sandaime Itako no Anna)."@en . . "Anna"@nl . . "Bow - C"@en . "Ayumi Kinoshita"@en . . . . "Mejor Mujer Animada de 2013"@es . . "Anna is the nanny of Mia Hanson."@en . "She's dressed in a red top and green trousers."@nl . . . "(?)Cat\u00E9gorie:\u00E0 v\u00E9rifier Anna invariable [an\u02C8na] 1. \n* localit\u00E9 du Pays valencien situ\u00E9e dans la province de Valence Anna invariable [an\u02C8n\u0259] (or.), [an\u02C8na] (val.)Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation en catalan centralCat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation en valencien 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin, \u00E9quivalent du fran\u00E7ais Anne"@fr . . . . "Student"@en . . . "Olaf's Quest"@en . . "Endon"@en . "Gone"@en . "Anna(\u30A2\u30F3\u30CAAn'na) is a nun who belongs to the Order of Magdalene."@en . . "De jonge Anna is een van de beste vriendinnen van Helena. Ze werkt op de stokerij van De Keyser, maar Helena ontslaat haar wanneer ze te weten komt dat Anna een relatie heeft met een Duitser."@nl . . "Becky Bresee"@es . . . "Anna was the sister of Doctor Jan Taler. During a correspondence by letter in 1665, Anna requested her brother explain more about the wrecking of the Osprey he survived in 1658."@en . "Good"@en . . . "Anna is a female mii who loves the color blue. She is a bitch that deserves to die. The 31 year-old woman hates me so thats why i say all of this. If she was not nasty to me, i would not do this. Friends- 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 billion Enemies- 1 (Me)"@en . "40861"^^ . . . "Anna"@ia . . "Anna is Sarina's great niece. She was contacted by Ray's family to go to their house and pick up Sarina. While at the Barones house, Anna told them about a sardine packer that stole the name \"Barone\" from her family. That sardine packer happened to be Frank's grandfather."@en . . . "Meine Tochter Anna war einmal eine begabte Sportlerin gewesen. Viele Eltern unterstellen ihren Kindern irgendeine Begabung, aber bei ihr stimmte das wirklich. Sie war gelenkig und ausdauernd und ihre Turnlehrerin bescheinigte ihr eine gro\u00DFartige K\u00F6rperhaltung. Ein wenig sch\u00FCchtern war sie und sprach nur selten und ungern mit anderen Menschen, weshalb sie auch nicht so viele Freunde hatte. Ich erz\u00E4hle das alles weil es wichtig ist um zu verstehen was passiert ist. Ihr Vater hatte uns kurz nach ihrer Geburt verlassen, er war ein Taugenichts, ein Trinker das muss ich so sagen und au\u00DFer Anna zu zeugen hat er wohl nichts Gutes in seinem Leben hervor gebracht. Als er sich vor drei Jahren tot gesoffen hatte habe ich ihm ehrlich gesagt keine Tr\u00E4ne hinterher geweint. Ich habe ihn nie wirklich gel\u00EDebt und Anna war damals auch eher ein Unfall der aus unserer kurzen Beziehung entstanden ist, wenn ich auch immer der Meinung war das dies der beste Unfall war der mir je passiert ist. Es war letzten Sommer als wir in unseren lange geplanten Amerika Urlaub flogen. Ich hatte Verwandte in Norwood Park, das ist ein kleiner Vorort von Chicago und wir besuchten sie f\u00FCr zwei Wochen. Es schien alles in allem ein sch\u00F6ner Urlaub gewesen zu sein, wir sahen viel von der Landschaft und Anna war ganz begeistert als wir ein Indianerdorf besuchten. Nat\u00FCrlich war dort alles nur Show, aber das musste sie ja noch nicht wissen. Die harte Realit\u00E4t, das diese Menschen auf der unteren Stufe der amerikanischen Wohlstandspyramide stand, das w\u00FCrde sie noch fr\u00FCh genug lernen so wie andere harte Wahrheiten wie das es keinen Weihnachtsmann gab. Es war der letzte Abend, ich sa\u00DF mit meinen Verwandten in der K\u00FCche w\u00E4hrend Anna in ihrem Zimmer war und ein Buch las. Ich beschloss das es Zeit wurde, dass sie schlief, immerhin w\u00FCrde uns am n\u00E4chsten Tag eine anstrengende Heimreise und ein langer Flug bevor stehen, weshalb ich in ihr Zimmer ging um ihr einen Gutenachtkuss zu geben und das Licht zu l\u00F6schen. Doch als ich die T\u00FCr \u00F6ffnete war das Zimmer leer. Ihr k\u00F6nnt euch meinen Schock vorstellen, ich schrie das ganze Haus zusammen und sofort waren alle in heller Aufregung. Wir suchten das ganze Haus ab, aber sie war nirgendwo zu finden. W\u00E4hrend meine Verwandten schon die Polizei rufen wollten beschloss ich nochmal im Garten nach zu sehen. Und dort stand sie und blickte ins Leere. Ich war erleichtert, so erleichtert das es mir nicht Mal in den Sinn kam zu schimpfen. Ich umarmte sie einfach nur und rief \u201EAnna, was machst du denn f\u00FCr Sachen?\u201C Sie schaute mich einen Moment verwirrt an, so als w\u00FCsste sie gar nicht was los sei doch dann l\u00E4chelte sie und rief fr\u00F6hlich \u201EHallo Mama, ich habe nur noch ein wenig gespielt.\u201C Ich brachte sie in ihr Zimmer zur\u00FCck, es war ein Schock am Abend aber einer der anscheinend gut ausgegangen war. Wir flogen am n\u00E4chsten Tag zur\u00FCck und ich gebe zu das ich das Erlebnis schnell vergessen hatte. Nat\u00FCrlich mache ich mir Vorw\u00FCrfe deswegen, aber wer h\u00E4tte denn ahnen k\u00F6nnen was passieren w\u00FCrde? Und selbst wenn, was h\u00E4tte ich denn tun k\u00F6nnen? Die n\u00E4chsten Tage und Wochen vergingen relativ normal, Anna ging wieder zur Schule und ich wieder zur Arbeit. Die Ver\u00E4nderungen traten eher schleichend ein und waren einzeln kaum zu bemerken. Mein kleiner Engel, der sich fr\u00FCher so viel aus Sport gemacht hatte begann das Interesse daran zu verlieren. Auch a\u00DF sie mehr, wirkte sie fr\u00FCher oft eher unterern\u00E4hrt, so wurde sie im Laufe der Zeit richtig proper. Au\u00DFerdem begann ihr Interesse f\u00FCr Kunst zu wachsen, sie begann Bilder zu malen, wirklich gute Bilder f\u00FCr eine Achtj\u00E4hrige. Die entscheidendste Ver\u00E4nderung war allerdings ihr sozialer Umgang. War sie fr\u00FCher oder still und einzelg\u00E4ngerisch so schien sich ihr Wesen komplett umgewandelt zu haben. Ihr Freundeskreis wuchs und wuchs st\u00E4ndig, wenn ich sie von der Schule abholte war sie immer von einer Gruppe von Kindern umgeben, meistenteils Jungs. Letztlich hat mich das aber alles nicht misstrauisch gemacht, ich muss zugeben das ich mich \u00FCber einige Ver\u00E4nderungen sogar freute. Das ein Kind mal seine Interessen \u00E4ndert war ja nun nichts Neues und das sie nun lieber Kunst als Sport machte war f\u00FCr mich vollkommen in Ordnung. Das sie nun meistens mit Jungs unterwegs war, war f\u00FCr mich auch kein Problem. Wir leben im 21. Jahrhundert und alte Rollenverh\u00E4ltnisse sind ja schon lange \u00FCberfl\u00FCssig. Allerdings war sie auch immer \u00F6fters in gewisser Weise abwesend, sie starrte vor sich hin und reagierte erst wenige Sekunden nachdem man sie ansprach. Auch schien sie zun\u00E4chst Probleme haben sich zurecht zu finden, sei es das sie erst ihr eigenes Zimmer in unserem Haus suchen musste oder das sie nicht mehr den Weg zur Schule kannte. Aber all das legte sich mit der Weile und so schenkte ich dem keine weitere Beachtung. Bis hierhin kann ich wohl mit Fug und Recht behaupten, das ich nichts ahnen konnte, aber sp\u00E4testens als diese Sache mit Adrian passierte h\u00E4tte ich misstrauisch werden sollen. Adrian war ein Mitsch\u00FCler von Anna, ein stiller Junge mit dunklem Haar und tiefbraunen Augen. Eines Tages war er verschwunden, er kam nach der Schule einfach nicht nach Hause. Man fand ihn drei Tage sp\u00E4ter, zumindest das was noch von ihm \u00FCbrig war. Die Gerichtsmedizin ergab das er auf grausamste Weise gequ\u00E4lt und dann erstochen wurde. Die ganze Stadt war in heller Aufregung, aber es gab keine Spur die zu einem T\u00E4ter f\u00FChren k\u00F6nnte. Nat\u00FCrlich musste ich mit Anna dar\u00FCber sprechen, ich wollte ihr schonend erkl\u00E4ren wieso ihr Freund nicht mehr da war. Als ich in ihr Zimmer kam, sa\u00DF sie auf dem Bett und starrte ins Leere. Kurz \u00FCberlegte ich was ich sagen sollte und ging auf und ab. Dabei fielen mir die vielen Bilder auf, die sie in letzter Zeit gemalt hatte. Auf vielen war ein Clown zu sehen, keiner dieser Horrorclowns wie man sie aus ES oder \u00E4hnlichen Filmen kennt, nein einfach nur ein freundlich dreinblickender Clown der Ballons in den H\u00E4nden hielt. Kinder mochten halt Clowns, zumindest die meisten weswegen ich der Sache keine weitere Beachtung schenkte. Ich setzte mich zu Anna und wollte mit ihr \u00FCber alles reden, aber sie sch\u00FCttelte nur den Kopf und sagte das es schon in Ordnung sei. So etwas w\u00FCrde nun einmal passieren. In gewisser Weise schockte mich das, aber ich lies es erst Mal darauf beruhen. Sp\u00E4testens zu diesem Zeitpunkt muss ich sagen das ich einfach eine schlechte Mutter bin, ich h\u00E4tte wissen m\u00FCssen was da passiert. Nat\u00FCrlich reagierten wir Eltern darauf, sperrten quasi unsere Kinder ein, fuhren sie zur Schule und holten sie von dort wieder ab. Drau\u00DFen spielen kam nicht mehr in Frage, aber es half nichts. Der kleine Tobi, ebenfalls aus Annas Klasse wurde auf der Schultoilette gefunden. Vielleicht sollten wir dankbar sein das sein Tod relativ schnell passierte, wir nahmen an das der T\u00E4ter keine Zeit hatte das Kind zu Tode zu qu\u00E4len. Die ganze Schule wurde gesperrt, alle Lehrer vernommen aber man konnte keinen T\u00E4ter finden. Ein Schulbesuch kam nat\u00FCrlich nicht mehr in Frage, alle Kinder blieben zuhause und durften nicht Mal zum spielen vor die T\u00FCr. Anna schien das erneut gut zu verarbeiten und immer noch reagierte ich nicht. Sie nutzte die Zeit um zu malen, immer mehr Bilder von diesem komischen Clown. Wir Eltern regten uns \u00FCber die Polizei auf, welche nicht in der Lage war dieses Monster zu fangen, aber wir glaubten die Situation zumindest soweit unter Kontrolle gebracht zu haben das es keine weiteren Opfer gab. Doch wir irrten uns, wenige Tage sp\u00E4ter starb Richard, ebenfalls ein Klassenkamerad von Anna und ebenfalls ein Freund von ihr. Seine Eltern brachten ihn abends ins Bett und fanden ihm am n\u00E4chsten Morgen. Der T\u00E4ter war durchs Fenster gekommen, offensichtlich wurde es von innen ge\u00F6ffnet. Richard musste also seinen M\u00F6rder hinein gelassen haben, dann wurde er mit seiner eigenen Schlafanzughose geknebelt so das er nicht schreien konnte und dann zu Tode gequ\u00E4lt. Ihr k\u00F6nnt euch vorstellen was in unserem Ort los war. Wenn wir nicht Mal in unseren eigenen H\u00E4usern sicher waren, wo denn dann? Ich schnappte mir Anna und beschloss die Stadt zu verlassen, wir zogen in einen neuen Ort, ich fand einen neuen Job und alles schien wieder normal. Zun\u00E4chst war auch alles gut und ich traute mich sogar wieder meinen kleinen Engel tags\u00FCber auf die Stra\u00DFe zu lassen. Es erschien mir nicht m\u00F6glich das uns der T\u00E4ter gefolgt war.Sie freundete sich mit den \u00F6rtlichen Kindern an und Normalit\u00E4t schien zur\u00FCck zu kehren. Doch dann geschah der n\u00E4chste Mord, wieder ein kleiner Junge und einer der neuen Freunde die Anna gefunden hatte. Auch er wurde auf grausamste Weise gefoltert. Es schien als w\u00E4re uns die Blutspur gefolgt. Alle Kinder die in unserer Stadt gestorben waren, waren Freunde von Anna gewesen und die Mordserie setzte sich in unserem neuen Wohnort fort. Und Anna zeigte keine Emotionen. Vielleicht h\u00E4tte mir jetzt ein Verdacht kommen m\u00FCssen, aber es war doch meine Tochter. Wer denkt so etwas von seinem eigenen Kind? Die Polizei schien allerdings langsam einen Verdacht zu haben, allerdings gegen\u00FCber mir. Kaum verwunderlich immerhin fanden die Morde ja immer dort statt wo ich wohnte. Ich kam in Untersuchungshaft und meine Schwester kam f\u00FCr diese Zeit vorbei um auf Anna aufzupassen. Doch bereits nach einigen Tagen lies man mich wieder frei, einerseits weil es keine Beweise gegen mich gab und au\u00DFerdem geschah der n\u00E4chste Mord. Wieder das selbe Muster und wieder einer von Anna's Freunden. Mir war nicht wohl als ich nach Hause kam, irgendwie ergab das alles langsam ein Bild. Anna hatte sich ver\u00E4ndert und in ihrer Umgebung fanden Morde statt. Aber ich wollte die Wahrheit immer noch nicht glauben. Ich fragte meine Schwester wie sich meine Tochter benommen hatte und sie zuckte nur mit den Schultern. Gut, meinte sie auch wenn sie keine Emotionen auf die Morde zeigte. Doch irgendetwas schien sie zu besch\u00E4ftigen. Sie musste wieder nach Hause und erst als wir uns verabschiedeten r\u00FCckte sie mit der Sprache raus. Sie erz\u00E4hlte mir das sie es beunruhigend fand das Anna diesen komischen Clown malte, welcher doch so viel \u00C4hnlichkeit mit diesem anderen Clown h\u00E4tte. Mehr sagte sie nicht, bevor sie in ihr Taxi stieg. Nat\u00FCrlich interessierte mich was sie damit meinte und kaum war sie weg fotografierte ich das Bild ab und lud es auf meinen Computer hoch. Ich erhoffte mir \u00FCber die google-Bildsuche vielleicht heraus zu finden was sie damit gemeint hatte. Mir blieb der Atem weg als ich tats\u00E4chlich eine \u00DCbereinstimmung fand, ein Bild das fast genauso aussah wie das von Anna. Und mir wurde schlagartig klar was passiert war. Ihre Gewichtszunahme, ihr Interesse am Malen und ihre extrovertiertes Wesen welche sich seid unserer R\u00FCckkehr aus Amerika entwickelt hatte. Und ich wusste das sie f\u00FCr diese Morde verantwortlich war, oder besser gesagt nicht sie. Denn es war schon lange nicht mehr Anna, das erkannte ich an dem Clown der nun einen Namen hatte. Er hie\u00DF Pogo und die Bildunterschrift zeigte mir was oder besser gesagt wen wir aus unseren Urlaub in Norwood Park mitgebracht hatten. Jemand der dort einst gelebt hatte und nun in K\u00F6rper meiner kleinen Tochter gefahren war. Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Lang"@de . "Circa 1500 AD"@en . "Anna"@nl . . . . . "Best Animated Female of 2013"@en . . . . "Anna"@en . . . "Student"@en . . . "Anna was a Cuban woman responsible for arranging the kidnapping of NCIS Medical Examiner Dr. Donald Mallard and Mallard's assistant, James Palmer, in order to retrieve the body of a Cuban mole at the Pentagon. Due to misinformation concerning the fact that Palmer had planted regarding a necessary jump drive that the plant had hidden before committing suicide, Anna was eventually arrested while investigating Palmer's locker."@en . . . . . . . . "King Olaf - Great-Grandfather"@en . "Unnamed father"@en . . . . . "Anna was a character that only appeared in Season 10. She was portrayed by Mia Ford."@en . "File:Picklock (FE13).pngLocktouch"@en . . . . . . "-Diana Anna Image:Morena Baccarin sex.jpg Name Anna Series New (2009) Species Visitor Status Alive Profession Leader of the Visitors Family Diana - Mother (deceased) Lisa - First Daughter Lisa's Sister - Second Daughter Amy - Adopted Daughter Unnamed subject - Mate (deceased) Offspring army - Children (deceased) Portrayed by Morena Baccarin Anna is the stunningly beautiful, charismatic and powerful leader of the Visitors. She overthrew her mother, Diana, whom she locked in the deepest dwells of the New York Mothership in an effort to seize the throne. She portrays a seeming benevolence, charm and beauty, and offers friendship to the people of Earth. In reality, she is fierce, tyranis, ruthless, and manipulative, ruling the Visitors (and if she has her way, humanity) with iron claws. Anna, just like her Visitor followers, beneath is a vicious reptilian creature."@en . . . "Otter"@en . . . "Vendedora, Jinete pegaso"@es . "File:Concoction FE13 Icon.pngConcoction"@en . "Diana - Mother"@en . "Kristoff, Elsa, Olaf, Sven, los Trolls, Oaken, Hans"@es . . "freundlich, naiv"@de . . . . "Anna is a school girl who is good friends with Wendla, Martha, and Thea. She is the only one shown to not have sexual feelings for men as she never mentions attraction to any boy besides parroting Thea's attraction to Melchior. Due to this, many in the fandom have decided that she is actually a lesbian and, although this is not confirmed, it is supported by how the original workshops of the musical imply her homosexuality (A Comet On It's Way). She does not appear in the play. She is the most liberal minded of the girls and supports Martha after Thea says her abuse is beneficial to their growth by saying that she wants her children to be free. At the end, when Thea says \"Poor Melchior\". Anna adamantly responds \"Poor Wendla!\" She is loyal, open minded, innocent, and represents hope and the future."@en . . . "-Diana Anna Image:Morena Baccarin sex.jpg Name Anna Series New (2009) Species Visitor Status Alive Profession Leader of the Visitors Family Diana - Mother (deceased) Lisa - First Daughter Lisa's Sister - Second Daughter Amy - Adopted Daughter Unnamed subject - Mate (deceased) Offspring army - Children (deceased) Portrayed by Morena Baccarin Anna is the stunningly beautiful, charismatic and powerful leader of the Visitors. She overthrew her mother, Diana, whom she locked in the deepest dwells of the New York Mothership in an effort to seize the throne. She portrays a seeming benevolence, charm and beauty, and offers friendship to the people of Earth. In reality, she is fierce, tyranis, ruthless, and manipulative, ruling the Visitors (an"@en . . . "40"^^ . . "Anna's necklace.jpg"@fr . . