. . "Kubus Oak was a Bajoran male and the Minister from Qui'al. In 2318, his family had dealt with the Cardassians numerous times and Oak was a large proponent of greater contact and interaction with them. He convinced Jas Holza that this was the correct course of action and used Jas to forward his agenda."@en . "Secretaris Kubus Oak was een Bajoran lid van de Cardassian bezettingsoverheid tijdens de Cardassian bezetting. Na het einde van de bezetting in 2369 vertrok Kubus met de Cardassians en zou op Cardassia prime gaan wonen. In 2370 keerde Kubus weer terug naar de Bajoran ruimte om zijn laatste dagen op Bajor te slijten. Nadat zijn transport aanmeerde bij ruimtestation Deep Space 9 werd hij gearresteerd door hoofdbeveiliging Odo. Zijn arrestatie was legaal door het feit dat zijn naam vierde was op de lijst van de Ilvian afkondiging."@nl . "Kubus Oak"@en . . . . "baj"@en . . "2370"^^ . . . . . . "Secretary Kubus Oak in 2370"@en . "Secretaris Kubus Oak was een Bajoran lid van de Cardassian bezettingsoverheid tijdens de Cardassian bezetting. Na het einde van de bezetting in 2369 vertrok Kubus met de Cardassians en zou op Cardassia prime gaan wonen. In 2370 keerde Kubus weer terug naar de Bajoran ruimte om zijn laatste dagen op Bajor te slijten. Nadat zijn transport aanmeerde bij ruimtestation Deep Space 9 werd hij gearresteerd door hoofdbeveiliging Odo. Zijn arrestatie was legaal door het feit dat zijn naam vierde was op de lijst van de Ilvian afkondiging. Kubus zou later vedek Winn Adami bestoken met loshangend bewijsmateriaal, waarbij hij de schuld van het Kendravallei bloedbad volledig bij vedek Bareil legde en niet bij Prylar Bek. Winn zorgde ervoor dat Kubus op Bajor kon blijven, zodat hij tegen Bareil zou kunnen getuigen. (DS9: \"The Collaborator\")"@nl . . . . "Kubus Oak was a Bajoran official during the Occupation of Bajor, serving as Secretary of the Bajoran Occupational Government and liaison to the Cardassian Union. His duties included signing off on Cardassian orders for new Bajoran mine laborers. Though the orders were effectively death sentences, Kubus never once refused to authorize them. He rationalized his actions with the belief that the Occupation would have been far worse without him and others in the Occupational Government. When the Occupation ended in 2369, Kubus left with the Cardassians and retired on Cardassia Prime. In absentia, he and other Bajoran collaborators were exiled from Bajor by the Ilvian Proclamation, on which Kubus's name was listed fourth. In 2370, Kubus arrived at Deep Space 9, hoping to spend his remaining days on Bajor. He was quickly recognized and arrested by Chief of Security Odo. After Major Kira Nerys denied his request to return to Bajor, he contacted Vedek Winn Adami and gave her circumstantial evidence that Vedek Bareil Antos, not Prylar Bek, was the traitor responsible for the Kendra Valley Massacre. Wanting to use the information against Bareil in the upcoming election for kai, Winn granted Kubus sanctuary on Bajor. (DS9: \"The Collaborator\")"@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Kubus Oak \u00E9tait un secr\u00E9taire Bajoran au sein du gouvernement d'Occupation Cardassien pendant l'Occupation de Bajor. Lorsque l'Occupation s'acheva en 2369, Kubus s'\u00E9chappa avec les Cardassiens et s'installa sur Cardassia Prime. En 2370, Kubus retourna dans l'espace bajoran pour finir ses jours sur Bajor. Apr\u00E8s que son transport ait accost\u00E9 sur Deep Space 9, il fut arr\u00EAt\u00E9 par le chef de la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 Odo, qui l'a identifi\u00E9. Son arrestation fut justifi\u00E9e par la Proclamation ilvienne, dans laquelle son nom figurait en quatri\u00E8me position sur la liste. Kubus pr\u00E9senta alors au Vedek Winn Adami, une preuve indirecte indiquant que Vedek Bareil \u00E9tait un tra\u00EEtre, responsable du massacre de la vall\u00E9e de Kendra, et non le Prylar Bek. Winn accorda un sanctuaire sur Bajor \u00E0 Kubus, afin de pouvoir utiliser son t\u00E9moignage contre Bareil. (DS9: \"The Collaborator\")"@fr . "Secretary for Planetary Affairs in the Bajoran Cooperative Government"@en . "Kubus Oak"@de . . "Kubus Oak was a Bajoran official during the Occupation of Bajor, serving as Secretary of the Bajoran Occupational Government and liaison to the Cardassian Union. His duties included signing off on Cardassian orders for new Bajoran mine laborers. Though the orders were effectively death sentences, Kubus never once refused to authorize them. He rationalized his actions with the belief that the Occupation would have been far worse without him and others in the Occupational Government."