. "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"@en . "thumb|Willard Decker (2273) Willard Decker ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 23. Jahrhundert."@de . . . . "Idealistic"@en . . "Single"@en . . . . "Decker was regenerated as Willardiam RiDecker, remained a second stringer, and eventually merged with a blow-up doll. (TNG: \"Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Motion Picture\", Star Trek: More Khan, Less Character.)"@en . "182.0"^^ . . "Blonde"@en . "225"^^ . . "Willard Decker"@en . . "Willard \"Will\" Decker \u00E9tait un officier Humain de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "Gain starship command, bring alien races together"@en . "Willard Decker"@cs . "Willard Decker"@es . "Blue"@en . . . . . . "Willard \"Will\" Decker was a protagonist in the movie Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Decker was portrayed in the film by Stephen Collins. Will Decker was the son of Starfleet Commodore Matthew and Joan Decker. Decker's father was away for most of his childhood serving in Starfleet, and his mother was the one who raised him. His father died in combat against a Planet Killer that was destroying planets in Federation space. Decker decided to follow in his father's footsteps, and entered Starfleet."@en . . . "Willard Decker (known familiarly as Will), was a Human Starfleet officer. He was the son of Starfleet Commodore Matthew Decker and his wife Jane. (TOS comic: \"Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1\", TOS episode: \"The Doomsday Machine\")"@en . "Willard Decker"@en . . . . "Willard Decker"@fr . . . . . . . . . "78"^^ . . . . . . . . "Na za\u010D\u00E1tku kari\u00E9ry u Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily byl um\u00EDst\u011Bn na planet\u011B Delta IV. Zde se sezn\u00E1mil s Del\u0165ankou Iliou. Decker s n\u00ED ukon\u010Dil vztah tak, \u017Ee bez rozlou\u010Den\u00ED opustil planetu. Kdy\u017E James T. Kirk v roce 2270 ukon\u010Dil s hv\u011Bzdnou lod\u00ED USS Enterprise svoji legend\u00E1rn\u00ED p\u011Btiletou misi vesm\u00EDrem, byl Kirk pov\u00FD\u0161en na kontraadmir\u00E1la a za sebe doporu\u010Dil pr\u00E1v\u011B Deckera. P\u0159es doporu\u010Den\u00ED Kirk Deckerovi z\u00E1vid\u011Bl a v duchu v\u011B\u0159il, \u017Ee se na Enterprise na kapit\u00E1nsk\u00FD post vr\u00E1t\u00ED. Po n\u00E1vratu Enterprise z mise byla na n\u00ED po dobu osmn\u00E1cti m\u011Bs\u00EDc\u016F v San Francisk\u00FDch orbit\u00E1ln\u00EDch doc\u00EDch prov\u00E1d\u011Bna rozs\u00E1hl\u00E1 modernizace. Ve\u0161ker\u00E9 pr\u00E1ce na lodi \u0159\u00EDdil, nyn\u00ED ji\u017E jako kapit\u00E1n, Decker. V roce 2273 se k Zemi za\u010Dal p\u0159ibli\u017Eovat ohromn\u00FD energetick\u00FD oblak vykazuj\u00EDc\u00ED nep\u0159edstavitelnou ni\u010Divou s\u00EDlu. Pozd\u011Bji se uk\u00E1zalo, \u017Ee se jedn\u00E1 o mimozemskou lo\u010F ozna\u010Dov\u00E1nou jako V'Ger. Jako vhodn\u00E1 lo\u010F pro boj s V'Gerem se jevila pouze USS Enterprise. Kirk se p\u0159i t\u00E9to p\u0159\u00EDle\u017Eitosti dohodl s admir\u00E1lem Nogurou, \u017Ee p\u0159evezme nad n\u00ED od Deckera velen\u00ED. Decker se o sv\u00E9m odvol\u00E1n\u00ED dov\u011Bd\u011Bl a\u017E od Kirka. Kirk mu to ozn\u00E1mil, kdy\u017E dorazil na palubu hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 lodi. Ihned Deckera za\u0159adil do pos\u00E1dky jako v\u00FDkonn\u00E9ho d\u016Fstojn\u00EDka s hodnost\u00ED komand\u00E9ra. Decker cht\u011Bl na Kirkovi, v rozhovoru bez sv\u011Bdk\u016F, v\u011Bd\u011Bt, pro\u010D do\u0161lo k tak n\u00E1hl\u00E9 v\u00FDm\u011Bn\u011B. Kirk