"Natur\u00E1lis"@hu . . . "The Deathwing's mission takes precedence over all others, even though they may be called upon to fight a wide range of foes. Members of the Deathwing are indoctrinated into the outermost tiers of the Unforgiven's Inner Circle, and are party to the some of the terrible secrets surrounding the existence and nature of the Fallen. Some members of the Deathwing may know the identity of those they fight, while others are unaware the Fallen were once loyal Dark Angels, but all members of the Dark Angels 1st Company, and indeed the 1st Company of every Unforgiven Chapter, know that the Fallen are the vilest of Heretics and must be persecuted above all others."@en . . "by Feb 9th 2007 at 1:20PM"@en . . . "wowheadnews"@en . "thumb Deathwing the Destroyer, engang kendt som Neltharion the Earth-Warder, var en af de fem drage aspekter og leder af Black Dragonflight. Tusinder af \u00E5r siden, blev Neltharion udvalgt, af Titanerne, til at beskytte jordens element p\u00E5 Azeroth. Men p\u00E5grund af de hviskende Gamle Guder's hjernevaskende ord, gik han imod de andre aspekter, i l\u00F8bet af War of the Ancients. Neltharion, nu kendt som Deathwing, blev derefter kendt som dragen alle frygtede. Deathwing involverede sig selv i Den Anden Krig, i skikkelse som et adeligt menneske; Lord Davel Prestor, s\u00E5 han kunne \u00F8del\u00E6gge Alliancen indefra. Han fik desuden ogs\u00E5 fuldf\u00F8rt at g\u00F8re hans st\u00F8rste fjende, Alexstrasza, til en slave for Horden, hvilken han senere allierede sig med. Men efter Den Anden Krigs begivenheder, havde han endeligt tabt til de andre aspekter og blev n\u00F8dt til at flygte til Deepholm i Elemental Plane. Derfra observerede han, hans tidligere mage Sintharia's eksperimenter med Twilight Dragonflight i Grim Batol, og fortsatte det senere selv. Selvom de fleste troede han var d\u00F8d, vendte Deathwing tilbage efter Lich King's fald, st\u00E6rk som aldrig f\u00F8r. Hans vrede resulterede i \"the Shattering\", hvilket \u00E6ndrede Azeroth's ydre udseende totalt og bragte mange katastrofer med sig. Hans st\u00F8rste m\u00E5l var at skabe the Hour of Twilight - enden p\u00E5 alt liv p\u00E5 Azeroth. Til at n\u00E5 det m\u00E5l, blev han hjulpet af hans magtfulde allierede, som unders\u00E5tterne til hans Gamle Gude-mestre. Blandt dem, var den magtfulde Ogre Cho'gall og hans Twilight's Hammer Cult, de magtfulde Elemental Lords Al'Akir og Ragnaros, og Neferset Tol'vir fra Uldum. Med denne gruppe's samlede kr\u00E6fter, blev resten af Aspekterne n\u00F8dt til at sende modige \u00C6ventyrere til Caverns of Time for at finde fortidens Dragon Soul, en ti-tusinde \u00E5r gammel artefakt der blev lavet af Deathwing selv, og \u00F8delagt kort efter Den Anden Krig - hvilket var Aspekternes sidste h\u00E5b. Med v\u00E5bnet i deres besiddelse, kunne Aspekterne k\u00E6mpe mod deres korrupte bror, med hj\u00E6lp fra Ork Shamanen Thrall, til at styre Dragon Soul, og f\u00E5 adgang til selveste jordens kraft. Efter at have angrebet Wyrmrest Temple og udsendt sine bedste unders\u00E5tter, Deathwing fl\u00F8j sin vej, indtil han blev ramt og sent ned i Malstr\u00F8mmen af Thrall. Deathwing m\u00E5tte holde stand i Malstr\u00F8mmen, indtil han til sidst var besejret af de kombinerede kr\u00E6fter fra Thrall, Aspekterne og \u00E6ventyrerne. Deathwing var den prim\u00E6re antagonist i World of Warcraft: Cataclysm"@da . . "Dusza Smoka i liczne miejsca w Azeroth"@pl . . . . . . "Neutral"@nl . . . . . . . "858000000"^^ . . . . "http://www.wowheadnews.com/blog=164856/cataclysm-beta-build-12644-models-malfurion-deathwing-dungeon-tier-and-more|desc=Cataclysm Beta Models - Malfurion, Deathwing, Dungeon Tier and More!"@en . "Deathwing ni\u010Ditel d\u0159\u00EDve Neltharion str\u00E1\u017Ece zem\u011Bje jeden z aspekt\u016F a v\u016Fdce \u010Dern\u00E9 letky.P\u0159ed tis\u00EDci lety byla Neltharionovi d\u00E1na s\u00EDla od tit\u00E1na jm\u00E9nemKhaz'goroth a vl\u00E1da nad zem\u00ED a hlubok\u00FDmi m\u00EDsty Azerothu.Av\u0161ak ze\u0161\u00EDlel d\u00EDky star\u00FDm boh\u016Fm.Obr\u00E1til se proti ostatn\u00EDm aspekt\u016Fm ve V\u00E1lce Prastar\u00FDch a sebral jim \u010D\u00E1st jejich moci pomoc\u00ED du\u0161e draka.Jeho jm\u00E9no za\u010Dalo b\u00FDt jak mezi draky tak mezi lidmi \u0161ept\u00E1no s pocitem strachu a opovr\u017Een\u00ED.B\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 v\u00E1lky Deathwing z\u00EDskal podobu Davala Prestora ve snaze z\u00EDskat tr\u016Fn Alteracu a eventu\u00E1ln\u011B zni\u010Dit alianci.B\u011Bhem d\u011Bje knihy Den draka je du\u0161e draka zni\u010Dena a Deathwing pora\u017Een Aspekty.M\u00EDsto jeho pobytu je v sou\u010Dasnosti nezn\u00E1m\u00E9."