. "Naga \u30CA\u30FC\u30AC is a third evolution MAG in Phantasy Star Online. A second or third tier MAG can become another third tier form when it is a level divisible by 5 and at least level 50 after feeding, but does not meet the requirements to evolve into any specific fourth tier form. To become a Naga, it must have DEF lower than 45 and: \n* be fed by a force with an even section ID (Viridia, Skyly, Purplenum, Redria, Yellowboze) and have POW equal to DEX, or \n* be fed by a force with an even section ID and have MIND at least as high as POW and POW at least as high as DEX, or \n* be fed by a force with an odd section ID (Greenill, Bluefull, Pinkal, Oran, Whitill) and have POW higher than MIND and MIND higher than DEX. Only whole POW, DEX and MIND levels count for these comparisons; the 0%\u2013100% progress meters are disregarded. A Naga can continue to evolve into other third tier forms whenever it is a level divisible by 5 after a feeding and the above stat, class, or section ID conditions have changed. In Episode I & II and later versions, when it reaches level 100, it may also evolve into a fourth tier form if the requirements are met. Feeding charts for Andhaka, Bana, Bhima[I&II], Kabanda, Madhu, Marica, Naga, Naraka, Pushan[I&II], Rati[I&II] and Ravana"@en . . "60"^^ . . "62"^^ . . "49"^^ . "Naga"@en . . "14"^^ . . . "15"^^ . "12"^^ . "43"^^ . . "Los Naga son una raza de humanoides que vivieron en la Ci\u00E9naga Negra, m\u00E1s concretamente en la regi\u00F3n de Murkmire. Los Naga guardan alguna similitud con los Saxhleel, la raza predominante de argonianos. Los Naga son descritos teniendo \"unas bocas enormes con colmillos como agujas en su interior\" Poseen una estatura de dos metros y medio de altura, o incluso tres cuando est\u00E1n enfadados. Tambi\u00E9n parecen ser de apariencia m\u00E1s reptiliana que los propios argonianos. En la Ci\u00E9naga Negra se les consideraba ladrones, ya que hurtaban a los mercaderes que pasaban por las rutas de comercio de toda Argonia. Sin embargo, al cesar el comercio en la Ci\u00E9naga, volvieron al interior de los pantanos de donde proven\u00EDan, ya que all\u00ED se sent\u00EDan mucho m\u00E1s felices."@es . . "A naga is a legendary reptilian creature with the upper body of a human (most often an attractive woman) and the tail of a snake, from India and Hindu mythology. While according to legend, the snake tail only replaces the legs, most modern interpretations show the snake half incorrectly starting at the waist. In folklore traditions they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans. Nages are usually depicted with a single pair of arms, but occasionally may have two or even three pairs of arms."@en . "223.43"^^ . . "39"^^ . "29"^^ . "18"^^ . . "\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC"@en . "17"^^ . . . "23"^^ . "21"^^ . . . . "34"^^ . . "Naga"@en . "0"^^ . . "wei\u00DF"@de . . "Naga on the Forgotten Realms Wikia (Forgotten Realms lore is not canon to Critical Role)"@en . . . "122"^^ . "15"^^ . "48"^^ . . "6"^^ . "225"^^ . "72"^^ . . "26"^^ . "30"^^ . "yes"@en . . . "108"^^ . . . "101"^^ . . . "Avatar"@en . "Nagas are humanoid serpents from Hindu mythology with stingers at the end of their tails. They are known for being violent and vicious.They were first introduced in Monster Rancher 1 as obtainable at the beginning of the game, and have continued to appear in every Monster Rancher game since except for Monster Rancher Online. Naga was also one of the chief villains in the Monster Rancher anime series, appearing as one of Moo's Big Bad Four; he was responsible for the destruction of Holly and Suezo's village, and when being fought by the series' protagonists, he committed suicide when shocked by his enemies' desire to save him, although he was revived as a good monster in the last season."@en . . "73"^^ . "75"^^ . . "Demon"@en . . . "68"^^ . "Nagas (\u86C7 (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC) N\u0101ga) are Low to Middle-Class Demons who possess serpents. They are classified as kin of Amaimon."@en . . . . . . . "-"@en . "Gorgon as seen in the Library"@en . . "Range"@en . . "6"^^ . . "Naga"@pl . . "0"^^ . . . "Electricity"@en . . "Naga-Ette"@en . "Naga 2.jpg"@de . "12"^^ . "168"^^ . "16"^^ . . "9"^^ . "Nagamour / Slow"@en . "3"^^ . . "Fires three 16-way sprays of poison bullets."@en . . . . "High"@en . . "Nagas"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Lunge\\Innate\nBufu\\Innate\nTarukaja\\12"@en . "his spirit was imprisoned within the Doom Dimension again after his defeat at the hands of W.A.R.R.I.O.R. and the Battle Brawlers."@en . "17"^^ . . . . "The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night"@en . . . . . . "21"^^ . "Nagas appear as enemies in the Sealed Cave."@en . . . . . . . "Double Fangs"@en . "Water"@en . "240"^^ . "Bounce"@en . . "47"^^ . "-"@en . "51"^^ . . . "Huge"@en . . . . "F\u00FCggetlen, \u0150si Isteni Er\u0151k, Illidan\nEr\u0151i"@hu . "1"^^ . "68"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "naga hatchling"@en . . . . "192"^^ . . "92"^^ . "The naga were an ancient race of serpent-folk that existed before the rise of Man and the fall of the Kami. They were the oldest of the civilizations, spanning the far west of the modern Rokugan. Before the fall of the Kami, the naga entered an enchanted slumber in an attempt to preserve their dying race."@en . "Fog Breath"@en . . . . "Ranged"@en . . . "Fur"@en . . "Vor der Gro\u00DFen Teilung bildeten die Hochgeborenen die h\u00F6chste Adelskaste der Nachtelfen. Diese Adligen waren besessen von dem Brunnen der Ewigkeit und missbrauchten seine Magie, bis ihre Aktivit\u00E4t die Aufmerksamkeit des dunklen Titanen Sargeras erregte. Er versprach den Hochgeborenen, den Planeten Azeroth in ein Paradies zu verwandeln und ihnen gewaltige Macht zu verleihen, wenn sie ihm dienten."@de . "thumb|Naga\u5358\u6570\u5F62: naga \u4E00\u6B21\u8A00\u8A9E: Nazja \u5927\u7834\u58CA\u3088\u308A\u3082\u524D\u3001Highborne\u306F\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u8CB4\u65CF\u968E\u7D1A\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u6700\u9AD8\u4F4D\u306E\u8005\u305F\u3061\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002\u7279\u6A29\u3092\u6301\u3064\u8CB4\u65CF\u306F\u6C38\u9060\u306E\u6CC9\u306B\u53D6\u308A\u6191\u304B\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u308A\u3001\u95C7\u306E\u5DE8\u4EBASargeras\u306B\u6C17\u4ED8\u304B\u308C\u308B\u307E\u3067\u6CC9\u306E\u9B54\u6CD5\u3092\u4E71\u7528\u3057\u305F\u3002Sargeras\u306F\u60D1\u661FAzeroth\u3092\u697D\u5712\u306B\u4F5C\u308A\u5909\u3048\u3001\u305D\u306E\u3046\u3048\u81EA\u5206\u306B\u4ED5\u3048\u308C\u3070\u5927\u304D\u306A\u529B\u304C\u4E0E\u3048\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3068Highborne\u306B\u7D04\u675F\u3057\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002 \u5F53\u9762\u306E\u3042\u3044\u3060Sargeras\u306F\u3001\u305D\u306E\u671B\u307F\u306E\u865C\u3068\u306A\u3063\u3066\u5F93\u9806\u306AHighborne\u3092\u78BA\u4FDD\u3057\u305F\u3002Sargeras\u306E\u547D\u4EE4\u306B\u3088\u308A\u3001Highborne\u306FSargeras\u304CAzeroth\u3078\u6765\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u3068\u6CC9\u306B\u30DD\u30FC\u30BF\u30EB\u3092\u4F5C\u3063\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u4F01\u3066\u304C\u6210\u529F\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308C\u3070\u3001\u4ED6\u306E\u7121\u6570\u306E\u4E16\u754C\u3068\u540C\u69D8\u306BAzeroth\u3082\u78BA\u5B9F\u306B\u6EC5\u307C\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3067\u3042\u308D\u3046\u3002Sargeras\u306E\u529B\u306F\u305D\u308C\u307B\u3069\u306E\u3082\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002 Highborne\u306E\u8A66\u307F\u306FBurning Legion\u306E\u7B2C\u4E00\u6B21\u4FB5\u653B\u3092\u3082\u305F\u3089\u3057\u305F\u304C\u3001\u7D9A\u304F\u53E4\u4EE3\u795E\u6226\u4E89\u306FSargeras\u304C\u7D04\u675F\u3068\u306F\u307E\u3063\u305F\u304F\u9006\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3092\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3088\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u3002\u5B9D\u77F3\u306B\u5F69\u3089\u308C\u305F\u5973\u738B\u306E\u5BAE\u6BBF\u304B\u3089\u306F\u60AA\u9B54\u304C\u3042\u3075\u308C\u51FA\u3057\u3001\u90FD\u5E02\u306E\u5927\u534A\u304C\u8352\u308C\u679C\u3066\u305F\u3002\u60AA\u9B54\u306E\u8ECD\u968A\u306B\u7D9A\u3044\u3066\u6B7B\u3068\u8352\u5EC3\u304C\u767A\u751F\u3057\u3066\u5916\u3078\u3068\u5E83\u304C\u3063\u305F\u3002\u3064\u3044\u306BHighborne\u306E\u5927\u96C6\u56E3\u306F\u9020\u53CD\u3057\u3066\u5BAE\u6BBF\u304B\u3089\u9003\u308C\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u96C6\u56E3\u306B\u518D\u3073\u52A0\u308F\u3063\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u6642\u306B\u53CD\u9006\u3057\u305FHighborne\u306F\u306E\u3061\u306B\u30CF\u30A4\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u3068\u306A\u308B\u3002"@ja . "380"^^ . . . . . . . . "Drain Attack\\Innate\nTarukaja\\Innate\nTrade\\Innate\nLife Gain\\29\nFog Breath\\30\nHell Thrust\\31\nZionga\\32"@en . "9"^^ . . "woda"@pl . . "Resists magic."@en . . "67262327739412486313864"@en . . "-"@de . "Phys x1, 1 enemy"@en . . "When Naga was a pup, she became separated from her pack during a storm. Wandering around by herself in the tundra near the Southern Water Tribe, she was found by a young Korra, who had sneaked out of her home. Although distrustful of the child at first, Naga warmed up to her after Korra offered her some fish jerky. Having gobbled up the food, she watched on in mild confusion as Korra started to hop around on all fours around her, desiring to play together. When the young Avatar realized after a while that she too had gotten herself lost in the raging storm, she built herself and Naga a rudimentary igloo with her waterbending. Sheltered from the wind, Naga curled up into a ball for warmth. She was startled, however, when Korra tried to bend a small flame for heat but subsequently lost control of it. As Korra lamented about how being the Avatar was not what she had initially expected, Naga attempted to cheer her up by licking her hand. Huddled together, the two youngsters eventually fell asleep. The next morning, Naga and Korra awoke from their slumber when Tonraq found and cracked open their shelter. While Korra's parents discussed Naga's fate with Katara, the pup happily played with Korra in the snow. Much to their mutual enthusiasm, Korra was allowed to keep her, and Naga returned home with her new family, where she and Korra continued to play together. Inseparable during the following years growing up, Naga became Korra's best friend as well as her main means of transport."@en . . "Extremely rare"@en . "500"^^ . . . "Appa als Begleittier von Avatar Aang"@de . "Nagas (\u86C7 (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC) N\u0101ga) are Low to Middle-Class Demons who possess serpents. They are classified as kin of Amaimon."@en . "reverser"@en . "Zio\nLunge\nResist Elec"@en . "Wicked Dragon Naga (\u90AA\u60AA\u7ADC\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC, J\u0101kury\u016B N\u0101ga, 15-16) is one of the Jaakuryuu."@en . "Strong"@en . . "Guardian nagas can paralyze you with their bite attack. A ring of free action is handy in this case."@en . . . "Purple"@es . "Aquamarine"@en . . "Walk"@en . "Strength"@en . ": Poison"@en . "Naga"@in . "Naga"@en . "Fire , Poison, Acid , Stoning"@en . . "-"@en . . . . "-"@en . . "-"@en . "25"^^ . "Silent Naga"@en . "weiblich"@de . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a monstrously long giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) in The Ocean Hunter. It is the second and final sub boss in Tartarus Deep."@en . . "Marilith"@en . . "Dragon"@en . . . "86400.0"^^ . "Resist: Fire, Elec, Force, Expel; Null: Ailments; Weak: Ice"@en . "None"@en . . "Single foe/1/Physical/None"@en . . . "Plemie wody"@pl . "Naga ist der Bruder von Wavern und in ihm ist der Kern der Ruhe, all die Kraft der negativen Energie, w\u00E4hrend seine Schwester mit dem Kern der Unendlichkeit alles Positive verk\u00F6rpert und somit das Gegengewicht zu ihrem Bruder Naga darstellt. Naga ist der Haupt-B\u00F6sewicht der ersten Staffel. Er ist kalt und herzlos und seine wichtigsten Gefolgsleute sind Hal-G, Masquerade, Klaus von Herzen, Chan Lee, Julio Santana, Komba O'Charlie und Billy Gilbert wobei alle von ihnen der negativen Energie des Kerns der Ruhe ausgesetzt waren, aber sich ihm mit der Zeit widersetzten, mit Ausnahme von Hal-G, der Naga immer treu ergeben gewesen ist."@de . . "All troops gain +2 Armor and +3 Attack for having 4 unique Naga troops"@en . . . . "38"^^ . . . . "Azeroth, Nazjatar"@hu . "Resist:Bind, Weak:Charm"@en . . . . . . "Naga comprise a variety of similar species of intelligent aberrations with widely differing abilities and alignments. Naga appear as large snake like creatures with humanoid torsos. They often range widely in coloring and scale patterns, but are all usually about the same size. Most will 'stand' at a height about equal to or just above that of a regular human (six feet or so), but because of the length of their trailing tails they can raise themselves up by a few feet, to intimidate foes, or simply get a better view. The four most common races of naga are the dark naga, guardian naga, spirit naga, and water naga."@en . . "11"^^ . . . . . "Naga"@hu . "49"^^ . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . . "-"@en . . "Nagas"@en . . "2"^^ . . "Dragon"@en . "40"^^ . . . . . "Naga ist eine \u00E4u\u00DFerst starke Eisb\u00E4rh\u00FCndin. In die Legende von Korra ist Naga das Begleittier von Avatar Korra. In der ersten Folge Willkommen in Republica begleitet Naga Avatar Korra auf ihrer Reise nach Republica. Sie f\u00E4ngt sich dort einige Fische und isst diese, woraufhin Korra und Naga vom Parkw\u00E4chter verscheucht werden, da das Fischen im Park verboten ist. Sie ist eine sehr gro\u00DFe Hilfe bei der Fortbewegung, denn sie kann sehr viel schneller laufen, als ein Mensch. Desweiteren unterst\u00FCtzt Naga Avatar Korra auch in einigen K\u00E4mpfen und ist ihr immer treu."@de . . . . . "A Naga was a creature. Its natural prey was the Rikitik. The Naga was somehow able to easily lull the Rikitik before catching it in a grapple."@en . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC Naga?) is a race of unseen aliens that appeared in Ultraman Tiga. Subtitle: Dinosaur humanity (\u6050\u7ADC\u4EBA\u985E Ky\u014Dry\u016B Jinrui?)"@en . . . . "Red Mage"@en . "the Battle Brawlers"@en . . "Naga es una hembra perro oso polar que pertenece al Avatar Korra como su acompa\u00F1ante, animal gu\u00EDa y su principal forma de transporte. A pesar de su apariencia intimidante, se la describe como una \"novia\" y es considerada la mejor amiga de Korra. Ella es muy protectora de Korra y ha aprendido a usar su fuerza para ayudarla a salir de situaciones peligrosas."@es . "8"^^ . . "Bufula\nDiarama"@en . "To get revenge on Dan and Drago"@en . ": Constrict"@en . "12"^^ . . "-"@en . "Nagas are a class of hinduistic serpent deities. Inspired by their common depiction in western fiction, they are shown as female humanoid up to the waist, and a serpent tail below the waist. Their upper, humanoid, half has several serpentine characteristics as well, such as a cobra hood, slitted pupils, serpent fangs and local scaly skin."@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "Naga"@de . . "Die indische Naga ist eine ausgestorbene Drachenart. Sie hatte einen Schlangenk\u00F6rper und Menschenkopf. Der Erzfeind der Nagas ist der Vogelmensch Garuda, der das Reittier des Gottes Vishnu ist. Wann immer die Naga aus ihren H\u00F6hlen hervorkommen, st\u00FCrzt Garuda sich auf sie um sie zu erbeuten. Diese Feindschaft kam folgenderma\u00DFen zu Stande: Durch einen Fluch wurde Garudas Mutter von der Mutter der Nagas versklavt. Dadurch wurde auch Garuda ein Diener der Nagas. Die Nagas versprachen ihm jedoch die Freiheit, wenn er das Elixier des Lebens von den G\u00F6ttern stielt. Garuda tat dies wiederwillig, jedoch will er sich f\u00FCr diese Schmach r\u00E4chen. Kategorie:Drache Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Mythisches Wesen"@de . . . "Zionga\nRakukaja\nDiarama\nWater Wall"@en . . "White"@en . . "-"@en . . "11"^^ . . . . "Scratch"@en . "Null Gravity Barrier"@en . . . . . "Wise, Forceful, Haughty"@en . . . "1215"^^ . "84"^^ . . "Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Pabu, Tenzin, Lin, Pema, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Rohan, Tonraq, Senna, Katara, more ..."@en . . . "The naga were an ancient race of serpent-folk that existed before the rise of Man and the fall of the Kami. They were the oldest of the civilizations, spanning the far west of the modern Rokugan. Before the fall of the Kami, the naga entered an enchanted slumber in an attempt to preserve their dying race."@en . . "1.7"^^ . "66"^^ . . "-"@en . . . . . . . "51"^^ . . . . . "Balanced"@en . "1"^^ . "Appa and Momo"@en . . "78"^^ . "Weaponizers"@en . "r"@fr . . "1"^^ . . "Wind"@en . . "Heavenly Cyclone\nBonecrusher"@en . . "12"^^ . "98"^^ . . . . . "The Naga is an enemy in Chrono Trigger that first appears in the Cathedral in 600 AD . They can also be fought in Guardia Castle when Marle and the party are trying to prove King Guardia XXXIII's innocence."@en . "Volk eh. Nachtelfen Art eh. Hochgeborene Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit K\u00F6nigin Azshara Mutter Vater Partner/-in Geschwister Kinder Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Krieg der Uralten Zone Gebiet Vashj'ir Status Stufe Stufe Die Naga entstanden aus den Hochgeborenen der Nachtelfen. Als im Krieg der Uralten w\u00E4hrend der Gro\u00DFen Teilung der Palast von K\u00F6nigin Azshara auf den Meeresgrund sank, ertranken nicht alle, sondern wurden stattdessen verflucht und in diese monstr\u00F6sen Kreaturen verwandelt."@de . . . . "Rare"@en . . "Naga"@en . . "Physical, one hit, one enemy"@en . . . "-"@en . "Naga is the god of snakes in Hindu mythology. He appears in Atlantis: The Game of Snakes in which he is voiced by Jeremy Irons."@en . . "12"^^ . . . . "Like bugganes, naga are natural shapeshifters and do not require medallions. They can shift from a human-snake hybrid to full human form to a snake with many heads. They can also take a half-human half-snake form with both a human head and multiple serpent heads and necks. They also possess the natural abilities of ordinary serpents like their powerful coils. It is unknown if they are venomous like the naga of legend. As snakes they can sense and are repulsed by the presence of a garuda bird, the enemy of snakes."@en . "Null"@en . . . . . . "Naga (`naga) are one of the premium Mythical avatars available for players from the Digo Market."@en . "32"^^ . . . . . . "True Lobotomy\nLife Bonus"@en . "Evolution"@en . . . "eh. Hochgeborene"@de . . "19057"^^ . "* Tribu Agua\n* Equipo Avatar"@es . "28"^^ . . . . "-"@en . "53"^^ . . . "100"^^ . "Plemie wody"@pl . . "Die indische Naga ist eine ausgestorbene Drachenart. Sie hatte einen Schlangenk\u00F6rper und Menschenkopf. Der Erzfeind der Nagas ist der Vogelmensch Garuda, der das Reittier des Gottes Vishnu ist. Wann immer die Naga aus ihren H\u00F6hlen hervorkommen, st\u00FCrzt Garuda sich auf sie um sie zu erbeuten. Diese Feindschaft kam folgenderma\u00DFen zu Stande: Durch einen Fluch wurde Garudas Mutter von der Mutter der Nagas versklavt. Dadurch wurde auch Garuda ein Diener der Nagas. Die Nagas versprachen ihm jedoch die Freiheit, wenn er das Elixier des Lebens von den G\u00F6ttern stielt. Garuda tat dies wiederwillig, jedoch will er sich f\u00FCr diese Schmach r\u00E4chen. Kategorie:Drache Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Mythisches Wesen"@de . . "25"^^ . . . . . . "None"@en . "Faction"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga, alternatively translated Narga in Fire Emblem Treasure), is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series, specifically the Archanea and Jugdral Series. Naga is the leader of the Divine Dragons, but due to her sympathy for humanity and great power, she is often hailed as a deity by humans."@en . "Naga"@fr . . "Naga are a species of human and snake crossbreeds who look like snakes with human heads and can assume the form of a human, snake, and their natural form. They live in caves normally. There appear to be two naga settlements, one north of the Gap, and one to the south. The current royal line of the Naga live at the south settlement near Draco's lair."@en . "Like bugganes, naga are natural shapeshifters and do not require medallions. They can shift from a human-snake hybrid to full human form to a snake with many heads. They can also take a half-human half-snake form with both a human head and multiple serpent heads and necks. They also possess the natural abilities of ordinary serpents like their powerful coils. It is unknown if they are venomous like the naga of legend. As snakes they can sense and are repulsed by the presence of a garuda bird, the enemy of snakes."@en . . . "Weak"@en . . . . "Large"@en . . . . "500"^^ . . . . "Nagas are large serpent creatures, usually 10 meters in length, that have enlarged, blunt heads. They are long-lived species and live in rocky crevices or metahuman structures, hunting on small animals from these lairs. They become inactive during periods of extreme heat or cold, hibernating until the temperatures normalize. Due to their ability to cast spells and the high learning curve for somatic and verbal cues, debates continue on their sentience."@pl . . "A Naga was a creature. Its natural prey was the Rikitik. The Naga was somehow able to easily lull the Rikitik before catching it in a grapple."@en . . "Media"@en . . "Naga is a monster found in the eighth Hero and Monster Collection set, Stewards of the Secret. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit."@en . . . . . "Kobieta"@pl . "Korra, Bolin, Mako, Pabu, Tenzin, Pema, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Rohan, Asami Sato, Tonraq, Senna, Katara, m\u00E1s..."@es . "Unabh\u00E4ngig, Illidari"@de . . . "Naga Queen"@en . ", a deity of Indian religions."@en . "Gorgon"@en . . "Appa"@es . "Fire Emblem: Awakening"@de . "Naga to istota pochodz\u0105ca z mitologii hinduskiej, jest to w\u0119\u017Cokszta\u0142tne b\u00F3stwo wodne. W Rappelz jest to bestia posiadaj\u0105ca pot\u0119\u017Cne ataki magiczne, \u017Cadnen inny chowaniec nie dysponuje tak\u0105 si\u0142\u0105. Zjednoczenie z Nag\u0105 zwi\u0119ksza atak magiczny: \n* Poziom 5 : atak magiczny +140, \n* Poziom 10 : +230, \n* Poziom 15 : +320"@pl . "250"^^ . "58"^^ . "General"@en . "Nagas"@fr . . . . . "-"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Gaining great power, getting revenge"@en . . . "Wasser"@de . . . "50"^^ . "Zale\u017Cnie od mutacjii i p\u0142ci"@pl . . "Naga ist der Bruder von Wavern und in ihm ist der Kern der Ruhe, all die Kraft der negativen Energie, w\u00E4hrend seine Schwester mit dem Kern der Unendlichkeit alles Positive verk\u00F6rpert und somit das Gegengewicht zu ihrem Bruder Naga darstellt."