"Claire awakens to find Christian holding Aaron."@en . . . . "Claire, Hurley and Boone lead the memorial service for the casualties of 815."@en . . "Clairethomas.jpg"@en . "1982-10-27"^^ . . "Claire meets her father for the first time."@en . . . . "Father - Christian Shephard"@en . . "Claire Littleton"@zh . . . "Claire Littleton urodzi\u0142a si\u0119 w Australii w 1982r. Wychowywana przez samotn\u0105 matk\u0119, kt\u00F3ra zasz\u0142a w ci\u0105\u017C\u0119 z Christianem Shephardem w wyniku romansu. Christian odwiedza\u0142 Claire kiedy by\u0142a ma\u0142ym dzieckiem, ale w pewnym momencie przesta\u0142, poniewa\u017C ciotka Claire Lindsey nienawidzi\u0142a go. [[Grafika:3X12 ClaireHospital.jpg |left|thumb|400x216 pixels|Claire idzie do mamy w szpitalu (\u201EPar Avion\u201D)]] Claire odwiedzi\u0142a swoj\u0105 matk\u0119 w szpitalu gdy by\u0142a w ci\u0105\u017Cy. Powiedzia\u0142a jej, \u017Ce odda dziecko do adopcji. W pewnej chwili p\u0142acze nad \u0142\u00F3\u017Ckiem matki przepraszaj\u0105c za to co jej zrobi\u0142a. (\u201EPar Avion\u201D)"@pl . "Carole Littleton - Matka"@pl . . . . . . . . "Sawyer saves Claire at the Barracks."@en . "Ray Shephard - Av\u00F4 Paterno"@pt . . "3560770802"^^ . "Claire and Aaron baptized by Eko."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Christian Shephard - Vader"@nl . . . "Images of Claire Littleton"@zh . "Claire Littleton awakens to find Aaron Littleton isn't beside her. She looks across the campfire to see Christian Shephard holding him. Claire recognizes him and exclaims; \"Dad?\". Went Christian says he needs Claire.Claire said why.Christian says that they need to move the island.Claire asked for anything. Christian response that he is waiting for guests. Claire stood up and then says that it will go. And Christian says that she must leave Aaron.Claire asked why .Christian does not answer and begin to go into the jungle.Claire takes Aaron. And starts to go into the jungle. (I Was Dead)"@en . "Charlie Pace - Soul-mate"@en . . . "Claire Littleton"@zh . . . . . . . "Claire Littleton is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."@da . . . "fr\u00FCher Piercerin"@de . "Kate and Claire enter the Staff station."@en . "Carole Littleton - Mother"@en . . . . "'''Charlie Pace - partner"@pl . . . . . . . . "Claire in Aaron's room in Kate's dream"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Kobieta"@pl . "3"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "Lindsey Littleton - Ciocia"@pl . "6"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "Claire Littleton is one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, a single mother who gave birth on the Island. Claire flew to Los Angeles at the coaxing of a psychic to give up her unborn child for adoption. She crashed on to the Island, where she began an inconsistent relationship with fellow survivor Charlie Pace. One of the Others kidnapped her, and she suffered amnesia after escape. She later gave birth to her son, Aaron Littleton, and did her best to take care of him despite being a reluctant mother."@en . "Normal_LOST_Y4_073_019.jpg"@en . "5"^^ . "Claire Littleton"@de . . . . "'''Aaron Littleton - Syn"@pl . "N.v.t."@nl . "Tattoo and Piercing Artist"@en . "Claire Littleton"@pl . . "Claire learns the truth about Aaron."@en . "right"@en . . . . "Emilie de Ravin"@pt . . "Claire Littleton was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after a long ordeal with a psychic convinced her to put her baby up for adoption to a couple in Los Angeles. Claire was formerly employed as a tattoo and piercing artist, and later by a fast food restaurant. She was previously dating an artist named Thomas, and the two conceived a child together."@en . . . "Mother - Carole Littleton"@en . . . "Damnpens.jpg"@en . "Seitw\u00E4rtsblenden"@de . . "Ray Shephard - Grand-p\u00E8re paternel"@fr . . . . . . . "Claire Littleton"@it . "True"@zh . . "Gar\u00E7onete, Fish & Fry"@pt . "Character appearances#Claire LittletonS6"@en . "Gastronomie"@de . "Lindsey Littleton, t\u00EDa"@es . . . . . . . . "Naomi informs Claire that Charlie saved them all."@en . . "Claire Littleton"@de . . "Karine Foviau"@fr . . "Emilie de Ravin"@nl . "Emilie de Ravin"@it . . . . . "Claire tortures Justin."@en . "Werkend in restaurant"@nl . . . "Aaron Littleton, hijo"@es . . "Claire discovers Charlie's Virgin Mary statue."@en . . . . "Jack Shephard - Half-broer"@nl . . . "Voormalig bodypiercer"@nl . . "27"^^ . . "Funeral1x04.jpg"@en . . "Bernard pushed Claire out of the way the falling hatch door."@en . "71"^^ . "Claire at the tattoo parlor"@en . . . "Claire Littleton"@it . . "72"^^ . . . . . . "Littleton"@pl . . "Christian Shephard - Genitore"@it . . "Claire Littleton is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."@da . . "Dr. Goodspeed gives Claire an ultrasound."@en . "Carole Littleton - Moeder"@nl . . . . "Claire's taxi is hijacked by ."