"29"^^ . "Astaroth"@en . "-"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Rare"@en . "2600"^^ . . . "The Astaroth Clan is one of the remaining 34 Devil clans of the 72 Pillars and holds the rank of Duke."@en . . "Mind"@en . "100"^^ . "y"@en . "249"^^ . "-"@en . "93"^^ . "#87CEFA"@en . "0"^^ . "2.2"^^ . "Agilao\nMudoon\nMaharagion\nKyuuketsu \nMaharagidyne\nDeath Breath"@en . "378"^^ . "Ascension"@en . . "Anti-All*"@en . "895"^^ . "372"^^ . . "17"^^ . . . . "12"^^ . "Deceased"@en . . . . "39"^^ . "\u30D1\u30F3\u30B1\u30FC\u30AD\u30FB\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF - 20 Turns"@en . "201"^^ . . "49"^^ . . . . "\u30A2\u30B7\u30E5\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9"@en . . "She also played a major role in the early development of other ancient cultures such as the Phoenicians, Babylonians, Canaanites, and Egyptians. In each culture she played a slightly different role, but was always a powerful mother figure. She played the role of caretaker to humanity in them all. Her guidance was sought out by both gods and humans alike and she was arguably the most worshiped deity of her time. By many accounts the goddess Astarte was one of the most slandered deities when more modern religions became popular in the ancient Middle East. The name \"Astaroth\" itself is a twisted version of Astarte, made to sound evil and shameful in the pronunciation of the old languages of the time. Humans in power at the time wanted to erase the old beliefs from existence and so they changed all of the reputations of the Babylonian gods and goddesses into those of \"evil demons\". Astaroth is something of a politician among the demons. She counsels both humans and demons alike, but only those humans who still believe in her as a goddess. She can help one gain a good reputation and can create friendships between her followers and people with power and status in society. She knows all about the past, present, and future and can even help a person discover secrets through the prophetic dreams and visions that she shows to her followers. Of course she can also teach all about the sciences and humanities as well. Astarte/Astaroth is said to be very tall, beautiful, and elegant with fair skin and long blonde hair. It is said that everything she does is with great ease and grace. She will only work for the greater good and those who are not true followers or wish to use her powers to take unjustly from others will be denied her good graces. Goetia description says: \"He is a Mighty, Strong Duke, and appeareth in the Form of an hurtful Angel riding on an Infernal Beast like a Dragon, and carrying in his right hand a Viper. Thou must in no wise let him approach too near unto thee, lest he do thee damage by his Noisome Breath. Wherefore the Magician must hold the Magical Ring near his face, and that will defend him. He giveth true answers of things Past, Present, and to Come, and can discover all Secrets. He will declare wittingly how the Spirits fell, if desired, and the reason of his own fall. He can make men wonderfully knowing in all Liberal Sciences. He ruleth 40 Legions of Spirits.\""@en . "DarkHoard"@en . . "215.0"^^ . . . "Poison Gas\nFreeze\nBufudyne"@en . "-"@en . . "-"@en . "I'm looking forward to the day... when I drained your love"@en . "Mamoru Miyano"@en . "tyrant"@en . "Masculin"@fr . . "3"^^ . "See, love has already died\u2026"@en . . . "My name is the Tyrant Astaroth. Take pride in fighting at the side of a prince of Hell."@en . "230"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "1100"^^ . . "Astaroth is a red and black from the Marketplace."@en . . "The Witch's Kitchen"@en . "16"^^ . . . . "Electricty Boost, Ice Boost, Technician"@en . "-"@en . "24"^^ . "Gallery"@en . . "Winged Fury\\Innate\nThunderbolt\\69\nThunder Stab\\70\nEXP Boost\\Max Loyalty"@en . "30"^^ . . . "Alias Modele 423351. Astaroth s'est auto nomm\u00E9 ainsi car il ne connait pas son veritable nom. Seulement le fait que son nom de famille commence par un N, mais il ne se soucie absolument pas de sa veritable identit\u00E9. Qui est-il? Un humain meca-modifi\u00E9, un cyborg en quelque sorte. Sa constitution n'en fait absolument pas un bagareur, d'ailleurs, il n'en a pas vraiment le \"profil\". Il prefere rester en retrait et utiliser sa tete. Aussi bien pour reflechir que pour la transformer en canon a plasma lourd ideal en cas d'attaque frontale. Il a rejoint la cause et epous\u00E9e la \"pens\u00E9e\" nihiliste, et est pret a servir le N\u00E9ant en toute heure. Il a aussi une etrange relation avec Malica, sa marionette, qui lui rapelle quelqu'un sans savoir exactement qui..."