"Azathoth"@pl . . "Chaotic Shadow Twin of God"@en . "Omnipresence"@en . . . "44"^^ . . "Azathoth \u00E8 una delle divinit\u00E0 che hanno contribuito alla creazione del nostro amato Universo."@it . . . "Billions of Years Old"@en . . . "Azathoth is the horrific cosmic entity and 'creator deity' who remains asleep and unmoving within the Centre of Ultimate Chaos because his power is so great that by even slightly moving, could obliterate countless realities. He is kept lulled asleep by the constant noise and 'songs' made by his keepers, desperate to keep him asleep and fearful of his awakening."@en . "Lord of All Things"@en . "\u201C\u00A1Son Tormentas Destructivas y Vientos Malignos Una R\u00E1faga Maligna, Heraldo de la Tormenta Mort\u00EDfera, Son ni\u00F1os poderosos, los Antiguos Heraldos de la Pestilencia...!\u201D. thumb|217px Azathoth es un Dios necio y ciego que gobierna desde un trono negro que se alza en el centro del Caos, m\u00E1s all\u00E1 del Espacio Angular; este Dios es un ser amorfo y perverso que siembra la m\u00E1s absoluta confusi\u00F3n y blasfema al vomitar terribles espumarajos en el centro del infinito. No tiene forma y es incognoscible para toda raz\u00F3n humana. Constituye el primer motor de la Oscuridad, el Demoledor del Pensamiento y de la Forma, la Ant\u00EDtesis de la Creaci\u00F3n. En su aspecto b\u00E1sico negativo, representa El Fuego Elemental Referible, astrol\u00F3gicamente el Arcaico Leo y en la Esfera Terrestre, al Oculto Sur. Se lo describe como una masa colosal, ca\u00F3tica y sin forma, incluso el mismo universo forma parte de su esencia, y el simple hecho de mirarlo fijamente supondr\u00EDa una muerte de horror y locura extrema. Una maldici\u00F3n ha hecho que sea un dios ciego y lobotomizado, que pasa la eternidad de su encarcelamiento movi\u00E9ndose incesantemente al son de flautas, tambores y otros instrumentos musicales malditos. Es el caos creativo e infinito del universo y el supremo Dios Exterior. El es, el \"uno por encima de todos\" y el \"alfa y omega\" de los mitos. Alrededor de \u00E9l danzan eternamente el resto de dioses exteriores siguiendo melod\u00EDas demenciales, entre ellos los mas poderosos, como Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlathotep y Yog-Sothoth, junto con los otros Dioses menores. Aunque sea ciego y est\u00FApido, el representa la omnipotencia en estado puro, incluso el propio nombre \"Azathoth\", en realidad, no es su verdadero nombre, lo llamamos as\u00ED, porqu\u00E9 as\u00ED es como lo pronuncia el Necronomicon, pero nadie, al menos ning\u00FAn humano, sabe su verdadero nombre. Categor\u00EDa:Bestiario Categor\u00EDa:Aliens/Ovnis"@es . "Mudoon"@en . . "300"^^ . "Reality-warping"@en . . . . . . "Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. He is the ruler of the Outer Gods. Aside from the title of the novel fragment, \"The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath\" was the first fiction by Lovecraft to mention Azathoth: \"Outside the ordered universe that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity\u2014the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes ...\""@en . . . "Warping all of reality."@en . "Azathoth \u00E8 una delle divinit\u00E0 che hanno contribuito alla creazione del nostro amato Universo."@it . "Multiverse Level"@en . . "Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. Its epithets include Nuclear Chaos, the Daemon Sultan and the Blind Idiot God ."@en . . . "Male"@en . . . . "Omnipresent"@en . . "Listening to horrific music."@en . "Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. Its epithets include Nuclear Chaos, the Daemon Sultan and the Blind Idiot God ."