. . . "Elijah Runcorn"@nl . . . . . "Zuzu \n\nDer Blauer Geist"@de . . . "84"^^ . . . . . . . . "95"^^ . "Fire, Dual Dao Swords"@nl . . . . . . . "Ozai"@en . . "100"^^ . . . . "* Fire Nation\n* Fire Nation Royal Family\n* Team Avatar"@en . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Black"@nl . . . . "Gold"@de . . "Incumbent"@nl . . . "Firebending , dual dao swordsmanship"@en . . . . . . "The Wind Waker"@en . "\"101 De Jongen in de IJsberg\""@nl . . "ogie\u0144"@pl . . . "Zuko then joined Aang and the gang who later defeated his brother ans sister. Zuko then moved up from the ranks of banished Prince of the Fire Nation, to Fire Lord."@en . "Mastery of dual swords"@en . . . . "Ozai, Azula, Zhao, piraci, Aang , Sokka , Katara , Toph Beifong , Zaheer, Ghazan, P'Li, Ming-Hua, Cz\u0142owiek Spalina."@pl . . . "Zuko.png"@es . "Teen: Dante Basco"@en . . . "*Team Avatar"@nl . "He was shot and killed by one of the Elders' when he protested the killing of the Doctor. (TV: Planet of Fire) File:CharStub.png"@en . . "Zuko is an anti-villain-turned-anti-hero in Avatar The Last Airbender. He was banished by his father, Firelord Ozai and sought to capture or kill Avatar Aang to redeem himself. He gradually became good and eventually joined Aang's companions. He became Firelord after he defeated his sister Azula on the day that would have marked the coronation of his sister as Fire Lord. He is also one of the supporting characters in The Legend of Korra. He is voiced by Dante Basco who also plays Rufio from Hook and Jake Long from American Dragon."@en . "With support from his paternal uncle, General Iroh, and after much internal struggle and turmoil, Zuko rejected Ozai and his model of the Fire Nation. He instead joined the Avatar's group to become Aang's lifelong friend and firebending mentor and was determined to end the war and restore both his and the Fire Nation's honor. While Aang defeated Ozai, Zuko, with the help of Katara, defeated his younger sister Princess Azula and took his place as Fire Lord, declaring the end of the Hundred Year War and the start of an era of love and peace. At the beginning of his reign, Zuko had to overcome great difficulties and solve several crises, especially those caused by the Harmony Restoration Movement and the New Ozai Society. Nevertheless, he succeeded in maintaining peace and eventually became one of the founders of the United Republic of Nations. Zuko retired from his position as Fire Lord in 167 AG and became an ambassador of peace, relinquishing the throne to his daughter, Izumi. When he learned in two weeks after Harmonic Convergence in 171 AG that the Red Lotus had escaped their prisons, Zuko once again set out to help the Avatar to protect the world."@en . "El Se\u00F1or del Fuego Zuko es un Maestro del Fuego Control, nacido como Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Su historia a menudo fue paralela a la del Avatar Aang. Inicialmente, fue el principal enemigo del Equipo Avatar, la vida de Zuko giraba en torno a tratar de capturar al Avatar perdido hace mucho tiempo para poner fin a su exilio y recuperar su honor como el Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Zuko se reconoce f\u00E1cilmente por la cicatriz distintiva en el lado izquierdo de su cara, que recibi\u00F3 a la edad de trece a\u00F1os en un Agni Kai contra su padre, el Se\u00F1or del Fuego Ozai, poco antes de su destierro. El combate fue el resultado de un incidente en el que sin querer falt\u00F3 el respeto a su padre por hablar fuera de turno y negarse a luchar contra \u00E9l. Con el apoyo de su t\u00EDo, el General Iroh, y despu\u00E9s de mucha lucha y caos interno, Zuko rechaz\u00F3 a la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego que Ozai gobernaba y se uni\u00F3 al Equipo Avatar para convertirse en amigo de Aang y su instructor de Fuego Control en un esfuerzo por restaurar su honor as\u00ED como el de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Mientras Aang luchaba contra Ozai, Zuko, con la ayuda de Katara, se enfrentaba en un batalla contra su prodigiosa hermana menor, la Princesa Azula, y tom\u00F3 su lugar como el Se\u00F1or del Fuego, declarando el fin de la Guerra de los Cien A\u00F1os y el comienzo de una era de amor y paz. Finalmente se retir\u00F3 de ser el Se\u00F1or del Fuego, y le dio el cargo a su hija, y empez\u00F3 a viajar por el mundo como Embajador de la Paz, aunque luego fue revelada su verdadera funci\u00F3n como l\u00EDder del Loto Blanco, reemplazando a su t\u00EDo Iroh. Tambi\u00E9n se aprecia su gran poder debido a que posee un drag\u00F3n de criatura acompa\u00F1ante."