"N'Zoth the Corruptor"@en . "100800.0"^^ . . "Aride"@fr . "5"^^ . . "N'Zoth z\u00E4hlt zu den Alten G\u00F6ttern, welche das fr\u00FChzeitliche Azeroth befielen."@de . "N'zoth"@es . "Alte G\u00F6tter"@de . . . "Boss"@en . . . . . . "Caste"@en . . "File:Legendarny.pngLegendarny"@pl . "Modern: 7,000\n*100% Yevetha\nHistoric: 700 million\n*100% Yevetha"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "N'Zoth is an Old God, one of several malefic beings that were sequestered by the Titans during Azeroth's primordial ages. N'Zoth is responsible for the \"spark\" that created the Emerald Nightmare. He is also the being that is largely responsible for Deathwing's corruption and current state. Millennias ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his faceless soldiers waged endless war in the name of N'Zoth against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron."@en . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2014/02/05/know-your-lore-tfh-the-dangerous-enlightenment/|desc=Know Your Lore, TFH Edition: The Dangerous Enlightenment"@en . . "[Source] N'Zoth \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te des Mondes du Noyau dans l'Amas de Koornacht, \u00E0 la p\u00E9riph\u00E9rie du Noyau Profond. Elle \u00E9tait connect\u00E9e \u00E0 Jedha et Coruscant par des routes hyperspatiales."@fr . "*Sector Farlax\n*C\u00FAmulo Koornacht"@es . "En vie"@fr . "N'Zoth"@en . "N'Zoth is an Old God, one of several malefic beings that were sequestered by the Titans during Azeroth's primordial ages. N'Zoth is responsible for the \"spark\" that created the Emerald Nightmare. He is also the being that is largely responsible for Deathwing's corruption and current state. Millennias ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his faceless soldiers waged endless war in the name of N'Zoth against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron."@en . "*Black Fifteen\n*Hariz Downside\n*Valley of Rejection"@en . . . "*Arid plains\n*Deserts"@en . . "3"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . . . "N'Zoth z\u00E4hlt zu den Alten G\u00F6ttern, welche das fr\u00FChzeitliche Azeroth befielen."@de . "Boss"@fr . . . "Arid"@en . . . . "Tellurique"@fr . . . . . . "100800.0"^^ . "??"@pl . "N'zoth was the capital of the 1st kingdom during the League of the Six Kingdoms, and the Barbaric treatment and enslavement of the Yevetha by Ehlek VI is one reason the Yevetha were so hateful of outsiders."@en . . "Old God"@en . "??"@pl . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n*Liga Dushkan\n*Yuuzhan Vong"@es . "Niewiele wiadomo na temat N'Zotha. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w Azeroth nie zna nawet jego imienia, a tym bardziej nie ma poj\u0119cia, jak on wygl\u0105da. Ze strz\u0119p\u00F3w pozosta\u0142ej wiedzy wynika, \u017Ce ten Przedwieczny B\u00F3g zosta\u0142 uwi\u0119ziony w najmroczniejszych g\u0142\u0119binach oceanu wiele, wiele tysi\u0105cleci temu. Kr\u0105\u017C\u0105 pog\u0142oski, \u017Ce N'Zoth pragnie zniszczy\u0107 wszystko, co czyste i szlachetne, ale dlaczego \u2013 pozostaje tajemnic\u0105. Ostatecznie wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 tego, co \u201Ewiadomo\u201D o tej najpodst\u0119pniejszej z istot, to tylko przypuszczenia. Po zako\u0144czeniu \"Wojny Staro\u017Cytnych\", gdy Kr\u00F3lowa Azshara wraz ze swymi poddanymi zosta\u0142a zatopiona odezwa\u0142 si\u0119 do niej sam N'Zoth proponuj\u0105c wsp\u00F3\u0142prac\u0119. Kr\u00F3lowa nie mog\u0142a odm\u00F3wi\u0107 i zaakceptowa\u0142a warunki B\u00F3stwa i wraz z poddanymi zosta\u0142a zamieniona w Nagi. Po dzi\u015B dzie\u0144 s\u0142u\u017Cy N'Zoth'owi. N'Zoth'owi s\u0142u\u017C\u0105 tak\u017Ce niekt\u00F3re plemiona Murlok\u00F3w zniewolonych przez Nagi."