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The Brachixan are a neogenetic hybrid of the Aurix. This hybridization procedure has wielded a fantastic result: While significantly smaller and weaker than other Aurix subtypes, it is adept at ambush tactics, assuming there are tree-like growths of some sort in the immediate vicinity for them to attack from. As opposed to being outright aggressive they are frighteningly cunning and patient creatures. Their green hue has darkened due to the black hue of the Spinsters and the stripes have all but vanished. Mutations are as follows:
n4: n6: n7: n9: n10:
The Brachixan are a neogenetic hybrid of the Aurix. This hybridization procedure has wielded a fantastic result: While significantly smaller and weaker than other Aurix subtypes, it is adept at ambush tactics, assuming there are tree-like growths of some sort in the immediate vicinity for them to attack from. As opposed to being outright aggressive they are frighteningly cunning and patient creatures. Their green hue has darkened due to the black hue of the Spinsters and the stripes have all but vanished. Mutations are as follows: * The body is extremely short and compact, thanks in large part to the loss of the Aurixan tail. * In place of the tail is now a typical dryptoscelidan wounding leg. The genes have caused this object to be surprisingly "warped" in its design; however, it still functions quite well, and no noticeable drawbacks have arisen from this overt mutation. * The eyestalks have doubled in conjuncture with the four eyes of a dryptoscelidan. These eyes are a bit more flexible on their stalks than typical Aurix, allowing them to easily run backwards if need be, and still see where they are going. * Apparently a gene of the Spinsters is more dominant over the Aurix gene that controls limb total, and therefore the legs do not grow, leaving the Brachixan to resort to movement using strictly its tentacle-arms. This has actually aided their mobility, and like their Spinster "parents", they are well adapted to a life of moving through means of brachiation in an arboreal environment. * An unseen consequence to the mutations has caused the hunter's claws of the secondary tentacle-arms to be transformed into split tentacles, greatly improving the subtype's manipulative abilities. * Where the Aurixan tail once resided, Spinster silk-producing organs now sit. They are not as talented with silk production as their Spinster parents, but it can still be done. * Only one pair of Chlorolomba symbiote clusters still exist, and they have pooled into the subtype's "abdomen area". Aesthetically, this has caused a false head to emerge strictly by chance.