@fr . "Flat"@en . "Alive"@en . . "Rare"@en . . . "133"^^ . . "--"@en . . "According to the writings in The Lesser Key of Solomon, Astaroth is the twenty-ninth spirit listed in the Ars Goetia. He is an exceptionally powerful Duke of Hell assisted by four demons: Amon, Barbatos, Rashaverak and Pruslas. He is depicted as a naked man with a dragon's hands, feet and wings, a secondary pair of angel's wings, wearing a crown, holding a serpent and riding a wolf. He can seduce men through laziness and vanity, make men wise in mathematical sciences and handicrafts, reveal hidden treasures, make men invisible and give them power over serpents. He is sometimes referred to as the prince of accusers and inquisitors, with powers to rival that of the great demons Bael and Beelzebub. His name is derived from the Canaanaite goddess Ashtoreth (or Astarte in Greek). Indeed, Astaroth frequently mentions that he wishes to return to being the fertility goddess Ishtar; an appropriate homage to the origin of his name."@en . . "Hades Blast\nMegidolaon\nGlacial Blast\nLuster Candy\nMabufudyne\nDekaja"@en . "2850"^^ . "125.0"^^ . "5980"^^ . . "Astaroth is the Shadowlord of Hatred, and is one of three such beings that represent the opposing aspects of the Principles of Truth, Love, and Courage. Astaroth first appeared in Ultima V, terrorizing the townes of Britannia in the absence of Lord British, whom the Shadowlords had successfully captured and imprisoned. The gargoyle named Sin'Vraal acted as his servant at some point, although it is not known in what capacity. Astaroth was eventually defeated when the Avatar summoned him to Empath Abbey by calling his name, and casting the Shard of Hatred (from which Astaroth originally sprang) into the Eternal Flame of Love."@en . . "181"^^ . . "Charges at foes like an explosive fireball."@en . . "Resist"@en . "10"^^ . "700"^^ . "11"^^ . "25"^^ . "Prevent a Deal with an Overlord"@en . "Astaroth is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . . "6"^^ . "Gorgon tribe"@en . . "162"^^ . . "90"^^ . . "?"@en . "28"^^ . . . "Beast Slayer"@en . "These petty skirmishes mean nothing!"@en . . . . "Reflects"@en . "32"^^ . "-"@en . "16"^^ . . "N/A"@en . "44"^^ . "43"^^ . "41"^^ . "Astaroth"@en . . . "Deyos Pact"@en . . "Randomly targets foes with 18 powerful elemental shots"@en . "33"^^ . . "Union"@fr . . "35"^^ . "128"^^ . "Null"@en . "Love Sacrifice"@en . "Rotting Sea of Flames"@en . . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8 Asutaroto), also known as The King of Rot (\u8150\u306E\u738B Kusa no \u014C), is one of the Eight Demon Kings. In a bid to return Rin Okumura back to Gehenna, he possessed Reiji Shiratori, the leader of a delinquent gang."@en . . . . "-"@en . "-"@en . "*"@en . "99"^^ . "\"Malleus Maleficarum\""@en . . "4.102488E8"^^ . "Astaroth"@en . "2928"^^ . . . "-"@en . . "Fast Talk"@en . "Demons don't need to eat"@en . "-"@en . . "Physical, one hit, one enemy"@en . "22"^^ . . "XFlag Store"@en . . . "Dark-Chaos"@en . "Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / 20% chance"@en . . "72"^^ . . "Gun, Death, Mind"@en . "SR"@en . . "Mamudoon"@en . "283"^^ . "Ashtaroth"@en . . "1077"^^ . "267"^^ . "thumb|Piecz\u0119\u0107 Astarotha Upad\u0142y anio\u0142 kt\u00F3ry nigdy nie przyj\u0105\u0142 odpowiedzialno\u015Bci za w\u0142asne grzechy, Astaroth obdarza przywo\u0142uj\u0105ce go osoby mocami wp\u0142ywania na inne osoby oraz zsy\u0142ania na nich chor\u00F3b oraz wiedz\u0105 o rzeczach ukrytych."@pl . . "36"^^ . "260"^^ . "1256"^^ . "Astaroth es el demonio de la pereza, a\u00FAn cuando esto est\u00E9 en discusi\u00F3n entre los demon\u00F3logos. Casi todos los grimorios y libros prohibidos de la Edad Media coinciden en afirmar que Astaroth es un demonio tan poderoso como desdichado. El propio Astaroth \u2014a trav\u00E9s de sus ac\u00F3litos\u2014 sostiene que ha sido condenado injustamente a los infiernos. Y no solo eso, sino que se encuentra en desacuerdo con Sat\u00E1n en lo que refiere a su desempe\u00F1o en la tareas administrativas de aquella regi\u00F3n poblada de r\u00E9probos y santos extraviados. El nombre de Astaroth proviene directamente de la diosa fenicia Astart\u00E9, que en los mitos b\u00EDblicos es llamada Ashtoreth, nombre singular, y Ashtaroth, figura plural que hace referencia a la multiplicidad de estatuas e im\u00E1genes de la diosa. Si bien en todos los diccionarios demonol\u00F3gicos se habla de Astaroth como un demonio, etimol\u00F3gicamente hablando estamos en presencia de una mujer en plural, es decir, de una mujer con m\u00FAltiples facetas. En la Edad Media, Astaroth era identificado como el demonio auxiliar de los