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA) is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series; she appears somewhere in every primary entry except for Fire Emblem Gaiden. She is a red-headed young woman and is commonly seen in a trademark pose with her index finger rested at her face and wearing a sly smile. She is voiced by Saori Seto in the Japanese versions of Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem Heroes and by Karen Strassman in the international versions of Awakening, Fates and Heroes."@en . "Anna is a daughter of Uther Pendragon by Igraine, and a sister of King Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth\u2019s Historia regum Britanniae. The daughter of Uther Pendragon is prophesied by Merlin to be the ancestress of seven kings who will reign over Britain. Anna is then named as the daughter born to Uther and Igraine, but becomes the wife of King Lot of Lothian. This implies that Anna is the mother of Gawain and Mordred. Geoffrey elsewhere gives this role to an unnamed sister of Arthur's uncle Aurelius Ambrosius, although Geoffrey later always uses nephew and not cousin when referring either to Gawain or to Mordred. In most later chronicle accounts, Anna is explicitly the mother of Gawain and so also in the Latin romance De Ortru Waluuanii. Anna is usually also the mother of Mordred (but this is not indicated in Wace\u2019s Roman de Brut). The Scottish historian Hector Boece in his Scotorum Historia (published in 1527) reverts to Geoffrey\u2019s account according to which Mordred and Gawain\u2019s mother was Arthur\u2019s aunt rather than Arthur\u2019s sister. Some Welsh adaptations of the Historia Regum Britanniae explicitly identify Anna with Gwyar, the mother of Gwalchmei in Welsh texts, and give her an earlier first husband, Emyr Llydaw, by whom Anna is the mother of Hoel."@en . . . . . . "An icy illusion is melted away."@en . . . . . . "TBA"@en . . "Anna 402.png"@en . "Awakening"@es . "Respektlosigkeit, Einschr\u00E4nkungen, Verrat, allein zu sein, geschlossene Tore, Ausgesperrt sein von Elsa"@de . . . . "Princess Anna of Arendelle is the protagonist in Disney's Academy Award-winning 2013 animated feature film Frozen. She is the fearless, spunky and innocently-awkward younger sister of the powerful Snow Queen Elsa and embarks on a perilous journey to save her kingdom from an eternal winter. She will join the Disney Princess along with her sister, Elsa the Snow Queen, line-up making her the 12th Disney Princess. Anna is loosely based on Gerda from \"The Snow Queen\", a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen."@en . "Pod-puppy"@en . "No"@en . . . . . . "12"^^ . . . . "Queen Astrid - Great-Grandmother"@en . "\"Aqui El \u00DAnico Coraz\u00F3n De Hielo Es El Tuyo.\""@es . . . . . . . . "Disney INFINITY 2.0"@es . "Anna ist ein weiblicher Vogel. Sie hat am 12. M\u00E4rz Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin."@de . . . . "=="@en . "Anna is the cook of the Pirates of the Angel"@en . "ANNA"@en . "Disney Dreams!"@en . "Anna \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto Online. Wyst\u0119puje w misji Sprz\u0105tanie Kuwety. Martin Madrazo zleca protagoni\u015Bcie uratowanie Anny z r\u0105k Lost\u00F3w, gdzie by\u0142a przetrzymywana w opuszczonym motelu w Sandy Shores. Protagonista ratuje j\u0105 i zawozi do domu Madrazo. Po tym wydarzeniu jej losy s\u0105 nieznane. Anna jest jedn\u0105 z niewielu postaci wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w misjach, kt\u00F3re nie przybieraj\u0105 losowego wygl\u0105du podczas uruchamiania misji."@pl . . . . "Livvy Stubenrauch"@en . "[[Bild:Anna.jpg|thumb|left|Anna und ihr Unimon]] japanischer Name: Anna deutscher Name: Anna Sprecherin: unbekannt Herkunft: Moskau/Russland Anna ist ein russischer Digiritter. Sie war einer der Digiritter, die, zusammen mit Yolei und Sora, Moskau vor einem Schwarm Flymon besch\u00FCtzten. Danach brachten sie auch noch eine Herde Mammothmon zur\u00FCck in die Digiwelt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Digimon Adventure 02 Charaktere"@de . "Minkyu Lee"@en . . "1990-04-01"^^ . "''Once Upon a Time"@en . "None"@en . "File:FE14 Anna Outlaw Map Sprite.gifOutlaw"@en . . . "Lisa Ortiz"@en . . . . "Lisa - First Daughter"@en . "This Mewtwo was seen in Mewtwo \u2014 Prologue to Awakening. Anna was saved by Mewtwo when she, her grandfather and his Stoutland fell off a cliff. She later found out it was created from Mew and in a desperate attempt to heal it, Virgil sent Team Eevee to find Mewtwo and heal him with a Revival Herb which Oscar's Stoutland had around its neck. Mewtwo refused to take it, saying it didn't need their help. After an intense battle against Dirk, Mewtwo stopped a fire that threatened the wild Pok\u00E9mon. Mewtwo later asked for Team Eevee, Anna, Oscar, Stoutland and Virgil to forget Mewtwo existed."@en . . . . "November 1894"@en . . . "Anna est un personnage non-jouable du jeu Final Fantasy IV. Elle est la fille de Tellah, et la fianc\u00E9e d'Edward Chris von Muir."@fr . . . "-"@en . . "Gen\u00B9\u00B3 Vol 2 0"@en . "Princess Anna of Arendelle (pronounced Ah-na) is the protagonist of Disney's 2013 animated feature film Frozen. She is the youngest daughter of Arendelle's previous monarchs, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, and the younger sister of Elsa the Snow Queen. Fearless and devoted, Anna embarks on a perilous journey to save her kingdom from an eternal winter, and mend the broken bond between herself and her sister. Anna is loosely based on Gerda, the protagonist of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale \"The Snow Queen\"."@en . . . . . . . "Anna was a female character in Alone in the Dark (2008). She becomes the first person that Carnby witnesses be taken by a Fissure and later turned into a Humanz."@en . . . "Josh Gad"@de . . "Axe"@en . . . . . . . "25"^^ . . . "Anna appeared in the \"Roomies\" sketch She likes making fun of Bennett and does \"hays are for horses and chickens and fish\" with Lexi"@en . "Humaine"@fr . . . . . "Rudeness, restrictions, betrayals, being alone, having the castle gates closed, Elsa shutting her out, freezing cold weather, mistreatment towards Olaf, embarrassing herself, causing misfortune, not being with Elsa"@en . "Anna is a caretaker of Lady Toni Bevell's household."@en . . . "Relationships"@en . "Origin"@en . . . . . . "\"My sister's conoration.\""@en . "File:Counter (FE13).pngCounter"@en . "Su familia, romance, la libertad, el chocolate, que se divierten con Elsa, Kristoff, aceptaci\u00F3n, aprecio, banal de Olaf, Hans"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Vrouw"@nl . . "furchtlos, energisch, wohlwollend, warm, freundlich, verspielt, sprudelnd, optimistisch, ungeschickt, unbeholfen, gespr\u00E4chig, schrullig, abenteuerlustig, naiv, impulsiv, lebenslustig, klug, enthusiastisch, liebevoll, fantasievoll, selbstlos, unschuldig, beeindruckend"@de . . . "Rekka no Ken"@es . . "Miembro de un culto"@es . "f\u00E9minin"@fr . "Anna was a character that only appeared in Season 10. She was portrayed by Mia Ford."@en . . . "Sconosciuto"@it . "250"^^ . "Femelle"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "\"twitiriti\""@de . "Single"@en . "Frozen"@en . "A\u00F1\u00F1\u0101: 'highest knowledge', gnosis, refers to the perfect knowledge of the Arahant Saint; see: ariya-puggala. The following passage occurs frequently in the Suttas, when a Bhikkhu indicates his attainment of Nobility arahatta: He makes known the highest knowledge a\u00F1\u00F1am vy\u0101karoti, in exactly this way: 'Rebirth has ceased, fulfilled is this Noble life, done is what should be done, and there is no more of this to come.'"@en . . . "Anna"@fr . . . . . . "Anna is 20 Years Old Is A Nerd And Fariyrich Girl She Become a Warrioryellow!"@en . . "She was held by Keffler in a clear glass box and was never allowed outside of the secret rogue NID facility in Los Angeles where she was created. Her attempt to find the deactivation code for an Ark bomb caused Sekhemet to regain control one last time, allowing her to escape the cell. Eventually Dr. Daniel Jackson discovered the code among Anna's charcoal drawings. At some point Anna regained control over her body, hunted down Keffler and, recognizing how evil he was, killed him."@en . . . . "Occupation"@en . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA) is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series; she appears somewhere in every primary entry except for Fire Emblem Gaiden. She is a red-headed young woman and is commonly seen in a trademark pose with her index finger rested at her face and wearing a sly smile. She is voiced by Saori Seto in the Japanese versions of Fire Emblem Awakening, Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem Heroes and by Karen Strassman in the international versions of Awakening, Fates and Heroes."@en . "Saori Seto"@en . "Gender"@en . . . . . . "\"Family Business\""@en . "Radiant Dawn"@es . "[Aus dem Flag entnommen] Das M\u00E4dchen das in euer Gesichtsfeld tritt ist, noch jung. Wohl auf gerade-so-erwachsen zu sch\u00E4tzen. Ihre K\u00F6rpergr\u00F6\u00DFe ist in etwa 1,61 Meter. Schlank und doch mit weiblichen Rundungen an den richtigen Stellen beschenkt, mustert das M\u00E4del mit naiven, abgrundtief-dunkelblauen Augen, aufmerksam ihre Umgebung. Ihre schwarzen lockigen Haare, welche ihr locker \u00FCber oder auf der Schulter liegen, gehen ihr fast bis zur H\u00FCfte. Ihre Kleidung variiert stark. Hauptsache bequem. Aktuelle Mode scheint ihr v\u00F6llig egal zu sein. Doch was sie immer tr\u00E4gt, ist ein blaues Stirnband, welches schon ziemlich alt und abgenutzt aussieht. Sollte sie etwas kurz-\u00E4rmliches tragen, so kann man an ihrem rechten Unterarm ein Hautbild sehen. Ein gezacktes S mit jeweils vier Punkten an jeder Seite. ( Etwa so -> :S: ) Eine Kette ist auch zu sehen, wenn es den entsprechenden Ausschnitt geben sollte. Eine aufpolierte Kupferkette mit einem sechseckig geschliffenem Aquamarin daran. Das M\u00E4del scheint durch ihre naive, unschuldige Art bei gewissen Leuten einen besch\u00FCtzerinstinkt auszul\u00F6sen. Sie hat einen kleinen braunen Beutel an ihrem G\u00FCrtel befestigt."@de . . "Anna is a character in Bratz Girlz Really Rock. She is a serious ballerina who attends Camp Starshine. She is the first girl who had a crush on Dylan! The Bratz and Dylan teach how to have some fun."@en . "\"White Out\""@en . "200"^^ . "Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi"@es . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA Anna) es un personaje que aparece en la mayor\u00EDa de los juegos de la saga Fire Emblem, aparece normalmente siempre que interrumpes la partida."@es . . "Unknown"@en . . "Anna is a minor character from Mewtwo \u2014 Prologue to Awakening."@en . "\"\""@en . "Anna was the sister of Doctor Jan Taler. During a correspondence by letter in 1665, Anna requested her brother explain more about the wrecking of the Osprey he survived in 1658."@en . . "abgrundtiefes dunkelblau"@de . . "Household caretaker"@en . "Monsh\u014D no Nazo"@es . . ": Falda verde oscuro, blusa de color verde oliva y una blusa de color verde claro."@es . . "She was married to Ravi, the last outsider to appear in the trapped town for a long time, and they had a happy marriage. When she learned that dissolving the dilation field would remove her and all others born in it from reality, she urged her husband to proceed nonetheless, because unlike many in her town she understood that the lives of everyone else on the entire planet were in danger. The dilation field was eventually collapsed by Helen Magnus, causing Anna to never have existed."@en . . "Personnage fictif"@fr . "Anna and Elsa prepare for the former's wedding."@en . . "Anna, Maria and Caro (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA,\u30DE\u30EA\u30A2\u3068\u30AB\u30ED, Anna, Maria to Karo?) were three young children, who grew up in the same orphanage as Tenma, who held them close to his heart. They were killed by Alone after drawing their portraits."@en . "-"@en . . "Ingrid - Aunt"@en . "Marroni"@it . . "Frozen 2"@es . . "Elizabeth Lail"@es . . . "300"^^ . "Anna is a S1 contestant and the first fetch grand champion."@en . "Barbara Federico"@it . . . "Offspring army - Children"@en . . "Sora and Mariya , Princess Moira"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Azul"@es . "Female"@en . . . "Gerda from the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen"@en . . . "5"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "Season 2 Episode 14"@en . . . . "Shadow Dragon"@es . "1.76"^^ . . "The Bracket"@en . "Sconosciuti"@it . . "Jin Kim"@en . . "8 ans, n\u00E9e sur un monde aujourd\u2019hui disparu qui ressemblait \u00E0 l\u2019ancienne Prusse. Elle fut recueillie sur le Luastria alors qu\u2019elle n\u2019\u00E9tait qu\u2019un b\u00E9b\u00E9. N\u2019ayant pas l\u2019\u00E2ge de d\u00E9cider du choix de sa vie, elle fut adopt\u00E9e par une femme Sans-Destin qui quittait Fairtach pour le vaisseau et qui la fit passer pour sa fille. Habitu\u00E9e \u00E0 arpenter les longs couloirs du Lua, vaisseau qu\u2019elle n\u2019a jamais quitt\u00E9 depuis lors, elle conna\u00EEt tout le monde de vue\u2026 Pourtant, peu de monde la conna\u00EEt ni ne sait m\u00EAme qu\u2019elle existe, car cette chipie aime \u00E0 se cacher et \u00E0 jouer les fant\u00F4mes. Parfois m\u00EAme, elle entend les grandes personnes parler d\u2019elle comme d\u2019une l\u00E9gende ou un mythe sur le vaisseau. Elle en joue et profite de cela pour taquiner les Sans-Destin qui croient aux esprits. Sa m\u00E8re adoptive a disparu un jour en mission\u2026 Mais cela lui importa peu, car elle connaissait la v\u00E9rit\u00E9 sur leur lien et depuis qu\u2019elle savait marcher, elle vivait seule et en autonomie sur le grand vaisseau\u2026 Les rares vraies conversations qu\u2019elle avait \u00E9taient avec le moomba de la salle \u00E0 manger lorsqu\u2019elle passait par les bouches d\u2019a\u00E9ration qu\u00E9mander son bout de gras\u2026et les examinateurs qui ne la jugeaient pas. Elle se doutait certainement que le leader des Sans-Destin connaissait sa pr\u00E9sence puisque son arriv\u00E9e avait du \u00EAtre consign\u00E9e dans les archives il y a 8 ans\u2026 Mais si c\u2019\u00E9tait le cas, il ne le lui avait jamais montr\u00E9. Anna est d\u2019un caract\u00E8re espi\u00E8gle et enjou\u00E9. C\u2019est une petite fille tr\u00E8s intelligente et surtout tr\u00E8s d\u00E9brouillarde. Elle n\u2019aime pas sp\u00E9cialement la solitude mais elle fuit le contact avec les Sans-Destin, pr\u00E9f\u00E9rant se lier \u00ABd\u2019amiti\u00E9 \u00BB avec les examinateurs (fa\u00E7on de parler bien s\u00FBr) et les 2 moombas. Elle ne se plie pas facilement \u00E0 l\u2019autorit\u00E9, d\u2019ailleurs son jeu principal consiste \u00E0 la d\u00E9tourner afin de la r\u00E9utiliser et de l\u2019appliquer autrement, mais ce n\u2019est jamais rien de bien m\u00E9chant. Juste une petite fille espi\u00E8gle qui trompe son ennui et sa tristesse dans le jeu et les joyeuset\u00E9s que lui offre le Lua. Cat\u00E9gorie:Sans Destin de N\u00E9adora"@fr . . "-"@en . "Anna is a toon NPC who owns Anna's Cruises Travel Agency on Tenor Terrace, Minnie's Melodyland."@en . "\"Heroes and Villains\""@en . "Anna was a Russian lady and Irina Spasky's neighbor. Irina asked her to watch over her son while she was on a mission for Isabel Kabra. However, he died while Irina was away."@en . . . . "Anna and Ethan are able to save Robert Neville from the Darkseekers. after he goes on a rampage. they wake him up after driving away and demand to know his location in which he tells them before passing out. Anna and Ethan go to Robert Neville's Home and Anna stiches up Robert's knife wound. Anna and Ethan are then seen eating breakfeast, Anna tells Robert that God told her to come. Robert who become's increasingly annoyed yells at Anna but she keeps her strong belief in God and hopes to convince Robert to come with her to the survivors colony. but Robert dismisses any claim about the survivor's colony as myth. soon It's shown that the Darkseekers. followed Anna and Ethan home. Ethan who is upstairs is unaware of what's happening and Anna goes up to get him while Robert holds them off. Ann"@en . "Powers/Abilities"@en . "thumb|250px Anna is een Libertaans modetijdschrift, voor het eerst uitgebracht als onafhankelijk modeblad in 1971. In 1997 kocht Alpha Media de rechten van het tijdschrift op. Met een uitgebreid lezerspubliek van enkele tienduizenden lezers is Anna het meestgelezen Libertaanse modemagazine. Anna raakte bekend nadat Alpha Media het tijdschrift overnam. Een nieuwe redactie liet onder andere Isabelle Cagnet en Diana Petrucci halfnaakt verschijnen op de cover. Dit lokte enige controversi\u00EBle reacties in Libertas op. Ondertussen poseerde ook Stefanie Olsen voor het magazine."