@de . . . . "4"^^ . "122"^^ . "\"Welcome to Republic City\""@en . . . . . . . . . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . . "8"^^ . . . . "14"^^ . "Humano\u00EFde"@fr . . "Fires three 8-way sprays of poison bullets."@en . "Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon"@de . . . . "The Naga is a large, blue and yellow serpent who wielded a sword and a shield, only appearing in the Gameboy Advance version of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. He was a monster in the Ancient Grove who was sought after by Skabb and his Skavengers, but Spyro defeated Naga, and the Skavengers captured the dragon to force him to fight in their arena."@en . . "Drop only"@en . "42"^^ . "Los Naga fueron elfos nocturnos altonatos que mutaron en vengativas serpientes marinas humanoides. Mientras muchos permanecieron en Azeroth para reclamar la superficie del mundo, un gran grupo sigui\u00F3 a El Traidor, Illidan Stormrage, hacia Outland y se situaron en las zonas acuosas de estas tierras destrozadas. Adem\u00E1s de su longevidad natural, numerosas nagas desarrollaron mutaciones que incrementaban mucho m\u00E1s sus vidas. Algunos son inmortales."@es . "1"^^ . "Die Naga sind Schlangenwesen, die einst zu Zeiten des gro\u00DFen K\u00F6nigs Kalume auf der Seite der D\u00E4monen gek\u00E4mpft haben. Nach Kalumes Sieg wurden sie im Atoulia-Vulkan eingesperrt. Doch nun ist die Barriere, die sie einsperrte gebrochen und die Naga machen wieder Taborea unsicher. Sie sind m\u00E4chtige Gegner und jeder Abenteurer sollte sich vor ihnen in acht nehmen."@de . . "40"^^ . "-"@en . . . . "Naga (Custos serpens) are giant serpents, usually around 10 meters in length, that are found throughout the world and tend to resemble the dominant snake species of their homelands. Despite their intelligence, Naga were not recognized as sapient for many years following their discovery in 2013. Indeed, many security corporations caught Naga and trained them as security animals, not realizing that their captives were studying as much as being studied. Currently, the following national entities recognize Naga as citizens, offering them SINs:"@en . "Sorcery 3"@en . . . . "Head Crush\\Innate\nBufula\\Innate\nTarukaja\\20\nFatal Sword\\21"@en . . . "water"@en . . "Die Naga sind eine Art der Argonier, die in den inneren S\u00FCmpfen der Schwarzmarsch lebt. Sie sehen aus wie Puffottern mit Armen und Beinen und sind gut zwei bis zweieinhalb Meter (sieben Fu\u00DF) gro\u00DF. Des Weiteren besitzen sie schwarze Schuppen und Augen sowie viele scharfe, nadel\u00E4hnliche Z\u00E4hne und haben kaum Kontakt zu Fremdl\u00E4ndern. Sie sehen den Saxhleel ziemlich \u00E4hnlich. W\u00E4hrend der Dritten \u00C4ra waren die Naga ber\u00FCchtigt f\u00FCr ihre Verbrechen, denn sie wurden f\u00FCr den Gro\u00DFteil der Verbrechen in der Schwarzmarsch verantwortlich gemacht. Sie schmuggelten Drogen und \u00FCberfielen H\u00E4ndlerkarawanen, die aus Cyrodiil und Morrowind kamen oder auf dem Weg dorthin waren. Dabei entf\u00FChrten und t\u00F6teten sie vor allem reiche Kaiserliche."@de . "3"^^ . . . "-"@en . "Cathedral"@en . . . . "None"@en . "The Naga are a race of amphibious serpents. They are primarily found in coastal waters or on marshlands, but can make a home most anywhere there is water. Some Naga are very hostile to land-based life, but their numbers have grown few and far between in recent ages. Only the stauncher and older Naga are any real threat. Nagas have no attacks, and move relatively slowly."@en . . "In Factions lore, Naga are the mortal enemies of the Tengu. Once driven to near extinction when the Jade Wind turned the Jade Sea into the mineral from which it took its name, they now aggressively attack those who venture near their territories. According to the Factions manuscripts, the intelligent Naga were in the past a species of merchants and artisians who were at peace with the Humans, until the Jade Wind nearly destroyed the entire race. If not for the Naga priestess Hanasha Coralfin, who united the less than 40 remaining Naga and established a warlike and expansive culture that seeks vengeance on the humans who they blame for their catastrophe."@en . "-"@en . "Nagas are large serpent creatures, usually 10 meters in length, that have enlarged, blunt heads. They are long-lived species and live in rocky crevices or metahuman structures, hunting on small animals from these lairs. They become inactive during periods of extreme heat or cold, hibernating until the temperatures normalize. Due to their ability to cast spells and the high learning curve for somatic and verbal cues, debates continue on their sentience."@pl . "Elec"@en . . "500"^^ . "si"@es . . "Nagat ovat k\u00E4\u00E4rmem\u00E4isi\u00E4 olentoja, jotka el\u00E4v\u00E4t meren pohjassa. 10.000 vuotta sitten he olivat Korkeasyntyisi\u00E4. Kuningatar Azshara on heid\u00E4n johtajansa. thumb|250px"@fi . . "Naga atau the dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities. Mythological creatures possessing some or most of the characteristics typically associated with dragons are common throughout the world's cultures. Naga merupakan lambang yang banyak digunakan dalam cerita silat."@in . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . . "Fire"@en . . . "250"^^ . "\u0397 \u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BC\u03B1\u03C3\u03AF\u03B1 \" \" \u03C3\u03C7\u03B5\u03C4\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03C4\u03C5\u03BC\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC \u03BC\u03B5 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BB\u03AD\u03BE\u03B7 \"[[ ]]\"."@el . . . . . . "Nagas are a class of hinduistic serpent deities. Inspired by their common depiction in western fiction, they are shown as female humanoid up to the waist, and a serpent tail below the waist. Their upper, humanoid, half has several serpentine characteristics as well, such as a cobra hood, slitted pupils, serpent fangs and local scaly skin."@en . . . . . . . . . "Nagas"@es . . . "Nagas are humanoid serpents from Hindu mythology with stingers at the end of their tails. They are known for being violent and vicious.They were first introduced in Monster Rancher 1 as obtainable at the beginning of the game, and have continued to appear in every Monster Rancher game since except for Monster Rancher Online. Naga was also one of the chief villains in the Monster Rancher anime series, appearing as one of Moo's Big Bad Four; he was responsible for the destruction of Holly and Suezo's village, and when being fought by the series' protagonists, he committed suicide when shocked by his enemies' desire to save him, although he was revived as a good monster in the last season."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Sykuria Shield"@en . "Team_Bonus_Type_1.png"@en . "Kishin"@en . "-"@en . "12"^^ . . . "Resist: Bind"@en . "Water / Darkness"@en . . "Claros"@es . "9900"^^ . . . "Naga"@de . "Las nagas son serpientes semidivinas hind\u00FAes con torso y cara humana, generalmente de mujer. Algunas leyendas cuentan que se las pod\u00EDa encontrar bajo la forma de serpiente de agua en antiguas zonas acuosas de Pakist\u00E1n. Son seres de sangre fr\u00EDa que poseen bonitas escamas, ojos grandes y brillantes, casi luminiscentes, y miden entre 3 y 6 metros. Las nagas tienen un gran encanto, cualidad que las hace muy poderosas sin necesidad de recurrir a thumb|210pxla violencia. Son enormemente inteligentes, sabias y pacientes. Prueba de ello es que son capaces de pasar horas inm\u00F3viles vigilando a un enemigo. Adem\u00E1s, descansan en un estado semiconsciente por lo que dif\u00EDcilmente pueden ser sorprendidas. Habitan en climas c\u00E1lidos. No suelen alejarse de sus guaridas, que son agujeros profundos o alguna ruina oscura. Preparan en su territorio trampas para los intrusos, a los que primero atacan con magia y, una vez agotados sus poderes, atacan con su mordedura venenosa. Existen 3 tipos de nagas: Naga acu\u00E1tica: De color verde esmeralda, tiene dibujos reticulados marrones y ojos verdes. Suele habitar en aguas dulces. Son neutrales, por lo que rara vez atacan a no ser que se vean amenazadas. Naga guardiana: Posee un aroma floral caracter\u00EDstico, ojos dorados y escamas verde-doradas. Es de naturaleza noble, por lo que suele avisar a los intrusos e incluso los entierra despu\u00E9s de la batalla. Es capaz de escupir veneno y matar as\u00ED, aunque tambi\u00E9n puede usar la mordedura y la constricci\u00F3n. Naga esp\u00EDritu: De todas las nagas, \u00E9sta es la que posee los rasgos faciales m\u00E1s humanos. Tiene pelo y ojos casta\u00F1os y sus escamas son negras y rojas. Son perversas y causan da\u00F1o a cualquier ser que se encuentren. Estas nagas no son lo suficientemente fuertes como para ejercer la constricci\u00F3n, pero poseen una mirada capaz de paralizar. Categor\u00EDa:Animales Categor\u00EDa:Bestiario"@es . "Reine Azshara"@fr . . "K\u00F6nigin Azshara, Lady Vashj"@de . . . "Nagas"@en . "100.0"^^ . . . . . "10"^^ . . "Dragon"@en . "93"^^ . . "Naga"@fi . . . "27"^^ . . . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a rogue Bakugan and one of the White Ones who tried to control all the power in Vestroia. In order to do so, he tried to absorb the two opposite cores, but made a mistake and trapped himself within the Silent Core, while the Infinity Core was expelled to Earth. At the same time, Naga shot energy waves to brainwash the Bakugan, which altered the dimensional balance and created the Doom Beings."@en . "Dead"@en . . . "Une Naga est une hache \u00E0 une mainCat\u00E9gorie:Objets \u00E0 une main . C'est une hache exceptionnelle."@fr . . . . . "-"@en . "-"@en . "Lamia as seen in the Library"@en . "A naga is a serpentine creature with a face that resembles a human's."@en . . "Piel"@es . . . "Bufurama\nDia"@en . . . "Naga"@es . "14"^^ . . "7"^^ . "n"@fr . . . "14"^^ . . "25"^^ . . . . . . "22"^^ . . . "Die Naga sind ehemalige Hochgeborene die K\u00F6nigin Azshara dienen. Durch die alten G\u00F6tter wurden sie zu reptilien-artigen Meeresbewohnern. Durch diese Mutationen und andere, \u00E4hnliche Verwandlungen sind einige Naga langlebig, sogar unsterblich geworden. Nach tausenden von Jahren wurden sie von Illidan aus ihrem Schlummer erweckt. Nun erheben sie in Azeroth und der Scherbenwelt den Anspruch auf die alleinige Herrschaft \u00FCber die Meere und Gew\u00E4sser dieser beiden Welten."@de . . . . . "Naga on the Forgotten Realms Wikia (Forgotten Realms lore is not canon to Critical Role)"@en . . . "Zio\nRakukaja\nWater Wall\nBackfist"@en . . . "8"^^ . "106"^^ . . "250px|thumb|Ha-naga 250px|thumb|Faeru\u0144ska ha-naga 250px|thumb|Ko\u015Bciana naga 250px|thumb|Opalowa naga 250px|thumb|\u015Awietlista naga Nagi to dysponuj\u0105ce wysok\u0105 inteligencj\u0105 i pot\u0119\u017Cn\u0105 magi\u0105 istoty o wygl\u0105dzie w\u0119\u017Cy z humanoidalnymi g\u0142owami. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 w cieplejszych klimatach i rzadko oddalaj\u0105 si\u0119 od swoich siedlisk. Te zimnokrwiste istoty o b\u0142yszcz\u0105cych \u0142uskach osi\u0105gaj\u0105, w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od gatunku, d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 od trzech do sze\u015Bciu i p\u00F3\u0142 metra. Ich pozbawione powiek oczy s\u0105 jasne i szerokie. Kr\u0119gos\u0142upy s\u0105 chronione wyrastaj\u0105cymi z grzbietu od pocz\u0105tku szyi do ko\u0144ca ogona tr\u00F3jk\u0105tnymi p\u0142ytkami."@pl . . "Adam and Eve"@en . . "25"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . . "Les nagas sont de sinistres \u00EAtres reptiliens vivant principalement dans les profondeurs des oc\u00E9ans. Leur race fut cr\u00E9\u00E9e lorsque les Bien-n\u00E9s fid\u00E8les \u00E0 la Reine Azshara furent engloutis par les eaux lors de la Grande fracture et transform\u00E9s en \u00EAtre ophidiens. Ils y rest\u00E8rent pendant dix mille ans, puis firent leur r\u00E9apparition apr\u00E8s la Troisi\u00E8me guerre. Ils se trouvent maintenant sur de nombreux littoraux d'Azeroth, ainsi qu'en Outreterre."@fr . . . . "Female"@en . "3"^^ . "Nagas appear as enemies in the Sealed Cave."@en . . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "Medium-High"@en . "Naga"@el . "The Naga are a race of amphibious serpents. They are primarily found in coastal waters or on marshlands, but can make a home most anywhere there is water. Some Naga are very hostile to land-based life, but their numbers have grown few and far between in recent ages. Only the stauncher and older Naga are any real threat. Nagas have no attacks, and move relatively slowly."@en . . . . . "Niebieskie"@pl . "All nagas have long, snakelike bodies covered with glistening scales, and more or less human faces. They range in length from 10 to 20 feet and weigh from 200 to 500 pounds. The eyes of a naga are bright and intelligent, burning with an almost hypnotic inner light."@en . . . . . "2878"^^ . . "Naga is a race of creature exclusive to a multicolored creature. __TOC__"@en . "2877"^^ . . . "Equips All"@en . "72"^^ . . . "John Stocker"@en . . "Naga"@pl . . . . . . "Bottom Zero"@en . "175"^^ . "4"^^ . . "45"^^ . . "-"@en . "8"^^ . . "Alien"@en . . . "14707"^^ . "42"^^ . "Die Naga sind ehemalige Hochgeborene die K\u00F6nigin Azshara dienen. Durch die alten G\u00F6tter wurden sie zu reptilien-artigen Meeresbewohnern. Durch diese Mutationen und andere, \u00E4hnliche Verwandlungen sind einige Naga langlebig, sogar unsterblich geworden. Nach tausenden von Jahren wurden sie von Illidan aus ihrem Schlummer erweckt. Nun erheben sie in Azeroth und der Scherbenwelt den Anspruch auf die alleinige Herrschaft \u00FCber die Meere und Gew\u00E4sser dieser beiden Welten."@de . . . "schwarz"@de . "250px|thumb|Ha-naga 250px|thumb|Faeru\u0144ska ha-naga 250px|thumb|Ko\u015Bciana naga 250px|thumb|Opalowa naga 250px|thumb|\u015Awietlista naga Nagi to dysponuj\u0105ce wysok\u0105 inteligencj\u0105 i pot\u0119\u017Cn\u0105 magi\u0105 istoty o wygl\u0105dzie w\u0119\u017Cy z humanoidalnymi g\u0142owami. Wyst\u0119puj\u0105 w cieplejszych klimatach i rzadko oddalaj\u0105 si\u0119 od swoich siedlisk. Te zimnokrwiste istoty o b\u0142yszcz\u0105cych \u0142uskach osi\u0105gaj\u0105, w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od gatunku, d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 od trzech do sze\u015Bciu i p\u00F3\u0142 metra. Ich pozbawione powiek oczy s\u0105 jasne i szerokie. Kr\u0119gos\u0142upy s\u0105 chronione wyrastaj\u0105cymi z grzbietu od pocz\u0105tku szyi do ko\u0144ca ogona tr\u00F3jk\u0105tnymi p\u0142ytkami. Nagi s\u0142yn\u0105 z rozwagi i cierpliwo\u015Bci. Potrafi\u0105 godzinami trwa\u0107 w bezruchu, aby b\u0142yskawicznie ruszy\u0107 do dzia\u0142ania w razie potrzeby. Ten p\u00F3\u0142-letarg pozwala im na oszcz\u0119dzanie energii, nie przyt\u0119piaj\u0105c w \u017Caden spos\u00F3b niezwyk\u0142ej czujno\u015Bci. Niekt\u00F3re osobniki posiadaj\u0105 pod brod\u0105 specjaln\u0105 kiesze\u0144 s\u0142u\u017C\u0105c\u0105 do przenoszenia przedmiot\u00F3w. Nagi \u017Cyj\u0105ce na l\u0105dzie maj\u0105 charakterystyczny zapach, kt\u00F3rym przesi\u0105kni\u0119te s\u0105 tak\u017Ce ich domostwa. Z uwagi na sw\u0105 inteligencj\u0119, istoty te w\u0142adaj\u0105 zwykle czterema b\u0105d\u017A wi\u0119cej j\u0119zykami. Nagi s\u0105 znane z zak\u0142adania licznych pu\u0142apek na intruz\u00F3w. Je\u015Bli wdadz\u0105 si\u0119 w walk\u0119, stosuj\u0105 przede wszystkim czary, a dopiero po ich wyczerpaniu truj\u0105ce uk\u0105szenie. Najwi\u0119ksze z nich pr\u00F3buj\u0105 ople\u015B\u0107 przeciwnika w\u0119\u017Cowymi splotami i zadusi\u0107. Nagi s\u0105 samotnikami, skupionymi na polowaniu i pl\u0105drowaniu swego niewielkiego (oko\u0142o p\u00F3l kilometra kwadratowego) obszaru \u0142owieckiego. Najcz\u0119\u015Bciej wypoczywaj\u0105 w g\u0142\u0119bokiej norze, ale czasem mo\u017Cna je spotka\u0107 zwini\u0119te w k\u0142\u0119bek w ciemnym pomieszczeniu jakich\u015B opuszczonych ruin. Cho\u0107 ich p\u0142e\u0107 jest dla laika niemo\u017Cliwa do rozpoznania, czasem mo\u017Cna je spotka\u0107 w parach. Gody trwaj\u0105 kr\u00F3tko, gdy\u017C zap\u0142odniona samica szybko opuszcza samca, aby znale\u017A\u0107 stosowne miejsce do ukrycia jaj. M\u0142ode nagi wygl\u0105daj\u0105 jak w\u0119\u017Ce. Ich ludzka g\u0142owa wykszta\u0142ca si\u0119 podczas bolesnego linienia, kiedy osi\u0105gaj\u0105 doros\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Nagi \u017Cyj\u0105 setki lat i kultywuj\u0105 pieczo\u0142owicie swoj\u0105 histori\u0119 w formie przekaz\u00F3w ustnych. z twego powodu bywaj\u0105 cennymi \u017Ar\u00F3d\u0142ami informacji. Czasem przez wieki strzeg\u0105 jakich\u015B skarb\u00F3w lub artefakt\u00F3w. \u0141uski tych istot s\u0142u\u017C\u0105 do produkcji magicznych zbroi \u0142uskowych, natomiast oczy i z\u0119by s\u0105 wykorzystywane jako komponenty do pot\u0119\u017Cnych czar\u00F3w."@pl . "Amikor a S\u00F6t\u00E9t trollok egy t\u00F6rzse r\u00E1tal\u00E1lt az \u00D6r\u00F6kk\u00E9val\u00F3s\u00E1g K\u00FAtj\u00E1ra a tudatok t\u00E1gulni kezdett. A test\u00FCk\u00F6n is jelent\u0151s v\u00E1ltoz\u00E1sok k\u00F6vetkeztek be. Arcuk kifinomult, agyaraik elt\u0171ntek, f\u00FCl\u00FCk v\u00E9konyodott. A hit\u00FCk m\u00E1r nem a Lo\u00E1k k\u00F6r\u00E9 \u00E9p\u00FClt, hanem a holdistenn\u0151, Elune k\u00F6r\u00E9. Megismerkedtek az \u0150s\u00F6kkel (Ancient) \u00E9s Cenariussal, akit\u0151l megtanult\u00E1k a term\u00E9szet tanait. T\u00F6rzs\u00FCk neve kit\u00F6rl\u0151d\u00F6tt \u00E9s imm\u00E1r Kaldorei-eknek, azaz a Csillagok Gyermekeinek h\u00EDvt\u00E1k \u0151ket. Kalimdoron (melyet \u0151k neveztek el \u00EDgy \u00E9s a jelent\u00E9se az \u00D6r\u00F6k Csillagf\u00E9ny F\u00F6ldje) kialak\u00EDtott\u00E1k a b\u00E9k\u00E9s Kaldorei Birodalmat. Egykori fajuk birodalmai hirtelen t\u00E1madni kezdt\u00E9k \u0151ket, ami ellen eleinte nem tudtak v\u00E9dekezni, \u00E1m p\u00E1r tud\u00F3s mesterked\u00E9seinek k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151en elsaj\u00E1t\u00EDtott\u00E1k a m\u00E1giahaszn\u00E1latot \u00E9s megsz\u00FClettek az els\u0151 m\u00E1gusok. Miut\u00E1n a trollok "@hu . . "47"^^ . "45"^^ . . "5"^^ . . "199"^^ . "6"^^ . "Zioma"@en . . "204"^^ . "Amikor a S\u00F6t\u00E9t trollok egy t\u00F6rzse r\u00E1tal\u00E1lt az \u00D6r\u00F6kk\u00E9val\u00F3s\u00E1g K\u00FAtj\u00E1ra a tudatok t\u00E1gulni kezdett. A test\u00FCk\u00F6n is jelent\u0151s v\u00E1ltoz\u00E1sok k\u00F6vetkeztek be. Arcuk kifinomult, agyaraik elt\u0171ntek, f\u00FCl\u00FCk v\u00E9konyodott. A hit\u00FCk m\u00E1r nem a Lo\u00E1k k\u00F6r\u00E9 \u00E9p\u00FClt, hanem a holdistenn\u0151, Elune k\u00F6r\u00E9. Megismerkedtek az \u0150s\u00F6kkel (Ancient) \u00E9s Cenariussal, akit\u0151l megtanult\u00E1k a term\u00E9szet tanait. T\u00F6rzs\u00FCk neve kit\u00F6rl\u0151d\u00F6tt \u00E9s imm\u00E1r Kaldorei-eknek, azaz a Csillagok Gyermekeinek h\u00EDvt\u00E1k \u0151ket. Kalimdoron (melyet \u0151k neveztek el \u00EDgy \u00E9s a jelent\u00E9se az \u00D6r\u00F6k Csillagf\u00E9ny F\u00F6ldje) kialak\u00EDtott\u00E1k a b\u00E9k\u00E9s Kaldorei Birodalmat. Egykori fajuk birodalmai hirtelen t\u00E1madni kezdt\u00E9k \u0151ket, ami ellen eleinte nem tudtak v\u00E9dekezni, \u00E1m p\u00E1r tud\u00F3s mesterked\u00E9seinek k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151en elsaj\u00E1t\u00EDtott\u00E1k a m\u00E1giahaszn\u00E1latot \u00E9s megsz\u00FClettek az els\u0151 m\u00E1gusok. Miut\u00E1n a trollok m\u00E1r nem jelentettek fenyeget\u00E9st a seregek visszat\u00E9rtek haz\u00E1jukba \u00E9s folytatt\u00E1k b\u00E9k\u00E9s \u00E9let\u00FCket. J\u00F3 kapcsolatot kezdtek \u00E1polni a nom\u00E1d taurenekkel, a barlangokban \u00E9l\u0151 furbolgokkal \u00E9s a nemr\u00E9g birodalmat alap\u00EDt\u00F3 pandarenekkel. \u00C1m hamarosan egy \u00FAj uralkod\u00F3 ker\u00FClt tr\u00F3nra, Azshara kir\u00E1lyn\u0151, akinek sz\u00EDve kem\u00E9ny volt, de k\u00FClseje csod\u00E1latos. Az alattval\u00F3i kedvelt\u00E9k a kir\u00E1lyn\u0151t, annak ellen\u00E9re mennyi vasmark\u00FA volt. Azshara f\u0151k\u00E9pp a var\u00E1zslatok haszn\u00E1lat\u00E1t tartotta fontosnak \u00E9s a hold-im\u00E1datot elavultnak gondolta. A m\u00E1gusokat ez\u00E9rt is halmozta el mindenf\u00E9le j\u00F3val \u00E9s k\u00FCl\u00F6nleges jogokkal.thumb|400px \u00CDgy a Kaldorei t\u00E1rsadalom kezdett elk\u00FCl\u00F6n\u00FClni a civilekre \u00E9s a nemesekre, akiket Nemesensz\u00FCletetteknek neveztek. Azshar\u00E1t hamarosan megsz\u00F3l\u00EDtotta a L\u00E9gi\u00F3 Ura, Sargeras, aki \u00F6r\u00F6k l\u00E9tet \u00EDg\u00E9rt neki. \u00C1m a kir\u00E1lyn\u0151nek mit sem sz\u00E1m\u00EDtott az \u00F6r\u00F6kl\u00E9t! Ennek ellen\u00E9re Sargerasnan olyasmit l\u00E1tott, melyet egy azerothi f\u00E9rfiben sem: megfelel\u0151 f\u00E9rjet. Azshara megegyezett a d\u00E9mon \u00FArral \u00E9s j\u00F3v\u00E1hagyta hadj\u00E1rat\u00E1t. R\u00F6videsen port\u00E1lok ny\u00EDltak a Kavarg\u00F3 \u0170rbe (Twisting Nether) \u00E9s kezdet\u00E9t vette az inv\u00E1zi\u00F3. A b\u00E9k\u00E9s kaldorei falvakat id\u0151vel t\u0171z bor\u00EDtotta be \u00E9s k\u00E1osz uralkodott mindenhol. Szerencs\u00E9re meg\u00E9rkezett az els\u0151 druida, Haragvihar Malfurion \u00E9s \u00F6sszeszedte a szedett-vedett t\u00E1rsas\u00E1got, szerelme, Suttog\u00F3sz\u00E9l Tyrande seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel. Egy\u00FCtt hamarosan megszervezt\u00E9k az ellen\u00E1ll\u00E1s \u00E9s kezdet\u00E9t vette a forradalom. Malfuriont sok mindenki t\u00E1mogatta, k\u00F6zt\u00FCk az \u0150s\u00F6kkel (Ancient) \u00E9l\u00FCk\u00F6n Cenariussal, valamint a s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok, kiket Alexstrasza vezetett. A s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok megegyeztek, hogy k\u00E9sz\u00EDtenek egy fegyvert, melyet meg\u00E1ldva eredm\u00E9nyesen haszn\u00E1lhatnak a L\u00E9gi\u00F3 ellen. A var\u00E1zsszer elk\u00E9sz\u00EDt\u00E9s\u00E9re Neltharion, a F\u00F6ld aszpektusa jelentkezett. Goblin szolg\u00E1ival aranykorongba \u00F6nt\u00F6tte az esszenci\u00E1t, majd a s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyokra b\u00EDzta, hogy \u00E1ldj\u00E1k meg (\u00E9s ezzel k\u00F6ss\u00E9k magukat hozz\u00E1). Ezut\u00E1n Nelthariont b\u00EDztak meg a S\u00E1rk\u00E1nyl\u00E9leknek nevezett eszk\u00F6z haszn\u00E1lat\u00E1val. A fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny a Nemesensz\u00FCletett f\u0151v\u00E1rosn\u00E1l, Zin-azsharin\u00E1l v\u00EDvott csat\u00E1ba ment \u00E9s ott vetette