@pl . "N'Zoth"@de . . . . . . . . "N'zoth"@es . . "N'Zoth karta.png"@pl . . . . . . "Volk Volk Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Alte G\u00F6tter Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Smaragdgr\u00FCner Traum Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Der Alte Gott N'Zoth korrumpiert den Smaragdgr\u00FCnen Traum und ist f\u00FCr den \u201EAlptraum\" dort verantwortlich."@de . "N'zoth"@es . "\u041D'\u0417\u043E\u0442"@en . . "N'zoth tambi\u00E9n puede haber sido una de las voces susurrantes de la Reina Azshara durante el Gran Cataclismo . Cuando Malfurion Stormrage contenia la pesadilla en el Rift de Aln , sinti\u00F3 un \"antiguo mal\" que manten\u00EDa su presencia en el Sue\u00F1o Esmeralda desde alg\u00FAn lugar por debajo de los oc\u00E9anos de Azeroth. Esto puede ser N'zoth. Puede ser posible que la encarnaci\u00F3n f\u00EDsica de N'zoth se encuentra por debajo de Vashj'ir (bajo el abismo escaldado y / o ghorek L' para ser m\u00E1s precisos). Esto se insin\u00FAa por Ick'thys el insondable abismo en el escaldado que manda al jugador a regresar a su amo. En el Undershell hay enormes tent\u00E1culos . Se parecen a los tent\u00E1culos de Yogg-Saron y pueden pertenecer a N'zoth. En la Sima de escaldado, Erunak Stonespeaker dice que tres ogros-magos son el mantenimiento de un ritual para conectar \"algo inmenso por debajo de nosotros\", con el semidi\u00F3s antiguo, lo que permite consuma sus energ\u00EDas de vida. Tal vez la mayor evidencia de la presencia de un dios antiguo (o al menos, el hecho de que uno se presentar\u00E1 en un Cataclismo) est\u00E1 en Infralar. A intervalos aleatorios Haethen Kaul har\u00E1 un grito, una de las cuales es: \" Es cierto que nos sirven Deathwing, pero tambi\u00E9n responden a un poder superior. \u00A1Nunca lo olvides! \" Seg\u00FAn informacion extra\u00EDda de los libros y escenas del juego, sugiere que su presencia fisica esta dispersa entre las partes del viejo Pozo de la Eternidad: Bajo las aguas que alimentan Nordrassil, cerca del viejo templo de Azhara proximo a la vor\u00E1gine y Tirisfal; a su vez conectado con el Sue\u00F1o Esmeralda en la ubicacion original del pozo de la eternidad"@es . "N'zoth"@fr . "Przedwieczne B\u00F3stwo"@pl . . "N'zoth"@fr . "1"^^ . . . "Plaines aride, d\u00E9serts"@fr . "N'zoth (se prononce NA-zath) est un Dieu tr\u00E8s ancien qui fut en partie responsable de la folie de Neltharion. Avant que les titans arrivent sur Azeroth, le Seigneur de guerre Zon'ozz et ses soldats livr\u00E8rent une guerre sans fin \u00E0 C'thun et Yogg-Saron pour son compte. Lorsque le puits d'\u00E9ternit\u00E9 implosa \u00E0 la fin de la guerre des anciens, N'Zoth offrit \u00E0 la reine Azshara et ses suivants bien-n\u00E9s, le pouvoir de se sauver des flots qui les engloutissait contre leurs all\u00E9geances. Ils accept\u00E8rent et furent transform\u00E9s en ce que l'on nomme les Nagas."