. . "Brian \"Buckethead-Testadisecchio\" Carroll nacque probabilmente a Los Angeles, in provincia di Cattolica, nel 1969 da un rapporto incestuoso tra due strane creature. La sua storia personale e la sua vita privata sono completamente all'oscuro di tutti, fuorch\u00E9 di s\u00E9 stesso. Noi possiamo solamente fare delle supposizioni: di lui sappiamo per certo che fino ai settordici anni frequent\u00F2 la scuola cattolica Santa Vergine Benedetissima Maria Madre Del Bambinello Ges\u00F9 Di Nazareth Dalla Corona Di Spine Benedetta Da Nostro Signore Dio Padre di Cristo Nostro Slavatore Il Quale \u00C8 Morto In Croce Sacrificandosi Per I Nostri Peccati, Amen, che si trova al N\u00B0404 Via San Silvester Stallone a Rimini, in provincia di Rieti (federazione Campana) e che in seguito abbandon\u00F2 la scuola per dedicarsi allo studio della chitarra. Ma Brian era completamente negato, prov\u00F2 a iscriversi a un conservatorio, ma venne respinto prima ancora di aver inoltrato la domanda d'iscrizione. Allora prov\u00F2 a ingaggiare moltissimi insegnanti per imparare a suonare lo strumento, ma tutti ancor prima di sentirlo suonare, lo respinsero con la frase che ogni maestro pronuncia al suo allievo che fallisce miseramente: File:Quote rosso1.png Sono anni che cerco di insegnarti come si fa, ma tu non mi dai retta e fai male le cose. Te lo dir\u00F2 in modo da non turbare la tua sensibilit\u00E0: tu non capisci un emerito cazzo. File:Quote rosso2.png ~ Un qualsiasi insegnante di chitarra rivolto a Buckethead Buckethead Il giovane Brian era disperato, finch\u00E9 non trov\u00F2 la luce: il chitarrista-elettricista John Petrucci. Pur essendo una luce che costava un po' troppo John era un eccellente chitarrista e insegnante. Con molte tecniche di persuasione e moltissima pazienza riusc\u00EC a far diventare Testadasecchio quello che \u00E8 oggi. Ancora si possono ricordare le parole con le quali John Petrucci conged\u00F2 fiero il suo allievo: File:Quote rosso1.png Metal o Hard Rock? Punk o Rock? Emo o Country? Solo tu puoi scegliere. V\u00E0 dove ti porta il cuore! File:Quote rosso2.png ~ John Petrucci a Buckethead Buckethead Buckethead and\u00F2 dove lo stava portando il cuore, ovvero al cesso, poich\u00E9 preda di una diarrea fulminante dopo aver mangiato troppi Gump-eretti dello zio Kurt, presi a scrocco alle spese del buon John. Dopo l'esperienza con John Petrucci, a vent'anni suon\u00F2 col suo primo gruppo, i Federik the mano amica, ma lasci\u00F2 la formazione dopo tre mesi perch\u00E9 il cantante aveva tendenze pentasessuali, ovvero se la faceva con uomini, donne, politici, muri e prese elettriche. Nel corso degli anni fu chitarrista di moltissimi gruppi come i Beautiful gente o i Parcheggiatori abusivi. La vera svolta arriv\u00F2 nel 1999, quando quel bonazzo di Axl Rose, frontman dei Guns N' Roses, licenzi\u00F2 l'ennesimo chitarrista e Testadasecchio si fece avanti per farsi assumere in nero, finch\u00E9 Axl non not\u00F2 la sua bravura e lo assunse a tempo indeterminato. Tuttavia il nostro Testadasecchio scopr\u00EC che Axl lo odiava per via dei suoi capelli fluenti al vento, cos\u00EC nel 2004 lasci\u00F2 i Guns N' Roses. Attualmente si sta dedicando a un progetto solista, dal nome semplicissimo, chiamato New Buckethead's Project Of American Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin' Fuckin' Metalleggio, pi\u00F9 noto come NBPOAHHHHHFFFFM o altrimenti detto Le teste de secchio."@it . . "Buketjed es un Guitarrista que se cree Pollo, estuvo Web-eando con los Guns N' Roses, Serj Tankian, y Primus todo el mundo le conoce porque apareci\u00F3 de Yapa en el Guitar Hero II y en el Guitar paHero Greatest Hits, en la Secci\u00F3n de las Canci\u00F3nes que est\u00E1n de Yapa. Se dice que tras esa facha existe un tal Brian Carrol, usa una M\u00E1scara que se encontr\u00F3 en el Persa Bio-Bio en su venida a Chile."@es . . "Buckethead Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom sobre Brian Carroll, un guitarrista y compositor norteamericano."@es . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . "Thanatopsis"@es . . . . . "Abandonada"@es . "Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level des Buckethead."