be el\u0151sz\u00F6r. \u00C1m a d\u00E9monok ut\u00E1n egyenesen a kaldoreiekre ir\u00E1ny\u00EDtotta a korong l\u00E1ng-cs\u00F3v\u00E1j\u00E1t. El\u0151sz\u00F6r Malygos vette \u00E9szre Neltharion \u00E1rul\u00E1s\u00E1t \u00E9s s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny-raj\u00E1val (Dragonflight) neki t\u00E1madt. \u00C1m ennek megszenvedt\u00E9k a k\u00E1r\u00E1t a k\u00E9k s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok nagy r\u00E9sze odaveszett a var\u00E1zst\u00E1rgy \u00E1ltal, ami Malygos meg\u0151r\u00FCl\u00E9s\u00E9hez \u00E9s 10.000 \u00E9vre val\u00F3 elt\u0171n\u00E9s\u00E9hez vezetett. A v\u00F6r\u00F6s, z\u00F6ld \u00E9s bronz s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok azonnal oda siettek, \u00E1m Neltharion a fegyver seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel \u00E1tvette felett\u00FCk az ir\u00E1ny\u00EDt\u00E1st \u00E9s pr\u00F3babab\u00E1kk\u00E9nt mozgatta \u0151ket.thumb|400px Azonban a s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny romlotts\u00E1ga k\u00FCls\u0151j\u00E9n is megjelent. B\u0151re al\u00F3l l\u00E1va t\u00F6rt fel, mely sz\u00E9troncsolta a test\u00E9t \u00E9s visszavonul\u00E1sra k\u00E9nyszer\u00EDtette, de el\u0151tte sz\u00E9tsz\u00F3rta a s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyokat, akik elmenek\u00FCltek, nehogy a k\u00E9k s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok sors\u00E1ra jussanak. Ezut\u00E1n Nelthariont, Hal\u00E1lsz\u00E1rnyk\u00E9nt, a fegyver\u00E9t pedig D\u00E9monl\u00E9lekk\u00E9nt ismert\u00E9k. Az ellen\u00E1ll\u00E1snak a s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok n\u00E9lk\u00FCl kellett t\u00E9nykednie. Ekkor Malfurion egy elsz\u00E1nt tervvel lepte meg a nagy-k\u00F6z\u00F6ns\u00E9get. Az k\u00EDv\u00E1nta, hogy puszt\u00EDts\u00E1k el az \u00D6r\u00F6kk\u00E9val\u00F3s\u00E1g K\u00FAtj\u00E1t, amivel v\u00E9get vethetnek a h\u00E1bor\u00FAnak. Hab\u00E1r a legt\u00F6bben ellenezt\u00E9k Elune papn\u0151inek vezet\u0151je ki\u00E1llt a druid\u00E1\u00E9rt \u00E9s egy kis meggy\u0151z\u00E9s ut\u00E1n Cenarius is t\u00E1mogatta az \u00F6tletet \u00E9s ezzel biztoss\u00E1 v\u00E1lt a terv v\u00E9grehajt\u00E1sa. \u00C1m volt valaki, aki mindenn\u00E9l jobban ellenezte ezt, Haragvihar Illidan, aki Azshar\u00E1hoz ment \u00E9s el\u00E9t\u00E1rta az ellen\u00E1ll\u00E1s terv\u00E9t. A kir\u00E1lyn\u0151 \u00E9pp Sargerassal t\u00E1rsalgott, aki -l\u00E1tva \u00FAj szolg\u00E1j\u00E1t- ki\u00E9gette szem\u00E9t \u00E9s jutalomb\u00F3l k\u00E9t f\u00E9nyl\u0151 g\u00F6mb\u00F6t tett a hely\u00E9re, mellyel l\u00E1thatja a m\u00E1gia-forr\u00E1sokat. Azshara a szem\u00E9lyi test\u0151rs\u00E9g\u00E9nek vezet\u0151j\u00E9vel, Varo'thennel Malfurion elfog\u00E1s\u00E1ra k\u00FCldte Illidant. A k\u00E9t var\u00E1zsl\u00F3 teljes\u00EDtette a parancsot \u00E9s a Malfurionn\u00E1l tal\u00E1lt D\u00E9monlelket (amit a druida a Smaragd \u00C1lmot felhaszn\u00E1lva Hal\u00E1lsz\u00E1rny rejtekhely\u00E9hez lop\u00F3zott \u00E9s megfosztotta a t\u00E1rgyt\u00F3l) \u00E1tszolg\u00E1ltatt\u00E1k Azshar\u00E1nak. A Kir\u00E1lyn\u0151 Mannorothnak adta tov\u00E1bb, aki -ezt felhaszn\u00E1lva- a Sargerasnak sz\u00E1nt port\u00E1lt er\u0151s\u00EDtette. Ezt k\u00F6vet\u0151en Tyrande kez\u00E9be ker\u00FClt az ellen\u00E1ll\u00E1s, aki r\u00F6gt\u00F6n megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lta kivitelezni szerelme terv\u00E9t \u00E9s Zin-azshari ostrom al\u00E1 ker\u00FClt. A bennt l\u00E9v\u0151 Nemesensz\u00FCl\u00F6ttek \u00E9ppen var\u00E1zslatukat k\u00E1nt\u00E1lt\u00E1k, amikor a harcosok meglept\u00E9k \u0151ket. A palot\u00E1ban kibontakozott a k\u00E1osz. Ezalatt Illidan ki ment a port\u00E1lhoz \u00E9s a m\u00E1gi\u00E1j\u00E1t felhaszn\u00E1lva megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lta a port\u00E1lt a vissz\u00E1j\u00E1ra ford\u00EDtani, \u00FAgy hogy az ne k\u00FCldj\u00F6n, hanem sz\u00EDvjon d\u00E9monokat. Tyrande figyelmeztetni akarta a var\u00E1zsl\u00F3t, hogy ez vesz\u00E9lyes lehet, \u00E1m az elhallgattatta, \u00EDgy arra sem tudta figyelmeztetni, hogy var\u00E1zslat\u00E1ba s\u00F6t\u00E9t elemek vegy\u00FCltek. Sajnos Illidan nem tudta befejezni, amit elkezdett, mivel d\u00E9monok t\u00E1madtak r\u00E1juk \u00E9s harcba bocs\u00E1tkoztak. Eg\u00E9szen Malfurionig verekedt\u00E9k magukat, aki k\u00F6z\u00F6lte, hogy visszaszerezte Varo'thent\u0151l a D\u00E9monlelket \u00E9s az a terve, hogy azzal z\u00E1rja be a port\u00E1lt. A k\u00EDs\u00E9rletet elkezdt\u00E9k, de hamarosan megsz\u00F3l\u00EDtotta \u0151ket egy \u0150si Isten (Old God), aki arra akarta felhaszn\u00E1lni a fegyvert, hogy \u0151 is kiszabaduljon, \u00E1m Malfurion \u00E9s Illidan visszanyert\u00E9k akaratukat. Ekkor -a Nemesensz\u00FCl\u00F6ttek \u00E1ltal elkezdett, \u00E1m befejezetlen var\u00E1zslat instabilit\u00E1sa v\u00E9gett- az \u00D6r\u00F6kk\u00E9val\u00F3s\u00E1g K\u00FAtja felrobbant \u00E9s bek\u00F6vetkezett a Hasad\u00E1s (Sundering). Rengetegen haltak meg, de akadtak olyanok is akik t\u00FAl\u00E9lt\u00E9k, mint Malfurion, Tyrande \u00E9s Illidan. \u00C1m nem mindenki \u00FAszta meg ennyivel. Azshara \u00E9s a Nemesensz\u00FCl\u00F6ttek els\u00FCllyedtek a palot\u00E1val egy\u00FCtt \u00E9s, ahogy egyre m\u00E9llyebre ker\u00FCltek csak a f\u00E9ny ut\u00E1n kapkodtak.thumb|400px Ekkor megsz\u00F3l\u00EDtotta \u0151ket egy \u0150si Isten, aki alkut aj\u00E1nlott: megmenti \u0151ket, ha cser\u00E9be a terveit juttatj\u00E1k el\u0151re. Azshara elfogadta az aj\u00E1nlatot \u00E9s hamarosan kipikklelyesedett a b\u0151r\u00FCk arcuk eltorzult a n\u0151k fej\u00E9n k\u00EDgy\u00F3k, m\u00EDg a f\u00E9rfiak fej\u00E9n \u00FAsz\u00F3k jelentek meg. T\u00FCd\u0151j\u00FCk befogadta a vizet \u00E9s hamarosan kopolty\u00FAv\u00E1 alakult. M\u00E1r nem voltak Kaldorei-ek. Sokkal t\u00F6bbek voltak.. Nag\u00E1k. Azshara a v\u00EDz alj\u00E1n pr\u00F3b\u00E1lta meg fel\u00E9p\u00EDteni kir\u00E1lys\u00E1g\u00E1t, melyet Nazjatarnak nevezett el. Akadtak b\u0151ven ellens\u00E9gei, kik a ter\u00FClet\u00E9rt versenyeztek. Murlocok, kiknek kir\u00E1lys\u00E1g\u00E1t gyorsan leverve \u00FCld\u00F6zt\u00E9k ki \u0151ket a sz\u00E1razf\u00F6ldre. Makrur\u00E1k, akiknek kir\u00E1lys\u00E1g, Mak'aru az \u00F3ce\u00E1n legahatalmasabb katonai erej\u00E9t jelentette, m\u00E9g k\u00F6z\u00FCl\u00FCk is sokan nag\u00E1k \u00E1ldozat\u00E1ul estek. Sokat harcoltak Neptulonnal is, aki nem volt hajland\u00F3 elismerni jelenl\u00E9t\u00FCket. Ezalatt Azshara k\u00E9sz\u00FClt a bossz\u00FAj\u00E1ra az egykori alattval\u00F3i ellen, terveket sz\u00F6v\u00F6getett... P\u00E1r ad\u00F3ss\u00E1got behajtva Illidan nag\u00E1kat h\u00EDvott el\u0151 a tenger m\u00E9ly\u00E9r\u0151l, hogy azokkal sz\u00F6vetkezve hajtsa v\u00E9gre nagyszab\u00E1s\u00FA terv\u00E9t. A seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00FCkkel megszerezte Sargeras Szem\u00E9t \u00E9s azzal egy\u00FCtt ment el Dalaranba, ahol megkezdte \u00C9szakszirt sz\u00E9tv\u00E1laszt\u00E1s\u00E1t. Ekkor k\u00F6zbe l\u00E9pett Malfurion, aki -miut\u00E1n Tyrande-et megmentett\u00E9k a Falk\u00E1t\u00F3l (Scourge)- sz\u00E1m\u0171zte testv\u00E9r\u00E9t. Illidan a buk\u00E1sa ellen\u00E9re nem keseredett el, s\u0151t \u00FAjabb tervei lettek, melyeket a K\u00FCls\u0151 F\u00F6ldeken (Outland) \u00F3hajtott v\u00E9gre hajtani. Sajnos id\u0151el\u0151tt el lett fogva, S\u00F6t\u00E9tdal Maiev (Maiev Shadowsong) \u00E1ltal. \u00C1m Lady Vashj \u00E9s Kael'thas Herceg kimentett\u00E9k \u00E9s egy\u00FCtt -a Kavarg\u00F3 \u0170rbe nyitott port\u00E1lok bez\u00E1r\u00E1sa ut\u00E1n- elfoglalt\u00E1k a K\u00FCls\u0151 F\u00F6ldeket \u00E9s birtokba vett\u00E9k a Fekete Templomot. Ekkor megjelent Kil'jaeden \u00E9s sz\u00E1monk\u00E9rte Illidant buk\u00E1s\u00E1\u00E9rt, aki erre \u00FAjabb \u00EDg\u00E9retet tett neki a Lid\u00E9rc Kir\u00E1ly megbuktat\u00E1s\u00E1ra. Egy\u00FCtt felutaztak \u00C9szakszirtre, ahol versenyfut\u00E1sba kezdtek Arthas er\u0151ivel, de kikaptak \u00EDgy visszamenek\u00FCltek a K\u00FCls\u0151 F\u00F6ldekre. Kor\u00E1bban is felt\u0171ntek, \u0151k seg\u00EDtettek Kael'thasnak v\u00E9gigcsin\u00E1lni egy k\u00FCldet\u00E9st, mely egy foly\u00F3n kereszt\u00FCl vezetett. R\u00E1ad\u00E1sul a behat\u00E1sukra csatlakozott Kael'thas Illidan er\u0151ihez.thumb|265px Amikor Azshara el\u00E9rkezettnek l\u00E1tta az id\u0151t el\u0151rel\u00E9p\u00E9seket tett a Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g \u00E9s a Horda ellen \u00E9s Azeroth majdnem minden tengepartj\u00E1n megjelentek. Amikor Lord Kazzak \u00E1ltal \u00FAjra megny\u00EDlik a S\u00F6t\u00E9t Port\u00E1l a Horda \u00E9s a Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g er\u0151i \u00E1tl\u00E9pnek rajta, majd komoly csat\u00E1roz\u00E1sokba kezdenek a legt\u00F6bb lak\u00F3j\u00E1val. K\u00F6zt\u00FCk a Zangarmarsh-ba betelep\u00FCl\u0151 nag\u00E1k ellen is, akiknek vezet\u0151j\u00E9t, Lady Vashjt meg\u00F6lve, a K\u00EDgy\u00F3olt\u00E1r Kamr\u00E1kban (Serpenshrine Cavern) v\u00E9get vetettek az Outland-i nag\u00E1k t\u00E9nyked\u00E9s\u00E9nek. \u00C9szakszirten is fellelhet\u0151 p\u00E1r naga a melegebb vizekben, mint Borean Tundra d\u00E9li r\u00E9sz\u00E9n, ahol t\u00F6bbek k\u00F6zt a Kvaldirok elpuszt\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ra k\u00E9rnek fel kalandorokat. A nag\u00E1knak szerencs\u00E9s fordulatot hoz a Kataklizma. Mestereik, az \u0150si Istenek meger\u0151s\u00F6dnek, \u00EDgy \u0151k is komolyan akci\u00F3zni kezdenek. R\u00E9szt vesznek Feathermoon Stronghold els\u00FCllyeszt\u00E9s\u00E9ben, S\u00F6t\u00E9tpart megsz\u00E1ll\u00E1s\u00E1ban (ahol maga Azshara is megjelenik) \u00E9s Nazjatarban is komoly ellen\u00E1ll\u00E1suk van. Sajnos a Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g \u00E9s a Horda bajnokai eddig szinte minden t\u00F6rekv\u00E9s\u00FCket meghi\u00FAsitott\u00E1k, de m\u00E9g biztosan van valami az \u0151r\u00FClt kir\u00E1lyn\u0151 tarsoly\u00E1ban."@hu . . "206"^^ . "Alignment"@en . . . . "213"^^ . "Flat"@en . "214"^^ . . . "40"^^ . . "15"^^ . . "n"@en . . "232"^^ . . "Witaj w Mie\u015Bcie Republiki"@pl . "31"^^ . . "45"^^ . . . "John Stocker"@en . "247.5"^^ . . . "elec"@en . "248"^^ . . . . "Common, Draconic, and Supernal"@en . . "Naga is a monster found in the eighth Hero and Monster Collection set, Stewards of the Secret. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit."@en . . "Naga was a demon shapeshifter and daughter of Kadru Vishahara. She worked for Jezebeth during the stirrings in Illunii. She preferred a snakelike form and could invade most people's minds with ease, planting mental switches which would later trigger and make her targets act as her pawns, one such victim being Deidra Finian. Naga eventually perished during the Battle of Illunii when the manor of Thanatos Barca fell on her after she had transformed into a giant snake."@en . "7"^^ . "Resist"@en . . "Phys\\+2\nIce\\+1\nAilment\\-1\nFire\\-3"@en . "8"^^ . . "dragon"@en . . "10"^^ . . . . . "Naga"@en . . . . "Bufula\nIcicle\nPoisma\nMediala\nRakukaja\nZionga"@en . . "-"@en . . "166"^^ . "The Naga is a large, blue and yellow serpent who wielded a sword and a shield, only appearing in the Gameboy Advance version of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. He was a monster in the Ancient Grove who was sought after by Skabb and his Skavengers, but Spyro defeated Naga, and the Skavengers captured the dragon to force him to fight in their arena."