. . . "A Cardassian poison, Voraxna was extremely lethal to every species on which it has been used. Because of its strong, distinctive odor and taste, it is generally put into similarly strong food or drink. (DS9: \"Ties of Blood and Water\", Last Unicorn Games) In 2379, Madred used Voraxna poison to eliminate most of his competition among the Cardassian government. (Star Trek: Pendragon: \"Exile\") Materials written for Last Unicorn Games call this poison veraxa."@en . "Voraxna \u00E8 un tipo di veleno efficace contro i Cardassiani. Nel 2373, Dukat fece aggiungere del voraxna ad una bottiglia di kanar, che venne poi consegnata a Tekeny Ghemor. Benjamin Sisko in seguito affront\u00F2 Dukat e Weyoun con il kanar avvelenato, il quale - secondo lui - era sufficiente per uccidere una dozzina di Cardassiani. Weyoun bevve il kanar ed il veleno, osservando che era \"alquanto tossico\". (DS9: \"Legami di sangue e d'acqua\") Categoria:Materiali"@it . "Voraxna was a type of lethal poison effective against Cardassians. In 2373, Dukat had voraxna added to a bottle of kanar, which was then delivered to Tekeny Ghemor. Benjamin Sisko later confronted Dukat and Weyoun with the poisoned kanar, which according to Sisko was enough to kill a dozen Cardassians. Weyoun drank the poisoned kanar, saying it was \"quite toxic\". Fortunately for him, however, Vorta were immune to most forms of poison. (DS9: \"Ties of Blood and Water\")"@en . . "Voraxna"@it . . "Voraxna"@en . . "Voraxna was a type of lethal poison effective against Cardassians. In 2373, Dukat had voraxna added to a bottle of kanar, which was then delivered to Tekeny Ghemor. Benjamin Sisko later confronted Dukat and Weyoun with the poisoned kanar, which according to Sisko was enough to kill a dozen Cardassians. Weyoun drank the poisoned kanar, saying it was \"quite toxic\". Fortunately for him, however, Vorta were immune to most forms of poison. (DS9: \"Ties of Blood and Water\")"@en . "A Cardassian poison, Voraxna was extremely lethal to every species on which it has been used. Because of its strong, distinctive odor and taste, it is generally put into similarly strong food or drink. (DS9: \"Ties of Blood and Water\", Last Unicorn Games) In 2379, Madred used Voraxna poison to eliminate most of his competition among the Cardassian government. (Star Trek: Pendragon: \"Exile\") Materials written for Last Unicorn Games call this poison veraxa."@en . . "Voraxna \u00E8 un tipo di veleno efficace contro i Cardassiani. Nel 2373, Dukat fece aggiungere del voraxna ad una bottiglia di kanar, che venne poi consegnata a Tekeny Ghemor. Benjamin Sisko in seguito affront\u00F2 Dukat e Weyoun con il kanar avvelenato, il quale - secondo lui - era sufficiente per uccidere una dozzina di Cardassiani. Weyoun bevve il kanar ed il veleno, osservando che era \"alquanto tossico\". (DS9: \"Legami di sangue e d'acqua\") Categoria:Materiali"@it .