acusadores e inquisidores, por lo que algunos lo identifican como o bien el demonio de la mentira o bien aqu\u00E9l que controla la crueldad. Pero Astaroth tiene un par de sorpresas bajo la manga: si se lo aborda de manera correcta, puede ser amigable y hasta generoso; se dice de \u00E9l que ayuda a su adeptos con todo tipo de ciencia matem\u00E1tica y que puede conferir el poder de la invisibilidad y la inmunidad contra el veneno de las serpientes. Todo es cuesti\u00F3n de saber de qu\u00E9 lado se est\u00E1. Dicen ciertos autores de demonolog\u00EDa que Astaroth es el \"gran duque del Infierno\", de la primera jerarqu\u00EDa demon\u00EDaca, en la que tambi\u00E9n pertenece Belceb\u00FA y Lucifer.. Tambi\u00E9n dicen que, al ser un \u00E1ngel ca\u00EDdo, es el demonio de la suerte, indica los medios de hacerse rico; ense\u00F1a los secretos para ganar en la loter\u00EDa y otros juegos de azar; revela el modo de hacer fortuna, triunfar en los negocios, etc. El d\u00EDa de invocarlo es el Mi\u00E9rcoles. La primera aparici\u00F3n de Astaroth como demonio masculino proviene de El libro de Abramelin (The Book of Abramelin), fechado aproximadamente en el a\u00F1o 1458. La imagen que acompa\u00F1a este art\u00EDculo pertenece a Colin de Plancy y su Dictionnaire Infernal (Diccionario infernal), donde Astaroth aparece como un hombre alado con extremidades de drag\u00F3n que cabalga sobre un lic\u00E1ntropo. Johann Weyer, m\u00E1s conocido por su seud\u00F3nimo, Wierius, sostiene que el aspecto de Astaroth es tan desagradable, y tan nauseabundo su aroma, que quien se ve en la necesidad de convocarlo debe usar un anillo de plata colgado de la nariz para aislarse de su insoportable pestilencia. Esta an\u00E9cdota odor\u00EDfera puede hallarse en el libro maldito \"De Praestigiis Daemonum et Incantationibus ac Venificiis\", que significa algo as\u00ED como \"De la ilusi\u00F3n de los demonios, encantamientos y venenos\". Wierius retoma la biograf\u00EDa de Astaroth en otro libro odioso: Pseudomonarchia Daemonum: Liber officiorum spirituum. En oposici\u00F3n a estas observaciones, el investigador Francis Barret sostiene en El mago (The Magus) que Astaroth es en realidad el patrono de los inquisidores. A pesar de sus quejas y reproches, Astaroth tiene una posici\u00F3n privilegiada en el infierno. Ocupa el rol de tesorero general, cargo que aborrece acaso porque lo ubica como protector de banqueros y hombres de negocios. Acaso debido a sus tratos comerciales con estos caballeros, Astaroth se ha ganado el ep\u00EDteto de Se\u00F1or de la putrefacci\u00F3n y de los vahos cadav\u00E9ricos. Categor\u00EDa:Demonios Categor\u00EDa:Bestiario"@es . "-"@en . "1"^^ . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is a golem character in the Soul series of fighting games. The original Astaroth made his first appearance in Soulcalibur and has returned for Soulcalibur II, Soulcalibur III, Soulcalibur Legends (as Astaroth alpha), Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. After he is killed, a new Astaroth appears in Soulcalibur V. However, the original returned in Soulcalibur: Lost Swords and Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul. Throughout the Soul series Astaroth is referred to as \"Black Giant\" and \"A Soldier Of The Heretics\"."@en . "Soma"@en . "17351"^^ . . "105.0"^^ . "Hideaki Nonaka"@en . "61"^^ . "Panic Circle\\Innate\nMamudoon\\Innate\nImpure Reach\\74\nStagnant Air\\75\nCircle Recovery\\76\nSummon Demon\\77\nDragon Cry\\78\nSalome's Kiss\\79"@en . "17917"^^ . "6"^^ . "|-|XFlag Store="@en . . "59"^^ . . . . . "The Devil, Dark Astaroth, Asutaroto, Gondiaz"@en . "Resist"@en . . "25"^^ . "27"^^ . . "1"^^ . "15"^^ . "Evolution"@en . "130"^^ . . "Hell"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9"@en . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is a scout character."@en . . "2600"^^ . "Astaroth is a red and black from the Marketplace."@en . . "470"^^ . ""@en . . "Red"@en . . "-"@en . "30"^^ . . "Close + Paralysis + Poison"@en . "30"^^ . "450"^^ . "Vile"@en . "26"^^ . "Astaroth is a mid-boss in the Mountainside Dungeon, Grolla's stage in Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel. He is a huge demon clad a royal garb; he has a white beard and a additional second face on his stomach. The huge demon king will walk back and forth across the arena slowly, blasting fire streams and lasers from his mouths. Frostfackel makes short work of him, and Freudenzwinger, which can completely devastate him in one shot. Wei\u00DFteufel is also useful against him, as it can slow down all of his movements and attacks."