. . . . . . "*Fancy wall lamp \n*Gold candles \n*Lodestone compass\n*Marble end table \n*Marble table"@en . "The Palace is the cognition of an individual with desire strong enough to twist the location in reality where its host expresses his or her innermost desire. Each Palace is inhabited by the Shadow Self of its host, lesser Shadows which fend off intruders and cognitive existences projected by the host. While cognitive existences do not affect their counterparts in reality, because the Shadows still represent the unconsciousness in reality, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts establish the code names for all of their members to avoid identity exposure during their infiltration. To activate access to the Palace, it requires to input the Metaverse Navigator app with four pieces of crucial information by voice: full name of the host, location of the Palace in reality, title of the host and the form the Palace takes. The Palace serves as the main battleground for the Phantom Thieves, as the main dungeons each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Mementos on the other hand is a Palace that represents the entirety of humans. Each Palace also holds a Treasure, the main center of the Palace host's warped innermost desire. Once that Treasure has been obtained, the host of the Palace will feel deep regret for their actions, and confess to their sins, subsequently that Palace will collapse. However, if the host's desires are destroyed by the intruder, that person's mental state will deteriorate in the real world and almost enter the vegetative state. If the host is straight out killed, the one in reality will die as well. This is key to the plan of Goro Akechi, who uses the Palaces and Mementos as a way to safely assassinate his targets. The Phantom Thieves prevent mental deterioration by not killing the host but persuading the Shadow Selves to return to their true selves and confess their crimes. In cases like Yuuki Mishima's Shadow, a sound persuasion alone is enough to reform the host's mind without fighting or taking away the Treasure. Futaba Palace is special that Shadow Futaba does not have full control of her own Palace but loses to the cognition of her deceased mother because the real Futaba has fallen to suicidal impulse due to her regret for her mother's death."@en . "**Walls: 27 units of paint\n**Trim: 39 units of paint"@en . . "Right-facing Portrait Room"@en . "**Walls: 10 units of paint\n**Trim: 13 units of paint"@en . "300"^^ . "Palace \u2014 \u0432\u044B\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430 \u0438\u0437 \u0441\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. \u0423\u043F\u043E\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043C\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E \u043D\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043B\u0430\u0445: \"compass_map_mp_palace.iwi\" \u0438 \"mpui.str\"."@ru . . . "*Ancient bust\n*Ancient calendar\n*Ancient jolly roger\n*Ancient pottery\n*Ancient rumjug\n*Armor with spear \n*Baroque painting\n*Blue urn"@en . "yes"@en . . . "A palace is a building placed on a colonized island. It allows the governor to manage the island and its taxes. All tax revenue from shoppes on the island deposit in the palace's coffers. Note that palaces are exempt from paying additional island taxes."@en . "200"^^ . . "**Trim: 3 units of paint"@en . "Garrisonable by five infantry"@en . . . . "Was ist ThePalace? ThePalace ist ein grafisch orientierter Chat. Die R\u00E4ume werden als JPG-*1 oder GIF-Datei*2 abgespeichert. Somit kann man grafische, virtuelle R\u00E4ume erschaffen, in denen man sich frei bewegen kann. Avatars (Kurzform AV) stellen die jeweiligen Besucher des Chats dar. Diese sind bei G\u00E4sten (=Guests), welche \u00FCber Java-Clients mit Browsers (=Microsoft Internet Explorer, NetScape Navigator, Opera, usw) den Chat betreten, vom Palace-Owner (=Besitzer des Palace-Chats) vorgegeben. Mitglieder (=Members) k\u00F6nnen sich x-beliebige Avatars zusammen stellen und/oder sammeln und in ihrem Koffer abspeichern. Dort sind sie jederzeit zum \"Anziehen\" bereitgestellt. Der Koffer entspricht der Datei \"Palace.prp\" im Stammverzeichnis der installierten Palace-Client-Software. Oft benutzte AVs kann ein Member auch unter \"Member-Avatars\" speichern, wo sie durch das Anwenden von Funktionstasten leichter und schneller aufgerufen werden k\u00F6nnen. Um Member werden zu k\u00F6nnen, bedarf es nur den Download einer speziellen Client-Software und deren kostenlosen Registrierung. Weiters k\u00F6nnen die R\u00E4ume mit Scripts (in der Sprache Iptscrae) hinterlegt werden. Diese Scripts k\u00F6nnen sowohl dem Chat-Komfort, dem Spass aber