"Boshi's Stats"@en . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . "Boshi is a blue Yoshi who lives on Yo'ster Isle with the other Yoshis."@en . . . . . "58"^^ . "Boshi"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Boshi is the rival of Yoshi who first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a rather cocky punk with a bad attitude and an arrogant personality. He was first shown to work alone and disliked any help that anyone offered him."@en . . . . . "Boshi"@en . . . "Character"@en . "40"^^ . . "Boshi"@fr . . "Boshi is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a blue Yoshi that is the rival of Yoshi. In Japan, his name is Washi, which means 'Bad Yoshi.' He can only speak the Yoshi language, but Yoshi translates for Mario. He lives on Yo'ster Isle, and participates in Mushroom Derby Races."@en . "150"^^ . "Unknown-2-1444602137.jpeg"@en . "\u201CWhat're YOU lookin' at? If you wanna challenge me, you have to bring Cookies!\u201D \u2014Boshi , Super Mario RPG Boshi Informationen Erster Auftritt Bislang letzter Auftritt Bislang einziger Auftritt Tod Spezies Heimat Verbindung(en) Mitglied in Synchronsprecher Erzfeind Boshi ist ein blauer Yoshi aus Super Mario RPG. Der cool aussehende Yoshi hat eine Sonnenbrille, ein stacheliges Halsband und Krallen. Er lebt zusammen mit vielen anderen Yoshis auf Yo'ster Island, wo man mit dem gr\u00FCnen Yoshi, den ber\u00FChmten Pilz Derby (Ein Rennen) gegen ihn starten kann. Man erf\u00E4hrt im Spiel dass Boshi eines Tages alle anderen Yoshis beim Pilz Derby besiegt hat, worauf hin er zum Pilz Derby-Meister ernannt wurde."@de . "67"^^ . . "Boshi"@en . . "Boshi"@en . . . . "Boshi"@en . . "1500"^^ . . . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi \"\u00BFQu\u00E9 usted est\u00E1 mirando? Si usted quiere desafiarme, usted tiene que traer cookies \"! - Boshi , Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Boshi es un Yoshi azul con una actitud, y el rival de Yoshi .Boshi es un solitario y lleva gafas de sol y un collar de pinchos alrededor de su cuello. Washi Como tal, Boshi es Yoshi como Wario es Mario, o Waluigi es Luigi . Boshi, al igual que muchos otros Yoshis, s\u00F3lo puede hablar el idioma Yoshi. Yoshi es biling\u00FCe y se traduce Boshi para hacer entender Mario. \u00C9l (junto con muchos otros Yoshis) vive en Yo'ster isla , hogar de los famosos de la seta Derby razas. Un d\u00EDa, Boshi derrota a todos los dem\u00E1s Yoshis en una carrera y se convierte en el campe\u00F3n de la seta Derby. Bajo su reinado, las carreras de la isla se cancelan. De hecho, el propio Boshi es el \u00FAnico que puede utilizar la pista de carreras. Aunque los dem\u00E1s Yoshis no les gustaba la regla de Boshi, se sintieron obligados a obedecer el campe\u00F3n del derby. Durante los acontecimientos de Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Mario Viaja a Yo'ster Isla a trav\u00E9s de la camara acorazada de tuberias. Mario se encuentra con su viejo amigo Yoshi. El Yoshi verde proporciona las malas noticias del reino de Boshi, y Mario decide ayudar a liberar la isla. Yoshi reconoce que Boshi tiene una debilidad por Yoshi cookies . Yoshi le pide a un amigo que le prestara unas galletas y Yoshi Mario y confrontar el jefe de la isla. Si Yoshi puede ganar una carrera contra el Boshi, a continuaci\u00F3n, se convertir\u00E1 en el nuevo campe\u00F3n de la seta Derby (como tal, Boshi perder\u00E1 su autoridad). Boshi, que nunca rechazar una apuesta con Yoshi cookies en la l\u00EDnea, de acuerdo a una carrera. Durante la carrera, Mario cabalga a lomos de Yoshi, ayudando a derrotar Boshi. Para vencer a Boshi a la l\u00EDnea de meta, Yoshi tiene que moverse al ritmo de la m\u00FAsica del derby. A medida que la m\u00FAsica juega, el jugador debe alternar entre y con el tempo de la m\u00FAsica. Si el jugador presiona los botones demasiado r\u00E1pido, Yoshi no se mueve. A medida que se reproduce la canci\u00F3n, el ritmo puede detener o cambiar. El jugador debe continuar presionando los botones al ritmo original, no el nuevo