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Vehicular manslaughter Vehicular Manslaughter
Vehicular Manslaughter is the art act sport of committing an assault, murder, or blackmail with a vehicle of any sort. It has been rapidly growing in popularity in most countries, especially Vatican City The United States of Idiocracy; it is also being considered for a new event at the summer's special olympics. It is illegal in most countries (the exception being North Korea, or if it is being perfomed on mentally disabled babies), and is punishable by means including probation, fines, prison time, hobbling, and even death. Despite this, it is still considered by many to be the pinnacle of sports, much like a blend of dodgeball, Monster Trucks, and Formula 1. Being on the receiving end is also a great workout. You have tapped into strange powers and as such you have learned.... to... turn into a car. A sweet car. With a sweet paint job. As a standard action you become large sized. You gain the Construct subtype and your move speed increases by 40 feet. You gain 160 temporary hit points. You add your Charisma modifier to all drive checks made and can utilize all drive checks on yourself as if you were a vehicle. You gain a Hardness of 20 and energy resistance 5 to Fire, Acid, Sonic, Cold, and Electricity. You can be piloted as a vehicle that has 4 seats and a bag of holding in the trunk. If you have any vehicle upgrades on your person when activating this technique, you can equip them when you become a car. You gain 2 mini guns that deal your base monster weapon damage on a successful attack roll Vehicular Manslaughter is the seventh episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor and the seventh episode of Season 1. Guest starring: Michael Ian Black. Vehicular manslaughter is a crime of manslaughter involving an automobile being used as a weapon to kill the victim, despite the lack of intent for murder.
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Vehicular manslaughter is a crime of manslaughter involving an automobile being used as a weapon to kill the victim, despite the lack of intent for murder. Vehicular Manslaughter is the art act sport of committing an assault, murder, or blackmail with a vehicle of any sort. It has been rapidly growing in popularity in most countries, especially Vatican City The United States of Idiocracy; it is also being considered for a new event at the summer's special olympics. It is illegal in most countries (the exception being North Korea, or if it is being perfomed on mentally disabled babies), and is punishable by means including probation, fines, prison time, hobbling, and even death. Despite this, it is still considered by many to be the pinnacle of sports, much like a blend of dodgeball, Monster Trucks, and Formula 1. Being on the receiving end is also a great workout. Vehicular Manslaughter is the seventh episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor and the seventh episode of Season 1. Guest starring: Michael Ian Black. You have tapped into strange powers and as such you have learned.... to... turn into a car. A sweet car. With a sweet paint job. As a standard action you become large sized. You gain the Construct subtype and your move speed increases by 40 feet. You gain 160 temporary hit points. You add your Charisma modifier to all drive checks made and can utilize all drive checks on yourself as if you were a vehicle. You gain a Hardness of 20 and energy resistance 5 to Fire, Acid, Sonic, Cold, and Electricity. You can be piloted as a vehicle that has 4 seats and a bag of holding in the trunk. If you have any vehicle upgrades on your person when activating this technique, you can equip them when you become a car. You gain 2 mini guns that deal your base monster weapon damage on a successful attack roll and your overrun/Trample damage is equal to your monster weapon damage and the trample save DC is 16+ Charisma modifier. As a free action at any time you can choose to detonate yourself and create the effects of a fireball spell centered on yourself with the same DC as the trample effect. This immediately ends the technique. This lasts for 1 minute per level.