"This page presents a list of notable songs featuring VOCALOID Tonio. The songs are sorted by upload date based on the view counts of their original broadcasts on Niconico, YouTube, bilibili, and other media hosts. Unless under special circumstances, reprint view counts are ineligible. Additionally, these songs feature Tonio alone as the singer, not with a duet partner or as part of a group. For song articles, see (category). Notice How to search for original songs It is common for producers to title their work with keywords such as \"Original\" or \"Cover\". __TOC__"@en . "Once_before_the_fall_icon.png"@en . "Andromeca"@en . . "Solowing"@en . "ld5fMgnk0hU"@en . . . "short ver."@en . "Un beso y una flor"@en . "TheCreepyPie"@en . . "Funikuri Funikura"@en . "hdhcP2mpNG8"@en . "Leo-P"@en . . "LgkdghXRaRk"@en . "\u30D5\u30CB\u30AF\u30EA\u30FB\u30D5\u30CB\u30AF\u30E9"@en . . "Thriller"@en . "Liar"@en . "shu-tP"@en . "Stars_tonio_icon.png"@en . ","@en . . "KarinHiiragiMothra-P"@en . "y5fQ7OFpvHU"@en . . "\u30AC\u30C3\u30C1\u30E3\u30DE\u30F3\u306E\u6B4C.JPG"@en . "jcZplkhbrtg"@en . "vp-ZIiHYGhE"@en . "JfZ115TTfSc"@en . "sm13639321"@en . "Una furtiva lagrima"@en . "sm15666874"@en . "Funikuri_Funikura.png"@en . "This page presents a list of notable songs featuring VOCALOID Tonio. The songs are sorted by upload date based on the view counts of their original broadcasts on Niconico, YouTube, bilibili, and other media hosts. Unless under special circumstances, reprint view counts are ineligible. Additionally, these songs feature Tonio alone as the singer, not with a duet partner or as part of a group. For song articles, see (category). Notice To our readers and editors: For section notes, please read this tutorial. And before adding translated videos, please read this tutorial. Don't forget to \"Preview\" an edit and double-check the result after you have inserted the template. Be sure to check the video link fields, as video links have a greater possibility of being dead or wrongly entered. How to search for original songs It is common for producers to title their work with keywords such as \"Original\" or \"Cover\". \n* English - Original song : Cover song \n* Spanish - Canci\u00F3n original : Cover espa\u00F1ol \n* Japanese - \u30AA\u30EA\u30B8\u30CA\u30EB\u66F2 : \u30AB\u30D0\u30FC\u66F2 \n* Chinese - \u539F\u521B\u6B4C\u66F2 : \u7FFB\u5531\u6B4C\u66F2 \n* Korean - \uC6D0\uB798\uB178\uB798 : \uCEE4\uBC84 \uACE1 __TOC__"@en . . . "MsConstantine"@en . "Treasure"@en . . . "reprint"@en . "Tonio_default.png"@en . "Andromeca"@en . "Liar_tonio.png"@en . "shu-tP"@en . "MagnumAgunimon , HaruVampire , sango312"@en . . "tama_3"@en . "Songs featuring Tonio"@en . "Once Before the Fall"@en . "Yesterday"@en . "Gatchaman no Uta"@en . . "Solowing Tonio.JPG"@en . "full ver."@en . "HRpqVlaEME0"@en . "Thriller Tonio.JPG"@en . "sm11446607"@en . "\u30AC\u30C3\u30C1\u30E3\u30DE\u30F3\u306E\u6B4C"@en . "TheCreepyPie , HowlTheWolf"@en . "Koya Matsuo"@en . "jQ_9Oz0pPJY"@en . "Giuseppe"@en . "9"^^ . "Fly Me to the Moon"@en . "Criminal_tonio.png"@en . "p-6CNDT1a4c"@en . "sm11785351"@en . "-Hd_hDoWgdY"@en . "STARS"@en . . "16"^^ . "TheCreepyPie"@en . "Criminal"@en . "sm11578328"@en . "dncbwwr4-JU"@en . "Treasure_icon_tonio.png"@en . "Giuseppe"@en .