@cs . . "The Dragon Soul, v\u00E9letlenszer\u0171en b\u00E1rmely ponton Azerothon"@hu . . "y"@en . . . "http://www.wowheadnews.com/blog=137012/deathwing-the-destroyer|desc=Deathwing the Destroyer"@en . . . . "Elpuszt\u00EDtott ; Meg\u00F6lhet\u0151"@hu . "Sintharia , Vele black dragons nootwaardig Nefarian, Onyxia, Sabellian"@nl . . . . . . . . "--05-29"^^ . . "by ArgentSun 2009/12/26 at 8:04 AM"@en . . . "Lorehound.com"@en . . "The Destroyer, Aspect of Death, The Worldbreaker, The Black Scourge, voormalig Earth-Warder"@nl . "Deathwing the Destroyer, voormalig bekend als Neltharion the Earth-Warder, is een van de vijf Dragon Aspects en leider van de black dragonflight. Duizenden jaren geleden werd Neltharion gemachtigd door de Titans met dominantie over de aarde en de diepe plaatsen van Azeroth. Echter, in waanzin gedreven door de Old Gods keerde hij zich tegen de andere Aspects tijdens de War of the Ancients. Onder de stervelingen en draken is zijn naam een geworden die word gefluisterd met een gevoel van angst en verachting."@nl . "Deathwing Deathwing t\u00E1vozt\u00E1ban sz\u00E9tsz\u00F3rta a t\u00F6bbi s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyt - \u00E9s ezut\u00E1n a meggyeng\u00FClt dragonflightok elrejt\u0151ztek, m\u00E9g egym\u00E1s el\u0151l is, nehogy \u00FAgy j\u00E1rjanak, mint a k\u00E9k s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok. Ugyanakkor a Demon Soul ereje \u00E9s Deathwing korrupci\u00F3ja tov\u00E1bb roncsolta az egykor hatalmas s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny test\u00E9t... \u00EDgy az \u0151t szolg\u00E1l\u00F3 goblinok adamantium (m\u00E1s forr\u00E1sok szerint vas) p\u00E1nc\u00E9lt kov\u00E1csoltak a test\u00E9re, amit a pikkelyei al\u00F3l sziv\u00E1rg\u00F3 l\u00E1va folyamatosan elpuszt\u00EDt, \u00EDgy mindig meg kell \u00FAj\u00EDtani. Az Old Godok val\u00F3di c\u00E9lja az volt, hogy a Demon Soullal felkelts\u00E9k Sargeras figyelm\u00E9t: ha tudom\u00E1st szerez egy ilyen hatalmas erej\u0171 talizm\u00E1nr\u00F3l, biztosan szem\u00E9lyesen j\u00F6n Azerothra, hogy megszerezze - ami nekik lehet\u0151s\u00E9get biztos\u00EDthatott volna arra, hogy kiszabaduljanak. Csakhogy Malfurion az Emerald Dream seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel megtal\u00E1lta Deathwing rejtekhely\u00E9t \u00E9s ellopta a Demon Soult, majd a var\u00E1zsszer seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel megsz\u00F6k\u00F6tt. A druida is hallotta a suttog\u00E1sokat, ann\u00E1l er\u0151sebben, min\u00E9l t\u00F6bbet haszn\u00E1lta a talizm\u00E1nt - \u00EDgy v\u00E9g\u00FCl Malfurion f\u00E9lretette a Demon Soult, hogy legy\u0151zze a haszn\u00E1lata ir\u00E1nti v\u00E1gy\u00E1t. Nem sokkal k\u00E9s\u0151bb Azshara szem\u00E9lyes test\u0151rs\u00E9g\u00E9nek vezet\u0151je, Varo'then \u00E9s Illidan elfogta Malfuriont \u00E9s a Demon Soult Azshar\u00E1hoz vitt\u00E9k, aki a talizm\u00E1nt Mannorothnak adta. A pit lord felhaszn\u00E1lta a Demon Soult a Sargeras sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra nyitand\u00F3 port\u00E1l feler\u0151s\u00EDt\u00E9s\u00E9hez - majd a Well of Eternity elpuszt\u00EDt\u00E1sa ut\u00E1n a Dragon Aspectek jutottak hozz\u00E1, \u00E9s egyes\u00EDtett erej\u00FCkkel egy olyan var\u00E1zslatot bocs\u00E1tottak r\u00E1, ami \u00F6r\u00F6kre megakad\u00E1lyozta, hogy Neltharion ism\u00E9t haszn\u00E1lja a Demon Soult. A bossz\u00FAszomjas Deathwing ezut\u00E1n megfogadta, hogy elpuszt\u00EDt minden \u00E9letet Azerothon... \u00E9s \u00E9pp ez\u00E9rt az am\u00FAgy is megk\u00EDnzott bolyg\u00F3n vulk\u00E1nokat emelt, \u00E9s a sz\u00E9tszak\u00EDtott Kalimdor legnagyobb r\u00E9sz\u00E9t a tengerbe s\u00FCllyesztette. Eredetileg Neltharion \u00FAgy alak\u00EDtotta ki a felsz\u00EDnt, hogy minden faj b\u00E9k\u00E9ben \u00E9s gazdagon \u00E9lhessen egym\u00E1st\u00F3l elk\u00FCl\u00F6n\u00EDtett ter\u00FCleteken... de most Deathwingk\u00E9nt lerombolta a hegys\u00E9geket, elpuszt\u00EDtotta a term\u0151f\u00F6ldet \u00E9s megsemmis\u00EDtette az er\u0151forr\u00E1sokat... hogy ami megmaradt, az\u00E9rt Azeroth lak\u00F3inak folyamatosan harcolnia kelljen. T\u00EDzezer \u00E9vvel k\u00E9s\u0151bb Deathwing egy csoport dalarani m\u00E1gussal k\u00FCzdve a tengerbe zuhant \u00E9s elj\u00E1tszotta a hal\u00E1l\u00E1t - azonban nagyon is \u00E9lt, s\u0151t, Lord Daval Prestor szem\u00E9lyazonoss\u00E1g\u00E1t felv\u00E9ve fontos poz\u00EDci\u00F3t \u00E9rt el Alterac kir\u00E1lys\u00E1g\u00E1ban \u00E9s bel\u00FClr\u0151l manipul\u00E1lta az Alliance-t, hogy \u0151 legyen Lord Perenolde \u00E1rul\u00E1sa ut\u00E1n a megsz\u00E1llt orsz\u00E1g \u00FAj kir\u00E1lya. Sikerrel \u00E1ll\u00EDtotta maga mell\u00E9 m\u00E1gi\u00E1j\u00E1val Terenast, Daelin Proudmoore-t, Genn Greymane-t - \u00E9s azt tervezte, hogy a r\u00E1 vesz\u00E9lyt jelent\u0151 Dalaran \u00E9s a Kirin Tor ellen ford\u00EDtja \u0151ket. Ek\u00F6zben egy m\u00E1sik terv alapj\u00E1n fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1nytoj\u00E1sokat