. . . . . . "Final Fantasy XII"@en . "male"@en . . . . "Demihume"@en . "Vaan \u00E8 uno dei personaggi principali del gioco Final Fantasy XII. Giovane ragazzo di strada della citt\u00E0 di Rabanastre, rimane orfano prima degli eventi del gioco, e nel prologo della storia perde anche il proprio fratello. Per i due anni successivi, vive per la strada, ma il suo sogno \u00E8 quello di diventare un aviopirata e solcare i cieli su un'aeronave tutta sua. Dopo essersi intrufolato nel palazzo reale di Rabanastre, si ritrova coinvolto in un conflitto a livello mondiale che decider\u00E0 il futuro di Ivalice. Vaan ritorna come protagonista effettivo in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, dove scopre un antico vascello di provenienza sconosciuta e si ritrova catapultato nelle terre celestiali di Lemures, assieme all'inseparabile amica Penelo e ad altri amici e nemici. Ha inoltre una speciale apparizione come personaggio reclutabile in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, sempre in compagnia di Penelo. Vaan ha la fama di essere uno dei protagonisti meno apprezzati dal pubblico, dovuta principalmente al fatto di essere stato aggiunto al gioco solo nelle fasi finali della produzione ed essere comunque considerato il vero protagonista: la storia non lo riguarda direttamente, ma \u00E8 vissuta dal suo punto di vista e il suo ruolo \u00E8 reso importante quanto quello di Ashe, l'effettiva eroina del gioco. Ci\u00F2 non gli ha comunque impedito di migliorare nelle comparse successive, cosa che gli ha permesso anche di comparire come personaggio eroico nel picchiaduro crossover Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. Da allora \u00E8 comparso, assieme agli altri personaggi del suo gioco, in molti titoli spin-off."@it . "1"^^ . . "Hume"@en . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . . . "Vaan"@fr . . "One of these days I\u2019ll fly an airship of my own. I\u2019ll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will."@en . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@fr . "8"^^ . . . . "Kouhei Takeda"@en . "Vaan"@de . "Vaan est le h\u00E9ros principal de Final Fantasy XII et de Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. Jeune orphelin de 17 ans vivant \u00E0 Rabanastre, les parents de Vaan ont \u00E9t\u00E9 tu\u00E9s par une \u00E9pid\u00E9mie de peste avant l'invasion de l'Empire d'Archadia. Malgr\u00E9 sa condition il tient \u00E0 rester optimiste et r\u00EAve de devenir un jour un pirate du ciel, les airs \u00E9tant pour lui le seul endroit encore libre dans le monde. En attendant, il survit en tant que voleur et en rendant quelques services \u00E0 Migelo, un marchand Vangaa."@fr . . . . . "Null Warp"@en . "Vor\u00E1gine"@es . . . . "Oui"@fr . . . "playable"@en . "Bobby Edner"@fr . "Vaan es el protagonista de Final Fantasy XII, un joven hu\u00E9rfano que vive en Rabanasta."@es . "Espiral Roja"@es . "true"@en . . . "Vaan is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy XII and its sequel, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. He is also a secret playable character in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift and appears in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy representing Final Fantasy XII. Vaan does not play a large role in the Final Fantasy XII story. Instead, he is usuall a view-point and foil, observing and contrasting the actions of others who influence the unfolding events more directly."@en . "Van"@en . "Rote Hydra"@de . "30"^^ . . "Lock-on Laser M"@en . . . . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@es . . "7706"^^ . . . . . "Vaan is the main character in Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. In the Summer 2007 Contest, Vaan took last place in a match involving Yoshi, Knuckles, and Rikku. Not much else needs to be said about that."