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Nessuno"@it . . . "\"The Apprentice\""@en . . . . "File:FE14 Anna Puppeteer Map Sprite.gifMechanist"@en . . . . . . "It's a Small World: The Animated Series"@es . . "Sharn"@en . "Becky Bresee"@en . . "Elsa - Sister"@en . . "My name is Anna. My favorite word is \"kumquat\". My teacher thinks it's funny, and then she goes \"look at my head,\" and then I started to like it."@en . . . . "Arrested."@en . . "Vuelve a estar junto a su hermana"@es . . "Ja - Murder Mystery, King's Ransom"@nl . "File:FE13 Anna Dark Knight Map Sprite.gifDark Knight"@en . . . . . . . . "Fear"@en . . . . "Olaf's Quest"@es . "Princess Anna of Arendelle is a supporting character on Once Upon a Time. The sister of Elsa, a Queen with potentially threatening ice powers, Princess Anna often served as the yin to her sister's yang, helping to soothe her pain and control her magic. Bubbly and spirited, Anna is a kind soul who can't help but to greatly influence the lives of almost everyone she crosses paths with, in her quest to find answers regarding her family's history and her sister's gift. Anna disappears under intriguing circumstances, setting her sister off on a quest of her own, to find Anna and learn the truth."@en . "N/A"@en . "File:FE13 Aether.pngAether"@en . . . "Nationality/Race:"@en . "Hair braided in pigtails, magenta bonnet with a gold tiara attached to it, navy-black bodice with golden shoulder padding, golden triangular pendant placed in the cleavage, dark blue skirt with rose and periwinkle bush prints, black shoes, pearl yellow gloves"@en . . . . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA - anna) es una chica hu\u00E9rfana del orfanato, y parece m\u00E1s joven donde estaban Tenma, Sasha y Alone."@es . . . . . . . "4"^^ . "She also made a second, short appearance in The Bracket, when Barney returned to his ex-lovers to determine who was the mystery woman warning other women about him. Anna informs Barney that she created a website call tedmosbyisajerk.com and Barney (still pretending to be Ted) tells Anna he does deserves that and stands on a table saying that he Ted Mosby is a jerk and that all the woman should stay away from him."@en . . . "The Sacred Stones"@es . . . "The Hero proved to the ghost that she had died, and soon her memory flooded back. She told the Hero who she was and without much further ado, the Hero told Nikolai that he had found his wife. Though Nikolai himself died as he sought her ghost in the woods, the two long separated lovers were reunited as spirits. They thanked the Hero for aiding them, and vanished to the afterlife."@en . "Prinses Anna van Arendelle is een van de 2 hoofdpersonages van Disney's geanimeerde speelfilm, Frozen (2013). Ze is de jongere zus van de krachtige Sneeuwkoningin Elsa en begint aan een gevaarlijke reis om haar koninkrijk van een eeuwige winter te redden. Haar stem is in gesproken door Kristen Bell. Anna is losjes gebaseerd op Gerda uit De Sneeuwkoningin, een sprookje geschreven door Hans Christian Andersen."@nl . . "Anna"@de . "\"It is not nice to throw people!\""@en . . . . "Anna lleva una camiseta p\u00FArpura y rojo, con un gato que tiene o\u00EDdos elegantes que apuntan m\u00E1s fino como una pluma; Lleva una falda y calcetines largos blackk p\u00FArpura en los zapatos rojos casi coincidentes sus extra\u00F1os ojos de pupilas de color naranja. Ella ha conocido Cassie since infancia.thumb"@es . "Slender, fair skin, light freckles, rosy cheeks, pink lips, long strawberry-blonde hair, platinum blonde streak , turquoise blue eyes"@en . . . "Anna est un personnage non-jouable du jeu Final Fantasy IV. Elle est la fille de Tellah, et la fianc\u00E9e d'Edward Chris von Muir."@fr . . "La Princesa Anna de Arendelle, es una personaje que apareci\u00F3 en Frozen: Una Fiesta Congelada. Ella es la hermana menor de Elsa. Anna es m\u00E1s extrovertida que elegante y, a veces, puede actuar antes de pensar. Pero ella es tambi\u00E9n la persona m\u00E1s optimista y cari\u00F1osa. Ella anhela reencontrarse con su hermana Elsa, ya que eran muy cercanas durante su infancia. Cuando Elsa libera accidentalmente un hechizo m\u00E1gico que causa que el reino de Arendelle se envuelva en un invierno eterno, Anna se embarca en una peligrosa aventura para hacer las cosas bien. Armada s\u00F3lo con su falta de miedo, una actitud de jam\u00E1s rendirse y su fe en los dem\u00E1s, Anna est\u00E1 decidida a salvar tanto a su reino, como a su hermana."@es . . . . . "\"No Es Nada Cortes Arrojar a Las Personas!\""@es . "thumb|250px|AnnaAnna Kyoyama ist die Verlobte von Yo Asakura. Zudem ist sie ein Geistmedium -eine Itako-, und stammt von der k\u00F6niglichen Familie der Geistmedien. Ihre Gebetskette verleiht ihr ihre Macht. Sie kann unter anderem andere Geister zu ihren Dieser/Sklaven machen, oder aus der Geisterwelt, Verstorbene in die Welt der Lebenden holen. So macht sie es unter anderem mit Mosuke oder Eliza. (Zudem erf\u00E4hrt man im Manga mehr \u00FCber Annas Vergangenheit in der sie versto\u00DFen, und von Kino Asakura aufgenommen wurde.)"@de . . . "15"^^ . . . "Anna is a minor character from Mewtwo \u2014 Prologue to Awakening."@en . "50"^^ . "Anna can refer to three distinct characters. \n* Anna I, 1st Generation Itako. She is the senior of Asakura Anna and lives in Los Angeles. \n* Asakura Anna, 2nd Generation Itako. Born Ky\u014Dyama Anna (\u6050\u5C71\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA Anna Ky\u014Dyama). She is the wife of Asakura Yoh and one of main characters of the series. \n* Alumi Niumbirch, 3rd Generation Itako. A member of the Patch Tribe and the daughter of Silva, she is nicknamed \"Anna the Itako III\" (\u4E09\u4EE3\u76EE\u30A4\u30BF\u30B3\u306E\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Sandaime Itako no Anna)."@en . . . . ": Una falda de color azul con un corset negro, una blusa de color azul c\u00EDan, guantes azul c\u00EDan, botas de tac\u00F3n negras, capa de color magenta con un gorro que combina"@es . . "26"^^ . "Anna, a self-proclaimed animal lover, worked as an intern there for Dr. Jewish. Anna and Chris went out and were boyfriend and girlfriend. Peter advised Chris to be extremely rude and mean to Anna. Chris did, and Anna dumped Chris at the movies. At the end, Chris apologized to Anna, and they became girlfriend and boyfriend again, and went out on a date to the movies. She is voiced by Amanda Bynes."@en . . . "RICO ,"@en . "Russian"@en . "4"^^ . . . "-"@en . "20"^^ . . . . . . "11"^^ . . "Hans - Ex-Fianc\u00E9"@en . "Anna came to the clinic and was seen by House. House was on his very best behavior as he was trying to prove to Wilson that he could be so nice to a patient that one would buy him a present. Anna told House that her asthma had not been improving. She insisted that she had been using her inhaler. Knowing that the most likely cause was misuse of the inhaler, House asked her very politely if she had been using it properly. She said that she knew how to use it and that she wasn't an idiot. House then asked her to demonstrate it, at which point she pointed the inhaler at her neck and pressed the top. Anna then walked out of the clinic in a huff."@en . "Goa'uld/Human Hybrid"@en . . "File:FE14 Anna Bow Knight Map Sprite.gifBow Knight"@en . "My name is Anna. My favorite word is \"kumquat\". My teacher thinks it's funny, and then she goes \"look at my head,\" and then I started to like it."@en . . . "Anna is loosely based on Gerda from The Snow Queen, the fairy tale Disney based the movie off of. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen, who also wrote The Little Mermaid, another fairy tale turned into a popular Disney movie. She's also one of three characters in the movie named after the author. The other two are Kristoff and Hans."@en . "Brown"@en . "Kainziery Sentai Warriorranger The Movie The Great Cvil War Kainziery Sentai Warriorranger VS Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Kainziery Sentai Warriorranger VS Kemen Rider Drive"@en . "17"^^ . . "\u5B89\u5948"@en . . . . "Physical strength"@en . "Status:"@en . "Queen Gerda - Mother"@en . "Ihre Schwester und Arendelle retten"@de . "Ausgeglichen"@de . . "Stop: Damage +4"@en . "21"^^ . "Actors"@en . "Anna in the Season 10 episode, \"Detour\"."@en . . . . . . . "Tiki"@en . . . . "Schlank, sch\u00F6n, helle Haut, leichte Sommersprossen, rote Wangen, rosa Lippen, langes rotblondes Haar mit geflochtenen Z\u00F6pfen, platinblonde Str\u00E4hne , blaue Augen"@de . "Princesa Anna de Arendelle"@es . "65"^^ . . . . "Meine Tochter Anna war einmal eine begabte Sportlerin gewesen. Viele Eltern unterstellen ihren Kindern irgendeine Begabung, aber bei ihr stimmte das wirklich. Sie war gelenkig und ausdauernd und ihre Turnlehrerin bescheinigte ihr eine gro\u00DFartige K\u00F6rperhaltung. Ein wenig sch\u00FCchtern war sie und sprach nur selten und ungern mit anderen Menschen, weshalb sie auch nicht so viele Freunde hatte. Ich erz\u00E4hle das alles weil es wichtig ist um zu verstehen was passiert ist. Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Lang"@de . . "Anna is one of the three Amazon sisters introduced in the twenty-fourth arc of Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures, \"The Return of Dark Pegasus?\"."@en . . "Anna es un personaje de la Silent Hill pel\u00EDcula. Ella es la hija de Eleanor y se da a entender que puede haber nacido en la dimensi\u00F3n alternativa. Anna parece ser un poco inestable mentalmente, el personaje es interpretado por Tanya Allen."@es . . . "Opening"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A\u00F1\u00F1\u0101: 'highest knowledge', gnosis, refers to the perfect knowledge of the Arahant Saint; see: ariya-puggala. The following passage occurs frequently in the Suttas, when a Bhikkhu indicates his attainment of Nobility arahatta: He makes known the highest knowledge a\u00F1\u00F1am vy\u0101karoti, in exactly this way: 'Rebirth has ceased, fulfilled is this Noble life, done is what should be done, and there is no more of this to come.'"@en . . "__TOC__"@en . "Elsa, Kristoff , Olaf, Sven, Pabbie, Trolls, Kai and Gerda, Hans , Oaken, Arendelle's royal guards, Arendelle's citizens, Wreck-it Rachel"@en . . "Lief"@en . . . "Anna(\u30A2\u30F3\u30CAAn'na) is a nun who belongs to the Order of Magdalene."@en . . . "Humano"@es . "Significant Other"@en . . . "Anna was the mother of the evil mutant child Nathan. She was killed by a mob after his birth (they were convinced she was a witch and he was a demon). Ever since then, Nathan had been reanimating her body and forcing it to live a mockery of life, but Ghost Rider destroyed the corpse, setting her free."@en . "Anna was a former Russian Nihilist and the wife of Sergius. Sherlock Holmes discovers she is guilty of the killing of Willoughby Smith in \"The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez\", but she commits suicide to avoid returning to prison. de:Anna"@en . . . . "Female"@en . . "frozen"@de . . . "Gen\u00B9\u00B3"@en . . . "x300px"@en . "After being sent to investigate a strange data fluctuation, Pi and Kuhn witnessed the birth of an Anna. When their conventional attacks failed to injure it, Pi was forced to activate Avatar Tarvos to defeat it. Realizing that these creatures were a threat, Yata decided to investigate them further, and named them \"AIDA\"."@en . . . . "Anna's field sprite (SNES).Anna's field sprite (GBA).Anna's dead sprite (SNES).Anna's dead sprite (GBA).Anna's dead sprite (PSP).Anna's dead sprite (DS).Anna (SNES).Anna (PSP)."@en . "Child"@en . . "Anna is a limited-time character released with the Frozen Event Update on 7th December 2016, and is a part of the character collection."@en . . . . . "Jon.Lankry"@en . . "1995"^^ . . . . . . "Anna is a character in Bratz Girlz Really Rock. She is a serious ballerina who attends Camp Starshine. She is the first girl who had a crush on Dylan! The Bratz and Dylan teach how to have some fun."@en . "Endon, Sharn"@en . "Nessuno"@it . . . "2004"^^ . . "Relationship"@en . "Anna.jpg"@en . . "33"^^ . . . . . . . . "Orange"@de . . . "Anna is Emma's twin sister who poofed right after her. She also had a brief relationship with Sam before the FAYZ. When she poofed, she was working for Mary at the daycare, taking the prees (along with Mary and Emma) on a picnic. She was noted to be very good with children. Sam was there when Anna and Emma poofed. Before she poofed, she held Sam's hand and told him never to let go. Therefore, she was also said to still have romantic feelings for him. Afterwards in Lies and Fear, it is revealed that she and her sister managed to get outside and were safe and sound with no health issues unlike Mary Terrafino and Francis."@en . "17"^^ . "Jagi's girlfriend"@en . "Min\u00F9"@de . . . "Improper use of inhaler to treat asthma"@en . "In May 5, 2011 a basic set of furniture was released into the catalogue and is available in five different colours; purple, green, yellow, pink and blue. All colours were released at the same time. All items are tradable."@en . . . . . . . "Brethren member"@en . . . . . "-"@en . "The Forests of Silence"@en . "Kjekk"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . "Chapter 16x: The Port of Badon"@en . . . . "Edad G\u00E9nero Compa\u00F1ero Emblema Digi-Egg Digispirit Ocupaci\u00F3n Parientes Conocidos Nacionalidad Aparece en Primera Aparici\u00F3n Ultima Aparici\u00F3n Anna es una ni\u00F1a elegida rusa, su compa\u00F1ero es Unimon. Aparece por primera vez junto a Laura y Yuri present\u00E1ndose a Sora y Yolei. Al principio no pod\u00EDan entenderse bien por el idioma, pero luego trabajan en equipo y env\u00EDan a los Flymon al Digimundo. Es vista m\u00E1s tarde en la batalla contra MaloMyotismon. Categor\u00EDa:Ni\u00F1os elegidos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Digimon Adventure 02 Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Humanos"@es . "There's no place for discrimination in Jimmy's firm: men and women are offered the same bribes as long as they keep their mouths shut and do what they're told by the boss. Ever since Angelo's community service sentence, the Montana's debts recovery operation is understaffed. Luckily enough, Jimmy has managed to provide Don with a solution that goes by the name of Anna. If knocking on your door doesn't get your attention, the rubble removal specialist will come in like a wrecking ball to collect her dues or else blast all things standing."@en . "Blond"@en . . . "Princess Anna"@en . . . "King Harald - Grandfather"@en . . "DROP"@en . . . . "Feisty-pants"@en . . . . . . "Thea \"Friend\"\n\nMartha \"Friend\"\n\nWendla Bergmann \"Friend\""@en . . "thumb|250px Anna is een Libertaans modetijdschrift, voor het eerst uitgebracht als onafhankelijk modeblad in 1971. In 1997 kocht Alpha Media de rechten van het tijdschrift op. Met een uitgebreid lezerspubliek van enkele tienduizenden lezers is Anna het meestgelezen Libertaanse modemagazine. Anna raakte bekend nadat Alpha Media het tijdschrift overnam. Een nieuwe redactie liet onder andere Isabelle Cagnet en Diana Petrucci halfnaakt verschijnen op de cover. Dit lokte enige controversi\u00EBle reacties in Libertas op. Ondertussen poseerde ook Stefanie Olsen voor het magazine."@nl . . "Leader of the Visitors"@en . "Anna"@de . . "Brittney Lee"@en . "Anna was the babe daughter of Hintron and Blossom, as well as the younger sister of Corraim. She was killed by Zabgev the Killer and his ferrets."@en . "The Latinate and New Testament form of Ann, from \u1F0C\u03BD\u03BD\u03B1 (Anna), equal to the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Anna]] female name [[\u05D7\u05E0\u05D4#|\u05D7\u05E0\u05D4]] (\u201C\u2018Hannah\u2019\u201D) of Old Testament, meaning \"grace, gracious\"."@ia . . . "Anna is an NPC."