@es . . . "Regain his honor , capture the Avatar , win back his uncle's approval , help Team Avatar stop his father , teach Aang firebending , help restore peace as the new Fire Lord"@en . . . "hell"@de . . . . . "Zuko is on a boat!"@en . . . . . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Prince Zuko"@en . . . . "300"^^ . . "Blada"@pl . "290"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prince Zuko (simply known as Zuko) is one of the main characters who generally acts as the anti-villain from Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. He is the main, later secondary antagonist of season 1, an anti-hero in Season 2, and in Season 3, he eventually redeemed himself and joined Aang and his friends."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|230pxVuurheer Zuko is een vuurstuurder en was geboren als de kroonprins van de Vuurnatie. Voor een lange periode was Zuko's doel om de Avatar te vangen en zijn eer terug te krijgen bij zijn vader Ozai, nadat hij door zijn vader verbannen werd omdat hij sprak tijdens een oorlog vergadering.Zuko heeft een litteken aan de linkerkant van zijn gezicht die zijn vader hem gegeven had voordat hij verbannen werd. Tijdens zijn reis en zoektocht naar de Avatar werd hij vergezeld door zijn oom Iroh en diende ook als zijn mentor en trainde hem vuurstuur technieken.Met veel steun van Iroh en nadat hij zijn innerlijke beroering had verwerkt, verliet Zuko de Vuurnatie em voegde zich bij Team Avatar en werd Aangs vriend en vuurstuur leraar. Terwijl Aang Zuko's vader Ozai had verslagen, wist Zuko met hulp van Katara zijn zus prinses Azula gevangen te nemen en nam zijn vaders positie in als Vuurheer en eindigde de oorlog die honderd jaar had geduurd en begon een tijdperk van vrede en liefde en beloofde de Avatar te helpen met het herbouwen van de wereld. Categorie:Avatar Categorie:avatarteam (vroeger niet) Categorie:Avatarteam Categorie:Vuurheer"@nl . . . "Schwarz"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Feuer"@de . . . . "Even as the prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko has always struggled in life, particularly in matching his prodigy sister Azula and getting his father's acknowledgment. This came to a head when Ozai punished him for a perceived slight by horrifically burning his face and sending him into exile, refusing to let him return until he had captured the Avatar. (This was intended to be an impossible task, since Aang had been missing for a century). Determined to prove his worth to his father, Zuko hunted Aang across the world for the first season while trying to find his own destiny. Eventually, Zuko betrays Iroh and helps Azula take over Ba Sing Se. Granted amnesty for his actions, Zuko is finally allowed to come home. He has his honor restored, the adoration of a nation, the love of his life, and the respect of his father. And he finds himself lacking. After some soul-searching, Zuko finally realizes what Iroh had always tried to teach him. After calling out Ozai for controlling him, making him feel worthless, burning his face, banishing him for three years and generally being an evil, contemptible douchebag, Zuko defects to join the Gaang as Aang's Firebending teacher. Though initially mistrusted, grudges dissolve into friendships and Zuko soon becomes a core member of the group. At the end of the series, Zuko becomes the new Fire Lord and strives to rebuild the world into an era of peace. And hopefully find his mother."@en . . . . "Capture the Avatar ."