auch der Benutzerhilfe dienen. Members haben zus\u00E4tzlich noch die M\u00F6glichkeit, ihre Clients ebenfalls mit solchen Scripts auszur\u00FCsten. Hierzu verwendet man die Datei \"Cyborg.ipt\" welche sich ebenfalls im Stammverzeichnis der Client-Software befindet. \n* 1: JPG-Dateien werden erst ab der Version 3.5.0 der Client-Software unterst\u00FCtzt. \n* 2: GIF-Dateien m\u00FCssen in der M&M-Farbpalette abgespeichert werden. Die Client-Software Die Client-Software von ThePalace bringt gegen\u00FCber dem Java-Client folgende Vorteile: * eigene Avatars, dadurch mehr Auswahl * Cyborg-Scripts * Zeichenfunktionen zum Malen * variable Platzeinteilung * Direkteinstieg in den Palace per Bookmarks So sieht die Client-Software aus: Die erste Abbildung zeigt das Chat-Window, hier sieht man (wo jetzt das Palace-Logo gezeigt wird) den Raum, ein den man sich gerade befindet, die Benutzer, die sich im selben Raum aufhalten und die Texte, die Du und die anderen Benutzer eingeben. Unten befindet sich ein graues Feld, dieses Feld dient zur Eingabe des Chat-Textes. Daneben sieht man das Symbol f\u00FCr den Koffer. Der Abfalleimer dient zum \"Entsorgen\" unerw\u00E4nter Props (=Einzelteile der Avatars): ThePalace-Client Software, Chat-Window Die n\u00E4chsten Abbildungen zeigen die Benutzer- und Raumliste: Benutzerliste Raumliste (Die Schaltf\u00E4chen \"Cancel\" schliesen die Fenster, die Schaltfl\u00E4chen \"Goto\" werden dazu verwendet um in den Raum des markierten Benutzers oder in den markierten Raum zu wechseln.) Die vierte Abbildungen zeigt das Fenster, welches erscheint, wenn man auf den Koffer neben dem Chat-Eingabe-Feld kickt: Koffer Hier werden alle Deine Props angezeigt, hier kannst Du sie zum Anziehen ausw\u00E4hlen, \u00E4ndern, l\u00F6schen, kopieren und neue Props erstellen. Die f\u00FCnfte Abbildungen zeigt das Guest-Avatar-Fenster: Guest-Avatar-Fenster Hier werden Guests-Avatars f\u00FCr Software-Benutzer, welche noch keinen Registrierungscode besitzen zur Verf\u00FCgung gestellt. Auf diese Auswahl hat weder der Benutzer noch der Palace-Owner Einfluss. Die sechste Abbildungen zeigt das Member-Avatar-Fenster: Member-Avatar-Fenster Hier kann man seine, aus Props zusammengestellten Avatars, in einem abspeichern. Die siebende Abbildungen zeigt das Protokoll-Fenster: Protokoll-Fenster Hier werden alle Gespr\u00E4che mitprotokolliert. Die achte Abbildungen zeigt die \"Tool-Bar\", eine Symbol-Leiste f\u00FCr die wichtigsten Funktionen: Protokoll-Fenster\t verbinden = verbinden mit Palace-Server zur\u00FCck = zur\u00FCck zum vorherigen Raum vorw\u00E4rts = vorw\u00E4rts zum n\u00E4chsten Raum (wenn man bereits mal zur\u00FCck sprang) sprechen = Chat-Eingabe \"sprechen\" rufen = Chat-Eingabe \"rufen\" stehen lassen = Chat-Eingabe stehen lassen (zB bei BRB, was f\u00FCr \"be right back\", also \"bin gleich zur\u00FCck\" steht.) denken = Chat-Eingabe \"denken\" (andere Chatter k\u00F6nnen jedoch auch diese Eingaben lesen, es wird nur eine andere Sprechblaseform angezeigt!) Protokoll-Fenster = Protokoll-Fenster anzeigen/verbergen Sounds = hier \u00F6ffnet sich ein Fenster zum Abspielen von Sound-Dateien Guest-Avatars = hier wird das Fenster f\u00FCr die Guest-Avatars ge\u00F6ffnet Zeichnen = hier wird ein Symbol-Fenster zum Zeichnen ge\u00F6ffnet T\u00FCren = hier kann man die T\u00FCren der R\u00E4ume ein- und ausblenden Namen = hier kann man die NickNames der Chatter ein- und ausblenden Als letzte Abbildungen zeigen wir hier das Connect-Fenster: Connect-Fenster mit welchen man nun in die Palace-Chats einsteigt. Cyborg.ipt nennt sich eine Datei im Stammverzeichnis der ThePalace-Client Software-Installation. Diese Datei beinhaltet Scripts in der Sprache Iptscrae, welche man auch selbst anpassen, erweitern, ausschm\u00FCcken, usw kann. Die Syntax der Sprache ist recht einfach zu erlernen, mit etwas \u00DCbung kann man bald seine eigenen Cyborgs zusammenstellen. Iptscrae unterscheidet sich sehr von anderen Script-Sprachen, Parameter-Angaben sind vor dem eigentlichen Befehl zu setzen. Zum Beispiel: \"rred\" 250 250 ADDLOOSEPROP * ADDLOOSEPROP ist der Befehl um ein Prop frei in den virtuellen Raum abzulegen. * \"rred\" ist die Angabe des Props, mit dem Namen rred in Anf\u00FChrungszeichen. * 250 250 sind die Koordinaten-Angaben, die einfach zu deuten sind: 250 Pixel vom linken Rand weg, 250 Pixel vom oberen Rand weg, ein Palace-Raum hat immer 512x384 Pixel. Will man Variablen einen Wert zuordnen, wird das = am Schluss gestellt. Zum Beispiel: 5 a = 7 b = * Die Variable \"a\" nimmt den Wert 5 an, die Variable \"b\" den Wert 7 Bei Berechnungen kommen zuerst die beiden Werte, dann die Funktion. Zum Beispiel: a b + c = * a und b, beide im Vorbeispiel mit Werten versehen, werden addiert (12) und in Variable c gespeichert Durch eine Vielzahl von Befehlen, l\u00E4sst sich einiges mit diesen Cyborg bewerkstelligen. Die selbe Sprache wird \u00FCbrigends auch bei den Room-Scripts von den Operatoren und/oder Administratoren eingesetzt. Quelle: ThePalace.at"@de . "10000"^^ . "**Walls: 20 units of paint\n**Trim: 23 units of paint"@en . . "Palace"@de . . . . "Palace"@en . . . . "20"^^ . "Right-facing Upgraded Bedroom"@en . "Left-facing Upgraded Upstairs Foyer"@en . . . "550"^^ . "no"@en . . "Palace"@en . . "3500000"^^ . . . "Palace"@en . "**Walls: 2 units of paint\n**Trim: 8 units of paint"@en . . . . . "Live like a general!"