. . . . . "LINK"@pl . . . . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . "Twilight Princess"@fr . . "Nobuyuki Hiyama"@en . . . "Nobuyuki Hiyama"@es . . . . . "I really wanna kill sumthin"@en . . "Lorne Lincoln; Lorne Lincoln from Beauty and the Beast Vol 1 2 0001.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . "Hero of Winds"@en . . . . . "Half a Hero"@en . "Dreamy"@en . "Hylian"@en . "If you are seeing this, the link you followed is broken. Please fix it, or delete it."@en . . "The Legend of Zelda"@de . "Phantom Hourglass,"@de . . . "Swordsman"@en . "The Minish Cap: Smith"@es . "Fire"@en . "Tout les jeux de la s\u00E9rie"@fr . . . . "Next quests"@en . "VS Legend"@en . . . . "Power Rangers Royal Knights"@en . "LIVing"@en . . . "\u30B5\u30A4\u30C8\u89E3\u8AAC\uFF1A\u30AE\u30E3\u30EA\u304A\u3063\u3061\u3083\u3093"@ja . "The Hero of Koridai"@en . . . "H\u00E9roe Tot\u00E9mico"@es . "400"^^ . "Der Link bezeichnet eine Falle. Daher auch der Begriff linken. Im Internet bedient man sich des Links (siehe auch Linksh\u00E4nder) um Leute f\u00FCr Jahre vor dem Monitor zu fesseln. Das funktioniert aber nur, wenn m\u00F6glichst viele Beitr\u00E4ge untereinander verlinkt sind, also keine Sackgassen sind. Mit einem Link beginnen 80% aller Urheberrechtsverletzungen."@de . "Nintendo"@es . "75"^^ . . . . . . "Hyrule"@de . . "Link, when used in reference to building/scripting, means to link two or more prims together to form one cohesive object. There are various script functions that have to do with linked objects. A linked object can also be referred to as a group but can be confusing. A link is also another name for a URL."@en . . . "Fire Rod"@en . . "Heroe del Tiempo"@es . . . . "When YouTube Poop first ended up on YouTube he was seen in poops all the time and even today is considered one of the most iconic sources as nearly every pooper was pooping the CDI games. Nowadays he is hardly seen in poop as people have found other things to poop."@en . "Link Artwork.png"@de . "60"^^ . . . "Great fairy"@en . "Desconocido"@es . "Zora-Link,"@de . . . . . "A Link Between World"@fr . "Link"@en . . "A magical rod that summons fire. It attacks over a wide area, so it's perfect for bringing the heat on large groups of enemies."@en . . . . "A Link to the Past,"@de . . . "Fujiko Takimoto"@es . "Link is a Swordman of Hyrule"@en . . "Link is both, a character in the Nintendo Universe and a character in Philipnova798's Comics Factory 2.0."@en . "Link ist ein Mitglied der Purple Dragons in der IDW Comicserie."@de . "Despu\u00E9s de perder a su familia en un tr\u00E1gico accidente, Jay Hyun no tiene nada por qu\u00E9 vivir. Consigue un trabajo de ense\u00F1anza, donde se encuentra con Soo Jung, un estudiante enigm\u00E1tico con capacidad telep\u00E1tica extra\u00F1a. Sin saber que est\u00E1 seduciendo con \u00E9l, pronto se ve cada vez mas adicto a sus poderes extra\u00F1os."@es . . . "Female"@en . "\"Link\" is the second track on disc C of the Dead or Alive Ultimate Original Sound Trax."@en . "Hero of Hyrule"@en . . . . . . "Link Loup"@fr . . "Link was the operator on board the Nebuchadnezzar, assigned there after the previous operator, Tank, died. He is portrayed by Harold Perrineau."@en . . "MNW"@en . . . "HTML example: \t\t \t"@en . . . "Link was Zion-born and married to Zee. After his brother-in-law Dozer was killed by the traitor Cypher, Link took over the functions as operator and pilot of the Nebuchadnezzar in respect to a promise he made to Dozer. Zee, after \"losing two brothers to that ship\" (Tank died before the beginning of The Matrix Reloaded due to his injuries in The Matrix), feels strongly that Link should find another ship to serve. She repeatedly tells Link that his Captain Morpheus is crazy and that because the Nebuchadnezzar spends more time out of Zion than the rest of the fleet, she spends much less time with Link than ideal."@en . "Tom Waltz"@de . "Gauntlet - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . . "Link is a character from The Legend of Zelda game series. He appeared in a few episodes of Smosh (played by Ian Hecox) where he has rap of his own and an In Real Life episode."@en . . . . . . "Hylianer"@de . . . . "Una singularidad acerca de este personaje es que existen varios h\u00E9roes con el mismo nombre de \"Link\" en la serie de The Legend of Zelda y tienen innumerables caracter\u00EDsticas cada uno. Por otro lado, seg\u00FAn lo sugiere Ganondorf en Wind Waker , tambi\u00E9n podr\u00EDa tratarse de un mismo h\u00E9roe que renace una y otra vez a trav\u00E9s de las eras. Esto significa adem\u00E1s, que a pesar de que Link se le es considerado un personaje \u00FAnico de la serie, sus versiones terminan muchas veces siendo un Link diferente, aveces con una personalidad \u00FAnica, como en los casos de Link en A link to the past, El H\u00E9roe de los vientos en Wind Waker, el H\u00E9roe del Tiempo de Ocarina of Time y Majora's Mask y el Link de Twilight Princess."@es . . . . . "The Wind Waker"@fr . . . . . . ">.<"@en . "Held des Lichts"@de . . . . . . "That Stupid Video Game Show"@en . . . . "Earpiece"@en . "8000"^^ . . . . . "Location:"@en . . "The Link is a M'Tar name for the role in which a programmed M'Tar clone or genetically engineered person acts as a link between a Liaison and the M'Tar, serving to process information whilst the Liaison remains in a waking state. Links can also be referred to as Treaties."@en . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku ?, Archivo:Hylian L.gifArchivo:Hylian I.gifArchivo:Hylian N.gifArchivo:Hylian_K.gif en Hylian) es el nombre del protagonista de The Legend of Zelda. Es generalmente representado como un ni\u00F1o o joven valiente, con vestimenta de color verde que abandona su hogar para cumplir su destino: luchar contra las fuerzas malignas que amenazan la tierra de Hyrule, Termina, etc. En su viaje, aprende a utilizar diferentes armas y objetos con los que supera a los enemigos y obst\u00E1culos que encuentra en su camino. Tras un largo camino, Link finalmente vence a su enemigo y se convierte en un h\u00E9roe legendario. Se le considera un personaje icono y el s\u00EDmbolo de la franquicia Zelda, as\u00ED como uno de los protagonistas m\u00E1s populares del mundo del videojuego."@es . . . "Brown"@en . . . . "Hyliano"@es . . . "Entre neuf et dix-neuf ans"@fr . "N/A"@en . . . . "Link is the protagonist in The Legend of Zelda, and the other games in it's series. There are many different incarnations of Link, but all of them wear a green tunic and cap known as the Hero's Tunic. In most of the games, Link bears the Triforce of Courage, a sacred triangle imprinted on his left palm that contains the essence of Farore, the goddess of courage."@en . "Memorial Album of the Musical - Eternal Edition 2"@en . . . . . "Voyou"@fr . . . "Human"@en . "Link is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. Like most other main characters on the Nintendo Entertainment System Link didn't origionally talk, but unlike others like Mario he did not gain a speaking role later on, other than random noises made by him in later games."@en . . . . . "Categoria:Personaggi Link \u00E8 l'eroe della serie The Legend of Zelda. I Link dei vari episodi della saga non sono quasi mai la stessa persona, ma incarnazioni differenti dello Spirito dell'Eroe. Essi sono prescelti dalle Dee per proteggere la Terra dal Male quando esso minaccia la pace. La maggior parte delle avventure sono ambientate nel mondo di Hyrule: Link esplora questa terra, collezionando oggetti importanti e sconfiggendo una gran variet\u00E0 di nemici nel tentativo di salvare sia la Principessa Zelda sia il suo Regno dalla minaccia di Ganon, di Vaati o di altri nemici. Il Link del primo gioco della serie era semplicemente un giovane spadaccino, ma gi\u00E0 dalla sua seconda avventura l'identit\u00E0 e il ruolo di ciascuna incarnazione di Link \u00E8 mutata in vari modi. Molti dei Link hanno un appellativo come Eroe del Tempo (come in Ocarina of Time) o Eroe dei Venti (come in The Wind Waker). Per lo stile grafico utilizzato, la versione di Link di The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass e Spirit Tracks viene chiamata Link Cartone: questo nome viene usato soltanto nella Serie di Super Smash Bros., dove nei giochi Brawl e Super Smash Bros. per Nintendo 3DS/Wii U costituisce un personaggio a s\u00E9 stante rispetto a Link."