@en . "Fuego, Espadas duales Dao"@es . "Prince Zuko (simply known as Zuko) is one of the main characters who generally acts as the anti-villain from Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender. He is the main, later secondary antagonist of season 1, an anti-hero in Season 2, and in Season 3, he eventually redeemed himself and joined Aang and his friends."@en . "* Lee \n* Zuzu \n* Profesor calor \n* Se\u00F1or malas decisiones \n* Su fogosidad"@es . . . . . . . . . "Zuko"@pl . . . . "Rodzina Zuko cz\u0119sto wyje\u017Cd\u017Ca\u0142a na wakacje do \u017Barz\u0105cej Wyspy. Z czasem ch\u0142opiec zacz\u0105\u0142 m\u00F3wi\u0107, \u017Ce by\u0142 to czas, kiedy jego rodzina wygl\u0105da\u0142a na \"naprawd\u0119 szcz\u0119\u015Bliw\u0105\". Drobne zdarzenia z udzia\u0142em Zuko pokaza\u0142y, \u017Ce by\u0142 to ch\u0142opiec bardzo wra\u017Cliwy - kiedy mia\u0142 trzy lata, zobaczy\u0142 jastrz\u0119bia atakuj\u0105cego krabio-\u017C\u00F3\u0142wia na pla\u017Cy. M\u0142ody Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 natychmiast rzuci\u0142 si\u0119 do ratowania krab\u00F3w, czuj\u0105c ch\u0119\u0107 pomocy s\u0142abym. Jednak kiedy zwierz\u0119ta bezpiecznie spoczywa\u0142y w jego ramionach, Zuko zda\u0142 sobie spraw\u0119, \u017Ce jastrz\u0105b umrze z g\u0142odu bez ofiary."@pl . . . . . . . . "With support from his paternal uncle, General Iroh, and after much internal struggle and turmoil, Zuko rejected Ozai and his model of the Fire Nation. He instead joined the Avatar's group to become Aang's lifelong friend and firebending mentor and was determined to end the war and restore both his and the Fire Nation's honor. While Aang defeated Ozai, Zuko, with the help of Katara, defeated his younger sister Princess Azula and took his place as Fire Lord, declaring the end of the Hundred Year War and the start of an era of love and peace."@en . . . . "Light"@en . "Ninja"@en . "To deal with his inner turmoil ."@en . . . . . . . . . "Phantom Hourglass"@en . . "Ozai"@es . . "Firebending"@en . . "\"The Coronation\""@en . . "He was shot and killed by one of the Elders' when he protested the killing of the Doctor. (TV: Planet of Fire) File:CharStub.png"@en . . . "Banished prince of the Fire Nation"@en . . . "Kronprinz der Feuernation \n\nFeuerlord \n\nFeuerb\u00E4ndigungsmeister\n\nKriegsheld"@de . . "Prinz Zuko, sp\u00E4ter Feuerlord Zuko, ist der erstgeborene Sohn von Feuerlord Ozai und Prinzessin Ursa und stand somit an erster Stelle der Thronfolge. Er war der Enkel von Feuerlord Azulon und somit der Urenkel von Avatar Roku und Feuerlord Zosin. Im Alter von 13 Jahren wurde Zuko von seinem Vater verbannt. Um seine Ehre wiederherstellen zu k\u00F6nnen, musste er den Avatar und somit den letzten Luftb\u00E4ndiger fangen und in die Feuernation \u00FCberf\u00FChren. Diese Aufgabe f\u00FChrte er geradezu besessen aus. Mit der Zeit wurde ihm aber bewusst, welches Leid die Feuernation den Menschen zuf\u00FCgte. Sp\u00E4testens als sein Onkel Iroh, der ihn auf seine Suche begleitet hat, ins Gef\u00E4ngnis gehen musste, \u00E4nderte er seine gesamte Einstellung. Infolgedessen schlie\u00DFt er sich dem Team Avatar an, um seinen Vater aufzuhalten. Nachdem Aang Ozai besiegte und Azula in eine Anstalt eingeliefert wurde, l\u00E4sst sich Zuko zum neuen Feuerlord kr\u00F6nen. Zuko verkleidet sich in einer Folge als \u201EBlauer Geist\u201C um Aang aus Admiral Zhaos Gefangenschaft zu befreien. Seit her gilt der Blaue Geist als Plage der Feuernation."@de . "Antihero in Book 2,"@en . . . . "Avatar's firebending master"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Hauttyp II"@de . . "El Se\u00F1or del Fuego Zuko es un Maestro del Fuego Control, nacido como Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Su historia a menudo fue paralela a la del Avatar Aang. Inicialmente, fue el principal enemigo del Equipo Avatar, la vida de Zuko giraba en torno a tratar de capturar al Avatar perdido hace mucho tiempo para poner fin a su exilio y recuperar su honor como el Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego."@es . . "Antagonist in Book 1,"@en . . . . "* Embajador\n* Maestro del Fuego Control\n* Ex-Se\u00F1or del Fuego\n* Ex-Traidor de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego \n* Ex-Heredero al Trono de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego\n*Consejero del Avatar"@es . . "Child: Elijah Runcorn"@en . . . "Find his mother."