"\u201EHallo Michael.\u201C Zugegeben, ich habe eine Schw\u00E4che f\u00FCr dramatische Auftritte. Zu sehen, wie sich \u00DCberraschung in den Augen des Gegen\u00FCbers in einem Sekundenbruchteil zu nackter Angst steigert, wie seine K\u00F6rperfunktionen eine nach der anderen darauf reagieren und entweder verr\u00FCcktspielen oder v\u00F6llig abschalten, am\u00FCsiert mich immer wieder. Doch heute fehlt mir die Geduld, diesen Anblick zu genie\u00DFen. Immerhin musste ich lange genug in seiner heruntergekommenen Wohnung verbringen. Wie er es schafft, in diesem Loch zu leben, ist mir unbegreiflich. An den W\u00E4nden bl\u00E4ttern die ohnehin grausigen Tapeten ab. Schimmel sprie\u00DFt \u00FCberall. Der durchgetretene Fu\u00DFboden ist notd\u00FCrftig mit den Resten eines Teppichs bedeckt. Das Trippeln von Ratten in den W\u00E4nden. Faulendes Essen im kaputten K\u00FChlschrank. Dazu de"@de . . "Victor 2"@en . . "1"^^ . . "2015-02-06"^^ . "Victor"@en . "Victor may refer to: \n* Victor (magazine), a blue 0-4-4 tank engine who was turned into a playground, or \n* Victor (television series), a red engine who works at the Sodor Steamworks."@en . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . "Victor.png"@de . . . "580"^^ . . . . . "The Black Powder Merchant"@en . "40"^^ . . . . "Ventus"@en . . . . . . "*Kimberly Mercado\n*Mary Trahan"@en . . "17"^^ . . "7"^^ . "Victor is a vulture who makes his first and only appearance in Two-Legged Creatures. He is the guardian of a cave that was once inhabited by watu, or humans."@en . "-"@en . "Victor is a dog owned by Rick in Clock Tower."@en . . . . "6700"^^ . . "Light\\+4\nGun\\+2\nAilment\\+1\nElec\\-3"@en . "Victor may refer to: \n* Victor, a blue 0-4-4 tank engine who was turned into a playground, or \n* Victor, a red engine who works at the Sodor Steamworks."@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "20"^^ . . . . . . . . "14"^^ . "Light-Law"@en . . "Man kann sein Fell durch den Nomadengeist der Originalen bekommen."@de . . . "98"^^ . . . . . "Gender: Male Nationality: Latino Height: 6' 4\" (1.93 m) Weight: Eyes: Brown Birthdate: December 2nd First Appearance: Wii Sports"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "He was thought to be the broker responsible for running the short sale of Tritak shares, which led to the stock's collapse, but is revealed to be only a patsy, Paul Ashton being the person behind the scheme."@en . . . . "German Shepherd"@en . . . "Victor Salazar"@en . . "Victor is a member of the watchdogs. His name can only be heard in unused dialogue from the chapter Ghosts."@en . "RS2"@en . . . . "Victor"@de . . "29"^^ . . . . . . "-"@en . "Power +5"@en . "Car salesman"@en . "Shot by Jack Bauer"@en . . "Victor (\u30C0\u30EB\u30DE\u30F3, Dalman en japonais, Hopper en anglais, Hauke en allemand, Pinguaio en italien, G\u00FCi\u00F1\u00F3n en espagnol) est un pingouin, plus pr\u00E9cis\u00E9ment un gorfou \u00E0 cr\u00EAte dor\u00E9e, apparaissant comme villageois dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing et en tant que personnage secondaire dans le film D\u014Dbutsu no Mori. C'est un personnage tr\u00E8s recherch\u00E9 par les joueurs car c'est le seul gorfou \u00E0 cr\u00EAte dor\u00E9e de la s\u00E9rie."@fr . . . "Enemy in Shadow Hearts: Covenant"@en . "Main weapon"@en . . . . . "Gorfou \u00E0 cr\u00EAte dor\u00E9e"@fr . . "31"^^ . . . "Thumb with no caption or no link Thumb with caption, no link Thumb with caption and link Thumb with link, no caption Image with link, without caption or thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Image with caption and link, not thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Image with caption, no link or thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Gallery, without caption or link Gallery with caption, no link - note that caption isn't shown until you open the lightbox in the mobile skin. Gallery with link, no caption Gallery with link and caption"@en . . . . "Victor was a ghost that the Ghostbusters encountered at a museum bust."@en . "Complete Union of the Golden Chalice Guild Task 34. Available after entering The Catacombs."@en . . . "Null"@en . "Victor is the nonagenarian husband of Meghan."@en . . . . . . . "Victor ist der Asiatische Zuchtbulle im Zoo Berlin. Er wurde am 23.10.1993 im Zoo von Ramat Gan (Israel) als Kind des ber\u00FChmten Zuchtpaares Motek (Vater) und Warda (Mutter) geboren. Einer seiner Br\u00FCder ist der Bulle Alexander im Zoo M\u00FCnster. Am 22.09.2000 kam Victor im Zoo Berlin an. Hier wurde ein neuer Zuchtbulle ben\u00F6tigt, da der fr\u00FChere Zoo-Bulle Kiba an Herpes verstorben war. Mit bereits 10 Jahren deckte Victor die Berliner Kuh Pang Pha, die daraufhin am 14.06.2005 Mutter der kleinen Shaina Pali wurde. Am 15. M\u00E4rz 2009 brachte Pang Pha dann ihr zweites gemeinsames Kind, das Kuhkalb Ko Raya zur Welt. Diese beiden K\u00E4lber sind im Fr\u00FChjahr 2011 nacheinander gestorben. Zun\u00E4chst erlag Shaina Pali am 05.04.2011 dem Herpesvirus, der \u00FCber zehn Jahre nach dem Tod von deren Halbbruder Plai Kiri, einem Sohn von Kiba, erneut bei einem Elefanten des Zoos schnell und t\u00F6dlich wirkte. Shaina Palis Schwester Ko Raya erlitt auf der Au\u00DFenanlage am 27.05.2011 vormittags den Tod, hinter dem ebenfalls der Virus vermutet wird. Zugleich mit Ko Rayas Tod wurde eine weitere Tr\u00E4chtigkeit von Pang Pha gemeldet wurde, die erneut von Victor gedeckt worden war. Am 12.08.2012 wurde von ihr eine 160 kg schwere Tochter geboren. Das Kalb, das Anchali genannt wurde, ist Victors dritter Nachwuchs. Damit hat er drei Kuhk\u00E4lber gezeugt, von denen nur das j\u00FCngste noch am Leben ist. Victor lebt nach dem Tod seiner beiden \u00E4lteren T\u00F6chter heute zusammen mit den K\u00FChen Drumbo, Carla, Iyoti und Tanja sowie Pang Pha und Tochter Anchali im Berliner Zoo. F\u00FCr ihn steht eine eigene Bullenanlage zur Verf\u00FCgung."@de . . . "It looks great as far as looks. It has big eyebrows, (almost a uni-brow). And just it looks, uh, well, it's kinda, sorta like uh, Hispanic in a weird sort of way. Now it is obvious from the picture that they put a lot of molding into the face. It has a lot of wrinkles, and bumps."@en . "Deceased"@en . . "Power Grip"@en . . . "None known"@en . . . . . "Black"@en . "4"^^ . "19"^^ . . "1"^^ . "First appearance"@en . . . . . . . "324"^^ . . . . "323"^^ . "\u2022Dual Pistols"@en . "Victor was a car salesman who worked at Malfunctioning Eddie's Rocket-Car Emporium. He speaks in third person and has a Latin accent. He uses hard-sell tactics to sell cars."@en . . "Victor \u662FDHARMA\u8A08\u5283\u7684\u6210\u54E1\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u4ED6\u7684\u8077\u4F4D\u662F\u4E00\u540D\u5316\u5B78\u5BB6\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "50"^^ . . "-"@en . . "Null"@en . "Victor is one of the three majors of the Russian army dogs and their first platoon leader. He is Bozlev's big brother. He is a power-hungry and ruthless dog, who enjoys killing and kills even females and puppies without remorse. He is a skilled fighter and tactician, but he doesn't care about his subordinates and he is ultimately a coward. Even though the war dogs should conquer Hokkaid\u014D in hopes of saving their people from starvation, Victor is actually a traitor who wants to rule the island himself and become the marshal. Because of this, he wishes to kill Maxim, the son of the current marshal."@en . . "Victor von Gerdenheim is a character from the Darkstalkers series of fighting games. He hails from Germany."@en . . . . "KAOS agent whose cover is a salesman at Larsen's Shoe Store. Hijinks ensue when Victor follows Maxwell Smart home to his apartment and Max tries to capture him without revealing his own occupation to his visiting Aunt Bertha and Uncle Abner. Portrayed by Conrad Janis [Episode #12: \"My Nephew the Spy\"]."@en . "\"Day 6: 2:00pm-3:00pm\""@en . "Victor"@en . . "yes"@en . . "Enemies"@en . . . . . . . "Victor"@en . . . "true"@en . "249.0"^^ . "Rodney Rowland"@en . "13"^^ . "Victor (\u30DC\u30EB\u30B7\u30C1, Borscht) \u00E8 un pigro Toro di color azzurro militare dalle corna gialle, con un ciuffetto di capelli rossicci sulla testa."@it . . . . . . . . "B\u00E9lier"@fr . "35"^^ . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . "Wiped"@en . "Dr. Victor es un cient\u00EDfico de Black Mesa cuyo nombre puede ser escuchado a trav\u00E9s del Sistema de Anuncio de Black Mesa, lo que se escucha es \"Dr. Victor, informe al Laboratorio L\u00E1ser de sobrefusi\u00F3n por favor.