mu to zd\u016Fvodnil sv\u00FDmi nabyt\u00FDmi zku\u0161enostmi v \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED kritick\u00FDch situac\u00ED, znalost\u00ED Enterprise a jej\u00ED pos\u00E1dky. Decker v\u0161ak zaprotestoval, domn\u00EDval se, \u017Ee lo\u010F je nyn\u00ED t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 cel\u00E1 nov\u00E1 a proto ji nem\u016F\u017Ee Kirk zn\u00E1t. Nav\u00EDc mu p\u0159ipomenul, \u017Ee kdy\u017E ho doporu\u010Doval na kapit\u00E1na, \u0159ekl tehdy, \u017Ee si najde zp\u016Fsob, jak se na Enterprise vr\u00E1tit. Kirk mu v\u0161ak bez dal\u0161\u00ED diskuze stroze rozk\u00E1zal, aby se hl\u00E1sil na m\u016Fstku. P\u0159i ne\u010Dekan\u00E9 smrti komand\u00E9ra Sonaka, kterou zp\u016Fsobila z\u00E1vada transport\u00E9ru, byla mu Kirkem je\u0161t\u011B p\u0159id\u011Blena funkce v\u011Bdeck\u00E9ho d\u016Fstojn\u00EDka. Tu funkci v\u0161ak vykon\u00E1val pouze kr\u00E1tkou dobu, proto\u017Ee se na palubu lodi p\u0159epravil Spock a ihned za\u010Dal tuto funkci s\u00E1m vykon\u00E1vat. T\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed vyplut\u00EDm lodi z doku se Decker dov\u011Bd\u011Bl, \u017Ee na Enterprise dorazila Ilia, nyn\u00ED jako poru\u010D\u00EDk. Na lodi byla za\u0159azena do funkce navig\u00E1tora. Setkali se znovu na m\u016Fstku, kdy\u017E se Ilia hl\u00E1sila do slu\u017Eby. Na nav\u00E1z\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159etr\u017Een\u00FDch vztah\u016F v\u0161ak m\u011Bli m\u00E1lo \u010Dasu. Kdy\u017E se Enterprise p\u0159ibl\u00ED\u017Eila k V'Geru, ten j\u00ED z hlavn\u00EDho m\u016Fstku unesl. Po kr\u00E1tk\u00E9 dob\u011B ji na lo\u010F vr\u00E1til, ale jako p\u0159esnou kopii p\u016Fvodn\u00ED Iliy. Nyn\u00ED android \"Ilia\" slou\u017Eila jako sonda, zprost\u0159edkov\u00E1vala komunikaci mezi a Enterpise a sledovala chov\u00E1n\u00ED \u010Dlen\u016F pos\u00E1dky, kter\u00E9 naz\u00FDvala jednotky na b\u00E1zi uhl\u00EDku. Kdy\u017E Kirk zjistil, \u017Ee \"Ilia\" m\u00E1 v pam\u011Bti zachov\u00E1ny i vzpom\u00EDnky p\u016Fvodn\u00ED Iliy, po\u017E\u00E1dal Deckera, aby toho vyu\u017Eil k z\u00EDsk\u00E1n\u00ED co nejv\u00EDce informac\u00ED o pos\u00E1dce a Stvo\u0159iteli V'Geru. Cel\u00E9 \u00FAsil\u00ED Deckera skon\u010Dilo t\u00EDm, \u017Ee se dov\u011Bd\u011Bli, \u017Ee V'Ger sv\u00E9ho stvo\u0159itele nezn\u00E1 a proto jej s\u00E1m hled\u00E1 na Zemi. Kdy\u017E se V'Ger dostal na ob\u011B\u017Enou dr\u00E1hu Zem\u011B, pohrozil, \u017Ee na n\u00ED zni\u010D\u00ED ve\u0161ker\u00FD \u017Eivot, jestli\u017Ee se mu neumo\u017En\u00ED kontakt s jeho Stvo\u0159itelem. Proto se Kirk rozhodl, \u017Ee spole\u010Dn\u011B se Spockem, \"Iliou\" a Dr. McCoyem proniknou do st\u0159edu V'Geru. Na vlastn\u00ED \u017E\u00E1dost se k nim p\u0159ipojil i Decker. Uk\u00E1zalo se, \u017Ee uvnit\u0159 V'Geru se nach\u00E1z\u00ED star\u00E1 pozemsk\u00E1 kosmick\u00E1 sonda Voyager 6, kter\u00E1 se sna\u017Eila spojit se sv\u00FDm tv\u016Frcem - pozem\u0161\u0165anem, aby mu mohla p\u0159edat z\u00EDskan\u00E9 informace ze sv\u00E9ho letu vesm\u00EDrem. Decker se nakonec dobrovoln\u011B rozhodl, \u017Ee se fyzicky s V'Gerem spoj\u00ED, aby V'Ger poznal, co jsou lid\u00E9 za \u017Eivotn\u00ED formu. P\u0159i spojen\u00ED, p\u0159i kter\u00E9m ho doprovodila i androidka \"Ilia\", se zm\u011Bnili v z\u00E1\u0159\u00EDc\u00ED energii, \u010D\u00EDm\u017E vznikla nov\u00E1 forma \u017Eivota. Proto je v z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9 zpr\u00E1v\u011B Kirk nenahl\u00E1sil za mrtv\u00E9, ale jen jako