@en . . "Abstract existence"@en . . . . . "60"^^ . . "Azathoth, also known as The Blind Idiot God, The Daemon Sultan and The Nuclear Chaos, is a boundless deity of colossal proportion. He is the great, all-powerful ruler of the Outer Gods, created by horror fantasy writer, H.P. Lovecraft as part of his Cthulhu Mythos. He is omnipotent - beyond the power of the Great Old Ones, such as Cthulhu, and even his fellow Outer Gods, including Yog-Sothoth and Yibb-Tstll, and all other beings - and is the sole most powerful being in the entire verse. He is the creator of all things, additionally, which are merely his dream. When, not if, Azathoth awakens, all things will end, once and for all, and all will once again be Azathoth. He first appeared in the 1922 short story, \u200BAzathoth, before being mentioned and appearing in multiple other Lovecraft stories. Azathoth is seen as all-powerful and the creator of all of existence. All of reality is merely a part of Azathoth's dream unknowingly created by itself. However, Azathoth, whilst he is asleep, is not all-knowing (being a \"Blind Idiot God\") and is completely mindless. The trait of being all-knowing is said to belong to its fellow Outer Gods, Yibb-Tstll and Yog-Sothoth."@en . "The Blind Idiot God, Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, Abyssal Idiot"@en . . "Perfect immortality"@en . . . "Azathoth is a the beginning of a never-completed novel written by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in June 1922 and published as a fragment in the journal Leaves in 1938, after Lovecraft's death. It is the first piece of fiction to mention the fictional being Azathoth, though the entity only appears in the title."@en . . . . . . . "Azathoth"@es . . . "Since the beginning"@en . "Infinite"@en . "Featless"@en . . . "46"^^ . "Azathoth is a the beginning of a never-completed novel written by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in June 1922 and published as a fragment in the journal Leaves in 1938, after Lovecraft's death. It is the first piece of fiction to mention the fictional being Azathoth, though the entity only appears in the title."@en . . . . "Omniscience"@en . "Azathoth, or Azazoth was the weakest of the Great Old Ones. The Silurians and Shobogans worshipped it as a god of chaos and anarchy. A slug-like creature calling itself Azathoth, decried by the Seventh Doctor as a mockery making a living by usurping the reputation of said entity, was encountered by the Doctor and Sherlock Holmes on the planet of Ry'leh. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire, AUDIO: All-Consuming Fire)"@en . "Great Outer God"@en . "Little is known of the being called Azathoth, also known as the Blind Formless Chaos That Lies Behind the Stars. It belongs to a group of immensely powerful, yet inscrutable beings said to inhabit the Dark Tapestry, and was worshiped in ancient times by small groups in the Shory empire of Garund."@en . "\"The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath\""@en . "Boundless Daemon Sultan"@en . "#000"@pl . "35"^^ . "Awaken and destroy all of existence and reality in the process."@en . . . "Blind Idiot God"@en . . "Have Nyarlathotep carry out all of his biddings."@en . . . . . . "The Tourism Council would like to stress that Azathoth, though it does seem to be alive and possibly malignant, is not the awful all-consuming horror it's been portrayed as in the media. Hateful terms such as \"Daemon Sultan,\" \"Roiling Madness,\" and \"Fountain of Uncleanliness,\" serve only to upset and sadden Azathoth, and when it gets sad, it starts cutting itself. This can be disruptive to the guests."@en . "The Abyss"@en . . "Azathoth is an Outer God in Lovecraft`s Cthulhu Mythos. It is almost always said to be \"too horrible to even be described\" and is the ancestor of almost all of the other deities or beings in this \"mythology\", including Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth and others. It is also known as the Nuclear Chaos, the Daemon Sultan and the Blind Idiot God."@en . "'Outer God'"@en . "40"^^ . "bezkszta\u0142tny Azathoth"@pl . "Little is known of the being called Azathoth, also known as the Blind Formless Chaos That Lies Behind the Stars. It belongs to a group of immensely powerful, yet inscrutable beings said to inhabit the Dark Tapestry, and was worshiped in ancient times by small groups in the Shory empire of Garund."