@en . . . . . . . "Planet of Fire"@en . "\u00C1mbar"@es . . . "*Fire Lord\n* Former Fire Nation traitor \n* Former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation"@nl . . . . "In the show, Zuko is the elder child of Fire Lord Ozai and Ursa. Zuko is a skilled Firebender and the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, a race of people in which some have the ability to create and manipulate fire & lightning. Before the events of the series, he is exiled from the Fire Nation by his father Fire Lord Ozai and sent to capture the Avatar in order to restore his honor and right to the throne. Zuko is accompanied and advised in his search by his uncle, Iroh."@en . . . . "Prince Zuko, The Blue Spirit, Lee, Zu Zu, Fire Lord Zuko"@en . "Goud"@nl . . . . . "Rodzina Zuko cz\u0119sto wyje\u017Cd\u017Ca\u0142a na wakacje do \u017Barz\u0105cej Wyspy. Z czasem ch\u0142opiec zacz\u0105\u0142 m\u00F3wi\u0107, \u017Ce by\u0142 to czas, kiedy jego rodzina wygl\u0105da\u0142a na \"naprawd\u0119 szcz\u0119\u015Bliw\u0105\". Drobne zdarzenia z udzia\u0142em Zuko pokaza\u0142y, \u017Ce by\u0142 to ch\u0142opiec bardzo wra\u017Cliwy - kiedy mia\u0142 trzy lata, zobaczy\u0142 jastrz\u0119bia atakuj\u0105cego krabio-\u017C\u00F3\u0142wia na pla\u017Cy. M\u0142ody Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 natychmiast rzuci\u0142 si\u0119 do ratowania krab\u00F3w, czuj\u0105c ch\u0119\u0107 pomocy s\u0142abym. Jednak kiedy zwierz\u0119ta bezpiecznie spoczywa\u0142y w jego ramionach, Zuko zda\u0142 sobie spraw\u0119, \u017Ce jastrz\u0105b umrze z g\u0142odu bez ofiary. On i jego rodzina cz\u0119sto chodzili do Teatru na \u017Barz\u0105cej Wyspie na spektakl pod tytu\u0142em \"Walka smoczych serc\". Niemniej jednak, kiedy Zuko dor\u00F3s\u0142, chwile na \u017Barz\u0105cej Wyspie wspomina\u0142 ze szcz\u0119\u015Bciem na twarzy. Kiedy Zuko by\u0142 ma\u0142ym ch\u0142opcem, jego ojciec za\u017C\u0105da\u0142 u W\u0142adcy Ognia Azulona, aby to on, a nie jego starszy brat Iroh, zosta\u0142 nast\u0119pnym W\u0142adc\u0105 Ognia. Azulon oburzy\u0142 si\u0119, poniewa\u017C Iroh niedawno straci\u0142 syna, a odebranie mu pierwsze\u0144stwa do tronu by\u0142oby kolejnym ciosem. Za kar\u0119 za zuchwa\u0142o\u015B\u0107, W\u0142adca Ognia nakaza\u0142 Ozaiowi zabi\u0107 Zuko. Kiedy Ursa dowiedzia\u0142a si\u0119 o planie Ozaiego, zawar\u0142a z nim umow\u0119: obieca\u0142a opu\u015Bci\u0107 kraj pod warunkiem, \u017Ce jej m\u0105\u017C oszcz\u0119dzi syna. Ozai przysta\u0142 na propozycj\u0119 i po nied\u0142ugim czasie zosta\u0142 W\u0142adc\u0105 Ognia. Kiedy Zuko mia\u0142 13 lat, bardzo chcia\u0142 i\u015B\u0107 na narad\u0119 wojenn\u0105. Stryj Iroh, kt\u00F3ry sprawowa\u0142 nad nim piecz\u0119 zgodzi\u0142 si\u0119, ale pod warunkiem, \u017Ce Zuko nie wypowie si\u0119 ani s\u0142owem. Jednak na naradzie ch\u0142opak skrytykowa\u0142 jednego z genera\u0142\u00F3w. Za kar\u0119 zosta\u0142 wyzwany na pojedynek Agni Kai. Przyj\u0105\u0142 wyzwanie, my\u015Bl\u0105c, \u017Ce z \u0142atwo\u015Bci\u0105 pokona starego cz\u0142owieka. Jednak okaza\u0142o si\u0119, \u017Ce ma walczy\u0107 z w\u0142asnym ojcem. Pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 si\u0119 wycofa\u0107 i na kolanach b\u0142aga\u0142 o wybaczenie, ale Lord Ozai nie wybacza\u0142 nikomu. Jako nauczk\u0119 wypali\u0142 mu blizn\u0119 na lewej stronie twarzy i powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce ma nie wraca\u0107 bez Avatara. Wygna\u0142 go. Wraz ze stryjem Iroh ch\u0142opak wyruszy\u0142 na poszukiwania ostatniego maga powietrza."