ritmo, sin embargo. Adem\u00E1s, si Mario tiene ninguna cookie adicionales Yoshi, que puede darles de comer a Yoshi, d\u00E1ndole un impulso de velocidad. Yoshi gana la carrera y se convierte en el campe\u00F3n de la seta Derby. Los otros Yoshis felicitarlo y la demanda de que se convierta en el nuevo jefe de la isla. Yoshi declina la oferta, indicando que las carreras deben ser libres para todo el mundo para participar en, no controlado por un jefe. Las palabras de Yoshi incluso reformar Boshi, que se compromete a participar en la competencia leal. Boshi, jam\u00E1s el solitario, todav\u00EDa le gusta pegarse a s\u00ED mismo, sino que ha aprendido a disfrutar del esp\u00EDritu de la competencia. Demostrando que sigue siendo un buen corredor, Boshi las arregla para ganar una carrera de vez en cuando; Sin embargo, \u00E9l no es el corredor dominante se hizo para ser. La cinem\u00E1tica final de Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars parec\u00EDa mostrar que Boshi se hab\u00EDa hecho amigo Croco despu\u00E9s de que \u00E9ste aparentemente se hab\u00EDa trasladado a Yo'ster Isla."@es . "Purple and Red"@en . "Boshi is some sort of blue Pickle from Number Island and his mission is to kidnap Yoshi and all the endangered Paratroopas. He thinks he looks cool and he appeared in Mario Hoops 5-on-5. Boshi is a kind of amoeba created by mixing the DNA of Mario with that bimbo, that resulted in causing a terrible disease that made Jack Sparrow become Davy Jones. His original Japanese name is Washi, but he does not, we repeat, NOT have any connections to Wa-Stuff or The Wa-Team; he just happens to have a really, really stupid name."@en . . "Boshi is the rival of Yoshi who first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a rather cocky punk with a bad attitude and an arrogant personality. He was first shown to work alone and disliked any help that anyone offered him."@en . . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@en . . . . . "Boshi is a blue Yoshi with an attitude. He was also the rival of Yoshi. Boshi is a loner who likes to wear sunglasses and a spiked collar around his neck. He (along with many other Yoshis) lives on Yo'ster Isle, home of the famous Mushroom Derby races."@en . "C"@en . "Boshi the counterpart and rival of Yoshi"@en . "Red"@de . . . . . "Pilz Derby, Yoshis auf Yo'ster Island, Croco"@de . "\u201CWhat're YOU lookin' at? If you wanna challenge me, you have to bring Cookies!\u201D \u2014Boshi , Super Mario RPG Boshi Informationen Erster Auftritt Bislang letzter Auftritt Bislang einziger Auftritt Tod Spezies Heimat Verbindung(en) Mitglied in Synchronsprecher Erzfeind Boshi ist ein blauer Yoshi aus Super Mario RPG. Der cool aussehende Yoshi hat eine Sonnenbrille, ein stacheliges Halsband und Krallen. Er lebt zusammen mit vielen anderen Yoshis auf Yo'ster Island, wo man mit dem gr\u00FCnen Yoshi, den ber\u00FChmten Pilz Derby (Ein Rennen) gegen ihn starten kann."@de . . . "A Shadow Shard"@en . . . . "Boshi is a Yoshi who only appeared in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES. Being a Yoshi with an attitude, He is distinguished from the other Yoshis by his sunglasses, spiked collar around his neck, and the fact that he doesn't wear the same shoes as the other Yoshis. Before Mario came to Yo'ster Island, Boshi was the best racer in the races titled the Mushroom Derby on the island. One day when he beat all of the other Yoshis on the island in a race, he declared himself boss of all the Yoshis, and allowed no one except him to race in the derby unless they brought him Yoshi Cookies, Boshi's favorite food. Once Mario came to the island, the main green Yoshi told Mario about Boshi. Mario agreed that he would help Yoshi beat Boshi. After asking one of Yoshi's friends for a few Yoshi Cookies to spare, Mario and Yoshi challenge Boshi to a race with the Yoshi Cookies. Boshi, not being one to turn down Yoshi Cookies, accepted Mario and Yoshi's challenge and the race went underway. After the race with Boshi, Mario and Yoshi won. Yoshi is now the new champion. When the other Yoshis decided to declare him the boss of the Mushroom Derby, he declined and said that its free to everyone including Boshi, who later learned his lesson. After you beat Boshi in a race, you can talk to him anytime to race again with him and the other Yoshis on the Island if you have Yoshi Cookies to wager."