@en . "-"@en . "Force"@en . "Demon"@en . . . "26"^^ . . "Astaroth"@pl . . . "108"^^ . . "8450"^^ . "114"^^ . . . . . "500"^^ . "Hell"@en . "Male"@en . . . "21"^^ . "1"^^ . . . "#00CED1"@en . "54"^^ . "-"@en . "237"^^ . . "250"^^ . "Astaroth, Duke of Fear II"@en . "1680"^^ . . "S-rank"@en . "30"^^ . "11"^^ . "Astaroth was a golem created on the planet Earth. During the Soul Wars, Astaroth had been manipulated into serving the Galactic Empire by Tira. However, he was later bribed by Count Dooku into joining the formerly defeated Confederacy of Independent Systems, using promises of power and a position as commander in the Separatists' droid army."@en . "Konohagakure Head Ninja , Captain of the Surprise Attack Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces"@en . "140"^^ . "30"^^ . . . . . "425"^^ . "214"^^ . . . . . . "Asutarotto"@en . "Balanced"@en . . "Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell, in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure named after the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar."@en . "32"^^ . "Dragon Quest XX"@en . "Storm Release, Lightning Release, Water Release, Wind Release, Earth Release, Fire Release, Yin Release, Yang Release,"@en . "18947"^^ . . . "34"^^ . "Human"@en . "Astaroth Vision"@en . "N/A"@en . "54"^^ . . "Asutaroto"@en . "C"@en . "21"^^ . "I look forward to nothing else more"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@fr . "444"^^ . "19"^^ . "Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell, in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure named after the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar."@en . . "136"^^ . "56"^^ . "138"^^ . "270"^^ . "Grand-Duke of Hell"@en . "You realize nothing will come of it?"@en . "27"^^ . "15589"^^ . "180"^^ . "50"^^ . "40"^^ . . . . "427"^^ . "72"^^ . "49"^^ . . "The Great Demon Lord Astaroth (\u5927\u9B54\u738B\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8 Dai Maou Asutaroto) is the ruler of the Demon Realm Village. He is the main antagonist of knight Arthur, being the final boss from Ghosts 'n Goblins and reappearing in other games as a boss near the end of Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins. He is apparently based on Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), a Crowned Prince of Hell in demonology."@en . "14"^^ . "Image:SL-Astaroth.png"@en . "172"^^ . "15"^^ . "12"^^ . . "13"^^ . "Infinite"@en . "18"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "3258"^^ . "22"^^ . . . "27"^^ . "29"^^ . . "25"^^ . "27"^^ . . "Astaroth"@fr . . "0"^^ . . "35"^^ . "Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / 15% chance"@en . "29"^^ . "26"^^ . "Sword"@en . "6"^^ . "16"^^ . "-"@en . "18"^^ . "5"^^ . . "19"^^ . . "8"^^ . "0"^^ . "140.2"^^ . "46"^^ . "Marin Karin\nMaziodyne\nMabufudyne\nVenom Zapper\nGale Force\nUnleashed Power\nFog Breath\nSwitch of Destruction\nDeathbound\nStrikeback Bash\nDemonic Fighter"@en . "9"^^ . . "5"^^ . "48"^^ . "7"^^ . "102"^^ . "0"^^ . "Ashutarosu"@en . "128"^^ . . "55"^^ . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . "130"^^ . . "131"^^ . "15"^^ . . . . "104157"^^ . . "Electricity"@en . "11"^^ . . "Megami Ishtar x Avatar Chimera x Fallen Dantalian"@en . . "Hehehe, welcome to this loveless world\u2026"@en . "1420"^^ . "124.0"^^ . "Dark"@en . . . . "50"^^ . "Astaroth was a golem created on the planet Earth. During the Soul Wars, Astaroth had been manipulated into serving the Galactic Empire by Tira. However, he was later bribed by Count Dooku into joining the formerly defeated Confederacy of Independent Systems, using promises of power and a position as commander in the Separatists' droid army."@en . "15"^^ . "5850"^^ . "\u30D5\u30EC\u30A4\u30E0\u30FB\u30D6\u30EA\u30B6\u30FC\u30C9 - 16 Turns"@en . "32"^^ . . . "Aphrodite"@en . . "Null Mystic"@en . "Astaroth is the Prince of Hell, a very powerful demon. His main assistants are four demons called Aamon, Pruslas, Barbatos and Rashaverak. Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with dragon-like wings, hands and feet, a second pair of feathered wings after the main, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a wolf or dog."@en . "31"^^ . . "Tyranny"@en . "Vent"@fr . . "13"^^ . "Rondo of Destruction\nThe Greatest Fruit\nGreatest Wit\nClose Range Booster\nSatisfaction 2"@en . . . "31"^^ . . "65"^^ . "Blood Treaty"@en . . "110"^^ . "En fonction"@fr . "6420"^^ . "94"^^ . "96"^^ . . "6000"^^ . . "Deathbound"@en . "Dark"@en . "101"^^ . "Astaroth"@fr . "420"^^ . "435"^^ . "Beast Slayer L"@en . "You would craft a demon to surpass myself? Ha... what a terrifying man you are."