\" en el Sector C."@es . "Es el amigo del Quiero irme. No se sabe mucho de el, solo se sabe que es amigo de Quiero Irme."@es . . . . "None"@en . "1950"^^ . "10.9"^^ . . . "\u2022Dual Blades"@en . . "Affiliation"@en . "34"^^ . "13"^^ . "Homeworld"@en . . "Do you give in?"@en . . . . "Head of Sonic Cloud Inc."@en . . . . "true"@en . . . . . "363"^^ . . "maschio"@it . . "Awake"@en . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . "Guard Monks1"@en . . . "35"^^ . . . "Victor is a vulture who makes his first and only appearance in Two-Legged Creatures. He is the guardian of a cave that was once inhabited by watu, or humans."@en . "Victor is a man who appeared in \"Vanished\"."@en . . . "Dark Tabby and White"@en . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . "GDW vol 51 chpt 1"@en . "Der Krakel"@en . . . "Programmer and drone pilot"@en . . "Victor is a vendor of mining products (and byproducts) in Vasselheim, and he serves as Percy's source of black powder in Othanzia. As an NPC, Victor is played by Matthew Mercer."@en . . . . "Species"@en . . . . . "Man kann sein Fell durch den Nomadengeist der Originalen bekommen."@de . . "Megido\nArrow Rain\nVoid Curse"@en . . . "Victor is a Downtown racer. He is a part of Hugo's crew, which dominate the Downtown scene. They race out of two abandoned lots: one on Grand St. and the other in the Theater District."@en . "Quiero irme"@es . . "The current World Champion Medafighter and representative for Kenya in the World Robattle Tournament."@en . "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"@en . "38.0"^^ . . "Gustavo Fring"@en . . "Victor"@pl . . . . "125.216"^^ . "25.8"^^ . "Victor was a robot that competed in Series 2 and Series 3 of Robot Wars. It made the Arena Stage of Series 2 losing to Demolition Demon, and made the second round of Series 3, losing to Trident. Team Victor then had a long interval away from Robot Wars after Series 3 before returning in Series 7 with a new machine, The Kraken."@en . "Ein weiser alter Mann, der fr\u00FCher selbst ein Mana-Ritter war. Er kommt aus Tasnica. Victor kennt viele Geheimnisse des Landes Mana und kann Euch manche n\u00FCtzliche Information geben, denn er kennt eine Menge Leute. Zu seinen besten Freunden z\u00E4hlt auch Aquaria, die H\u00FCterin des Wasserpalastes."@de . "50"^^ . . "Null"@en . "Male"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . "Victor.png"@pl . "Andy Lee"@en . . "Rilux, anything evil, his fears of being found out"@en . . . "-"@en . . . "39"^^ . . . . . "Victor is a member of the watchdogs. His name can only be heard in unused dialogue from the chapter Ghosts."@en . . "Gender: Male Nationality: Latino Height: 6' 4\" (1.93 m) Weight: Eyes: Brown Birthdate: December 2nd First Appearance: Wii Sports"@en . . . . "Austrian"@en . . . . . . . . . "---"@es . . . "Vu~ikut\u0101"@en . "2"^^ . . . "19"^^ . "Wendy Sullivan Green"@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "Dr. Victor es un cient\u00EDfico de Black Mesa cuyo nombre puede ser escuchado a trav\u00E9s del Sistema de Anuncio de Black Mesa, lo que se escucha es \"Dr. Victor, informe al Laboratorio L\u00E1ser de sobrefusi\u00F3n por favor.\" en el Sector C."@es . "No"@en . "Victor is the leader of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on vodka."@en . . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30C8\u30FC\u30EB) is a character from Romancing SaGa 2 and an level 3/5 playable character in Imperial SaGa.He is the older brother of Gellard and son of Leon he like his brother Gellard is kind and caring he has also been described in the time weavers as brave. Victor was next in line to being ruler over Avalon but after Leon left to the Watchman Cave and came back Avalon was attacked and Victor was killed by Kujinshi who had used Soulsteal on him Victor tried to fight but all his attacks were useless. Victor is never playable though through cheats he can be gotten he plays out completely normal and has sprites for all battle functions. In the remakes of the game, you are given a chance to spar with his spirit after unlocking every region and all classes. Defeating Victor will leave a chest with an Intaglio ring near the Emperor's Bed when he wakes up the next morning."@en . "Victor Salazar or known formly as Victor, is a scientist that works for a company that secretly constructed theJager Project and maybe the possible unknown enitycreation or incident."@en . . . "Victor"@pl . . . "Victor is a dark red Hispanic tank engine in charge of the Sodor Steamworks. He supervises all the engines who journey in and out of the workshops, as well as Kevin, the clumsy yard crane. Victor always has a helpful, constructive disposition and is good-humored with everyone he meets. Victor was introduced in the feature length special Hero of the Rails. The show's staff were researching real-life engine workshops as inspiration for the Steamworks when they learned that one had a self-contained narrow-gauge line, used to transport parts internally. The staff decided they wanted an engine with a cab, and chose as a prototype ALCo's #1173, which was specially built for a sugar plantation line in Cuba. Some artistic licence was taken, as the original #1173 is a standard gauge locomotive. Victor made multiple further appearances in the thirteenth series."@en . "-"@en . "Victor von Gerdenheim"@en . "Victor is a suitor for Vivian's hand on the Sesame Street soap opera parody All My Letters (EKA: Episode 2277). When Victor arrives at Vivian's place in his van (\"Varroom, varroom!\"), Vivian expects him to simply view her vegetables and automatically reveal his love for her. Instead, Victor is very vexed, claiming to be on vacation from vegetables. Before they can go any further, Walter the vegetable vampire enters, and Victor takes off with a start."@en . . . "320"^^ . . . "Victor is the rival of the player in Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire 2."@en . "Victor is an agent of the Tremere that travels to various Chantries to ensure their protection."@en . . . . "-"@en . . ""@en . "Jeden z trzech starszych w\u0142adaj\u0105cych \u015Bwiatem Wampir\u00F3w. Dumny w\u0142adca licz\u0105cy sobie 1400 lat. Jeden z nielicznych kt\u00F3rym ufa\u0142a Selena. Zosta\u0142 przez ni\u0105 przedwcze\u015Bnie zbudzony po 200 latach snu. Selena pragn\u0119\u0142a ostrzec go i\u017C Wampirom grozi wielki, zmasowany atak si\u0142 Lyka\u0144skich. Jak wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 Wampir\u00F3w, czuje wielk\u0105 odraz\u0119 do Lykan\u00F3w. Jego oponowana i spokojna oraz wynios\u0142a postawa budz\u0105 l\u0119k i powa\u017Canie nie tylko w\u015Br\u00F3d jego podw\u0142adnych, ale r\u00F3wnie\u017C w\u015Br\u00F3d tych kt\u00F3rzy pragn\u0105 jego \u015Bmierci. Viktor mia\u0142 jednak jeszcze jedna tajemnic\u0119, o kt\u00F3rej nie widzia\u0142 \u017Caden wampir. Ku swemu przera\u017Ceniu, Selena odkry\u0142a, \u017Ce Victor przyczyni\u0142 si\u0119 do rozpocz\u0119cia bestialskiej wojny ras pond tysi\u0105c lat temu. Nie chc\u0105c pozwoli\u0107 aby jego c\u00F3rka by\u0142a kochank\u0105 Lykanina, kaza\u0142 jej ukochanemu, Lucianowi \u2013 patrze\u0107 na jej \u015Bmie"@pl . . "Corgi American Shorthair"@en . . "--05-20"^^ . "Weight"@en . . . "300"^^ . . . . "290"^^ . "Quiero irme"@es . . . . "King Victor was the ruler of Granorg, father of Princess Eruca and the late Prince Ernst, and husband of Protea."@en . "1"^^ . . . . "Mana-Ritter"@de . . . . . "Victor was resting in another seat in Northeast Airlines 140 jet when Thornburg wakes him up and asks if he still has the radio microphone with him. Victor replies that he does and wouldn't even let Airport security check them in. Thornburg tells Victor to set up one of the receivers and asked if he can tune in the cockpit frequency. Victor said he could and asked why, which Thornburg replies he wants to know what's going on. Once Victor got the airport frequency, he's only hears the airport beacon and tells Thornburg that he only hears it and that it's like Dulles Tower isn't there. Thornburg tells him to stay on it."@en . "261"^^ . . "It looks great as far as looks. It has big eyebrows, (almost a uni-brow). And just it looks, uh, well, it's kinda, sorta like uh, Hispanic in a weird sort of way. Now it is obvious from the picture that they put a lot of molding into the face. It has a lot of wrinkles, and bumps."