@en . "45.0"^^ . . . . "5"^^ . "Palace"@ru . "*Fancy wall lamps \n*Gold candles \n*Little chest \n*Notebooks\n*Painting of palace\n*Paper and quill\n*Pyramid of barrels"@en . "1"^^ . . "Palace"@en . . "Left-facing Downstairs Office"@en . . . . . "N/A"@en . "(Ghost Recon: Future Soldier)"@en . "Right-facing Upgraded Meeting Hall"@en . . . . "The Palace is the capital building in the Nexus. It was the home of Queen Myrrah."@en . "Palace (\u30D1\u30EC\u30B9 Paresu; literalmente Palacio) conocida como Pars en Hispanoam\u00E9rica, es un personaje de Dragon Ball GT. Es la novia de Goten."@es . . "2003-02-28"^^ . "8"^^ . . "Palast"@en . "300"^^ . "Upgraded palace"@en . . . . "N/A"@en . . "*Rum barrel\n*Small chest \n*Sword rack \n*Tree tapestry\n*Upright rum barrel\n*Wardrobe \n*Yellow urn"@en . "Palace, a subsidiary of Virgin, released a series of Muppet and Fraggle related videos in the UK during the late 80s."@en . "2000"^^ . . "400"^^ . . "(Map: Switchback)"@en . . . "Right-facing Upgraded Upstairs Grand Ballroom"@en . "**Walls: 9 units of paint\n**Trim: 11 units of paint"@en . . . . "Left-facing Portrait Room"@en . "Left-facing Right Bedroom"@en . . . . . . . "380"^^ . . "Pars"@es . "N/A"@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiPalace (pl. Pa\u0142ac) \u2013 znajduj\u0105ca si\u0119 w Porcie Hunding na Stros M'kai staro\u017Cytna siedziba Korony. Pod koniec drugiej ery s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a jako siedziba koronowanego ksi\u0119cia Hammerfell, A'tora, a po jego \u015Bmierci w bitwie w zatoce Hunding pa\u0142ac sta\u0142 si\u0119 miejscem urz\u0119dowania cesarskiego gubernatora Amiela Richtona."@pl . "*Fancy bar segment/left end\n*Fancy bar segment/middle\n*Fancy bar segment/right end\n*Fancy chair"@en . "The Palace is a special building or wonder present in many of the Civilization games. Normally, the Palace is automatically built in a player's first or capital city, but can be rebuilt elsewhere later. The name stays even where the type of government has little to do with real-world palaces."@en . . . "Paresu"@es . . . . "Palace (\u30D1\u30EC\u30B9 Paresu; literalmente Palacio) conocida como Pars en Hispanoam\u00E9rica, es un personaje de Dragon Ball GT. Es la novia de Goten."@es . . "2015-11-20"^^ . "**Walls: 14 units of paint\n**Trim: 17 units of paint"@en . "300"^^ . . . . . "Left-facing Upgraded Downstairs Storage"@en . . . . . "5"^^ . . . "A palace is a building placed on a colonized island. It allows the governor to manage the island and its taxes. All tax revenue from shoppes on the island deposit in the palace's coffers. Note that palaces are exempt from paying additional island taxes."@en . "Palace may refer to: \n* Palace (Tropico 1) \n* Palace (Tropico 3 and 4) \n* Palace (Tropico 5) \n* Pirate Palace (for Tropico 2)"@en . . "Palace"@de . . . "Right-facing Entry Hall"@en . "Palace is one of the TNT Run maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Highscores."@en . . "\u5BAE\u30FB\u307F\u3084\uFF1A old-school Japanese palace from the Heian era (later eras had palaces inside stone castles, so they are called castles: \u57CE\uFF09 \u5BAE\u6BBF \uFF1A\u304D\u3085\u3046\u3067\u3093\uFF1A foreign palace, Taj Mahal, Russian onion-domed places, Versailles."@en . "\u5BAE\u30FB\u307F\u3084\uFF1A old-school Japanese palace from the Heian era (later eras had palaces inside stone castles, so they are called castles: \u57CE\uFF09 \u5BAE\u6BBF \uFF1A\u304D\u3085\u3046\u3067\u3093\uFF1A foreign palace, Taj Mahal, Russian onion-domed places, Versailles."@en . "**Trim: 11 units of paint"@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y bez ilustracjithumbPalace \u2013 ZIemianka, dziewczyna, z kt\u00F3r\u0105 Goten randkuje w serii GT. Rodzice nie pozwalali jej spotyka\u0107 si\u0119 z ch\u0142opcami (pierwszym, z kt\u00F3rym si\u0119 spotka\u0142a, by\u0142 Goten). Jest naiwn\u0105 i z pozoru niewinn\u0105 dziewczyn\u0105 (co wzbudza podejrzenia Chichi). Sprawia wra\u017Cenie g\u0142upiutkiej i odci\u0119tej od \u015Bwiata otaczaj\u0105cego (gdy Goten postawi\u0142 jej loda w ro\u017Cku, najpierw chcia\u0142a go je\u015B\u0107 \u0142y\u017Ceczk\u0105, potem palcami; kiedy spyta\u0142a Gotena, czy hamburgera je si\u0119 \u0142y\u017Ck\u0105, czy widelcem). Na zab\u00F3j zapatrzona jest w Gotenie, co szczeg\u00F3lnie uzmys\u0142awia widzowi, gdy \u015Bwiec\u0105 si\u0119 jej oczy, jak patrzy na niego podczas walki z Babim. M\u00F3wi wtedy, \u017Ce wygl\u0105da on jak anio\u0142."