@en . "Mana-Fusion"@de . . . . . "Mini Vaan.png"@en . . "Orphelin de la guerre, il perdit aussi son fr\u00E8re a\u00EEn\u00E9, Reks, deux ans auparavant. Depuis lors, Vaan nourrit une haine remarquable contre Basch, tra\u00EEtre \u00E0 la couronne de Dalmasca. Alors qu'il voulait prouver \u00E0 P\u00E9n\u00E9lo, une amie d'enfance, qu'il avait plus d'un tour dans son sac en volant un tr\u00E9sor dans le Palais de Rabanastre, il fait la mauvaise rencontre de Balthier et Fran, deux pirates du ciel qui veulent lui reprendre ce qu'il venait de d\u00E9rober. Ils rencontreront Amalia, une r\u00E9sistante, qui se r\u00E9v\u00E9lera \u00EAtre la Princesse Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca. Fait prisonnier, Vaan r\u00E9ussira \u00E0 s'\u00E9chapper des cachots de Nalbina. Au passage, il rencontre Basch, le tra\u00EEtre."@fr . "Final Fantasy XII"@en . "178"^^ . . . . . . "VaanVoice 1.ogg"@en . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@en . "C"@en . . "Vaan"@en . "Character"@en . "178.0"^^ . "1"^^ . "Kouhei Takeda"@fr . . "--11-15"^^ . "Vaan \u00E8 uno dei personaggi principali del gioco Final Fantasy XII. Giovane ragazzo di strada della citt\u00E0 di Rabanastre, rimane orfano prima degli eventi del gioco, e nel prologo della storia perde anche il proprio fratello. Per i due anni successivi, vive per la strada, ma il suo sogno \u00E8 quello di diventare un aviopirata e solcare i cieli su un'aeronave tutta sua. Dopo essersi intrufolato nel palazzo reale di Rabanastre, si ritrova coinvolto in un conflitto a livello mondiale che decider\u00E0 il futuro di Ivalice."@it . "Male"@en . "Vaan was a recently announced character to appear in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. As the second representative of Final Fantasy XII, he takes Shantotto's place as Gabranth's heroic counterpart."@en . . . "Mana-Fusion"@de . "English VA"@en . "Van"@es . "8"^^ . . . "Vaan"@en . . . "Bobby Edner"@en . "Vaan was a recently announced character to appear in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. As the second representative of Final Fantasy XII, he takes Shantotto's place as Gabranth's heroic counterpart."@en . "H\u00F6llenzyklon"@de . "Vaan"@it . . "Evolution: ??"@en . . . . . . . . "25"^^ . "Reks"@en . . . . . . "90"^^ . . . . . "72"^^ . "Masa Cr\u00EDtica"@es . "playable"@en . "Hume"@en . "Vaan es el protagonista de Final Fantasy XII, un joven hu\u00E9rfano que vive en Rabanasta."@es . . "Born in Rabanastre to two loving parents, Vaan was an adventurous child, constantly getting into mischief and having to be bailed out by his older brother, Reks. The other children looked up to Vaan as something of a leader, and Penelo did her best to make sure he didn't get a swollen head. But when Vaan was twelve a plague swept through Rabanastre, and his parents fell victim to it."@en . . "Red Spiral, White Whorl, Pyroclasm"@en . . . "299.1"^^ . "An orphan street thief hailing from Rabanastre in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Vaan begrudges the Archadian Empire for the death of his brother, Reks, and the subjugation of his homeland. He dreams of owning an airship and being a sky pirate free to travel Ivalice. When his attempt to steal from the Royal Palace of Rabanastre goes awry he becomes entangled in a conflict that could decide the fate of Dalmasca."@en . . "Vaan is the main character of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and is a playable character in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. In Revenant Wings, he is new to being a sky pirate, which he has strived to be since his first role in Final Fantasy XII. He greatly looks up to his inspiration in sky pirating, Balthier, who he tries to learn from. In Final Fantasy Tactics A2, he claims to be the second-best sky pirate, presumably to Balthier, but says that he will be the best in due time. In Revenant Wings, Balthier often tells him that he is not acting like a sky pirate. In every game he has appeared in, he is accompanied by his partner, Penelo, who worries about him constantly in a motherly fashion."@en . . "60"^^ . "Japanese VA"@en . "Kouhei Takeda"@de . . . "Bobby Edner as Vaan"@en . "Race"@en . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Attacks nearby enemies with medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . . . "skypiratejr"@en . . "Vaan ist ein spielbarer Charakter in Final Fantasy XII. Die Besetzung seiner Heimat, der grausame Krieg und das st\u00E4ndige Leid lassen in ihm einen gro\u00DFen Freiheitsdrang entstehen, der sich in seinem Lebenstraum \u00E4u\u00DFert, ein Luftpirat zu werden und niemandem verpflichtet zu sein. Seit sein Bruder Reks im Krieg starb schl\u00E4gt er sich auf den Stra\u00DFen von Rabanastre durch. Vaan ist draufg\u00E4ngerisch, ungeduldig und leichtgl\u00E4ubig, als er zwischen die Fronten des Imperiums von Archadia und des Widerstands von Dalmasca ger\u00E4t, angef\u00FChrt von Prinzessin Ashe. Er entwickelt sich aber weiter und wird von einem unerfahrenen Mitl\u00E4ufer zu einem treuen Freiheitsk\u00E4mpfer. W\u00E4hrend seiner Reisen wird er von seiner besten Freundin Penelo begleitet, die ihn stets aus allem \u00C4rger heraushalten m\u00F6chte und die er leidenschaftlich besch\u00FCtzt und verteidigt."@de . . . "180"^^ . . "Sky Pirate"@en . "true"@en . . "300"^^ . . "Royal City of Rabanastre"@en . "7012"^^ . "Vaan"@es . . . "An orphan street thief hailing from Rabanastre in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Vaan begrudges the Archadian Empire for the death of his brother, Reks, and the subjugation of his homeland. He dreams of owning an airship and being a sky pirate free to travel Ivalice. When his attempt to steal from the Royal Palace of Rabanastre goes awry he becomes entangled in a conflict that could decide the fate of Dalmasca. Vaan does not play a large role in the Final Fantasy XII story, instead being a view-point and foil, observing and contrasting the actions of others who influence the unfolding events more directly."@en . "Born in Rabanastre to two loving parents, Vaan was an adventurous child, constantly getting into mischief and having to be bailed out by his older brother, Reks. The other children looked up to Vaan as something of a leader, and Penelo did her best to make sure he didn't get a swollen head. But when Vaan was twelve a plague swept through Rabanastre, and his parents fell victim to it. Try as he might, Reks wouldn't be able to support Vaan on his own, and Penelo's family offered to take them in. Penelo and Vaan had been friends since they were small, and she soon became like a sister to him. Looking for ways to support himself on his own, Vaan learned how to sword fight from Penelo's older brother. He also learned to pick-pockets, much to Penelo's disappointment. And then when Vaan was 15, the war came. Toward the end, Reks enlisted in the army, desiring to protect his home and younger brother, but to no avail. Penelo lost her parents and older brother, and Vaan lost Reks. Before Reks died, Vaan heard from him how Captain Basch had betrayed Dalmasca and assassinated the king, planting a deep hatred for Basch in the boy. Vaan and Penelo weren't the only orphans after the war with Arcadia ended though, and like many others are taken in by Migelo. Vaan didn't take well to being an errand boy, often sneaking off to the sewers to hone his skills with the sword or stealing money pouches and food, preferably from Imperials. Penelo did her best to persuade him to behave, but her efforts were mostly in vain. Two years after the war with Arcadia, Lord Vayne came to Rabanastre as the new Consul. As Vaan was none too fond of the Empire, he got the bright idea to break into the palace treasury and take back one of Dalmasca's treasures. With a little help from Old Dalan, Vaan managed to find his way to the treasury, and found a very interesting looking stone. Unfortunately, there were others after that stone. While Vaan was on his way out of the palace with his prize, the palace was attacked by the Resistance, resulting in Vaan being rescued by the thieves he'd encountered earlier in the treasury when Imperial soldiers mistaken them for rebels. But after crash-landing in the sewers he was forced to team up with the thieves, Balthier and Fran, who turned out to be sky pirates, in order to get out from between the Resistance and Imperials. As the trio made their way through the sewers, they encountered Amalia, a member of the Resistance and rescued her from Imperial soldiers. But in the end, they were all captured by Vayne and thrown into the Nalbina Dungeons. After getting in some scuffles, they followed a Judge, needing him to open a way for them to escape. They found the way