@en . . . . . "5"^^ . "Victor"@en . "-"@en . . . "Russian Dogs"@en . "Victor is the nonagenarian husband of Meghan."@en . . . . "58"^^ . "225"^^ . "Adept Magus"@en . . . . . . "Clock Tower"@en . . "Crazy about model airplanes and other electrical toys, little Victor spent his childhood playing in Clint City's Central Park test-flying his small creations, until the day that is that one of got caught up in Nellie's hair! This sparked off a diplomatic row and court case that brought about his family's economic and social downfall! Twenty years on and Victor isn't playing any more. He's joined La Junta and works tirelessly on improving his army of drones with just one aim in mind: to exact his revenge on all the nobility of Poldachie-Golgovine by first filming and then broadcasting their most embarrassing moments over the Internet!"@en . . . . "Nicklas Andersson"@en . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . "union"@en . . . . "Victor is a Downtown racer. He is a part of Hugo's crew, which dominate the Downtown scene. They race out of two abandoned lots: one on Grand St. and the other in the Theater District."@en . "Victor was a programmer and drone pilot loyal to the pro-Soviet Union ultranationalist Dmitri Gredenko during Day 6."@en . . "Bramblestar's Storm"@en . . "Es el primo de Giorgio y hermano de Miguel Angel"@es . . . . "-"@en . . "46"^^ . "10"^^ . "Vibration"@en . . . . "Portrayed by Enver Gjokaj, Victor is a character of Dollhouse. He is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with identities, personalities, skills, and memories in order to be sent into the world on engagements. Between engagements they live in the Dollhouse with no memory of their pasts or knowledge of their futures. Victor is \"the distractingly handsome Doll who is called upon to play everyone from Errol Flynn to Robert DeNiro\"."@en . . . . "8"^^ . "Affiliation"@en . . "Victor was a car salesman who worked at Malfunctioning Eddie's Rocket-Car Emporium. He speaks in third person and has a Latin accent. He uses hard-sell tactics to sell cars."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "\"mon zozio\" \n\"manette\""@fr . "446"^^ . . "Agilao\nPsyo\nSukukaja\nLiftoma"@en . . "-"@en . . "Anxiety"@en . "93"^^ . "\u7537\u6027\u4EBA\u985E"@zh . . "2006-03-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . ""@en . "\u2022Sledgehammer"@en . . "Complete Union of the Golden Chalice Guild Task 34. Available after entering The Catacombs."@en . "---"@es . . . "Victor \u017Cy\u0142 w Wersalu w okresie rewolucji francuskiej. W 1789 roku spotka\u0142 Arna Doriana, od kt\u00F3rego wygra\u0142 w karty zegarek. Arno nie mog\u0105c pogodzi\u0107 si\u0119 ze strat\u0105, wykrad\u0142 mu go, lecz kowal si\u0119 o tym dowiedzia\u0142. Wraz z bratem napad\u0142 na niego pr\u00F3buj\u0105c odebra\u0107 mu zegarek. Nie uda\u0142o im si\u0119 to, gdy\u017C Arno uciek\u0142. Pod\u0105\u017Caj\u0105c za tropem Arna wdar\u0142 si\u0119 na posiedzenie stan\u00F3w generalnych, gdzie w jednym pokoju stoczy\u0142 z nim pojedynek, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 przerwany przez stra\u017Cnik\u00F3w, a Arno uciek\u0142. Dalsze losy Victora pozostaj\u0105 nieznane."@pl . . . . . . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30C8\u30EB Vikutoru?) is the fractured version of Ludger Will Kresnik eight years in the future, as well as the father of Elle Mel Marta. He is one of the Waymarkers necessary to reaching the Land of Canaan, specifically the strongest chromatus bearer, as well as the divergence catalyst of his dimension."@en . . . "Fond"@en . "Brak danych"@pl . . . . . . . "65"^^ . "Victor, cropped from original"@en . . . . . . "56"^^ . "Anna Ripley"@en . "Physical, one hit, one enemy"@en . . . "Victor is an ensemble character in the musical Cats. He only appeared in the London Production and occasionally in larger productions worldwide. His name is mentioned in \"The Naming of Cats\"."@en . "Victor is a man who appeared in \"Vanished\"."@en . . . . . . "int"@en . . "Kittypet"@en . "1987"^^ . . "Occupation"@en . "Es el primo de Giorgio y hermano de Miguel Angel"@es . "Ever Grande City"@en . "Pingouin"@fr . . "30"^^ . . . . "Pelotillehue"@es . "20"^^ . . . . . . "Quiero Irme"@es . "1"^^ . "Bramblestar's Storm, page 318"@en . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . "4"^^ . "9"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "false"@en . "Bramblestar when he has Victor pinned down"@en . "Gunma_anime_screenshot-_victor.png"@en . . . "Two-Legged Creatures"@en . . "18"^^ . . "Victor 2"@en . "alegre"@es . . . "20"^^ . "hp"@en . . . . "15"^^ . . . . . "None"@en . . "New York, NY, USA"@en . . . "KAOS agent whose cover is a salesman at Larsen's Shoe Store. Hijinks ensue when Victor follows Maxwell Smart home to his apartment and Max tries to capture him without revealing his own occupation to his visiting Aunt Bertha and Uncle Abner. Portrayed by Conrad Janis [Episode #12: \"My Nephew the Spy\"]."@en . "5"^^ . "58"^^ . "N/A"@en . "str"@en . "Victor"@fr . . . "Chef"@en . . . . "Mitra"@en . . . "46"^^ . . "Team Victor"@en . "Victor was a NPC in Bakugan Dimensions. He was in the Athletic Field. He was one of the NPCs that used an unknown style with one of the unknown moves, in his case particularly, Swirling Breeze. He was a Ventus brawler."@en . . "Brak danych"@pl . "7200"^^ . . "Victor is voiced by Rob Riggle."@en . . . . "Victor is the supervisor of the Duelling Arena in Thais and says he is called 'Victor' because he is always victorious."@en . "0"^^ . . . "Victor-2310 rev. 42.0 supported 65536 muchobytes basic and 6894895 muchobytes extended memory, Snorak keyboard, direct mental interface, and Biochip BUS driver."@en . . . . . "false"@en . "Victor"@en . . . "Fable II"@en . "Die Hard 2"@en . "right|200px Victor ist ein exotisches Monster aus Final Fantasy XII. Er befindet sich in der Nam-Yensa-Sandsee in dem Abschnitt Ersehnte gelbe Erde. Dort taucht er jedoch nur mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 40% auf. Es geh\u00F6rt zu den 30 Exoten, die man f\u00FCr die Jagdring-Nebenmission jagen kann und hinterl\u00E4sst das Huf-Signum."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Victor"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Victor"@de . "64"^^ . "ninguna"@es . . . . . "Gareth Goddard"@en . "Baaluk"@en . . "After the GBO ended, Victor escorted Simon away from Flosso in the stadium. Due to the fact that he and Flosso were responsible for the death of Simon's father, Simon strangled him to death, providing Simon with a \"killer\" story to tell if anyone asked about his flash."@en . . . . . "Victor was a NPC in Bakugan Dimensions. He was in the Athletic Field. He was one of the NPCs that used an unknown style with one of the unknown moves, in his case particularly, Swirling Breeze. He was a Ventus brawler."@en . . . . "Single Foe/1/Physical/None"@en . . . . . "22"^^ . . . . "12"^^ . "Victor is a Cuban narrow gauge tank engine."@en . . . "10"^^ . "Victor is found south of the gates of Burgh de Rott. Like all citizens, he will praise the player for their role in In Aid of the Myreque. He can be found in a run down house with his mother Emilia and sister Helena."@en . . "Victor est le personnage qui a sauv\u00E9 le Courrier. Alors qu'il se promenait dans le coin, il entendit un vacarme au Cimeti\u00E8re en voyant des personnes enterrer quelqu'un. Il se cacha et d\u00E8s que des personnes s'en all\u00E8rent, il alla voir ce qu'ils avaient fait en remuant la terre. Victor vit le Courrier, encore vivant mais souffrant. Il emmena son corps chez le Doc Mitchell."@fr . "Power Grip"@en . . . . "ap"@en . . "73.8"^^ . . "Victor is an achievement in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind."@en . "phys"@en . "Victor is an agent of the Tremere that travels to various Chantries to ensure their protection."@en . "266"^^ . "242"^^ . "46"^^ . . . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . "no se sabe"@es . . . "Pok\u00E9mon Trainer"@en . . . . "N/A"@en . "Daniel Murray"@en . . ", Patrick Star, Dennis"@en . . . . . . "Victor.jpg"@de . . "350"^^ . "Brown and white"@en . . . "Rinshin Town"@en . "Resist"@en . "Victor Salazar or known formly as Victor, is a scientist that works for a company that secretly constructed theJager Project and maybe the possible unknown enitycreation or incident."