@en . "Anna 401.png"@en . . "__TOC__"@en . . . . . "GA: 3"@en . . "Anna"@en . "Human"@en . . . "normal"@en . . "Anna and Ethan are able to save Robert Neville from the Darkseekers. after he goes on a rampage. they wake him up after driving away and demand to know his location in which he tells them before passing out. Anna and Ethan go to Robert Neville's Home and Anna stiches up Robert's knife wound. Anna and Ethan are then seen eating breakfeast, Anna tells Robert that God told her to come. Robert who become's increasingly annoyed yells at Anna but she keeps her strong belief in God and hopes to convince Robert to come with her to the survivors colony. but Robert dismisses any claim about the survivor's colony as myth. soon It's shown that the Darkseekers. followed Anna and Ethan home. Ethan who is upstairs is unaware of what's happening and Anna goes up to get him while Robert holds them off. Anna and Ethan hide under a bed where a Darkseeker searches for them. they are saved by Robert who takes them downstairs to the laboratory. they all notice that Robert's cure works but the \"Darkseekers.\" soon break in to the room and Robert hides Anna and Ethan in a safety hatch and tell's them to wait intill morning with the cure. Robert sacrifices himself. soon Anna and Ethan are shown driving towards the survivors colony and she gives the cure to a soldier."@en . "Anna appeared in the \"Roomies\" sketch She likes making fun of Bennett and does \"hays are for horses and chickens and fish\" with Lexi"@en . "Montana"@en . "\"LaHermana De Mi Conoraion.\""@es . . "200"^^ . "99"^^ . . . "Killed in the invasion of Zabgev"@en . "Anna"@fr . "Anna"@es . "Eye color"@en . "Anna was a Russian lady and Irina Spasky's neighbor. Irina asked her to watch over her son while she was on a mission for Isabel Kabra. However, he died while Irina was away."@en . . . . . . "Skinned alive by Red Pyramid"@en . "sans-destin"@fr . . . . . . . "Anna"@fi . . . . . . . "King Magnus - Great-Grandfather"@en . "Unnamed mother"@en . . . "Risa Shimizu"@en . . . "Anna is bernardo's mother who is raped and murdered by pirates this causes Bernardo to be mute"@en . "6"^^ . "Anna is Sarina's great niece. She was contacted by Ray's family to go to their house and pick up Sarina. While at the Barones house, Anna told them about a sardine packer that stole the name \"Barone\" from her family. That sardine packer happened to be Frank's grandfather."@en . "thumb|250px Anna is een Libertaans modetijdschrift, voor het eerst uitgebracht als onafhankelijk modeblad in 1971. In 1997 kocht Alpha Media de rechten van het tijdschrift op. Met een uitgebreid lezerspubliek van enkele tienduizenden lezers is Anna het meestgelezen Libertaanse modemagazine. Anna raakte bekend nadat Alpha Media het tijdschrift overnam. Een nieuwe redactie liet onder andere Isabelle Cagnet en Diana Petrucci halfnaakt verschijnen op de cover. Dit lokte enige controversi\u00EBle reacties in Libertas op. Ondertussen poseerde ook Stefanie Olsen voor het magazine. De naam Anna is een verwijzing naar prinses Anna van Libertas die bekendstond om haar indrukwekkende kledingdracht. De redactie van het tijdschrift is in het Muntegu Business Center in Muntegu gevestigd. Categorie:Mode Categorie:Tijdschrift Categorie:Alpha Media Categorie:Muntegu Holding"@nl . "Silent Hill film"@en . . "tak"@pl . "The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Anna is referred to several times in the series; \n* Anna Faustin - a character in Grand Theft Auto IV. \n* Anna Rex - a clothing chain in the HD Universe \n* Anna - a minor character in Grand Theft Auto Online"@en . . "Alive"@en . . "Grandchild"@en . "Princess of Arendelle"@en . "Marion Eisman"@en . . . "1.05192E7"^^ . "80"^^ . . . "Anna was the mother of the evil mutant child Nathan. She was killed by a mob after his birth (they were convinced she was a witch and he was a demon). Ever since then, Nathan had been reanimating her body and forcing it to live a mockery of life, but Ghost Rider destroyed the corpse, setting her free."@en . . "Babe"@en . . . "Hannah Montana dying"@en . . . "Anna was the babe daughter of Hintron and Blossom, as well as the younger sister of Corraim. She was killed by Zabgev the Killer and his ferrets."@en . "The Hero proved to the ghost that she had died, and soon her memory flooded back. She told the Hero who she was and without much further ado, the Hero told Nikolai that he had found his wife. Though Nikolai himself died as he sought her ghost in the woods, the two long separated lovers were reunited as spirits. They thanked the Hero for aiding them, and vanished to the afterlife."@en . "Chapter 7: Passing the Desert"@en . . "Active"@en . "Anna FE13.png"@es . . "35"^^ . "36"^^ . . . . "Anna was a Cuban woman responsible for arranging the kidnapping of NCIS Medical Examiner Dr. Donald Mallard and Mallard's assistant, James Palmer, in order to retrieve the body of a Cuban mole at the Pentagon. Due to misinformation concerning the fact that Palmer had planted regarding a necessary jump drive that the plant had hidden before committing suicide, Anna was eventually arrested while investigating Palmer's locker."@en . "Blue"@en . . "In de King's Ransom quest moet de speler haar bevrijden uit de gevangenis van Seers' Village. Nadat de speler haar bevrijd heeft, ontdekt de speler dat ze, samen met de andere kinderen van Lord Sinclair, samenwerkten om hun vader te doden omdat ze het afschuwelijk vonden dat hun vader zijn eigen kasteel had weggegeven aan King Arthur. Om die reden moesten ze gaan wonen in het kleinere Sinclair Mansion. De speler moet de jury van de rechtbank overtuigen dat ze niet schuldig is van de moord op haar vader tijdens de King's Ransom quest. Later vindt de speler uit dat ze eigenlijk wel schuldig is, samen met haar broers en zussen. Op dat moment plannen ze om het kasteel in Camelot over te nemen. en:Anna Sinclair Categorie:Non-player characters Categorie:Quest NPC Categorie:Mensen"@nl . . . . "Saints Row 2 Saints Row: Money Shot"@en . "Anna"@fr . . . "Jarred"@en . . . . "She's dressed in a red top and green trousers."@en . "Affiliation"@en . "Anna was a Dutch student."@en . . . "Anna 409.png"@en . . "Prinzessin Anna von Arendelle ist die Protagonistin in Disneys 2013 ver\u00F6ffentlichen Film Die Eisk\u00F6nigin \u2013 V\u00F6llig unverfroren. Sie ist die mutige, furchtlose und etwas unbeholfene j\u00FCngere Schwester der m\u00E4chtigen Eisk\u00F6nigin Elsa und macht sich auf eine gef\u00E4hrliche Reise, um ihr K\u00F6nigreich vor einem ewigen Winter zu retten. Zusammen mit ihrer Schwester geh\u00F6rt sie zu den Disney Prinzessinen, was sie zur zw\u00F6lften Disney Prinzessin macht. Annas Rolle selbst basiert lose auf Gerda aus Die Schneek\u00F6nigin, ein M\u00E4rchen von Hans Christian Andersen."@de . . "\"S\u00E9 C\u00F3mo Acabar Con El Invierno.\""@es . "npc"@en . "200"^^ . "Status"@en . "77.0"^^ . "feh"@en . . . . . . "Becky Bresee"@en . "17"^^ . . "Princess Anna of Arendelle is the protagonist in Disney's Academy Award-winning 2013 animated feature film Frozen. She is the fearless, spunky and innocently-awkward younger sister of the powerful Snow Queen Elsa and embarks on a perilous journey to save her kingdom from an eternal winter. She will join the Disney Princess along with her sister, Elsa the Snow Queen, line-up making her the 12th Disney Princess. Anna is loosely based on Gerda from \"The Snow Queen\", a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen."@en . "-"@en . . "Formal Name"@en . . "23"^^ . "prostytucja"@pl . "Path of Radiance"@es . . "Anna, labeled as The Obsessive Hannah Montana Fan, is yet to appear in a story."@en . "Anna was St. Vladimir's guardian. She became shadow-kissed after Vladimir saved her life as a child. Vladimir had the nasty side-effects of controlling spirit, but she absorbed them from him. The stories say that as she grew older, she began to show signs of unstability. A few months after Vladimir died, she killed herself."@en . "Daniel Peixe"@en . . . . . "None"@en . "Unnamed Father"@en . "Arendelle"@de . "File:FE14 Anna Rod Knight Map Sprite.gifTroubadour"@en . . . . . "Anna is one of the three Amazon sisters introduced in the twenty-fourth arc of Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures, \"The Return of Dark Pegasus?\"."@en . . . . . "Kristoff - Husband"@en . . . . "\"Mia Famiglia\""@en . "''Frozen Fever"@en . "Android"@en . "Maya Natsume @Tenjo Tenge"@fr . . "File:Brave Lance FE13 Icon.pngBrave Lance*"@en . "Jasmine"@en . . . "Endon II"@en . . . . . . "right Anna (jap. \u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Anna) ist ein nicht-spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy IV. Sie ist die Tochter von Tellah und war die Geliebte des Prinzen Edward Chris von Muir."@de . . . . . "Prinzessin Anna von Arendelle"@de . "Lydy\u00E1"@de . . . "NPC, talk with Chrom"@en . "Chien"@fr . . . . "30"^^ . . . . "'Free-spirited, fearless, warm, kind, playful, optimistic, awkward, clumsy, talkative, quirky, feisty, adventurous, loving, intelligent, selfless, impulsive"@en . "Gertie"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "thumb|El esp\u00EDritu de Anna hablando con Edward Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA en japon\u00E9s) es un personaje no jugable de Final Fantasy IV. Es la hija de Tellah, y la amante de Edward Chris von Muir."@es . "Female"@en . . . . "Grande s\u0153ur"@fr . . "Anna 404.png"@en . "Avatar"@en . . "schwarz"@de . . . "\"The Golden Pince-Nez\""@en . . "Ninnin-yellow.png"@en . "10"^^ . . "Princesa de Arendelle"@es . "15"^^ . . "New Murder Mystery Quest!"@en . . "Healer/Herbalist"@en . . . . . "4"^^ . . "In de King's Ransom quest moet de speler haar bevrijden uit de gevangenis van Seers' Village. Nadat de speler haar bevrijd heeft, ontdekt de speler dat ze, samen met de andere kinderen van Lord Sinclair, samenwerkten om hun vader te doden omdat ze het afschuwelijk vonden dat hun vader zijn eigen kasteel had weggegeven aan King Arthur. Om die reden moesten ze gaan wonen in het kleinere Sinclair Mansion."@nl . . "24"^^ . "Anna"@es . "She is fond of sewing and gardening. At one point, she had a relationship with Stanford the gardener, but when it ended she tried to get him fired by killing the flowers. This caused Stanford to consider her to be the killer. At some point, she bought some poison from the Poison Salesman to kill some maggots on the compost heap. If there are still maggots on the compost heap, she is the murderer. She later conspired with her siblings to get Camelot back from King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They allied themselves with Morgan Le Faye, hired some Kinshra knights from Lord Daquarius, and stormed the castle, taking the knights and the wizard Merlin prisoner. They also threatened the staff, telling them that they would die if they left or spoke to anybody not of the family. They then framed Anna for their father's murder, trusting that the investigator would get her free, and moved out of the mansion and into the castle. She offered to help the investigator get into Camelot if they managed to free her. The investigator then proved that the evidence against her was not definitive - the thread could have been either Anna's or David's; each sibling bought enough poison to complete their task and poison their father; Frank had also handled the dagger; one of her brothers was seen at the murder scene - and she was pronounced not guilty. She showed the investigator how to get into the castle then betrayed them to Morgan Le Faye. After the knights managed to free themselves, Merlin scared them off and threatened to turn them into rabbits if they tried anything again."@en . "Kainziery Sentai Warriorranger"@en . "Nanny"@en . "Anna is the nanny of Mia Hanson."@en . "USA"@it . "Anna, a self-proclaimed animal lover, worked as an intern there for Dr. Jewish. Anna and Chris went out and were boyfriend and girlfriend. Peter advised Chris to be extremely rude and mean to Anna. Chris did, and Anna dumped Chris at the movies. At the end, Chris apologized to Anna, and they became girlfriend and boyfriend again, and went out on a date to the movies. She is voiced by Amanda Bynes."@en . . "La Princesa Anna de Arendelle, es una personaje que apareci\u00F3 en Frozen: Una Fiesta Congelada. Ella es la hermana menor de Elsa. Anna es m\u00E1s extrovertida que elegante y, a veces, puede actuar antes de pensar. Pero ella es tambi\u00E9n la persona m\u00E1s optimista y cari\u00F1osa. Ella anhela reencontrarse con su hermana Elsa, ya que eran muy cercanas durante su infancia. Cuando Elsa libera accidentalmente un hechizo m\u00E1gico que causa que el reino de Arendelle se envuelva en un invierno eterno, Anna se embarca en una peligrosa aventura para hacer las cosas bien. Armada s\u00F3lo con su falta de miedo, una actitud de jam\u00E1s rendirse y su fe en los dem\u00E1s, Anna est\u00E1 decidida a salvar tanto a su reino, como a su hermana."@es . . . . "Paralogue 2: The Secret Seller \nXenologue 10: Anna on the Run"@en . . "E\u00E9n van de zes kinderen van Lord Sinclair."@nl . "Formerly:"@en . . . "In May 5, 2011 a basic set of furniture was released into the catalogue and is available in five different colours; purple, green, yellow, pink and blue. All colours were released at the same time. All items are tradable."@en . "File:Vantage+.pngVantage+"@en . . . "Hair color"@en . "Prinses Anna van Arendelle is een van de 2 hoofdpersonages van Disney's geanimeerde speelfilm, Frozen (2013). Ze is de jongere zus van de krachtige Sneeuwkoningin Elsa en begint aan een gevaarlijke reis om haar koninkrijk van een eeuwige winter te redden. Haar stem is in gesproken door Kristen Bell. Anna is losjes gebaseerd op Gerda uit De Sneeuwkoningin, een sprookje geschreven door Hans Christian Andersen."@nl . . . . "Her family, romance, freedom, chocolate, having fun with Elsa , Kristoff, acceptance, appreciation, Olaf's whimsy, Hans , sandwiches, leaving the gates open, watching Disney films and TV shows, playing computer, designing video games, playing Minecraft, chocolate milk, chocolate cake, Kristoff, music made by Disney, some of the games made by Disney and Mojang, Cinderella wearing servant clothes"@en . . . "Avatar"@en . . "Anna is an NPC who appears in Baten Kaitos Origins and Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . . . . "As part of a concerted effort with Iyaaran ambassadors Loquel and Byleth to study these emotions, Voval posed as a shuttle pilot sent to transport Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Iyar as part of a cultural exchange program. After staging a crash landing on an unknown class M planet, Voval assumed the role of Anna, who claimed to be the sole survivor of a Terellian cargo freighter crash seven years earlier. Anna informed Picard that he had suffered three broken ribs and that Voval had perished in the crash. When asked to remove a com panel from the shuttlecraft in order to send a distress signal, she claimed to have inadvertently destroyed the transmitter module while removing it. Anna then surprised Picard by kissing him and telling him she loved him. After discovering that his ribs were not in fact broken, Picard confronted Anna, whom he now suspected was keeping him captive. Distraught by Picard's analysis of the situation, Anna ran out of the room while tearing off her necklace. After he was imprisoned inside the crashed cargo ship, Picard discovered Voval instead, who quickly attempted to explain his apparent fatality; an Iyaaran's metabolic rate slows down to promote healing when injured, giving the appearance of death. The two split up, going off in search of the illusive Anna. Picard discovered her at the edge of a cliff, where she threatened to commit suicide if he wouldn't profess love for her. Noticing that Voval was nowhere in sight and that Anna's necklace had suddenly returned to her neck, Picard encouraged her to jump. At this moment, Voval withdrew his disguise and revealed his true intentions. Using Picard as a subject, he had set out to study the emotion of love, the nature of which he believed he had failed to learn. The persona was based on the logs of Anna, a Human female, who had survived the crash landing of the Terellian ship. (TNG: \"Liaisons\" ) Anna was played by actress Barbara Williams. She was named Tamara in the second draft script."@en . . . "Reunites with Elsa, rekindles their relationship, and restores peace to Arendelle"@en . "E"@en . "55"^^ . . . . . "Anna was a girl that Logan rescued from Weapon X in the game."@en . "Danish-American"@en . . . . . "[Aus dem Flag entnommen] Das M\u00E4dchen das in euer Gesichtsfeld tritt ist, noch jung. Wohl auf gerade-so-erwachsen zu sch\u00E4tzen. Ihre K\u00F6rpergr\u00F6\u00DFe ist in etwa 1,61 Meter. Schlank und doch mit weiblichen Rundungen an den richtigen Stellen beschenkt, mustert das M\u00E4del mit naiven, abgrundtief-dunkelblauen Augen, aufmerksam ihre Umgebung. Ihre schwarzen lockigen Haare, welche ihr locker \u00FCber oder auf der Schulter liegen, gehen ihr fast bis zur H\u00FCfte. Das M\u00E4del scheint durch ihre naive, unschuldige Art bei gewissen Leuten einen besch\u00FCtzerinstinkt auszul\u00F6sen."