. . "Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. Phenylalanine is a precursor of L-tyrosine and together they lead to the formation of adrenaline which is converted into a brain chemical which transmits nerve impulses and is used to manufacture noradrenaline which in turn promotes mental alertness, memory, elevates mood and suppresses the appetite."@en . . "In the Foldit Lua interface, the functions structure.GetAminoAcid and structure.SetAminoAcid use lowercase \"f\" for phenylalanine. For more, see Phenylalanine on wikipedia."@en . . . "Phenylalanine"@en . . "In the Foldit Lua interface, the functions structure.GetAminoAcid and structure.SetAminoAcid use lowercase \"f\" for phenylalanine. For more, see Phenylalanine on wikipedia."@en . . "Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. Phenylalanine is a precursor of L-tyrosine and together they lead to the formation of adrenaline which is converted into a brain chemical which transmits nerve impulses and is used to manufacture noradrenaline which in turn promotes mental alertness, memory, elevates mood and suppresses the appetite."@en . . . .