@en . "La Junta"@en . . . . "Alive, but missing all fingers on his right hand"@en . "Victor is a pale brown tabby tom."@en . "Victor"@zh . . . . "King Victor was the ruler of Granorg, father of Princess Eruca and the late Prince Ernst, and husband of Protea."@en . "363"^^ . . . "Megidola\nHeaven's Bow\nMakajama"@en . "1"^^ . "Victor"@it . . "-"@en . . . . . "right|200px Victor ist ein exotisches Monster aus Final Fantasy XII. Er befindet sich in der Nam-Yensa-Sandsee in dem Abschnitt Ersehnte gelbe Erde. Dort taucht er jedoch nur mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 40% auf. Es geh\u00F6rt zu den 30 Exoten, die man f\u00FCr die Jagdring-Nebenmission jagen kann und hinterl\u00E4sst das Huf-Signum."@de . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . "Victor was a robot that competed in Series 2 and Series 3 of Robot Wars. It made the Arena Stage of Series 2 losing to Demolition Demon, and made the second round of Series 3, losing to Trident. Team Victor then had a long interval away from Robot Wars after Series 3 before returning in Series 7 with a new machine, The Kraken."@en . "bHZ0a%OnM2X5p2OO"@en . "Thumb with no caption or no link Thumb with caption, no link Thumb with caption and link Thumb with link, no caption Image with link, without caption or thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Image with caption and link, not thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Image with caption, no link or thumb File:Troy Bradshaw Interview.jpg Gallery, without caption or link Gallery with caption, no link - note that caption isn't shown until you open the lightbox in the mobile skin. Gallery with link, no caption Gallery with link and caption"@en . "Shape Changer"@en . . . . . "Victor is a dark red Hispanic tank engine in charge of the Sodor Steamworks. He supervises all the engines who journey in and out of the workshops, as well as Kevin, the clumsy yard crane. Victor always has a helpful, constructive disposition and is good-humored with everyone he meets."@en . . . . . . . "Mike Ehrmantraut"@en . "Victor, as he appears in Darkstalkers 3."@en . "200"^^ . "Humanoid"@en . . "Victor or Victoricus was mentioned in the Irish missionary Saint Patrick's vision who had prompted Patrick to his mission in 300s. Atlus defines this mysterious man to be an unorthodox angel. However, one source suggests this man being the French Bishop Saint Victricius of the same time."@en . "*"@en . . . "5"^^ . "M\u00E2le"@fr . "Victor \u662FDHARMA\u8A08\u5283\u7684\u6210\u54E1\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0C\u4ED6\u7684\u8077\u4F4D\u662F\u4E00\u540D\u5316\u5B78\u5BB6\u3002"@zh . "Victor is a suitor for Vivian's hand on the Sesame Street soap opera parody All My Letters (EKA: Episode 2277). When Victor arrives at Vivian's place in his van (\"Varroom, varroom!\"), Vivian expects him to simply view her vegetables and automatically reveal his love for her. Instead, Victor is very vexed, claiming to be on vacation from vegetables. Before they can go any further, Walter the vegetable vampire enters, and Victor takes off with a start."@en . . "Victor after being defeated"@en . . . . . . . "Superior Ring"@en . "Height"@en . . . "Breed"@en . "Victor Phae knows he's vain, but as God's gift to women he has the right to be. Forget the money, The Romeo is just on the show to find his Juliet, though not many can tolerate this drama king's antics."@en . "Victor est le personnage qui a sauv\u00E9 le Courrier. Alors qu'il se promenait dans le coin, il entendit un vacarme au Cimeti\u00E8re en voyant des personnes enterrer quelqu'un. Il se cacha et d\u00E8s que des personnes s'en all\u00E8rent, il alla voir ce qu'ils avaient fait en remuant la terre. Victor vit le Courrier, encore vivant mais souffrant. Il emmena son corps chez le Doc Mitchell. Victor est arriv\u00E9 \u00E0 Goodsprings dans les environs de 2266 \u00E0 2271 et ne semble pas se souvenir de ce qu'il avait fait avant d'y arriver.. Victor a l'air d'aimer cette ville en disant : \" En tout cas, c'est une bonne petite ville bien tranquille [...]. \"."@fr . . "2010"^^ . "20"^^ . . . . "Hamaon\\Innate\nBlast Arrow\\Innate\nNull Dark\\43"@en . . . . "Victor"@zh . . "76"^^ . . "Supervisor"@en . . "Victor, in his second form, also appears throughout Silver Land's Boss Gates. King Fang informs Jin that the messenger who appealed to him had an aura similar to those of a Silver Knight, but the aura was like a dark fog rather than clear, bright energy. Jin concludes Victor betrayed Silver Land. Victor is seen at his own castle, and he taunts Jin claiming he used and killed the Silver Knights as they were weak and Silver Land can only be protected with darkness. Jin vows revenge. After defeating his first form, he revives and transforms, much to the Chase's shock and horror. After defeating his second, he seems to \"revive\" again. The battle almost seems endless and tiring, but Jin requests that the Chase believe in him. They do so, as Jin enters Burning Rage, and executes Burning Fist of "@en . "Victor is a Merchant. Like all merchants, he buys and sells goods at a fixed price."@en . "Black"@en . . . . . . . . "Victor is an ensemble character in the musical Cats. He only appeared in the London Production and occasionally in larger productions worldwide. His name is mentioned in \"The Naming of Cats\"."@en . . "125.255"^^ . "Victor was a loyal henchman of Gustavo Fring and prominent enforcer in Gus' Drug Empire alongside Mike Ehrmantraut. Spotted by witnesses at the scene of Gale Boetticher's murder, he is currently a suspect for that crime and the DEA has offered a reward for information leading to his whereabouts. The DEA is unaware, however, that shortly after Gale's murder, Victor himself was killed at the hands of Gustavo Fring."@en . . "Versatile"@fr . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "-"@en . "---"@es . "Dark Brown"@en . . "Ever Grande City"@en . "Victor \u017Cy\u0142 w Wersalu w okresie rewolucji francuskiej. W 1789 roku spotka\u0142 Arna Doriana, od kt\u00F3rego wygra\u0142 w karty zegarek. Arno nie mog\u0105c pogodzi\u0107 si\u0119 ze strat\u0105, wykrad\u0142 mu go, lecz kowal si\u0119 o tym dowiedzia\u0142. Wraz z bratem napad\u0142 na niego pr\u00F3buj\u0105c odebra\u0107 mu zegarek. Nie uda\u0142o im si\u0119 to, gdy\u017C Arno uciek\u0142. Pod\u0105\u017Caj\u0105c za tropem Arna wdar\u0142 si\u0119 na posiedzenie stan\u00F3w generalnych, gdzie w jednym pokoju stoczy\u0142 z nim pojedynek, kt\u00F3ry zosta\u0142 przerwany przez stra\u017Cnik\u00F3w, a Arno uciek\u0142. 4 czerwca 1793 roku Victor wraz z bratem mia\u0142 zosta\u0107 stracony podczas publicznej egzekucji w Wersalu. Win\u0105 obu by\u0142o ukrywanie jedzenia. Egzekucj\u0119 udaremni\u0142 Arno, kt\u00F3ry zdoby\u0142 klucz do klatki ze skaza\u0144cami i udaj\u0105c, \u017Ce idzie na \u015Bci\u0119cie zabi\u0142 Aloysa la Touche'a, kt\u00F3ry prowadzi\u0142 egzekucje. Dalsze losy Victora pozostaj\u0105 nieznane."@pl . . . . "500"^^ . . . "Hamaon\\Innate\nHeaven's Bow\\Innate\nMakarakarn\\62\nLight Pleroma\\64"@en . . "Victor is a chef in a caf\u00E9 whom Homer, Bart and Lisa meet when they are trying to find Marge."@en . . . . . . "Odale Town"@en . "Quiero irme"@es . . "N/A"@en . "Victor"@it . "Bramblestar's Storm"@en . "Victor von Gerdenheim is a character from the Darkstalkers series of fighting games. He hails from Germany."@en . . "22"^^ . "N/A"@en . . . "1"^^ . . "In Aid of the Myreque"@en . . . . "Victor was a loyal henchman of Gustavo Fring and prominent enforcer in Gus' Drug Empire alongside Mike Ehrmantraut. Spotted by witnesses at the scene of Gale Boetticher's murder, he is currently a suspect for that crime and the DEA has offered a reward for information leading to his whereabouts. The DEA is unaware, however, that shortly after Gale's murder, Victor himself was killed at the hands of Gustavo Fring. Before Gale's murder, he was tasked by Gus to watch over Walter White and Gale's replacement, Jesse Pinkman, as they cooked meth in order to make sure they met their requirements. Unbeknownst to the two, Victor secretly observed how they made the drug and eventually learned the process in order to take over their positions as Gus's meth cook should they fail. Because of this, he serves as the hidden main antagonist of the second half of Season 3."@en . . "7200.0"^^ . "N/A"@en . "4"^^ . . "Victor may refer to: \n* Victor (magazine), a blue 0-4-4 tank engine who was turned into a playground, or \n* Victor (television series), a red engine who works at the Sodor Steamworks."