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Sandro Larenas \n*Espa\u00F1ola: Rais David Bascones"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Zuko"@en . . . . . . "Zuko"@es . . "Even as the prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko has always struggled in life, particularly in matching his prodigy sister Azula and getting his father's acknowledgment. This came to a head when Ozai punished him for a perceived slight by horrifically burning his face and sending him into exile, refusing to let him return until he had captured the Avatar. (This was intended to be an impossible task, since Aang had been missing for a century). Determined to prove his worth to his father, Zuko hunted Aang across the world for the first season while trying to find his own destiny. Eventually, Zuko betrays Iroh and helps Azula take over Ba Sing Se. Granted amnesty for his actions, Zuko is finally allowed to come home. He has his honor restored, the adoration of a nation, the love of his life, and t"@en . "* Ambassador\n* Co-founder of the United Republic of Nations\n* Crown Prince of the Fire Nation \n* Fire Lord \n* Firebending master\n* Lord\n* Sword fighting master\n* Traitor to the Fire Nation"@en . "Son of Firelord Ozai"@en . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . . . "Gold"@nl . "en: Dante Basco \nde: Sebastian Schulz"@de . . . . . "Prince Zuko"@en . "84"^^ . . . . "Zuko"@de . "100"^^ . . . . . "* Jin \n* Mai"@en . "Probando :D"@en . . . . . . "* 16 in Avatar: The Last Airbender\n* 17-18 in The Promise trilogy\n* 18-19 in The Search trilogy\n* 87-88 in Book Three: Change of The Legend of Korra\n* 90-91 in Book Four: Balance"@en . "In the show, Zuko is the elder child of Fire Lord Ozai and Ursa. Zuko is a skilled Firebender and the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, a race of people in which some have the ability to create and manipulate fire & lightning. Before the events of the series, he is exiled from the Fire Nation by his father Fire Lord Ozai and sent to capture the Avatar in order to restore his honor and right to the throne. Zuko is accompanied and advised in his search by his uncle, Iroh."@en . . . "* Embajador\n* Maestro espadach\u00EDn\n* Instructor de Fuego Control\n* Se\u00F1or del Fuego \n* Asistente en tienda de t\u00E9 \n* Bandido"@es . . . "The Wind Waker"@en . . . . . "Zuko"@en . . . "Zuzu, W\u0142adca Ognia Zuko, Ksi\u0105\u017C\u0119 Zuko, B\u0142\u0119kitny Duch"@pl . . . "\u8607\u79D1"@en . . "\"La Coronaci\u00F3n\""@es . . . . . . . "Fire Nation"@en . . . "Zuko"@en . "Can redirect lightning"@en . . . . "Collecting knives."@en . . "Dev Patel"@en . . . . "Male"@nl . . . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "\"The Boy in the Iceberg\""@en . . . . . "Z\u0142ote"@pl . "* Lee \n* Zuzu"@en . "Avatar: La leyenda de Aang"@es . . "Artwork of Zuko from The Wind Waker"@en . . "* Fire Nation \n* Team Avatar"@nl . "Synopsis"@en . . . . . . "Gold"@en . . "83"^^ . . . "Regain his honor and his father's respect."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Zuko is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. He is a member of Tetra's Pirates, and he holds a telescope that is similar to Link's."@en . . . "100"^^ . . . . . . . . "16"^^ . "Avatar: The Last Airbender"@en . "300"^^ . "Redeemed Outcast"@en . . . . . . . . . "This article is about the character; for the episode with a similar name, see Zuko Alone. Zuko is a Firebender, born as a prince in the Fire Nation royal family. His story often paralleled that of the Avatar, Aang. Initially an antagonist, Zuko's life revolved around trying to capture the long-lost Avatar to end his banishment to regain his honor as Crown Prince of the Fire Nation."@nl . . . . "Zuko is an anti-villain-turned-anti-hero in Avatar The Last Airbender. He was banished by his father, Firelord Ozai and sought to capture or kill Avatar Aang to redeem himself. He gradually became good and eventually joined Aang's companions. He became Firelord after he defeated his sister Azula on the day that would have marked the coronation of his sister as Fire Lord. He is also one of the supporting characters in The Legend of Korra. He is voiced by Dante Basco who also plays Rufio from Hook and Jake Long from American Dragon."