. . . . . . . . "Caballeros Reales"@es . . . . . "Data"@en . . . . . . . "Gankoomon is a Holy Knight Digimon. It acceded to the \"Royal Knights\" because it is a Holy Knight Digimon. Although it is said to have taken up residence in the southwest edges of the Digital World, it rarely stays in the same place, so it journeys across the Digital World while going around and putting a stop to unusual phenomena and signs of chaos, taking along the next-generation Hackmon as its companion; Gankoomon had encountered Hackmon and seen in it the makings of the thirteenth Royal Knight, deciding to temper the Rookie Digimon with frequent, rigorous trials. Unlike the other Royal Knights who rarely show their faces, it actually steps down and acts, it is admired by many Digimon and there are many Digimon it counts as bosom friends. For example, a long time ago, it saved the Sist"@en . "Gankoomon"@de . "Mega"@de . "\u30AC\u30F3\u30AF\u30A5\u30E2\u30F3"@en . . . . "Gankoomon.jpg"@de . "Caballero Sagrado"@es . . . "Cazadores de Virus"@es . . . "Datei"@de . . . . "Gankoomon is a Holy Knight Digimon. It acceded to the \"Royal Knights\" because it is a Holy Knight Digimon. Although it is said to have taken up residence in the southwest edges of the Digital World, it rarely stays in the same place, so it journeys across the Digital World while going around and putting a stop to unusual phenomena and signs of chaos, taking along the next-generation Hackmon as its companion; Gankoomon had encountered Hackmon and seen in it the makings of the thirteenth Royal Knight, deciding to temper the Rookie Digimon with frequent, rigorous trials. Unlike the other Royal Knights who rarely show their faces, it actually steps down and acts, it is admired by many Digimon and there are many Digimon it counts as bosom friends. For example, a long time ago, it saved the Sistermon sisters just as they were going to collapse from exhaustion from being out on the streets. In order to pass on its own title as a Royal Knight to Hackmon, it assigns it rigorous trials, and entrusts Hackmon's training to the Sistermon sisters who are accompanying it on the journey; in order to repay Gankoomon for saving them, Sistermon Blanc puts all of its effort into being a chaperone for Hackmon. Due to its stubborn personality, its frequently stern visage and dealing with Hackmon in a severe manner is a cruel sort of kindness of wanting it to keep up with the other Royal Knights and become independent. \n* Tekken Seisai (\u9244\u62F3\u5236\u88C1 Tekken Seisai? lit. \"Striking With Fists\"): Strikes with all its strength at anyone and everyone who talks back to it. \n* Quake! Blast! Fire! Father! (\u5730\u795E\uFF01\u795E\u9CF4\uFF01\u795E\u99B3\uFF01\u89AA\u7236\uFF01 Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!?, lit. \"Earthquake! Lightning! Fire! Father!\"): Hinukamuy looses heaven's punishment at Gankoomon's harsh words. \n* Table Flip (\u3061\u3083\u3076\u53F0\u8FD4\u3057 Chabudai Gaeshi?, lit. \"Flipping Table In Anger\"): Flips the ground as if it was a chabudai made of Chrome Digizoid, with the flipped ground becoming as hard as Chrome Digizoid. __TOC__"@en . "Royal Knights"@en . . . . . . . . "Gankoomon sind recht m\u00E4chtige Heilige Kriegerdigimon von heldenhafter Erscheinung, welche durch ihr Auftreten immer recht cool und gelassen wirken. Man sagt zwar, dass sie in den s\u00FCdwestlichen Regionen der Digiwelt beheimatet sind, doch sind sie immer auf Reisen und bleiben nur \u00E4u\u00DFerst ungern l\u00E4ngere Zeit am gleichen Ort. W\u00E4hrend ihrer Reisen besch\u00E4ftigen sie sich immer mit ungew\u00F6hnlichen Ph\u00E4nomenen und Zeichen, die auf Bedrohungen hinweisen und werden dabei au\u00DFerdem von einem Wesen namens Hinukamuy begleitet. Trotz ihres hohen Ranges und ihrer St\u00E4rke, haben sie keinerlei Probleme, auch mit deutlich schw\u00E4cheren Digimon einen respektvollen Umgang zu pflegen, weswegen sie rundum beliebt sind. Sollten sie Untergebene als