@en . "Die Naga sind Schlangenwesen, die einst zu Zeiten des gro\u00DFen K\u00F6nigs Kalume auf der Seite der D\u00E4monen gek\u00E4mpft haben. Nach Kalumes Sieg wurden sie im Atoulia-Vulkan eingesperrt. Doch nun ist die Barriere, die sie einsperrte gebrochen und die Naga machen wieder Taborea unsicher. Sie sind m\u00E4chtige Gegner und jeder Abenteurer sollte sich vor ihnen in acht nehmen."@de . "A naga is a serpentine creature with a face that resembles a human's."@en . . "30"^^ . . . "Naga"@en . "Blanco"@es . . "Zionga\nSkewer\nWall of Water\nBarrier"@en . "Planet Dinozoa"@en . "Sorcery 1"@en . . . . "Tokkosho"@en . . . . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC Naga?) is a race of unseen aliens that appeared in Ultraman Tiga. Subtitle: Dinosaur humanity (\u6050\u7ADC\u4EBA\u985E Ky\u014Dry\u016B Jinrui?)"@en . . "26"^^ . "8"^^ . "1"^^ . "Nagat ovat k\u00E4\u00E4rmem\u00E4isi\u00E4 olentoja, jotka el\u00E4v\u00E4t meren pohjassa. 10.000 vuotta sitten he olivat Korkeasyntyisi\u00E4. Kuningatar Azshara on heid\u00E4n johtajansa. thumb|250px"@fi . . "10"^^ . "white"@de . "8"^^ . . "Black Marauder, Ember, Tridart, Vexos, Twelve Orders"@en . "eh. Nachtelfen"@de . "thumb|Naga\u5358\u6570\u5F62: naga \u4E00\u6B21\u8A00\u8A9E: Nazja \u5927\u7834\u58CA\u3088\u308A\u3082\u524D\u3001Highborne\u306F\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u8CB4\u65CF\u968E\u7D1A\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u6700\u9AD8\u4F4D\u306E\u8005\u305F\u3061\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002\u7279\u6A29\u3092\u6301\u3064\u8CB4\u65CF\u306F\u6C38\u9060\u306E\u6CC9\u306B\u53D6\u308A\u6191\u304B\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u308A\u3001\u95C7\u306E\u5DE8\u4EBASargeras\u306B\u6C17\u4ED8\u304B\u308C\u308B\u307E\u3067\u6CC9\u306E\u9B54\u6CD5\u3092\u4E71\u7528\u3057\u305F\u3002Sargeras\u306F\u60D1\u661FAzeroth\u3092\u697D\u5712\u306B\u4F5C\u308A\u5909\u3048\u3001\u305D\u306E\u3046\u3048\u81EA\u5206\u306B\u4ED5\u3048\u308C\u3070\u5927\u304D\u306A\u529B\u304C\u4E0E\u3048\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3068Highborne\u306B\u7D04\u675F\u3057\u305F\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002 \u5F53\u9762\u306E\u3042\u3044\u3060Sargeras\u306F\u3001\u305D\u306E\u671B\u307F\u306E\u865C\u3068\u306A\u3063\u3066\u5F93\u9806\u306AHighborne\u3092\u78BA\u4FDD\u3057\u305F\u3002Sargeras\u306E\u547D\u4EE4\u306B\u3088\u308A\u3001Highborne\u306FSargeras\u304CAzeroth\u3078\u6765\u3089\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u3068\u6CC9\u306B\u30DD\u30FC\u30BF\u30EB\u3092\u4F5C\u3063\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u4F01\u3066\u304C\u6210\u529F\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308C\u3070\u3001\u4ED6\u306E\u7121\u6570\u306E\u4E16\u754C\u3068\u540C\u69D8\u306BAzeroth\u3082\u78BA\u5B9F\u306B\u6EC5\u307C\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3067\u3042\u308D\u3046\u3002Sargeras\u306E\u529B\u306F\u305D\u308C\u307B\u3069\u306E\u3082\u306E\u3060\u3063\u305F\u3002 Highborne\u306E\u8A66\u307F\u306FBurning Legion\u306E\u7B2C\u4E00\u6B21\u4FB5\u653B\u3092\u3082\u305F\u3089\u3057\u305F\u304C\u3001\u7D9A\u304F\u53E4\u4EE3\u795E\u6226\u4E89\u306FSargeras\u304C\u7D04\u675F\u3068\u306F\u307E\u3063\u305F\u304F\u9006\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3092\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3088\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u3002\u5B9D\u77F3\u306B\u5F69\u3089\u308C\u305F\u5973\u738B\u306E\u5BAE\u6BBF\u304B\u3089\u306F\u60AA\u9B54\u304C\u3042\u3075\u308C\u51FA\u3057\u3001\u90FD\u5E02\u306E\u5927\u534A\u304C\u8352\u308C\u679C\u3066\u305F\u3002\u60AA\u9B54\u306E\u8ECD\u968A\u306B\u7D9A\u3044\u3066\u6B7B\u3068\u8352\u5EC3\u304C\u767A\u751F\u3057\u3066\u5916\u3078\u3068\u5E83\u304C\u3063\u305F\u3002\u3064\u3044\u306BHighborne\u306E\u5927\u96C6\u56E3\u306F\u9020\u53CD\u3057\u3066\u5BAE\u6BBF\u304B\u3089\u9003\u308C\u3001\u30CA\u30A4\u30C8\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u96C6\u56E3\u306B\u518D\u3073\u52A0\u308F\u3063\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u6642\u306B\u53CD\u9006\u3057\u305FHighborne\u306F\u306E\u3061\u306B\u30CF\u30A4\u30A8\u30EB\u30D5\u3068\u306A\u308B\u3002"@ja . "Naga.png"@de . . . "The Naga is a monster in the Reptile Family."@en . "cialo"@pl . . . . . . . . . "Naga"@ja . "0"^^ . . "Nagas are intelligent species that resembles a large snake with some human-like characteristics. One made its first appearance in Once More the Nightmare Factory."@en . . . "11"^^ . "Nagi powsta\u0142y ze Szlachetnie Urodzonych nocnych elf\u00F3w, nale\u017C\u0105cych do dworu Kr\u00F3lowej Azshary, kt\u00F3re zosta\u0142y przemienione w p\u00F3\u0142 elfie, w\u0119\u017Cowate, m\u015Bciwe istoty. Rozwijaj\u0105 sw\u0105 cywilizacj\u0119 na dnie oceanu, ale stanowi\u0105 r\u00F3wnie\u017C zagro\u017Cenie dla mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w wybrze\u017Cy."@pl . "14"^^ . . "115"^^ . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Naga (`naga) are one of the premium Mythical avatars available for players from the Digo Market."@en . "121"^^ . . "4"^^ . "26"^^ . . . . "25"^^ . "30"^^ . . "7"^^ . "28"^^ . "35"^^ . . "Sends all enemies flying on contact."@en . . . "99"^^ . "19"^^ . "3"^^ . "160"^^ . "17"^^ . . . . "26"^^ . "90"^^ . . "21"^^ . . . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a rogue Bakugan and one of the White Ones who tried to control all the power in Vestroia. He also has a deep hatred for the Battle Brawlers, mainly Dan and Drago. He is Wayvern's twin brother, he was resurrected by the Black Marauder as a Darkus attribute Bakugan. Now Naga joins force with Marauder and his allies in hopes of conquering New Vestroia and getting revenge on the Battle Brawlers."@en . "41"^^ . . "95"^^ . "49"^^ . "32"^^ . "Naga"@en . . "yes"@en . "38"^^ . "36"^^ . . "Naga are a tribe of half-snake half humans. They are said to be the enemies of Garuda. They are also said to be the followers of Koumokuten, one of the Four Heavenly Kings."@en . . . "60"^^ . . . "Boukenger"@en . . . . . . . "60"^^ . "shifta & deband"@en . "Naga comprise a variety of similar species of intelligent aberrations with widely differing abilities and alignments. Naga appear as large snake like creatures with humanoid torsos. They often range widely in coloring and scale patterns, but are all usually about the same size. Most will 'stand' at a height about equal to or just above that of a regular human (six feet or so), but because of the length of their trailing tails they can raise themselves up by a few feet, to intimidate foes, or simply get a better view. The four most common races of naga are the dark naga, guardian naga, spirit naga, and water naga."@en . . . . "-"@en . "[[Plik:Naga_concerned_about_Korra.png|thumb|left|Korra i Naga]]Gdy Mako, Bolin, Asami i Korra utworzyli oficjalny sojusz, Naga s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a z pocz\u0105tku \u015Brodek transportu do patrolowania Miasta Republiki. Jednak zwierz\u0119 nie by\u0142o w stanie nie\u015B\u0107 wszystkich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 jednocze\u015Bnie. Korra cz\u0119sto podr\u00F3\u017Cowa\u0142a na Nadze. Zwierz\u0119 ch\u0119tnie jej towarzyszy\u0142o. Podczas gdy Korra by\u0142a uwi\u0119ziona przez Tarrloka, Naga szuka\u0142a j\u0105 po zapachu do kryj\u00F3wki m\u0119\u017Cczyzny, gdzie by\u0142a Awatar. Zwierz\u0119 zanios\u0142o wyczerpan\u0105 Korr\u0119 z powrotem do Miasta Republiki."@pl . . "Light"@en . "When Naga was a pup, she became separated from her pack during a storm. Wandering around by herself in the tundra near the Southern Water Tribe, she was found by a young Korra, who had sneaked out of her home. Although distrustful of the child at first, Naga warmed up to her after Korra offered her some fish jerky. Having gobbled up the food, she watched on in mild confusion as Korra started to hop around on all fours around her, desiring to play together. Inseparable during the following years growing up, Naga became Korra's best friend as well as her main means of transport."@en . "19"^^ . "Hull\u00E1mok Papn\u0151je, M\u00E1gus, Naga \nAnom\u00E1lia, Var\u00E1zsl\u00F3, B\u0171v\u00F6l\u0151, Harcos,\nS\u00E1m\u00E1n"@hu . "2"^^ . "Naga atau the dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities. Mythological creatures possessing some or most of the characteristics typically associated with dragons are common throughout the world's cultures. Naga merupakan lambang yang banyak digunakan dalam cerita silat."@in . "22"^^ . "30"^^ . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . . "f"@en . . . . . "De naga zijn voormalige Highborne night elves die muteerden in wraakzuchtige humano\u00EFde zeeslangen."@nl . . . "10"^^ . "6"^^ . "Naga is a starting tribe from Koh-Lanta: L'\u00CEle au Tr\u00E9sor. Their tribe color is yellow."@en . . "481"^^ . "4"^^ . . . "20"^^ . . "Los Naga fueron elfos nocturnos altonatos que mutaron en vengativas serpientes marinas humanoides. Mientras muchos permanecieron en Azeroth para reclamar la superficie del mundo, un gran grupo sigui\u00F3 a El Traidor, Illidan Stormrage, hacia Outland y se situaron en las zonas acuosas de estas tierras destrozadas. Adem\u00E1s de su longevidad natural, numerosas nagas desarrollaron mutaciones que incrementaban mucho m\u00E1s sus vidas. Algunos son inmortales."@es . . "495"^^ . . . "15"^^ . . "30"^^ . "Zioma"@en . . . . "25"^^ . . . . "13"^^ . "14"^^ . . "15"^^ . . . "None"@en . "Une Naga est une hache \u00E0 une mainCat\u00E9gorie:Objets \u00E0 une main . C'est une hache exceptionnelle."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "402"^^ . "-"@en . . "\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC"@en . . "Epic"@en . . . . . . . . "Snake"@en . "429"^^ . . "Naga.jpg"@de . . . "Silent Down"@en . "Scale Guard"@en . "Hermit"@en . "Naga is a starting tribe from Koh-Lanta: L'\u00CEle au Tr\u00E9sor. Their tribe color is yellow."@en . "Naga"@pl . "Naga as seen in the Library"@en . "70"^^ . . "Naga the Eternal - 18 Turns"@en . "Yes"@en . . . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . . . "72"^^ . . "Begleittier des Avatars"@de . . . "Medusa"@en . . "Pierce"@en . "19563"^^ . "12"^^ . . "13"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Los Naga son una raza de humanoides que vivieron en la Ci\u00E9naga Negra, m\u00E1s concretamente en la regi\u00F3n de Murkmire. Los Naga guardan alguna similitud con los Saxhleel, la raza predominante de argonianos."@es . "The Naga is a One-Handed Exceptional Axe in Diablo II."@en . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a monstrously long giant oarfish (Regalecus glesne) in The Ocean Hunter. It is the second and final sub boss in Tartarus Deep."@en . . . . . . "\u0397 \u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BC\u03B1\u03C3\u03AF\u03B1 \" \" \u03C3\u03C7\u03B5\u03C4\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03C4\u03C5\u03BC\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC \u03BC\u03B5 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BB\u03AD\u03BE\u03B7 \"[[ ]]\"."@el . "The Naga is an enemy in Chrono Trigger that first appears in the Cathedral in 600 AD . They can also be fought in Guardia Castle when Marle and the party are trying to prove King Guardia XXXIII's innocence."