@it . . "Nintendo Entertainment System"@en . "None"@en . "Great Forest Fairy"@en . . . "student"@en . . . "Oracle of Seasons"@en . . . "60"^^ . "Dark Knights"@en . . . . . "Wie bereits best\u00E4tigt von Miyamoto, gibt es viele verschiedene Inkarnationen der Links; jedoch teilen sie alle ihre einige eindeutige Attribute. In der Mehrheit der Zelda-Spiele finden die Abenteuer Links gr\u00F6\u00DFtenteils im K\u00F6nigreich von Hyrule statt, wo er durch das Land reist und eine gro\u00DFe Vielfalt von Feinden besiegt, um Prinzessin Zelda und ihr K\u00F6nigreich vor den b\u00F6sen Ganon zu retten. Ganon ist der Hauptb\u00F6sewicht in vielen Zelda-Titeln."@de . "Link is a new face in the Villain industry, having quickly climbed the ranks after finally debuting on the wanted list with a prison break of the Super-Maximum Security Deadwater Asylum with Nightmare and Zephyr. A huge feat, which warranted her promotion from a D-Rank Thief, to a C-Rank Villain."@en . . . "Ready to kill sumthin"@en . "The Minish Cap"@en . . "An official description for the Link is currently unavailable, however the concept art has been confirmed by Elijah McNeal as being the Xi'an Link fighter/bomber."@en . . "Link is the main character of the series."@en . "Y\u016Bki Kodaira"@en . . . . . "Autres jeux"@fr . "Link is a minor character in Tron: Uprising. He is an employee at Able's garage. He is extremely mild-mannered and a very slow thinker, but is nonetheless a competent mechanic."@en . . . . . . "Link is a Swordman of Hyrule"@en . . . "Unknown, British"@en . . . . . . . . "Link.jpg"@en . . . . . . "This page should be deleted."@en . "Skyward Sword"@fr . . . . "Resitencia a la Magia Oscura"@es . "Magic Rod - 1st Weapon .png"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Spinner - 1st Weapon .png"@en . "Links are a very awesome thing in this world. That is why this article has nothing but links. Except when covered by previous linkage. The way of the link is to lead its clicker from one article to another. They are very useful in wikis for this reason."@en . "Link is the protagonist in The Legend of Zelda, and the other games in it's series. There are many different incarnations of Link, but all of them wear a green tunic and cap known as the Hero's Tunic. In most of the games, Link bears the Triforce of Courage, a sacred triangle imprinted on his left palm that contains the essence of Farore, the goddess of courage."@en . . . . . "Magic rod"@en . . . . . . . . "Black"@en . "The Wind Waker y Phantom Hourglass: Abuela de Link, Abril"@es . "Epona - 1st Weapon .png"@en . "Link is the Hero of Hyrule, and wielder of the Master Sword. He can play an Orcrina that controls time, ride horses, and rescues Princess Zelda from Ganondorf all the time. He has the ability to turn into a wolf version of himself, with Midna's help. He also wields boomerangs, arrows, a shield, bombs, and other various weapons."@en . "Gerudo"@en . . . . . . . "Soccer will solve all your Problems"@en . . . . . . "Link ist der Held der Legend of Zelda-Serie. Er ist ein Schwertk\u00E4mpfer und seit dem ersten Super Smash Bros. dabei. Es gibt eine weitere Version von Link und zwar : Toon-Link aus den Spielen \"The Windwaker\" und \"Phantom Hourglass\". Er beherrscht die gleichen Attacken, ist aber schneller und schw\u00E4cher."@de . "Link"@it . . . . . . . . "Hydro-Spinner"@en . . . "Fire"@en . "The link is the part of the nunchaku joining the two sticks. Links are either cord (also known as \"rope\" or \"string\") or chain. Depending on which link a nunchaku uses, the feel of it may be drastically different. The connectors between the link and each cord are known as the joins."@en . . . "180"^^ . . . "Golden Gauntlets"@en . "Prerequisites"@en . "Great Fairy of Tempest"@en . . . . . "HTML example: \t\t \t"@en . . . . "Darkmagic Sword"@en . . . "Takashi \u014Chara"@en . . . . "Link as he appears normally."@en . . "The Link, a neural interface with a large archive of knowledge, worked on the planet P3X-289 as a guard over the population against the toxic environment on the planet."@en . . . . . . "CBA9F5"@en . . "Link"@en . "All"@en . . . . "Hyrule"@en . "normal"@en . . . . . "School: Image:Fire.png Pip Cost: 2 Accuracy: 75%% Type: Image:Damage.png / Image:Healing.png Description: Deals 180 Image:Fire.png Image:Damage.png over 3 rounds to target and 120 Image:Healing.png over 3 rounds to self. Received From: Fire It Up Requirements: Required Character Level: 12 Spells: \n* None Prerequisite for: Spells: \n* None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No"@en . "A link is \"[s] behavioral, physical, or functional relationship between nodes in a system.\""@en . . . "Link (otherwise known as Mah Boi to the King of Hyrule) is a man who appears in the non-Mario game Legend of Zelda: Vacuum of D.O.O.M and Link's Great Adventure. He is the main villain, and Barney must stop him from vacuuming the City on the Carpet. Link is also part cheese, and was eaten by Popo in the game Pikachu Eats Your Cheese. He still survived, though. He has reappeared in recent shames. He is known to be the rival of a pig. He appeared of Super Nintendo 128, Super Princess Daisy, The Stuper Bowsa Pals and Super Waluigi World. He lives in Hyrule Castle, PHILIPS."@en . "Super Smash Bros."@de . . . "Primary: White"@en . . . . . . "Link"@de . "Link"@ia . "Link is a player of Smashtasm that uses Link. He believes that he is Link in real life. After the third episode and up until the eighth, every scene featuring Link has him trying to escape the DUMMY stage, where he was placed in, by 1337f0x via using a hack-ban. He finally gets out in Episode 8 after getting chased by KingKirb's army of Kirby Cousins. Link is a well-liked character in the series. Link often makes references to the three Goddesses of Hyrule, often saying things such as, \"For the love of Din!\" and \"Oh, thank Nayru!\" Link is voiced by Blade9932."@en . . . "Single Player; Multiplayer"@en . . . "Takashi \u014Chara"@es . . "Link.jpg"@de . . . . . "forestgreen"@en . . "Hyrule"@en . "LinkModU14.jpeg"@en . "Approximately 9-19"@en . "Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U"@en . . . "Race:"@en . "Magic Rod - 4th Weapon .png"@en . "UMD"@en . . . . . . . "*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n*Galactic Empire"@en . . "When YouTube Poop first ended up on YouTube he was seen in poops all the time and even today is considered one of the most iconic sources as nearly every pooper was pooping the CDI games. Nowadays he is hardly seen in poop as people have found other things to poop."@en . "Link is a character from The Legend of Zelda game series. He appeared in a few episodes of Smosh (played by Ian Hecox) where he has rap of his own and an In Real Life episode."@en . "Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@en . . . . . "Great Fairy - 4th Weapon .png"@en . . "Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy."@en . "The main character of the Legend of Zelda series and the main representative of it in the Super Smash Bros. series is here! Link returns into Toon Link in Spirit Tracks, to be released in December 2009."@en . . . . . "Dead or Alive Ultimate Original Sound Trax"@en . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku) is the main protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo. He appears when the land of Hyrule, or any other land, is endangered by evil. He is supposed to have many different incarnations but all of them follow the same line. Link is the wielder of the Master Sword and the holder of the Triforce of Courage. Link is the deuteragonist of the short-lived McLeodGaming cartoon series, A Super Mario World. He also appears as playable fighter in both of the Super Smash Flash games."