@fr . . "N'zoth era el quinto planeta del sistema N'zoth, localizado en el Sector Farlax en el C\u00FAmulo Koornacht, cerca de los Mundos del N\u00FAcleo. Era conocido por ser el mundo natal de los yevetha."@es . "N'zoth tambi\u00E9n puede haber sido una de las voces susurrantes de la Reina Azshara durante el Gran Cataclismo . Cuando Malfurion Stormrage contenia la pesadilla en el Rift de Aln , sinti\u00F3 un \"antiguo mal\" que manten\u00EDa su presencia en el Sue\u00F1o Esmeralda desde alg\u00FAn lugar por debajo de los oc\u00E9anos de Azeroth. Esto puede ser N'zoth. Tal vez la mayor evidencia de la presencia de un dios antiguo (o al menos, el hecho de que uno se presentar\u00E1 en un Cataclismo) est\u00E1 en Infralar. A intervalos aleatorios Haethen Kaul har\u00E1 un grito, una de las cuales es:"@es . "N'Zoth"@fr . . "Old Gods, Czarne imperium"@pl . . "N'zoth"@es . . . "File:Atak.png 5"@pl . "N'zoth was an arid planet with standard gravity and an atmosphere breathable by most sentient creatures. The brutal, xenophobic Yevetha were the planet\u2019s only sentient species, although other native species such as the siringana were equally merciless and brutal. Giat Nor was the capital city of both N\u2019zoth and later the Duskhan League. The planet was the headquarters of Nazfar Metalworks."@en . "N'zoth era el quinto planeta del sistema N'zoth, localizado en el Sector Farlax en el C\u00FAmulo Koornacht, cerca de los Mundos del N\u00FAcleo. Era conocido por ser el mundo natal de los yevetha."@es . . "Volk Volk Art Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit Alte G\u00F6tter Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Smaragdgr\u00FCner Traum Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Der Alte Gott N'Zoth korrumpiert den Smaragdgr\u00FCnen Traum und ist f\u00FCr den \u201EAlptraum\" dort verantwortlich."@de . . "N'zoth"@en . "AdventuresInPoorTaste.com"@en . . . "C'Thun, Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron"@pl . . . . "File:Mana.png3200"@pl . . . . "None"@en . . . . "N'Zoth"@en . . "--08-08"^^ . "news/where-in-the-galaxy-are-the-worlds-of-rogue-one"@en . "Respirable"@fr . . "* Hist\u00F3rica: 700 millones\n*Moderna: 7000"@es . . "File:\u017Bycie.png7"@pl . . . "Respirable"@es . "[Source] N'zoth est une plan\u00E8te des Mondes du Noyau situ\u00E9 dans l'Amas de Koornacht proche de J't'p'tan. C'est la plan\u00E8te d'origine des Yevethas."@fr . "*Werstilhere\n*Black-15"@es . "*Planicies \u00E1ridas\n*Desiertos"@es . "Standard"@en . . "wowinsider"@en . "N'Zoth (pronounced \"Ne-Zoth\" or \"Ni-Zoth\") is one of the confirmed Old Gods. Speculated to be deep under the sea in Azeroth, N'Zoth has rarely been spoken of throughout the world. However the creature has been noted in writings and has even communicated with Queen Azshara. During the fall of the Black Empire, following the death of Y'Shaarj, N'Zoth was the first of the old gods to be encased in an underground monolithic enchanted prison by the titans. Due to the destruction of the Well of Eternity (also known as the Sundering) Queen Azshara was blasted far into the deeps of the seas. There, she made a deal with the Old Gods, specifically speculated to be N'Zoth. She was then cursed and transformed into a Naga. N'Zoth's official title is \"The Corruptor\" due to its involvement with the corruption of Queen Azshara, Deathwing, and the Emerald Nightmare.