@en . "Marin Karin\nMazionga\nRakukaja"@en . "131"^^ . . "Konohagakure , Root , Allied Shinobi Forces"@en . . . . . "112"^^ . . "42"^^ . . . "Technician, Enlightenment"@en . "122"^^ . . "32"^^ . "Firecell Roar"@en . "Astaroth is a character from the Namco Bandai's Soul Calibur games. He was first released in the SC01 Starter decks of Soul Calibur III. He made a reappearance in the Soul Calibur IV: Tower of Souls expansion."@en . "180000"^^ . "124"^^ . . "Astaroth"@fr . . "4600"^^ . "406"^^ . "\u30A2\u30FC\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30ED\u30B9"@en . . "Your love will die here"@en . "Valor Pact"@en . . "Devil"@en . . "Namco \u2715 Capcom"@en . "Unknown"@en . "108"^^ . . . . "23"^^ . "84"^^ . "5020"^^ . "Astaroth ~ Battle with The Fallen Angel is the battle theme that is played when fighting Astaroth and Neo-Astaroth. Select sections of the music are also played in cutscenes that precede both the fights. It's corresponding insanity track is \"Crack Your Mind ~ The Fallen Angel Runs Wild\"."@en . "Astaroth was one of several demons who claimed the title of Demon King. Following his defeat at the hands of Silver Knight, Arthur, he was revived to assist in a pan-dimensional war. Astaroth was a reluctant ally of Druaga, a competing claimant of the Demon King title."@en . "102"^^ . . "108"^^ . . "Undead"@en . "20"^^ . "Astaroth was a powerful demon who worked to condemn human souls to Hell by turning them into witches. She turned Renee Van Allen, Elizabeth Higgins, and Amanda Burns into witches, which resulted in several deaths, including the entire coven in question. The Winchesters' investigation led them to Astaroth and they ended up killing her."@en . . . "Deathbound*"@en . "Attacks in an X pattern with 4 large elemental lasers."@en . "Mazionga\nIce Breath\nWinding"@en . . "461"^^ . "Astaroth was a demon and a Grand-Duke of Hell. As Hellboy's paternal uncle, he was also one of his oldest antagonists."@en . . "None"@en . "?"@fr . "sandybrown"@en . "49"^^ . . . "Red, formerly gold"@en . "Original"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . "Astaroth"@es . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is a golem character in the Soul series of fighting games. The original Astaroth made his first appearance in Soulcalibur and has returned for Soulcalibur II, Soulcalibur III, Soulcalibur Legends (as Astaroth alpha), Soulcalibur IV and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny. After he is killed, a new Astaroth appears in Soulcalibur V. However, the original returned in Soulcalibur: Lost Swords and Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul. Throughout the Soul series Astaroth is referred to as \"Black Giant\" and \"A Soldier Of The Heretics\"."@en . . "6"^^ . "Astaroth was one of several demons who claimed the title of Demon King. Following his defeat at the hands of Silver Knight, Arthur, he was revived to assist in a pan-dimensional war. Astaroth was a reluctant ally of Druaga, a competing claimant of the Demon King title."@en . "\u30D0\u30FC\u30F3\u30FB\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30A4\u30AF - 20 Turns"@en . "Maragidyne\nMakajam\nEnergy Drain"@en . . "Charges at foes in a field of explosive, icy fire."@en . . "2500"^^ . "\u5730\u7344\u306E\u60AA\u9B54 \u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . "Astaroth was a demon and a Grand-Duke of Hell. As Hellboy's paternal uncle, he was also one of his oldest antagonists."@en . . "41"^^ . "1713"^^ . "Astaroth es el demonio de la pereza, a\u00FAn cuando esto est\u00E9 en discusi\u00F3n entre los demon\u00F3logos. Casi todos los grimorios y libros prohibidos de la Edad Media coinciden en afirmar que Astaroth es un demonio tan poderoso como desdichado. El propio Astaroth \u2014a trav\u00E9s de sus ac\u00F3litos\u2014 sostiene que ha sido condenado injustamente a los infiernos. Y no solo eso, sino que se encuentra en desacuerdo con Sat\u00E1n en lo que refiere a su desempe\u00F1o en la tareas administrativas de aquella regi\u00F3n poblada de r\u00E9probos y santos extraviados. El d\u00EDa de invocarlo es el Mi\u00E9rcoles."@es . . "3"^^ . "Gamon"@en . "19"^^ . . . "17"^^ . "36"^^ . . "21"^^ . . . "Phys"@en . "27"^^ . "24"^^ . . . "30"^^ . . "Astaroth is monster #102 of the Super Scary figures. In the Series 4 rerelease, it was renamed Mutant Spider."@en . "29"^^ . . "Astaroth was a powerful demon who worked to condemn human souls to Hell by turning them into witches. She turned Renee Van Allen, Elizabeth Higgins, and Amanda Burns into witches, which resulted in several deaths, including the entire coven in question. The Winchesters' investigation led them to Astaroth and they ended up killing her."