"A kellicam was a Klingon unit of length measurement. This unit of measurement was intended for use at a planetary scale, and was insignificant for interstellar measurement. Before decloaking to attack the USS Enterprise in orbit of the Genesis Planet, Commander Kruge waited until his target closed from 5,000 down to 500 kellicams. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Commander Klaa engaged his cloaking device 8,000 kellicams before reaching attack range, during his assault of the USS Enterprise-A in orbit of Nimbus III. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)"@en . . "Kellicam ist eine klingonische Ma\u00DFeinheit f\u00FCr L\u00E4ngen und Abst\u00E4nde. Das T'Karath-Heiligtum befindet sich 37 Kellicam vom Berg Seleya entfernt. (TNG: ) 2285 n\u00E4hert sich Kruge mit seinem Schiff der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Er n\u00E4hert sich von 5.000 auf 500 Kellicam der Enterprise. (Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock) Im Jahr 2287 befindet sich der Bird-of-Prey von Klaa 8.000 Kellicam von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) entfernt. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) Klingonische Transporter haben eine beamreichweite von ungef\u00E4hr 20.000 Kellicam. (TNG: )"@de . . . "A kellicam (also transliterated QelIqam, from the tlhIngan Hol qelI'qam) is a Klingon measurement of distance. One kellicam is roughly equal to two kilometers. (TOS movie: The Search for Spock, TNG episode: \"A Matter of Honor\", DS9 episode: \"Soldiers of the Empire\")"@en . . . "Kellicam"@it . "Een Kellicam is een Klingon lengtemaat, gelijk aan ongeveer twee kilometer."@nl . . . . . . . . . . "Een Kellicam is een Klingon lengtemaat, gelijk aan ongeveer twee kilometer."@nl . "Kellicam"@en . . . . "A kellicam (also transliterated QelIqam, from the tlhIngan Hol qelI'qam) is a Klingon measurement of distance. One kellicam is roughly equal to two kilometers. (TOS movie: The Search for Spock, TNG episode: \"A Matter of Honor\", DS9 episode: \"Soldiers of the Empire\")"@en . . . . . . . . "Il Kellicam \u00E8 un unit\u00E0 di misura della lunghezza usata dai Klingon."@it . . . . . . "Kellicam ist eine klingonische Ma\u00DFeinheit f\u00FCr L\u00E4ngen und Abst\u00E4nde. Das T'Karath-Heiligtum befindet sich 37 Kellicam vom Berg Seleya entfernt. (TNG: ) 2285 n\u00E4hert sich Kruge mit seinem Schiff der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Er n\u00E4hert sich von 5.000 auf 500 Kellicam der Enterprise. (Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock) Im Jahr 2287 befindet sich der Bird-of-Prey von Klaa 8.000 Kellicam von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) entfernt. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) Klingonische Transporter haben eine beamreichweite von ungef\u00E4hr 20.000 Kellicam. (TNG: ) 2373 wird die IKS B'Moth angegriffen und treibt Antriebslos \u00FCber die cardassianische Grenze. Das Schiff befindet sich nun 500.000 Kellicam im cardassianischen Raum. Die \u00DCberlebenden k\u00F6nnen von der IKS Rotarran gerettet werden k\u00F6nnen. (DS9: )"@de . "Kellicam"@de . . "Kellicam"@nl . "Il Kellicam \u00E8 un unit\u00E0 di misura della lunghezza usata dai Klingon."@it . "A kellicam was a Klingon unit of length measurement. This unit of measurement was intended for use at a planetary scale, and was insignificant for interstellar measurement. Before decloaking to attack the USS Enterprise in orbit of the Genesis Planet, Commander Kruge waited until his target closed from 5,000 down to 500 kellicams. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Commander Klaa engaged his cloaking device 8,000 kellicams before reaching attack range, during his assault of the USS Enterprise-A in orbit of Nimbus III. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) The T'Karath Sanctuary was located roughly 37 kellicams south of Mount Seleya. (TNG: \"Gambit, Part II\" ) Klingon transporter systems had a range of 20,000 kellicams. (TNG: \"Redemption\" ) While searching along the Cardassian border for the IKS B'Moth, General Martok wanted the IKS Rotarran to maintain a distance of at least 5,000,000 kellicams from the border. When the B'Moth was finally located, it was discovered adrift 500,000 kellicams inside Cardassian territory. (DS9: \"Soldiers of the Empire\") It was stated in \"A Matter Of Honor\" that Federation transporters have a range of 40,000 kilometers. If Klingon transporters have a similar range, this would indicate that one kellicam is approximately equal to two kilometers. This is the measurement given by the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 409) . The computer game Star Trek Online mission \"House Pegh\" corroborates this, noting that four kellicams is equal to roughly eight kilometers."@en . . . . . .