. "Hector Chang (Image Comics)"@en . . "Tier: At least 7-C, possibly 5-B | 5-B | 5-A Name: Hector Chang Origin: Image Comics Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human mutate Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telescopic Vision, Microscopic Vision, X-Ray Vision, Laser Vision, Invulnerability, Resistance to many different types of attacks Attack Potency: At least Town level (Defeated Quake, a superhuman capable to create earthquakes), possibly Planet level (A rookie Supervision took out Synergy his Vision Power is superior to Synergy) | Likely Planet level (Inherited his father's strength) | Large Planet level (Easily killed three Dominex-level beings) Speed: Superhuman | Massively Hypersonic+ to FTL+ reactions (Comparable to Scrap) | At least Massively FTL (Easily blitzed three Dominex-level beings) Lifting Strength: Peak Human | At least Class 100+ (His sister, Bridget Flynn AKA Scrap, had similar strength, as she easily lifted a tank over her head and threw it the length of a city block, he lift a small building size robot) potentially Planet level (His father easily dominated a damaged but conscious Dominex, a being capable of defeating Supreme with one punch.) | At least Class Y (Superior to three Dominex-level beings) Striking Strength: Street Class | At least Planet Class (Slighly inferior to Scrap and Synergy) | Large Planet Class (Superior to three Dominex-level beings) Durability: Superhuman | At least Planet level (can survive a serious punch from a Dominex-level being) | Large Planet level (Superior to three Dominex-level beings) Stamina: High | Extremely high (Can fight during three hours against three Dominex-level beings) | Extremely High (Superior to three Dominex-level beings) Range: Several dozen meters likely high | Standard Melee Range | Planetary Standard Equipment: Nothing notable Intelligence: Quite High Weaknesses: Invulnerability is somewhat dependent on concentration."@en . . . . . "Tier: At least 7-C, possibly 5-B | 5-B | 5-A Name: Hector Chang Origin: Image Comics Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Human mutate Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telescopic Vision, Microscopic Vision, X-Ray Vision, Laser Vision, Invulnerability, Resistance to many different types of attacks Speed: Superhuman | Massively Hypersonic+ to FTL+ reactions (Comparable to Scrap) | At least Massively FTL (Easily blitzed three Dominex-level beings) Range: Several dozen meters likely high | Standard Melee Range | Planetary Standard Equipment: Nothing notable"@en . . . . .