@en . "54"^^ . . . "Dreaming."@en . . . "Idiot Demiurge"@en . . . . "macka"@pl . "Azathoth"@en . "Deities"@en . . . "76"^^ . "Azathoth, or Azazoth was the weakest of the Great Old Ones. The Silurians and Shobogans worshipped it as a god of chaos and anarchy. A slug-like creature calling itself Azathoth, decried by the Seventh Doctor as a mockery making a living by usurping the reputation of said entity, was encountered by the Doctor and Sherlock Holmes on the planet of Ry'leh. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire, AUDIO: All-Consuming Fire)"@en . "Ruling the Outer Gods."@en . . "Samarecarm"@en . . "Azathoth (1922) by H. P. Lovecraft Story copied from the Wikisource. When age fell upon the world, and wonder went out of the minds of men; when grey cities reared to smoky skies tall towers grim and ugly, in whose shadow none might dream of the sun or of Spring\u2019s flowering meads; when learning stripped the Earth of her mantle of beauty and poets sang no more save of twisted phantoms seen with bleared and inward looking eyes; when these things had come to pass, and childish hopes had gone forever, there was a man who traveled out of life on a quest into spaces whither the world\u2019s dreams had fled. Of the name and abode of this man little is written, for they were of the waking world only; yet it is said that both were obscure. It is enough to say that he dwelt in a city of high walls where sterile twilight reigned, that he toiled all day among shadow and turmoil, coming home at evening to a room whose one window opened not to open fields and groves but on to a dim court where other windows stared in dull despair. From that casement one might see only walls and windows, except sometimes when one leaned so far out and peered at the small stars that passed. And because mere walls and windows must soon drive a man to madness who dreams and reads much, the dweller in that room used night after night to lean out and peer aloft to glimpse some fragment of things beyond the waking world and the tall cities. After years he began to call the slow sailing stars by name, and to follow them in fancy when they glided regretfully out of sight; till at length his vision opened to many secret vistas whose existence no common eye suspected. And one night a mighty gulf was bridged, and the dream haunted skies swelled down to the lonely watcher\u2019s window to merge with the close air of his room and to make him a part of their fabulous wonder. There came to that room wild streams of violet midnight glittering with dust of gold, vortices of dust and fire, swirling out of the ultimate spaces and heavy perfumes from beyond the worlds. Opiate oceans poured there, litten by suns that the eye may never behold and having in their whirlpools strange dolphins and sea-nymphs of unrememberable depths. Noiseless infinity eddied around the dreamer and wafted him away without touching the body that leaned stiffly from the lonely window; and for days not counted in men\u2019s calendars the tides of far spheres that bore him gently to join the course of other cycles that tenderly left him sleeping on a green sunrise shore, a green shore fragrant with lotus blossoms and starred by red camalates\u2026"@en . . . "Mahazionga"@en . . . . "Featless"@en . . "Cthulhu Mythos"@en . . . . "Featless"@en . "Azathoth is the greatest of the outer gods. All of existence itself(excluding Agrobarick) will be destroyed when he awakens. This existence includes Yog Sothoth is the embodiment of existence. Azathoth's powers are immeasurable."@en . . . . "Mindless level"@en . "Reality Warping, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence"@en . "The Daemon Sultan"@en . . "Azathoth"@pl . "N/A"@en . "Supreme God"@en . . "Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. He is the ruler of the Outer Gods. Aside from the title of the novel fragment, \"The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath\" was the first fiction by Lovecraft to mention Azathoth:"@en . . "Rule the universe and all things forever ."