vitt \u00E1t Draenorra, hogy ott biztons\u00E1gban kikelhessenek \u00E9s az \u00EDgy meger\u0151s\u00F6d\u00F6tt Black Dragonflight megt\u00E1madhassa Azerothot. Azonban Khadgar exped\u00EDci\u00F3ja megtal\u00E1lta Deathwing barlangj\u00E1t, legy\u0151zt\u00E9k az Azerotht\u00F3l t\u00E1vol gyeng\u00E9bb Aspectet, aki azonban sikeresen visszamenek\u00FClt a Dark Portalon, m\u00E9g miel\u0151tt Ner'zhul var\u00E1zslata sz\u00E9tt\u00E9pte volna a bolyg\u00F3t. A toj\u00E1sok ottmaradtak, \u00E9s a felszabadul\u00F3 energi\u00E1knak k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151en a kikelt s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok m\u00E1r nem egyszer\u0171en fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok voltak: csak r\u00E9szben \u0151rizt\u00E9k meg fizikai alakjukat, \u00E9s k\u00E9pesek lettek a fizikai \u00E9s az asztr\u00E1lis s\u00EDk k\u00F6z\u00F6tt mozogni... \u0151k a Netherwing Dragonflight. Az Azerothra visszat\u00E9r\u0151 Deathwing ism\u00E9t Lord Prestor b\u0151r\u00E9be b\u00FAjt, \u00E9s felfedezte a Demon Soul rejtekhely\u00E9t. Mivel \u0151 maga nem tudott hozz\u00E1f\u00E9rni, egy goblin szolg\u00E1j\u00E1t, Kryllt elk\u00FCldte a Dragonmaw orkokhoz - \u00E9s Kryll sikeresen r\u00E1vette az egyik warlockot, Nekros Skullcrushert arra, hogy megszerezze a var\u00E1zsszert, amit azt\u00E1n \u00E1tadott a kl\u00E1n vezet\u0151j\u00E9nek, Zuluhednek. A s\u00E1m\u00E1n szerint a warlock jobban tudta haszn\u00E1lni a talizm\u00E1nt - aki ezut\u00E1n sikeresen csapd\u00E1ba ejtette \u00E9s uralma al\u00E1 k\u00E9nyszer\u00EDtette a v\u00F6r\u00F6s s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyokat, s\u0151t, m\u00E9g a v\u00F6r\u00F6s Aspectet, Alexstrasz\u00E1t is. Deathwing ezut\u00E1n egy fiatal m\u00E1gust, Rhonint haszn\u00E1lt fel arra, hogy Alexstrasza k\u00F6zel\u00E9be ker\u00FClhessen \u00E9s a saj\u00E1t fogs\u00E1g\u00E1ba ejthesse a Dragon Queent; ennek \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben t\u00F6bbsz\u00F6r megmentette mind az \u0151, mind a t\u00E1rsai (Falstad Wildhammer \u00E9s Vereesa Windruner) \u00E9let\u00E9t is. Ugyanakkor Alexstrasza egyik p\u00E1rja, Korialstrasz arra igyekezett felhaszn\u00E1lni Rhonint, hogy megszabad\u00EDthassa \u00FArn\u0151j\u00E9t. Deathwing elhitette az orkokkal, hogy human t\u00E1mad\u00E1s v\u00E1rhat\u00F3 er\u0151dj\u00FCk, Grim Batol ellen - \u00E9s \u00EDgy az orkok a s\u00E1rk\u00E1ynokat \u00E9s a v\u00F6r\u00F6s toj\u00E1sokat is \u00E1t akart\u00E1k sz\u00E1ll\u00EDtani Dun Algazba. Az \u00FAton azonban a fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok megt\u00E1madt\u00E1k a karav\u00E1nt, hogy megszerezz\u00E9k a toj\u00E1sokat, amiket Deathwing szem\u00E9lyesen k\u00EDv\u00E1nt felnevelni. Csakhogy Rhonin megtal\u00E1lta a Demon Soult \u00E9s r\u00E1j\u00F6tt egyetlen sebezhet\u0151s\u00E9g\u00E9re: Deathwing n\u00E1la lev\u0151 pikkelye k\u00E9pes volt elpuszt\u00EDtani a talizm\u00E1nt. M\u00E1rpedig ezzel visszaadta a s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyoknak \u00E9s az Aspecteknek a t\u00EDzezer \u00E9ve elvesztett erej\u00FCket - \u00E9s \u00EDgy az \u00E1rul\u00F3 Aspect hirtelen n\u00E9gy, teljes erej\u00E9ben lev\u0151 \u00E9s roppant m\u00E9rges Dragon Aspect k\u00F6z\u00F6tt tal\u00E1lta mag\u00E1t... akik egyes\u00EDtett erej\u00FCkkel k\u00F6nnyed\u00E9n legy\u0151zt\u00E9k. Deathwing k\u00E9nytelen volt sebes\u00FClten elmenek\u00FClni, de a legt\u00F6bben biztosak voltak abban, hogy ez\u00FAttal val\u00F3ban meghalt. Az elt\u0171n\u00E9se ut\u00E1n Daval Prestor is megsz\u0171nt l\u00E9tezni, ami azt is jelentette, hogy az Alliance vezet\u0151i megszabadultak a befoly\u00E1s al\u00F3l - de nem sokkal k\u00E9s\u0151bb l\u00E1nya, Onyxia - Lady Katrana Prestor alakj\u00E1ban - hasonl\u00F3k\u00E9ppen befoly\u00E1solta Stormwindet. M\u00E1sik gyermeke, Nefarian szint\u00E9n emberi alakba b\u00FAjt - \u00E9s Lord Victor Nefariusk\u00E9nt uralma al\u00E1 hajtotta a Blackrock Spire-ben \u00E9l\u0151 Dark Horde tagjait, illetve titokban egy \u00FAj dragonflight, a t\u00F6bb fajta k\u00E9pess\u00E9geit birtokl\u00F3 Chromatic s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok kifejleszt\u00E9s\u00E9n munk\u00E1lkodott. Deathwing p\u00E1rja, Lady Sinestra ek\u00F6zben netherwing toj\u00E1sokat szerzett Outlandr\u0151l, \u00E9s Grim Batolban l\u00E9trehozta a Twilight Dragonflight els\u0151 tagj\u00E1t, Dargonaxot. \u0150t siker\u00FClt meg\u00F6lnie a draenei priestessnek, Iridinek \u00E9s a Netherwing s\u00E1rk\u00E1nynak, Zzerakunak - b\u00E1r \u0151k ketten is meghaltak az \u00F6sszecsap\u00E1sban, amiben seg\u00EDtette \u0151ket Vereesa, Krasus, Kalecgos \u00E9s Rhonin. Azonban Grim Batol m\u00E9ly\u00E9n Deathwing az ott elrejtett rengeteg s\u00E1rk\u00E1nytoj\u00E1s, \u00E9s