poh\u0159e\u0161ovan\u00E9. (\"Star Trek: The Motion Picture\")"@cs . . "Maschio"@it . "Memoryalpha"@en . . . . . "2273"^^ . . . "Willard Decker"@en . . . "Capitano"@it . "Willard Decker"@en . . . . "Na za\u010D\u00E1tku kari\u00E9ry u Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily byl um\u00EDst\u011Bn na planet\u011B Delta IV. Zde se sezn\u00E1mil s Del\u0165ankou Iliou. Decker s n\u00ED ukon\u010Dil vztah tak, \u017Ee bez rozlou\u010Den\u00ED opustil planetu. Kdy\u017E James T. Kirk v roce 2270 ukon\u010Dil s hv\u011Bzdnou lod\u00ED USS Enterprise svoji legend\u00E1rn\u00ED p\u011Btiletou misi vesm\u00EDrem, byl Kirk pov\u00FD\u0161en na kontraadmir\u00E1la a za sebe doporu\u010Dil pr\u00E1v\u011B Deckera. P\u0159es doporu\u010Den\u00ED Kirk Deckerovi z\u00E1vid\u011Bl a v duchu v\u011B\u0159il, \u017Ee se na Enterprise na kapit\u00E1nsk\u00FD post vr\u00E1t\u00ED. Po n\u00E1vratu Enterprise z mise byla na n\u00ED po dobu osmn\u00E1cti m\u011Bs\u00EDc\u016F v San Francisk\u00FDch orbit\u00E1ln\u00EDch doc\u00EDch prov\u00E1d\u011Bna rozs\u00E1hl\u00E1 modernizace. Ve\u0161ker\u00E9 pr\u00E1ce na lodi \u0159\u00EDdil, nyn\u00ED ji\u017E jako kapit\u00E1n, Decker."@cs . . . . . . "thumb|Comandante Willard Decker en 2272 Decker fue un Humano del siglo 23 que sirvi\u00F3 en la Flota Estelar. A principios de su carrera en la Flota, Will Decker estaba estacionado en Delta IV. Si bien, ten\u00EDa un romance con la Deltan Ilia. Decker, en \u00FAltima instancia termin\u00F3 la relaci\u00F3n y la dej\u00F3 Delta IV sin decir adi\u00F3s. Despu\u00E9s de la inesperada muerte del Comandante Sonak en un accidente de transportador, Decker fue tambi\u00E9n obligado a tomar el puesto de oficial cient\u00EDfico. Esto fue s\u00F3lo temporal, hasta que Spock lleg\u00F3 a ofrecer sus servicios."@es . "35"^^ . . "Willard Decker"@it . . "Willard Decker (known familiarly as Will), was a Human Starfleet officer. He was the son of Starfleet Commodore Matthew Decker and his wife Jane. (TOS comic: \"Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1\", TOS episode: \"The Doomsday Machine\")"@en . . "Poetry, romancing Ilia"@en . . . . "Willard Decker (known familiarly as Will), was a Human Starfleet officer. He was the son of Jane and Matthew Decker. (TOS comic: Who's Who in Star Trek, and TOS episode: \"The Doomsday Machine\") Early in his career, Lieutenant Commander Decker was stationed on Delta IV where he had a romantic relationship with the Deltan, Ilia. (FASA RPG: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update.) The relationship came to an end when Decker departed Delta IV without saying goodbye. (TOS movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture) As of 2266, Decker held the rank of commander, and was stationed to Starbase 6, where he served as adjunct to Admiral Borck. Following this assignment, he was offered the first officer position of a starship. (TOS novel: The Brave and the Bold) Following the end of the USS Enterprise's historic five-year mission in 2270, Decker, then a Captain, was given command of the ship, and oversaw her eighteen-month refit. (TOS comic: \"The Final Voyage\") As the Enterprise neared the completion of her overhaul, the entity V'Ger was approaching Earth. The then Admiral Kirk returned to the Enterprise and took command of the ship, temporarily demoting Decker to Commander and first officer. Decker resented Kirk using the emergency to retake the Enterprise and didn't believe Kirk, unfamiliar with the vastly redesigned Enterprise was the right man to be in charge. Decker's suspicions turned out to