@en . "2660"^^ . . . "Poison Gas 4\nFreeze 4\nBufudyne"@en . . "15"^^ . "4253"^^ . "4540"^^ . . . "Null Warp"@en . . "86"^^ . "13088"^^ . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) Allgemein Freischalten Man hat ihn von Anfang an. Kampfstyle Seine Waffen | -> Astaroth's Waffen"@de . . "1788"^^ . . "2"^^ . "Astaroth est un sort du Take Over : Oni Soul."@fr . . "\u9B54\u754C\u306E\u5973\u738B \u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . "56"^^ . . . "\u30C7\u30FC\u30E2\u30F3\u30FB\u30A8\u30CA\u30B8\u30FC - 18 Turns"@en . "N/A"@en . . . . "-"@en . "-"@en . "You who has forsaken love, pay heed. Yield to Astaroth."@en . "phys"@en . . "764"^^ . . "794524"^^ . . "352"^^ . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . . . "5060"^^ . . . "Oc\u00E9an"@fr . "Randomly targets foes with 4 elemental pass-through shots."@en . ""@en . "16311"^^ . "Significant threat"@en . "vile"@en . "Power"@en . "150"^^ . . "239"^^ . . "Hex TNT\nFire Breath\nVenom Claw\nGuillotine\nHex Comadeus\nIntox"@en . . "Marin Karin\nMabufula\nMazionga\nFog Breath\nDeathbound\nUnleashed Power\nGale Force\nStrikeback Bash\nVajra Formation"@en . . "boss 5"@en . "98"^^ . "\u81F3\u798F\u306E\u5973\u738B \u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8"@en . "-"@en . . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . . "105"^^ . "1"^^ . "Astaroth is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series."@en . "I am Astaroth the Tyrant. All will bow before me, and you will rule as overlord supreme."@en . "15"^^ . "Thunder, Ice"@en . "Astaroths"@en . "137"^^ . "66"^^ . "0"^^ . "65"^^ . "210"^^ . "70"^^ . "68"^^ . . . "75"^^ . "Dream-World"@en . "73"^^ . "17"^^ . . "Nihilistes"@fr . . "594"^^ . "76"^^ . . "magic boss"@en . "Chaos"@en . "Near extinct"@en . "Deathbound\nCleave\nPoison Mist\nMazionga\nMarin Karin\nMabufula\nHapilma"@en . . . . "85"^^ . "90"^^ . "Rondo of Destruction\nThe Greatest Fruit\nGreatest Wit\nMighty Swing of the Warrior\nClose Range Booster\nSorcery Torrent"@en . "Astaroth"@en . . "Astaroth is the Prince of Hell, a very powerful demon. His main assistants are four demons called Aamon, Pruslas, Barbatos and Rashaverak. Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with dragon-like wings, hands and feet, a second pair of feathered wings after the main, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a wolf or dog."@en . "Walk"@en . "192.5"^^ . "126"^^ . "690"^^ . "1638"^^ . "32"^^ . . "Fire, Ice"@en . "31"^^ . "Female"@en . "30"^^ . "45"^^ . "51"^^ . "48"^^ . "23"^^ . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is a scout character."@en . "2725"^^ . "25"^^ . "750"^^ . "55"^^ . "52"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . . "14"^^ . "Zombie"@en . "12"^^ . . . "-"@en . "93"^^ . "Clay-made golem"@en . "61"^^ . "6"^^ . "Ares, the god of destruction, desired Soul Edge to dethrone his father, Zeus, so he ordered Kunpaetku, the grand priest of the cult order Fygul Cestemus, to seek it out. Astaroth, a golem, was created in hellish heat under the divine protection of Ares to head up the quest. Kunpaetku ordered his creation, Astaroth, to find the demonic blade. As he watched Astaroth depart from the shrine, the grand priest laughed to himself as he planned to keep the Soul Edge and become a god himself. Unknown to Kunpaetku, however, Ares had possessed Astaroth with his servants, the Keres, to ensure that Kunpaetku would not betray him."@en . . "black"@en . "Electrical Discharge\nZiondyne\nDeathbound\nThrust\nGale Force"@en . . "26880"^^ . "The Firecell Dragons"@en . . . "Astaroth is the Shadowlord of Hatred, and is one of three such beings that represent the opposing aspects of the Principles of Truth, Love, and Courage. Astaroth first appeared in Ultima V, terrorizing the townes of Britannia in the absence of Lord British, whom the Shadowlords had successfully captured and imprisoned. The gargoyle named Sin'Vraal acted as his servant at some point, although it is not known in what capacity. Astaroth was eventually defeated when the Avatar summoned him to Empath Abbey by calling his name, and casting the Shard of Hatred (from which Astaroth originally sprang) into the Eternal Flame of Love. The Shadowlords reappeared later in Martian Dreams, in the Avatar's dreams. Astaroth taunted the Avatar with a test of hatred, which in the end was unsuccessful; the Shadowlord had again been bested. Astaroth has not been seen since."