@de . . "She is located on the Stadium field along with Ryan Taylor, another nurse. She is grateful to be alive and unharmed. She was on the 4th floor of the hospital when the zombies burst in. She believes that she shouldn't have made it, and that she tried to help as many people as she could, but not everyone was able to escape."@en . "Anna [Ahn-na] was the owner of Anna's Alehouse, a tent-bar made of sailcloth in the chaotic prospector's town of Wrongway. She employed Lentz and Kora. Anna was a very large woman with an ample bosom, fat painted lips, meaty hands, and frightful hair."@en . . . . "Marissa Herrera"@en . "Anna (\u30CF\u30F3\u30CA, Hanna, Hannah en japonais, Cherry en anglais, Bella en allemand, Luna en espagnol, Amarena en italien) est une chienne apparaissant comme villageoise dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival."@fr . . "Collier d'Anna"@fr . . . . "Anna is a character in Saints Row 2Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) and Saints Row: Money Shot.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)"@en . . "Anna \u2013 nazwa tengwy numer 23. Prawdopodobnie u\u017Cywana do oznaczania cz\u0105stki \"nn\". Kategoria:Wyrazy w Quenyi"@pl . . . . "Enemies"@en . . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . "Fyodor"@en . "Strip"@en . . . . "Anna 411.png"@en . . "Anna \u00E9tait une identit\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9e par Voval, un ambassadeur Iyaaran, pour \u00E9tudier l'amour. Les Iyaarans n'avaient aucune compr\u00E9hension naturelle ou de forme sociale correspondant aux concepts d'amour, d'antagonisme ou de plaisir. Les ambassadeurs Iyaarans Voval, Loquel et Byleth mirent au point un plan visant \u00E0 \u00E9tudier ces \u00E9motions."@fr . . . "She is fond of sewing and gardening. At one point, she had a relationship with Stanford the gardener, but when it ended she tried to get him fired by killing the flowers. This caused Stanford to consider her to be the killer. At some point, she bought some poison from the Poison Salesman to kill some maggots on the compost heap. If there are still maggots on the compost heap, she is the murderer."@en . . ":"@en . . "Anna"@en . . "As a human, Anna left home at the age of 17. Before then, she used to read books a lot as a way of escaping her life. Her parents had never been heart-warming towards her so she decided to flee. When she left, she was attacked by some wild animals and then found by Owain, who transformed her into a vampire and took her to join his coven. She was one of the coven members who survived the battle against the Firelock Coven and the Children of the Moon."@en . "Anna faces her inner darkness."@en . . "Gang member"@en . "Anna is a caretaker of Lady Toni Bevell's household."@en . . . "Arrested"@en . . "Queen Daphne - Great-Grandmother"@en . "Crazy the Horse"@en . . "topaz"@en . "Helga - Aunt"@en . . . . . "2014-08-08"^^ . "Princess Anna of Arendelle is a supporting character on Once Upon a Time. The sister of Elsa, a Queen with potentially threatening ice powers, Princess Anna often served as the yin to her sister's yang, helping to soothe her pain and control her magic. Bubbly and spirited, Anna is a kind soul who can't help but to greatly influence the lives of almost everyone she crosses paths with, in her quest to find answers regarding her family's history and her sister's gift. Anna disappears under intriguing circumstances, setting her sister off on a quest of her own, to find Anna and learn the truth."@en . . . "A girl who likes to cook."@en . . . . . . "Anna is a toon NPC who owns Anna's Cruises Travel Agency on Tenor Terrace, Minnie's Melodyland."@en . "Anna is an NPC who appears in Baten Kaitos Origins and Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . "Anna es una clase de Furnis coleccionables. Es una de las clases principales m\u00E1s nuevas. Anna tiene varios furnis, y todos tienen 5 colores: Morado, Verde, Amarillo, Rosa y Celeste; a esto se debe los colores del logo de Anna."@es . "Slender, fair skin, light freckles, rosy cheeks, pink lips, long strawberry-blonde hair in braided pigtails, white streak , blue eyes"@en . . . . "Anna: Spielban and Helen's mother chose Spielban and Diana to survive by escaping in the Grand Nasca shortly before the destruction of the Clin mothership. She died but was \"restored\" to life in the alternate future timeline in which the Waller Empire never existed."@en . "Sacramento, CA"@en . "Gerda del cuento de hadas The Snow Queen de Hans Christian Andersen"@es . "The role of Anna is played by Gloria Slade in the Season Two episode \"A Fate Worse than Death\"."@en . . "Kristen Bell"@en . . "The Shadow Lord"@en . "File:FE13 Anna Sniper Map Sprite.gifSniper"@en . . . . . . . "Freakish purple"@en . "Good, later neutral, then bad"@en . . . . "''Frozen: Olaf's Quest"@en . . . "Anna is bernardo's mother who is raped and murdered by pirates this causes Bernardo to be mute"@en . . "Fates"@es . "Frozen"@es . . "Anna"@de . "Anna came to the clinic and was seen by House. House was on his very best behavior as he was trying to prove to Wilson that he could be so nice to a patient that one would buy him a present. Anna told House that her asthma had not been improving. She insisted that she had been using her inhaler. Knowing that the most likely cause was misuse of the inhaler, House asked her very politely if she had been using it properly. She said that she knew how to use it and that she wasn't an idiot. House then asked her to demonstrate it, at which point she pointed the inhaler at her neck and pressed the top."@en . . "De jonge Anna is een van de beste vriendinnen van Helena. Ze werkt op de stokerij van De Keyser, maar Helena ontslaat haar wanneer ze te weten komt dat Anna een relatie heeft met een Duitser."@nl . . "Princesa de Arendelle"@es . "\"Sisters\""@en . . "Anna was the name given to a BD-3000 luxury droid owned by Valeria Kennt. The droid had feminine programming and was reprogrammed by Valeria to be a maid and a nanny at her farmhouse on Dantooine. Anna was to be a servant to Valeria and a nanny to Valeria's adopted daughter Kayla Moonreaper."@en . "14"^^ . "thumb|250px|AnnaAnna Spo\u015Br\u00F3d Cieni."@pl . . "Nee"@nl . . "Princesa Anna de Arendelle"@es . . . "File:FE14 Anna Strategist Map Sprite.gifStrategist"@en . "Anna is one of the names of a mysterious character who claims to be a friend of Kian Alvane when they meet in the The Rooster and Kitten in Marcuria. She is dressed like a ranger and manages to see through Kian's Irhadian Veil. Anna implies that she and Kian have a shared history."@en . "Anna (\u5B89\u5948 Anna?), sometimes referred to as Anna Brown, is the daughter of Farmer Brown. She lives on a farm with her father and their bull, Gertie. When Ryoga appears she at first believes him to be the legendary hero Joe, but soon develops romantic feelings for Ryoga after he saves her from Ushinosuke Oshamanbe and a group of his thugs."@en . . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Anna) is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series; she features in every game in the Fire Emblem series, except for Fire Emblem Gaiden, which does not use shops. She appears as a red haired female and is rarely seen without her trademark pose (of her resting her pointer finger on her face) or her sly smile. Anna appears to be able to travel between the worlds of each title; Fire Emblem: Awakening reveals there are a multitude of Annas, one managing the Outrealm Gate and another a recruitable Trickster."@en . . "Talent"@en . . . . "Alive"@en . . "Farmer Brown"@en . "GesetzloserFates"@de . . "Disney INFINITY"@es . . . "Prinzessin"@de . . . "Disney Infinity"@en . ": Hair in a bun, black bodice with off-the-shoulder dark green sleeves, black satin laced necklace with a gold pendant of Arendelle's symbol, olive-and-light green skirt, matching socks, comb-shaped barrette with 3 green satin ribbons attached to the back of her hair and matching dark green cape with a light green bow on top of the cape"@en . "Ingrid 406.png"@en . . . . "Human"@en . . . "Anna is reunited with Elsa."@en . "Ryoga Hibiki"@en . "Amy - Adopted Daughter"@en . . . . . "Frozen 2: Burning"@en . . "Sie stand noch nie auf einer Waage. Aber sie ist schlank das reicht als Info."@de . . "File:Get Rich Quick.pngMake a Killing"@en . "''Frozen"@en . "Mich\u00E8le"@de . . . . . . . . "5.364792E8"^^ . . "Princesa Anna de Arendelle es la principal protagonista en la pel\u00EDcula de animaci\u00F3n de Disney ganadora del Oscar de 2013 Frozen. Ella es la valiente e inocente y torpe hermana menor de la poderosa Reina de las Nieves Elsa. Se embarca en un peligroso viaje para salvar a su reino de un invierno eterno. Ella tiene la voz de Kristen Bell. Ella se uni\u00F3 a la franquicia Disney Princesa junto a su hermana, Elsa la Reina de las Nieves, convirti\u00E9ndola en la 12\u00AA Princesa de Disney. Anna se basa libremente en Gerda de La Reina de las Nieves, un cuento de hadas de Hans Christian Andersen."@es . . . . . . . . . "Anna was an individual who lived in Dalia on the planet Dalicron-4 during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Anna worked as a cook in Daz's Tavern."@en . "Servant"@en . "Anna first appeared in the fifth part of the Eddsworld Mystery Comic Arc as Matt's girlfriend. Edd and Tom demanded to know why Matt didn't tell them right away, but Matt doesn't give an answer leading to Tom barfing on Matt during their second date. The next day, Matt tells Edd that Anna dumped him and to cheer him up, Edd and Tom decided to take Matt to the Hall of Mirrors. In the end it was all a scam plotted by Matt to get them to take him to there."@en . . "1.61"^^ . "Dark"@en . "Anna leaves for Misthaven."@en . . . . . . "Princess Anna of Arendelle"@en . "File:FE13 Anna Bow Knight Map Sprite.gifBow Knight"@en . . . . . . "Frozen: Free Fall"@en . "Anna(\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA) ist eine spielbare Charakterin in allen drei Fire Emblem: Fates Teilen. Man kann sie, aber nur mit einem DLC erwerben. Sie wird wie in Fire Emblem Awakening in der japanischen Version von Saori Seto gesprochen. In Fire Emblem: Awakening wird sie in der dritten Nebenquest mit der Anfangsklasse Gauner freigeschaltet."@de . . "Anna (ruso:\u0410\u043D\u043D\u0430), es la hija de un investigador que estubo a cargo de la informaci\u00F3n de los anticuerpos para los B.O.W. en un pueblo aislado en el C\u00E1ucaso Ruso, donde se produjo un brote del Virus T."@es . . . "right Anna (jap. \u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Anna) ist ein nicht-spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy IV. Sie ist die Tochter von Tellah und war die Geliebte des Prinzen Edward Chris von Muir."@de . . . . . "Cattle ranger"@en . "Anna"@en . . . "\"Hola Otra Vez. Hay Que Torpe, Tu No Clalo, Me Refiero A Que La Torpe Soy Yo, Tu Eres Lindo--Que Dije?\""@es . "Hair loose, dark emerald green gown, extremely pointy dark gold dragon tiara, dark lime green sleeveless blouse with a matching cape, teal stockings, dark emerald green flat sandals"@en . . "Celebrate the Magic"@en . . . "thumb|Voval als Anna (2370) thumb|Die Halskette, die Voval in Anna verwandelt. Anna ist ein von Voval gespielter weiblicher Mensch. Durch eine Halskette wird Voval in Anna verwandelt. Die Figur beruht auf Logbuchaufzeichnungen eines abgest\u00FCrzten terellianischen Frachters. In diesen Aufzeichnungen beschreibt die Frau, die als einzige \u00FCberlebt hat, verschiedene Konzepte menschlicher Gef\u00FChle. Nachdem sie sieben Jahre allein auf dem Planeten gelebt hat, st\u00FCrzt ein weiteres Raumschiff auf den Planeten. In diesem Raumschiff ist ein m\u00E4nnlicher Mensch. Die Frau pflegt ihn wieder gesund und sie verlieben sich ineinander."@de . . . "\"This is awkward. Not 'You're awkward', it's just that we're, I'm awkward, you're gorgeous--Wait, what?\""@en . . . . . . "Becky Bresee"@es . "Anna is an original character in the Silent Hill film. She is a member of a fanatical cult known as the Brethren, which is based in the town of Silent Hill, West Virginia. And she is also a follower of the cult's leader, Christabella. Anna is the daughter of Eleanor. She was born into the cult life, and consequently, she faces Alessa Gillespie's wrath in the Fog World along with the other cult members. It is implied that she was born in the Fog World."@en . "Minnie's Melodyland"@en . "Anna J. Nishikov"@en . . "Anna es un personaje de la Silent Hill pel\u00EDcula. Ella es la hija de Eleanor y se da a entender que puede haber nacido en la dimensi\u00F3n alternativa. Anna parece ser un poco inestable mentalmente, el personaje es interpretado por Tanya Allen."@es . "In \"Nightmare on Grace Street\" at a Halloween party, Roberta has Caleb and Edwin Mullins go into a room to fight it out when she is convinced they both want to be her lover. Nervous over what is happening, Roberta has Anna peek inside and discovers the two of them are having sex with each other. Anna is voiced by Jill Latiano."@en . . "None"@en . . . . . . . "Heey partypeople!!! Ich bin die Anney und werde bald 41. Ich habe einen Sohn, der 12 Jahre alt ist. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist schwarz und in meiner Freizeit spiele ich gern Tischtennis... Ich finde, dass Tats\u00E4chlich Liebe der gruseligste Film der Welt ist und deshalb gef\u00E4llt er mir auch so gut aber die Schauspieler sind nicht so gut... Aja, ich hab noch eine Katz, die Justin Timberlake hei\u00DFt, da dieser mein Vorbild ist. Das aufregenste erlebnis war, als ich heuer in eine H\u00F6hle geschwommen bin und dort ein Drachenei gefunden habe. Danach habe ich daraus Eierspei\u00DFe gemacht und konnte mich einen Monat davon ern\u00E4hren. Seitdem kann ich auch Feuer speien. Glaubt ihr nicht?! Stimmt aber.. :D Wenn ich zu meiner Mutter fahre, muss die mir immer meine Lieblingsspei\u00DFe kochen; Gebratener Stinkek\u00E4se.. wenn ihr das Rezept haben wollt, dann ruft doch einfach meine Mammi an oder ihr setzt euch mit mir in Verbindung ;) Bis bald, leute viele bussis, baba, eure Anney# Wenn ich erwachsen bin m\u00F6chte ich hackfleisch werden. aber rotes. kein braunes."@de . . . . "Anna, labeled as The Obsessive Hannah Montana Fan, is yet to appear in a story."@en . "Anna \u00E8 una segretaria che si trova suo malgrado imprigionata in un albergo del Midwest durante gli eventi di Alone in the Dark: Inferno. In lingua originale \u00E8 doppiata da Adrianne Rogers mentre in italiano da Barbara Federico."@it . . . . "Anna first appeared in the fifth part of the Eddsworld Mystery Comic Arc as Matt's girlfriend. Edd and Tom demanded to know why Matt didn't tell them right away, but Matt doesn't give an answer leading to Tom barfing on Matt during their second date. The next day, Matt tells Edd that Anna dumped him and to cheer him up, Edd and Tom decided to take Matt to the Hall of Mirrors. In the end it was all a scam plotted by Matt to get them to take him to there."@en . . . "Luwei"@en . "World of Color"@es . "Disney Magical World 2"@en . "Ihre Familie, Romantik, Freiheit, Schokolade, Spa\u00DF mit Elsa, Akzeptanz, Wertsch\u00E4tzung, Olafs Laune, Sandwiches, Reiten, etwas warmes"@de . "The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Anna is referred to several times in the series; \n* Anna Faustin - a character in Grand Theft Auto IV. \n* Anna Rex - a clothing chain in the HD Universe \n* Anna - a minor character in Grand Theft Auto Online"@en . . . . . . "8 ans, n\u00E9e sur un monde aujourd\u2019hui disparu qui ressemblait \u00E0 l\u2019ancienne Prusse. Elle fut recueillie sur le Luastria alors qu\u2019elle n\u2019\u00E9tait qu\u2019un b\u00E9b\u00E9. N\u2019ayant pas l\u2019\u00E2ge de d\u00E9cider du choix de sa vie, elle fut adopt\u00E9e par une femme Sans-Destin qui quittait Fairtach pour le vaisseau et qui la fit passer pour sa fille."@fr . . "Last Sacrifice"@en . "The role of Anna is played by Gloria Slade in the Season Two episode \"A Fate Worse than Death\"."@en . "(?)Cat\u00E9gorie:\u00E0 v\u00E9rifier Anna invariable [an\u02C8na] 1. \n* localit\u00E9 du Pays valencien situ\u00E9e dans la province de Valence Anna invariable [an\u02C8n\u0259] (or.), [an\u02C8na] (val.)Cat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation en catalan centralCat\u00E9gorie:Prononciation en valencien 1. \n* pr\u00E9nom f\u00E9minin, \u00E9quivalent du fran\u00E7ais Anne"@fr . . . . "2001"^^ . . . . "TBA"@en . "Muerta"@es . . "Kent, England"@en . "Anna"@en . "Hermosa, pelo rojizo con una mecha rubia recogido en dos trenzas, ojos azules, vestida con una falda azul, una camiseta celeste, un chaleco negro y una chaqueta morada"@es . . . ": Dark blue skirt with a black bodice, light blue blouse, blue gloves, black heeled boots, magenta cape with its matching cap"@en . . "Emma"@en . . . . "\"Joan\" meets David."