@en . "Twilight Epona"@en . . "Zelda Game"@en . . "designed to keep people fighting together for their argument that causes mass chaos."@en . "After saying, \"Show me your power. Or I shall not obey. I represent all things and shall become Gizoid, the conqueror of all.\" Gerald then brought out his collection of guns, and fired them all to show the Gizoid that power. Seeing this power, Emerl formed a Link with Gerald and followed him everywhere and not talking to anyone else. But the government became wary of Project Shadow, so the professor gave Emerl to the government to buy some time and warned them not to experiment weapons with him. But they didn't listen and Emerl absorbed the weapons, which caused a massive explosion. This caused the government to shut down Space Colony ARK and cease all research, killing almost everyone on the ARK. Emerl was then put in stasis for 50 years until he was discovered by the professor's grandson."@en . "Link walks in this game punk'd but he doesnt to feel to bad about it. He had a son with who seemed to be Daisy. She ran away and got herself killed, because she didnt want the reponsibilty. Wario came and killed Links son and took his invintaion, which cheered Link up. Even though him and Zelda are on the same team, they dont recongize each other. Team: Killer Fighters Episode Voted Off: Episode 8 Friends: Wario Enemies: Toon Link and Daisy (possibly) Total Drama Island Counter Part: N/A"@en . "Akiko Kosaka"@pl . . . "Male"@en . "Dark Triforce"@en . . . "Sword & Shield - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . "Super Mario in Die Nacht des Grauens"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons"@fr . . "Status"@en . . . "Link, Fichier:LHylien.pngFichier:IHylien.pngFichier:NHylien.pngFichier:KHylien.png , (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) est le protagoniste de la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9 en 1986 par Shigeru Miyamoto en tant que h\u00E9ros du premier jeu de la s\u00E9rie, The Legend of Zelda. Son nom vient du mot anglais link (lien), car il est un lien entre le joueur et le personnage du jeu. Il est cependant possible de modifier son nom au d\u00E9but du jeu. Il repr\u00E9sente en fait plusieurs incarnations d\u2019un m\u00EAme personnage \u00E0 travers le temps et \u00E0 travers les jeux."@fr . "Sword & Shield - 1st DLC Weapon .png"@en . "Blond"@en . . "Link first apperared in The Legend of Zelda in 1986. He is the silent hero of the Zelda series. Despite the title of the series, he is the main character."@en . "Link ist ein Mitglied der Purple Dragons in der IDW Comicserie."@de . . . "Link est la plus grande menace du monde merveilleux des jeux vid\u00E9o, \u00E0 ce jour personne n'a r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 l'arr\u00EAter."@fr . "Link is a small yellow Grundo/rabbit-like experiment with red eyes and long antennae-like ears that shoot a blue sticky substance that will only dissolve in mud. Designed to bind together incompatible individuals, usually by the hand or wrist. His one true place is helping arguing couples bungee jump."@en . . . "CD-i Link"@en . "Mensch"@de . . . "Link is a muscular punk who is introduced in Spawn issue #19 and wields a giant chain \u2013 assumingly granting him the name \u2018Link\u2019. Along with his buddies Divvy, Smokey and Brains the punks try to initiate a fight with Spawn and Houdini on the rooftop of an apartment building. After receiving orders from Smokey, Link goes straight for Spawn, leaving Houdini for the others to handle. With nearly no effort, Spawn incapacitates Link using his \u2018own\u2019 chains, first pounding him in the face with a chain, followed by a hard smash in the ribs, and finally, a massive blow to the groin. Nothing is heard from Link after this issue, but it is assumed that he and his tied-up friends are apprehended by the NYPD."@en . . "Link's initial appearance, along with Princess Zelda and Ganon, was in the episode \"Quest For the Potion of Power.\" He worked with the N Team to stop Mother Brain from acquiring the Potion of Power and helped them defeat his archenemy when the potion restored his lost strength. He later joined the search for Count Gruemon when Kevin Keene's Power Pad and Zapper were stolen, traveled with Kevin and Princess Lana to reclaim the Triforces of Power and Courage from King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard, and helped the N Team build a wooden dragon to sneak into Dragon Lord's fortress."@en . "Four Swords Adventures,"@de . . . "Player"@en . . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . "Link was a Zion born character who was previously an operator of the Nebuchenezzer, Morpheus old ship, after the last operator was killed (during the Matrix reloaded). In The Matrix Online, Link now trains all the newly awakened redpills (players) in various programs before they are allowed to enter the Matrix."@en . . . "Green Knight Ranger"@en . . . "Hyrule"@en . . . "Bien"@es . "This is Link's story."@en . . . "Link"@la . . "Stormy-Eyed Epona"@en . . . . . . . "good"@en . . . . "Granjero"@es . . "Skyward Sword,"@de . . "The Link, a neural interface with a large archive of knowledge, worked on the planet P3X-289 as a guard over the population against the toxic environment on the planet."@en . "Link ou hiperlink \u00E9 uma hiperliga\u00E7\u00E3o, ou simplesmente uma liga\u00E7\u00E3o (ou atalho) entre um documento ou pagina da Web a outra."@pt . . . "Legend of Zelda"@en . . . . . . . "Twilight Princess,"@de . . . . "Link was a Zion born character who was previously an operator of the Nebuchenezzer, Morpheus old ship, after the last operator was killed (during the Matrix reloaded). In The Matrix Online, Link now trains all the newly awakened redpills (players) in various programs before they are allowed to enter the Matrix."@en . . "Previous quests"@en . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . "A Link to the Past: T\u00EDo de Link"@es . "Epona"@en . . . . "...."@en . . . "Games=\n250px|Link in Majora's Mask 3D"@en . . "6386"^^ . . "200"^^ . "Garoth"@en . . . . . "Link is a minor character in Tron: Uprising. He is an employee at Able's garage. He is extremely mild-mannered and a very slow thinker, but is nonetheless a competent mechanic."@en . "Link"@fr . "Link"@pl . "Twilight Hyrule Field"@en . . . . . . . . "Title"@en . . . "New York City"@de . . . "Link \u00E9 o protagonista da s\u00E9rie de jogos de videogame Zelda. Nos primeiros jogos, sua miss\u00E3o era resgatar a Princesa Zelda do dom\u00EDnio de Ganondorf, o vil\u00E3o do jogo."@pt . "Link (otherwise known as Mah Boi to the King of Hyrule) is a man who appears in the non-Mario game Legend of Zelda: Vacuum of D.O.O.M and Link's Great Adventure. He is the main villain, and Barney must stop him from vacuuming the City on the Carpet. Link is also part cheese, and was eaten by Popo in the game Pikachu Eats Your Cheese. He still survived, though. He has reappeared in recent shames. He is known to be the rival of a pig. He appeared of Super Nintendo 128, Super Princess Daisy, The Stuper Bowsa Pals and Super Waluigi World. He lives in Hyrule Castle, PHILIPS."@en . "\"LINK\""@en . "Fujiko Takimoto"@en . . . . . . "Link is from the legend of zelda series."@en . "Character"@en . . "Name:"@en . . . . . "Hailing from The Legend of Zelda series, Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) is a guest character in the Nintendo GameCube Version of Soulcalibur II. There are multiple heroes that rose to the call of destiny in Hyrule's history, each bearing the name Link and garbed in traditional attire. This particular Link has a unique background but is visually based on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, though his weaponry references games all across the eras of his series (resulting in a Link that some fans consider either timeline-confused or self-contained). What lies in his soul is Courage."