out, but they also found the last person Vaan ever wanted to see, Basch. Faced with the person he blamed for his brother's death, Vaan jumped on the hanging cage that held the man, shouting at him loud enough the guards heard. Pressed for time, Fran dropped the cage and they rode it to the bottom of the shaft. Much to Vaan's annoyance, Balthier invited Basch to escape with them, as another sword would be handy. Despite Basch's story about what really happened the night the king was killed making some sense, Vaan can't accept it, though he began to wonder. With Basch's help they fight their way out of the dungeon and to the Estersands outside Rabanastre. Thinking to show Penelo the stone he stole before getting rid of it, as Fran had been right that nothing good had happened since he'd acquired it, Vaan went back to Migelo's. But Penelo hadn't shown up at all that day. Stopping to see Old Dalan to thank him for his help in getting into the palace and to ask the man for help in finding Penelo, the man asks Vaan to deliver a sword for him. Once again his path crossed with Basch's, the sword Old Dalan gave him, intended for the once captain. And as Vaan listened to Basch try to persuade the Resistance to rescue Amalia, he began to believe what Basch had said, and told the man as much as he led Basch to where Balthier and Fran were staying. But when they arrive, Vaan found out the reason Penelo had been missing was because she was kidnapped by the Bangaa that were hunting Balthier, as they believed she was connected to him. Desperate to save his friend, Vaan even offered the reluctant Balthier the stone he stole from the treasury. Between the requests of Migelo, Vaan, and Basch, Balthier agreed to fly to Bhujerba. While on their way to the Lhusu Mines Vaan met a boy who introduced himself as Lamont. But instead of finding Penelo in the mines, the group was attacked by Ba'Gamnan and his gang. Fighting off the Bangaa, Vaan and the others left the mines to continue the search for Penelo, as the headhunters had freed her once they thought they'd cornered Balthier. To Vaan's surprise, Lamont turned out to be Larsa, fourth son of the Emperor and younger brother to Vayne. Penelo had been caught by the guards coming out of the mine and Larsa made her his guest until she could be returned home. Looking for a way to approach the Marquis with whom Larsa and now Penelo was staying, Vaan and the rest of the group searched out the Resistance. Unfortunately, the meeting with the Marquis did not go quite as they expected and Vaan soon found himself a prisoner of Judge Ghis along with the rest of the party. Overpowering the guards with help from Vossler, they rescued Amalia, who was really Princess Ashe of Dalmasca, and fought their way through the Leviathan. Along the way Vaan was reunited with Penelo. Returning to Bhujerba, they met again with the Marquis, this meeting going better than the previous one, but not how Lady Ashe would have liked. In the middle of the night, Vaan caught Ashe trying to steal the Strahl so she could find the Dawn Shard as proof of her birthright. So they 'kidnapped' the princess, and headed for Raithwall's tomb. Crossing the Sandsea they fought their way through King Raithwell's Tomb. Of the party, it was only Vaan that also saw the apparition of Rasler that Ashe saw when she obtained the Dawn Shard. However, upon leaving King Raithwall's tomb they found themselves surrounded by Imperial fleet, the Leviathan hovering overhead. Once again the party was taken prisoner. Realizing she's been betrayed by Vossler, Ashe handed over the Dawn Shard to keep Ghis from lopping off Balthier's head. In a hurry to test the Dawn Shard, Ghis had it put into the ship's drive. But the Dawn Shard caused the Mist to burn, sending Fran into a rage which disabled their guards. As Dawn Shard drained the ship of power, the engines to go into a cascade failure and the party barely escapes the ensuing explosion which destroys the entire 8th fleet. Vaan and Penelo continued to tag along with the party as it traveled to see the Garif in the Ozmone Plain. The Garif was unable to help Ashe, though while there, Larsa arrived to ask Ashe to go to Bur-Omisace, to