@pl . . . "N/A"@en . "Goten Goku Chi-Chi Gohan Videl Pan Goku Jr."@es . . "Left-facing Upgraded Throne Room"@en . . . "700000"^^ . . . "*Fancy chair \n*Fancy end table\n*Fancy wardrobe \n*Little chest\n*Notebooks"@en . "The Palace is the capital building in the Nexus. It was the home of Queen Myrrah."@en . "**Walls: 2 units of paint\n**Trim: 68 units of paint"@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y wymagaj\u0105ce poprawy kategoriiPalace (pl. Pa\u0142ac) \u2013 znajduj\u0105ca si\u0119 w Porcie Hunding na Stros M'kai staro\u017Cytna siedziba Korony. Pod koniec drugiej ery s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a jako siedziba koronowanego ksi\u0119cia Hammerfell, A'tora, a po jego \u015Bmierci w bitwie w zatoce Hunding pa\u0142ac sta\u0142 si\u0119 miejscem urz\u0119dowania cesarskiego gubernatora Amiela Richtona."@pl . "*Bronze fish\n*Bronze neckband\n*Leviathan tooth\n*Lodestone compass\n*Marble end table \n*Marble table \n*Painting of captain\n*Painting of woman"@en . . . "Right-facing Right Bedroom"@en . "Palace is the eighth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on October 18, 2002 on Cartoon Network."@en . . "\"There's no time for reflection even in this magnificent relic. What once was a museum dedicated to showing the glories of the past is now a battlefield, with a massive courtyard at the heart of its contested ground.\" The Palace is obviously a CQB map with many corridors, rooms of various sizes and different levels. Unlike Switchback there are several options to plan your attacks, and set out your defences."@en . "(Map: Transit)"@en . "Luo Qingchuan is a modern day girl with a love of history who accidentally travels back in time to Kangxi Emperor's era of the Qing dynasty. She becomes embroiled in the princes' struggle for the throne and is torn between her love for Yinsi, the eighth prince, and Yinzhen, the fourth prince and future Yongzheng Emperor. Caught in the crossfire of political intrigue, her wit and historical knowledge serves her well in her bid to stay alive as she begins to realize that true history is much darker and uglier than books portray."@en . "The residence of the King of D'ni, his family and the prophets. King Ri'neref refused to build a palace, saying that he wouldn't have a home before Yahvo has his own, and made his priority to build a temple, the Regeltovokum. Even after the temple was built, Ri'neref continued to dwell in a regular house. King Ailesh followed his example, making his priority a Common Library before building a palace for himself, but again, he didn't build a palace even after the Library was completed. In 3271 King Tejara made a major renovation. The palace is currently inaccessible to explorers."@en . . . "3000"^^ . . "Building"@en . "Palace"@in . . "Defends area and trains soldiers"@en . "**Walls: ?? units of paint\n**Trim: 16 units of paint"@en . "Palacio"@en . . "\"The Seven-Beer Snitch\""@en . "\u0421\u0430\u0443\u0434\u043E\u0432\u0441\u043A\u0430\u044F \u0410\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u044F"@ru . "**Trim: 4 units of paint"@en . "Infrastructure"@en . . . . . "Palace is one of the TNT Run maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Highscores."@en . "Palace"@es . "Palace"@es . "N/A"@en . . . "Left-facing Upstairs Foyer"@en . . "750"^^ . "Upgrade Center"@en . . . . . . "*Painting of admiral\n*Portrait easel \n*Pyramid of barrels\n*Scales\n*Small chest"@en . . "Right-facing Upgraded Downstairs Office"@en . . . . . . . "**Walls: 3 units of paint\n**Trim: 6 units of paint"@en . . "2011-01-31"^^ . . . . . . "The Palace is the Castle-type building for the Atlanteans in Age of Mythology. It is built more quickly than the Greek Fortress, Egyptian Migdol Stronghold and Norse Hill Fort. Like with the Fortress and Hill Fort, the Palace trains elite and anti-building units. In the Heroic Age, the sole unit available at the Palace is the Destroyer, which, though an infantry unit, is effectively a siege unit. Mythic Age units are the Fanatic, an elite unit, and the Fire Siphon, which is the Atlanteans' only regular siege weapon. The Palace is also where technologies that improve these units are researched."