@en . . . . . . . "Anna,Tengon Daevysoken"@en . "Russia"@en . . "Parent"@en . "Frozen Fever"@de . . "Lilia"@en . . . . . . . "Anna"@pl . . . . . "Vampire Academy ,"@en . "The Next High Rhulain"@en . . . . . "Fr\u00E4ulein Fr\u00F6hlich / Funkel / \u201EDas blinde Sch\u00E4fchen\u201C"@de . "Castani"@it . "F"@en . . "Midge"@de . . . . "Anna [Ahn-na] was the owner of Anna's Alehouse, a tent-bar made of sailcloth in the chaotic prospector's town of Wrongway. She employed Lentz and Kora. Anna was a very large woman with an ample bosom, fat painted lips, meaty hands, and frightful hair."@en . . . . . "Seisen no Keifu"@es . "File:FE14 Anna Adventurer Map Sprite.gifAdventurer"@en . . . . . "She is located on the Stadium field along with Ryan Taylor, another nurse. She is grateful to be alive and unharmed. She was on the 4th floor of the hospital when the zombies burst in. She believes that she shouldn't have made it, and that she tried to help as many people as she could, but not everyone was able to escape."@en . . . . "It's a Small World: The Animated Series"@en . . . . "Queen Sonja - Grandmother"@en . . "Anna is a limited-time character released with the Frozen Event Update on 7th December 2016, and is a part of the character collection."@en . . . "File:Heal_FE13_Icon.pngHeal"@en . . "Anna \u00E8 una segretaria che si trova suo malgrado imprigionata in un albergo del Midwest durante gli eventi di Alone in the Dark: Inferno. In lingua originale \u00E8 doppiata da Adrianne Rogers mentre in italiano da Barbara Federico."@it . "60"^^ . . . . . "Desconocido"@es . "Lute, knife, her fists, sword"@en . "Agatha Lee Monn"@en . "Arendelle, Snowy California , New Fjord City"@en . . . "Anna is a character in Club Penguin who appeared at the Frozen Parties. She is the princess of Arendelle and the younger sister of the estranged Elsa."@en . "After being sent to investigate a strange data fluctuation, Pi and Kuhn witnessed the birth of an Anna. When their conventional attacks failed to injure it, Pi was forced to activate Avatar Tarvos to defeat it. Realizing that these creatures were a threat, Yata decided to investigate them further, and named them \"AIDA\"."@en . "Anna in Saints Row: Money Shot"@en . . . "Princess Anna of Arendelle (pronounced Ah-na) is the protagonist of Disney's 2013 animated feature film Frozen. She is the youngest daughter of Arendelle's previous monarchs, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, and the younger sister of Elsa the Snow Queen. Fearless and devoted, Anna embarks on a perilous journey to save her kingdom from an eternal winter, and mend the broken bond between herself and her sister. Anna is loosely based on Gerda, the protagonist of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale \"The Snow Queen\"."@en . . . "Anna appears in El Carnicero en el Coche."@en . "Anime"@en . . "File:Steel Sword FE13 Icon.pngSteel Sword"@en . . . "Karen Strassman"@en . . "Gerda del cuento de hadas La Reina de las Nieves por Hans Christian Andersen"@es . . . . "20"^^ . . . . "23"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"A Tale of Two Sisters\""@en . "\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA Anna"@en . . . "\"The Cell Within\""@en . "Anna was a prostitute, who was kidnapped by Jake Manning and put in his \"dungeon/prison\" for propositioning him, which broke his twisted, absolutist code of crime and punishment. In an effort to escape, Ricardo \"Rico\" Tubbs convinced Anna to act like a virgin instead of a whore (even dressing her up as a virgin), but the ruse fails, as Manning was able to see through the act and Anna is killed by Manning, her body (in her \"virgin\" outfit) left in Tubbs' cell."@en . . . . . . . "Olaf's Quest"@es . . "Nee"@nl . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA Anna) es un personaje que aparece en la mayor\u00EDa de los juegos de la saga Fire Emblem, aparece normalmente siempre que interrumpes la partida."@es . . "Green"@en . "Chad Stubblefield"@en . . . . "Se re\u00FAne y reaviva su relaci\u00F3n con Elsa, finalmente y restaurar la paz en Arendelle"@es . "Thracia 776"@es . . . . "Annastasia Amelia Andrai (usually known as Anna) was a companion of the The Doctor briefly during the last days of the his eleventh incarnation and for several adventures in his twelfth incarnation."@en . . . "Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award for Best Animated Female of 2013"@en . . . . . . "Deceased"@en . "Hometown:"@en . . "36"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . "Y"@en . . . . "40"^^ . "Prinzessin Anna von Arendelle ist die Protagonistin in Disneys 2013 ver\u00F6ffentlichen Film Die Eisk\u00F6nigin \u2013 V\u00F6llig unverfroren. Sie ist die mutige, furchtlose und etwas unbeholfene j\u00FCngere Schwester der m\u00E4chtigen Eisk\u00F6nigin Elsa und macht sich auf eine gef\u00E4hrliche Reise, um ihr K\u00F6nigreich vor einem ewigen Winter zu retten. Zusammen mit ihrer Schwester geh\u00F6rt sie zu den Disney Prinzessinen, was sie zur zw\u00F6lften Disney Prinzessin macht. Annas Rolle selbst basiert lose auf Gerda aus Die Schneek\u00F6nigin, ein M\u00E4rchen von Hans Christian Andersen."@de . . . . "Title"@en . "Anna's artwork from Fire Emblem: Awakening"@en . . . "Avatar"@en . . . "npc"@en . "Disney Magic on Parade"@en . . . . "Anna .png"@de . . . "The Forests of Silence"@en . . "Sconosciuta"@it . . . . . "Blonde"@en . "Anna Barone"@en . . "40"^^ . "ANNA"@en . "Hans"@de . . "Anna was the maid of John Lynch's house in La Jolla, California. She had little patience for the kids' antics, like Sarah Rainmaker diving nude in the swimming pool.\n\nWhen the Gen 13 team was about to be defeated by Trance, Qeelocke teleported Anna to the place, and she rescued the team, revealing that she actually was an android."@en . "10"^^ . . . . . "17"^^ . . . . . "File:Movement +1.pngMovement +1"@en . . . "Technician"@en . . "New Warriors"@en . . . "Anna"@en . . . "Jarred II"@en . "Anna \u2013 nazwa tengwy numer 23. Prawdopodobnie u\u017Cywana do oznaczania cz\u0105stki \"nn\". Kategoria:Wyrazy w Quenyi"@pl . . . . "Bill Schwab"@es . "45"^^ . "Yes"@en . "Great Aunt - Zia Sarina"@en . "Scott Watanabe"@en . "Anna ."@en . "Frozen Fever"@es . . . "Anna lleva una camiseta p\u00FArpura y rojo, con un gato que tiene o\u00EDdos elegantes que apuntan m\u00E1s fino como una pluma; Lleva una falda y calcetines largos blackk p\u00FArpura en los zapatos rojos casi coincidentes sus extra\u00F1os ojos de pupilas de color naranja. Ella ha conocido Cassie since infancia.thumb"@es . . . "Ni\u00F1a"@es . "55"^^ . "Alton"@en . . "\"I know how to stop this winter.\""@en . . "Anna_Frozen.png"@es . . "\"niniche\""@fr . . . . "Murder Mystery"@en . . . "Pale"@en . . "Anna was a female character in Alone in the Dark (2008). She becomes the first person that Carnby witnesses be taken by a Fissure and later turned into a Humanz."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "De esp\u00EDritu libre, sin miedo, c\u00E1lida, amable, juguet\u00F3na, optimista, torpe, habladora, peculiar, luchadora, aventurera, cari\u00F1osa, inteligente, desinteresada"@es . . "Anna is the cook of the Pirates of the Angel"@en . "Amerykanka"@pl . . . . "8"^^ . . "\"Espera, \u00BFQu\u00E9?\""@es . . "Unova"@en . "To reunite with her sister and save her kingdom from an eternal winter"@en . . . . "15"^^ . . . "\"Smash the Mirror\""@en . "3"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "Silent Hill pel\u00EDcula"@es . . . . "As part of a concerted effort with Iyaaran ambassadors Loquel and Byleth to study these emotions, Voval posed as a shuttle pilot sent to transport Captain Jean-Luc Picard to Iyar as part of a cultural exchange program. The persona was based on the logs of Anna, a Human female, who had survived the crash landing of the Terellian ship. (TNG: \"Liaisons\" ) Anna was played by actress Barbara Williams. She was named Tamara in the second draft script."@en . . . "Anna was a fictional technician at the Severnaya facility and friend to Natalya Simonova. She appears in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye and was portrayed by Michelle Arthur."@en . . . "x"@en . . "290"^^ . "Anna"@en . . . . . . . "According to the Gossip, she loves sewing and gardening. At one point of time she had a relationship with Stanford the gardener, but they broke up and she tried to get him fired by killing the flowers in the garden. During King's Ransom, you will have to free her from prison and will discover that she, along with the other Sinclair children, co-operated to kill their father since they do not like him giving out his own castle for King Arthur and moved up to a comparatively much smaller Sinclair Mansion."@en . . "thumb|250px|AnnaAnna Spo\u015Br\u00F3d Cieni."@pl . "Friends"@en . . . . "Russian Military"@en . . . . . "Anna was a girl that Logan rescued from Weapon X in the game."@en . "14"^^ . "none"@en . . "Anna: Spielban and Helen's mother chose Spielban and Diana to survive by escaping in the Grand Nasca shortly before the destruction of the Clin mothership. She died but was \"restored\" to life in the alternate future timeline in which the Waller Empire never existed."@en . . . . "Ayako Takeuchi"@en . . . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA - anna) es una chica hu\u00E9rfana del orfanato, y parece m\u00E1s joven donde estaban Tenma, Sasha y Alone."@es . "16"^^ . "Deceased - Shot"@en . . . . . "King's Ransom"@en . "fe14"@en . "30"^^ . . . . "Green; the whites of her eyes are yellow"@en . . . . . . . "Revolutionary"@en . . . ": El pelo recogido en una trenza holandesa, corset negro con mangas de color verde oscuro en los hombros, collar con un list\u00F3n negro con un colgante de oro con el s\u00EDmbolo de Arendelle, falda color verde oliva, med\u00EDas blancas, un peine con 3 listones verdes colocado en la parte posterior de su pelo"@es . . "Anna"@es . . . . . . "Anna"@en . "Annastasia Amelia Andrai"@en . "Anna 410.png"@en . "The Anna dress wrap/apron is a favorite of many sewists for its versatility -- it can be reversed inside and out, and front to back, giving you up to 4 different looks from a single dress. Designed by Sabine Pollehn, released in 2006. Available in English and German."@en . . "Taureau"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "File:FE14 Anna Great Merchant map Sprite.gifMerchant"@en . "Anna, as she appears in Jagi Gaiden."@en . . "20.0"^^ . . "Nee"@nl . "Guardian"@en . . . . . . . . "Anna is an NPC."@en . "[[tardis: Human"@en . . . . . "Estar aburrida, no ver a su hermana, el invierno"@es . . "Katie Lopez"@en . "12"^^ . . . . "Anna es una clase de Furnis coleccionables. Es una de las clases principales m\u00E1s nuevas. Anna tiene varios furnis, y todos tienen 5 colores: Morado, Verde, Amarillo, Rosa y Celeste; a esto se debe los colores del logo de Anna."@es . . . "Shin Monsh\u014D no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiy\u016B~"@es . . . "Anna(\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA) ist eine spielbare Charakterin in allen drei Fire Emblem: Fates Teilen. Man kann sie, aber nur mit einem DLC erwerben. Sie wird wie in Fire Emblem Awakening in der japanischen Version von Saori Seto gesprochen. In Fire Emblem: Awakening wird sie in der dritten Nebenquest mit der Anfangsklasse Gauner freigeschaltet."@de . "Anna"@it . "Anna hiding from the Armless Man"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "'Dear heart' \n\nAnna of the Forge"@en . "x"@en . . . "Shadow Kiss ,"@en . . "Unnamed subject - Mate"@en . "In all versions, Anna has blue eyes and in most brown hair, although in the SNES version of Final Fantasy IV and the Nintendo Wii version of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years there are sprites of pink-haired Anna. She wears a gold circlet and dress."@en . . . "Anna is the love interest of William Mackenzie in The Long Dark. She meets William working as a diner waitress. Her ex-husband is a violent, often drunk man; though he earns money working the tarsands in Fort St. John, he spends the money on alcohol and strippers, leaving Anna and their two children to fend for themselves. Anna, completely in the dark, gives him an ultimatum: either tell her what is going on or she will leave with the kids. William refuses, and she makes good on her promise."@en . . "Anna is the faithful and loyal servant of Charlotte."@en . . "\"\u00BFY si hacemos un mu\u00F1eco?\""@es . "Anna is a character who appears in Contra 3D (pachislot). File:Contra3d-anna.png"@en . "Femenino"@es . . "World of Color"@en . "K"@pl . "Reencontrarse con su hermana Elsa y salvar al reino de Arendelle de un invierno eterno"@es . . "Rudeness, wolves, great heights, restrictions, betrayal, being alone, the castle gates closed, shut doors in her face, Hans"@en . . "Yellow"@en . "Las aventuras, estar con su hermana, el verano"@es . . "File:FE13 Anna Thief Map Sprite.gifThief"@en . "55"^^ . . . . . "4000"^^ . . "Bow - D"@en . . "Anna appears in El Carnicero en el Coche."@en . "Reunirse con su hermana y salvar a su reino de un invierno eterno"@es . "Princess"@en . . "Shadow-kissed Anna"@en . . . . . . . . . . "AnnaFilm.PNG"@en . "22"^^ . . . . . . "Princess of Arendelle and Snowy California, Queen of New Fjord City"@en . "According to the Gossip, she loves sewing and gardening. At one point of time she had a relationship with Stanford the gardener, but they broke up and she tried to get him fired by killing the flowers in the garden. During King's Ransom, you will have to free her from prison and will discover that she, along with the other Sinclair children, co-operated to kill their father since they do not like him giving out his own castle for King Arthur and moved up to a comparatively much smaller Sinclair Mansion. The player will have to help her convince the judge on the court that she is not guilty for killing her father during King's Ransom, later to find out that she actually is guilty and along with their siblings, they are planning to retrieve the castle in Camelot."@en . "70"^^ . . "show"@en . . . . . "Anna was a Dutch student."@en . "Anna \u2013 Lydya"@de . . . . "Anna is a character who appears in Contra 3D (pachislot). File:Contra3d-anna.png"@en . . "Ingrid takes an unconscious Anna prisoner."@en . . . "Anna (ruso:\u0410\u043D\u043D\u0430), es la hija de un investigador que estubo a cargo de la informaci\u00F3n de los anticuerpos para los B.O.W. en un pueblo aislado en el C\u00E1ucaso Ruso, donde se produjo un brote del Virus T."@es . "File:FE13 Anna Trickster Map Sprite.gifTrickster"@en . . . . "311.0"^^ . "12"^^ . . . . "9"^^ . "14"^^ . . "Anna was St. Vladimir's guardian. She became shadow-kissed after Vladimir saved her life as a child. Vladimir had the nasty side-effects of controlling spirit, but she absorbed them from him. The stories say that as she grew older, she began to show signs of unstability. A few months after Vladimir died, she killed herself."@en . "Character"@en . "Anna var en kvinnlig Goa'uld-M\u00E4nniska hybrid skapad, av Dr Keffler, fr\u00E5n DNA fr\u00E5n Goa'uld Sekhmet som ett experiment f\u00F6r att l\u00E5sa upp Goa'uld hemligheter som skulle kunna r\u00E4dda Jorden fr\u00E5n en Goa'uld attacker. Hon h\u00F6lls av Keffler p\u00E5 ett klart glas ruta och fick aldrig utanf\u00F6r den hemliga anl\u00E4ggningen i Los Angeles, d\u00E4r hon skapades och h\u00F6lls f\u00E5ngen. Hennes f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att hitta den obrukbara koden f\u00F6r en ark bomb orsakade Sekhemet att \u00E5terta kontrollen en sista g\u00E5ng och fly, men hennes teckningar gav kr\u00E4vs kod. Vid n\u00E5got tillf\u00E4lle Anna \u00E5tertagit kontrollen \u00F6ver hennes kropp, jagade Kefler och d\u00F6dade honom sj\u00E4lv, erk\u00E4nner hur ont Keffler var. Efter\u00E5t Anna aktiveras en fels\u00E4ker enhet inuti sin egen hj\u00E4rna, d\u00F6da sig sj\u00E4lv och Sekhemet. (SG1: \"Resurrection\")"@sv . . "23"^^ . . "civilian"@en . . "Heey partypeople!!! Ich bin die Anney und werde bald 41. Ich habe einen Sohn, der 12 Jahre alt ist. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist schwarz und in meiner Freizeit spiele ich gern Tischtennis... Ich finde, dass Tats\u00E4chlich Liebe der gruseligste Film der Welt ist und deshalb gef\u00E4llt er mir auch so gut aber die Schauspieler sind nicht so gut... Aja, ich hab noch eine Katz, die Justin Timberlake hei\u00DFt, da dieser mein Vorbild ist. Bis bald, leute viele bussis, baba, eure Anney# Wenn ich erwachsen bin m\u00F6chte ich hackfleisch werden. aber rotes. kein braunes."