prevent a war from breaking out between Dalmasca and Arcadia. After some thought and a conversation with Vaan, Ashe agreed to go. Bur-Omisace only led to another quest, this time for the Sword of Kings, which could destroy nethicite. After fighting their way through the Stilshrine of Miriam, the sword was obtained. Planning to destroy the Dusk Shard at the Draklor Laboratory so as to weaken Vayne, the party headed to Arcadia. Infiltrating the Draklor Laboratory, they found Dr. Cid, only to have him slip away and trick them into going to Giruvegan. But there they learned the truth of Ivalice's history, and the way the Occuria pulled the strings behind the scene. Vaan was disgusted with the way the Occuria tried to force Ashe to do their bidding. As Ashe tried to make up her mind of what she desired, the party traveled to the Pharos Lighthouse on the Ridorana Cataract to find the Sun-cryst. While there, Balthier gives Vaan a crash course in flying the Strahl, though he proves to be a quick study and is soon proficient at piloting the ship. Once the Sun-Cryst was destroyed by Reddas, the party returned to find a battle brewing between the Rozzaria assisted Resistance and Arcadia, with Vayne flying the massive Bahamut. The Marquis wasn't about to let the princess fly straight into danger, but with a little quick thinking and use of the voice modulator on the Strahl, Vaan and Ashe convinced the Marquis to support the Strahl's charge on the Bahamut. Slipping past the Bahamut's defenses, they docked on the massive sky fortress and fought their way to the command tower. Confronting Vayne they defeated him once, only to have him transform using energy stolen from Larsa with manufactured nethicite. This second form wasn't enough and Vaan gave Vayne a mortal wound. But the party had to battle Vayne one more time after Venat bonded with him. Though they defeat him, a chunk of his final form knocked Vaan off the platform. While Vaan flew the Strahl clear of the sky fortress, Basch, Larsa, and Ashe orchestrated a ceasefire between the two armies. Unknown to them, Balthier and Fran had stayed behind on the Bahamut, fixing the glossar rings so the sky fortress wouldn't fall on Rabanastre. Promsing to take care of the Strahl for Balthier, the party watches as Bahamut crashes outside the city. A year later, Larsa was emperor of Archadia and Ashe was queen of Dalmasca with her coronation only a month away. One day, Vaan received a letter about a house containing a treasure. Thinking to use this treasure to help fund the purchase of his own airship (and perhaps get Penelo something nice for her birthday), Vaan sets out to recover it on his own as a surprise for Penelo. He just didn't expect to not be able to get out."@en . . "2480"^^ . . "2481"^^ . . . "One of these days, I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will."@en . . . "TA2-Vaan-spr.png"@en . . "Vaan est le h\u00E9ros principal de Final Fantasy XII et de Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. Jeune orphelin de 17 ans vivant \u00E0 Rabanastre, les parents de Vaan ont \u00E9t\u00E9 tu\u00E9s par une \u00E9pid\u00E9mie de peste avant l'invasion de l'Empire d'Archadia. Malgr\u00E9 sa condition il tient \u00E0 rester optimiste et r\u00EAve de devenir un jour un pirate du ciel, les airs \u00E9tant pour lui le seul endroit encore libre dans le monde. En attendant, il survit en tant que voleur et en rendant quelques services \u00E0 Migelo, un marchand Vangaa."@fr . "Vaan"@fr . . . "File:2481.png"@en . . . . . . "Vaan"@es . . "Pyroclasm"@en . . "Kouhei Takeda"@en . . . "170.0"^^ . "Bobby Edner"@es . "Vaan"@es . "Vaan on orvoksi j\u00E4\u00E4nyt 17-vuotias ihminen, jonka vanhemmat kuolivat ruttoon, joka levisi Dalmascaan Archadian valtauksen aikana. H\u00E4nen ainoa veljens\u00E4 Reks murhattiin. H\u00E4n ansaitsee elantonsa menestyv\u00E4n kauppiaan, Migelon, apulaisena. H\u00E4n my\u00F6s ry\u00F6st\u00E4\u00E4 Archadian sotilailta ja asukkailta. Vaan on ilomielinen, murheeton ja energinen. H\u00E4n unelmoi ilmalaivan hankkimisesta ja ilmarosvon urasta. Vaanin quickening-iskut ovat Red Spiral, White Whorl ja Pyroclasm. thumb|190px de:Vaan en:Vaan es:Vaan it:Vaan