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Qingu Qingu
Qingu var en Ohne-värd Goa'uld och 'son' eller 'gemål' av Tiamat. Hon anförtrotts honom med öga av Tiamat någon gång före sin död i händerna på Marduk. Marduk lärt av Qingu när han åt Tiamat, och lyckades fånga honom levande tillsammans med ögat. Med Qingu innan de församlade Systemherrarna för att försegla den pakt som skulle nämna honom att också vara ett Systemherre, halshuggna Marduk Qingu och åt honom innan Systemherrarnas ögon. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") Qingu was an Ohne-hosted Goa'uld and the 'son' or 'consort' of Tiamat. She entrusted him with the Eye of Tiamat sometime before her death at the hands of Marduk. Marduk learned of Qingu when he ate Tiamat, and managed to capture him alive, along with the Eye. Taking Qingu before the assembled System Lords in order to seal the pact that would name him to also be a System Lord, Marduk decapitated Qingu and ate him before the System Lords' eyes. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") Qingu, the Visage of Radiance is the Apocalyptic Forms of the Namaru who specialize in the Lore of Radiance. The Qingu are beautiful, statuesque, radiant winged creatures, with eyes that pierce all concealment. When they become consumed with Torment, their beauty becomes alien, cruel, and cold, and they grow horns and spit acid. They are not as prone to becoming ruthless monsters as the other Namaru forms, but instead push humans relentlessly, usually towards destruction.
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Qingu was an Ohne-hosted Goa'uld and the 'son' or 'consort' of Tiamat. She entrusted him with the Eye of Tiamat sometime before her death at the hands of Marduk. Marduk learned of Qingu when he ate Tiamat, and managed to capture him alive, along with the Eye. Taking Qingu before the assembled System Lords in order to seal the pact that would name him to also be a System Lord, Marduk decapitated Qingu and ate him before the System Lords' eyes. (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") Qingu var en Ohne-värd Goa'uld och 'son' eller 'gemål' av Tiamat. Hon anförtrotts honom med öga av Tiamat någon gång före sin död i händerna på Marduk. Marduk lärt av Qingu när han åt Tiamat, och lyckades fånga honom levande tillsammans med ögat. Med Qingu innan de församlade Systemherrarna för att försegla den pakt som skulle nämna honom att också vara ett Systemherre, halshuggna Marduk Qingu och åt honom innan Systemherrarnas ögon. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords") Qingu, the Visage of Radiance is the Apocalyptic Forms of the Namaru who specialize in the Lore of Radiance. The Qingu are beautiful, statuesque, radiant winged creatures, with eyes that pierce all concealment. When they become consumed with Torment, their beauty becomes alien, cruel, and cold, and they grow horns and spit acid. They are not as prone to becoming ruthless monsters as the other Namaru forms, but instead push humans relentlessly, usually towards destruction. The abilities and Visage of the Qingu did not exist until after the Rebellion. Many faithful Heralds, particularly Michael, despised the Qingu as perverted, lesser versions of their own abilities and jobs. The Qingu used their powers to inspire humans, much like their more powerful cousins the Bel. During the War of Wrath, the Qingu were valued for their natural ability to determine true rebels over loyalist angels. They also made excellent tacticians and record-keepers.