@en . . "Super Smash Bros. Melee"@de . . "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U"@de . . "Link is a new face in the Villain industry, having quickly climbed the ranks after finally debuting on the wanted list with a prison break of the Super-Maximum Security Deadwater Asylum with Nightmare and Zephyr. A huge feat, which warranted her promotion from a D-Rank Thief, to a C-Rank Villain."@en . "Rinku"@it . "Link as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U."@en . "Mon Calamari Star Cruisers"@en . . . . "Hero Chosen by the Ocean King"@en . . . . "Link is a cameo character from The Legend of Zelda and he appears in MySims Galaxy."@en . . . . "Link est le h\u00E9ros principal qui sauve Zelda de Ganondorf dans la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda de Nintendo, invent\u00E9e par Shigeru Miyamoto. Il est pr\u00E9sent dans tous les jeux de la s\u00E9rie Super Smash Bros.. C'est un Hylien portant la Master Sword, un Bouclier et la Triforce du Courage. Il porte un bonnet vert et une tunique verte (d\u00FB \u00E0 la limitation technique de la Nintendo Entertainment System comme pour Mario) facilement reconnaissables."@fr . . "Link ou hiperlink \u00E9 uma hiperliga\u00E7\u00E3o, ou simplesmente uma liga\u00E7\u00E3o (ou atalho) entre um documento ou pagina da Web a outra."@pt . "The main character of the Legend of Zelda series and the main representative of it in the Super Smash Bros. series is here! Link returns into Toon Link in Spirit Tracks, to be released in December 2009."@en . . . . "Good"@en . "Male"@en . . . "Link"@it . . . . "82.3"^^ . . . . . . . "12.0"^^ . "Link, Fichier:LHylien.pngFichier:IHylien.pngFichier:NHylien.pngFichier:KHylien.png , (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) est le protagoniste de la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 cr\u00E9\u00E9 en 1986 par Shigeru Miyamoto en tant que h\u00E9ros du premier jeu de la s\u00E9rie, The Legend of Zelda. Son nom vient du mot anglais link (lien), car il est un lien entre le joueur et le personnage du jeu. Il est cependant possible de modifier son nom au d\u00E9but du jeu. Il repr\u00E9sente en fait plusieurs incarnations d\u2019un m\u00EAme personnage \u00E0 travers le temps et \u00E0 travers les jeux."@fr . . "A link is when a monster you are fighting causes nearby monsters to join in the battle. For example, if you're fighting a Goblin that is too weak to be worthwhile, any Goblins nearby may join in the battle, \"linking\" with the first. Some mobs may be aggressive but not link (e.g. Ironshell), and some may link but not be aggressive (e.g. Strolling Sapling). May also be referred to as an Add, or BAF (Bringing a friend). Some monsters display \"superlinking\" behavior: if they have no targets on their own hate list, they will link with their friends anywhere in the zone. For instance, most BCNM enemies superlink with each other, and Dynamis - Xarcabard mobs superlink with the statue or eye that spawned them. Also Dragoon Wyverns superlink with their masters. It is more difficult to sac pull in the presence of superlinking: the sac puller must stay alive until the single pulled mob is killed. If the mob dies first, the rest of the mobs will deaggro when the sac puller dies. If the sac puller dies first, the rest of the mobs will link with the mob being fought, typically causing a wipe."@en . . . . . "Link was created for the Super Smash Bros. Brawl video game. He and the others were discovered by Darth Squidward. Their organization was against planet destruction because Darth Squidward couldn't blow up a planet while his old rival SpongeBob Squarepants could."@en . . "H\u00E9ros d'Hyrule"@fr . "A Link Between Worlds"@en . . "Link is the Hero of Hyrule, and wielder of the Master Sword. He can play an Orcrina that controls time, ride horses, and rescues Princess Zelda from Ganondorf all the time. He has the ability to turn into a wolf version of himself, with Midna's help. He also wields boomerangs, arrows, a shield, bombs, and other various weapons."@en . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Link es el protagonista de la famosa franquicia The Legend of Zelda. \u00C9l es un guerrero valiente y aventurero de la tierra lejana de Hyrule, sin embargo, de vez en cuando visita el Reino Champi\u00F1\u00F3n. A menudo tiene que liberar la tierra de Hyrule de la potestad de Ganondorf, como \u00E9l est\u00E1 en posesi\u00F3n de la Trifuerza del Valor. \u00C9l est\u00E1 conectado a la Princesa Zelda y Ganondorf porque los tres poseen un pedazo de "@es . . . "Gender"@en . . . . "Link iz a carachter made by teh elvil NINtendo. He likez to dress up like robin hood aand scream \"HYRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\" all the time."@en . "Skyward Sword"@en . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . "Actors who have portrayed Link"@en . "The Hero"@en . "Hateno Village"@en . . "Nobuyuki Hiyama \nAkira Sasanuma"@fr . . . . . . "THIEF"@en . . . . . "After saying, \"Show me your power. Or I shall not obey. I represent all things and shall become Gizoid, the conqueror of all.\" Gerald then brought out his collection of guns, and fired them all to show the Gizoid that power. Seeing this power, Emerl formed a Link with Gerald and followed him everywhere and not talking to anyone else. But the government became wary of Project Shadow, so the professor gave Emerl to the government to buy some time and warned them not to experiment weapons with him. But they didn't listen and Emerl absorbed the weapons, which caused a massive explosion. This caused the government to shut down Space Colony ARK and cease all research, killing almost everyone on the ARK. Emerl was then put in stasis for 50 years until he was discovered by the professor's grandson"@en . . . . "Eroe di Hyrule"@it . "Wolf-Link"@de . . . "David Arquette"@en . "Series"@en . . "green"@es . "Stra\u00DFenschl\u00E4ger"@de . . . . . . "Healing"@en . "Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@de . . . "MK8: Heavy"@en . . . . . . "TBA"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Hero's Shade"@en . . . . . "Memorial Album of the Musical 7"@pl . . . . "H\u00E9ros \u00E9lu des D\u00E9esses"@fr . . . "Stage"@en . . . "Legend\u00E4rer Held"@de . "Link est le h\u00E9ros principal qui sauve Zelda de Ganondorf dans la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda de Nintendo, invent\u00E9e par Shigeru Miyamoto. Il est pr\u00E9sent dans tous les jeux de la s\u00E9rie Super Smash Bros.. C'est un Hylien portant la Master Sword, un Bouclier et la Triforce du Courage. Il porte un bonnet vert et une tunique verte (d\u00FB \u00E0 la limitation technique de la Nintendo Entertainment System comme pour Mario) facilement reconnaissables. Il fait sa premi\u00E8re apparition aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Mario dans la bande dessin\u00E9e Super Mario in Die Nacht des Grauens du Club Nintendo allemand. Sa premi\u00E8re apparition aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s du plombier rouge dans le monde vid\u00E9oludique se fait dans Super Smash Bros.."@fr . . . "12"^^ . . "Link is a guy who lives in Hyrule Castle and defeats Ganon whenever he's up to something as his job. He is known as Mah Boi in Hyrule Castle and works as King's assistant. He tries to get Zelda to kiss him, but always FAILS. Once Ganon wanted to hire Link to cook him some DINNER, but when Link brought light to Ganon's lair, he DIEd. Link respawned in Candy Mountain. What happened afterwards is quite unmentionable. Link's whereabouts are currently unknown, though it is believed he is somewhere in Hyrule, loading his weapon."@en . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . "Link; Link .jpg"@en . . . . . "Diferentes Links"@es . . . "\uB9C1\uD06C"@it . "The Goddess's Chosen Hero"@en . . "LD-Link-16"@en . . "2"^^ . . "A Link to the Past"@fr . . "LINK"@pl . "H\u00E9roe del Tiempo"@es . . . . . . "Link is a teenage goat wrangler living in Ordon Village, Ordona Province. Although unknown to him, he is blessed with the same power that Princess Zelda and Ganondorf bear: the Triforce ... After saving the children of Ordon, Link finds out that he is the chosen savior of Hyrule, and that he must stop the spread of Twilight. This unlikely Hero gains many skills and items to aid him along his quest. One such item being the legendary Master Sword.Items He gain are the slingshot,redead phobia,bow and arrow"@en . . "R\u00F3\u017Cni arty\u015Bci"@pl . . . . "Killed in prison"@en . . . . . "Green"@en . "\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3068\u8AAD\u3080 \u8907\u6570\u306E\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3092\u9078\u629E\u3057\u3066\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3072\u3068\u307E\u3068\u307E\u308A\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6271\u3046\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u969B\u306B\u6700\u5F8C\u306B\u9078\u629E\u3057\u305F\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u306F\u89AA(Root)\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3068\u306A\u308A\u3001\u305D\u306E\u4ED6\u306E\u3082\u306E\u306F\u5B50(child)\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3068\u306A\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . "{| style=\"width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';\" |- |rowspan=4 style=\"width:150px;\"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style=\"width:60px;text-align:center;\"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A\u2009 |rowspan=4|LinkNo description availible. |width=30% style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Strength:N/A |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Duration:N/A |- | style=\"padding-right: 6px;\" |Range:N/A |} |} |}"@en . . . . . "Todos los juegos de la saga."@es . . . . "Art oficial de Link en The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds."@es . "Legendary Hero"@en . "Action RPG"@en . . . "Link is a fictional character and the main protagonist in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series of video games. Created by Shigeru Miyamoto, The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's core franchises, and has sold over 47 million copies worldwide as of 2007.[1] The series' enduring popularity has led to many incarnations of the Zelda story and Link himself; the character's first appearance was in the game The Legend of Zelda. Link has been featured in other video games from Nintendo, including its merchandising, comic books, and an animated television program. Link was awarded with a star on the Walk of Game in 2005, alongside Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. Link is depicted as a Hylian boy from the fictional land of Hyrule. His age varies in each game, usually varying from pre-teen ages to late teens. Link often travels through Hyrule, defeating creatures, evil forces and the series' primary antagonist, Ganon. To defeat him, Link usually requires the mystic Master Sword and Light Arrows, or a similar legendary weapon, obtained after many trials and battles gathering magical objects or using other items such as musical instruments and weaponry. Link is one of eight characters initially playable in Nintendo's 1999 fighting game, Super Smash Bros.. He wears his traditional green Kokiri tunic, although the player can choose from several other tunic colors. He uses some weapons featured in the Zelda series, including bombs, boomerang and a hookshot. Link is one of the fifteen playable characters initially playable in Super Smash Bros. Melee, the 2001 sequel to Super Smash Bros.. In Melee, he uses a bow as well as the Zelda items featured in Super Smash Bros.. Also playable in the game, as a secret unlockable character, is \"Young Link\", based on the Ocarina of Time version of Link as a child. Young Link is more agile but weaker than the older Link in the game. Link was one of the first confirmed characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. His appearance was influenced by his character model from Twilight Princess.[citation needed] \"Toon Link\", a version of Link based on his cel-shaded appearance in The Wind Waker, is also a playable character in Brawl. The only three NR Members who play a solid Link would consist of Ghor771, Resurgence and Super Ganondorf."@en . "[[w:c:zelda:Hyrule"@en . . "Eternal Edition 2"@pl . . . . "Link is the hero of the Legend of Zelda game series. He is extremely popular on GameFAQs as shown by his 4 time winning of the Character Battle Tournament (I,III,VII,VIII), the 2005 Tournament of Champions and the 2006 Battle Royal. Many people consider Link to be one of the most overrated characters in the contests. Then again, these are popularity contests, and he has won more contests than any other character, so saying that Link is overrated is like saying that he isn't as popular as he is."@en . . . "None; killed offscreen"@en . "Link est la plus grande menace du monde merveilleux des jeux vid\u00E9o, \u00E0 ce jour personne n'a r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 l'arr\u00EAter."@fr . "Never"@en . . "Shola Inkosi; Shola Inkose .jpg"@en . . "Akira Sasanuma"@en . . "Darkness"@en . . . . . . "Various singers"@en . . . "Dominacion instintiva de armas"@es . . . . . . . "H\u00E9ros du Temps"@fr . . . "Link is a character on Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda."@en . . . . . . "Link"@en . . . . . . . "\"Master Chief Sucks at Ordering Finales\""@en . "Triforce Spinner"@en . . "Kette"@de . . . "LINK"@en . . "Location here"@en . "120"^^ . "Memorial Album of the Musical 13"@pl . . . . "H\u00E9ros l\u00E9gendaire"@fr . "__TOC__"@en . . "Held der Essenzen der Jahreszeit,"@de . "9.0"^^ . "There are two versions of this song: the original version that was performed in \"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon ~ Legend of Kaguya Island\" and another version that omitted several verses of the original song that appeared in \"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon ~ New Legend of Kaguya Island ~\"."@en . . . . "Link, Las Vegas Link"@en . "CHRIS"@en . . . "Link(Employee of Arcade); Link 0001.jpg"@en . . "H\u00E9roe de la Luz"@es . . . . . "TRI-ReQ:"@en . . "Hylien"@fr . . . . "Hylian"@en . . . . "Burning Gloves"@en . . . . . . "2010-03-04"^^ . . . . "Aya Suzaki"@en . . . . "Sir Link"@de . . "Lightning"@en . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Link es el protagonista de la famosa franquicia The Legend of Zelda. \u00C9l es un guerrero valiente y aventurero de la tierra lejana de Hyrule, sin embargo, de vez en cuando visita el Reino Champi\u00F1\u00F3n. A menudo tiene que liberar la tierra de Hyrule de la potestad de Ganondorf, como \u00E9l est\u00E1 en posesi\u00F3n de la Trifuerza del Valor. \u00C9l est\u00E1 conectado a la Princesa Zelda y Ganondorf porque los tres poseen un pedazo de la Trifuerza. Las tres piezas de la Trifuerza son: el valor de Farore, la sabidur\u00EDa de Nayru y el poder de Din."@es . . "Healing"@en . "Hero of Time"@en . ".hack//Link is a game for Sony PSP. The game has over 130 returning characters and 33 recruitable partners along with one playable character, Tokio. The story is presented through manga-style visuals."@en . . . "Link"@en . "\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF"@it . . . "Eternal Edition"@pl . "Faction"@en . . . . . . "Link en Soul Calibur II"@es . "Chevalier servant de Zelda"@fr . . "Hailing from The Legend of Zelda series, Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) is a guest character in the Nintendo GameCube Version of Soulcalibur II. There are multiple heroes that rose to the call of destiny in Hyrule's history, each bearing the name Link and garbed in traditional attire. This particular Link has a unique background but is visually based on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, though his weaponry references games all across the eras of his series (resulting in a Link that some fans consider either timeline-confused or self-contained). What lies in his soul is Courage."