@de . "C2B2"@es . "Buckethead"@de . "thumb|150px|Ca\u0142y Brian! Buckethead (prawdopodobnie Brian Patrick Carroll, ur. 13 maja 1969 w Kalifornii w USA) \u2013 zmutowany wirtuoz gitary. Wycinaj\u0105c riffy na gitarze osi\u0105ga pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 \u015Bwiat\u0142a, a gitara w jego r\u0119kach jest broni\u0105 masowego ra\u017Cenia. Buckethead maskuje si\u0119 nosz\u0105c kube\u0142ek KFC na g\u0142owie. Ale c\u00F3\u017C ma biedak zrobi\u0107, skoro wygl\u0105da jak nieopierzony m\u0142okos? Walczy o prawa kurczak\u00F3w w fast-foodach na ca\u0142ym \u015Bwiecie i uwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce to, co dzieje si\u0119 z jego \u201Eprzyjaci\u00F3\u0142mi\u201D, jest jednym wielkim \u201Ekurczakowym holokaustem\u201D. Pragnie zniszczy\u0107 restauracje swoj\u0105 gitar\u0105 z armi\u0105 kurczak\u00F3w na czele. Pierwszy na jego li\u015Bcie jest KFC, poniewa\u017C dosta\u0142 kiedy\u015B tam kube\u0142ek kurczaka, a kurczak zmasakrowa\u0142 mu twarz."@pl . "Buckethead ist der K\u00FCnstlername des US-amerikanischen Gitarristen Brian Carroll (* 13. Mai 1969). Der \u00D6ffentlichkeit am besten bekannt ist er durch seine mehrj\u00E4hrige T\u00E4tigkeit bei der weltbekannten Musikgruppe Guns N\u2019 Roses (von 2000 \u2013 2004) sowie seinen immer neuen Projekten mit Bill Laswell und Bootsy Collins. Buckethead hat im Laufe seiner zahlreichen Ver\u00F6ffentlichungen einen eigenen Gitarrenstil entwickelt, der zwischen Thrash Metal und elektronischer Avantgarde angesiedelt ist. Sein Musikstil ist gepr\u00E4gt durch"@de . "\u30D0\u30B1\u30C4\u982D"@en . . "1989"^^ . "Deli Creeps - Guns N' Roses - Praxis - C2B3"@es . . . . . "Brian Patrick Carroll (born May 13, 1969), better known by his stage name Buckethead, is an American guitarist and multi-instrumentalist who has worked within many genres of music. He has released 106 studio albums, four special releases and one EP. He has performed on over 50 more albums by other artists. His music spans such diverse areas as progressive metal, funk, blues, jazz, bluegrass, ambient, and avant-garde music."@en . . . . . "Bucketheads are robotic cops that first appeared with a minor role in Mario Power Tennis. They chase Wario and Waluigi after the two bros. vandalize the Peach Dome Tournament Board."@en . "Brian Patrick Carroll (born May 13, 1969), better known by his stage name Buckethead, is a guitarist and multi-instrumentalist who has worked within several genres of music. He composed music for the soundtracks of the films Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . "Bajo"@es . . . . "Buckethead, naci\u00F3 en 1969 bajo el nombre de Brian Carroll. Es un guitarrista y compositor norteamericano, adem\u00E1s de ser un multi-instrumentalista (capaz de tocar Bajo, Piano, Banjo -entre otros-). Es conocido, principalmente, por usar una m\u00E1scara de pl\u00E1stico blanca (inspirada en la pel\u00EDcula Halloween IV) y una cubeta de Kentucky Fried Chicken sobre su cabeza. Con esto, Carroll creo en s\u00ED mismo una persona diferente para enfatizar su identidad musical. Es un compositor prol\u00EDfico. Ha lanzado m\u00E1s de 20 \u00E1lbumes como solista y ayudado en m\u00E1s de 33. Adem\u00E1s var\u00EDa entre los estilos musicales, los cuales van desde el Thrash metal, Funk, Electr\u00F3nica, Avant-garde, Jazz ambiental, Death metal y hasta la m\u00FAsica minimalista (o m\u00E1s conocida como \"m\u00FAsica simple\")."@es . . . . . . "Serj Tankian - La Banda Sonora de Mortal Kombat - Hizo la Intro de Mighty Morphins Power Rangers - Snoop Dogg - Primus - y m\u00E1s.."@es . . "Normalmente se conoce a este ser sobrehumano por la canci\u00F3n de Jordan en el Guitar Hero."@en . . . . "Buckethead"@es . "20"^^ . . . . . "Brian Patrick Carroll (born May 13, 1969), better known by his stage name Buckethead, is a guitarist and multi-instrumentalist who has worked within several genres of music. He composed music for the soundtracks of the films Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "Brian Carroll"@es . "Dae.. Dae.. One.. Two.. Dae.."