be true at first when the Enterprise accidentally entered a wormhole at warp speed and was almost destroyed when Kirk ordered use of the phasers (now with power channelled from the warp engines) to escape. Fortunately Decker was able to prevent this and Enterprise escaped using photon torpedoes. This voyage of the Enterprise also saw Decker reunited with Ilia. Unfortunately it was all too short a reunion, as shortly after Ilia was digitized by V'Ger. V'Ger later replaced Ilia with its own probe in her form. The Ilia probe not only mimicked her appearance but also had Ilia's memories. Decker's previous relationship with Ilia was subsequently key to understanding V'Ger and establishing contact. As V'Ger approached Earth it demanded to meet it's creator or destroy the planet. Decker and the probe Ilia joined an away team to the heart of V'Ger where they discovered it's true origins; an old earth space probe; Voyager VI. V'Ger was hoping to evolve by merging with it's creator. Having lost his love and his ship Decker volunteered and joined with V'Ger becoming a glowing entity, a new non-corporeal lifeform. Following the incident Kirk officially listed Decker as \"missing in action\". (TOS movie: The Motion Picture)"@en . . "Captain Willard \"Will\" Decker was a human male who served as the commanding officer of the Federation starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). He was later temporarily reduced in rank to commander to serve as the vessel's first officer when Rear Admiral James T. Kirk took command during the V'Ger probe crisis in 2270. Decker was declared missing in action after merging his consciousness with the V'Ger probe. Decker had a previous relationship with the Enterprise's navigator, Ilia. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) Decker's father was the late Starfleet commodore Matthew Decker."@en . "Jane Decker or Joan Decker"@en . "thumb|Comandante Willard Decker en 2272 Decker fue un Humano del siglo 23 que sirvi\u00F3 en la Flota Estelar. A principios de su carrera en la Flota, Will Decker estaba estacionado en Delta IV. Si bien, ten\u00EDa un romance con la Deltan Ilia. Decker, en \u00FAltima instancia termin\u00F3 la relaci\u00F3n y la dej\u00F3 Delta IV sin decir adi\u00F3s. Decker fue recomendado por James T. Kirk al mando del reformado USS Enterprise, despu\u00E9s de que Kirk terminara su m\u00EDtica misi\u00F3n de cinco a\u00F1os y el posterior ascenso a almirante en 2270. A pesar de su recomendaci\u00F3n, Kirk transmiti\u00F3 sus sentimientos de envidia hacia Decker, dijo al joven oficial de sus esperanzas de tener de nuevo la nave en el futuro. El ahora capit\u00E1n Decker ir\u00EDa a supervisar la amplia renovaci\u00F3n del Enterprise a lo largo de dieciocho meses. En 2273, como una entidad destructiva conocida como V'Ger se dirig\u00EDa hacia la Tierra, el Almirante Nogura le concede a Kirk el mando del Enterprise con el fin de interceptar a V'Ger. Decker rebajado temporalmente a la posici\u00F3n del Primer Oficial y su rango de Capit\u00E1n a Comandante, protest\u00F3 \"fuera del registro\". Decker cre\u00EDa que Kirk s\u00F3lo utiliz\u00F3 la situaci\u00F3n de emergencia para volver a tomar el mando del Enterprise y que su inexperiencia con el nuevo y mejorado Enterprise podr\u00EDa poner en peligro la misi\u00F3n. A pesar de eso, Kirk se mantuvo firme en que su propia experiencia en hacer frente a las amenazas como V'Ger era fundamental para su misi\u00F3n. Despu\u00E9s de la inesperada muerte del Comandante Sonak en un accidente de transportador, Decker fue tambi\u00E9n