@en . "Claire Littleton"@es . "Jack Shephard - Half-Brother"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "...to give away her baby for adoption."@en . . "Emilie de Ravin"@fr . "Thomas, exnovio"@es . . "\u7D0B\u8EAB\u85DD\u8853\u8005"@zh . "Tattoo artist"@en . . . . . . "Claire collapses in Charlie's arms."@en . . "Claire reappears after three years."@en . "Clairecharlieandaaronreunited.jpg"@en . . "Claire Littleton urodzi\u0142a si\u0119 w Australii w 1982r. Wychowywana przez samotn\u0105 matk\u0119, kt\u00F3ra zasz\u0142a w ci\u0105\u017C\u0119 z Christianem Shephardem w wyniku romansu. Christian odwiedza\u0142 Claire kiedy by\u0142a ma\u0142ym dzieckiem, ale w pewnym momencie przesta\u0142, poniewa\u017C ciotka Claire Lindsey nienawidzi\u0142a go. [[Grafika:Clairesdad.jpeg |left|thumb|400x216 pixels|Claire poznaje ojca. (\u201EPar Avion\u201D)]] Claire, kiedy by\u0142a nastolatk\u0105 ubiera\u0142a si\u0119 w stylu emo. Mia\u0142a sw\u00F3j salon, w kt\u00F3rym robi\u0142a tatua\u017Ce. Pewnego razu mia\u0142a wypadek samochodowy. Claire prowadzi\u0142a auto w kt\u00F3rym by\u0142a r\u00F3wnie\u017C jej mama. Claire wysz\u0142a z wypadku ca\u0142o, natomiast Carole Littleton by\u0142a w bardzo ci\u0119\u017Ckim stanie. Claire my\u015Bla\u0142a \u017Ce matka nie \u017Cyje. W szpitalu matka zapad\u0142a w \u015Bpi\u0105czk\u0119. Lekarz powiedzia\u0142 dziewczynie \u017Ce matka zapad\u0142a w \u015Bpi\u0105czk\u0119 i b\u0119dzie trzeba si\u0119 ni\u0105 opiekowa\u0107. Oznajmi\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C, \u017Ce kto\u015B wp\u0142aci\u0142 pieni\u0105dze za szpitaln\u0105 opiek\u0119. Okaza\u0142o si\u0119, \u017Ce to Christian. Wtedy Claire pozna\u0142a swojego ojca, ale kaza\u0142a mu wr\u00F3ci\u0107 do Stan\u00F3w. Powiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce nawet nie zna jego imienia. (\u201EPar Avion\u201D) Kilka lat p\u00F3\u017Aniej okazuje si\u0119 \u017Ce Claire jest w ci\u0105\u017Cy z Thomasem, jej ch\u0142opakiem. Claire panikuje, \u017Ce nie b\u0119dzie umia\u0142a wychowa\u0107 dziecka, ale Thomas j\u0105 uspokaja, \u017Ce on jej pomo\u017Ce, \u017Ce razem b\u0119d\u0105 wspania\u0142ymi rodzicami. Kiedy kilka miesi\u0119cy p\u00F3\u017Aniej widzimy ju\u017C du\u017Cy brzuszek Claire, Thomas oznajmia jej, \u017Ce jednak on nie da rady i z ni\u0105 zrywa. Claire wytyka mu \u017Ce tak jak on nie post\u0119puje \u017Caden doros\u0142y cz\u0142owiek. Przyjaci\u00F3\u0142ka Clare, Rachel zabiera j\u0105 do jasnowidza, t\u0142umacz\u0105c to faktem, i\u017C Claire wierzy w astrologi\u0119. Claire m\u00F3wi jasnowidzowi, \u017Ce chce odda\u0107 dziecko do adopcji. Jednak dowiaduje si\u0119, \u017Ce musi wychowa\u0107 dziecko sama, \u017Ce dziecko jest w niebezpiecze\u0144stwie. Claire my\u015Bl\u0105c, \u017Ce to bzdury wychodzi od Malkina. (\u201ERaised by Another\u201D) [[Grafika:3X12 ClaireHospital.jpg |left|thumb|400x216 pixels|Claire idzie do mamy w szpitalu (\u201EPar Avion\u201D)]] Claire odwiedzi\u0142a swoj\u0105 matk\u0119 w szpitalu gdy by\u0142a w ci\u0105\u017Cy. Powiedzia\u0142a jej, \u017Ce odda dziecko do adopcji. W pewnej chwili p\u0142acze nad \u0142\u00F3\u017Ckiem matki przepraszaj\u0105c za to co jej zrobi\u0142a. (\u201EPar Avion\u201D) Podczas soptkania z nowymi rodzicami dla dziecka, Claire m\u00F3wi im, \u017Ceby za\u015Bpiewali kiedy\u015B ma\u0142emu ko\u0142ysank\u0119 \"Z\u0142ap Spadaj\u0105c\u0105 Gwiazdk\u0119\". M\u00F3wi \u017Ce \u015Bpiewa\u0142 jej to tata na dobranoc. Gdy Claire pr\u00F3buje podpisa\u0107 dokument 2 d\u0142ugopisy nie chc\u0105 pisa\u0107. Tote\u017C nowa matka dziecka daje dziewczynie sw\u00F3j w\u0142asny d\u0142ugopis. Claire widzi, \u017Ce co\u015B nie jest tak i m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce zdecydowa\u0142a si\u0119 nie oddawa\u0107 dziecka i odchodzi. Claire powraca do jasnowidza i pyta co ma zrobi\u0107. Ten m\u00F3wi jej \u017Ce jest jedna para ludzi, kt\u00F3rzy mogliby zaopiekowa\u0107 si\u0119 dzidziusiem. Daje jej bilet lotniczy na lot i m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce to musi by\u0107 wy\u0142\u0105cznie ten lot. (\u201ERaised by Another\u201D) W samolocie widzimy jak Artz pomaga jej wsadzi\u0107 walizk\u0119 na p\u00F3\u0142k\u0119. (\u201EExodus: Part 2\u201D)"@pl . "Claire Littleton was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after a long ordeal with a psychic convinced her to put her baby up for adoption to a couple in Los Angeles. Claire was formerly employed as a tattoo and piercing artist, and later by a fast food restaurant. She was previously dating an artist named Thomas, and the two conceived a child together."@en . . "Claireaaron.jpg"@en . . "1"^^ . "Miejsce zamieszkania"@pl . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Claire Littleton \u00E8 una dei sopravvissuti della sezione di mezzo del Volo Oceanic 815. All'et\u00E0 di diciassette anni, Claire \u00E8 stata coinvolta in un incidente d'auto che ha mandato in coma sua madre per cinque anni. L'incidente ha fatto in modo che Claire incontrasse il suo padre biologico per la prima volta da quando se ne era andato. Claire rimane incinta, e in seguito al suggerimento di un sensitivo, decide di andare a Los Angeles per dare il bambino in adozione, salendo sul volo fatale. Durante il suo soggiorno sull'Isola, Claire si avvicina ad un altro superstite: Charlie Pace. In seguito viene rapita da uno degli Altri, Ethan Rom, drogata e sottoposta a dei test sulla sua gravidanza. Dopo esser scappata, Claire soffre di amnesia ma trova conforto in Charlie ed alla fine riesce a ricordare. Partorisce poi il bambino, Aaron Littleton, e cerca di prendersi cura di lui, pur essendo una madre riluttante. La sua relazione con Charlie cresce quando quest'ultimo riporta sano e salvo Aaron rapito da Danielle Rousseau, ma quando Claire scopre il passato di Charlie con la droga e si accorge del suo comportamento squilbrato, gli vieta di avvicinarsi a lei o a Aaron. Dopo, quando Aaron si ammala, Claire, preoccupata che si tratti di un effetto collaterale di ci\u00F2 che gli Altri le hanno fatto, si dirige al Caduceo per trovare una medicina. La stazione le fa tornare in mente i dettagli del suo rapimento. Col tempo perdona Charlie dopo aver saputo le visioni di Desmond sulla morte di quest'ultimo, e gli dice che non vuole rinunciare a lui. Quando Charlie si sacrifica per salvare gli altri sopravvissuti, Claire da retta al suo avvertimento sulle persone del Kahana, non essendo chi loro dicono di essere e si unisce al gruppo di Locke, durante la separazione dei sopravvissuti. Durante l'attacco di Keamy alle Baracche, la sua casa viene distrutta, ma stranamente Claire rimane illesa. Quando il Mostro attacca i mercenari, lei va nella giungla con Aaron, Sawyer e Miles. Lungo il tragitto per il campo, vede suo padre, lo segue e scompare, abbandonando Aaron. E' stata poi vista con \"Christian\" da Locke nella cascina di Jacob. Appare misteriosamente calma e non chiede notizie di Aaron. Riappare tre anni dopo, salvando Jin, che era stato attaccato dagli Altri. Secondo Dogen, \u00E8 \"infetta\" senza possibilit\u00E0 di cura. Cerca di uccidere Kate, ma viene fermata dall'Uomo in Nero, con il quale ha vissuto gli ultimi tre anni. Se ne allontana dopo la promessa di Kate di portarla a casa da Aaron, ma si riunisce a lui dopo l'affondamento del sottomarino di Widmore. Alla fine Claire scappa dall'isola sull'aereo Ajira, con Kate, Sawyer, Frank, Richard e Miles."@it . "Claire Littleton es una de las supervivientes de la secci\u00F3n central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Es hermana por parte de padre de Jack Shephard y madre de Aaron Littleton, quien naci\u00F3 en la Isla poco despu\u00E9s del accidente. Durante su estancia en la isla comenz\u00F3 una relaci\u00F3n con Charlie Pace. Tras la muerte de Charlie, Claire se uni\u00F3 al grupo de Locke. Dej\u00F3 el grupo de Locke con Aaron, Sawyer y Miles, y a continuaci\u00F3n sigui\u00F3 a su padre Christian a la selva, dejando a Aaron detr\u00E1s. Fue vista por Locke por \u00FAltima vez con Christian en la Caba\u00F1a de Jacob. Tras tres a\u00F1os desaparecida se reencontr\u00F3 con Jin. Se ha unido al bando del Hombre de Negro y asegura que su padre est\u00E1 vivo. Parece no recordar nada de lo que pas\u00F3 en la caba\u00F1a ni que abandon\u00F3 a su hijo en la selva. Finalmente descubre que Kate fue la que se llev\u00F3 a Aaron e intenta matarla. El Hombre de Negro la detiene justo a tiempo. Al final de la sexta temporada recapacita sobre lo que ha hecho y decide escapar de la isla, llegando a tiempo al avi\u00F3n junto a Sawyer y Kate."@es . . "4"^^ . "\u3010Claire Littleton\u3011\u5716\u7247\u9801\u9762"@zh . . "Claire Littleton"@it . . "Sarah Wagner - Ex-sister-in-law"@en . . . . . "Jack Shephard - Halbbruder"@de . "Claire Littleton"@pt . "Claire and Kate talk about motherhood."@en . "Claire Littleton awakens to find Aaron Littleton isn't beside her. She looks across the campfire to see Christian Shephard holding him. Claire recognizes him and exclaims; \"Dad?\". Went Christian says he needs Claire.Claire said why.Christian says that they need to move the island.Claire asked for anything. Christian response that he is waiting for guests. Claire stood up and then says that it will go. And Christian says that she must leave Aaron.Claire asked why .Christian does not answer and begin to go into the jungle.Claire takes Aaron. And starts to go into the jungle. (I Was Dead) When Claire was gone she spent her time in Jacob cabin and the jungle.(I Was Dead)"@en . . "Claire Littleton"@zh . "Claire Littleton"@zh . . . . . . . "\u5FEB\u9910\u5E97\u7684\u51FA\u7D0D\u54E1"@zh . "Desconocido"@es . . "Kate convinces Claire to leave the Island."