@en . . "Blue Eyed Beast"@en . . "Link.png"@en . . . . . . . "FFC18B"@en . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku?) is the protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo. Link is the wielder of the Master Sword and the holder of the Triforce of Courage. He appears as a playable fighter in all four Super Smash Bros. games."@en . "Race/species"@en . . "Two-Thirds of a Hero"@en . "Linking is the process of adding lapis to equipment with empty slots. Linking can only be done by a Blacksmith. Adding Lapis Lapis generally have a very low success rate, but Linking Hammers will increase the chance of success by 10% - 50% and a high Blessing will also help to increase this further. The chance of successfully adding lapis will never exceed 50%, which means there will always be a risk of losing the lapis if it fails."@en . "School: Image:Fire.png Pip Cost: 2 Accuracy: 75%% Type: Image:Damage.png / Image:Healing.png Description: Deals 180 Image:Fire.png Image:Damage.png over 3 rounds to target and 120 Image:Healing.png over 3 rounds to self. Received From: Fire It Up Requirements: Required Character Level: 12 Spells: \n* None Prerequisite for: Spells: \n* None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No"@en . . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Hates:"@en . . . . . "* Wrong Number\n* The Matrix Reloaded\n* Enter the Matrix\n* The Matrix Revolutions\n* The Matrix: Path of Neo"@en . . "Link is a well-known Nintendo game character from The Legend Of Zelda series."@en . "Link walks in this game punk'd but he doesnt to feel to bad about it. He had a son with who seemed to be Daisy. She ran away and got herself killed, because she didnt want the reponsibilty. Wario came and killed Links son and took his invintaion, which cheered Link up. Even though him and Zelda are on the same team, they dont recongize each other. Team: Killer Fighters Episode Voted Off: Episode 8 Friends: Wario Enemies: Toon Link and Daisy (possibly) Total Drama Island Counter Part: N/A"@en . "Der Held"@de . . "Held von Hyrule"@de . . "Hero of Time"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Link's initial appearance, along with Princess Zelda and Ganon, was in the episode \"Quest For the Potion of Power.\" He worked with the N Team to stop Mother Brain from acquiring the Potion of Power and helped them defeat his archenemy when the potion restored his lost strength. He later joined the search for Count Gruemon when Kevin Keene's Power Pad and Zapper were stolen, traveled with Kevin and Princess Lana to reclaim the Triforces of Power and Courage from King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard, and helped the N Team build a wooden dragon to sneak into Dragon Lord's fortress."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Golden Swordsman"@en . . . . "Link is a character from The Legend of Zelda. He appears only in The Legend of Zelda location. The Kid can ride Link, however he will try to kill him with a sword. He also appears after the Treasures. To get past him The Kid has to jump over the diamond spike and do a double jump on the other side of the spike, to stay on one location and make link hit the diamond spike instead, when The Kid is already on the other side."@en . "200"^^ . . . "Full version: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast( )"@en . . "Link, sive Linea, est mira creatura quae vivit in castro regio apud regnum Hyrulia, alitus ab Harkiniane rege et delectatus a filia sua Zelda. Ille putat hunc locum tediosum quidem esse."@la . "Hylian"@en . . "The Hero of Time"@en . . "The link is the part of the nunchaku joining the two sticks. Links are either cord (also known as \"rope\" or \"string\") or chain. Depending on which link a nunchaku uses, the feel of it may be drastically different. The connectors between the link and each cord are known as the joins."@en . "Link is the main character of The Legend of Zelda series"@en . "Four Swords Adventures"@en . "If you are seeing this, the link you followed is broken. Please fix it, or delete it."@en . "Hero of Legend"@en . "Heroe del Crepusculo"@es . . . . "This is a link. There are many like it, but this one was linked from your page."@en . . "Alderaan Hyrule"@en . . "Link"@it . "Link first apperared in The Legend of Zelda in 1986. He is the silent hero of the Zelda series. Despite the title of the series, he is the main character."@en . . "Great Sky Fairy"@en . . . . . . "50"^^ . . . . "Ocarina of Time,"@de . "L\u00EDnk\u00E8"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Link is a keyword action."@en . "150"^^ . "Fuerza Sobrehumana"@es . . . . "Link's Awakening"@en . . "Controls L Tilt Stage to Left R Tilt Stage to Right L+R Jump O A quick press lets Locoroco turn into smaller ones A long press makes Locoroco turn into bigger ones Start Pause Select Take a Photo(After Building the Nice Memory Camera in the Muimui House)"@en . . "300"^^ . "Link is the protagonist of Nintendo\u2019s Legend of Zelda video game series. Link was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, and first appeared in the 1986 game The Legend of Zelda."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gauntlet - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . "DIEB"@de . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Link]] linke probably from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Link]] *hlenkr, from Proto-Germanic. Used in English since the 14th century."@ia . . . . . "Link (died May 23, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . . . "CERO:B, C"@en . . "Held der Zeit"@de . . . . "Masculin"@fr . . "An Internal Link or Free linking is used to link to another page, article, template, etc. in the same wiki. By using double square brackets as following [[sample page]] for linking pages."@en . "Level required"@en . . "Link was a MC80a Star Cruiser belonging to the Rebel Alliance."@en . . "Legend of Zelda"@fr . . . . "Link \u00E9 o protagonista da s\u00E9rie de jogos de videogame Zelda. Nos primeiros jogos, sua miss\u00E3o era resgatar a Princesa Zelda do dom\u00EDnio de Ganondorf, o vil\u00E3o do jogo."@pt . . "Light"@en . . "Spirit Tracks,"@de . . "Sachi Matsumoto"@es . . . . "Spirit Tracks"@fr . . . "17"^^ . . "Memorial Album of the Musical - Eternal Edition"@en . "Blond"@de . . . . . . "Super Smash Bros. 4 ''"@en . . . . . "Link ist der Held der Legend of Zelda-Serie. Er ist ein Schwertkaempfer und seit dem ersten Super Smash Bros. dabei. In jedem spiel ausser Melee ist er im untersten Tier in der Tier-Liste. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Zelda-Universum"@de . "Link - G\u0142\u00F3wny bohater gier z serii The Legend of Zelda. Jego zadanie jest proste - Uratowa\u0107 Zeld\u0119... Mieszka on w magicznym \u015Bwiecie Hyrule."@pl . . . "160"^^ . . . . . "The Super Mario Brothers"@en . . . "Production rune used for Carpentry. Combine \n* Rune \n* Worth 1 gold \n* Production rune"@en . "\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3068\u8AAD\u3080 \u8907\u6570\u306E\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3092\u9078\u629E\u3057\u3066\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3072\u3068\u307E\u3068\u307E\u308A\u3068\u3057\u3066\u6271\u3046\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u3002\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3059\u308B\u969B\u306B\u6700\u5F8C\u306B\u9078\u629E\u3057\u305F\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u306F\u89AA(Root)\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3068\u306A\u308A\u3001\u305D\u306E\u4ED6\u306E\u3082\u306E\u306F\u5B50(child)\u30D7\u30EA\u30E0\u3068\u306A\u308B\u3002"@ja . "Link's artwork from The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds"@en . . . . . "Schwarz"@de . . . "Great Fountain Fairy"@en . "?/?/1995"@en . "Hyrule"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "A Link Between Worlds,"@de . . "Despu\u00E9s de perder a su familia en un tr\u00E1gico accidente, Jay Hyun no tiene nada por qu\u00E9 vivir. Consigue un trabajo de ense\u00F1anza, donde se encuentra con Soo Jung, un estudiante enigm\u00E1tico con capacidad telep\u00E1tica extra\u00F1a. Sin saber que est\u00E1 seduciendo con \u00E9l, pronto se ve cada vez mas adicto a sus poderes extra\u00F1os."