@en . . . . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@en . . . "Boshi"@de . . . "Boshi is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is a blue Yoshi that is the rival of Yoshi. In Japan, his name is Washi, which means 'Bad Yoshi.' He can only speak the Yoshi language, but Yoshi translates for Mario. He lives on Yo'ster Isle, and participates in Mushroom Derby Races."@en . "On sait tr\u00E8s peu de choses sur Boshi. Il est devenu tr\u00E8s c\u00E9l\u00E8bre dans la tribu des Yoshis en se disant le plus rapide de tous. Un jour, il se d\u00E9clare chef des Yoshis. Yoshi, gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 l'aide de Mario, bat Boshi. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Yoshis Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@fr . "Gritzy Badlands"@en . "Yoshi's Island"@es . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@en . . . . "Enemy"@en . . "Male"@en . "d"@es . "Boshi"@es . . "Boshi"@de . "Boshi is a Yoshi who only appeared in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES. Being a Yoshi with an attitude, He is distinguished from the other Yoshis by his sunglasses, spiked collar around his neck, and the fact that he doesn't wear the same shoes as the other Yoshis. Before Mario came to Yo'ster Island, Boshi was the best racer in the races titled the Mushroom Derby on the island. One day when he beat all of the other Yoshis on the island in a race, he declared himself boss of all the Yoshis, and allowed no one except him to race in the derby unless they brought him Yoshi Cookies, Boshi's favorite food."@en . . . . "SMRPG Artwork Boshi.jpg"@de . . "Lightblue"@de . . . "Boshi"@es . . "Lightblue"@de . . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@fr . . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi \"\u00BFQu\u00E9 usted est\u00E1 mirando? Si usted quiere desafiarme, usted tiene que traer cookies \"! - Boshi , Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@es . . . . "Der coole Yoshi"@de . "ninguna"@es . "150"^^ . "On sait tr\u00E8s peu de choses sur Boshi. Il est devenu tr\u00E8s c\u00E9l\u00E8bre dans la tribu des Yoshis en se disant le plus rapide de tous. Un jour, il se d\u00E9clare chef des Yoshis. Yoshi, gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 l'aide de Mario, bat Boshi. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Yoshis Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@fr . "Boshi is some sort of blue Pickle from Number Island and his mission is to kidnap Yoshi and all the endangered Paratroopas. He thinks he looks cool and he appeared in Mario Hoops 5-on-5. Boshi is a kind of amoeba created by mixing the DNA of Mario with that bimbo, that resulted in causing a terrible disease that made Jack Sparrow become Davy Jones. His original Japanese name is Washi, but he does not, we repeat, NOT have any connections to Wa-Stuff or The Wa-Team; he just happens to have a really, really stupid name."@en . "Long Tongue,Flutter-Jump,Super Speed,Boshi Eggs"@en . . . "66"^^ . . . . . . "170"^^ . . . . . . "What're YOU lookin' at? If you wanna challenge me, you have to bring Cookies!"@en . "Boshi en Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars."@es . . . "Dinosaurio"@es . . . . . "2"^^ . "Boshi is a blue Yoshi with an attitude. He was also the rival of Yoshi. Boshi is a loner who likes to wear sunglasses and a spiked collar around his neck. He (along with many other Yoshis) lives on Yo'ster Isle, home of the famous Mushroom Derby races."@en . . . . . . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Boshi is a blue Yoshi who lives on Yo'ster Isle with the other Yoshis."@en . . "Boshi"@en . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@en .