@en . "Light"@en . . "80"^^ . . . . "375"^^ . "-"@en . . "Once More the Nightmare Factory"@en . . . . . "180"^^ . . . . "264"^^ . . "-"@en . "Naga is the god of snakes in Hindu mythology. He appears in Atlantis: The Game of Snakes in which he is voiced by Jeremy Irons."@en . "266"^^ . "Starting tribe"@en . . . . . . . . . "283"^^ . . . "Naga"@en . "* Team Avatar\n* Water Tribe"@en . . "Las nagas son serpientes semidivinas hind\u00FAes con torso y cara humana, generalmente de mujer. Algunas leyendas cuentan que se las pod\u00EDa encontrar bajo la forma de serpiente de agua en antiguas zonas acuosas de Pakist\u00E1n. Son seres de sangre fr\u00EDa que poseen bonitas escamas, ojos grandes y brillantes, casi luminiscentes, y miden entre 3 y 6 metros. Existen 3 tipos de nagas: Naga acu\u00E1tica: De color verde esmeralda, tiene dibujos reticulados marrones y ojos verdes. Suele habitar en aguas dulces. Son neutrales, por lo que rara vez atacan a no ser que se vean amenazadas."@es . "esPYrave3MCjPcRS"@en . . "Resist"@en . . "Naga"@de . . . . . . "6"^^ . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . "Naga"@es . "Lamia"@en . . . . "None"@en . "10"^^ . . "Common"@en . . "Weak"@en . "Ultraman Tiga episode 23: Dinosaurs' Star"@en . . . . "Die Naga sind eine Art der Argonier, die in den inneren S\u00FCmpfen der Schwarzmarsch lebt. Sie sehen aus wie Puffottern mit Armen und Beinen und sind gut zwei bis zweieinhalb Meter (sieben Fu\u00DF) gro\u00DF. Des Weiteren besitzen sie schwarze Schuppen und Augen sowie viele scharfe, nadel\u00E4hnliche Z\u00E4hne und haben kaum Kontakt zu Fremdl\u00E4ndern. Sie sehen den Saxhleel ziemlich \u00E4hnlich."@de . . . . "-"@en . "84"^^ . "Animal gu\u00EDa del Avatar Korra"@es . "shifta & deband"@en . . . . . . "34"^^ . "67262327739412486313864"@en . . . "The Naga is a hostile boss mob in Minecraft. The Naga drops Naga Scales which can be used to make Naga Scale Armor. The Naga spawns inside a Naga Courtyard from a Boss Spawner (can be found in NEI; produces a Naga when placed and when the player is nearby) and will not attack anything outside of it. If the player is outside of the courtyard, then the Naga cannot be damaged by the player."@en . . . "Naga ist eine \u00E4u\u00DFerst starke Eisb\u00E4rh\u00FCndin. In die Legende von Korra ist Naga das Begleittier von Avatar Korra. In der ersten Folge Willkommen in Republica begleitet Naga Avatar Korra auf ihrer Reise nach Republica. Sie f\u00E4ngt sich dort einige Fische und isst diese, woraufhin Korra und Naga vom Parkw\u00E4chter verscheucht werden, da das Fischen im Park verboten ist. Sie ist eine sehr gro\u00DFe Hilfe bei der Fortbewegung, denn sie kann sehr viel schneller laufen, als ein Mensch. Desweiteren unterst\u00FCtzt Naga Avatar Korra auch in einigen K\u00E4mpfen und ist ihr immer treu."@de . . . "Mylla & Youlla"@en . . "John Stocker"@de . . . "* 2nd or 3rd tier MAG\n* Level 50, 55, 60, etc.\n* No 4th tier evolution\n* DEF < 45\n* either:Fed by force POW = DEXor:Fed by force MIND ≥ POW ≥ DEXor:Fed by force POW > MIND > DEX"@en . "DM-12 Thrash of the Hybrid Megacreatures"@en . . . . "Wicked Dragon Naga (\u90AA\u60AA\u7ADC\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC, J\u0101kury\u016B N\u0101ga, 15-16) is one of the Jaakuryuu."@en . "[azara]] lady vasj"@es . . . "[[Plik:Naga_concerned_about_Korra.png|thumb|left|Korra i Naga]]Gdy Mako, Bolin, Asami i Korra utworzyli oficjalny sojusz, Naga s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142a z pocz\u0105tku \u015Brodek transportu do patrolowania Miasta Republiki. Jednak zwierz\u0119 nie by\u0142o w stanie nie\u015B\u0107 wszystkich przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 jednocze\u015Bnie. Korra cz\u0119sto podr\u00F3\u017Cowa\u0142a na Nadze. Zwierz\u0119 ch\u0119tnie jej towarzyszy\u0142o. Podczas gdy Korra by\u0142a uwi\u0119ziona przez Tarrloka, Naga szuka\u0142a j\u0105 po zapachu do kryj\u00F3wki m\u0119\u017Cczyzny, gdzie by\u0142a Awatar. Zwierz\u0119 zanios\u0142o wyczerpan\u0105 Korr\u0119 z powrotem do Miasta Republiki. Naga cz\u0119sto pomaga\u0142a w walce i zastraszaniu wrog\u00F3w, zw\u0142aszcza R\u00F3wno\u015Bciowc\u00F3w. Chroni\u0142a i czuwa\u0142a nad Wysp\u0105 Powietrza. Naga i Pabu uwolnili Asami, Bolina i Iroha z z celi na lotnisko Hiroshiego. Nied\u017Awiedziopies pom\u00F3g\u0142 w p\u00F3\u017Aniejszej walce i zniszczy\u0142 kilka mech\u00F3w, ochraniaj\u0105c towarzyszy Razem z Korr\u0105 wr\u00F3ci\u0142y na Biegun Po\u0142udniowy, gdzie Katara mia\u0142a pom\u00F3c Korze odzyska\u0107 magi\u0119. Po nieudanej pr\u00F3bie Korra wybieg\u0142a z chaty i dosiad\u0142szy Nagi uciek\u0142a w kierunku klifu, gdzie spotka\u0142a Aanga."@pl . . "Ninguno \naunque se representa que es darkus"@es . "6"^^ . "None"@en . . . "310"^^ . "Azshara"@pl . "Low"@en . . "Double Fangs\\Innate\nRakukaja\\Innate\nBewilder\\Innate\nMazio\\19\nDodge Pierce\\21\nEerie Sound\\22"@en . "Naga es una hembra perro oso polar que pertenece al Avatar Korra como su acompa\u00F1ante, animal gu\u00EDa y su principal forma de transporte. A pesar de su apariencia intimidante, se la describe como una \"novia\" y es considerada la mejor amiga de Korra. Ella es muy protectora de Korra y ha aprendido a usar su fuerza para ayudarla a salir de situaciones peligrosas."@es . "In-game appearance"@en . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . . . . . "Naga, Terror of the Tides"@en . "-"@en . "Magical"@en . . . . "58"^^ . "Dan Kuso, Runo Misaki, Marucho Marukura, Shun Kazami, Julie Makimoto, Alice Gehabich, Joe Brown, Jake Vallory, Gunz Lazar, Mira Clay, Ace Grit, Baron Leltoy, Spectra Phantom, Fabia Sheen, Rafe, Ren Krawler, Paige, Ash Ketchum, Dan Kusco, Yugi Muto, Jason Canmore, Cassim, Alice Gehabich, Melody, Kisara, Dingo, Alex O'Connell, Fa Mulan"@en . "-"@en . . "Image:Red naga hatchling.pngImage:Black naga hatchling.pngImage:Golden naga hatchling.pngImage:Guardian naga hatchling.png"@en . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga, alternatively translated Narga in Fire Emblem Treasure), is a recurring character in the Fire Emblem series, specifically the Archanea and Jugdral Series. Naga is the leader of the Divine Dragons, but due to her sympathy for humanity and great power, she is often hailed as a deity by humans."@en . . . . . "Electricity, Darkness"@en . . . "Les nagas sont de sinistres \u00EAtres reptiliens vivant principalement dans les profondeurs des oc\u00E9ans. Leur race fut cr\u00E9\u00E9e lorsque les Bien-n\u00E9s fid\u00E8les \u00E0 la Reine Azshara furent engloutis par les eaux lors de la Grande fracture et transform\u00E9s en \u00EAtre ophidiens. Ils y rest\u00E8rent pendant dix mille ans, puis firent leur r\u00E9apparition apr\u00E8s la Troisi\u00E8me guerre. Ils se trouvent maintenant sur de nombreux littoraux d'Azeroth, ainsi qu'en Outreterre."@fr . . . . . "35"^^ . . "Increases Speed."@en . . . "27"^^ . . "Vor der Gro\u00DFen Teilung bildeten die Hochgeborenen die h\u00F6chste Adelskaste der Nachtelfen. Diese Adligen waren besessen von dem Brunnen der Ewigkeit und missbrauchten seine Magie, bis ihre Aktivit\u00E4t die Aufmerksamkeit des dunklen Titanen Sargeras erregte. Er versprach den Hochgeborenen, den Planeten Azeroth in ein Paradies zu verwandeln und ihnen gewaltige Macht zu verleihen, wenn sie ihm dienten. F\u00FCr einige Zeit hielt er die Hochgeborenen bezaubert und seinen W\u00FCnschen gegen\u00FCber gehorsam. Unter der Kontrolle Sargeras haben die Hochgeborenen ein Portal im Brunnen geschaffen, in der Hoffnung, dass Sargeras selbst nach Azeroth kommen k\u00F6nnte. Seine Macht war so gro\u00DF, dass Azeroth ihr mit Sicherheit erlegen w\u00E4re, so wie zahlreiche andere Welten, wenn sein Plan angegangen w\u00E4re. Die Bem\u00FChungen der Hochgeborenen haben die erste Invasion der Brennenden Legion erm\u00F6glicht, aber der darauffolgende Krieg der Urtume schien entgegen dem was Sargeras versprochen hatte. Die D\u00E4monen kamen aus dem juwelenverzierten Palast der K\u00F6nigin und verw\u00FCsteten einen Gro\u00DFteil der Stadt. Tod und Verheerung zog eine Spur hinter der d\u00E4monischen Arme, w\u00E4hrend diese weiter vordrang. Schlie\u00DFlich rebellierte eine Gruppe Hochgeborener und floh aus dem Palast, um sich den Nachtelfen anzuschlie\u00DFen. Diese rebellischen Hochgeborenen wurden sp\u00E4ter zu den Hochelfen."@de . "Silent Naga"@de . . "9"^^ . . . . . . . "13"^^ . "14"^^ . . "-"@en . "11"^^ . . . . . . . "De naga zijn voormalige Highborne night elves die muteerden in wraakzuchtige humano\u00EFde zeeslangen."@nl . . . . "100"^^ . "Naga to istota pochodz\u0105ca z mitologii hinduskiej, jest to w\u0119\u017Cokszta\u0142tne b\u00F3stwo wodne. W Rappelz jest to bestia posiadaj\u0105ca pot\u0119\u017Cne ataki magiczne, \u017Cadnen inny chowaniec nie dysponuje tak\u0105 si\u0142\u0105. Zjednoczenie z Nag\u0105 zwi\u0119ksza atak magiczny: \n* Poziom 5 : atak magiczny +140, \n* Poziom 10 : +230, \n* Poziom 15 : +320"@pl . . "16"^^ . "The Naga is a One-Handed Exceptional Axe in Diablo II."@en . "532"^^ . . "16"^^ . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a rogue Bakugan and one of the White Ones who tried to control all the power in Vestroia. In order to do so, he tried to absorb the two opposite cores, but made a mistake and trapped himself within the Silent Core, while the Infinity Core was expelled to Earth. At the same time, Naga shot energy waves to brainwash the Bakugan, which altered the dimensional balance and created the Doom Beings."@en . "Unknown"@en . . "\"The Last Stand\""@en . . . . "1"^^ . "Nagi powsta\u0142y ze Szlachetnie Urodzonych nocnych elf\u00F3w, nale\u017C\u0105cych do dworu Kr\u00F3lowej Azshary, kt\u00F3re zosta\u0142y przemienione w p\u00F3\u0142 elfie, w\u0119\u017Cowate, m\u015Bciwe istoty. Rozwijaj\u0105 sw\u0105 cywilizacj\u0119 na dnie oceanu, ale stanowi\u0105 r\u00F3wnie\u017C zagro\u017Cenie dla mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w wybrze\u017Cy."@pl . "Tatzen, Maul"@de . "6"^^ . "Lady Vashj"@es . . . . "5"^^ . "\"Bienvenida a Ciudad Rep\u00FAblica\""@es . . . . "All troops gain +2 Armor and +1 Attack for having 3 unique Naga troops"@en . "27"^^ . . "567"^^ . "17"^^ . . . "620"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "9"^^ . . "Snake"@en . . . . "15"^^ . "13"^^ . . . . "Calm"@en . "Naga"@de . . . . . . . . "Skip Hammer"@en . . "Nagas are a race of intelligent snake-like immortals with widely differing abilities and alignments. They resemble giant snakes, some with humanoid heads and some with more snake-like heads, both of which have a certain amount of spell casting power. They have also been known to eat the flesh of humans, orcs, and other races. Nagas were created, along with yuan-ti, by the reptilian Creator Race, the sarrukh."@en . . "-"@en . "Naga/RPG"@de . "Naga"@nl . "Nagaraja Riot - 23 Turns"@en . "Damage dealer/support"@en . "Snake Spear\nLife Stone\nRevival Bead"@en . . "16018"^^ . "Naga"@de . . . "Medium-Low"@en . . . "N\u0101ga"@en . . "Blanco"@es . . . "Gotland"@en . . . . . . . "\u90AA\u795E \u30CA\u30FC\u30AC"@en . . "121"^^ . . . "None"@en . "Male"@en . "Sea turtles"@en . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC, N\u0101ga) es el principal antagonista de la serie anime, Los Luchadores de la Batalla Bakugan. Es el creador y el lider de los Seres de la Perdici\u00F3n y el archi-enemigo de los seis Luchadores de la Tierra (Dan, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Shun y Alice)."