"1984"^^ . . . . . . . "Shabani was the leader of the child soldier unit, the Mbele Squad. He was captured and brought to Kungenga Mine. He was later moved to the Ngumba Industrial Zone, known as The Devil's House, along with all the adult prisoners by after his voice broke and was experimented on. Venom Snake was sent to rescue him by the remaining members of the squad, although he was ultimately unable to thanks to XOF's leader, Skull Face, as well as both Tretij Rebenok and the Man on Fire. Shabani briefly used the powers of Tretij Rebenok to commit suicide via smoke inhalation; as indicated by Shabani's necklace being visible on Tretij Rebenok at that moment. Venom Snake upon returning to Mother Base gave his necklace to the Mbele Squad members while nonverbally stating Shabani's fate. Later on, while discussing an informant's report on the events that happened with Metal Gear Sahelanthropus as well as Tretij Rebenok's origins, Ocelot speculated that Tretij Rebenok showing an interest in Shabani was one of the few times where Tretij Rebenok's ego made an appearance. Shabani's necklace later fell down a chlorine disinfectant tank (it is implied that Eli was responsible for it falling down there), although Quiet managed to retrieve it, albeit at the cost of severe burns to her skin."@en . "Shabani was the leader of the child soldier unit, the Mbele Squad. He was captured and brought to Kungenga Mine. He was later moved to the Ngumba Industrial Zone, known as The Devil's House, along with all the adult prisoners by after his voice broke and was experimented on. Venom Snake was sent to rescue him by the remaining members of the squad, although he was ultimately unable to thanks to XOF's leader, Skull Face, as well as both Tretij Rebenok and the Man on Fire. Shabani briefly used the powers of Tretij Rebenok to commit suicide via smoke inhalation; as indicated by Shabani's necklace being visible on Tretij Rebenok at that moment. Venom Snake upon returning to Mother Base gave his necklace to the Mbele Squad members while nonverbally stating Shabani's fate."@en . . "African"@en . . "Shabani"@en . . "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"@en . . "Shabani"@en .