@en . "Aaron Littleton - Zoon"@nl . . . "Claire Littleton"@fr . . . . . . "Claire Littleton"@de . . . "Sydney, Nova Gales do Sul, Austr\u00E1lia"@pt . "\u9752\u6625\u671F\u7684Claire\u603B\u662F\u5BF9\u5979\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u663E\u5F97\u5F88\u6297\u62D2\u53CD\u53DB\uFF0C\u54E5\u7279\u5F0F\u7684\u6253\u626E\uFF0C\u4EE5\u66FF\u4EBA\u7A7F\u5B54\u7EB9\u8EAB\u4E3A\u5DE5\u4F5C\u3002\u540E\u6765\uFF0CClaire\u5728\u548C\u6BCD\u4EB2\u4E89\u5435\u65F6\u53D1\u751F\u4E86\u8F66\u7978\uFF0C\u8F66\u5B50\u88AB\u4E00\u8F86\u5361\u8F66\u649E\u5F00\u8DEF\u9762\u5168\u6BC1\u3002 Claire\u53EA\u53D7\u4E86\u8F7B\u4F24(\u624B\u81C2\u9AA8\u6298\u3001\u773C\u90E8\u76AE\u80A4\u64E6\u4F24)\uFF0C\u800C\u5979\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u5374\u5927\u8111\u51FA\u8840\u5904\u4E8E\u660F\u8FF7\u72B6\u6001\u3002\u5979\u7684\u7236\u4EB2\u6765\u5230\u6FB3\u5927\u5229\u4E9A\u8BD5\u7740\u8BF4\u670D\u5979\u80FD\u591F\u8BA9\u5979\u6BCD\u4EB2\u6446\u8131\u56F0\u6270\uFF0C\u62D4\u6389\u547C\u5438\u673A\u3002Claire\u62D2\u7EDD\u8FD9\u4E48\u505A\uFF0C\u8981\u6C42\u4ED6\u79BB\u5F00\uFF0C\u8FDE\u4ED6\u7684\u540D\u5B57\u90FD\u4E0D\u60F3\u77E5\u9053\u3002(3x12) \u8FC7\u4E86\u4E00\u6BB5\u65F6\u95F4, Claire\u5728Fish & Fry restaurant\u996D\u5E97\u627E\u4E86\u4E00\u4EFD\u65F6\u85AA5\u7F8E\u5143\u7684\u5DE5\u4F5C\uFF0C\u8FC7\u7740\u8FD9\u79CD\u5E73\u6DE1\u65E0\u5473\u7684\u751F\u6D3B\u3002\u5979\u7684\u7537\u670B\u53CBThomas\u60F3\u8981\u4E2A\u5B69\u5B50\uFF0C\u5C3D\u7BA1Claire\u6709\u4E9B\u987E\u8651\u3002Thomas\u5BF9\u5979\u8BF4\u201C\u5B69\u5B50\u662F\u4E0A\u5E1D\u6700\u597D\u7684\u793C\u7269\u201D\uFF0C\u4F1A\u7ED9\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5E26\u6765\u5E0C\u671B\uFF0C\u4E5F\u6253\u6D88\u4E86\u5979\u7684\u987E\u8651\u3002Claire\u6000\u5B55\u4E86\u3002\u770B\u8D77\u6765\u751F\u6D3B\u4F3C\u4E4E\u5C31\u8981\u671D\u597D\u7684\u65B9\u5411\u8F6C\u53D8\u4E86\uFF0C\u4F46\u662F\u7EDD\u60C5\u7684Thomas\u53C8\u89C9\u5F97\u505A\u4E00\u4E2A\u5E74\u8F7B\u7684\u7236\u4EB2\u592A\u8270\u8F9B\u4E86\uFF0C\u4E8E\u662F\u629B\u5F03\u4E86Claire\u3002\u53EF\u601C\u7684Claire\u51B3\u5B9A\u751F\u4E0B\u5B9D\u5B9D\u540E\u628A\u4ED6\u4EA4\u7ED9\u522B\u4EBA\u629A\u517B\u3002 Claire\u5BF9\u5360\u661F\u672F\u611F\u5174\u8DA3\u3002\u5979\u7684\u670B\u53CBRachel\u8BA4\u4E3A\u8FD9\u80FD\u4F7F\u5979\u632F\u4F5C\uFF0C\u5E26\u5979\u53BB\u89C1\u4E86\u81EA\u79F0\u53EF\u4EE5\u901A\u7075\u7684Richard Malkin\u3002\u4F46\u662FClaire\u8FD8\u662F\u5F88\u4E0D\u8D70\u8FD0\u3002\u5F53Richard Malkin\u7ED9\u5979\u770B\u624B\u76F8\u540E\uFF0C\u8BF4\u4ED6\u770B\u89C1\u4E86\u201C\u5371\u96BE\u7B3C\u7F69\u7740\u5B69\u5B50\u201D\uFF0C\u575A\u5B9A\u7684\u529D\u8BF4Claire\u8981\u81EA\u5DF1\u629A\u517B\u5B83\u3002\u7136\u540EClaire\u5E76\u4E0D\u76F8\u4FE1\u8FD9\u4E00\u5957\uFF0C\u8BA9\u4ED6\u8D70\u5F00\u3002(1x10) \u63A5\u7740Claire\u53BB\u533B\u9662\u770B\u671B\u4E86\u5979\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u3002\u5979\u544A\u8BC9\u4ECD\u5904\u4E8E\u660F\u8FF7\u72B6\u6001\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u81EA\u5DF1\u6000\u5B55 \u4E86\u5E76\u4E14\u8981\u628A\u5A74\u513F\u4EA4\u7ED9\u9886\u517B\u673A\u6784\u3002\u6B64\u65F6\u6B64\u523B\u5979\u611F\u53D7\u5230\u5979\u6BCD\u4EB2\u7684\u4F1F\u5927\uFF0C\u53EA\u8EAB\u4E00\u4EBA\u5C06Claire\u629A\u517B\u5927\u3002\u5979\u5728\u6BCD\u4EB2\u9762\u524D\u54ED\u6CE3\u7740\uFF0C\u4E3A\u81EA\u5DF1\u66FE\u7ECF\u8BA8\u538C\u8FC7\u6BCD\u4EB2\u3001\u5728\u8F66\u4E0A\u5F53\u8F66\u7978\u964D\u4E34\u7684\u524D\u8BC5\u5492\u8FC7\u5979\u5E0C\u671B\u5979\u6B7B\u611F\u5230\u4E07\u5206\u6094\u6068\u3002(3x12) \u5728\u4E0E\u9886\u517B\u7236\u6BCDStewart\u592B\u5987\u89C1\u9762\u540E, Claire\u51C6\u5907\u7B7E\u5B57\u653E\u5F03\u5979\u5BF9\u5979\u672A\u51FA\u751F\u7684\u5B69\u5B50\u7684\u6743\u5229\u3002\u5979\u5E0C\u671BStewarts\u592B\u5987\u4EE5\u540E\u80FD\u5531\u7740\u8FD9\u53EACatch a Falling Star\"\u6447\u7BEE\u66F2\u54C4\u4ED6\u5165\u7761,\u8FD9\u66FE\u662F\u5979\u7684\u7236\u4EB2\u66FE\u5531\u7ED9\u5979\u7684\u3002\u4E5F\u8BB8\u662F\u67D0\u79CD\u5929\u610F\uFF0C\u6B63\u5F53Claire\u51C6\u5907\u7B7E\u5B57\u65F6\uFF0C\u5979\u4F7F\u7528\u7684\u4E24\u53EA\u7B14\u5199\u4E0D\u51FA\u5B57\u6765\u3002Claire\u60F3\u8D77\u4E86Malkin\u7684\u8B66\u544A\uFF0C\u5F00\u59CB\u6000\u7591\u653E\u5F03\u5B69\u5B50\u7684\u505A\u6CD5\u662F\u5426\u6B63\u786E\uFF0C\u4E8E\u662F\u5979\u6025\u7740\u79BB\u5F00\u4E86\u623F\u95F4\u3002 Claire\u53C8\u53BB\u627E\u4E86Richard Malkin\u3002\u4F46\u662F\u8FD9\u6B21\u7684\u7B54\u6848\u6709\u4E9B\u4E0D\u4E00\u6837\uFF0CRichard