@en . "Alias Modele 423351. Astaroth s'est auto nomm\u00E9 ainsi car il ne connait pas son veritable nom. Seulement le fait que son nom de famille commence par un N, mais il ne se soucie absolument pas de sa veritable identit\u00E9. Qui est-il? Un humain meca-modifi\u00E9, un cyborg en quelque sorte. Sa constitution n'en fait absolument pas un bagareur, d'ailleurs, il n'en a pas vraiment le \"profil\". Il prefere rester en retrait et utiliser sa tete. Aussi bien pour reflechir que pour la transformer en canon a plasma lourd ideal en cas d'attaque frontale. Il a rejoint la cause et epous\u00E9e la \"pens\u00E9e\" nihiliste, et est pret a servir le N\u00E9ant en toute heure. Il a aussi une etrange relation avec Malica, sa marionette, qui lui rapelle quelqu'un sans savoir exactement qui..."@fr . "N/A"@en . "Ares, the god of destruction, desired Soul Edge to dethrone his father, Zeus, so he ordered Kunpaetku, the grand priest of the cult order Fygul Cestemus, to seek it out. Astaroth, a golem, was created in hellish heat under the divine protection of Ares to head up the quest. Kunpaetku ordered his creation, Astaroth, to find the demonic blade. As he watched Astaroth depart from the shrine, the grand priest laughed to himself as he planned to keep the Soul Edge and become a god himself. Unknown to Kunpaetku, however, Ares had possessed Astaroth with his servants, the Keres, to ensure that Kunpaetku would not betray him."@en . . "Swish Tail\nMazionga\nPoison Breath\nMabufu"@en . "M"@en . "5250"^^ . "Ruby"@en . "Cyborg"@fr . "Astaroths are Monsters from Maplestory. They are extremely cruel, and love to watch people suffer. __TOC__"@en . "Fire"@en . . . "None"@en . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8 Asutaroto), also known as The King of Rot (\u8150\u306E\u738B Kusa no \u014C), is one of the Eight Demon Kings. In a bid to return Rin Okumura back to Gehenna, he possessed Reiji Shiratori, the leader of a delinquent gang."@en . "Oui"@fr . . "Demon Lord who steals love. Those who stand before her feel their love fade away."@en . "734"^^ . "86"^^ . "Mass Produced"@en . . . "85"^^ . "Electric"@en . "Demon"@en . . "122"^^ . "Astaroth is a mid-boss in the Mountainside Dungeon, Grolla's stage in Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel. He is a huge demon clad a royal garb; he has a white beard and a additional second face on his stomach. The huge demon king will walk back and forth across the arena slowly, blasting fire streams and lasers from his mouths. Frostfackel makes short work of him, and Freudenzwinger, which can completely devastate him in one shot. Wei\u00DFteufel is also useful against him, as it can slow down all of his movements and attacks. He is based on the character of the same name from the Ghosts n' Goblins series."@en . . "49"^^ . "93"^^ . "Astaroth"@en . "Master Hagalaz"@en . "37"^^ . "Astaroth est un sort du Take Over : Oni Soul."@fr . "28"^^ . "Resist"@en . "Astaroth"@de . . "161.3"^^ . "1920"^^ . "287"^^ . "27"^^ . "Maplestory"@en . "20"^^ . "Astaroths are Monsters from Maplestory. They are extremely cruel, and love to watch people suffer. __TOC__"@en . "Astaroth II"@en . . "-"@en . . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . "567"^^ . "5"^^ . . "74"^^ . . "20"^^ . . "2500"^^ . "Attacks in an X pattern with 4 medium-sized elemental lasers."@en . "64"^^ . . "Astaroth"@it . . . "150"^^ . "-"@en . "20"^^ . . "29"^^ . . "21"^^ . "31"^^ . "King"@en . "Resist"@en . "25"^^ . "540"^^ . . . "4140"^^ . . "Blast"@en . "#FFFFFF"@en . "Hello, weakling human. You want me to fuse with someone? Hm! I await the results."@en . "In Incense"@en . . "*Nightmare\n*Dooku"@en . "Alma Torran"@en . "Repel"@en . "According to the writings in The Lesser Key of Solomon, Astaroth is the twenty-ninth spirit listed in the Ars Goetia. He is an exceptionally powerful Duke of Hell assisted by four demons: Amon, Barbatos, Rashaverak and Pruslas. He is depicted as a naked man with a dragon's hands, feet and wings, a secondary pair of angel's wings, wearing a crown, holding a serpent and riding a wolf. He can seduce men through laziness and vanity, make men wise in mathematical sciences and handicrafts, reveal hidden treasures, make men invisible and give them power over serpents. He is sometimes referred to as the prince of accusers and inquisitors, with powers to rival that of the great demons Bael and Beelzebub. His name is derived from the Canaanaite goddess Ashtoreth (or Astarte in Greek). Indeed, Astaro"@en . "Fire"@en . "The Great Demon Lord Astaroth (\u5927\u9B54\u738B\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30C8 Dai Maou Asutaroto) is the ruler of the Demon Realm Village. He is the main antagonist of knight Arthur, being the final boss from Ghosts 'n Goblins and reappearing in other games as a boss near the end of Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins. He is apparently based on Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), a Crowned Prince of Hell in demonology."