@de . . . "18"^^ . "22"^^ . "23"^^ . "\u3046\u305A\u307E\u304D"@de . . . . . "\"Resurrection\""@en . . "Episode Appeared In"@en . "Hans, Marshmallow , the wolves"@en . "10"^^ . . . . . "Frozen"@es . "Alive"@en . . . "File:FE13 Anna Mage Map Sprite.gifMage"@en . . . . . "There's no place for discrimination in Jimmy's firm: men and women are offered the same bribes as long as they keep their mouths shut and do what they're told by the boss. Ever since Angelo's community service sentence, the Montana's debts recovery operation is understaffed. Luckily enough, Jimmy has managed to provide Don with a solution that goes by the name of Anna. If knocking on your door doesn't get your attention, the rubble removal specialist will come in like a wrecking ball to collect her dues or else blast all things standing."@en . . . . "La madre de Mary, ella vive en la casa junto a la librer\u00EDa. Usualmente Anna se pasa el d\u00EDa dentro de su casa, tambi\u00E9n suele juntarse para chismosear con Sasha y Manna en el Rose Square... suele hacerlo por las tardes. Los lunes son la excepci\u00F3n ya que suele ir con su familia entera a la monta\u00F1a, para pasar la ma\u00F1ana. Si ese d\u00EDa llueve, suele quedarse en su casa y luego va a comprar v\u00EDveres al mercado desde las 1:30pm a las 4pm. Eventos:"@es . . . . . "--05-11"^^ . . . . "Princesa"@es . "Italy"@en . "Ann, Julie McNiven, Anna Castle"@en . . . . "2003-06-09"^^ . "Amazon"@en . . "Anna delivers a crucial message."@en . . "Anna is a S1 contestant and the first fetch grand champion."@en . . "File:Divineweapon.pngRightful God"@en . . . . "Uncommon"@en . . . . . "Anna"@it . "70"^^ . "\"Wait, what?\""@en . . "Elizabeth Lail"@en . "Tiki"@en . "Segretaria"@it . . . . . . "\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA"@en . . . "Active Elder/Guardian Angel"@en . . . "Maid"@en . . . "Disney Dreams!"@es . "Gibt niemals auf"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Anna"@en . . "Age"@en . . . . . . . "Anna"@fr . . "File:FE13 Anna Sage Map Sprite.gifSage"@en . "-"@en . "7"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "Jin Kim"@es . . "5"^^ . "F\u016Bin no Tsurugi"@es . "Edad G\u00E9nero Compa\u00F1ero Emblema Digi-Egg Digispirit Ocupaci\u00F3n Parientes Conocidos Nacionalidad Aparece en Primera Aparici\u00F3n Ultima Aparici\u00F3n Anna es una ni\u00F1a elegida rusa, su compa\u00F1ero es Unimon. Aparece por primera vez junto a Laura y Yuri present\u00E1ndose a Sora y Yolei. Al principio no pod\u00EDan entenderse bien por el idioma, pero luego trabajan en equipo y env\u00EDan a los Flymon al Digimundo. Es vista m\u00E1s tarde en la batalla contra MaloMyotismon. Categor\u00EDa:Ni\u00F1os elegidos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de Digimon Adventure 02 Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Humanos"@es . . . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "A pasta written by Hypodroid on volunteer work and its possible dangers He liked to volunteer in the psych ward of his local hospital. His real job was as a stockbroker, but the stresses got to him sometimes and he needed an outlet. In the past he\u2019d turned to booze to relieve the pressure, but that had taken him to places he hoped never to revisit. He didn\u2019t know why it helped him so much to be in the hospital. He didn\u2019t particularly like the crazies they made him work with; in fact he thought most of them were beyond help. He supposed it was really Anna that kept him coming back. Anna was just a little girl, maybe ten or twelve at the most. She shouldn\u2019t really have been in the ward with the adults, but his small town wasn\u2019t wealthy enough to have separate housing for minors. He felt sorry for all the kids who had to bunk with these terminal wackjobs. Or he would, if Anna weren\u2019t the only one there under 35. That just made it sadder, he supposed. He felt a need to protect this little girl from the frightening company she kept, so he had promised himself never to leave as long as she was there. Anna was probably the least screwed up person in that hospital. She had terrible anxiety any time she left the building. They said if she left she\u2019d probably die from the shock of it. The only thing that seemed to make her feel better was talking, so he\u2019d talk to her for hours on end about even the most inane topics. He felt a need to know everything about her; a need that transcended what should probably have been suitable for their relationship. But Anna seemed so happy when he talked to her that he could never bear to leave her for long. The only subject they avoided was her reasons for being in the ward. He felt that if there was a reason, she would tell him in her own time, and that if he pushed her he might break the connection they had to each other. Their bond had been growing stronger every day. They were almost close enough to be brother and sister, so close that he no longer pretended to be working with the hospital. He quit his volunteering gig and came in every day, just to be with her. He seemed to even be helping with her anxiety, until one day he found her curled up into a ball on her bunk, sobbing quietly to herself. When he asked her what was wrong, she finally told him why she was in the hospital. She and her mother had been in a car accident with a drunk driver. Her mother had died as a result, and she had had to be hospitalized. She hadn\u2019t talked for months after that. In fact, she had only started talking around the time he had started at the hospital. Touched by the idea that he might have had some part in Anna\u2019s healing, he felt brave enough to ask her if they\u2019d caught the killer. She told him that they hadn\u2019t, that that was why she couldn\u2019t leave, she was so scared he\u2019d come after her. He tried to comfort her, tell her that a drunk driver wouldn\u2019t even remember her, but nothing helped. Finally, in desperation, he promised to kill the driver if he ever managed to get close to her. That got Anna\u2019s attention, and though she was shocked at the statement\u2019s brutality, it at least got her to stop crying. The rest of the day went normally, but he decided that he would talk to Anna\u2019s doctor before he left. He hadn\u2019t talked to the doctor before, but everyone at the ward knew him, so he felt no qualms about introducing himself. When he asked about Anna, the doctor seemed extremely keen to hear what she\u2019d said. Apparently no one knew why she was in the ward in the first place, they\u2019d just found her wandering, bloody by the side of the road. Surprised, he told the doctor Anna\u2019s story. At the end, the doctor leaned back in his chair and sighed. \u201CRichard, what you\u2019re telling me is very serious. There isn\u2019t anyone named Anna in this ward. You had a nervous breakdown recently, and have been coming to the hospital for psychiatric sessions. However, you\u2019ve been getting worse, not better. For the last month you haven\u2019t left the ward. Tell me, Richard, do you remember the last time you were at work?\u201D It was a stupid question. Or course he\u2026no, he\u2019d taken some vacation time off to spend with Anna. How had he forgotten that? But the doctor shook his head. \u201CYou were forced to take psychiatric leave. We believe you had some sort of traumatic event, one that triggered your breakdown, and subsequent hallucinations. From what you just told me, I\u2019m inclined to believe you were responsible for an accident while drunk driving.\u201D He sat their, frozen in shock. This was impossible. He\u2019d quit drinking\u2026right about when he\u2019d started at the ward. No. No. He couldn\u2019t have\u2026but it was rushing back, the erratic light from the headlights as he swerved, the screech of rubber as he saw them, the one, frozen second where he saw a 10-year-old girl screaming from the back seat. When he looked back, the doctor wasn\u2019t there. Anna was sitting in the doctor\u2019s place, saying nothing, just staring at him. He stared back for a second, and then had to look down. He felt so guilty. So, so guilty. And he had made a promise. Richard picked up the scissors."@en . . "''Hidden Worlds"@en . . . "10"^^ . "Sibling"@en . "This Stoutland is shown to be caring and protective of his family.When Anna fell down a cliff, Stoutland ran down and rescued her, but didn't succed in helping her up. Instead, Mewtwo lifted them up with its Psychic. When the same Mewtwo was injured, this Stoutland was prepared to go with Virgil's Team Eevee and rescue Mewtwo however was turned away. He later saw Mewtwo battle Dirk. After Mewtwo put out the fire, Stoutland and his owners went home."@en . "Trickster"@en . . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . "30"^^ . . . "Grandfather - either Luigi or Enzo Barone"@en . . . "Phoebe Strole, Gabrielle Garza, Natasha Barnes, Rachel Geisler, Ali Stroker"@en . "Valiente, amable, alegre, optimista, torpe, charlatana, descuidada, comprensiva, leal, inocente"@es . "Free-spirited, fearless, active, energetic, benevolent, awkward, playful, bubbly, optimistic, clumsy, talkative, feisty, silly, adventurous, perky, naive, loyal, impressionable, impulsive, fun-loving, clever, quick-thinking, intelligent, enthusiastic, loving, selfless"@en . "40524"^^ . "File:FE13 Anna Archer Map Sprite.gifArcher"@en . . "A pasta written by Hypodroid on volunteer work and its possible dangers He liked to volunteer in the psych ward of his local hospital. His real job was as a stockbroker, but the stresses got to him sometimes and he needed an outlet. In the past he\u2019d turned to booze to relieve the pressure, but that had taken him to places he hoped never to revisit. Richard picked up the scissors."@en . . "10"^^ . . "Anna"@en . . . . "She was held by Keffler in a clear glass box and was never allowed outside of the secret rogue NID facility in Los Angeles where she was created. Her attempt to find the deactivation code for an Ark bomb caused Sekhemet to regain control one last time, allowing her to escape the cell. Eventually Dr. Daniel Jackson discovered the code among Anna's charcoal drawings. At some point Anna regained control over her body, hunted down Keffler and, recognizing how evil he was, killed him. Afterwards Anna activated a failsafe device inside her own brain, killing herself as well as the Sekhmet personality that was inside her. (SG1: \"Resurrection\")"@en . "Paloma"@de . "Anna is Emma's twin sister who poofed right after her. She also had a brief relationship with Sam before the FAYZ. When she poofed, she was working for Mary at the daycare, taking the prees (along with Mary and Emma) on a picnic. She was noted to be very good with children. Sam was there when Anna and Emma poofed. Before she poofed, she held Sam's hand and told him never to let go. Therefore, she was also said to still have romantic feelings for him."@en . "Super Sentai"@en . "Ted Mosby: Architect"@en . "File:FE14 Anna Herb Merchant Map Sprite.gifApothecary"@en . "Anna_Saints_Row_Money_Shot.jpg"@en . "psychic"@en . "Anna"@sv . . "Disney INFINITY"@es . . . . . . "Canine"@en . . "\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA"@en . . . . . "Obsessing about Hannah Montana"@en . . . . "File:EvilDragonScale.pngDragonskin"@en . . "Irish, Dominican"@en . "La Jolla, California"@en . "Anna is an original character in the Silent Hill film. She is a member of a fanatical cult known as the Brethren, which is based in the town of Silent Hill, West Virginia. And she is also a follower of the cult's leader, Christabella. Anna is the daughter of Eleanor. She was born into the cult life, and consequently, she faces Alessa Gillespie's wrath in the Fog World along with the other cult members. It is implied that she was born in the Fog World. Anna appears to have a childish demeanor, she often speaks in a simplistic manner, and seems to be slightly mentally impaired. It has been noted in the official production notes that Anna is \"innocent\" and tends to cling to those who act as mother figures, which is meant to tie into the film's overall theme of motherhood."@en . "\"Okay, kiddo. The first thing to do when encountering a guy who's betrayed you is to... KNOCK HIS TEETH OUT!!\""@en . . . "200"^^ . . "Blonde"@en . . . . . "Gerda from the fairy tale \"The Snow Queen\" by Hans Christian Andersen"@en . "D"@en . . "The forge\n\nDel"@en . "The Latinate and New Testament form of Ann, from \u1F0C\u03BD\u03BD\u03B1 (Anna), equal to the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Anna]] female name [[\u05D7\u05E0\u05D4#|\u05D7\u05E0\u05D4]] (\u201C\u2018Hannah\u2019\u201D) of Old Testament, meaning \"grace, gracious\"."@ia . . . . . "Femenino"@es . . . "Annastasia Amelia Andrai (usually known as Anna) was a companion of the The Doctor briefly during the last days of the his eleventh incarnation and for several adventures in his twelfth incarnation."@en . . . . "Anna"@en . . "Olaf, Elsa, Sven, Kristoff"@en . "Frozen: Free Fall"@es . . . . . . . . "Anna is the gym leader of Spookster city in the Pokemon Rainbow game and anime series. She comes from the Ectruteak city in Johto and is the gym leader Morty\u2019s cousin."@en . . "Hannah_Crazetana.PNG"@en . . "250"^^ . "File:FE13 Anna Assassin Map Sprite.gifAssassin"@en . . . . . "Red"@en . . "Frozen: Free Fall"@es . "Green"@en . . . . . "The Trial of the Doctor, Arthemos"@en . . . "Kickboxing instructor/waitress"@en . . . . . "\"No Es Una Tormenta! Es Mi Hermana!\""@es . "\"The only frozen heart around here is yours.\""@en . "8"^^ . . . . "thumb|El esp\u00EDritu de Anna hablando con Edward Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA en japon\u00E9s) es un personaje no jugable de Final Fantasy IV. Es la hija de Tellah, y la amante de Edward Chris von Muir."@es . . "Celebrate the Magic"@es . "\"A Tale of Two Sisters\""@en . . . "AnnaRender.png"@it . . . . "File:FE14 Anna Maid Map Sprite.gifMaid"@en . . . . . . "thumb|250px|AnnaAnna Kyoyama ist die Verlobte von Yo Asakura. Zudem ist sie ein Geistmedium -eine Itako-, und stammt von der k\u00F6niglichen Familie der Geistmedien. Ihre Gebetskette verleiht ihr ihre Macht. Sie kann unter anderem andere Geister zu ihren Dieser/Sklaven machen, oder aus der Geisterwelt, Verstorbene in die Welt der Lebenden holen. So macht sie es unter anderem mit Mosuke oder Eliza. Ihre Spezialit\u00E4t ist Kuchiyose. Dabei \"ruft\" man Geister, bzw. beschw\u00F6rt, um diese dann nach dem Weg oder Personen fragen kann. Sie beherscht dies mit unglaublicher Perfektion. Sie kann aber auch Geister rufen und diese mit Hyoui-Vereinigung al\u00E1 Itako vereinen. Ihre ersten Auftritt, erh\u00E4lt sie nach Yoh's zweitem kampf gegen Ren, nach dem er abermals im Krankenhaus landet. Daraufhin erf\u00E4hrt man auch, dass sie Yoh in seiner Kindheit auf kennt, und ihn vor b\u00F6sen Geister rettete, mit denen er sich anlegte. Als Gegenleistung wollte sie,dass wenn sie alt genug seien, Yoh um ihre Hand anhalten solle. Auch wenn sie hart und herzlos scheint, merkt man in Extremsituationen, wie sie ihre Freunde sch\u00E4tzt. (Zudem erf\u00E4hrt man im Manga mehr \u00FCber Annas Vergangenheit in der sie versto\u00DFen, und von Kino Asakura aufgenommen wurde.) Als sie zehn war, erschuf sie mit ihrer Gabe, in die Herzen der Menschen zu sehen (o. Gedankenlesen) meist ohne es zu wollen Oni. Oni entstehen durch die Rachsucht, Hass oder andere negativen Eigenschaften. Anna erschuf diese meist wenn sie au\u00DFer Haus in Menschenmassen ging, weil sie die Gef\u00FChle der Menschen mitbekam, und einen Hass auf die gesamte Menschheit hegte. Dadurch erschuf sie als Abwehr, ohne es zu wollen Oni. Als sie Yo dann kennenlernt, wird dass auch nicht besser. Als sie n\u00E4mlich wind von ihren Gef\u00FChlen kriegt (kleiner Tipp am Rande: sie ist in ihn verliebt) versteht sie gar nichts mehr, denn sie machte ja von Anfang an klar, dass sie alle Menschen hasst. Aus ihrer Verzweiflung, dass sie jemanden mag, obwohl sie versto\u00DFen wurde, und sich selbst hasst, erschafft sie einen O-Oni, der Yo t\u00F6ten soll. Er schafft es zusammen mit Matamune per Hyoui-Vereinigung, den O-Oni zu besiegen. als er Tags darauf Ozorezan verl\u00E4sst, trifft er im Zug Anna, die sich bedankt, und nun ein neues Leben beginnen will. 3 Jahre sp\u00E4ter, kommt sie zu Yo um ihn an sein Versprechen zu erinnern. Sie zur First Lady der Schamanenwelt zu machen, damit sie ein leichtes Leben hat. Sie tr\u00E4gt stehts ein schwarzes Kleid und ein rotes Kopftuch, dass sie auch nach belieben in ein Halstuch ummodeliert. Auch tr\u00E4gt sie unwilk\u00FCrlich immer bei sich ihre Gebetskette. Annas Gebetskette verleiht ihr die Macht Verstorbene zu beschw\u00F6ren. Auch wenn diese schon im Himmel sind. Kategorie:Geistmedium"@de . . "2.524608E8"^^ . "Anna var en kvinnlig Goa'uld-M\u00E4nniska hybrid skapad, av Dr Keffler, fr\u00E5n DNA fr\u00E5n Goa'uld Sekhmet som ett experiment f\u00F6r att l\u00E5sa upp Goa'uld hemligheter som skulle kunna r\u00E4dda Jorden fr\u00E5n en Goa'uld attacker. Hon h\u00F6lls av Keffler p\u00E5 ett klart glas ruta och fick aldrig utanf\u00F6r den hemliga anl\u00E4ggningen i Los Angeles, d\u00E4r hon skapades och h\u00F6lls f\u00E5ngen. Hennes f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att hitta den obrukbara koden f\u00F6r en ark bomb orsakade Sekhemet att \u00E5terta kontrollen en sista g\u00E5ng och fly, men hennes teckningar gav kr\u00E4vs kod. Vid n\u00E5got tillf\u00E4lle Anna \u00E5tertagit kontrollen \u00F6ver hennes kropp, jagade Kefler och d\u00F6dade honom sj\u00E4lv, erk\u00E4nner hur ont Keffler var. Efter\u00E5t Anna aktiveras en fels\u00E4ker enhet inuti sin egen hj\u00E4rna, d\u00F6da sig sj\u00E4lv och Sekhemet. (SG1: \"Resurrection\")"@sv . . "35"^^ . . . . "2004"^^ . "Bueno"@es . . . . "Anna was a fictional technician at the Severnaya facility and friend to Natalya Simonova. She appears in the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye and was portrayed by Michelle Arthur."