@en . "Kubus Oak"@nl . . "thumb|Kubus Oak (2370) Kubus Oak ist w\u00E4hrend der Besetzung von Bajor Sekret\u00E4r der Besatzungsregierung von Bajor. Die Mitglieder dieser Regierung gelten bei den Bajoranern als Kollaborateure, laut der ilvianischen Proklamation m\u00FCssen alle Bajoraner, die an der Besatzung beteiligt sind, ins Exil gehen. Kubus Name steht auf Platz 4 dieser Liste. Oak lebt lange Jahre auf Cardassia Prime. Als er 2370 nach Deep Space 9 kommt, wird er von Odo als Kollaborateur festgenommen. Sein Wunsch, nach Bajor zur\u00FCckkehren zu d\u00FCrfen, wird ihm von Major Kira Nerys unter Berufung auf die Ilvianische Proklamation verwehrt. Vedek Winn Adami gew\u00E4hrt ihm jedoch Asyl, daf\u00FCr, dass er ihr den wahren Verantwortlichen f\u00FCr das Kendra-Valley-Massaker nennt, seiner Meinung nach handelt es sich dabei um Vedek Bareil Antos. (DS9: ) Kubus Oak wurde von Bert Remsen gespielt und von Jochen Schr\u00F6der synchronisiert."@de . . . "Kubus Oak \u00E9tait un secr\u00E9taire Bajoran au sein du gouvernement d'Occupation Cardassien pendant l'Occupation de Bajor. Lorsque l'Occupation s'acheva en 2369, Kubus s'\u00E9chappa avec les Cardassiens et s'installa sur Cardassia Prime. En 2370, Kubus retourna dans l'espace bajoran pour finir ses jours sur Bajor. Apr\u00E8s que son transport ait accost\u00E9 sur Deep Space 9, il fut arr\u00EAt\u00E9 par le chef de la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 Odo, qui l'a identifi\u00E9. Son arrestation fut justifi\u00E9e par la Proclamation ilvienne, dans laquelle son nom figurait en quatri\u00E8me position sur la liste."@fr . "Kubus Oak"@en . "Kubus Oak"@en . "Minister of Qui'al"@en . . "thumb|Kubus Oak (2370) Kubus Oak ist w\u00E4hrend der Besetzung von Bajor Sekret\u00E4r der Besatzungsregierung von Bajor. Die Mitglieder dieser Regierung gelten bei den Bajoranern als Kollaborateure, laut der ilvianischen Proklamation m\u00FCssen alle Bajoraner, die an der Besatzung beteiligt sind, ins Exil gehen. Kubus Name steht auf Platz 4 dieser Liste. Vedek Winn Adami gew\u00E4hrt ihm jedoch Asyl, daf\u00FCr, dass er ihr den wahren Verantwortlichen f\u00FCr das Kendra-Valley-Massaker nennt, seiner Meinung nach handelt es sich dabei um Vedek Bareil Antos. (DS9: )"@de . . "Kubus Oak"@fr . "Kubus Oak was a Bajoran male and the Minister from Qui'al. In 2318, his family had dealt with the Cardassians numerous times and Oak was a large proponent of greater contact and interaction with them. He convinced Jas Holza that this was the correct course of action and used Jas to forward his agenda. In 2323, Kubus was still forwarding his agenda and had largely discarded Jas, instead directly arguing for expansion of the Cardassian role himself in the Chamber of Ministers. He also advocated sending a reprisal fleet against the Tzenkethi who were believed to have carried out the bombing of Cemba Station. This fleet was destroyed and Bajor was then attacked, so Kubus argued for the establishment of a Cardassian naval base in the Bajor system and was successful. In 2328, Kubus supported the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and had relations with Rhan Ico, an agent of the Obsidian Order. Shortly after the occupation began, Kubus was sworn in as the Secretary for Planetary Affairs. He served in that position for the entirety of the Occupation. (TLE - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers) In 2370, after the Occupation had ended and Kubus was sent into exile by the Bajoran Provisional Government, he returned to Bajor and was immediately arrested aboard Deep Space 9 by Constable Odo. This arrest was authorized by the Ilvian Proclamation, which declared that any member of the Bajoran Cooperative Government should be arrested. Kubus was only saved when Winn Adami granted him sanctuary on Bajor because he had circumstantial evidence that implicated Bareil Antos in the Kendra Valley Massacre. (DS9 episode: \"The Collaborator\")"@en . . . . "Active"@en . "no"@en . "Kubus Oak"@en . . . . "of the Bajoran Occupational Government"@en .