Malkin\u544A\u8BC9\u5979\u53EF\u4EE5\u5B89\u5168\u7684\u628A\u5B69\u5B50\u4EA4\u7ED9\u4E00\u5BF9\u751F\u6D3B\u5728\u6D1B\u6749\u77F6\u7684\u592B\u5987\uFF0C\u4ED6\u8BA4\u4E3A\u4ED6\u4EEC\"\u597D\u4EBA\"\uFF0C\u7136\u540E\u7ED9\u4E86Claire\u4E00\u5F20\u592A\u5E73\u6D0B815\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u673A\u7968\u3002Claire\u62B1\u7740\u8FD9\u79CD\u4FE1\u5FF5\u8E0F\u4E0A\u4E86\u53BB\u7F8E\u56FD\u4E86\u65C5\u7A0B\u3002 \u5728\u88AB\u5220\u9664\u6389\u7684\u955C\u5934\u4E2D\u53EF\u5F97\u77E5\uFF0CClaire\u5728\u767B\u673A\u524D\u540C\u822A\u73ED\u7684\u9A7E\u9A76\u5458\u6709\u8FC7\u4E00\u6B21\u5BF9\u8BDD\u3002\u673A\u957F\u8BD5\u56FE\u5B89\u6170\u60C5\u7EEA\u7D27\u5F20\u7684Claire\u5E76\u4E14\u5411\u5979\u4FDD\u8BC1\u4ED6\u4F1A\u5C3D\u529B\u8BA9\u8FD9\u6B21\u98DE\u884C\u201C\u76F8\u5F53\u8212\u9002\u201D\uFF0C\u4F46\u53CD\u8BBD\u7684\u662F\u8FD9\u67B6\u822A\u73ED\u6700\u7EC8\u5760\u6BC1\u3002 \u5979\u767B\u4E0A\u98DE\u673A\u540E, Arzt\u5E2E\u5979\u628A\u884C\u674E\u653E\u5230\u5934\u9876\u4E0A\u7684\u673A\u8231\u91CC. (1x24)"@zh . . . "Jack Shephard - Brat przyrodni"@pl . "Lindsey - Zia"@it . . "S\u00EDdney, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia"@es . . "Aaron Littleton - Figlio"@it . . . . "22"^^ . "1982"^^ . "22"^^ . . "Claire inside Jacob's cabin."@en . "Geboorteland"@nl . "Christian Shephard - P\u00E8re"@fr . . "Claire Littleton is the ownlee Austrayan who likes peanaht buttah. She's Jacko's harf-sistah, but she do'no 'bout 'im. She has a little fella, named \"Eren\", born on the eyeland aft' the prang. She was i' 'nother prang as well, when she was only seve'neen. Put her mum in a coma for five years, the poor sheila, which led her to findin' out 'bout her real dad, Chris Shephard. An'way, while she's been on the eyeland she got with that Charlie bloke, who cracked onto her while they were watchin' the bush telly. When he went troppo for a while she spat the dummy and told him to rack off, but they became mates again. Well, until he went up shit creek without a paddle and carked it. She was a bit cut up 'bout that. After believin' his \"Not Pen's Boat\" message was fair dinkum, she nicked off with Johnno Locke to the Barracks, until she went cockeyed and racked off leavin' her ankle biter behind. Since then, she's been gone for yonks."@en . . . "72"^^ . . . "'''"@pl . "Christian Shephard, padre"@es . . . . . . . "Claire, Charlie and Aaron after being reunited."@en . "Christian Shephard - Pai"@pt . "Carole Littleton - M\u00E8re"@fr . . . "Lindsey - Tante"@nl . "Lindsey Littleton - Aunt"@en . "Emilie de Ravin"@zh . "Claire Littleton"@nl . . . "Ethan injects Claire with the unknown vaccine at the Staff."@en . "Carole Littleton - Mutter"@de . . "Claire Littleton"@de . "exp"@fr . "--10-29"^^ . "Claire Littleton is een overlevende van de middensectie van Oceanic Flight 815. Ze is de halfzuster van Jack, maar alleen Jack weet dat. Ze is de moeder van Aaron, die kort na de crash geboren werd op het eiland. Op het eiland heeft ze een relatie met Charlie."@nl . "Ilana tells Claire she has been looking for her."@en . "Cashier, Fish & Fry"@en . . . . . "Claire witnesses Jack putting Sawyer's plan in motion."@en . . . . "Brother - Jack Shephard"@en . . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Claire Littleton \u00E8 una dei sopravvissuti della sezione di mezzo del Volo Oceanic 815. All'et\u00E0 di diciassette anni, Claire \u00E8 stata coinvolta in un incidente d'auto che ha mandato in coma sua madre per cinque anni. L'incidente ha fatto in modo che Claire incontrasse il suo padre biologico per la prima volta da quando se ne era andato. Claire rimane incinta, e in seguito al suggerimento di un sensitivo, decide di andare a Los Angeles per dare il bambino in adozione, salendo sul volo fatale. Durante il suo soggiorno sull'Isola, Claire si avvicina ad un altro superstite: Cha"@it . "22"^^ . "5.364792E8"^^ . "Claire Littleton"@pl . "Claire cries over being left behind again."@en . . . . "Claire tells Charlie that she isn't giving up on him after learning the truth."@en . "Imagenes de Claire Littleton"@es . . . "Female"@en . "Alive"@zh . . "Nada, nasceu e cresceu na Austr\u00E1lia"@pt . "Keine, geboren und gelebt in Australien"@de . "Claire Littleton"@nl . . "Character appearances#Claire LittletonS6"@zh . "Claire Littleton"@en . . . . . "Jack Shephard - Fratellastro"@it . . . "unbekannt"@de . . . . "KateClaireStaff_2x15.jpg"@en . . . "left"@en . "322"^^ . "27"^^ . . "Emilie de Ravin"@de . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Claire unknowingly says goodbye to Charlie."