"Nuvelzna (New Velzna) is a Volsinii's new town on the planet P7J-989. The city is named after their first capital which was destroyed in the War of the Gods. The city consists of a series of domes that blend of woods and gardens. (RPG: \"Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two\")"@en . . . . "Nuvelzna (New Velzna) is a Volsinii's new town on the planet P7J-989. The city is named after their first capital which was destroyed in the War of the Gods. The city consists of a series of domes that blend of woods and gardens. (RPG: \"Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two\")"@en . "Nuvelzna (New Velzna) \u00E4r en Volsiniis nya stad p\u00E5 planeten P7J-989. Staden \u00E4r uppkallad efter deras f\u00F6rsta huvudstad som f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes i Krig av Gudar. Staden best\u00E5r av en serie kupoler som sm\u00E4lter med skogar och tr\u00E4dg\u00E5rdar. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two\") kategori:Locations"@sv . . . "Nuvelzna"@sv . "Nuvelzna"@en . "Nuvelzna (New Velzna) \u00E4r en Volsiniis nya stad p\u00E5 planeten P7J-989. Staden \u00E4r uppkallad efter deras f\u00F6rsta huvudstad som f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes i Krig av Gudar. Staden best\u00E5r av en serie kupoler som sm\u00E4lter med skogar och tr\u00E4dg\u00E5rdar. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two\") kategori:Locations"@sv .