ja:\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3 ru:\u0412\u0430\u0430\u043D fr:Vaan Luokka:Hahmot Luokka:Final Fantasy XII"@fi . "Vaan is the main character of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and is a playable character in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. In Revenant Wings, he is new to being a sky pirate, which he has strived to be since his first role in Final Fantasy XII. He greatly looks up to his inspiration in sky pirating, Balthier, who he tries to learn from. In Final Fantasy Tactics A2, he claims to be the second-best sky pirate, presumably to Balthier, but says that he will be the best in due time. In Revenant Wings, Balthier often tells him that he is not acting like a sky pirate. In every game he has appeared in, he is accompanied by his partner, Penelo, who worries about him constantly in a motherly fashion."@en . . "Vaan's sprite.20px|Vaan's sprite from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. 35px|Vaan's portrait from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings."@en . . "Vaan"@fi . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . "Null Damage Wall"@en . . . "Blue-gray"@en . "Vaan"@en . . . "Vaan ist ein spielbarer Charakter in Final Fantasy XII. Die Besetzung seiner Heimat, der grausame Krieg und das st\u00E4ndige Leid lassen in ihm einen gro\u00DFen Freiheitsdrang entstehen, der sich in seinem Lebenstraum \u00E4u\u00DFert, ein Luftpirat zu werden und niemandem verpflichtet zu sein."@de . "true"@en . . . "Vaan"@en . . . "true"@en . . "Hatcher"@en . "Vaan on orvoksi j\u00E4\u00E4nyt 17-vuotias ihminen, jonka vanhemmat kuolivat ruttoon, joka levisi Dalmascaan Archadian valtauksen aikana. H\u00E4nen ainoa veljens\u00E4 Reks murhattiin. H\u00E4n ansaitsee elantonsa menestyv\u00E4n kauppiaan, Migelon, apulaisena. H\u00E4n my\u00F6s ry\u00F6st\u00E4\u00E4 Archadian sotilailta ja asukkailta. Vaan on ilomielinen, murheeton ja energinen. H\u00E4n unelmoi ilmalaivan hankkimisesta ja ilmarosvon urasta. Vaanin quickening-iskut ovat Red Spiral, White Whorl ja Pyroclasm. thumb|190px de:Vaan en:Vaan es:Vaan it:Vaan ja:\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3 ru:\u0412\u0430\u0430\u043D fr:Vaan Luokka:Hahmot Luokka:Final Fantasy XII"@fi . "Kensho Ono"@fr . . . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . . "Bounce"@en . "Vaan is a player character in Final Fantasy XII. He's the protagonist, but unlike previous games, he is not the main focus of the story. Instead, the story is simply told from his point-of-view. He appears to be a young, well-built and muscled teenager."@en . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Lock-on Laser L"@en . "Protagoniste"@fr . . "\u30C7\u30A3\u30FC\u30D7\u30CF\u30B6\u30FC\u30C9 - 20 Turns"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "1,70 m"@de . . "Humain"@fr . "Base=File:2480.png"@en . . . "17"^^ . . . . "Steal, Light Armor 1, Smallswords"@en . . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@en . . . "playable"@en . . "-"@en . "Vaan is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy XII and its spin off sequel, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. An orphan street thief hailing from Rabanastre in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Vaan hates the Archadian Empire for the death of his brother, Reks, and the subjugation of his home, and dreams of one day owning an airship and being a sky pirate to be free to travel the world adventuring. However, when his attempt to steal from the Rabanastre palace goes awry, he becomes entangled in a world-scale conflict between the Archadian and Rozarrian Empires that could decide the fate of Dalmasca. Vaan does not play a large role in the game's story, instead being a view-point and foil, observing and contrasting the actions of the other characters, playable and non, that influence the events unfolding around them more directly."@en . "Null Damage Wall / Null Wind"@en . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@de . . "Orphelin de la guerre, il perdit aussi son fr\u00E8re a\u00EEn\u00E9, Reks, deux ans auparavant. Depuis lors, Vaan nourrit une haine remarquable contre Basch, tra\u00EEtre \u00E0 la couronne de Dalmasca. Alors qu'il voulait prouver \u00E0 P\u00E9n\u00E9lo, une amie d'enfance, qu'il avait plus d'un tour dans son sac en volant un tr\u00E9sor dans le Palais de Rabanastre, il fait la mauvaise rencontre de Balthier et Fran, deux pirates du ciel qui veulent lui reprendre ce qu'il venait de d\u00E9rober. Ils rencontreront Amalia, une r\u00E9sistante, qui se r\u00E9v\u00E9lera \u00EAtre la Princesse Ashelia B'Nargin Dalmasca. Fait prisonnier, Vaan r\u00E9ussira \u00E0 s'\u00E9chapper des cachots de Nalbina. Au passage, il rencontre Basch, le tra\u00EEtre. Vaan ne contr\u00F4le alors plus rien. Il se retrouve pris dans la r\u00E9sistance. Mais le point le plus int\u00E9ressant pour lui est qu'il c\u00F4toie des pirates du ciel. Balthier, dans un \u00E9lan de g\u00E9n\u00E9rosit\u00E9, lui apprend \u00E0 piloter son vaisseau, le Sillage. Vaan, Balthier, Fran, Basch, Ashe et P\u00E9n\u00E9lo vont alors traverser Ivalice pour arriver \u00E0 leurs fins : renverser l'empire en \u00E9liminant Vayne, consul de Rabanastre et h\u00E9ritier du tr\u00F4ne d'Archadia. Ils y parviendront avec l'aide de Larsa, le fr\u00E8re de Vayne, et Reddas, ancien Juge d'Archadia et maintenant pirate du ciel et de terre. Vaan, au final, vit son r\u00EAve : son apprentissage aupr\u00E8s de Balthier a port\u00E9 ses fruits. Le dalmascan orphelin r\u00E9ussit \u00E0 s'acheter son propre vaisseau et parcourt le monde, avec ou sans son amie de toujours, P\u00E9n\u00E9lo."@fr . "Kouhei Takeda"@en . . "Increases Speed."@en . "Vaan"@de . "Vaan is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy XII and its spin off sequel, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. An orphan street thief hailing from Rabanastre in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Vaan hates the Archadian Empire for the death of his brother, Reks, and the subjugation of his home, and dreams of one day owning an airship and being a sky pirate to be free to travel the world adventuring. However, when his attempt to steal from the Rabanastre palace goes awry, he becomes entangled in a world-scale conflict between the Archadian and Rozarrian Empires that could decide the fate of Dalmasca."@en . "Speed"@en . "Attacks nearby enemies with large elemental lasers."@en . . . "-"@en . "Kouhei Takeda"@es . . "Vaan is the main character in Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. In the Summer 2007 Contest, Vaan took last place in a match involving Yoshi, Knuckles, and Rikku. Not much else needs to be said about that."@en . "Bobby Edner"@de . . . "Van"@fr . "13552"^^ . "Steal, Light Armor 1, Daggers 1"@en . . "Vaan"@en . . "Vaan"@de . . "12596"^^ . . . "Kensho Ono"@en . "Vaan is a player character in Final Fantasy XII. He's the protagonist, but unlike previous games, he is not the main focus of the story. Instead, the story is simply told from his point-of-view. He appears to be a young, well-built and muscled teenager."@en . . "Unleashes a White Whorl and sends enemies flying."@en . . . . "Ivalice"@en . "\u4E00\u7DD2\u306B\u6765\u305F\u3057 \u4E00\u7DD2\u306B\u884C\u304F\u3093\u3060 - 12 Turns"@en . "Vaan"@de . "Vaan is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy XII and its sequel, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. He is also a secret playable character in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift and appears in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy representing Final Fantasy XII. An orphan street thief hailing from Rabanastre in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, Vaan begrudges the Archadian Empire for the death of his brother, Reks, and the subjugation of his homeland. He dreams of owning an airship and being a sky pirate free to travel Ivalice. When his attempt to steal from the Royal Palace of Rabanastre goes awry he becomes entangled in a conflict that could decide the fate of Dalmasca. Vaan does not play a large role in the Final Fantasy XII story. Instead, he is usuall a view-point and foil, observing and contrasting the actions of others who influence the unfolding events more directly."@en . . . "Masa Cr\u00EDtica"@es . "Vaan"@fr . "384.43"^^ . "Home"@en .