@es . . . . "es.buckethead"@es . . . . "Buckethead is the leader, founding figure, and messiah of the religion of Bucketheadism. According to the religion, he has supernatural powers of guitar-based combat granted to him by the spirits of fallen chickens which he channels through a religious artifact known as a Kei-Eph-See Ch'kenn Buk'kaht (pronounced: KAE EHFF SEE chi-KEHN boo-KAHT). The only requirement for Bucketheadism is to never eat chicken (after all, you are what you eat). He has spent, is spending, and will continue to spend all of eternity defending the world and the heavenly realm of Bucketheadland from malicious and destructive robots built by the evil overlord RIAA, a Satan-esque figure. When Buckethead gets angry, he turns into a super mutant and destroys shitty bands."@en . . . . "Buckethead Wiki"@es . "'''Buckethead & Friends"@es . . "thumb Brian Patrick Carroll, mejor conocido como Buckethead, es un Virtuoso guitarrista y compositor estadounidense, adem\u00E1s de ser un multiinstrumentista."@es . . "Buckethead"@it . . . . . . "Suprema"@es . . . "Buckethead.jpg"@es . "Buckethead is the leader, founding figure, and messiah of the religion of Bucketheadism. According to the religion, he has supernatural powers of guitar-based combat granted to him by the spirits of fallen chickens which he channels through a religious artifact known as a Kei-Eph-See Ch'kenn Buk'kaht (pronounced: KAE EHFF SEE chi-KEHN boo-KAHT). The only requirement for Bucketheadism is to never eat chicken (after all, you are what you eat). He has spent, is spending, and will continue to spend all of eternity defending the world and the heavenly realm of Bucketheadland from malicious and destructive robots built by the evil overlord RIAA, a Satan-esque figure. When Buckethead gets angry, he turns into a super mutant and destroys shitty bands."@en . . . . . . . "Buckethead is an american Avant-garde guitarist known for his use of numouros extended technic."@en . "3"^^ . . "thumb|270px|El Buckethead con otros gears El Buckethead era una armadura prevista para los videojuegos de Gears of War. Sin embargo, durante los inicios de la producci\u00F3n, el dise\u00F1o se ha eliminado por razones desconocidas. El Buckethead era un andador de dos patas, capaz de llevar un solo conductor que se movia y operaba a la m\u00E1quina. Ten\u00EDa una cabeza redondeada, as\u00ED como el s\u00EDmbolo de la CGO en su pecho. Para defensa y ataque lleva unas ametralladoras en sus brazos."@es . "Brian Patrick Carroll (born May 13, 1969), better known by his stage name Buckethead, is an American guitarist and multi-instrumentalist who has worked within many genres of music. He has released 106 studio albums, four special releases and one EP. He has performed on over 50 more albums by other artists. His music spans such diverse areas as progressive metal, funk, blues, jazz, bluegrass, ambient, and avant-garde music. Buckethead is famous for wearing a KFC bucket on his head, emblazoned with an orange bumper sticker reading FUNERAL in capital black block letters, and an expressionless plain white mask which, according to Buckethead, was inspired by his seeing Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers. At one point, he changed to a plain white bucket that no longer bore the KFC logo, but subsequently reverted to his trademark KFC bucket. He also incorporates nunchaku and robot dancing into his stage performances."@en . . . "solista"@es . "HexaChord"@es . "Bucketheads are robotic cops that first appeared with a minor role in Mario Power Tennis. They chase Wario and Waluigi after the two bros. vandalize the Peach Dome Tournament Board."