@en . . "Book Club"@en . . . "Technician, Electricity Boost, Electric Reserve"@en . "61"^^ . "4513"^^ . "Bounce"@en . "-"@en . . . "Overview"@en . . "800"^^ . "Household Member"@en . "27"^^ . . . . "Asutaroto"@fr . "Astaroth Avatar"@en . "Storm Release,"@en . "15"^^ . "Hades Blast\\Innate\nMabufudyne\\Innate\nHigh Ice Pleroma\\50\nBloody Glee\\52"@en . "25"^^ . "thumb|Piecz\u0119\u0107 Astarotha Upad\u0142y anio\u0142 kt\u00F3ry nigdy nie przyj\u0105\u0142 odpowiedzialno\u015Bci za w\u0142asne grzechy, Astaroth obdarza przywo\u0142uj\u0105ce go osoby mocami wp\u0142ywania na inne osoby oraz zsy\u0142ania na nich chor\u00F3b oraz wiedz\u0105 o rzeczach ukrytych."@pl . . "Prevent a Deal with an Overlord"@en . "38"^^ . . . "28"^^ . "|-|XFlag Store="@en . . "31"^^ . . "5560"^^ . "F"@en . "AB"@en . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . "Leader of the Gorgon tribe"@en . . . . "16"^^ . . . "Tyrant"@en . . . "a\u30FCsuta\u30FCrosu"@en . "4h"@fr . "No"@en . . . "I do not mind if you love me"@en . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) Allgemein Freischalten Man hat ihn von Anfang an. Kampfstyle Seine Waffen | -> Astaroth's Waffen"@de . . "Unleashes magic to increase Strength."@en . "D"@en . "Astaroth, Duke of Fear"@en . . "cockatrice"@en . . . "Astaroth"@en . "34"^^ . "154"^^ . "Mutant Spider"@en . . . . . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is the goalkeeper for Makai Gundan Z and Dark Angel."@en . . . . "--"@en . "132"^^ . . "Astaroth is a character from Soul Caliber, anther Namco game. Astaroth appears in Pac-Man Fever."@en . . "Agidyne\nMudoon\nMaharagion\nKyuuketsu \nMite Burning \nDeath Breath"@en . "70"^^ . "1584"^^ . "Human"@en . . "Null*"@en . "-"@en . "Sapient"@en . . "The Astaroth Clan is one of the remaining 34 Devil clans of the 72 Pillars and holds the rank of Duke."@en . "17"^^ . . . "Volt"@en . . "Non-specific"@en . "29"^^ . . . "Demon"@en . "70"^^ . "25"^^ . "-"@en . "8.0"^^ . "Orb of Fear"@en . "81"^^ . "All Magic"@en . "She also played a major role in the early development of other ancient cultures such as the Phoenicians, Babylonians, Canaanites, and Egyptians. In each culture she played a slightly different role, but was always a powerful mother figure. She played the role of caretaker to humanity in them all. Her guidance was sought out by both gods and humans alike and she was arguably the most worshiped deity of her time. Goetia description says:"@en . . "40"^^ . "634"^^ . "Astaroth is a character from the Namco Bandai's Soul Calibur games. He was first released in the SC01 Starter decks of Soul Calibur III. He made a reappearance in the Soul Calibur IV: Tower of Souls expansion."@en . . "632"^^ . . "633"^^ . . "None"@en . "Diodora Astaroth"@en . . "1960"^^ . . "--02-08"^^ . . "Astaroth"@en . "0"^^ . "62"^^ . "240"^^ . . "63"^^ . "N/A"@en . "56"^^ . "38"^^ . "57"^^ . "39"^^ . "Sleepywood"@en . "2250"^^ . . . "Goalkeeper"@en . . "-"@en . "Love is dead"@en . . "25"^^ . "1840"^^ . "Pyrolok\nHex Comadeus\nPyroblast\nMagic Drain\nTNT Flare\nDeath Breath"@en . "Head Ninja"@en . . "235"^^ . "Light Up, Inspect"@en . . "Astaroth ~ Battle with The Fallen Angel is the battle theme that is played when fighting Astaroth and Neo-Astaroth. Select sections of the music are also played in cutscenes that precede both the fights. It's corresponding insanity track is \"Crack Your Mind ~ The Fallen Angel Runs Wild\"."@en . "99"^^ . . . "Evil"@en . "Fire"@en . "4h"@fr . "Astaroth is a character from Soul Caliber, anther Namco game. Astaroth appears in Pac-Man Fever."@en . "-"@en . "Bufula\nMabufu\nMabufula"@en . "N?"@fr . . "Astaroth"@en . . "50"^^ . "807"^^ . "Marin Karin\nWind Cutter\nThunderbolt\nWinged Fury"@en . "250"^^ . "Deathbound\nPoison Mist\nCleave\nMazionga\nMarin Karin"@en . . "Astaroth (\u30A2\u30B9\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Asutarosu) is the goalkeeper for Makai Gundan Z and Dark Angel."@en . . "20"^^ . . "Mitedyne\nFire Break\nPoison Scratch\nGuillotine Blade\nMudoon\nHapilma"@en . "-"@en . "Sea of Flames"@en . "108"^^ . "The instant your love disappears..."@en . . "99"^^ . "0"^^ . "Maziodyne\nMarin Karin\nDeathbound\nPoison Gas Breath\nCleave"@en . . . "-"@en . "Dark-Chaos"@en . "Astaroth is monster #102 of the Super Scary figures. In the Series 4 rerelease, it was renamed Mutant Spider."@en . . "Ashtarte"@en . "124"^^ . "No"@en . . "Normal"@en . "2912"^^ . . . . . "Aidion Neckria"@fr . "Gaboatto\nEtna\nEnergy Drain"@en . . . "Did you know?"@en . "Chaos"@en . .