@en . . . "Nomadenaktion 2011 April"@de . . . "Victor may refer to: \n* Victor, a blue 0-4-4 tank engine who was turned into a playground, or \n* Victor, a red engine who works at the Sodor Steamworks."@en . . "Birthplace"@en . . "Weak"@en . . "ninguno"@es . "37"^^ . . "Family or owners"@en . "All teammates get +30% Attack against Fast characters. All teammates get a medium bonus to AP when Attacking"@en . . . . . "Victor in"@en . "229"^^ . . . . . "Victor is the rival of the player in Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire 2."@en . "Unknown"@en . "Es el amigo del Quiero irme. No se sabe mucho de el, solo se sabe que es amigo de Quiero Irme."@es . . "--04-06"^^ . "Petalburg Forest"@en . . "King Victor"@en . . "hand gun"@en . . "Victor, in his second form, also appears throughout Silver Land's Boss Gates. King Fang informs Jin that the messenger who appealed to him had an aura similar to those of a Silver Knight, but the aura was like a dark fog rather than clear, bright energy. Jin concludes Victor betrayed Silver Land. Victor is seen at his own castle, and he taunts Jin claiming he used and killed the Silver Knights as they were weak and Silver Land can only be protected with darkness. Jin vows revenge. After defeating his first form, he revives and transforms, much to the Chase's shock and horror. After defeating his second, he seems to \"revive\" again. The battle almost seems endless and tiring, but Jin requests that the Chase believe in him. They do so, as Jin enters Burning Rage, and executes Burning Fist of 10,000 Hells, which kills Victor upon impact. Upon Victor's defeat, he asks the Lord of Darkness for more strength, but one of his \"Voices\" tell him that Victor was just his pawn, and leaves him to die."@en . . "Owner of the Thug Tug"@en . . . . . "Victor is voiced by Rob Riggle."@en . "Rinshin Town"@en . "Insightful"@en . . "false"@en . "Species Gender Associates First Appearance Voiced by Victor was a villain from the show. Victor was a huge boy with orange hair, that always wears a white collar, black tie, and sweater vest. Though he dresses sharp, he is known as the school bully, who beats up Ren and Stimpy along with a young boy named Anthony. What he would normally do to Stimpy is give him stomach punches and every time he punched him he'd say, \"Happy...Happy...Joy...Joy,\" and would sometimes love twisting Ren's head until his neck got wrecked. The only person who is proud of Victor is his father, who would be waiting for Victor in a station wagon with a sign on the driver's door reading, \"Victor's Dad\". Victor's first appearance was in \"A Visit to Anthony.\" Victor and his father made another appearance; offering an insecure Stimpy a pair of underpants if he can pass their initiation. Stimpy succeeded and was given a pair of underpants by Victor's Dad, which was time for him to change after wearing them for six months. They tossed Stimpy out the station wagon and laughed, and not paying attention to the road, they drive off the cliff."@en . . . . . "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends"@en . . . . "Enemy in Shadow Hearts: Covenant"@en . . "Victor is the main antagonist of The Other Me. He is one of two scientists who wanted capture Twoie."@en . . . . "Pepo"@es . . . . . "Francuz"@pl . "Victor ist der Asiatische Zuchtbulle im Zoo Berlin. Er wurde am 23.10.1993 im Zoo von Ramat Gan (Israel) als Kind des ber\u00FChmten Zuchtpaares Motek (Vater) und Warda (Mutter) geboren. Einer seiner Br\u00FCder ist der Bulle Alexander im Zoo M\u00FCnster. Zugleich mit Ko Rayas Tod wurde eine weitere Tr\u00E4chtigkeit von Pang Pha gemeldet wurde, die erneut von Victor gedeckt worden war. Am 12.08.2012 wurde von ihr eine 160 kg schwere Tochter geboren. Das Kalb, das Anchali genannt wurde, ist Victors dritter Nachwuchs. Damit hat er drei Kuhk\u00E4lber gezeugt, von denen nur das j\u00FCngste noch am Leben ist."@de . . . "1"^^ . "two"@en . . "Kittypet:"@en . . . "After the GBO ended, Victor escorted Simon away from Flosso in the stadium. Due to the fact that he and Flosso were responsible for the death of Simon's father, Simon strangled him to death, providing Simon with a \"killer\" story to tell if anyone asked about his flash."@en . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30C8\u30FC\u30EB) is a character from Romancing SaGa 2 and an level 3/5 playable character in Imperial SaGa.He is the older brother of Gellard and son of Leon he like his brother Gellard is kind and caring he has also been described in the time weavers as brave. Victor was next in line to being ruler over Avalon but after Leon left to the Watchman Cave and came back Avalon was attacked and Victor was killed by Kujinshi who had used Soulsteal on him Victor tried to fight but all his attacks were useless. Victor is never playable though through cheats he can be gotten he plays out completely normal and has sprites for all battle functions. In the remakes of the game, you are given a chance to spar with his spirit after unlocking every region and all classes. Defeating Victor will leave a ches"@en . "Ken Goddard"@en . . "\u201EHallo Michael.\u201C Zugegeben, ich habe eine Schw\u00E4che f\u00FCr dramatische Auftritte. Zu sehen, wie sich \u00DCberraschung in den Augen des Gegen\u00FCbers in einem Sekundenbruchteil zu nackter Angst steigert, wie seine K\u00F6rperfunktionen eine nach der anderen darauf reagieren und entweder verr\u00FCcktspielen oder v\u00F6llig abschalten, am\u00FCsiert mich immer wieder. Doch heute fehlt mir die Geduld, diesen Anblick zu genie\u00DFen. Immerhin musste ich lange genug in seiner heruntergekommenen Wohnung verbringen. Wie er es schafft, in diesem Loch zu leben, ist mir unbegreiflich. An den W\u00E4nden bl\u00E4ttern die ohnehin grausigen Tapeten ab. Schimmel sprie\u00DFt \u00FCberall. Der durchgetretene Fu\u00DFboden ist notd\u00FCrftig mit den Resten eines Teppichs bedeckt. Das Trippeln von Ratten in den W\u00E4nden. Faulendes Essen im kaputten K\u00FChlschrank. Dazu der alles \u00FCberdeckende Geruch von Moder und Verfall. Widerlich. Aber das ist nebens\u00E4chlich. Ich bin nicht wegen der Einrichtung hier. Michael steht immer noch wie angewurzelt in der T\u00FCr. \u201EM\u00F6chtest du nicht hereinkommen und dich setzen?\u201C Ich bem\u00FChe mich um einen freundlichen Ton und weise auf die Couch mir gegen\u00FCber. Er blinzelt, schlie\u00DFt die T\u00FCr und macht ein paar Schritte auf die Couch zu. Seine H\u00E4nde zittern. Endlich schafft er es, die letzten Meter zur\u00FCckzulegen, und setzt sich. Dass er sich wie ein Gast in seinem eigenen Territorium auff\u00FChrt, merkt er nicht einmal. Das tun die wenigsten. \u201EV-Victor.\u201C Warum alle immer meinen Namen sagen m\u00FCssen, ist mir ein R\u00E4tsel. Als w\u00FCrde ich pl\u00F6tzlich aufspringen und rufen 'HAH! War nur ein Scherz, in Wirklichkeit bin ich ein Gnom und wollte dich nur reinlegen! Hier hast du ein Bonbon f\u00FCr den Schreck.' Sollte \u00FCbrigens irgendein Gnom das versuchen, wird er nicht einmal mehr dazu kommen, meinen Namen auch nur zu denken. Aber zur\u00FCck zu Michael. \u201ESieh einer an, er kann ja doch sprechen!\u201C Er verzieht die Mundwinkel und wischt sich die verschwitzen H\u00E4nde an seiner Hose ab. Wie Menschen es aushalten zu schwitzen, werde ich wohl nie verstehen. W\u00FCrden mir stinkende Fl\u00FCssigkeiten aus der Haut laufen, w\u00E4re mein n\u00E4chster Halt ein S\u00E4urebad. Keine Haut, kein Schwei\u00DF. Problem gel\u00F6st. Sein Blick f\u00E4hrt unstet \u00FCber die verschlissenen W\u00E4nde. Welche Farbe diese mal hatten, ist unm\u00F6glich zu sagen. Mittlerweile sind sie irgendwo bei grau angekommen. Ich schlage die Beine \u00FCbereinander und sehe ihn unverwandt an. Wie immer funktioniert diese Taktik hervorragend. \u201EI-Ich habe mich an die Abmachung gehalten! Habe jeglichen Kontakt mit ihnen abgebrochen. Keinerlei Gesch\u00E4fte mehr. Du-du siehst, wohin mich das gebracht hat, a-aber ich habs nicht gebrochen!\u201C Ich hebe die Hand, und er verstummt sofort. Seine braunen Augen sehen mich flehend an. Erb\u00E4rmlich. \u201EIch wei\u00DF, dass du dich an die Abmachung gehalten hast, Michael. Deswegen bin ich nicht hier. Ich brauche eine Information.