"The Scooby Gang"@en . "Buffy, Xander and Willow: High school students season 1-3, Rupert Giles High school librarian season 1-3, Buffy and Willow were college students season 4-7. Buffy college student season 4-5. Buffy: Doublemeat palace worker season 6 and Rupert Giles watcher season 1-6 and owner of the Magic Box season 5-6. Member of Watcher's council season 7."@en . "Excellent detective skills, excellent in hand to hand combat, Xander with street smarts, Buffy, Willow and Giles who is highly intelligent."@en . . "Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles"@en . "Detectives"@en . . . "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"@en . "Eating, watching tv and hanging out in the library. Fighting off vampires and demons"@en . . "Help people when they need them and protect the people away from Vampires and demons"@en . . "260"^^ . . "The Scooby Gang: Buffy Summers, Alexander Harris, Willow Rosenberg and Rupert Giles. Honorary Members: Daniel \"Oz\" Osbourne, Tara Maclay, Riley Finn, Angel, Dawn Summers, Jenny Calendar, Anya Jenkins and Cordelia Chase"@en . . . . "The Scooby Gang is a team that assist Buffy in the fight of evil. The Core Four started with Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg and Rupert Giles on season 1. These three guys help and assist Buffy on the fight against evil. Mostly she is reluctantly to ask for their help sometimes, because she worries about them. But she is glad they were their to assist her. That is why she is the best slayer in the world. Rupert Giles is her watcher, Buffy is a lucky to have him as a watcher. Buffy is very protective of them, sometimes she is worry about them. So are they when they worry about Buffy. On season 2, Daniel \"Oz\" Osbourne joined the team and he was welcomed with open arms. So is Jenny Calendar. Angel was also member of the group until he went rogue when he lost his soul and regain it back from season 2-3. Cordelia Chase was not officially or full time member of this group, she usually comes over thier to pick on them or make fun of them and they make fun of her back and she leaves. She also warns them something bad happens. She became a full time member of the group when she dated Xander Harris. They broke up and become the class bully again to them. Also new members were Tara Maclay and Rley Finn. They fit in the group really well. Just like Cordelia, Anya Jenkins a reformed vengeance demon who now dates Xander became member of the group until season 6 when he left her in the altar. Spike was the bully of the group, the tag a long little brother that we hate. Always joined us. They're here to research and fight off vampires and demons with Buffy. Their main headquarters was the high school ibrary for season 1-3, Giles Apartment on season 4, the magic box from season 5-6 and Buffy's house season 7."@en . "The Scooby Gang is a team that assist Buffy in the fight of evil. The Core Four started with Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg and Rupert Giles on season 1. These three guys help and assist Buffy on the fight against evil. Mostly she is reluctantly to ask for their help sometimes, because she worries about them. But she is glad they were their to assist her. That is why she is the best slayer in the world. Rupert Giles is her watcher, Buffy is a lucky to have him as a watcher. Buffy is very protective of them, sometimes she is worry about them. So are they when they worry about Buffy. On season 2, Daniel \"Oz\" Osbourne joined the team and he was welcomed with open arms. So is Jenny Calendar. Angel was also member of the group until he went rogue when he lost his soul "@en . . . .