@en . . "Buckethead"@pl . . . . "Brian \"Buckethead-Testadisecchio\" Carroll nacque probabilmente a Los Angeles, in provincia di Cattolica, nel 1969 da un rapporto incestuoso tra due strane creature. La sua storia personale e la sua vita privata sono completamente all'oscuro di tutti, fuorch\u00E9 di s\u00E9 stesso. Noi possiamo solamente fare delle supposizioni: di lui sappiamo per certo che fino ai settordici anni frequent\u00F2 la scuola cattolica Santa Vergine Benedetissima Maria Madre Del Bambinello Ges\u00F9 Di Nazareth Dalla Corona Di Spine Benedetta Da Nostro Signore Dio Padre di Cristo Nostro Slavatore Il Quale \u00C8 Morto In Croce Sacrificandosi Per I Nostri Peccati, Amen, che si trova al N\u00B0404 Via San Silvester Stallone a Rimini, in provincia di Rieti (federazione Campana) e che in seguito abbandon\u00F2 la scuola per dedicarsi allo studio d"@it . . . . . . . . "Buckethead"@es . . . . . "Buckethead tocando en vivo"@es . . . . "Si.."@es . "BucketheadRockinRio1.jpg"@es . . . . "Solista..'''"@es . . . . "Buckethead (c. May 13, 1969), born Brian Carroll, is an American guitarist and composer. He is a prolific composer, having released 38 solo albums and performed on over 50 more. He has also made a guest appearance on 44 different albums from various artists. His music spans across diverse areas such as thrash metal, funk, electronica, jazz, bluegrass and avant-garde music. Whilst performing, he wears a KFC bucket on his head and a white plastic mask similar to that of Michael Myers . He was inspired to wear both items on the night he watched Halloween 4."@en . "Guitarra Ac\u00FAstica"@es . . "Buckethead is one of the six Micromaster Constructicons who combine into Constructicon Devastator, Buckethead forming the chest. Buckethead's personality, like that of his comrades, is unknown. It is also unknown what, if any, connection he has with the other green-and-purple front-end loaders throughout the multiverse."@en . . . . . "13"^^ . "thumb Brian Patrick Carroll, mejor conocido como Buckethead, es un Virtuoso guitarrista y compositor estadounidense, adem\u00E1s de ser un multiinstrumentista."@es . . . . "thumb|150px|Ca\u0142y Brian! Buckethead (prawdopodobnie Brian Patrick Carroll, ur. 13 maja 1969 w Kalifornii w USA) \u2013 zmutowany wirtuoz gitary. Wycinaj\u0105c riffy na gitarze osi\u0105ga pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 \u015Bwiat\u0142a, a gitara w jego r\u0119kach jest broni\u0105 masowego ra\u017Cenia. Buckethead maskuje si\u0119 nosz\u0105c kube\u0142ek KFC na g\u0142owie. Ale c\u00F3\u017C ma biedak zrobi\u0107, skoro wygl\u0105da jak nieopierzony m\u0142okos? Walczy o prawa kurczak\u00F3w w fast-foodach na ca\u0142ym \u015Bwiecie i uwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce to, co dzieje si\u0119 z jego \u201Eprzyjaci\u00F3\u0142mi\u201D, jest jednym wielkim \u201Ekurczakowym holokaustem\u201D. Pragnie zniszczy\u0107 restauracje swoj\u0105 gitar\u0105 z armi\u0105 kurczak\u00F3w na czele. Pierwszy na jego li\u015Bcie jest KFC, poniewa\u017C dosta\u0142 kiedy\u015B tam kube\u0142ek kurczaka, a kurczak zmasakrowa\u0142 mu twarz."@pl . "El M\u00E1s \"r\u00E1pido\" del Mundo"@es . . "Buckethead is an american Avant-garde guitarist known for his use of numouros extended technic."@en . . . "Buckethead is one of the six Micromaster Constructicons who combine into Constructicon Devastator, Buckethead forming the chest. Buckethead's personality, like that of his comrades, is unknown. It is also unknown what, if any, connection he has with the other green-and-purple front-end loaders throughout the multiverse."@en . "Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level des Buckethead."@de . . . "\u0428\u043B\u0435\u043C\u043E\u0433\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0439/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . . "Buckethead"@es . "Death Cube K"@es . . "Rock Instrumental"@es . . . . "Buckethead ist der K\u00FCnstlername des US-amerikanischen Gitarristen Brian Carroll (* 13. Mai 1969). Der \u00D6ffentlichkeit am besten bekannt ist er durch seine mehrj\u00E4hrige T\u00E4tigkeit bei der weltbekannten Musikgruppe Guns N\u2019 Roses (von 2000 \u2013 2004) sowie seinen immer neuen Projekten mit Bill Laswell und Bootsy Collins. Buckethead hat im Laufe seiner zahlreichen Ver\u00F6ffentlichungen einen eigenen Gitarrenstil entwickelt, der zwischen Thrash Metal und elektronischer Avantgarde angesiedelt ist. Sein Musikstil ist gepr\u00E4gt durch \n* hohe Koordination sowie Rhythmus- und