Nefarian, valamint Sinestra munk\u00E1ja alapj\u00E1n a megmaradt twilight toj\u00E1sokb\u00F3l l\u00E9trehozta a twilight s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyokat... \u00E9s a toj\u00E1sok egy r\u00E9sz\u00E9t az Obsidian Sanctumban helyezte el Sartharion fel\u00FCgyelete alatt. Deathwing a Cataclysm ut\u00E1n Maga Deathwing az Elemental Plane-en, a f\u00F6ld ter\u00FClet\u00E9n, Deepholmban regener\u00E1l\u00F3dott a sebeib\u0151l - \u00E9s amikor visszanyerte teljes erej\u00E9t, beler\u00E1zk\u00F3dott Azeroth. Egy eldugott vid\u00E9ken Dun Morogh \u00E9s Stormwind k\u00F6z\u00F6tt, nem messze a Deeprun Tram alag\u00FAtj\u00E1t\u00F3l, a felsz\u00EDnre t\u00F6rt \u00E9s alapjaiban r\u00E1zta meg a bolyg\u00F3t, olyan puszt\u00EDt\u00E1st hozva, amilyet a Sundering \u00F3ta nem l\u00E1tott a vil\u00E1g. \u00DAj vulk\u00E1nok j\u00F6ttek l\u00E9tre, a f\u00F6ld megny\u00EDlt, a hegyek leomlottak, a tengerpartokat cunamik, a bels\u0151 ter\u00FCleteket hurrik\u00E1nok puszt\u00EDott\u00E1k v\u00E9gig... \u00E9s v\u00E9g\u00FCl Deathwing - kirobbantva a hely\u00E9r\u0151l az el\u00E1tkozott t\u00F6rpe v\u00E1rost, Grim Batolt - elfoglalta \u00FAj lakhely\u00E9t a frissen l\u00E9trehozott fenns\u00EDkon, a Twilight Highlandsen. A Cataclysm ut\u00E1n nyilv\u00E1nval\u00F3v\u00E1 v\u00E1lt: a fekete Aspect m\u00E9g mindig hihetetlen hatalommal b\u00EDr... \u00E9s itt az ideje annak, hogy v\u00E9gleg lesz\u00E1moljanak Azeroth lak\u00F3i azzal a fenyeget\u00E9ssel, amit a vil\u00E1gra jelent."@hu . "http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2551-Alchemy-Specialization-Cost-Increase-Deathwing-Event-Blue-Posts-MMO-Report|desc=Alchemy Specialization Cost Increase, Deathwing Event, Blue Posts, MMO-Report"@en . "Deathwing"@hu . "Aspect of the Black Dragonflight, Herald of the Old Gods, formerly Guardian of Azeroth"@en . . "SECURITY"@en . . "Deathwing the Destroyer, formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, was one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Thousands of years ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Titans with dominion over the earth and the deep places of Azeroth. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other Aspects during the War of the Ancients. Among both mortals and dragons, his name became one whispered with a feeling of fear and contempt."@en . "wowinsider"@en . . "The Dragon Soul, and various points throughout Azeroth"@en . . . "Deathwing, like Nemesis Immortal, is an escaped genetic experiment of Dr. Mindbender's now working for Cobra-La. He believes the security of Cobra-La is the most important thing in life, and that the second most important thing is being free. Like Nemesis Immortal, he can fly and had built-in biological weapons for hand-to-hand combat. He can glide completely silently and attack unseen from above. While being of frightening visage, he is truly a kind protector of innocents, especially children. He is often found out on patrol."@en . . "y"@en . . "DeathWing"@en . . . "Deathwing"@da . . . . . . . "Boss"@hu . "http://lorehound.com/news/deathwings-reputation-versus-his-size-an-argument-for-a-huge-character-model/|desc=Deathwing\u2019s Reputation Versus His Size: An Argument for a HUGE Character Model"@en . "Mage, Aristocrat"@en . . "Sintharia ; Many black dragons notably: Nefarian, Sabellian, Wrathion, Neltharaku , Onyxia ; Nyxondra , Mordenaku , Zoya, Onyxien , Galakrond"@en . "Deathwing"@en . "by Miyari 2010/07/30 at 2:07 AM"@en . "Mannelijk"@nl . "by Aug 4th 2010 at 9:00AM"@en . . "The Destroyer, Aspect of Death, The Worldbreaker, The Black Scourge, formerly Earth-Warder; [[#Names and titles"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Deathwing"@nl . . . . . "Alliance of Lordaeron"@en . . "by Boubouille 2010-10-27 01:27 AM"@en . . . "Deathwing"@fi . "??"@nl . . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/10/16/deathwing-attacked-stormwind-on-the-ptr/|desc=Deathwing attacked Stormwind on the PTR"@en . . . . . "Deathwing on yksi Dragon Aspecteista ja Mustan lohik\u00E4\u00E4rmelentueen oikea johtaja. H\u00E4n on yksi Azerothin voimakkaimmista olennoista ja yksi kaikkein pahimmista.400px|right"@fi . . . . "thumb Deathwing the Destroyer, engang kendt som Neltharion the Earth-Warder, var en af de fem drage aspekter og leder af Black Dragonflight. Tusinder af \u00E5r siden, blev Neltharion udvalgt, af Titanerne, til at beskytte jordens element p\u00E5 Azeroth. Men p\u00E5grund af de hviskende Gamle Guder's hjernevaskende ord, gik han imod de andre aspekter, i l\u00F8bet af War of the Ancients. Neltharion, nu kendt som Deathwing, blev derefter kendt som dragen alle frygtede. Deathwing var den prim\u00E6re antagonist i World of Warcraft: Cataclysm"@da . . . . . "Deathwing is a black and orange Fabled Ancient Dragon from the Marketplace."