"Qin Shi Huang"@de . . . . "Game Info: History"@en . . . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang (chino: \u79E6\u59CB\u7687, pinyin: Q\u00EDn Sh\u01D0hu\u00E1ng, Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang, noviembre o diciembre de 260 adC - 10 de septiembre de 210 adC), de nombre propio Zheng, fue el rey del estado chino de Qin del 247 adC hasta el 221 adC y despu\u00E9s el primer emperador de una China unificada del 221 adC al 210 adC, reinando bajo el nombre de Primer Emperador. Habiendo unificado China, \u00E9l y su primer ministro Li Si introdujeron una serie de importantes reformas con el objetivo de reforzar la reciente unificaci\u00F3n, y llevaron a cabo herc\u00FAleos proyectos de construcci\u00F3n, m\u00E1s concretamente la versi\u00F3n precursora de la actual Gran Muralla China. A pesar de toda la tiran\u00EDa de su mandato autocr\u00E1tico, Qin Shi Huang es todav\u00EDa considerado hoy en d\u00EDa como una especie de colosal fundador en la historia China, como un Superhombre cuya unificaci\u00F3n de China ha durado m\u00E1s de dos milenios (con interrupciones)."@es . . . . "Qin Shi Huang"@es . . . . "Qin Shi Huang was selfish, calling himself the \"First Emperor\" and \"Chinese Jesus.\" However, he was a significant figure within Chinese history, ushering in a fresh two millennia of imperial communism after his chief advisor, Li Si (pronounced Lee See, sharp and fast) passed a series of economic, political, and communistic reforms."@en . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang was one of the Systems in the Verse that was near White Sun \n* Class: Artificial star \n* Helioformed: 2271 \n* Radius: 0.32 Sol (Brown Dwarf) \n* Radius: 0.19 Sol (protostar) \n* Orbit: 2,440,315,254km (16.312 AU) \n* Period Years: 65.88"@en . . "259"^^ . . . "In 221 BCE, as King of the Qin, he conquered all of the other kingdoms, ending the Warring States period and reuniting China for the first time in six centuries. With his victory, he inaugurated the first Empire of China. During his reign, the Templars assisted Qin Shi Huang with political and economic reforms, as well as constructions such as the Great Wall of China. Due to his Templar-influenced tyranny, he was eventually killed in 210 BCE by the Assassin Wei Yu, who stabbed him with a spear during one of the emperor's eastern China tours."@en . . . . "Qin Shi Huang oder Qin Shihuangdi, geboren als Ying Zheng (* 259 v. Chr.; \u2020 10. September 210 v. Chr.), war der erste Kaiser von China und Begr\u00FCnder der Qin-Dynastie. Im Jahr 221 v. Chr. hatte er alle Reiche seiner Kontrahenten erobert und gr\u00FCndete das erste Chinesische Kaiserreich. W\u00E4hrend seiner Regentschaft wurde Qin Shi Huang durch die Templer bei politschen und \u00F6konomischen Reformen, als auch bei Bauwerken wie der Chinesischen Mauer, unterst\u00FCtzt."@de . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang (chino: \u79E6\u59CB\u7687, pinyin: Q\u00EDn Sh\u01D0hu\u00E1ng, Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang, noviembre o diciembre de 260 adC - 10 de septiembre de 210 adC), de nombre propio Zheng, fue el rey del estado chino de Qin del 247 adC hasta el 221 adC y despu\u00E9s el primer emperador de una China unificada del 221 adC al 210 adC, reinando bajo el nombre de Primer Emperador."@es . "no"@en . "products/indiana/history.html"@en . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang is a Chinese leader in some of the Civilization games."