@en . "Feuerb\u00E4ndigen und Schwertkampfkunst"@de . "* Ambassador\n* Fire Lord \n* Firebending instructor\n* Tea shop assistant"@en . "Lee"@en . "Vuursturen, dubbele dao zwaarden"@nl . "Zuko"@pl . . . . . . . . "Feuerb\u00E4ndigen und Dao-Doppelschwert"@de . . . . . . "El Senor del Fuego Zuko es un Maestro del Fuego Control, nacido como Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Su historia a menudo fue paralela a la del Avatar Aang. Inicialmente, fue el principal enemigo del Equipo Avatar, la vida de Zuko giraba en torno a tratar de capturar al Avatar perdido hace mucho tiempo para poner fin a su exilio y recuperar su honor como el Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego."@es . . "Zu-Zu"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Firebending, ambidextrous swordsmanship"@nl . . "Negro"@es . . . . . "Elderly Zuko.png"@en . . . . . . "The Blue Sprit"@en . . . . . "iroh ursa mai aang sokka katara toph suki hakoda ty lee orde van de witte Lotus meer..."@nl . . "Aang, Toph, Sokka, Katara, Ty Lee, Mai, Ursa, Suki, Wojowniczki Kyoshi, Hakoda"@pl . . . "Kronprinz der Feuernation , \n\nDieb und Einbrecher als Der blaue Geist, \n\nKellner in Irohs Teeladen, \n\nFeuerlord\n\nFriedensbotschafter"@de . . . "\u8607\u79D1"@pl . . "Avatar Wiki"@es . . . "Leszek Zdu\u0144"@pl . . "Zuko was born in the royal family of the fire nation under firelord Ozai, he exeled in fire force using to lightsaber, when he beat jedi, sith, dark jedi and any lightsaber users he took the favorite blade as a trophie to show his victory, he was exiled for speaking up aganst a firenation admaral againest sending weak solders to start there first attack on the sith planet of Korriban. He went after the Goda Jedi to prove his worth to his father, when he and his sister beat the Goda Jedi he returned to the empire as a hero."@en . . . "fuego"@es . . . . "Four Swords Adventures"@en . "ZUZU.png"@de . . . . . "Ozai azula zhao aang voormalig"@nl . . . "* 16 \n* 17-18 \n* 18-19 \n* 87-88 \n* 90-91"@es . "Firelord"@en . . . . . . "16"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prinz Zuko, sp\u00E4ter Feuerlord Zuko, ist der erstgeborene Sohn von Feuerlord Ozai und Prinzessin Ursa und stand somit an erster Stelle der Thronfolge. Er war der Enkel von Feuerlord Azulon und somit der Urenkel von Avatar Roku und Feuerlord Zosin. Im Alter von 13 Jahren wurde Zuko von seinem Vater verbannt. Um seine Ehre wiederherstellen zu k\u00F6nnen, musste er den Avatar und somit den letzten Luftb\u00E4ndiger fangen und in die Feuernation \u00FCberf\u00FChren. Diese Aufgabe f\u00FChrte er geradezu besessen aus. Mit der Zeit wurde ihm aber bewusst, welches Leid die Feuernation den Menschen zuf\u00FCgte. Sp\u00E4testens als sein Onkel Iroh, der ihn auf seine Suche begleitet hat, ins Gef\u00E4ngnis gehen musste, \u00E4nderte er seine gesamte Einstellung. Infolgedessen schlie\u00DFt er sich dem Team Avatar an, um seinen Vater aufzuhalten. N"@de . "Probando :D"@en . "Trying to capture Avatar Aang."@en . . . . . "83"^^ . . . . . . . "* Fire Lord\n* Tea shop assistant \n* Firebending instructor"@nl . . . . . "fire"@en . "Mannelijk"@nl . . . . . . "Zwart"@nl . "Fire Nation"@en . . "Zuko"@nl . . "Zuko is also a gay. Like Aang. He wants to watch Katara * (Kill Aang actaully)"@en . "Azula, Ozai, Jet, Combustion Man, Zhao, Gow, the Rough Rhinos, Team Avatar , Red Lotus, Earth Kingdom Army , Ukano, New Ozai Society, more ..."@en . "86"^^ . "100"^^ . "87"^^ . "382"^^ . . . . . "90"^^ . "To help the Avatar defeat his own father."@en . . . "Izumi"@es . "Villain turned to the Good Side / Anti-Hero / Tragic Hero / Self-Hating Hero"@en . . . "Czarne"@pl . . . "Practicing in swordplay."@en . . . . . . "Trion Trion"@en . . . . . "87.0"^^ . "Protagonist in Book 3"@en . . "Prince of the Fire Nation turned Fire Lord. Formerly fugitive, teashop worker, and Ninja"@en . . . . . . . . . "Iroh, Ursa, Mai, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Appa, Momo, Hakoda, Ty Lee, Order of the White Lotus, more..."@nl . "1.82"^^ . . "Zuko heeft een litteken aan de linkerkant van zijn gezicht die zijn vader hem gegeven had voordat hij verbannen werd. Tijdens zijn reis en zoektocht naar de Avatar werd hij vergezeld door zijn oom Iroh en diende ook als zijn mentor en trainde hem vuurstuur-technieken. Met veel steun van Iroh en nadat hij zijn innerlijke beroering had verwerkt, verliet Zuko de Vuurnatie en voegde zich bij Team Avatar en werd Aang's vriend en vuurstuur-leraar. Terwijl Aang Zuko's vader Ozai had verslagen, wist Zuko met hulp van Katara zijn zus prinses Azula gevangen te nemen en nam zijn vader's positie in als Vuurheer en eindigde de oorlog die honderd jaar had geduurd en begon een tijdperk van vrede en liefde, en beloofde de Avatar te helpen met het herbouwen van de wereld."