@en . . "Creating the universe."@en . "Ruler of the Ultimate Void of Chaos"@en . "Mediarahan"@en . . "-"@en . "Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, The Blind Idiot God"@en . . "The Tourism Council would like to stress that Azathoth, though it does seem to be alive and possibly malignant, is not the awful all-consuming horror it's been portrayed as in the media. Hateful terms such as \"Daemon Sultan,\" \"Roiling Madness,\" and \"Fountain of Uncleanliness,\" serve only to upset and sadden Azathoth, and when it gets sad, it starts cutting itself. This can be disruptive to the guests. \n* Myth: Azathoth is the best center of the Universe. \n* Fact: The center of the Universe is arbitrarily chosen by hamster races every three years. Azathoth has only been the center of the universe four times. The current center of the universe is Mr. T. \n* Myth: Nyarlathotep is the avatar of Azathoth. \n* Fact: Nyarlathotep is completely unaffiliated with Azathoth. He is, in fact, just some guy who started hanging around and wouldn't leave. What's he been telling you? \n* Myth: Azathoth is everlasting, and came from before time began. \n* Fact: Azathoth was born William Peter Thoth Kenobi To Obi-Wan Kenobi, a goat named Fred, and a cat bagging lady named Keziah Mason. He was raised by his mortal-father Hentai Porn \"Scooter\" Lovecraft in a shoe box in the attic of a hoary New England manse, where he first honed his now famous palpitating and gibbering skills. \n* Myth: Azathoth is tended to by blind, idiot flute players. \n* Fact: Those noises are actually coming from Azathoth's vast ever-pulsing digestive tracts. The club hires actors to portray flautists, and blinds them."@en . . . . . . "Blind Star-God"@en . "Cannot possibly die"@en . . "Supreme Being, Satan, Cataclysm"@en . . "Azathoth is the greatest of the outer gods. All of existence itself(excluding Agrobarick) will be destroyed when he awakens. This existence includes Yog Sothoth is the embodiment of existence. Azathoth's powers are immeasurable."@en . "\u015Alepy B\u00F3g Idiota, Istota Ostatecznego Chaosu, Nuklearny Chaos, Su\u0142tan Demon\u00F3w"@pl . . . "Azathoth"@en . . . "250px|thumb|left|Azathoth Najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszy z bog\u00F3w zewn\u0119trznych i ich w\u0142adca. Ma wiele imion, nazywany Panem Wszystkich Rzeczy, najbardziej znany jako Bestia Nuklearnego Chaosu. Jest \u015Blepy i g\u0142uchy, jednak mimo tego potrafi w\u0142ada\u0107 umys\u0142ami i cia\u0142ami wszystkich istot. Przedstawiany najcz\u0119\u015Bciej jako bezkszta\u0142tny, amorficzny tw\u00F3r, kt\u00F3rego cia\u0142o wije si\u0119 i skr\u0119ca bez przerwy w rytm szale\u0144czych d\u017Awi\u0119k\u00F3w muzyki wydobywaj\u0105cych si\u0119 z fletu, kt\u00F3ry trzyma w czym\u015B, co mo\u017Cna chyba nazwa\u0107 r\u0119k\u0105. Wok\u00F3\u0142 niego w rytm muzyki pl\u0105saj\u0105 i ta\u0144cz\u0105 cienie, powykr\u0119cane kszta\u0142ty faun\u00F3w, ech i innych istot, gotowych na ka\u017Cde skinienie swego pana."@pl . "250px|thumb|left|Azathoth Najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszy z bog\u00F3w zewn\u0119trznych i ich w\u0142adca. Ma wiele imion, nazywany Panem Wszystkich Rzeczy, najbardziej znany jako Bestia Nuklearnego Chaosu. Jest \u015Blepy i g\u0142uchy, jednak mimo tego potrafi w\u0142ada\u0107 umys\u0142ami i cia\u0142ami wszystkich istot. Przedstawiany najcz\u0119\u015Bciej jako bezkszta\u0142tny, amorficzny tw\u00F3r, kt\u00F3rego cia\u0142o wije si\u0119 i skr\u0119ca bez przerwy w rytm szale\u0144czych d\u017Awi\u0119k\u00F3w muzyki wydobywaj\u0105cych si\u0119 z fletu, kt\u00F3ry trzyma w czym\u015B, co mo\u017Cna chyba nazwa\u0107 r\u0119k\u0105. Wok\u00F3\u0142 niego w rytm muzyki pl\u0105saj\u0105 i ta\u0144cz\u0105 cienie, powykr\u0119cane kszta\u0142ty faun\u00F3w, ech i innych istot, gotowych na ka\u017Cde skinienie swego pana."