@en . "Emilie de Ravin"@en . . "Sawyer-Carries-Claire.jpg"@en . "Claire Littleton \u00E9 uma dos sobreviventes da parte intermedi\u00E1ria do voo 815. Ela \u00E9 irm\u00E3 por parte de pai de Jack Shephard, embora n\u00E3o saiba disso. \u00C9 filha de Christian Shephard e m\u00E3e de Aaron Littleton que nasceu na ilha logo depois do acidente, sendo ajudada no parto por Kate Austen e tem feito o seu melhor para criar Aaron, o melhor que ela pode. Durante seu tempo na ilha, ela come\u00E7ou um relacionamento com outro sobrevivente, Charlie Pace. Depois da morte de Charlie, Claire se juntou ao grupo de Locke, deixando-o mais tarde com Aaron, Sawyer e Miles. Uma noite viu seu pai j\u00E1 falecido, Christian Shephard e o seguiu para dentro da floresta, tendo sido vista por Locke na cabana de Jacob. Nos \u00FAltimos 3 anos viveu sozinha na ilha, recebendo apenas a visita de seu pai e do Falso Locke, segundo "@pt . . "Images of Claire Littleton"@en . . . "Claire gives her credit card."@en . . . "Pour faire adopter son b\u00E9b\u00E9 par un couple de Los Angeles"@fr . . . . "Claire"@pl . "Claire Littleton"@en . . . . . . "Ray Shephard, abuelo"@es . "Christian Shephard - Father"@en . "Vivante en 2007"@fr . . . "Claire attempts to murder Kate."@en . . "Claire tells Jack about what happened during the night."@en . . "ClaireS6.jpg"@it . . "Om haar baby voor adoptie op te geven"@nl . "Lindsey - Tante"@fr . "Lugar de nacimiento"@es . . . "Emilie de Ravin"@es . . "Claire Littleton est l'une des survivantes de la section du milieu du Vol Oceanic 815. Elle est la demi-s\u0153ur de Jack \u2013 ce qu'elle ignore \u2013 et la m\u00E8re d'Aaron, \u00E0 qui elle a donn\u00E9 naissance sur l'\u00EEle peu apr\u00E8s le crash. Adolescente, elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 impliqu\u00E9e dans l'accident de voiture responsable du coma de sa m\u00E8re, ce qui l'a men\u00E9e \u00E0 rencontrer son p\u00E8re qui l'avait abandonn\u00E9e. Sur l'\u00EEle, elle entame une relation amoureuse avec un autre survivant, Charlie. Malgr\u00E9 une grande complicit\u00E9, la confiance de Claire en Charlie est malmen\u00E9e \u00E0 cause de la d\u00E9pendance \u00E0 la drogue de ce dernier. Soucieuse de prot\u00E9ger son b\u00E9b\u00E9, elle va jusqu'\u00E0 interdire \u00E0 Charlie de l'approcher\u2026 N\u00E9anmoins une autre menace plane sur Aaron : il semble particuli\u00E8rement int\u00E9resser les \u00AB Autres \u00BB, notamment avant sa naissance, ce q"@fr . . . . . . "Aaron Littleton - Son"@en . "312"^^ . . . "Aplicadora de piercing"@pt . "Ray Shephard - Dziadek"@pl . . . "Ray Shephard - Grandfather"@en . . . . "Claire looks for Charlie."@en . . . . . "1982-10-27"^^ . . . "Claire Littleton"@fr . "Stepmother - Margo Shephard"@en . . . "Claire Littleton"@es . . . "Aaron Littleton - Filho"@pt . . . . . "Claire Littleton"@nl . . . "Carole Littleton, madre"@es . "Claire Littleton is one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, a single mother who gave birth on the Island. Claire flew to Los Angeles at the coaxing of a psychic to give up her unborn child for adoption. She crashed on to the Island, where she began an inconsistent relationship with fellow survivor Charlie Pace. One of the Others kidnapped her, and she suffered amnesia after escape. She later gave birth to her son, Aaron Littleton, and did her best to take care of him despite being a reluctant mother. Her relationship with Charlie grew stronger after he rescued Aaron from Danielle Rousseau, but when Claire learned of Charlie's past with drugs and witnessed his erratic behavior, she became reluctant to let him into her and Aaron's life. When Charlie sacrificed himself to save the other survivors, Claire heeded his warning about their alleged rescuers and joined Locke's group. Her house was destroyed during an attack, but she escaped unharmed. She soon after followed the figure of her dead father into the jungle, where she stayed for three years. Though supposedly \"infected\" beyond redemption, she helped the other survivors upon their return, and she escaped with them, planning to return to Aaron off-island. In the flash-sideways, she gave birth to Aaron anew, and they moved on together with their friends."@en . "Jack and Claire, brother and sister, reunite."@en . "Aby spotka\u0107 si\u0119 z ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwem, kt\u00F3re by\u0142o zainteresowane adopcj\u0105 Aarona."@pl . . . "150"^^ . "Trabaj\u00F3 en una tienda de piercings\n:Servicio de comida"@es . "25"^^ . . "Claire saved by Desmond."@en . "\u017Byje"@pl . . . "Claire Littleton (*27. Oktober 1982 in Australien) ist eine \u00DCberlebende von Oceanic Flug 815. Als das Flugzeug abst\u00FCrzt, ist sie im achten Monat schwanger, weswegen sie sich anfangs auf der Insel als Au\u00DFenseiterin f\u00FChlt. Sie baut eine Beziehung zu Charlie auf. Sie wird von Ethan entf\u00FChrt. Auf der Insel bringt sie sp\u00E4ter ihren Sohn Aaron zur Welt. Bevor Ben das Rad dreht, verschwindet sie auf mysteri\u00F6se Art im Dschungel."@de . . . "Margo Shephard - Step-mother"@en . "Christian Shephard - Ojciec"@pl . . "Carole Littleton - M\u00E3e"@pt . . "Lindsey Littleton - Tia"@pt . "Carole Littleton - Madre"@it . "Claire and Thomas find out they are to be parents."