@en . . "Aspect van de Black Dragonflight, Herald van de Old Gods, voormalig Bewaker van Azeroth"@nl . "Deathwing"@pl . . . "A Puszt\u00EDt\u00F3, A F\u00F6ld Ura, A Vil\u00E1gmegt\u00F6r\u0151, A Fekete Ostor, A F\u00F6ld V\u00E9d\u0151je, A Kataklizma , A Hal\u00E1l Ura"@hu . . . "Sintharia ,rengeteg fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny, mint Nefarian, Onyxia, Sabellian"@hu . . . "??"@en . . . "Deathwing sar\u00E0 il boss finale dell' espansione World of Warcraft: Cataclysm|link=World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Deathwing."@it . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Deathwing ni\u010Ditel d\u0159\u00EDve Neltharion str\u00E1\u017Ece zem\u011Bje jeden z aspekt\u016F a v\u016Fdce \u010Dern\u00E9 letky.P\u0159ed tis\u00EDci lety byla Neltharionovi d\u00E1na s\u00EDla od tit\u00E1na jm\u00E9nemKhaz'goroth a vl\u00E1da nad zem\u00ED a hlubok\u00FDmi m\u00EDsty Azerothu.Av\u0161ak ze\u0161\u00EDlel d\u00EDky star\u00FDm boh\u016Fm.Obr\u00E1til se proti ostatn\u00EDm aspekt\u016Fm ve V\u00E1lce Prastar\u00FDch a sebral jim \u010D\u00E1st jejich moci pomoc\u00ED du\u0161e draka.Jeho jm\u00E9no za\u010Dalo b\u00FDt jak mezi draky tak mezi lidmi \u0161ept\u00E1no s pocitem strachu a opovr\u017Een\u00ED.B\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 v\u00E1lky Deathwing z\u00EDskal podobu Davala Prestora ve snaze z\u00EDskat tr\u016Fn Alteracu a eventu\u00E1ln\u011B zni\u010Dit alianci.B\u011Bhem d\u011Bje knihy Den draka je du\u0161e draka zni\u010Dena a Deathwing pora\u017Een Aspekty.M\u00EDsto jeho pobytu je v sou\u010Dasnosti nezn\u00E1m\u00E9."@cs . . . . "by Oct 16th 2011 at 11:00AM"@en . "Deathwing Deathwing t\u00E1vozt\u00E1ban sz\u00E9tsz\u00F3rta a t\u00F6bbi s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyt - \u00E9s ezut\u00E1n a meggyeng\u00FClt dragonflightok elrejt\u0151ztek, m\u00E9g egym\u00E1s el\u0151l is, nehogy \u00FAgy j\u00E1rjanak, mint a k\u00E9k s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok. Ugyanakkor a Demon Soul ereje \u00E9s Deathwing korrupci\u00F3ja tov\u00E1bb roncsolta az egykor hatalmas s\u00E1rk\u00E1ny test\u00E9t... \u00EDgy az \u0151t szolg\u00E1l\u00F3 goblinok adamantium (m\u00E1s forr\u00E1sok szerint vas) p\u00E1nc\u00E9lt kov\u00E1csoltak a test\u00E9re, amit a pikkelyei al\u00F3l sziv\u00E1rg\u00F3 l\u00E1va folyamatosan elpuszt\u00EDt, \u00EDgy mindig meg kell \u00FAj\u00EDtani. Az Old Godok val\u00F3di c\u00E9lja az volt, hogy a Demon Soullal felkelts\u00E9k Sargeras figyelm\u00E9t: ha tudom\u00E1st szerez egy ilyen hatalmas erej\u0171 talizm\u00E1nr\u00F3l, biztosan szem\u00E9lyesen j\u00F6n Azerothra, hogy megszerezze - ami nekik lehet\u0151s\u00E9get biztos\u00EDthatott volna arra, hogy kiszabaduljanak. Csakhogy Malfurion az Emerald Dream seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel megtal\u00E1lta"@hu . . "Black dragonCzarny smok"@pl . . . . "Neutral"@en . "Deathwing, Niszczyciel, niegdy\u015B Neltharion, Stra\u017Cnik Ziemi by\u0142 jednym z pi\u0105tki Smoczych Aspekt\u00F3w i przyw\u00F3dca czarnych smok\u00F3w. Tysi\u0105ce lat temu Tytani powierzyli mu w\u0142adz\u0119 nad ziemi\u0105 i g\u0142\u0119binami Azeroth. Jednak oszala\u0142y na skutek podszept\u00F3w Starych B\u00F3stw zwr\u00F3ci\u0142 si\u0119 przeciwko pozosta\u0142ym Aspektom podczas Wojny Staro\u017Cytnych. \u015Amiertelnicy, jak i smoki wypowiadaj\u0105 jego imi\u0119 jedynie szeptem pe\u0142nym strachu i niepewno\u015Bci. Deathiwng by\u0142 g\u0142\u00F3wnym wrogiem w World of Warcraft: Cataclysm."@pl . "Cobra-La Security"@en . . . "Deathwing"@cs . . . . . . . . "http://www.wow.joystiq.com/2010/08/04/know-your-lore-tfh-edition-the-deathwing-conspiracy/|desc=Know Your Lore TFH edition: The Deathwing Conspiracy"@en . . "The man who the Team Titans knew as Dick Grayson (Nightwing) was really not Dick Grayson at all.Deathwing's story began 10 years in the future; Or, rather, the false future where Lord Chaos reigned and a force known as the Team Titans struggled to overthrow his tyranny. Lord Chaos sought to destroy the rebels known as the Team Titans. This timeline's version of Nightwing served with the Team Titans as drill sergeant."@en . . "Under Andre Krig, tok Deathwing form som Lord Daval Prestor, p\u00E5 jakt etter den ledige tronen til Alterac og etter hvert muligheten til \u00E5 knuse Alliansen av Lordaeron. Under hendelsene i boken Day of the Dragon, blir Dragon Soul \u00F8delagt, og Deathwing beseiret av de andre Aspektene. Hans n\u00E5v\u00E6rende tilholdssted og agenda er ukjent."