@nl . . . . . . "In seasons one and, Zuko is trying to hunt down the Avatar. By season two, his uncle and him are refugees from the fire nation, but as soon as Zuko spots the Avatar again, he has to choose between turning against Iroh and going home with Azula, or staying with his uncle. He chooses to go with Azula."@en . . . "Zuko is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. He is a member of Tetra's Pirates, and he holds a telescope that is similar to Link's."@en . . . . . "\u8607\u79D1"@nl . "Fire, dual broadswords"@en . . "Zuko is also a gay. Like Aang. He wants to watch Katara * (Kill Aang actaully)"@en . . "\"The Boy in the Iceberg\""@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . . "*Latinoamericana: Pablo Ausensi"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|230pxVuurheer Zuko is een vuurstuurder en was geboren als de kroonprins van de Vuurnatie. Voor een lange periode was Zuko's doel om de Avatar te vangen en zijn eer terug te krijgen bij zijn vader Ozai, nadat hij door zijn vader verbannen werd omdat hij sprak tijdens een oorlog vergadering.Zuko heeft een litteken aan de linkerkant van zijn gezicht die zijn vader hem gegeven had voordat hij verbannen werd. Tijdens zijn reis en zoektocht naar de Avatar werd hij vergezeld door zijn oom Iroh en diende ook als zijn mentor en trainde hem vuurstuur technieken.Met veel steun van Iroh en nadat hij zijn innerlijke beroering had verwerkt, verliet Zuko de Vuurnatie em voegde zich bij Team Avatar en werd Aangs vriend en vuurstuur leraar. Terwijl Aang Zuko's vader Ozai had verslagen, wist Zuko met "@nl . "Gallery"@en . . . . . "Max Arthur"@en . "Zuko then joined Aang and the gang who later defeated his brother ans sister. Zuko then moved up from the ranks of banished Prince of the Fire Nation, to Fire Lord."@en . . "\u8607\u79D1"@es . . "*Vuurheer \n*Leraar voor Aang \n*Medewerker in de Jasmijn Draak\n*Ambassadeur van de Vrede en de Wereldharmonie"@nl . "Ozai, Azula"@en . "Zuko.png"@pl . . "El Senor del Fuego Zuko es un Maestro del Fuego Control, nacido como Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Su historia a menudo fue paralela a la del Avatar Aang. Inicialmente, fue el principal enemigo del Equipo Avatar, la vida de Zuko giraba en torno a tratar de capturar al Avatar perdido hace mucho tiempo para poner fin a su exilio y recuperar su honor como el Pr\u00EDncipe heredero de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Zuko se reconoce f\u00E1cilmente por la cicatriz distintiva en el lado izquierdo de su cara, que recibi\u00F3 a la edad de trece a\u00F1os en un Agni Kai contra su padre, el Se\u00F1or del Fuego Ozai, poco antes de su destierro. El combate fue el resultado de un incidente en el que sin querer falt\u00F3 el respeto a su padre por hablar fuera de turno y negarse a luchar contra \u00E9l. Con el apoyo de su t\u00EDo, el General Iroh, y despu\u00E9s de mucha lucha y caos interno, Zuko rechaz\u00F3 a la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego que Ozai gobernaba y se uni\u00F3 al Equipo Avatar para convertirse en amigo de Aang y su instructor de Fuego Control en un esfuerzo por restaurar su honor as\u00ED como el de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego. Mientras Aang luchaba contra Ozai, Zuko, con la ayuda de Katara, se enfrentaba en un batalla contra su prodigiosa hermana menor, la Princesa Azula, y tom\u00F3 su lugar como el Se\u00F1or del Fuego, declarando el fin de la Guerra de los Cien A\u00F1os y el comienzo de una era de amor y paz. Finalmente se retir\u00F3 de ser el Se\u00F1or del Fuego, y le dio el cargo a su hija, y empez\u00F3 a viajar por el mundo como Embajador de la Paz, aunque luego fue revelada su verdadera funci\u00F3n como l\u00EDder del Loto Blanco, reemplazando a su tio Iroh. Tambi\u00E9n se aprecia su gran poder debido a que posee un drag\u00F3n de criatura acompa\u00F1ante."