@en . . "Claire Sick.JPG"@en . "Claire Littleton est l'une des survivantes de la section du milieu du Vol Oceanic 815. Elle est la demi-s\u0153ur de Jack \u2013 ce qu'elle ignore \u2013 et la m\u00E8re d'Aaron, \u00E0 qui elle a donn\u00E9 naissance sur l'\u00EEle peu apr\u00E8s le crash. Adolescente, elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 impliqu\u00E9e dans l'accident de voiture responsable du coma de sa m\u00E8re, ce qui l'a men\u00E9e \u00E0 rencontrer son p\u00E8re qui l'avait abandonn\u00E9e. Sur l'\u00EEle, elle entame une relation amoureuse avec un autre survivant, Charlie. Malgr\u00E9 une grande complicit\u00E9, la confiance de Claire en Charlie est malmen\u00E9e \u00E0 cause de la d\u00E9pendance \u00E0 la drogue de ce dernier. Soucieuse de prot\u00E9ger son b\u00E9b\u00E9, elle va jusqu'\u00E0 interdire \u00E0 Charlie de l'approcher\u2026 N\u00E9anmoins une autre menace plane sur Aaron : il semble particuli\u00E8rement int\u00E9resser les \u00AB Autres \u00BB, notamment avant sa naissance, ce qui explique le kidnapping de Claire. Suite \u00E0 la mort de Charlie, Claire se tourne vers Locke et int\u00E8gre son groupe aux Baraquements pour s'\u00E9loigner de l'\u00E9quipage du Kahana. Lorsque le village est pris d'assaut par les mercenaires, la maison dans laquelle elle dort explose. Survivant \u00E0 l'attaque, elle rejoint Sawyer pour retourner sur la plage. En suivant une apparition de son p\u00E8re, elle dispara\u00EEt en pleine nuit dans la jungle abandonnant son b\u00E9b\u00E9 au pied d'un arbre\u2026 Par la suite, elle se retrouve avec son \u00AB p\u00E8re \u00BB dans la cabane d'Horace, apparemment heureuse. Pendant trois ans, elle vit recluse sur l'\u00EEle, s'alliant au Monstre et pourchassant les Autres qu'elle juge responsable de l'enl\u00E8vement d'Aaron. Devenue sauvage, elle devient m\u00E9fiante suite au retour sur l'\u00EEle des survivants. Elle tente de tuer Kate lorsque celle-ci lui apprend qu'elle a \u00E9lev\u00E9 Aaron, mais lui pardonne ensuite et finit par quitter l'\u00EEle en la compagnie de Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Richard et Frank."@fr . "Claire Littleton"@pt . "ClaireS6.jpg"@es . . "Viva"@pt . . "Claire"@zh . "Aaron Littleton - Sohn"@de . "Aunt - Lindsey Littleton"@en . "Ia fazer a entrega do seu beb\u00EA para os pais adotivos"@pt . "Federica De Bortoli"@it . . . "Normal_lost_Claire_car.jpg"@en . "Kate helps Claire deliver her child."@en . . "Per consegnare il suo bambino a dei genitori addottivi"@it . . . . "Claire Littleton"@da . . "250"^^ . "Claire learns some parenting skills from Locke."@en . "Claire Littleton"@es . . . . . "Levend"@nl . . "Jack Shephard, medio hermano"@es . . . . "Pracownica Fish & Fry"@pl . "Claire"@pt . . . . "215"^^ . . . "200"^^ . . . "22"^^ . "Thomas - Ex-boyfriend"@en . . "Lindsey - Tante"@de . "Claire Littleton"@it . . . . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . "Claire/Galerie photos"@fr . "\u9752\u6625\u671F\u7684Claire\u603B\u662F\u5BF9\u5979\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u663E\u5F97\u5F88\u6297\u62D2\u53CD\u53DB\uFF0C\u54E5\u7279\u5F0F\u7684\u6253\u626E\uFF0C\u4EE5\u66FF\u4EBA\u7A7F\u5B54\u7EB9\u8EAB\u4E3A\u5DE5\u4F5C\u3002\u540E\u6765\uFF0CClaire\u5728\u548C\u6BCD\u4EB2\u4E89\u5435\u65F6\u53D1\u751F\u4E86\u8F66\u7978\uFF0C\u8F66\u5B50\u88AB\u4E00\u8F86\u5361\u8F66\u649E\u5F00\u8DEF\u9762\u5168\u6BC1\u3002 Claire\u53EA\u53D7\u4E86\u8F7B\u4F24(\u624B\u81C2\u9AA8\u6298\u3001\u773C\u90E8\u76AE\u80A4\u64E6\u4F24)\uFF0C\u800C\u5979\u7684\u6BCD\u4EB2\u5374\u5927\u8111\u51FA\u8840\u5904\u4E8E\u660F\u8FF7\u72B6\u6001\u3002\u5979\u7684\u7236\u4EB2\u6765\u5230\u6FB3\u5927\u5229\u4E9A\u8BD5\u7740\u8BF4\u670D\u5979\u80FD\u591F\u8BA9\u5979\u6BCD\u4EB2\u6446\u8131\u56F0\u6270\uFF0C\u62D4\u6389\u547C\u5438\u673A\u3002Claire\u62D2\u7EDD\u8FD9\u4E48\u505A\uFF0C\u8981\u6C42\u4ED6\u79BB\u5F00\uFF0C\u8FDE\u4ED6\u7684\u540D\u5B57\u90FD\u4E0D\u60F3\u77E5\u9053\u3002(3x12) \u8FC7\u4E86\u4E00\u6BB5\u65F6\u95F4, Claire\u5728Fish & Fry restaurant\u996D\u5E97\u627E\u4E86\u4E00\u4EFD\u65F6\u85AA5\u7F8E\u5143\u7684\u5DE5\u4F5C\uFF0C\u8FC7\u7740\u8FD9\u79CD\u5E73\u6DE1\u65E0\u5473\u7684\u751F\u6D3B\u3002\u5979\u7684\u7537\u670B\u53CBThomas\u60F3\u8981\u4E2A\u5B69\u5B50\uFF0C\u5C3D\u7BA1Claire\u6709\u4E9B\u987E\u8651\u3002Thomas\u5BF9\u5979\u8BF4\u201C\u5B69\u5B50\u662F\u4E0A\u5E1D\u6700\u597D\u7684\u793C\u7269\u201D\uFF0C\u4F1A\u7ED9\u4ED6\u4EEC\u5E26\u6765\u5E0C\u671B\uFF0C\u4E5F\u6253\u6D88\u4E86\u5979\u7684\u987E\u8651\u3002Claire\u6000\u5B55\u4E86\u3002\u770B\u8D77\u6765\u751F\u6D3B\u4F3C\u4E4E\u5C31\u8981\u671D\u597D\u7684\u65B9\u5411\u8F6C\u53D8\u4E86\uFF0C\u4F46\u662F\u7EDD\u60C5\u7684Thomas\u53C8\u89C9\u5F97\u505A\u4E00\u4E2A\u5E74\u8F7B\u7684\u7236\u4EB2\u592A\u8270\u8F9B\u4E86\uFF0C\u4E8E\u662F\u629B\u5F03\u4E86Claire\u3002\u53EF\u601C\u7684Claire\u51B3\u5B9A\u751F\u4E0B\u5B9D\u5B9D\u540E\u628A\u4ED6\u4EA4\u7ED9\u522B\u4EBA\u629A\u517B\u3002 