@es . . . "I am the Hero of Time!"@en . . . "\"Master Chief: The Finale (Part 2)\""@en . . "Hero of the Essences of Time and Nature"@en . "Link-a-dink-dink"@en . "A Link is a communications device that allows users to maintain short range communications aboard spaceships, space stations and ground installations via the local communications grid. Links can come in a variety of different sizes, shapes and designs, and can also be programed to handle more than communication between users. Certain technologies and designs also allow Links to be secured to respond only to their assigned user, and be operated via voice commands, touch sensors, or both."@en . "No"@en . "A Link Is a very useful item, allowing instant Teleportation to a set location. the current Links are as follows: Link to Oisvo Link to Altus Vicus Link to Bergville Link to Outpost Link to The Tower The Prices for each can be found here: Items List"@en . . . . . "None"@en . . "The Darkness"@en . . . . "Link is a keyword action."@en . . . "Link"@it . "Gauntlets"@en . . "Hyrule"@en . . "Too Many"@en . "A Great Fairy follows you, attacking enemies as she goes. Coordinate Combo Attacks with her, or use a Strong Attack to increase your attack strength... at the cost of some defense."@en . . . . . . "Link"@it . "Link"@it . . . "There are two versions of this song: the original version that was performed in \"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon ~ Legend of Kaguya Island\" and another version that omitted several verses of the original song that appeared in \"Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon ~ New Legend of Kaguya Island ~\"."@en . "Plomeros"@es . "Epona - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . . . "Link is the collective name referring to the incarnations of the main protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series, created by Shigeru Miyamoto. All Links possess the Spirit of the Hero, chosen by the Goddesses to wield the Triforce of courage. His purpose is constantly driven by \"fate\", intertwined with the other holders of the Triforce, Princess Zelda, and Ganondorf, where he is destined to save Hyrule from threatening forces. (Which forces seemed to be controlled by Ganondorf mostly all the time) Each incarnation of Link is given a definitive name to differentiate one from the other, most notably Young Link from Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, Toon Link from the cel-shaded art style series, respectively."@en . . "Regular program appearance"@en . "Magic Rod - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . "TrinityLink.png"@en . . "thumb|left Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku?) est un personnage imaginaire et le principal protagoniste de la s\u00E9rie de jeux vid\u00E9o The Legend of Zelda de Nintendo. Cr\u00E9\u00E9 par Shigeru Miyamoto, The Legend of Zelda est un des noyaux dur de Nintendo. En 2007 plus de 47 millions d\u2019exemplaires ont \u00E9t\u00E9 vendus \u00E0 travers le monde. La popularit\u00E9 persistante de la s\u00E9rie a conduit \u00E0 de nombreuses incarnations de l\u2019histoire de Zelda et de Link lui-m\u00EAme, sa premi\u00E8re apparition \u00E9tant dans le jeu The Legend of Zelda. Le personnage a \u00E9t\u00E9 repr\u00E9sent\u00E9 dans d\u2019autres jeux vid\u00E9os de Nintendo, mais \u00E9galement dans d\u2019autres produits commerciaux d\u00E9riv\u00E9s comme dans des bandes dessin\u00E9es ou encore dans un programme d\u2019animation \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9vision. Link a \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9compens\u00E9 d\u2019une \u00E9toile lors du Walk of Game en 2005, aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Mario et de Soni"@fr . . . "140.0"^^ . "Spinner - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . . . "Want to see more Jackie Chan websites? You're in the right place! \n* Jackie Chan's Official Website: Contains pictures, wallpapers, news, information, videos and even Jackie Chan's own diary! \n* Jackie Chan: Kid's Corner: Aimed for kids, this website contains coloring book pages, crosswords, trivia and fun facts, stories from fans and much more! \n* Jackie Chan Fan Site: A fun site with information on Jackie Chan. Includes a forum too!"@en . . . . . . ".hack//Link is a game for Sony PSP. The game has over 130 returning characters and 33 recruitable partners along with one playable character, Tokio. The story is presented through manga-style visuals."@en . . "50"^^ . . . "6"^^ . "Link is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. In most games, he is tasked with stopping the evil Ganon and rescuing Princess Zelda. He was created by Mario's creator, Shigeru Miyamoto."@en . . . . . "Link_2.jpg"@de . "Sword"@en . . . . . . "Kumo"@en . "Link is a dog that appears at Northern Morrowind Gate."@en . "Sword & Shield - 1st Weapon .png"@en . . . "Goronen-Link,"@de . "Great Fairy - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . "The Darkness"@en . . . . . "Link"@en . "__TOC__"@en . "\"Wired\""@en . . . "mittel"@de . . . . "Hero of Light"@en . . . "Page"@en . . "Link"@en . . . . . . "Link as he appears in Twilight Princess."@en . "[[w:c:zelda:Hylian"@en . . "Operator on the Nebuchadnezzar"@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Link"@es . . "Image caption"@en . "Spirit Tracks"@en . "Link is a guy who lives in Hyrule Castle and defeats Ganon whenever he's up to something as his job. He is known as Mah Boi in Hyrule Castle and works as King's assistant. He tries to get Zelda to kiss him, but always FAILS. Once Ganon wanted to hire Link to cook him some DINNER, but when Link brought light to Ganon's lair, he DIEd. Link respawned in Candy Mountain. What happened afterwards is quite unmentionable. Link's whereabouts are currently unknown, though it is believed he is somewhere in Hyrule, loading his weapon. He has a HUGE rivalry with the other incarnations of Link espacially Young Link and Toon Link. Some suggest that this rivalry started the Hyrulean Civil War. Sometimes, people accidentally call him \"Zelda\". The reason for this is because of the names of the shames he stars in, in which the titles have the name of Princess Zelda, not Link."@en . "Fairy, Ganondorf, Goron, Old Man"@en . . "Super Smash Bros."@de . . "genetic experiment"@en . . . . "Lightsaber Master Sword"@en . . "Link's Awakening,"@de . "Magical Sword"@en . . . "Link"@pt . . . "Saga Zelda"@es . . "Good"@en . . . . "Akira Sasanuma"@es . . . "Link is a Person and the main character of The Legend of Zeldumb: Guitar of Rhyme, and The Legend of Zeldumb: Bob's Bandana. He is known for his skills at defeating evil Pigs, such as Ganon (who is really just Ganondorf in a Halloween costume, TBH). He has been given the nickname the Hero of Rhyme, for some reason. Some people have also said something about him having the Triforce of Wimpiness, but this has not been proven true. His favorite color is purple, but he can't seem to find a purple hat, so he just wears green."@en . . . . . . . "Link's beloved steed and most faithful companion. When the gauge is full, charge ahead with a Strong Attack. You can also charge by holding X at the end of a Combo Attack."@en . . "male"@en . "Brawlnk Eat, Brawlnk Alive"@en . "The Adventure of Link"@en . "Fire It Up"@en . . "Link ist der Held der Legend of Zelda-Serie. Er ist ein Schwertk\u00E4mpfer und seit dem ersten Super Smash Bros. dabei. Es gibt eine weitere Version von Link und zwar : Toon-Link aus den Spielen \"The Windwaker\" und \"Phantom Hourglass\". Er beherrscht die gleichen Attacken, ist aber schneller und schw\u00E4cher."@de . . . . . "Grimmige Gottheit"@de . . . . . . . . "Link es un Hyliano que vive en otro universo, el es el portador de la trifuerza del Valor y es conocido como el \"Heroe del Tiempo\". Link parece como personaje principal de la serie Ben and Link Adventures."