@no . "Jaszczur"@pl . "Zmar\u0142y"@pl . . . "Dragon Soul"@en . . . . . "-DeathWing-"@en . . . "Deathwing, like Nemesis Immortal, is an escaped genetic experiment of Dr. Mindbender's now working for Cobra-La. He believes the security of Cobra-La is the most important thing in life, and that the second most important thing is being free. Like Nemesis Immortal, he can fly and had built-in biological weapons for hand-to-hand combat. He can glide completely silently and attack unseen from above. While being of frightening visage, he is truly a kind protector of innocents, especially children. He is often found out on patrol."@en . "Deathwing"@en . . . . . . . . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/08/23/know-your-lore-world-of-warcraft-cataclysm-deathwing/|desc=Know Your Lore: World of Warcraft Cataclysm Deathwing"@en . "by Boubouille 2010-08-06 07:43 AM"@en . "Deathwing"@nl . "Deathwing"@en . "Neltharion / Deathwing"@pl . . . . . "Boss"@nl . "mmochampion"@en . . . "Deathwing the Destroyer, voormalig bekend als Neltharion the Earth-Warder, is een van de vijf Dragon Aspects en leider van de black dragonflight. Duizenden jaren geleden werd Neltharion gemachtigd door de Titans met dominantie over de aarde en de diepe plaatsen van Azeroth. Echter, in waanzin gedreven door de Old Gods keerde hij zich tegen de andere Aspects tijdens de War of the Ancients. Onder de stervelingen en draken is zijn naam een geworden die word gefluisterd met een gevoel van angst en verachting. De black aspect voegde zich in de Second War, door de vorm van Lord Daval Prestor aan te nemen om de Alliance van binnenuit te vernietigen. Hij sloeg er ook in zijn grootste vijand, Alexstrasza, in een slaaf van de Horde te maken, waar hij zich later bij aansluitte. Na een serie tegenslagen, culminerend in zijn nederlaag in de handen van de andere Aspects, trok Deathwing zich terug naar de elemental plane Deepholm om te recupereren. Vanuit hier observeerde hij zijn voormalige partner Sintharia's experimenten met de twilight dragonflight in Grim Batol. Hij borduurt nu verder op zijn overleden partner's werk. Hoewel velen geloofden dat hij dood was maakte Deathwing zijn terugkomst in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, de derde uitbreidingsset van World of Warcraft, en zijn woede vormde een pre-release gebeurtenis bekend als de Shattering, die de wereld Azeroth permanent veranderde. Hij wordt de laatste raid encounter van Cataclysm, verschijnend als de laatste twee encounters van de Dragon Soul raid."@nl . . . "Boss"@en . "Dragon Soul"@hu . . "Deathwing the Destroyer, formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, was one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight. Thousands of years ago, Neltharion was empowered by the Titans with dominion over the earth and the deep places of Azeroth. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other Aspects during the War of the Ancients. Among both mortals and dragons, his name became one whispered with a feeling of fear and contempt."@en . . "Deathwing, Niszczyciel, niegdy\u015B Neltharion, Stra\u017Cnik Ziemi by\u0142 jednym z pi\u0105tki Smoczych Aspekt\u00F3w i przyw\u00F3dca czarnych smok\u00F3w. Tysi\u0105ce lat temu Tytani powierzyli mu w\u0142adz\u0119 nad ziemi\u0105 i g\u0142\u0119binami Azeroth. Jednak oszala\u0142y na skutek podszept\u00F3w Starych B\u00F3stw zwr\u00F3ci\u0142 si\u0119 przeciwko pozosta\u0142ym Aspektom podczas Wojny Staro\u017Cytnych. \u015Amiertelnicy, jak i smoki wypowiadaj\u0105 jego imi\u0119 jedynie szeptem pe\u0142nym strachu i niepewno\u015Bci. Czarny aspekt osobi\u015Bcie zaanga\u017Cowa\u0142 si\u0119 w Drug\u0105 Wojn\u0119, przyjmuj\u0105c posta\u0107 Lorda Davala Prestora, pragn\u0105c zniszczy\u0107 Sojusz od \u015Brodka. Uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 r\u00F3wnie\u017C uczyni\u0107 ze swojej najwi\u0119kszej przeciwniczki, Alexstraszy, niewolniczk\u0119 Hordy, z kt\u00F3r\u0105 p\u00F3\u017Aniej sam si\u0119 sprzymierzy\u0142. Po serii zwrot\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rych kulminacj\u0105 by\u0142o pokonanie przez pozosta\u0142e Aspekty, Deathwing wycofa\u0142 si\u0119 do planu \u017Cywio\u0142\u00F3w Deepholm, by si\u0119 wyleczy\u0107. Stamt\u0105d obserwowa\u0142 eksperymenty swojej dawnej ma\u0142\u017Conki Sintharii w Grim Batol, gdzie ta pr\u00F3bowa\u0142a stworzy\u0107 stado smok\u00F3w zmierzchu, a po jej \u015Bmierci podj\u0105\u0142 jej dzie\u0142o. Mimo \u017Ce wielu wierzy\u0142o w jego \u015Bmier\u0107, Deathwing powr\u00F3ci\u0142 po upadku Kr\u00F3la Lisza. Jego gniew wywo\u0142a\u0142 Kataklizm, kt\u00F3ry przemieni\u0142 oblicze Azeroth i wywo\u0142a\u0142 nieopisane zniszczenie. Gdy \u015Bwiat zwija\u0142 si\u0119 w b\u00F3lach, on sam sia\u0142 po\u017Cog\u0119 w wielu zak\u0105tkach Azeroth. Jego celem by\u0142o sprowadzenie Gorziny Zmierzchu - ostatecznego ko\u0144ca \u017Cycia w Azeroth. W tej misji wspomagali go pot\u0119\u017Cni sojusznicy, s\u0142ugi Starych B\u00F3stw. W\u015Br\u00F3d nich byli przemieniony ogrzy mag Cho'gall, pot\u0119\u017Cni W\u0142adcy \u017Bywio\u0142\u00F3w Al'Akir i Ragnaros oraz tol'virzy z plemienia Neferset z Uldum. Jednocz\u0105c swe moce, pozosta\u0142e Aspekty wys\u0142a\u0142y poszukiwaczy przyg\u00F3d, by przebyli niestabilne \u015Bcie\u017Cki czasu w Jaskiniach Czasu, by odzyska\u0107 Dusz\u0119 Smoka, staro\u017Cytny artefakt stworzony przez samego Deathwinga dziesi\u0119\u0107 tysi\u0119cy lat wcze\u015Bniej i zniszczony kr\u00F3tko po Drugiej Wojnie, kt\u00F3ry mia\u0142 by\u0107 jedynym sposobem na pokonanie czarnego smoka. Maj\u0105c pot\u0119\u017Cn\u0105 bro\u0144, Aspekty wyda\u0142y bitw\u0119 swemu szalonemu bratu, a u ich boku stan\u0105\u0142 uzbrojony w Dusz\u0119 Smoka orczy szaman Thrall, wzmocniony esencj\u0105 Deathwinga - esencj\u0105 samej ziemi. Po Obl\u0119\u017Ceniu \u015Awi\u0105tyni Smoczego Spokoju i wypuszczeniu swych najpot\u0119\u017Cniejszych s\u0142ug, Deathwing poderwa\u0142 si\u0119 w powietrze, a\u017C zosta\u0142 str\u0105cony do Maelstromu przez moce Duszy. Gdy jego cia\u0142o podda\u0142o si\u0119 w walce ze spaczeniem, Deathwing powsta\u0142 jeszcze raz z szalej\u0105cych odm\u0119t\u00F3w Maelstromu, by zosta\u0107 wreszcie pokonanym przez po\u0142\u0105czone moce szamana, Aspekt\u00F3w i \u015Bmiertelnych heros\u00F3w. Deathiwng by\u0142 g\u0142\u00F3wnym wrogiem w World of Warcraft: Cataclysm."@pl . "Old Gods' forces\n:N'Zoth\n::Black dragonflight\n:Twilight dragonflight,"@en . . . . "Under Andre Krig, tok Deathwing form som Lord Daval Prestor, p\u00E5 jakt etter den ledige tronen til Alterac og etter hvert muligheten til \u00E5 knuse Alliansen av Lordaeron. Under hendelsene i boken Day of the Dragon, blir Dragon Soul \u00F8delagt, og Deathwing beseiret av de andre Aspektene. Hans n\u00E5v\u00E6rende tilholdssted og agenda er ukjent."@no . . "by chaud 2011-11-12 06:04 AM"@en . "Deceased ; Killable"@en . "A fekete s\u00E1rk\u00E1nyok Ura,Az \u0150si istenek h\u00EDrn\u00F6ke, El\u0151z\u0151 v\u00E9delmez\u0151je Azerothnak"@hu . "Onsterfelijk, In leven"@nl . . . . . "Black wyrm, formerly Black Proto-Drake"@en . "The man who the Team Titans knew as Dick Grayson (Nightwing) was really not Dick Grayson at all.Deathwing's story began 10 years in the future; Or, rather, the false future where Lord Chaos reigned and a force known as the Team Titans struggled to overthrow his tyranny. Lord Chaos sought to destroy the rebels known as the Team Titans. This timeline's version of Nightwing served with the Team Titans as drill sergeant. He was very much like the Dick Grayson of our timeline, but darker and a little more driven. In his time with the Team Titans, he took on Redwing as his prot\u00E9g\u00E9, a sort of Robin to his Batman. He also met Mirage, who fell in love with him. The two embarked on a relationship shortly after meeting. Shortly thereafter, the Team Titans leader gave the team a mission: travel 10 years into the past to stop Chaos from ever being born. To accomplish this, the Teamers were assigned to kill Donna Troy before she would give birth to the child who would become Lord Chaos! The Teamers successfully traveled to the past and came into conflict with the Titans. Donna gave birth to her son before the Teamers could intervene. However, the Titans and the Team Titans were able to stop Chaos and spare Donna's life at the same time. After this, the Teamers found themselves stranded in the past, unable to return to their future. With nowhere else to go, they resided at Donna Troy's farmhouse. The Teamers tried to find a place in this new world. Just after this, the alternate-future Nightwing traveled to our timeline. Mirage was reunited with her lover only briefly. A dark version of Raven attacked the future Nightwing and corrupted him by planting a Trigon-seed within him. Nightwing now renamed himself Deathwing, and became violent and brutal. Deathwing visited Mirage, where he attacked and raped her. Mirage then learned she was pregnant with Deathwing's child. Shortly after this, the Teamers lives were disrupted by the time crisis known as Zero Hour. It was then revealed that the Team Titans leader in the future was the villainous Monarch - who created a false future world so he could train meta-humans (The Team Titans) to act as sleeper agent assassins. He knew of the impending time crisis, and wanted a super-powered army at his command. The time-villain Extant commanded all the Team Titans to attack the heroes who were trying to unravel this time crisis. His plan was thwarted; the heroes contained the Teamers. Time continued to collapse, erasing the false timelines that had emerged. As a result, all the Team Titans were erased from existence. Strangely enough, three people remained unscathed from Monarch's false timeline: Tara Markov (Terra II), Mirage and Deathwing (who was believed to be a future Dick Grayson). Terra and Mirage remained members