@es . . . . "Naga are a tribe of half-snake half humans. They are said to be the enemies of Garuda. They are also said to be the followers of Koumokuten, one of the Four Heavenly Kings."@en . "Naga was a demon shapeshifter and daughter of Kadru Vishahara. She worked for Jezebeth during the stirrings in Illunii. She preferred a snakelike form and could invade most people's minds with ease, planting mental switches which would later trigger and make her targets act as her pawns, one such victim being Deidra Finian. Naga eventually perished during the Battle of Illunii when the manor of Thanatos Barca fell on her after she had transformed into a giant snake."@en . "In Factions lore, Naga are the mortal enemies of the Tengu. Once driven to near extinction when the Jade Wind turned the Jade Sea into the mineral from which it took its name, they now aggressively attack those who venture near their territories. According to the Factions manuscripts, the intelligent Naga were in the past a species of merchants and artisians who were at peace with the Humans, until the Jade Wind nearly destroyed the entire race. If not for the Naga priestess Hanasha Coralfin, who united the less than 40 remaining Naga and established a warlike and expansive culture that seeks vengeance on the humans who they blame for their catastrophe."@en . . "Sword swipe"@en . . "Day 1"@en . . . "Team_Bonus_Type_2.png"@en . "Zionga\nHell Thrust\nTarukaja\nVoid Fire"@en . . . . "Ultra Rare"@en . . . "Naga is a race of creature exclusive to a multicolored creature. __TOC__"@en . . . . . . . . "Lake, Area 7"@en . . . . . "-"@en . . . . . . . "None"@en . "35"^^ . "naga"@en . "28"^^ . . "Poison Master"@en . . . . . . "agua"@es . . "0"^^ . . "Bakugan Battle Brawlers"@en . . "The serpentine Nagas are one of the least understood races of the Great Continent. Part of this is due to their xenophobic nature and part is due to their alien environment. The Naga are one of the few races capable of any meaningful mobility in water, giving them access to a whole world effectively forbidden to land dwellers and further separating them from the terrestrial beings that they shun. Still, they are not true creatures of the sea, and their inability to breathe water leaves them in trepidation of the abyss. Living in coastal area gives them an escape route on land against denizens of the deep while keeping them out of reach those who travel by foot, wing, and hoof. Although Naga are somewhat frail in form, they are often faster and more nimble than their opponents. They sometim"@en . . . "Electricity"@en . . . "Naga.jpg"@es . . . . "Korra's animal companion"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "Yes"@en . "Ziora \nPoison Bite\nMaziora\nTail\nDiarama\nPosumudi"@en . . . . "Snake"@en . . . "10"^^ . "Varies by mutation and gender"@en . . "Nagas."@en . . "16"^^ . . "Naga (Custos serpens) are giant serpents, usually around 10 meters in length, that are found throughout the world and tend to resemble the dominant snake species of their homelands. Despite their intelligence, Naga were not recognized as sapient for many years following their discovery in 2013. Indeed, many security corporations caught Naga and trained them as security animals, not realizing that their captives were studying as much as being studied. The Naga used this underestimation of their intelligence to their advantage - as Naga were retired from security service (or simply escaped on their own), they returned to their homelands and relayed everything they knew about metahuman society (including a near-complete understanding of many metahuman languages) to their fellows. During this time period, many Naga throughout Asia gathered around the ruins of Angkor Wat, in Cambodia. With the assistance of many paranormal creatures, the Naga succeeded in almost completely stamping out tourist travel to Angkor Wat. There, they set about creating a genuine national government. Though they called themselves \"The Naga Kingdom,\" the nation was in reality a coalition of Naga and other intelligent paracritters working together to establish a safe haven away from metahumanity. Eventually, in the early 2060s, the Naga revealed themselves as a sapient species, and officially founded the Naga Kingdom of Angkor Wat. Their success in this endeavor was most likely aided significantly by the cultural reverence towards Naga that had developed in East Asia during the half-century following their initial discovery. Naga have their own language, but are also fully capable of learning and speaking almost any metahuman language. They do have some problems with hard consonants, though, making languages such as German problematic. Currently, the following national entities recognize Naga as citizens, offering them SINs: \n* Amazonia \n* Bangla Commonwealth \n* Burma \n* The Indian Union \n* Laos \n* Malaysia \n* Manchuria \n* The Salish-Shidhe Council \n* Sichuan \n* Singapore \n* Sri Lanka \n* Vietnam Additionally, all AAA Megacorps employ and offer corporate SINs to Naga, as do many AA corporations."@en . "Onyx"@en . . . . . "Keine"@de . . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . . . "Guardian nagas can paralyze you with their bite attack. A ring of free action is handy in this case."@en . . . "Nazjatar"@de . . "A naga is a legendary reptilian creature with the upper body of a human (most often an attractive woman) and the tail of a snake, from India and Hindu mythology. While according to legend, the snake tail only replaces the legs, most modern interpretations show the snake half incorrectly starting at the waist. In folklore traditions they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans. Nages are usually depicted with a single pair of arms, but occasionally may have two or even three pairs of arms. Nagas are sometimes called lamias, a sometimes similar vampiric creature from Greek mythology. Nagas should not be confused with \"man-serpents\", monsters with the body of a snake and the head of a man and are therefore armless; nagas always have arms."@en . . "20"^^ . . . . . . "Naga are a species of human and snake crossbreeds who look like snakes with human heads and can assume the form of a human, snake, and their natural form. They live in caves normally. There appear to be two naga settlements, one north of the Gap, and one to the south. The current royal line of the Naga live at the south settlement near Draco's lair."@en . . "27"^^ . "A Medusa rises out of the water"@en . . . "-"@en . . . . "16"^^ . . . . "The Naga is a monster in the Reptile Family."@en . . . . "Weak"@en . "550.0"^^ . "Fire, Earth"@en . . . . "Guardia Castle"@en . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC, N\u0101ga) es el principal antagonista de la serie anime, Los Luchadores de la Batalla Bakugan. Es el creador y el lider de los Seres de la Perdici\u00F3n y el archi-enemigo de los seis Luchadores de la Tierra (Dan, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Shun y Alice)."@es . . . "6"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . "Naga \u30CA\u30FC\u30AC is a third evolution MAG in Phantasy Star Online. A second or third tier MAG can become another third tier form when it is a level divisible by 5 and at least level 50 after feeding, but does not meet the requirements to evolve into any specific fourth tier form. To become a Naga, it must have DEF lower than 45 and: Only whole POW, DEX and MIND levels count for these comparisons; the 0%\u2013100% progress meters are disregarded. Feeding charts for Andhaka, Bana, Bhima[I&II], Kabanda, Madhu, Marica, Naga, Naraka, Pushan[I&II], Rati[I&II] and Ravana"@en . "27"^^ . "Wayvern"@en . "26"^^ . "Avatar"@en . "Nagas are intelligent species that resembles a large snake with some human-like characteristics. One made its first appearance in Once More the Nightmare Factory."@en . "Neutral-Chaos"@en . "Hell Thrust\nZionga\nMazionga\nVoid Fire"@en . "None"@en . "Bad"@en . "15"^^ . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . . "Volk eh. Nachtelfen Art eh. Hochgeborene Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit K\u00F6nigin Azshara Mutter Vater Partner/-in Geschwister Kinder Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Krieg der Uralten Zone Gebiet Vashj'ir Status Stufe Stufe Die Naga entstanden aus den Hochgeborenen der Nachtelfen. Als im Krieg der Uralten w\u00E4hrend der Gro\u00DFen Teilung der Palast von K\u00F6nigin Azshara auf den Meeresgrund sank, ertranken nicht alle, sondern wurden stattdessen verflucht und in diese monstr\u00F6sen Kreaturen verwandelt."@de . "5"^^ . . "10"^^ . . . . "14"^^ . . "Ninguna"@es . . "7"^^ . "Kishin"@en . . . . . . "15"^^ . . . "-"@en . . "Nagas are a race of intelligent snake-like immortals with widely differing abilities and alignments. They resemble giant snakes, some with humanoid heads and some with more snake-like heads, both of which have a certain amount of spell casting power. They have also been known to eat the flesh of humans, orcs, and other races. Nagas were created, along with yuan-ti, by the reptilian Creator Race, the sarrukh."@en . "The Naga is a hostile boss mob in Minecraft. The Naga drops Naga Scales which can be used to make Naga Scale Armor. The Naga spawns inside a Naga Courtyard from a Boss Spawner (can be found in NEI; produces a Naga when placed and when the player is nearby) and will not attack anything outside of it. If the player is outside of the courtyard, then the Naga cannot be damaged by the player."@en . . "Femenino"@es . "Fire , Poison"@en . "The Astral Sea and Prime Material Plane"@en . . "Darkus Riot"@en . . "121"^^ . "The serpentine Nagas are one of the least understood races of the Great Continent. Part of this is due to their xenophobic nature and part is due to their alien environment. The Naga are one of the few races capable of any meaningful mobility in water, giving them access to a whole world effectively forbidden to land dwellers and further separating them from the terrestrial beings that they shun. Still, they are not true creatures of the sea, and their inability to breathe water leaves them in trepidation of the abyss. Living in coastal area gives them an escape route on land against denizens of the deep while keeping them out of reach those who travel by foot, wing, and hoof. Although Naga are somewhat frail in form, they are often faster and more nimble than their opponents. They sometimes find themselves at odds with Merfolk when their territories overlap, but overall the Naga tend to favor swamps and rivers as much as open water."@en . . "Naga im RPG"@de . . "Naga (\u30CA\u30FC\u30AC N\u0101ga) is a rogue Bakugan and one of the White Ones who tried to control all the power in Vestroia. He also has a deep hatred for the Battle Brawlers, mainly Dan and Drago. He is Wayvern's twin brother, he was resurrected by the Black Marauder as a Darkus attribute Bakugan. Now Naga joins force with Marauder and his allies in hopes of conquering New Vestroia and getting revenge on the Battle Brawlers."@en . . . "0"^^ . . "RURcfZvducPcXsPX"@en . "25"^^ . "All nagas have long, snakelike bodies covered with glistening scales, and more or less human faces. They range in length from 10 to 20 feet and weigh from 200 to 500 pounds. The eyes of a naga are bright and intelligent, burning with an almost hypnotic inner light."@en . "Snakes"@en . .