[citation needed]"@en . . . . . . . "N'zoth was the fifth planet in the N'zoth system, located in the Farlax sector in the Koornacht Cluster, near the Core Worlds. It was most well known for being the home world of the Yevetha."@en . "354"^^ . . . "Est\u00E1ndar"@es . "*Galactic Republic\n*Galactic Empire\n*Duskhan League\n*Yuuzhan Vong empire\n*Jedi Coalition"@en . . "Niewiele wiadomo na temat N'Zotha. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 mieszka\u0144c\u00F3w Azeroth nie zna nawet jego imienia, a tym bardziej nie ma poj\u0119cia, jak on wygl\u0105da. Ze strz\u0119p\u00F3w pozosta\u0142ej wiedzy wynika, \u017Ce ten Przedwieczny B\u00F3g zosta\u0142 uwi\u0119ziony w najmroczniejszych g\u0142\u0119binach oceanu wiele, wiele tysi\u0105cleci temu. Kr\u0105\u017C\u0105 pog\u0142oski, \u017Ce N'Zoth pragnie zniszczy\u0107 wszystko, co czyste i szlachetne, ale dlaczego \u2013 pozostaje tajemnic\u0105. Ostatecznie wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 tego, co \u201Ewiadomo\u201D o tej najpodst\u0119pniejszej z istot, to tylko przypuszczenia. N'Zoth'owi s\u0142u\u017C\u0105 tak\u017Ce niekt\u00F3re plemiona Murlok\u00F3w zniewolonych przez Nagi."@pl . "9.5"^^ . . . "N'Zoth (pronounced \"Ne-Zoth\" or \"Ni-Zoth\") is one of the confirmed Old Gods. Speculated to be deep under the sea in Azeroth, N'Zoth has rarely been spoken of throughout the world. However the creature has been noted in writings and has even communicated with Queen Azshara. During the fall of the Black Empire, following the death of Y'Shaarj, N'Zoth was the first of the old gods to be encased in an underground monolithic enchanted prison by the titans."@en . "N'Zoth jest neutralnym stworem, kt\u00F3ry mo\u017Ce wyst\u0119powa\u0107 w dowolnej tali kart u dowolnego bohatera. Jest on legendarnym minionem, a wystawienie go na pole areny kosztuje 10 kryszta\u0142\u00F3w many. Je\u015Bli si\u0119 go dobrze wykorzysta jest niezwykle pot\u0119\u017Cny, a najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 posiada pod koniec gry, kiedy przyzywa swoich zmar\u0142ych sojusznik\u00F3w. Pochodzi on z dodatku Pradawni Bogowie"@pl . . . "28"^^ . . "File:Mana.png1600"@pl . . "Unknown"@en . "Type I"@en . . . . "Yevethas"@fr . . . . . . "File:Mana.png1600"@pl . . . . "354"^^ . "N'zoth was an arid planet with standard gravity and an atmosphere breathable by most sentient creatures. The brutal, xenophobic Yevetha were the planet\u2019s only sentient species, although other native species such as the siringana were equally merciless and brutal. Giat Nor was the capital city of both N\u2019zoth and later the Duskhan League. The planet was the headquarters of Nazfar Metalworks."@en . "1"^^ . "*Giat Nor \n*Hariz"@es . "http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/2013/08/08/is-nzoth-being-built-as-the-main-antagonist-in-world-of-warcraft/|desc=Is N\u2019Zoth Being Built as the Main Antagonist in World of Warcraft?"@en . . "N'Zoth"@en . . "*Giat Nor \n*Hariz\n*Reject Alley\n*Werstilhere"@en . "N'Zoth"@de . "Aberration"@en . . . . "3"^^ . . . "\u30CC\u30BE\u30B9"@en . . . . . "Terrestrial"@en . . . . . . "by Feb 5th 2014 12:00PM"@en . "\u041D'\u0417\u043E\u0442"@es . . . . "Skaziciel"@pl . "\u00C1rido"@es . . "N'Zoth, Gebieter des Zwielichts, ist einer der vier bekannten Alten G\u00F6tter. Der erste, C'Thun, weilt in Ahn'Qiraj, der Zweite, Yogg-Saron, liegt gefangen in Ulduar. Der Dritte, dessen Name unbekannt ist, ist jene gro\u00DFe Gestalt, die aus der Meistergleve an der Dunkelk\u00FCste mit einem Titanenschwert im Kopf gen Himmel ragt."