of a new Titans team, led by Arsenal. Shortly after the team was reformed, a strange orb appeared, with messages for Mirage and Terra. The orb was sent by the Time Trapper. The Time Trapper revealed that Mirage, Deathwing and Terra were from this timeline, not an alternate timeline, as they had thought - which is why they survived the time crisis. Mirage was actually a runaway street urchin from where the Time Trapper kidnapped her and implanted false memories in her brain; she believed she grew up in Monarch's false timeline. The Trapper became aware of Extant's petty manipulations of time, and set up his own sleeper agents (Terra, Mirage and Deathwing) that would be able to fight Extant's programming. The Time Trapper also revealed that Terra was from this timeline as well. Deathwing's true identity was not revealed by the Time Trapper and remains a mystery. The Titans eventually came into conflict with Raven once again. Deathwing remained in Raven's thrall, and adopted a new look: shaved head, body paint and leather attire. During this conflict, Mirage was captured by Deathwing. Deathwing took a sadistic interest in his unborn child. At this time, Deathwing told Mirage that he is aware of his true identity: \"Some guy in a robe sent this orb - it told me the truth! And trust me Miri, you don't want to know what I was before I became Deathwing!\" During the ensuing battle where the dark version of Raven was at last expunged, it appeared that Mirage had a miscarriage. Deathwing seemed genuinely upset at this news, in his own twisted way. He was rude with Mirage. He always treated her without respect, like she was his property. Till the end of Evil Raven he was loyal to her. In truth, Mirage was still pregnant and used her illusion abilities to make it appear otherwise. She eventually went into labor while the Titans were off-world on another mission. She gave birth to a baby girl, who she named Julienne. Mirage then elected to spend time with her baby, and shortly after that, the Titans disbanded. Deathwing is unaware his child survived. When he was last seen, he was at S.T.A.R. Labs under observation. It is unknown whether the Trigon seed has been expunged from his system."@en . . . . . . "by Malgayne 2010/10/26 at 8:13 PM"@en . "Male"@hu . . . . . "TP-Only"@en . . "Black dragon"@hu . . "Deathwing on yksi Dragon Aspecteista ja Mustan lohik\u00E4\u00E4rmelentueen oikea johtaja. H\u00E4n on yksi Azerothin voimakkaimmista olennoista ja yksi kaikkein pahimmista.400px|right"@fi . "Niszczyciel, Aspekt \u015Amierci, Niszczyciel \u015Awiata, Czarna Plaga, Czarny Aspekt, dawniej Stra\u017Cnik Ziemi"@pl . . . . . . . . "http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2044-Deathwing-Is-Coming-Raid-Progression-Tol-Barad-Blue-Posts|desc=Deathwing Is Coming, Raid Progression, Tol Barad, Blue Posts"@en . "Deathwing"@no . . . "Male"@en . . "Deathwing is a black and orange Fabled Ancient Dragon from the Marketplace."@en . . . . "858"^^ . . . . . . . "The Dragon Soul, en verschillende andere locaties verspreid over Azeroth"@nl . . "by Aug 23rd 2009 at 8:00PM"@en . . "Black wyrm"@nl . "Horde of Draenor ,"@en . "10"^^ . . "Aspekt czarnych smok\u00F3w, Herold Starych B\u00F3stw"@pl . . "53879"^^ . . . . . "Deathwing"@hu . . "Deathwing"@it . "rushu"@en . . . . "Dragon Soul"@nl . . "dawniej Stra\u017Cnik Azeroth"@pl . . "dawniej Smocze Aspekty, Horda Draenoru"@pl . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Sintharia Nefarian Onyxia Sabellian Wrathion"@pl . . "Altered Human"@en . . "Deathwing sar\u00E0 il boss finale dell' espansione World of Warcraft: Cataclysm|link=World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Deathwing."@it . . . . "http://www.wowheadnews.com/blog=172434/deathwing-is-coming-and-he-is-literally-going-to-kill-you|desc=Deathwing is Coming\u2014and He Is Literally Going To Kill You"@en . . "??"@hu . . . "http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1908-Mini-Deathwing-Southern-Barrens-Blue-Posts|desc=Mini Deathwing, Southern Barrens, Blue Posts"@en . "[defaults to 125]"@en . . "http://www.wow.joystiq.com/2007/02/09/know-your-lore-neltharion/|desc=Know Your Lore: Neltharion"@en . . "The Deathwing's mission takes precedence over all others, even though they may be called upon to fight a wide range of foes. Members of the Deathwing are indoctrinated into the outermost tiers of the Unforgiven's Inner Circle, and are party to the some of the terrible secrets surrounding the existence and nature of the Fallen. Some members of the Deathwing may know the identity of those they fight, while others are unaware the Fallen were once loyal Dark Angels, but all members of the Dark Angels 1st Company, and indeed the 1st Company of every Unforgiven Chapter, know that the Fallen are the vilest of Heretics and must be persecuted above all others."@en .