Konzentrationsf\u00E4higkeit \n* massiven Einsatz dissonanter Intervalle \n* schnellen Plektrumwechselschlag in der Art eines Paul Gilbert \n* perkussiv genutzte Spielger\u00E4usche \n* einen hochverzerrten, h\u00F6henlastigen Sound \n* Einsatz eines Killswitch genannten Schalters zur Unterbrechung des Gitarrensignals \n* h\u00F6rspielartige Strukturierung der fr\u00FChen CDs mit narrativen Passagen \n* im Gegensatz zu den bisher genannten Stilmitteln ein sehr harmonisches und konsonantes Fingerpicking Buckethead realisiert mit gr\u00F6\u00DFter Nachhaltigkeit eine \"Conceptual Continuity\" im Zappa'schen Sinne. Spezifische melodisch-harmonische, lyrische und visuelle Elemente durchziehen sein Werk von fr\u00FChen Jahren an und werden konsequent immer wieder zitiert und neu interpretiert."@de . . . . "Normalmente se conoce a este ser sobrehumano por la canci\u00F3n de Jordan en el Guitar Hero."@en . . "Gibson Les Paul Blanca con 2 Killswitchs Rojos.."@es . "Buckethead, naci\u00F3 en 1969 bajo el nombre de Brian Carroll. Es un guitarrista y compositor norteamericano, adem\u00E1s de ser un multi-instrumentalista (capaz de tocar Bajo, Piano, Banjo -entre otros-). Es conocido, principalmente, por usar una m\u00E1scara de pl\u00E1stico blanca (inspirada en la pel\u00EDcula Halloween IV) y una cubeta de Kentucky Fried Chicken sobre su cabeza. Con esto, Carroll creo en s\u00ED mismo una persona diferente para enfatizar su identidad musical. Es un compositor prol\u00EDfico. Ha lanzado m\u00E1s de 20 \u00E1lbumes como solista y ayudado en m\u00E1s de 33. Adem\u00E1s var\u00EDa entre los estilos musicales, los cuales van desde el Thrash metal, Funk, Electr\u00F3nica, Avant-garde, Jazz ambiental, Death metal y hasta la m\u00FAsica minimalista (o m\u00E1s conocida como \"m\u00FAsica simple\"). Guitar One vot\u00F3 por \u00E9l como el n\u00FAmero 8 de \"Los mejores 10 Guitarristas de todos los tiempos\". Fue alumno durante casi un a\u00F1o del virtuoso Paul Gilbert, el cual influenci\u00F3 de manera notable su fraseo r\u00E1pido en su t\u00E9cnica de shred. Entre sus otras influencias se puede citar a Yngwie Malmsteen, Shawn Lane, Joe Satriani, Jennifer Batten, Paul Gilbert. Buckethead adem\u00E1s ha colaborado y participado con grandes artistas; tales como Les Claypool (Bajista de Primus), Viggo Mortensen, Tony Williams, Bootsy Collins, Serj Tankian (vocalista de System of a Down), y Guns N Roses, para la grabaci\u00F3n de Chinese Democracy. Fue junto a estos ultimos en el que se present\u00F3 en los Mtv Music Awards y el Festival Rock in Rio."@es . . "Buketjed es un Guitarrista que se cree Pollo, estuvo Web-eando con los Guns N' Roses, Serj Tankian, y Primus todo el mundo le conoce porque apareci\u00F3 de Yapa en el Guitar Hero II y en el Guitar paHero Greatest Hits, en la Secci\u00F3n de las Canci\u00F3nes que est\u00E1n de Yapa. Se dice que tras esa facha existe un tal Brian Carrol, usa una M\u00E1scara que se encontr\u00F3 en el Persa Bio-Bio en su venida a Chile."@es . . . . "thumb|270px|El Buckethead con otros gears El Buckethead era una armadura prevista para los videojuegos de Gears of War. Sin embargo, durante los inicios de la producci\u00F3n, el dise\u00F1o se ha eliminado por razones desconocidas. El Buckethead era un andador de dos patas, capaz de llevar un solo conductor que se movia y operaba a la m\u00E1quina. Ten\u00EDa una cabeza redondeada, as\u00ED como el s\u00EDmbolo de la CGO en su pecho. Para defensa y ataque lleva unas ametralladoras en sus brazos."@es . . . . . "Buckethead"@en . "Buckethead (c. May 13, 1969), born Brian Carroll, is an American guitarist and composer. He is a prolific composer, having released 38 solo albums and performed on over 50 more. He has also made a guest appearance on 44 different albums from various artists. His music spans across diverse areas such as thrash metal, funk, electronica, jazz, bluegrass and avant-garde music. Whilst performing, he wears a KFC bucket on his head and a white plastic mask similar to that of Michael Myers . He was inspired to wear both items on the night he watched Halloween 4."@en . . . . "Buckethead"@fr .