obligado a tomar el puesto de oficial cient\u00EDfico. Esto fue s\u00F3lo temporal, hasta que Spock lleg\u00F3 a ofrecer sus servicios. Antes de partir, Decker recibi\u00F3 la sorprendente pero agradable noticia de que su antiguo amor, Ilia, ahora un teniente, hab\u00EDa llegado a bordo de la Enterprise para servir como navegante. Cuando estaban solos, Decker se disculp\u00F3 a Ilia por irse, pero ella estaba todav\u00EDa herida, ya que nunca lleg\u00F3 a decir adi\u00F3s antes de irse. Ten\u00EDan poco tiempo para reavivar su relaci\u00F3n, sin embargo, como Ilia fue sacado del puente por la sonda de V'Ger, reducida a un flujo de datos, y sustituido por una sonda que duplicaba a la oficial Deltan. Cuando se constat\u00F3 que la sonda no s\u00F3lo copiaba la apariencia de Ilia, sin\u00F3 tambi\u00E9n sus recuerdos, Decker fue el encargado de revivirlos para poder darles m\u00E1s informaci\u00F3n sobre V'Ger y el \"creador\" al que solicitaba. Su labor result\u00F3 ser un \u00E9xito parcial, ya que, por un momento, la personalidad de Ilia pudo explicar a Decker que V'Ger no sab\u00EDa que o quien era el \"creador\", s\u00F3lo que su respuesta estaba en la Tierra. Al llegar a la Tierra, V'Ger amenaza con destruir el planeta a menos que se le permita reunirse con el creador. Decker fue parte del equipo de salida que tambi\u00E9n incluy\u00F3 a Kirk, Spock, y el doctor McCoy, que descubri\u00F3 el verdadero orgien y la motivaci\u00F3n de V'Ger: V'Ger fue una antigua sonda espacial de la Tierra denominada Voyager 6 y est\u00E1 tratando de evolucionar uniendose con su creador-un Humano. Decker, despu\u00E9s de haber perdido a ambos Ilia y la silla del capit\u00E1n, se ofreci\u00F3 como voluntario para unirse f\u00EDsicamente con V'Ger. Los dos se fusionaron en una brillante entidad, dej\u00F3 de existir f\u00EDsicamente, pero, sin embargo, vivo como una nuevo forma de vida, y parti\u00F3 con el duplicado de Ilia a partes desconocidas. Tras este incidente, Decker figura oficialmente como \"desaparecido en acci\u00F3n\". Star Trek: The Motion Picture"@es . . "Willard Decker in 2273"@it . . "Disperso"@it . . "Captain Willard \"Will\" Decker was a human male who served as the commanding officer of the Federation starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). He was later temporarily reduced in rank to commander to serve as the vessel's first officer when Rear Admiral James T. Kirk took command during the V'Ger probe crisis in 2270. Decker was declared missing in action after merging his consciousness with the V'Ger probe. Decker had a previous relationship with the Enterprise's navigator, Ilia. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) Decker's father was the late Starfleet commodore Matthew Decker."@en . . "Will Decker.jpg"@it . . . . . "Human"@en . "Stephen Collins"@en . . "Starfleet Officer"@en . . "Flotta Stellare della Federazione"@it . . "Will"@en . . "Willard \"Will\" Decker \u00E9tait un officier Humain de Starfleet au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . . "Decker was regenerated as Willardiam RiDecker, remained a second stringer, and eventually merged with a blow-up doll. (TNG: \"Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Motion Picture\", Star Trek: More Khan, Less Character.)"