@en . "Qin Shi Huang \u00E9tait un dirigeant chinois au 3\u00E8me si\u00E8cle BCE. Roi de Qin, il mit fin \u00E0 la p\u00E9riode f\u00E9odale en conqu\u00E9rant l'ensemble des royaumes combattants et unifia l'Empire de Chine. Malgr\u00E9 un r\u00E8gne consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme cruel et autoritaire, il standardisa l'\u00E9criture, la langue, la monnaie, les poids et les mesures et il est consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme le p\u00E8re de la Grande muraille de Chine. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *)"@fr . "no"@en . . "Qin Shi Huang"@fr . "Qin Shi Huang (xino: \u79E6\u59CB\u7687, pinyin: Q\u00EDn Sh\u01D0hu\u00E1ng, Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang, nobiembre o diziembre 260 a.K. - 10 zetiembre 210 a.K.), de nombre propio Zheng, hue\u2019r rei\u2019e Qin\u2019er 247 a.K. ahta\u2019r 221 a.K. y dimpu\u00E9h er prim\u00E8 empera\u00F2 d\u2019una Xina unifik\u00E1\u2019er 221 a.K. ar 210 a.K., reinando baho\u2019r nombre\u2019e Prim\u00E8 Empera\u00F2. En abiendo unifikao Xina, \u00E9l y zu prim\u00E8 ministro Li Si introuheron una zerie rehormah kon el\u2019ohetibo\u2019e rehorz\u00E0 la reziente unificaci\u00F3n, y yebaron a kabo grandeh proyehtoh\u2019e konhtruzi\u00F3n, m\u00E1h concretamente la berzi\u00F3n precursora l\u2019ahtu\u00E1 Gran Muraya Xina. A pez\u00E0\u2019e toa la tiran\u00EDa\u2019e zu mandato utokr\u00E1tiko, Qin Shi Huang eh entab\u00EDa konzierao komo una hepezie koloz\u00E1 hunda\u00F2\u2019n l\u2019ihtoria\u2019e Xina.\u00B4"@es . . . "Qin Shi Huang was one of the Systems in the Verse that was near White Sun \n* Class: Artificial star \n* Helioformed: 2271 \n* Radius: 0.32 Sol (Brown Dwarf) \n* Radius: 0.19 Sol (protostar) \n* Orbit: 2,440,315,254km (16.312 AU) \n* Period Years: 65.88"@en . . . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang (xino: \u79E6\u59CB\u7687, pinyin: Q\u00EDn Sh\u01D0hu\u00E1ng, Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang, nobiembre o diziembre 260 a.K. - 10 zetiembre 210 a.K.), de nombre propio Zheng, hue\u2019r rei\u2019e Qin\u2019er 247 a.K. ahta\u2019r 221 a.K. y dimpu\u00E9h er prim\u00E8 empera\u00F2 d\u2019una Xina unifik\u00E1\u2019er 221 a.K. ar 210 a.K., reinando baho\u2019r nombre\u2019e Prim\u00E8 Empera\u00F2. En abiendo unifikao Xina, \u00E9l y zu prim\u00E8 ministro Li Si introuheron una zerie rehormah kon el\u2019ohetibo\u2019e rehorz\u00E0 la reziente unificaci\u00F3n, y yebaron a kabo grandeh proyehtoh\u2019e konhtruzi\u00F3n, m\u00E1h concretamente la berzi\u00F3n precursora l\u2019ahtu\u00E1 Gran Muraya Xina. A pez\u00E0\u2019e toa la tiran\u00EDa\u2019e zu mandato utokr\u00E1tiko, Qin Shi Huang eh entab\u00EDa konzierao komo una hepezie koloz\u00E1 hunda\u00F2\u2019n l\u2019ihtoria\u2019e Xina.\u00B4"@es . "Fate/Grand Order"@en . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang is a Chinese leader in some of the Civilization games."@en . . . "Qin Shi Huang \u00E9tait un dirigeant chinois au 3\u00E8me si\u00E8cle BCE. Roi de Qin, il mit fin \u00E0 la p\u00E9riode f\u00E9odale en conqu\u00E9rant l'ensemble des royaumes combattants et unifia l'Empire de Chine. Malgr\u00E9 un r\u00E8gne consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme cruel et autoritaire, il standardisa l'\u00E9criture, la langue, la monnaie, les poids et les mesures et il est consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme le p\u00E8re de la Grande muraille de Chine. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *) En 2376, Neelix questionna Kathryn Janeway sur la Grande muraille et celle-ci lui indiqua que le premier Empereur Qin connecta les murs construits par une dynastie pr\u00E9c\u00E9dente pour pr\u00E9venir une invasion par les nomades venant du nord. (VOY: \"11:59\")"@fr . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . "\u59CB\u7687\u5E1D"@en . . . "*Emperor\n*Warlord"@en . . "Qin Shi Huang was selfish, calling himself the \"First Emperor\" and \"Chinese Jesus.\" However, he was a significant figure within Chinese history, ushering in a fresh two millennia of imperial communism after his chief advisor, Li Si (pronounced Lee See, sharp and fast) passed a series of economic, political, and communistic reforms. All sex jokes aside, Qin Shi Huang undertook gigantic projects such as building and connecting China's force field, the Great Wall of China (and proving that he had unusual amounts of free time on his hands), constructing a city-sized playground where he erected an army of Terracotta dolls, and creating a national road system. Rather than paying for building materials with cash, Qin Shi Huang used a much more popular currency, several million peasants' lives. He is also notorious for burning books and burying his scholars alive, although no one currently understands why. Many archaeologists have argued that his actions were due to anger management issues or that he just killed people for the hell of it. In The Diary of the Emperor, Qin Shi Huang wrote, \"I buried my scholars, burned my stories, all for stability assurance,\" implying that Qin Shi Huang committed such crimes to ensure the so-called stability of his erections. However, despite his diary being a first hand source, nothing he wrote made any sense and thus doesn't solve anything."@en . . "Qin Shi Huang (or Ch'in Shih-huang-ti) was the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty and unified China."@en . "no"@en . "Qin Shi Huang"@en . . . "Qin Shi Huang (\u59CB\u7687\u5E1D, Shik\u014Dtei?), the First Emperor of the Qin dynasty, is a Heroic Spirit noted as the most celebrated figure in Chinese history."@en . . . . . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang (\u59CB\u7687\u5E1D, Shik\u014Dtei?), the First Emperor of the Qin dynasty, is a Heroic Spirit noted as the most celebrated figure in Chinese history."@en . . . . "Qin Shi Huang"@en . . "Qin Shi Huang (or Ch'in Shih-huang-ti) was the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty and unified China."@en . . . . . "Qin Shi Huang oder Qin Shihuangdi, geboren als Ying Zheng (* 259 v. Chr.; \u2020 10. September 210 v. Chr.), war der erste Kaiser von China und Begr\u00FCnder der Qin-Dynastie. Im Jahr 221 v. Chr. hatte er alle Reiche seiner Kontrahenten erobert und gr\u00FCndete das erste Chinesische Kaiserreich. W\u00E4hrend seiner Regentschaft wurde Qin Shi Huang durch die Templer bei politschen und \u00F6konomischen Reformen, als auch bei Bauwerken wie der Chinesischen Mauer, unterst\u00FCtzt. Wegen seiner von den Templern beeinflussten Tyrannei wurde er 210 v. Chr. von dem Assassinen Wei Yu get\u00F6tet, welcher den Kaiser bei einer seiner Reisen mit einem Speer erstach."@de . . . . . . . . . . "In 221 BCE, as King of the Qin, he conquered all of the other kingdoms, ending the Warring States period and reuniting China for the first time in six centuries. With his victory, he inaugurated the first Empire of China. During his reign, the Templars assisted Qin Shi Huang with political and economic reforms, as well as constructions such as the Great Wall of China. Due to his Templar-influenced tyranny, he was eventually killed in 210 BCE by the Assassin Wei Yu, who stabbed him with a spear during one of the emperor's eastern China tours."@en . "210"^^ . .