@en . . . . . . "N/A"@en . "Syarat Faction: Order Order Semua Knight Follower Anda peroleh +1DEF. Ketika masuk Graveyard dari permainan, distribusikan 3 damage ke target Non-Hero Follower yang menyerang Territory ini."@in . "Ka\u017Cda rozbudowa pa\u0142acu w Twojej stolicy pozwala na za\u0142o\u017Cenie kolejnej kolonii oraz na okupacje wi\u0119kszej ilo\u015Bci miast za jednym razem. \n* Wymagana technologia: \u017Begluga: Ekspansja. \n* W koloniach odpowiednikiem pa\u0142acu jest rezydencja gubernatora, je\u015Bli kiedykolwiek b\u0119dziesz chcia\u0142 przenie\u015B\u0107 swoj\u0105 stolic\u0119, to Rezydencja Gubernatora musi by\u0107 rozbudowana do poziomu Pa\u0142acu, a w\u00F3wczas rezydencja gubernatora zmieni si\u0119 w pa\u0142ac, a pa\u0142ac zostanie zniszczony, wi\u0119c aby utrzyma\u0107 porz\u0105dek musisz w poprzedniej stolicy wybudowa\u0107 rezydencje gubernatora."@pl . . . "*Flag tapestry \n*Marble table \n*Sword rack \n*Tournament board"@en . . . "600"^^ . "20"^^ . . . "The Palace is a special building or wonder present in many of the Civilization games. Normally, the Palace is automatically built in a player's first or capital city, but can be rebuilt elsewhere later. The name stays even where the type of government has little to do with real-world palaces."@en . "Palace is where the royal family of Little Tokyo lives. The council works at."@en . . . . "Palace is a theater in Shelbyville."@en . . "Left-facing Entry Hall"@en . . "The Palace is the Castle-type building for the Atlanteans in Age of Mythology. It is built more quickly than the Greek Fortress, Egyptian Migdol Stronghold and Norse Hill Fort. Like with the Fortress and Hill Fort, the Palace trains elite and anti-building units. In the Heroic Age, the sole unit available at the Palace is the Destroyer, which, though an infantry unit, is effectively a siege unit. Mythic Age units are the Fanatic, an elite unit, and the Fire Siphon, which is the Atlanteans' only regular siege weapon. The Palace is also where technologies that improve these units are researched. Palaces fire multiple arrows at enemies within range, mowing down those with low pierce armor. They can be used to bolster a town's defenses, strengthen a player's claim to a neutral area, or as a forward base. They are, however vulnerable to melee attacks unless upgraded with Boiling Oil, and, while formidable at defense, they are not invincible. Siege weapons either out-range them or take little damage from their attacks. In a large enough group, human soldiers can destroy a Palace though not without suffering substantial losses."@en . . . . . "Right-facing Upgraded Throne Room"@en . "Palace may refer to: \n* Palace (Tropico 1) \n* Palace (Tropico 3 and 4) \n* Palace (Tropico 5) \n* Pirate Palace (for Tropico 2)"@en . . . "The Palace is a place in Russia where Dora went in the episode \"Dora's World Adventure\"."@en . "Not required"@en . "500"^^ . . . . . . "800"^^ . . "Estudiante"@es . "250"^^ . "Palace is where the royal family of Little Tokyo lives. The council works at."@en . "Palace is a theater in Shelbyville."@en . . "Palace"@en . . . . "**Walls: 10 units of paint\n**Trim: 42 units of paint"@en . . . . . "\u5BAB (\uFF08\u9501\u5FC3\u7389\uFF09); G\u014Dng"@en . . . "Right-facing Upstairs Foyer"@en . "Palace is the cognition of an individual with desire strong enough to twist the location in reality where its host expresses his or her innermost desire. Each Palace is inhabited by the Shadow Self of its host, lesser Shadows which fend off intruders and cognitive existences projected by the host. While cognitive existences do not affect their counterparts in reality, because the Shadows still represent the unconsciousness in reality, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts establish code names for all of their members to avoid identity exposure during their infiltration. To activate access to a Palace, it requires to input the Metaverse Navigator app with four pieces of crucial information by voice: full name of the host, location of the Palace in reality, title of the host and the form the Palace takes. The Palace serves as the main battleground for the Phantom Thieves, as the main dungeons each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Mementos on the other hand is a Palace that represents the entirety of humans and acts as the source of all other Palaces. Each Palace also holds a Treasure, the main center of the Palace host's warped innermost desire. Once that Treasure has been obtained, the host of the Palace will feel deep regret for their actions, and confess to their sins, subsequently that Palace will collapse. However, if the host's desires are destroyed by the intruder, that person's mental state will deteriorate in the real