@en . . . "Willard Decker (known familiarly as Will), was a Human Starfleet officer. He was the son of Jane and Matthew Decker. (TOS comic: Who's Who in Star Trek, and TOS episode: \"The Doomsday Machine\") Early in his career, Lieutenant Commander Decker was stationed on Delta IV where he had a romantic relationship with the Deltan, Ilia. (FASA RPG: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update.) The relationship came to an end when Decker departed Delta IV without saying goodbye. (TOS movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture)"@en . . . . . "white"@en . "Willard Decker"@de . . . "Leadership"@en . . . . . . . "Male"@en . "fed"@en . . . . . . "thumb|Willard Decker (2273) Willard Decker ist ein Offizier der Sternenflotte im 23. Jahrhundert."@de . . . "Willard \"Will\" Decker was a protagonist in the movie Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Decker was portrayed in the film by Stephen Collins. Will Decker was the son of Starfleet Commodore Matthew and Joan Decker. Decker's father was away for most of his childhood serving in Starfleet, and his mother was the one who raised him. His father died in combat against a Planet Killer that was destroying planets in Federation space. Decker decided to follow in his father's footsteps, and entered Starfleet. He was considered a man of very high ideals, who wanted to explore the potential of the human mind and how diversity could advance not only the human species, but other species as well. As a Lieutenant Commander, Decker participated in a Starfleet mission to Delta IV, where he became involved with a young Deltan woman named Ilia. Decker ended the relationship, leaving Ilia without saying goodbye. Decker became friends with Captain James T. Kirk during this time. When the Enterprise returned to Earth in 2270 Starfleet decided instead of dismantling the Enterprise to instead perform a major refit of its most famous starship. By then a Captain, Decker was assigned command of the Enterprise for its 18 month refit. With the help of Nyota Uhura, Decker recruited the most diverse crew in Starfleet to that point to staff the refitted Enterprise. As Starfleet completed the refit of the Enterprise the alien menace V'Ger approached Earth. Kirk persuaded Starfleet to give him back the Enterprise. Kirk had Decker stay on board as his executive officer. Decker resented how Kirk had taken back command from Kirk. Additionally Ilia came on board as their new navigator, adding to the discomfort Decker felt. Decker resolved to remain professional about the entire situation, and do his duty to the best of his ability. After Ilia was taken off the Enterprise by V'Ger and replaced by a probe that had her memories and experiences, Decker worked with Ilia to try to draw out her personality from beneath that of the probe's. V'Ger as revealed to be the long lost probe Voyager VI. When the probe decided that either its creator merge with it or it would destroy Earth, Decker decided to offer himself for merging in order to save humanity. Telling Kirk that he wanted the merging as much as Kirk wanted the Enterprise, Decker allowed V'Ger to absorb him and Ilia to create a new life form named Voyager. Voyager departed from the physical plane of existence. Kirk subsequently listed Decker and Ilia as missing in his report to Starfleet. Kirk felt awkward about having to call Joan Decker, not feeling fully able to express what had happened. He was the one who had notified her of her husband's death, and now he had to tell her that Decker wouldn't be coming home. A few weeks later, when working to defuse a hostage situation on the Fabrini generational ship Yonada, Spock came in to contact with the merged Voyager. He later told Kirk that Decker was happy in his new existence. Kirk would later talk further with Decker's mother, and learned much more about Decker."@en . . . . . . . .