@en . . "Princesa Anna de Arendelle es la principal protagonista en la pel\u00EDcula de animaci\u00F3n de Disney ganadora del Oscar de 2013 Frozen. Ella es la valiente e inocente y torpe hermana menor de la poderosa Reina de las Nieves Elsa. Se embarca en un peligroso viaje para salvar a su reino de un invierno eterno. Ella tiene la voz de Kristen Bell. Ella se uni\u00F3 a la franquicia Disney Princesa junto a su hermana, Elsa la Reina de las Nieves, convirti\u00E9ndola en la 12\u00AA Princesa de Disney. Anna se basa libremente en Gerda de La Reina de las Nieves, un cuento de hadas de Hans Christian Andersen."@es . "Falta de respeto, lobos, grandes alturas, las restricciones, la traici\u00F3n, la soledad, las puertas del castillo cerradas, las puertas cerradas en su cara, Hans"@es . . "Blood Promise"@en . . . . "Anna is a character in Club Penguin who appeared at the Frozen Parties. She is the princess of Arendelle and the younger sister of the estranged Elsa."@en . . . . "Anna is one of the names of a mysterious character who claims to be a friend of Kian Alvane when they meet in the The Rooster and Kitten in Marcuria. She is dressed like a ranger and manages to see through Kian's Irhadian Veil. Anna implies that she and Kian have a shared history. Anna and Kian's past is revealed and they date back to being on the streets of Sadir. Anna reveals to Kian that she uses different names in every city and the name she used in Sadir when they knew each other was 'Alayna'. Anna was being harassed by Vamon and his gang when Kian came and saved her from him. From then, Mother Utana looked after her until Anna mentions she was forced to leave Sadir. Anna says from that moment onward she loved Kian and thought of him everyday for 20 years until she found him in Marcuria."@en . "4"^^ . "Her family, romance, freedom, chocolate, Joan of Arc, being with Elsa, acceptance, appreciation, Olaf's whimsy, sandwiches, Krumkake, Flangendorfers, horseback-riding, children, Kristoff, sunflowers"@en . "Anna (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA, Anna) is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series; she features in every game in the Fire Emblem series, except for Fire Emblem Gaiden, which does not use shops. She appears as a red haired female and is rarely seen without her trademark pose (of her resting her pointer finger on her face) or her sly smile. Anna appears to be able to travel between the worlds of each title; Fire Emblem: Awakening reveals there are a multitude of Annas, one managing the Outrealm Gate and another a recruitable Trickster."@en . . . "11"^^ . . "Esbelta, hermosa, piel clara, con una ligera capa de pecas, mejillas rosadas, pelo largo y rojizo en dos trenzas con un mech\u00F3n rubio platino, ojos azul turquesa"@es . . "Prostitute"@en . . "Joan"@en . . "GoldenEye"@en . "Anna was the name given to a BD-3000 luxury droid owned by Valeria Kennt. The droid had feminine programming and was reprogrammed by Valeria to be a maid and a nanny at her farmhouse on Dantooine. Anna was to be a servant to Valeria and a nanny to Valeria's adopted daughter Kayla Moonreaper."@en . "Anna is the gym leader of Spookster city in the Pokemon Rainbow game and anime series. She comes from the Ectruteak city in Johto and is the gym leader Morty\u2019s cousin."@en . . . . . ""@es . "Lisa's Sister - Second Daughter"@en . "[[Bild:Anna.jpg|thumb|left|Anna und ihr Unimon]] japanischer Name: Anna deutscher Name: Anna Sprecherin: unbekannt Herkunft: Moskau/Russland Anna ist ein russischer Digiritter. Sie war einer der Digiritter, die, zusammen mit Yolei und Sora, Moskau vor einem Schwarm Flymon besch\u00FCtzten. Danach brachten sie auch noch eine Herde Mammothmon zur\u00FCck in die Digiwelt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Digimon Adventure 02 Charaktere"@de . . "Image caption"@en . . "In \"Nightmare on Grace Street\" at a Halloween party, Roberta has Caleb and Edwin Mullins go into a room to fight it out when she is convinced they both want to be her lover. Nervous over what is happening, Roberta has Anna peek inside and discovers the two of them are having sex with each other. Anna is voiced by Jill Latiano."@en . . "Anna was a former Russian Nihilist and the wife of Sergius. Sherlock Holmes discovers she is guilty of the killing of Willoughby Smith in \"The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez\", but she commits suicide to avoid returning to prison. de:Anna"@en . "Black"@en . . . . . "2002"^^ . "Earth"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "nonexistent"@en . . "Nickname/Alias"@en . . . . . "In all versions, Anna has blue eyes and in most brown hair, although in the SNES version of Final Fantasy IV and the Nintendo Wii version of Final Fantasy IV: The After Years there are sprites of pink-haired Anna. She wears a gold circlet and dress."@en . . . "Anna \u2013 posta\u0107 wyst\u0119puj\u0105ca w Grand Theft Auto Online. Wyst\u0119puje w misji Sprz\u0105tanie Kuwety. Martin Madrazo zleca protagoni\u015Bcie uratowanie Anny z r\u0105k Lost\u00F3w, gdzie by\u0142a przetrzymywana w opuszczonym motelu w Sandy Shores. Protagonista ratuje j\u0105 i zawozi do domu Madrazo. Po tym wydarzeniu jej losy s\u0105 nieznane. Anna jest jedn\u0105 z niewielu postaci wyst\u0119puj\u0105cych w misjach, kt\u00F3re nie przybieraj\u0105 losowego wygl\u0105du podczas uruchamiania misji."@pl . . . . "\"That's no blizzard! That's my sister!\""@en . . "She also made a second, short appearance in The Bracket, when Barney returned to his ex-lovers to determine who was the mystery woman warning other women about him. Anna informs Barney that she created a website call tedmosbyisajerk.com and Barney (still pretending to be Ted) tells Anna he does deserves that and stands on a table saying that he Ted Mosby is a jerk and that all the woman should stay away from him."@en . "The Last Showdown"@en . . "Deceased, killed by Jake Manning"@en . "Anna"@en . "Arte oficial de Anna en Fire Emblem Awakening"@es . . . . . "An'na"@en . . "Anna, Maria and Caro (\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA,\u30DE\u30EA\u30A2\u3068\u30AB\u30ED, Anna, Maria to Karo?) were three young children, who grew up in the same orphanage as Tenma, who held them close to his heart. They were killed by Alone after drawing their portraits."@en . "thumb|Voval als Anna (2370) thumb|Die Halskette, die Voval in Anna verwandelt. Anna ist ein von Voval gespielter weiblicher Mensch. Durch eine Halskette wird Voval in Anna verwandelt. Die Figur beruht auf Logbuchaufzeichnungen eines abgest\u00FCrzten terellianischen Frachters. In diesen Aufzeichnungen beschreibt die Frau, die als einzige \u00FCberlebt hat, verschiedene Konzepte menschlicher Gef\u00FChle. Nachdem sie sieben Jahre allein auf dem Planeten gelebt hat, st\u00FCrzt ein weiteres Raumschiff auf den Planeten. In diesem Raumschiff ist ein m\u00E4nnlicher Mensch. Die Frau pflegt ihn wieder gesund und sie verlieben sich ineinander. Diese Geschichte wird von Iyaaranern entdeckt. Sie verstehen die verschiedenen Konzepte nicht, die die Frau beschrieben hat. Deshalb senden sie drei Botschafter aus, um diese Konzepte selbst zu erleben. Voval soll Liebe erfahren, deshalb spielt er die Rolle von Anna, die die Geschichte der Frau mit Jean-Luc Picard nachspielen soll. Allerdings gelingt ihm das nicht. (TNG: ) Anna wurde von Barbara Williams gespielt und von Karin David synchronisiert."@de . . . . . . . . . "=="@en . . . . . . . . "C"@en . . . "Anna was an individual who lived in Dalia on the planet Dalicron-4 during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Anna worked as a cook in Daz's Tavern."@en . "Anna in Saints Row 2"@en . "As a human, Anna left home at the age of 17. Before then, she used to read books a lot as a way of escaping her life. Her parents had never been heart-warming towards her so she decided to flee. When she left, she was attacked by some wild animals and then found by Owain, who transformed her into a vampire and took her to join his coven. She was one of the coven members who survived the battle against the Firelock Coven and the Children of the Moon."@en . "Sconosciuta"@it . . . . "The Anna dress wrap/apron is a favorite of many sewists for its versatility -- it can be reversed inside and out, and front to back, giving you up to 4 different looks from a single dress. Designed by Sabine Pollehn, released in 2006. Available in English and German."@en . . . "Brandon Choi; Jim Lee; J. Scott Campbell"@en . "File:Spear_FE13.pngSpear*"@en . "Yvonne Greitzke , Pia Allgaier \nMagdalena Haier \nValeska Gerhart"@de . . . "To restore her bond with her sister"@en . . "She was married to Ravi, the last outsider to appear in the trapped town for a long time, and they had a happy marriage. When she learned that dissolving the dilation field would remove her and all others born in it from reality, she urged her husband to proceed nonetheless, because unlike many in her town she understood that the lives of everyone else on the entire planet were in danger. The dilation field was eventually collapsed by Helen Magnus, causing Anna to never have existed."@en . "Anna (\u30CF\u30F3\u30CA, Hanna, Hannah en japonais, Cherry en anglais, Bella en allemand, Luna en espagnol, Amarena en italien) est une chienne apparaissant comme villageoise dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival."@fr . . "Anna ist ein weiblicher Vogel. Sie hat am 12. M\u00E4rz Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin."@de . "Played By"@en . . . "Anna is a daughter of Uther Pendragon by Igraine, and a sister of King Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth\u2019s Historia regum Britanniae. The daughter of Uther Pendragon is prophesied by Merlin to be the ancestress of seven kings who will reign over Britain. Anna is then named as the daughter born to Uther and Igraine, but becomes the wife of King Lot of Lothian. This implies that Anna is the mother of Gawain and Mordred."@en . . . . . . "Arguing with Shanna"@en . "Anna is a school girl who is good friends with Wendla, Martha, and Thea. She is the only one shown to not have sexual feelings for men as she never mentions attraction to any boy besides parroting Thea's attraction to Melchior. Due to this, many in the fandom have decided that she is actually a lesbian and, although this is not confirmed, it is supported by how the original workshops of the musical imply her homosexuality (A Comet On It's Way). She does not appear in the play. She is loyal, open minded, innocent, and represents hope and the future."@en . . . "Anna is a character in Saints Row 2Broken {{ref}} (youtube link) and Saints Row: Money Shot.Broken {{ref}} (youtube link)"@en . . "9"^^ . . "Annette Julia Castle Nunez"@en . "Other Relatives"@en . "80"^^ . . . . "Chapter 11: Knorda Market"@en . . . . . . . "Mensch"@de . . . "175"^^ . . . . . "Anna \u00E9tait une identit\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9e par Voval, un ambassadeur Iyaaran, pour \u00E9tudier l'amour. Les Iyaarans n'avaient aucune compr\u00E9hension naturelle ou de forme sociale correspondant aux concepts d'amour, d'antagonisme ou de plaisir. Les ambassadeurs Iyaarans Voval, Loquel et Byleth mirent au point un plan visant \u00E0 \u00E9tudier ces \u00E9motions."@fr . . . "Anna is 20 Years Old Is A Nerd And Fariyrich Girl She Become a Warrioryellow!"@en . "Anna (\u5B89\u5948 Anna?), sometimes referred to as Anna Brown, is the daughter of Farmer Brown. She lives on a farm with her father and their bull, Gertie. When Ryoga appears she at first believes him to be the legendary hero Joe, but soon develops romantic feelings for Ryoga after he saves her from Ushinosuke Oshamanbe and a group of his thugs."@en . . "Ja"@nl . . "60"^^ . . . . . . "Anna"@sv . . . . . "Anna's mother died while giving birth to Anna. Her father died three years before King Endon assumed the throne, leaving Anna in the care of her grandfather, Crian. Anna lived in Del's forge with Crian, cooking, cleaning, and presumably helping her grandfather with other small tasks. Crian's skill as a blacksmith ensured that they were never lacking food, though they were still quite poor."@en . "Various"@en . . "Owned by Valeria Kennt"@en . "Jagi Gaiden"@en . . . . . "AnnaFilm.png"@es . . . . . "Brittney Lee"@es . . . "12"^^ . . . . "One of the six Sinclair children"@en . "fe13"@en . . . "9"^^ . . . . "Red"@en . . . . "Anna is the faithful and loyal servant of Charlotte."@en . . . "Anna was a prostitute, who was kidnapped by Jake Manning and put in his \"dungeon/prison\" for propositioning him, which broke his twisted, absolutist code of crime and punishment. In an effort to escape, Ricardo \"Rico\" Tubbs convinced Anna to act like a virgin instead of a whore (even dressing her up as a virgin), but the ruse fails, as Manning was able to see through the act and Anna is killed by Manning, her body (in her \"virgin\" outfit) left in Tubbs' cell."@en . "17"^^ . "La madre de Mary, ella vive en la casa junto a la librer\u00EDa. Usualmente Anna se pasa el d\u00EDa dentro de su casa, tambi\u00E9n suele juntarse para chismosear con Sasha y Manna en el Rose Square... suele hacerlo por las tardes. Los lunes son la excepci\u00F3n ya que suele ir con su familia entera a la monta\u00F1a, para pasar la ma\u00F1ana. Si ese d\u00EDa llueve, suele quedarse en su casa y luego va a comprar v\u00EDveres al mercado desde las 1:30pm a las 4pm. Eventos: \n* Ir a la casa de Basil un s\u00E1bado por la ma\u00F1ana, entre las 10am y 1pm. Debesser buen amigo con Anna. Repite este evento 5 veces posterior a este d\u00EDa.* En un d\u00EDa soleado, ve a la plaza entre las 1pm y las 4pm."@es . . "Anna is loosely based on Gerda from The Snow Queen, the fairy tale Disney based the movie off of. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen, who also wrote The Little Mermaid, another fairy tale turned into a popular Disney movie. She's also one of three characters in the movie named after the author. The other two are Kristoff and Hans."@en . "anna.PNG"@en . "26"^^ . . . . . "Weiblich"@de . . "Fausse identit\u00E9 de Voval"@fr . "Frozen Fever"@es . . "Once Upon a Time"@es . . "Rojo"@es . "Disney Magic on Parade"@es . . . . "Blau"@de . . . . . . . . "23.0"^^ . . . . "Kvinna"@sv . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Anna is the love interest of William Mackenzie in The Long Dark. She meets William working as a diner waitress. Her ex-husband is a violent, often drunk man; though he earns money working the tarsands in Fort St. John, he spends the money on alcohol and strippers, leaving Anna and their two children to fend for themselves. Anna falls in love with William, and he helps with the family for a while, even becoming a type of step-father for her children. After a time he begins to withdraw from her; unbeknownst to Anna, his father has struck a deal with shady characters to keep their family business running. William learns of this and wants to keep her from it as much as he can. Anna, completely in the dark, gives him an ultimatum: either tell her what is going on or she will leave with the kids. William refuses, and she makes good on her promise."@en . . "\u30A2\u30F3\u30CA"@en . "None"@en . . . "true sisterly love, nimbleness, unwavering faith in Elsa and her friends, some winter survival skills, magic"@en . "Anna II"@en . . .