world and almost enter the vegetative state. If the host is killed outright, the one in reality will die as well. This is key to the plan of Goro Akechi, who uses the Metaverse as a way to safely assassinate his targets. The Phantom Thieves prevent mental deterioration by not killing the host but persuading the Shadow Selves to return to their true selves and confess their crimes. In cases like Yuuki Mishima's Shadow, a sound persuasion alone is enough to reform the host's mind without fighting or taking away the Treasure. Futaba's Palace is special in that Shadow Futaba does not have full control of her own Palace, but loses to the cognition of her deceased mother because the real Futaba has fallen to suicidal impulses due to her regret for her mother's death. Near the end of the game, the Thieves learn that the Shadow Selves they have reformed (except for Kunikazu Okumura who has been killed) have in fact returned to the depths of Mementos, where the majority of the Shadows lock themselves behind bars because of embracing the deadly sin of sloth. With the defeat of Yaldabaoth, Mementos dissolves for good without its master to sustain it. And since Mementos is the source of all other Palaces, the entire Metaverse dissolves as well."@en . "*Blotter \n*Blue urn \n*Books \n*Cashbox\n*Chest\n*Fancy desk"@en . . . "Left-facing Throne Room"@en . "**Walls: 10 units of paint\n**Trim: 17 units of paint"@en . "Right-facing Bar Room"@en . . . . . . "\u305F\u304B\u3089"@en . . . "**Palace shoppe \n**Portraits!"@en . "X"@en . . "300"^^ . "Theater"@en . "N/A"@en . . . "Defensive"@en . "35"^^ . . "*Structure Armor\n*GLA Upgraded Structure Armor with Fortified Structure"@en . . . "N/A"@en . "300"^^ . . . "1600"^^ . . . "Left-facing Upgraded Entry Hall"@en . . . "\"There's no time for reflection even in this magnificent relic. What once was a museum dedicated to showing the glories of the past is now a battlefield, with a massive courtyard at the heart of its contested ground.\" The Palace is obviously a CQB map with many corridors, rooms of various sizes and different levels. Unlike Switchback there are several options to plan your attacks, and set out your defences."@en . . "\u30D1\u30EC\u30B9"@es . "no"@en . . "Luo Qingchuan is a modern day girl with a love of history who accidentally travels back in time to Kangxi Emperor's era of the Qing dynasty. She becomes embroiled in the princes' struggle for the throne and is torn between her love for Yinsi, the eighth prince, and Yinzhen, the fourth prince and future Yongzheng Emperor. Caught in the crossfire of political intrigue, her wit and historical knowledge serves her well in her bid to stay alive as she begins to realize that true history is much darker and uglier than books portray."@en . . "**Walls: 8 units of paint\n**Trim: 10 units of paint"@en . . . . . . "Right-facing Left Bedroom"@en . "Infantry from within can fire on incoming threats, making the Palace a heavier version of the Chinese bunker (albeit a far more expensive one), with the added benefit that several building clearing units could not kill the infantry inside (Dragon tank, Rangers via combat drop or Flash-Bangs, or Toxin Tractors. However, as with all garrisonable buildings it can be cleared out with Bunker Busters deployed by Stealth Fighter. Whilst trivial, it is also immune to EMP effects."@en . . "Palace"@en . . . . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y bez ilustracjithumbPalace \u2013 ZIemianka, dziewczyna, z kt\u00F3r\u0105 Goten randkuje w serii GT. Rodzice nie pozwalali jej spotyka\u0107 si\u0119 z ch\u0142opcami (pierwszym, z kt\u00F3rym si\u0119 spotka\u0142a, by\u0142 Goten). Jest naiwn\u0105 i z pozoru niewinn\u0105 dziewczyn\u0105 (co wzbudza podejrzenia Chichi). Sprawia wra\u017Cenie g\u0142upiutkiej i odci\u0119tej od \u015Bwiata otaczaj\u0105cego (gdy Goten postawi\u0142 jej loda w ro\u017Cku, najpierw chcia\u0142a go je\u015B\u0107 \u0142y\u017Ceczk\u0105, potem palcami; kiedy spyta\u0142a Gotena, czy hamburgera je si\u0119 \u0142y\u017Ck\u0105, czy widelcem). Na zab\u00F3j zapatrzona jest w Gotenie, co szczeg\u00F3lnie uzmys\u0142awia widzowi, gdy \u015Bwiec\u0105 si\u0119 jej oczy, jak patrzy na niego podczas walki z Babim. M\u00F3wi wtedy, \u017Ce wygl\u0105da on jak anio\u0142."