\u201C Er st\u00F6\u00DFt einen Seufzer aus und sackt etwas in sich zusammen. Dann r\u00E4uspert er sich und versucht sich hinter einer gesch\u00E4ftst\u00FCchtigen Fassade zu verstecken. Immerhin etwas. Obwohl sein Angstgeruch immer noch den Raum verpestet. \u201EOkay. Klar. Ich helfe wo ich kann. Was willst du wissen?\u201C Wortlos zeige ich ihm das Foto. Das bisschen Farbe, das in sein Gesicht zur\u00FCckgekehrt war, verschwindet wieder. Seine H\u00E4nde zittern unkontrolliert, und wie es aussieht, ist er kurz davor, sich in die Hose zu machen. Es geschieht selten, dass nicht ich es bin, der diese Reaktion bei anderen hervorruft. Wie am\u00FCsant. \u201EI-Ich...ich habe\u2026 wirklich...\u201C Ich unterbreche ihn. \u201EVorsicht Michael, du wei\u00DFt, wie wenig ich es leiden kann, angelogen zu werden. Also, was wolltest du sagen?\u201C Er klappt seinen Mund wieder zu. Dachte ich mir. \u201EB-Bitte\u2026 Victor. Wenn sie herausfinden, dass ich\u2026 sie werden mich\u2026\u201C Meine Stimme bleibt v\u00F6llig ruhig. \u201EWenn du mir nicht sagst, was ich wissen will, werde ich es sein, der dich umbringt. Vielleicht bringe ich dich so oder so um. Aber noch kannst du entscheiden, ob es schnell oder langsam sein wird.\u201C Nat\u00FCrlich k\u00F6nnte ich in seinen Geist eindringen und die ben\u00F6tigten Informationen einfach herausholen. Aber das ist ziemlich aufwendig, vor allem wenn die Erinnerung schon lange zur\u00FCck liegt und tief vergraben ist. Au\u00DFerdem w\u00E4re das nur halb so unterhaltsam. Sein Mund \u00F6ffnet und schlie\u00DFt sich wie bei einem Fisch auf dem Trockenen. Er vergr\u00E4bt den Kopf in seinen H\u00E4nden und murmelt etwas. \u201EWie bitte?\u201C Nat\u00FCrlich habe ich ihn verstanden. Ich will es nur noch einmal h\u00F6ren. Er blickt verzweifelt auf. \u201EIch kann nicht!\u201C Ein L\u00E4cheln erscheint auf meinen Lippen. M\u00FChelos \u00FCberw\u00E4ltige ich seinen Geist und \u00FCbernehme die Kontrolle \u00FCber seinen K\u00F6rper. Der Raum wird dunkler. Gestalten bewegen sich in den Schatten. Sehe zu, wie der winzige Keim aus Hoffnung, den er noch hatte, eingeht und dabei den Boden salzt. Keine Hoffnung mehr f\u00FCr Michael. Wie schade. Ich wei\u00DF nicht warum, aber trotz der vielen Geschichten und Ger\u00FCchte, die man sich \u00FCber mich erz\u00E4hlt (und die ich hege und pflege, wo immer es geht) neigen sie dazu, mich zu untersch\u00E4tzen. Vielleicht liegt es an meinem Erscheinen. Ich gebe zu, mit den eisblauen Augen, den hohen Wangenknochen und den dichten, schwarzen Locken sehe ich eher aus wie ein Schauspieler als wie das typische Monster. Ich l\u00E4chle bei dem Gedanken. Gew\u00E4hre Michael einen winzigen Blick hinter den Vorhang. Ein klitzekleines K\u00F6rnchen meines wahren Ichs. Seine Augen werden riesig. Er stemmt sich gegen meine Kontrolle, und ein bei\u00DFender Geruch erf\u00FCllt den Raum. Michael hat sich eingeschissen. \u201EB-Bitte...ich sage dir\u2026 a-alles was ich wei\u00DF...\u201C Wieder l\u00E4chle ich. \u201EOh, das wirst du. Sp\u00E4ter.\u201C Ich gehe Michael und mich in die heruntergekommene K\u00FCche. Mein Blick f\u00E4llt auf die, vor schmutzigem Geschirr \u00FCberquellende, Sp\u00FCle. \u201ENimm den L\u00F6ffel.\u201C Er greift nach einem Teel\u00F6ffel, auf dem sich gr\u00FCner Flaum gebildet hat. \u201EIch m\u00F6chte, dass du dir dein rechtes Auge entfernst.\u201C Ungl\u00E4ubig sieht er zu, wie sich langsam sein Arm hebt. Mit einem schmatzendes Ger\u00E4usch trifft der L\u00F6ffel auf Fleisch. Michael schreit auf, w\u00E4hrend er den L\u00F6ffel bewegt. Schlie\u00DFlich l\u00F6st sich der Augapfel aus der H\u00F6hle und baumelt am Sehnerv hin und her. W\u00FCrde ich seinen Beinen nicht befehlen stehenzubleiben, h\u00E4tten sie wohl nachgegeben. Aber ich bin noch nicht fertig. Ich reiche ihm ein Messer. Seine Hand zittert, als sie danach greift. \u201ESchneid es ab.\u201C Er beginnt mit feuchtem Ratschen, daran herumzus\u00E4beln. Es ist ein sehr stumpfes Messer. Ged\u00E4mpfte Schreie kommen von Michael. Ich halte seinen Mund geschlossen. Wir wollen ja nicht die Nachbarn aufwecken. Endlich f\u00E4llt der Augapfel mit einem dumpfen Ger\u00E4usch hinunter und rollt \u00FCber den verdreckten Fu\u00DFboden. Blut flie\u00DFt in kleinen Str\u00F6men aus der leeren H\u00F6hle. \u201EHeb es auf.\u201C Gehorsam tut er, was ich sage. \u201EIss es.\u201C Ich sehe den Horror in seinen Augen, w\u00E4hrend sich die Hand mit seinem Auge in Richtung seines Mundes bewegt. Ich sp\u00FCre, wie er verzweifelt versucht, die Kontrolle \u00FCber seinen K\u00F6rper zur\u00FCckzubekommen. Wie eine Fliege, die immer wieder gegen das \u00FCbergest\u00FClpte Glas fliegt. Sein Mund \u00F6ffnet sich und der Augapfel wandert hinein. Ich hindere seinen Mageninhalt daran, sich einen Weg nach oben zu bahnen. Mit einem Ploppen, wie bei einem Kaubonbon mit fl\u00FCssiger F\u00FCllung, zerplatzt das Auge zwischen seinen Z\u00E4hnen. Unger\u00FChrt sehe ich zu, wie er kaut und es schlie\u00DFlich hinunterschluckt. Mit einem Ruck ziehe ich mich aus seinem Kopf zur\u00FCck. Sofort f\u00E4llt er auf die Knie und \u00FCbergibt sich auf den K\u00FCchenboden. Als er die Reste seines Mahls sieht, w\u00FCrgt er wieder und wieder. Eine Mischung aus Magensaft, Glask\u00F6rper und Blut flie\u00DFt \u00FCber das billige PVC. Ich achte darauf, dass nichts davon meine Schuhe ber\u00FChrt, und halte ihm wieder das Foto unter die Nase. \u201EAlso?\u201C Den Mund an seinem \u00C4rmel abwischend lehnt er sich gegen die Wand. Seine Stimme bricht immer wieder. \u201EIch\u2026 sollte ihm einige der ben\u00F6tigten Materialien besorgen. Er meinte, es w\u00E4re f\u00FCr jemand besonderen...\u201C Ich knirsche mit den Z\u00E4hnen. Michael unterbricht sich und scheint mit der Wand verschmelzen zu wollen. \u201EWeiter!\u201C herrsche ich ihn an. Versuche meine Wut wieder unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Er hebt abwehrend die H\u00E4nde. \u201EV-Viel mehr war da nicht...\u201C Seinem gehetzten Blick nach zu urteilen, sucht er fieberhaft nach etwas, das er mir noch sagen kann. \u201EIch\u2026 Ich hab einmal ein Gespr\u00E4ch mitgeh\u00F6rt! E-Es ging um einen Mechanismus, aber ich konnte nicht alles verstehen...\u201C Weiter h\u00F6re ich nicht zu. Schon bin ich in Michaels Geist und rei\u00DFe die jetzt an der Oberfl\u00E4che liegende Erinnerung an mich. Er schreit gequ\u00E4lt auf. Mit seiner Erinnerung, die jetzt meine ist, beruhige ich mich wieder. Michael h\u00E4lt sich den Kopf und wimmert. Mitleidlos sehe ich ihn an. Ich habe alles, was ich brauche. Beim Hinausgehen erschaffe ich ein Bild seiner Lunge vor meinem geistigen Auge. Stelle mir vor, wie sie sich langsam mit Wasser f\u00FCllt. Sein krampfhaftes Husten begleitet mich die Treppe hinunter. by RookieNightmare ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Der \u00DCberfall (Teil 2 der Victor Reihe) Beschw\u00F6rung (Teil 3 der Victor Reihe) Diner (Teil 4 der Victor Reihe) Diner Teil 2 (Teil 5 der Victor Reihe) Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall (Teil 6 der Victor Reihe) Konjunktion (Victor trifft Winter) Arbeitsessen (Ein Gesch\u00E4ftsessen der etwas anderen Art) A Walk in the Park (wir spielen M\u00E4uschen, bei einem Spaziergang)"@de . . . . . "Victor or Victoricus was mentioned in the Irish missionary Saint Patrick's vision who had prompted Patrick to his mission in 300s. Atlus defines this mysterious man to be an unorthodox angel. However, one source suggests this man being the French Bishop Saint Victricius of the same time."@en . . . . . . . . "Thais"@en . . "76"^^ . "8"^^ . . . "Victor is a Merchant. Like all merchants, he buys and sells goods at a fixed price."@en . "All right, we'll leave the squirrel munchers alone."@en . "Victor was a programmer and drone pilot loyal to the pro-Soviet Union ultranationalist Dmitri Gredenko during Day 6."@en . . "Baylor Zimm"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "Senior broker"@en . "Victor is a Cuban narrow gauge tank engine."@en . "Portrayed by Enver Gjokaj, Victor is a character of Dollhouse. He is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with identities, personalities, skills, and memories in order to be sent into the world on engagements. Between engagements they live in the Dollhouse with no memory of their pasts or knowledge of their futures. Victor is \"the distractingly handsome Doll who is called upon to play everyone from Errol Flynn to Robert DeNiro\"."