Sch\u00FCler einem Training unterweisen, so zeigen sich Gankoomon als recht s"@de . . . . . "Datos"@es . "Gankoomon sind recht m\u00E4chtige Heilige Kriegerdigimon von heldenhafter Erscheinung, welche durch ihr Auftreten immer recht cool und gelassen wirken. Man sagt zwar, dass sie in den s\u00FCdwestlichen Regionen der Digiwelt beheimatet sind, doch sind sie immer auf Reisen und bleiben nur \u00E4u\u00DFerst ungern l\u00E4ngere Zeit am gleichen Ort. W\u00E4hrend ihrer Reisen besch\u00E4ftigen sie sich immer mit ungew\u00F6hnlichen Ph\u00E4nomenen und Zeichen, die auf Bedrohungen hinweisen und werden dabei au\u00DFerdem von einem Wesen namens Hinukamuy begleitet. Trotz ihres hohen Ranges und ihrer St\u00E4rke, haben sie keinerlei Probleme, auch mit deutlich schw\u00E4cheren Digimon einen respektvollen Umgang zu pflegen, weswegen sie rundum beliebt sind. Sollten sie Untergebene als Sch\u00FCler einem Training unterweisen, so zeigen sich Gankoomon als recht strenge Lehrmeister, die viel Wert auf Disziplin legen. Einer ihrer bekanntesten Sch\u00FCler ist Hackmon. Zudem hassen sie es, gebunden zu sein und betonen daher immer ihre Unabh\u00E4ngigkeit."@de . . . "Mega"@en . . "Digimon Reference Book"@en . "Virus Busters"@en . "\u30AC\u30F3\u30AF\u30A5\u30E2\u30F3"@es . "A Digimon who acceded to the \"Royal Knights\" because it is a Holy Knight Digimon. Although it is said to have taken up residence in the southwest edges of the Digital World, it rarely stays in the same place, so it journeys across the Digital World while going around and putting a stop to unusual phenomena and signs of chaos, taking along the next-generation Huckmon as its companion. Unlike the other Royal Knights who rarely show their faces, it actually steps down and acts, and there are many Digimon it counts as bosom friends. In order to pass on its own title as a Royal Knight to Huckmon, it assigns it rigorous trials, and entrusts Huckmon's training to the Sistermon sisters on the way. Due to its stubborn personality, its dealing with Huckmon in a severe manner is a cruel sort of kindness of wanting it to keep up with the other Royal Knights and become independent. \"Hinukamuy\", who is emerging from its body, is always there for Gankoomon, and although no words escape its lips, it gets involved without wasting its breath arguing. Its Special Moves are striking with all its strength at anyone and everyone who talks back to it (Tekken Seisai), and \"Hinukamuy\" loosing heaven's punishment at Gankoomon's harsh words, \"Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!\" Furthermore, its \"Chabudai Gaeshi\" flips the ground as if it was a chabudai made of Chrome Digizoid, and the ground being treated like a chabudai becomes as hard as if it was made of Chrome Digizoid. \"Hinukamuy\" is itself in the process of evolving from an Adult, and it is said that when its power awakens, there couldn't exist any kind of Digimon to be recognized as a rival."@en . "Tetsu Inada"@en . "Gankoomon"@en . . . . "Gankoomon"@de . . "Definitivo"@es . . . . . "A Digimon who acceded to the \"Royal Knights\" because it is a Holy Knight Digimon. Although it is said to have taken up residence in the southwest edges of the Digital World, it rarely stays in the same place, so it journeys across the Digital World while going around and putting a stop to unusual phenomena and signs of chaos, taking along the next-generation Huckmon as its companion. Unlike the other Royal Knights who rarely show their faces, it actually steps down and acts, and there are many Digimon it counts as bosom friends. In order to pass on its own title as a Royal Knight to Huckmon, it assigns it rigorous trials, and entrusts Huckmon's training to the Sistermon sisters on the way. Due to its stubborn personality, its dealing with Huckmon in a severe manner is a cruel sort of kindn"@en . "Gankoomon"@en . "Gankoomon"@es . "Holy Knight"@en . ""@en . . . "Gankoomon"@es . . "Tekken Seisai"@de . "Chabudai Gaeshi"@de . ""@en .