@es . . . . "* Elijah Runcorn \n* Dante Basco\n* Bruce Davison"@en . . "yes"@en . . . . "Zuko was born in the royal family of the fire nation under firelord Ozai, he exeled in fire force using to lightsaber, when he beat jedi, sith, dark jedi and any lightsaber users he took the favorite blade as a trophie to show his victory, he was exiled for speaking up aganst a firenation admaral againest sending weak solders to start there first attack on the sith planet of Korriban. He went after the Goda Jedi to prove his worth to his father, when he and his sister beat the Goda Jedi he returned to the empire as a hero."@en . "Ozai, Azula, Zhao, Jet, Hombre Combusti\u00F3n, Azulon, Equipo Avatar , m\u00E1s..."@es . . . "Iroh, Ursa, Ikem, Kiyi, Lu Ten, Mai, Izumi, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Appa, Momo, Hakoda, Ty Lee, Orden del Loto Blanco, Guerreras Kyoshi, June, Iroh (General de las Fuerzas Unidas), Azula , Ozai , Ej\u00E9rcito de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego, m\u00E1s..."@es . . "Blue Spirit"@en . . "84"^^ . . "Villain Overview"@en . "avatar"@es . . "Zuko"@nl . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . . . "Zuko is on a boat!"@en . "Zuko heeft een litteken aan de linkerkant van zijn gezicht die zijn vader hem gegeven had voordat hij verbannen werd. Tijdens zijn reis en zoektocht naar de Avatar werd hij vergezeld door zijn oom Iroh en diende ook als zijn mentor en trainde hem vuurstuur-technieken."@nl . . "\"El Ni\u00F1o en el Iceberg\""@es . "16"^^ . "Bruce Davison"@es . "Male"@en . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Elijah Runcorn"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Practicing his firebending, reflecting on his past and present and his bad choices"@en . . "This article is about the character; for the episode with a similar name, see Zuko Alone. Zuko is a Firebender, born as a prince in the Fire Nation royal family. His story often paralleled that of the Avatar, Aang. Initially an antagonist, Zuko's life revolved around trying to capture the long-lost Avatar to end his banishment to regain his honor as Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. Zuko is easily recognized by the characteristic burn scar on the left side of his face given to him by his harsh father, Fire Lord Ozai shortly before his banishment. On his journey to capture the Avatar, he is assisted by his uncle Iroh to master Firebending, hoping to become as powerful as his prodigious younger sister Princess Azula. With support from Iroh and after much internal struggle and turmoil, Zuko rejects the Fire Nation and joins the Avatar's group to become Aang's friend and Firebending teacher. After Aang defeats Zuko's father, Zuko takes his place as Fire Lord and declares the end of the war and the start of an era of love and peace."@nl . . . . "Izumi"@en . . . "Firebending, dual broadswords, cunning, determination, resourcefulness, lightning redirection"@en . . . "In seasons one and, Zuko is trying to hunt down the Avatar. By season two, his uncle and him are refugees from the fire nation, but as soon as Zuko spots the Avatar again, he has to choose between turning against Iroh and going home with Azula, or staying with his uncle. He chooses to go with Azula."@en . "* Equipo Avatar\n* Naci\u00F3n del Fuego\n* Familia Real de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego"@es . . . . "Zuko"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Iroh, Ursa, Izumi, Ikem, Aang, Appa, Azula , Katara, Momo, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Ozai , Hakoda, Mai, Ty Lee, General Iroh, Jin, June, Kiyi, Lu Ten, Fire Nation military, Kyoshi Warriors, Order of the White Lotus, Druk, Tonraq, Korra, Desna, Eska, Tenzin, Lin Beifong, Team Avatar, more ..."@en . "Zuko"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "83"^^ . . "Zuko"@de . "Stealth"@en . . "Dark brown to Black"@en . . . . . . . . . "*Sander van der Poel \n*Dante Basco"@nl . . . . . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . . . "250"^^ .