@en . "Sakhalin islands, Russia"@en . . "46"^^ . . . . "mys"@en . . . . "-"@en . . . . . "2011"^^ . . . . "Victor is the main antagonist of The Other Me. He is one of two scientists who wanted capture Twoie."@en . "55"^^ . . "GDW vol 37 chpt 2"@en . . . "Humano"@es . . . "N/A"@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . . "Nomaden der Originale"@de . . . "needed"@en . . "-"@en . "Victor is an achievement in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind."@en . "36"^^ . "dnYzOBmPAoWO72XG"@en . . . . . . . . "Team Member"@en . "Null: Sleep"@en . "Victor is a vendor of mining products (and byproducts) in Vasselheim, and he serves as Percy's source of black powder in Othanzia. As an NPC, Victor is played by Matthew Mercer."@en . "Kras City"@en . . . "VictorScreencap.png"@en . . . . . "Fish"@en . . . . . . . . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . . . "no se sabe"@es . . . . "231"^^ . . . . "Victor Volt, or Victor Thomas Jefferson Volt is one of the main characters, along with Anita Knight, Professor Professor, and Changed Daily. He is an American recruit of UZZ, met at a comic book convention. He isn't the sharpest nail in the bucket, and often acts imature. His mother was an ex-agent of UZZ, as well as his father. In one episode, he along with Professor Professor came back from 20 years into the future to save Changed daily's life, but future Victor was knocked out before he could even say anything."@en . . "Victor is a pale brown tabby tom."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Planeta Tierra"@es . . . . . . . . . "Thug"@en . . . . . "Victor is a chef in a caf\u00E9 whom Homer, Bart and Lisa meet when they are trying to find Marge."@en . "Repel"@en . "Victor (\u30DC\u30EB\u30B7\u30C1, Borscht) \u00E8 un pigro Toro di color azzurro militare dalle corna gialle, con un ciuffetto di capelli rossicci sulla testa."@it . . . . . . . . . "After 15 battles"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . "Species Gender Associates First Appearance Voiced by Victor was a villain from the show. Victor was a huge boy with orange hair, that always wears a white collar, black tie, and sweater vest. Though he dresses sharp, he is known as the school bully, who beats up Ren and Stimpy along with a young boy named Anthony. What he would normally do to Stimpy is give him stomach punches and every time he punched him he'd say, \"Happy...Happy...Joy...Joy,\" and would sometimes love twisting Ren's head until his neck got wrecked. The only person who is proud of Victor is his father, who would be waiting for Victor in a station wagon with a sign on the driver's door reading, \"Victor's Dad\". Victor's first appearance was in \"A Visit to Anthony.\" Victor and his father made another appearance; offering an i"@en . "18"^^ . . . "Victor is the grave keeper of Bowerstone Cemetery and the owner of the Cemetery Mansion until you buy it."@en . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . "Weak"@en . "Null:Sleep"@en . . . "Victor is voiced by impressionist Jeff Bergman in the style of Alan Alda."@en . . . . . "Human"@en . . "Victor was a Leviathan whose job was to retrieve a special package for Dick Roman. After failing this task he was consumed by Dick."@en . "155"^^ . "157"^^ . "2010-06-24"^^ . "Bluish-gray"@en . "Deceased"@en . . "---"@es . . . "Bramblestar"@en . "7"^^ . . . . "It's a village kid."@en . "The Victor was a model of landspeeder produced by Tirsa Wargear during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire."@en . "Gender"@en . "Yes"@en . . "Human"@en . . . . "Jessy about the kittypets harassing ShadowClan"@en . . . . . "Victor Phae knows he's vain, but as God's gift to women he has the right to be. Forget the money, The Romeo is just on the show to find his Juliet, though not many can tolerate this drama king's antics."@en . "\"Day 6: 8:00pm-9:00pm\""@en . . "-"@en . "Victor was resting in another seat in Northeast Airlines 140 jet when Thornburg wakes him up and asks if he still has the radio microphone with him. Victor replies that he does and wouldn't even let Airport security check them in. Thornburg tells Victor to set up one of the receivers and asked if he can tune in the cockpit frequency. Victor said he could and asked why, which Thornburg replies he wants to know what's going on. Once Victor got the airport frequency, he's only hears the airport beacon and tells Thornburg that he only hears it and that it's like Dulles Tower isn't there. Thornburg tells him to stay on it. Afterwards, Victor hears the respond from Dulles chief engineer Leslie Barnes saying the outer marker is only available to them and tells them about the terrorist situation. He went to Thornburg and they went to the kitchen. Victors hands Thornburg the receiver and has him hear the frequency about the terrorist taking over Dulles Tower. The surprised Thornburg tells Victor to get this communication on recording and he does so. He then hands a pen and paper sheet to write down the communications report. He was present when Thornburg hears the terrorists have cut off the two systems that allows planes to land and Thornburg's shock over the dangerous situation."@en . . . . . . . . . "Navajo and Omaha"@en . . . . . . "Victor in Petz Catz 2"@en . . "\"The kittypet who lives behind this fence is called Victor, I think. He comes into the woods with Ziggy and Riga. If any cats are going to cause trouble, it'll be those three.\""@en . . "All teammates get +30% Attack against Fast characters. All teammates get a medium bonus to AP when Attacking"@en . . . "Age"@en . . "Superior Ring"@en . . . "The Victor was a model of landspeeder produced by Tirsa Wargear during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire."@en . . "Victor"@en . "559"^^ . "29"^^ . . "Victor was a male vampire and consort to Vampra. When the two of them were summoned by Prime Evil they arrived late, because they never travel during the day. Prime Evil wanted them to make sure the Moon Bloom project on Moon Base Alpha in the year 2186 would not come to fruition."@en . . . "3.8815848E9"^^ . . . . . "-"@en . . . "Victor is a dog owned by Rick in Clock Tower."@en . "-"@en . "Matthew Mercer"@en . . . . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC, Vu~ikut\u0101) is a character in Killer Is Dead. He is the execution target of Episode 6: The Man who Stole her Ears. Victor is the 56-year-old Austrian president of Sonic Cloud Inc., an audio equipment manufacturer based in the United States. When he learns about Jubilee, a musician whose talent can influence and control people's emotions, he visits her and 'traps' her talent in a music box, informing her that he will use her abilities to spread disharmony throughout the world. Mondo Zappa is subsequently hired by Jubilee to execute Victor and retrieve her talent. After making his way up the Sonic Cloud Tower, he discovers Victor in his office on the 1000th floor. Victor begins to explain his plan, but Mondo is unable to hear him speak any louder than a muffled whisper until he puts on a pair of headphones similar to Victor's. The elderly musician reveals that he intends to mass-produce 'sounds of malice' using Jubilee's powers and transmit them from the top of the tower, thus purifying the world. Mondo, however, ignores Victor's ramblings and suggests they settle the matter 'the hard way', to which Victor agrees. As he rises up into the air, he reveals his true form: a giant, robotic body with long, extendable arms. Mondo manages to sever both arms, at which point an explosion tears through the room and sends the floor plummeting to the ground below. As it falls, Mondo quickly finishes off the limbless Victor and summarily decapitates him. Multiple copies of Victor's head begin to appear and swirl around, generating a chain reaction of Dark Matter. Mondo manages to destroy the real head, but he is too late to stop Victor from somehow transmitting a pulse of Dark Matter to the moon."@en . . "show"@en . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . . . "5330"^^ . . "Victor is a character who only appeared in Season 11 of Barney & Friends. He was portrayed by Nathaniel Quijano."@en . . . . . . . "Breed"@en . . "20"^^ . . . "5"^^ . . . "Ein weiser alter Mann, der fr\u00FCher selbst ein Mana-Ritter war. Er kommt aus Tasnica. Victor kennt viele Geheimnisse des Landes Mana und kann Euch manche n\u00FCtzliche Information geben, denn er kennt eine Menge Leute. Zu seinen besten Freunden z\u00E4hlt auch Aquaria, die H\u00FCterin des Wasserpalastes."