@pl . . . . "Creator and Master of the Universe"@en . "49"^^ . . . . "The Nuclear Chaos"@en . . . "Azathoth is an Outer God in Lovecraft`s Cthulhu Mythos. It is almost always said to be \"too horrible to even be described\" and is the ancestor of almost all of the other deities or beings in this \"mythology\", including Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth and others. It is also known as the Nuclear Chaos, the Daemon Sultan and the Blind Idiot God."@en . "62"^^ . "Secrets"@en . . "The Inconceivable"@en . . . "Ruler of the Outer Gods"@en . . "\u201C\u00A1Son Tormentas Destructivas y Vientos Malignos Una R\u00E1faga Maligna, Heraldo de la Tormenta Mort\u00EDfera, Son ni\u00F1os poderosos, los Antiguos Heraldos de la Pestilencia...!\u201D. thumb|217px Azathoth es un Dios necio y ciego que gobierna desde un trono negro que se alza en el centro del Caos, m\u00E1s all\u00E1 del Espacio Angular; este Dios es un ser amorfo y perverso que siembra la m\u00E1s absoluta confusi\u00F3n y blasfema al vomitar terribles espumarajos en el centro del infinito. No tiene forma y es incognoscible para toda raz\u00F3n humana."@es . . "Azathoth (1922) by H. P. Lovecraft Story copied from the Wikisource. When age fell upon the world, and wonder went out of the minds of men; when grey cities reared to smoky skies tall towers grim and ugly, in whose shadow none might dream of the sun or of Spring\u2019s flowering meads; when learning stripped the Earth of her mantle of beauty and poets sang no more save of twisted phantoms seen with bleared and inward looking eyes; when these things had come to pass, and childish hopes had gone forever, there was a man who traveled out of life on a quest into spaces whither the world\u2019s dreams had fled."@en . . "g\u0142upota, horror, szale\u0144stwo, tworzenie, zniszczenie"@pl . . . "God's Alter Ego"@en . "Master of All Creation and Destruction"@en . "31"^^ . "Chaos, Szale\u0144stwo, \u015Amier\u0107, Z\u0142o"@pl . "Dark-Law"@en . "Abstract Entity"@en . "Omnipotence"@en . "66"^^ . "wi\u0119ksze b\u00F3stwo"@pl . . . . . "517"^^ . . "Azathoth"@en . . "#fff"@pl . . . "Before Existence"@en . . "Multiverse Level"@en . "Being served by Nyarlathotep."@en . . "cloakers, neothelids"@en . . "Outer Gods"@en . . "Dream Cycle"@en . "Vile"@en . "Forbidden knowledge"@en . . . . . "Azathoth, Sovereign of the Bottomless Pit is an unholy demon from another dimension and realm."@en . "Azathoth"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Azathoth, Sovereign of the Bottomless Pit is an unholy demon from another dimension and realm."@en . . . . . . "The One in the Abyss"@en . "Multiverse Level"@en . . . . . . "1250"^^ . . . "24"^^ . . . . "Immeasurable"@en . "Azathoth"@en . . . . "Outside Reality"@en . . . . "Hideous Name"@en . "Azathoth, also known as The Blind Idiot God, The Daemon Sultan and The Nuclear Chaos, is a boundless deity of colossal proportion. He is the great, all-powerful ruler of the Outer Gods, created by horror fantasy writer, H.P. Lovecraft as part of his Cthulhu Mythos. He is omnipotent - beyond the power of the Great Old Ones, such as Cthulhu, and even his fellow Outer Gods, including Yog-Sothoth and Yibb-Tstll, and all other beings - and is the sole most powerful being in the entire verse. He is the creator of all things, additionally, which are merely his dream. When, not if, Azathoth awakens, all things will end, once and for all, and all will once again be Azathoth."@en . . "Conceptual manipulation"@en . "Azathoth is the horrific cosmic entity and 'creator deity' who remains asleep and unmoving within the Centre of Ultimate Chaos because his power is so great that by even slightly moving, could obliterate countless realities. He is kept lulled asleep by the constant noise and 'songs' made by his keepers, desperate to keep him asleep and fearful of his awakening."@en .