@pl . "0"^^ . "**Trim: 21 units of paint"@en . "**Walls: 11 units of paint\n**Trim: 14 units of paint"@en . . "Takara"@en . . "Was ist ThePalace? ThePalace ist ein grafisch orientierter Chat. Die R\u00E4ume werden als JPG-*1 oder GIF-Datei*2 abgespeichert. Somit kann man grafische, virtuelle R\u00E4ume erschaffen, in denen man sich frei bewegen kann. Avatars (Kurzform AV) stellen die jeweiligen Besucher des Chats dar. Diese sind bei G\u00E4sten (=Guests), welche \u00FCber Java-Clients mit Browsers (=Microsoft Internet Explorer, NetScape Navigator, Opera, usw) den Chat betreten, vom Palace-Owner (=Besitzer des Palace-Chats) vorgegeben. Mitglieder (=Members) k\u00F6nnen sich x-beliebige Avatars zusammen stellen und/oder sammeln und in ihrem Koffer abspeichern. Dort sind sie jederzeit zum \"Anziehen\" bereitgestellt. Der Koffer entspricht der Datei \"Palace.prp\" im Stammverzeichnis der installierten Palace-Client-Software. Oft benutzte AVs kann"@de . "\u041C\u043E\u0440\u043F\u0435\u0445\u0438 vs. \u0421\u0435\u043F\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u044B"@ru . . . "Palace is the eighth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on October 18, 2002 on Cartoon Network."@en . "Left-facing Upgraded Trophy Room"@en . . "*Paper and quill\n*Scales\n*Skull\n*Small chest\n*Wardrobe"@en . "Infantry from within can fire on incoming threats, making the Palace a heavier version of the Chinese bunker (albeit a far more expensive one), with the added benefit that several building clearing units could not kill the infantry inside (Dragon tank, Rangers via combat drop or Flash-Bangs, or Toxin Tractors. However, as with all garrisonable buildings it can be cleared out with Bunker Busters deployed by Stealth Fighter. Whilst trivial, it is also immune to EMP effects. The Palace may hold allusion to 2003's invasion on Iraq as Saddam was accused of hiding his weapon of mass destruction in one of his palaces. Real life palace construction would be much more luxurious and elegant, with little consideration to the building's durability (other than longevity) or any other purpose."@en . "Right-facing Throne Room"@en . "Das Palace ist ein ehemaliges Kino in St. Gallen, welches heute als Konzertlokal, Nachtclub und Bar verwendet wird. Das Geb\u00E4ude steht unter Denkmalschutz."@de . . "N/A"@en . "N/A"@en . "Syarat Faction: Order Order Semua Knight Follower Anda peroleh +1DEF. Ketika masuk Graveyard dari permainan, distribusikan 3 damage ke target Non-Hero Follower yang menyerang Territory ini."@in . . . . "no"@en . . . "**Walls: ?? units of paint\n**Trim: 11 units of paint"@en . . "*Armor with spear \n*Armor with sword \n*Crest tapestry \n*Fancy wall lamp \n*Flag tapestry"@en . "(Pakistan)"@en . . "**Trim: 5 units of paint"@en . . "Palace, a subsidiary of Virgin, released a series of Muppet and Fraggle related videos in the UK during the late 80s."@en . . . . . "Palace"@pl . . . "Left-facing Upstairs Office"@en . . "**Walls: 9 units of paint\n**Trim: 10 units of paint"@en . "*Blotter\n*Cashbox \n*Chest\n*Crossed swords \n*Fancy bed\n*Fancy book desk\n*Fancy chair \n*Fancy end table"@en . . . . . "The Palace is the cognition of an individual with desire strong enough to twist the location in reality where its host expresses his or her innermost desire. Each Palace is inhabited by the Shadow Self of its host, lesser Shadows which fend off intruders and cognitive existences projected by the host. While cognitive existences do not affect their counterparts in reality, because the Shadows still represent the unconsciousness in reality, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts establish the code names for all of their members to avoid identity exposure during their infiltration."@en . "**Walls: 7 units of paint\n**Trim: 14 units of paint"@en . "12"^^ . "Left-facing Bar Room"@en . . . "Hunan Satellite TV"@en . "Right-facing Upgraded Entry Hall"@en . . "Ninguna"@es . . "unknown"@en . "Episodio 25"@es . . "Medium"@en . "Highscores"@en . "*Marble end table\n*Painting of palace\n*Scales\n*Sword rack"@en . "left|25px Camo Netting"@en . . . "12"^^ . "unknown"@en . "5000000"^^ . . "P"@en . . "Left-facing Left Bedroom"@en . . . "1000000"^^ . . . . . "The residence of the King of D'ni, his family and the prophets. King Ri'neref refused to build a palace, saying that he wouldn't have a home before Yahvo has his own, and made his priority to build a temple, the Regeltovokum. Even after the temple was built, Ri'neref continued to dwell in a regular house. King Ailesh followed his example, making his priority a Common Library before building a palace for himself, but again, he didn't build a palace even after the Library was completed. However one of the first actions that King Shomat took was to order the construction of a royal palace on Ae'gura, which was completed in 347. The palace caused controversy as the D'ni people viewed it as too extravagant with many gardens inside the grounds. Shomat moved his family to the palace, and invited his brothers, but they chose to stay to their own homes. According to a story, Shomat expanded the palace every year but he was