@de . . . . "2"^^ . . "5.0"^^ . "no"@en . "3"^^ . . "armor"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "Fannullone"@it . . "Status"@en . "Robert Martin Steinberg"@en . "Victor is the grave keeper of Bowerstone Cemetery and the owner of the Cemetery Mansion until you buy it."@en . "61"^^ . "Guardian"@en . . . "51"^^ . "Common"@en . "Shopkeeper"@en . "true"@en . . "40"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "\"Bonfire of the Manatees\""@en . "Jeden z trzech starszych w\u0142adaj\u0105cych \u015Bwiatem Wampir\u00F3w. Dumny w\u0142adca licz\u0105cy sobie 1400 lat. Jeden z nielicznych kt\u00F3rym ufa\u0142a Selena. Zosta\u0142 przez ni\u0105 przedwcze\u015Bnie zbudzony po 200 latach snu. Selena pragn\u0119\u0142a ostrzec go i\u017C Wampirom grozi wielki, zmasowany atak si\u0142 Lyka\u0144skich. Jak wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 Wampir\u00F3w, czuje wielk\u0105 odraz\u0119 do Lykan\u00F3w. Jego oponowana i spokojna oraz wynios\u0142a postawa budz\u0105 l\u0119k i powa\u017Canie nie tylko w\u015Br\u00F3d jego podw\u0142adnych, ale r\u00F3wnie\u017C w\u015Br\u00F3d tych kt\u00F3rzy pragn\u0105 jego \u015Bmierci. Viktor mia\u0142 jednak jeszcze jedna tajemnic\u0119, o kt\u00F3rej nie widzia\u0142 \u017Caden wampir. Ku swemu przera\u017Ceniu, Selena odkry\u0142a, \u017Ce Victor przyczyni\u0142 si\u0119 do rozpocz\u0119cia bestialskiej wojny ras pond tysi\u0105c lat temu. Nie chc\u0105c pozwoli\u0107 aby jego c\u00F3rka by\u0142a kochank\u0105 Lykanina, kaza\u0142 jej ukochanemu, Lucianowi \u2013 patrze\u0107 na jej \u015Bmier\u0107. K\u0142amstwa i mordercza przesz\u0142o\u015B\u0107 Victora odesz\u0142y wraz z nim, kiedy zgin\u0105\u0142 rozp\u0142atany przez Selen\u0119 swoim w\u0142asnych mieczem."@pl . . "N/A"@en . . . . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC, Vu~ikut\u0101) is a character in Killer Is Dead. He is the execution target of Episode 6: The Man who Stole her Ears. Victor is the 56-year-old Austrian president of Sonic Cloud Inc., an audio equipment manufacturer based in the United States. When he learns about Jubilee, a musician whose talent can influence and control people's emotions, he visits her and 'traps' her talent in a music box, informing her that he will use her abilities to spread disharmony throughout the world."@en . . . "Victor"@en . . . . . "NPC"@en . . . "Jema"@de . . "Stabbed by Bennett Ballester"@en . . "Guy Pickett"@en . . "Spatha Militaris"@en . . "Victor"@zh . . . . . "Victor (\u30C0\u30EB\u30DE\u30F3, Dalman en japonais, Hopper en anglais, Hauke en allemand, Pinguaio en italien, G\u00FCi\u00F1\u00F3n en espagnol) est un pingouin, plus pr\u00E9cis\u00E9ment un gorfou \u00E0 cr\u00EAte dor\u00E9e, apparaissant comme villageois dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing et en tant que personnage secondaire dans le film D\u014Dbutsu no Mori. C'est un personnage tr\u00E8s recherch\u00E9 par les joueurs car c'est le seul gorfou \u00E0 cr\u00EAte dor\u00E9e de la s\u00E9rie."@fr . . . "19"^^ . . . "Cient\u00EDfico"@es . . "9"^^ . . "Victor"@en . "The Thais Duelling Arena; access via Mystic Flame by depot on Main Street."@en . "-"@en . . . . . . . . "Victor.png"@en . . . "Victor is found south of the gates of Burgh de Rott. Like all citizens, he will praise the player for their role in In Aid of the Myreque. He can be found in a run down house with his mother Emilia and sister Helena."@en . "Victor"@de . . "Victor (\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30C8\u30EB Vikutoru?) is the fractured version of Ludger Will Kresnik eight years in the future, as well as the father of Elle Mel Marta. He is one of the Waymarkers necessary to reaching the Land of Canaan, specifically the strongest chromatus bearer, as well as the divergence catalyst of his dimension."@en . . "two"@en . . . "19"^^ . . "yes"@en . . "Victor"@de . . "Kill me if you want, flea-pelt!"@en . "Victor-2310 rev. 42.0 supported 65536 muchobytes basic and 6894895 muchobytes extended memory, Snorak keyboard, direct mental interface, and Biochip BUS driver."@en . . "-"@en . "true"@en . . "He was thought to be the broker responsible for running the short sale of Tritak shares, which led to the stock's collapse, but is revealed to be only a patsy, Paul Ashton being the person behind the scheme."@en . "1830"^^ . . . "Appearance"@en . . . . "\"Victor the Happy Ghost\""@en . . "62"^^ . "Last appearance"@en . . . . . "6"^^ . "Victor"@es . "Victor"@zh . "Adult"@en . "Dead"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOWYSIWYG__"@en . . . "Phys x1, 1 enemy"@en . "victor"@es . "Victor Volt, or Victor Thomas Jefferson Volt is one of the main characters, along with Anita Knight, Professor Professor, and Changed Daily. He is an American recruit of UZZ, met at a comic book convention. He isn't the sharpest nail in the bucket, and often acts imature. His mother was an ex-agent of UZZ, as well as his father. In one episode, he along with Professor Professor came back from 20 years into the future to save Changed daily's life, but future Victor was knocked out before he could even say anything."@en . "Victor condorito.jpg"@es . . "35"^^ . . "Victor is one of the three majors of the Russian army dogs and their first platoon leader. He is Bozlev's big brother. He is a power-hungry and ruthless dog, who enjoys killing and kills even females and puppies without remorse. He is a skilled fighter and tactician, but he doesn't care about his subordinates and he is ultimately a coward. Even though the war dogs should conquer Hokkaid\u014D in hopes of saving their people from starvation, Victor is actually a traitor who wants to rule the island himself and become the marshal."@en . "110"^^ . "Victor was a male vampire and consort to Vampra. When the two of them were summoned by Prime Evil they arrived late, because they never travel during the day. Prime Evil wanted them to make sure the Moon Bloom project on Moon Base Alpha in the year 2186 would not come to fruition. After arriving at the moon base, the vampires gave themselves a healthier, more human looking disguise and called themselves the 'Drackels'. However, ten year old Keyta, the daughter of the Mayor of Moon Base Alpha had seen them arrive and tried to warn her father and the visiting Ghostbusters and Futura. Unfortunately, nobody except Eddie Spenser Jr. believed Keyta because she had already set off a false alarm earlier."@en . "Spatha"@en . . . "10"^^ . . . "7"^^ . . . . . . "Victor is a character who only appeared in Season 11 of Barney & Friends. He was portrayed by Nathaniel Quijano."@en . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . . . . "\u30F4\u30A3\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC"@en . . . "Henchman of Gustavo Fring"@en . . "300"^^ . "Victor"@en . . . . "192"^^ . . . "Victor was a Leviathan whose job was to retrieve a special package for Dick Roman. After failing this task he was consumed by Dick."@en . "Victor is the leader of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on vodka."@en . . "200"^^ . "Marauder"@en . . . "-"@en . "North Pawville"@en . "10"^^ . . . . . . . "Victor6475.PNG"@en . "Victor's Crowd"@en . "menor"@es . . . . "Scientist, employee of the company, a criminal"@en . . "Herald"@en . "10"^^ . . . "None"@en . "Victor is voiced by impressionist Jeff Bergman in the style of Alan Alda."@en . . . . "No"@en . . . "46"^^ . . . . "230.0"^^ . . "21.0"^^ . . "Victor was a ghost that the Ghostbusters encountered at a museum bust."@en . . . . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . "Crazy about model airplanes and other electrical toys, little Victor spent his childhood playing in Clint City's Central Park test-flying his small creations, until the day that is that one of got caught up in Nellie's hair! This sparked off a diplomatic row and court case that brought about his family's economic and social downfall! Twenty years on and Victor isn't playing any more. He's joined La Junta and works tirelessly on improving his army of drones with just one aim in mind: to exact his revenge on all the nobility of Poldachie-Golgovine by first filming and then broadcasting their most embarrassing moments over the Internet!"@en . . . "In-game appearance"@en . . "The current World Champion Medafighter and representative for Kenya in the World Robattle Tournament."@en . "Victor"@sv . "200"^^ . . . "74"^^ . . . "Killer Is Dead"@en . . . . . . . . "Victor"@en . . . . . . . . .