Claire\u5BF9\u5360\u661F\u672F\u611F\u5174\u8DA3\u3002\u5979\u7684\u670B\u53CBRachel\u8BA4\u4E3A\u8FD9\u80FD\u4F7F\u5979\u632F\u4F5C\uFF0C\u5E26\u5979\u53BB\u89C1\u4E86\u81EA\u79F0\u53EF\u4EE5\u901A\u7075\u7684Richard Malkin\u3002\u4F46\u662FClaire\u8FD8\u662F\u5F88\u4E0D\u8D70\u8FD0\u3002\u5F53Richard Malkin\u7ED9\u5979\u770B\u624B\u76F8\u540E\uFF0C\u8BF4\u4ED6\u770B\u89C1\u4E86\u201C\u5371\u96BE\u7B3C\u7F69\u7740\u5B69\u5B50\u201D\uFF0C\u575A\u5B9A\u7684\u529D\u8BF4Claire\u8981\u81EA\u5DF1\u629A\u517B\u5B83\u3002\u7136\u540EClaire\u5E76\u4E0D\u76F8\u4FE1\u8FD9\u4E00\u5957\uFF0C\u8BA9\u4ED6\u8D70\u5F00\u3002(1x10)"@zh . . . . "Claire Littleton is the ownlee Austrayan who likes peanaht buttah. She's Jacko's harf-sistah, but she do'no 'bout 'im. She has a little fella, named \"Eren\", born on the eyeland aft' the prang. She was i' 'nother prang as well, when she was only seve'neen. Put her mum in a coma for five years, the poor sheila, which led her to findin' out 'bout her real dad, Chris Shephard. An'way, while she's been on the eyeland she got with that Charlie bloke, who cracked onto her while they were watchin' the bush telly. When he went troppo for a while she spat the dummy and told him to rack off, but they became mates again. Well, until he went up shit creek without a paddle and carked it. She was a bit cut up 'bout that. After believin' his \"Not Pen's Boat\" message was fair dinkum, she nicked off with Jo"@en . "Son - Aaron Littleton"@en . "Claire Littleton"@en . "1"^^ . . "Angeblich, um ihr Baby den Adoptiveltern zu bringen"@de . "Claire Littleton es una de las supervivientes de la secci\u00F3n central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Es hermana por parte de padre de Jack Shephard y madre de Aaron Littleton, quien naci\u00F3 en la Isla poco despu\u00E9s del accidente. Durante su estancia en la isla comenz\u00F3 una relaci\u00F3n con Charlie Pace. Tras la muerte de Charlie, Claire se uni\u00F3 al grupo de Locke. Dej\u00F3 el grupo de Locke con Aaron, Sawyer y Miles, y a continuaci\u00F3n sigui\u00F3 a su padre Christian a la selva, dejando a Aaron detr\u00E1s. Fue vista por Locke por \u00FAltima vez con Christian en la Caba\u00F1a de Jacob. Tras tres a\u00F1os desaparecida se reencontr\u00F3 con Jin. Se ha unido al bando del Hombre de Negro y asegura que su padre est\u00E1 vivo. Parece no recordar nada de lo que pas\u00F3 en la caba\u00F1a ni que abandon\u00F3 a su hijo en la selva. Finalmente descubre que Kate "@es . . . "Jack Shephard - Demi fr\u00E8re"@fr . . . "Claire desperately hunts for a DHARMA station."@en . "603"^^ . . . . . . . "Sydney, New South Wales, Australie"@fr . . "Adriana Torres"@pt . "27"^^ . . "Claire Littleton"@pt . . . "Claire Littleton is een overlevende van de middensectie van Oceanic Flight 815. Ze is de halfzuster van Jack, maar alleen Jack weet dat. Ze is de moeder van Aaron, die kort na de crash geboren werd op het eiland. Op het eiland heeft ze een relatie met Charlie."@nl . . . . . . . "para dar a su beb\u00E9 en adopci\u00F3n"@es . "Cameriera, Commessa in un negozio di piercing e tatuaggi"@it . . ""@es . . "Serveuse \u00E0 Frish & Fry"@fr . "Australia"@en . "Fast Food Employee at \"Fish N' Fry\""@en . . . "Littleton"@zh . "Jack Shephard - Meio-Irm\u00E3o"@pt . . . "Claire with Nikki at camp."@en . . "Claire doubts her decision to give up her unborn baby."@en . . . . . . "Claire Littleton (*27. Oktober 1982 in Australien) ist eine \u00DCberlebende von Oceanic Flug 815. Als das Flugzeug abst\u00FCrzt, ist sie im achten Monat schwanger, weswegen sie sich anfangs auf der Insel als Au\u00DFenseiterin f\u00FChlt. Sie baut eine Beziehung zu Charlie auf. Sie wird von Ethan entf\u00FChrt. Auf der Insel bringt sie sp\u00E4ter ihren Sohn Aaron zur Welt. Bevor Ben das Rad dreht, verschwindet sie auf mysteri\u00F6se Art im Dschungel."@de . "Claire Littleton \u00E9 uma dos sobreviventes da parte intermedi\u00E1ria do voo 815. Ela \u00E9 irm\u00E3 por parte de pai de Jack Shephard, embora n\u00E3o saiba disso. \u00C9 filha de Christian Shephard e m\u00E3e de Aaron Littleton que nasceu na ilha logo depois do acidente, sendo ajudada no parto por Kate Austen e tem feito o seu melhor para criar Aaron, o melhor que ela pode. Durante seu tempo na ilha, ela come\u00E7ou um relacionamento com outro sobrevivente, Charlie Pace. Depois da morte de Charlie, Claire se juntou ao grupo de Locke, deixando-o mais tarde com Aaron, Sawyer e Miles. Uma noite viu seu pai j\u00E1 falecido, Christian Shephard e o seguiu para dentro da floresta, tendo sido vista por Locke na cabana de Jacob. Nos \u00FAltimos 3 anos viveu sozinha na ilha, recebendo apenas a visita de seu pai e do Falso Locke, segundo ela o seu \"amigo\"."@pt . . . . "Aaron Littleton - Fils"@fr . . "2.0"^^ . . "Christian Shephard - Vater"@de . . . "ClaireS6.jpg"@pl . . .