@de . "*Farlax sector\n*Koornacht Cluster"@en . "N'zoth"@en . . "Smaragdgr\u00FCner Traum"@de . . . . . "9500.0"^^ . . . "*Secteur Farlax\n**Amas de Koornacht"@fr . "9500.0"^^ . "N'zoth (se prononce NA-zath) est un Dieu tr\u00E8s ancien qui fut en partie responsable de la folie de Neltharion. Avant que les titans arrivent sur Azeroth, le Seigneur de guerre Zon'ozz et ses soldats livr\u00E8rent une guerre sans fin \u00E0 C'thun et Yogg-Saron pour son compte. Lorsque le puits d'\u00E9ternit\u00E9 implosa \u00E0 la fin de la guerre des anciens, N'Zoth offrit \u00E0 la reine Azshara et ses suivants bien-n\u00E9s, le pouvoir de se sauver des flots qui les engloutissait contre leurs all\u00E9geances. Ils accept\u00E8rent et furent transform\u00E9s en ce que l'on nomme les Nagas. Il est \u00E9galement celui qui est \u00E0 l'origine du Cauchemar d'Emeraude dans l'ombre de Xavius."@fr . "N'Zoth, Gebieter des Zwielichts, ist einer der vier bekannten Alten G\u00F6tter. Der erste, C'Thun, weilt in Ahn'Qiraj, der Zweite, Yogg-Saron, liegt gefangen in Ulduar. Der Dritte, dessen Name unbekannt ist, ist jene gro\u00DFe Gestalt, die aus der Meistergleve an der Dunkelk\u00FCste mit einem Titanenschwert im Kopf gen Himmel ragt."@de . "??"@pl . "3.05856E7"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "N'Zoth"@pl . . . . . "N'zoth"@en . . . . . "N'Zoth.jpg"@de . "??"@pl . "Standard"@fr . . . . . . "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One?"@en . "N'zoth was the capital of the 1st kingdom during the League of the Six Kingdoms, and the Barbaric treatment and enslavement of the Yevetha by Ehlek VI is one reason the Yevetha were so hateful of outsiders."@en . . . . "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One?"@fr . "N'zoth was the fifth planet in the N'zoth system, located in the Farlax sector in the Koornacht Cluster, near the Core Worlds. It was most well known for being the home world of the Yevetha."@en . "news/where-in-the-galaxy-are-the-worlds-of-rogue-one"@fr . "Le corrupteur"@fr . . "None"@en . . . . . "[Source] N'Zoth \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te des Mondes du Noyau dans l'Amas de Koornacht, \u00E0 la p\u00E9riph\u00E9rie du Noyau Profond. Elle \u00E9tait connect\u00E9e \u00E0 Jedha et Coruscant par des routes hyperspatiales."@fr . "File:Mana.png400"@pl . "N'zoth"@en . . "Przyzwij zmar\u0142ych bohater\u00F3w z Agoni\u0105, kt\u00F3rzy zgin\u0119li."@pl . "1"^^ . . "Terrestre"@es . . . . "??"@pl . . "[Source] N'zoth est une plan\u00E8te des Mondes du Noyau situ\u00E9 dans l'Amas de Koornacht proche de J't'p'tan. C'est la plan\u00E8te d'origine des Yevethas."@fr . "K-10"@en . . . . . . "N'Zoth jest neutralnym stworem, kt\u00F3ry mo\u017Ce wyst\u0119powa\u0107 w dowolnej tali kart u dowolnego bohatera. Jest on legendarnym minionem, a wystawienie go na pole areny kosztuje 10 kryszta\u0142\u00F3w many. Je\u015Bli si\u0119 go dobrze wykorzysta jest niezwykle pot\u0119\u017Cny, a najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 posiada pod koniec gry, kiedy przyzywa swoich zmar\u0142ych sojusznik\u00F3w. Pochodzi on z dodatku Pradawni Bogowie"@pl . . "N'Zoth"@pl . . . . "File:Kryszta\u0142 Many.png10"@pl . . .