soon bored of it. He complained to Lemash and requested a Garden Age and built another palace there. In 1323 a group of the Judges of Yahvo and Pento warriors attacked the palace. As they overtok it, King Koreen ordered his family out. His son Ahlsendar sailed directly through the King's Arch to the Palace which he reclaimed with relative ease. Immediately, he established \"safe-zones\" and eventually informed the Pento that he wished to begin negotiations. Years later, his former Pento ally Mekarr, came to the Palace and killed Ahlsendar's wife and two sons. After an \"astounding battle\" Ahlsendar himself killed Mekarr. In 3271 King Tejara made a major renovation. In 4865, the Blood of Yahvo assassinated the son of King Yableshan and threw his body to the steps of the palace. King Rikooth expelled his wife Hisha and their son Kerath from the Palace, only to appoint him as his heir before his death. The palace is currently inaccessible to explorers."@en . . . . . "Right-facing Upgraded Trophy Room"@en . . . . "*Bag\n*Blue urn \n*Cashbox\n*Chest\n*Fancy book desk"@en . "18"^^ . "yes"@en . "Palace is the cognition of an individual with desire strong enough to twist the location in reality where its host expresses his or her innermost desire. Each Palace is inhabited by the Shadow Self of its host, lesser Shadows which fend off intruders and cognitive existences projected by the host. While cognitive existences do not affect their counterparts in reality, because the Shadows still represent the unconsciousness in reality, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts establish code names for all of their members to avoid identity exposure during their infiltration."@en . "Palace"@en . "**Manage the Palace"@en . "\"The King or Queen of the empire lives in the palace. Only one palace can exist in your realm at a time. You need a palace in order to proclaim a village as your capital.\""@en . . . "Palace"@en . "2002-10-18"^^ . . . "8"^^ . "*Armor with spear \n*Armor with sword \n*Chest \n*Flag tapestry \n*Throne"@en . . "\"The King or Queen of the empire lives in the palace. Only one palace can exist in your realm at a time. You need a palace in order to proclaim a village as your capital.\""@en . "\uFEFF pplace.png \uFEFF"@en . "Das Palace ist ein ehemaliges Kino in St. Gallen, welches heute als Konzertlokal, Nachtclub und Bar verwendet wird. Das Geb\u00E4ude steht unter Denkmalschutz."@de . . . "The Palace is a place in Russia where Dora went in the episode \"Dora's World Adventure\"."@en . . "*Scales\n*Scarab\n*Skull\n*Ship in a bottle\n*Silver cross\n*Spear head\n*Stone figurine\n*Stone tablet"@en . . "Right-facing Upstairs Office"@en . . . . . . "Left-facing Upgraded Bedroom"@en . . "Palace \u2014 \u0432\u044B\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u0430\u044F \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u0430 \u0438\u0437 \u0441\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. \u0423\u043F\u043E\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043C\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E \u043D\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0438 \u0432 \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043B\u0430\u0445: \"compass_map_mp_palace.iwi\" \u0438 \"mpui.str\"."@ru . "period, romance"@en . "\uFEFF pplace.png \uFEFF"@en . "*Armor with spear \n*Blue urn \n*Chest \n*Crest tapestry \n*Crossed swords"@en . . . . . "**Walls: 14 units of paint\n**Trim: 16 units of paint"@en . "**Manage the Palace \n**View marketplace"@en . . . . . "Femenino"@es . "**Walls: ?? units of paint\n**Trim: 6 units of paint"@en . "Right-facing Downstairs Office"@en . "**Walls: 13 units of paint\n**Trim: 44 units of paint"@en . "**Walls: 15 units of paint\n**Trim: 20 units of paint\n**Sideboard: 5 units of paint\n**Railing: 5 units of paint"@en . . . . . . . . "Ka\u017Cda rozbudowa pa\u0142acu w Twojej stolicy pozwala na za\u0142o\u017Cenie kolejnej kolonii oraz na okupacje wi\u0119kszej ilo\u015Bci miast za jednym razem. \n* Wymagana technologia: \u017Begluga: Ekspansja. \n* W koloniach odpowiednikiem pa\u0142acu jest rezydencja gubernatora, je\u015Bli kiedykolwiek b\u0119dziesz chcia\u0142 przenie\u015B\u0107 swoj\u0105 stolic\u0119, to Rezydencja Gubernatora musi by\u0107 rozbudowana do poziomu Pa\u0142acu, a w\u00F3wczas rezydencja gubernatora zmieni si\u0119 w pa\u0142ac, a pa\u0142ac zostanie zniszczony, wi\u0119c aby utrzyma\u0107 porz\u0105dek musisz w poprzedniej stolicy wybudowa\u0107 rezydencje gubernatora."@pl . "**Parlor games! \n**Tournaments! \n**Drinking game"@en . . . "2500.0"^^ . . . "**Walls: ?? units of paint\n**Trim: 12 units of paint"@en . "Left-facing Upgraded Portrait Room"@en .