@es . . . . . "Come on!"@en . "Hero"@en . "Link"@it . . . . "Link is a dog that appears at Northern Morrowind Gate."@en . "Family"@en . "A link, or \"circle,\" is the joining together of two or more channelers in order to increase their strength and effectiveness with the One Power to accomplish tasks beyond the ability of the individual channelers."@en . "A Bronze Swordsman who likes killing things. no questions asked"@en . . . . . . "Link is the main character of the Legend of Zelda video game franchise, and a CAW legend. He debuted in NoDQ CAW, where he was most successful and most known for being from in the world of CAW. Link has had runs in many CAW feds, including ACWL,CUWL, NAW, SCCWL, ACW, UWF, and UWO,"@en . "Blau"@de . . . . "250"^^ . "Self-Trained"@en . . . . "Goddess's Knight"@en . . . "A"@en . "\u30B5\u30A4\u30C8\u89E3\u8AAC\uFF1A\u30AE\u30E3\u30EA\u304A\u3063\u3061\u3083\u3093"@ja . . . "Damage"@en . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . . . . . "Enhanced Spinner"@en . . . "End of the Quest"@en . . "FF96A3"@en . . . . . . "Link as he appears in Super Smash Bros. 4"@en . . . . . "Memorial Album of the Musical - Theme Songs 1993-1999"@en . . . . . "Link, referred to as the Hero of Time in legends and prophecies, was the Hylian warrior famed for his constant overwhelming over Ganon. Link came to the Real World to help Mario and Luigi battle the likes of Nox Decious and the Darkness when they threatened the Real World."@en . . "Health"@en . "Original: 116,000+"@en . . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku) is the main protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo. He appears when the land of Hyrule, or any other land, is endangered by evil. He is supposed to have many different incarnations but all of them follow the same line. Link is the wielder of the Master Sword and the holder of the Triforce of Courage. Link is the deuteragonist of the short-lived McLeodGaming cartoon series, A Super Mario World. He also appears as playable fighter in both of the Super Smash Flash games."@en . "Villain, C-Rank"@en . "Categoria:Personaggi Link \u00E8 l'eroe della serie The Legend of Zelda. I Link dei vari episodi della saga non sono quasi mai la stessa persona, ma incarnazioni differenti dello Spirito dell'Eroe. Essi sono prescelti dalle Dee per proteggere la Terra dal Male quando esso minaccia la pace. La maggior parte delle avventure sono ambientate nel mondo di Hyrule: Link esplora questa terra, collezionando oggetti importanti e sconfiggendo una gran variet\u00E0 di nemici nel tentativo di salvare sia la Principessa Zelda sia il suo Regno dalla minaccia di Ganon, di Vaati o di altri nemici. Il Link del primo gioco della serie era semplicemente un giovane spadaccino, ma gi\u00E0 dalla sua seconda avventura l'identit\u00E0 e il ruolo di ciascuna incarnazione di Link \u00E8 mutata in vari modi. Molti dei Link hanno un appellat"@it . . . . . "50"^^ . . . . . . . . "A link is when a monster you are fighting causes nearby monsters to join in the battle. For example, if you're fighting a Goblin that is too weak to be worthwhile, any Goblins nearby may join in the battle, \"linking\" with the first. Some mobs may be aggressive but not link (e.g. Ironshell), and some may link but not be aggressive (e.g. Strolling Sapling). May also be referred to as an Add, or BAF (Bringing a friend)."@en . . . "Heroe"@es . "mittel"@de . "Most games: Unknown\nThe Legend of Zelda : 10\nZelda II: The Adventure of Link : 16"@en . "Epona of Time"@en . . . "Production rune used for Carpentry. Combine \n* Rune \n* Worth 1 gold \n* Production rune"@en . . "\"\""@en . . "Great Fairy - 1st Weapon .png"@en . . . . . "Blink"@en . . . . . . . . "Grasshopper"@en . . . . . "Reincarnated as Linkle"@en . . . . . "''A Super Mario World"@en . . . . "Link"@it . "Original: Oct.15.2009"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Tri Force Heroes"@en . "1"^^ . . "Oracle of Seasons,"@de . . "The Adventure of Link,"@de . "Link"@ja . . . . . "Link is the main character of the series."@en . "A Link to the Past"@fr . . . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku) is the main protagonist of Hyrule Warriors. He is the main hero of every major Legend of Zelda title. His fairy companion in this title, Proxi (\u30D7\u30ED\u30AF\u30B7\u30A3, Purokushii), often speaks on his behalf to preserve his silent protagonist role. Koei first used his likeliness for a collaboration costume in Shin Sangoku Musou VS based off his Skyward Sword appearance. They then used his Hyrule Warriors version as a costume in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3."@en . . "t6"@en . . . . . . "Link is the opening to Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, also called the fifth opening. It is performed by L'Arc En Ciel, also the artists of FMA second opening: READY STEADY GO!!"@en . "Hero Chosen by the Gods"@en . "Ocarina of Time"@fr . . . . "Link was the operator on board the Nebuchadnezzar, assigned there after the previous operator, Tank, died. He is portrayed by Harold Perrineau."@en . . . . . "Link is a teenage goat wrangler living in Ordon Village, Ordona Province. Although unknown to him, he is blessed with the same power that Princess Zelda and Ganondorf bear: the Triforce ... After saving the children of Ordon, Link finds out that he is the chosen savior of Hyrule, and that he must stop the spread of Twilight. This unlikely Hero gains many skills and items to aid him along his quest. One such item being the legendary Master Sword.Items He gain are the slingshot,redead phobia,bow and arrow"@en . "239.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Link is the Protagonist of all Games in The Legend Of Zelda Series. He's usually silent, but he talks in The Legend Of Zelda CD-I Games. In the CDI Games, he's portrayed as a dumb blonde ditz who's always happy. He's great friends with The King, to the point where The King calls him My Boy. He keeps sexually harassing Zelda for a kiss, and she always refuses him. At the End of The Faces of Evil, Link tells her that he saved her from Gannon, and she refuses to believe him, even when faced with undeniable evidence that he did, in fact, save her from Gannon. Link likes eating Oktoroks & bombing Dodongos. Link also appears to be a bisexual, as every time he is around the king he always starts to seem sexually excited."@en . . . . . . . . "Master Sword"@en . . . . . . . "H\u00E9ros des Essences du Temps et de la Nature"@fr . "Link is the collective name referring to the incarnations of the main protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series, created by Shigeru Miyamoto. All Links possess the Spirit of the Hero, chosen by the Goddesses to wield the Triforce of courage. His purpose is constantly driven by \"fate\", intertwined with the other holders of the Triforce, Princess Zelda, and Ganondorf, where he is destined to save Hyrule from threatening forces. (Which forces seemed to be controlled by Ganondorf mostly all the time)"@en . . . . "Link is a muscular punk who is introduced in Spawn issue #19 and wields a giant chain \u2013 assumingly granting him the name \u2018Link\u2019. Along with his buddies Divvy, Smokey and Brains the punks try to initiate a fight with Spawn and Houdini on the rooftop of an apartment building. After receiving orders from Smokey, Link goes straight for Spawn, leaving Houdini for the others to handle. With nearly no effort, Spawn incapacitates Link using his \u2018own\u2019 chains, first pounding him in the face with a chain, followed by a hard smash in the ribs, and finally, a massive blow to the groin. Nothing is heard from Link after this issue, but it is assumed that he and his tied-up friends are apprehended by the NYPD."@en . "Link is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. In most games, he is tasked with stopping the evil Ganon and rescuing Princess Zelda. He was created by Mario's creator, Shigeru Miyamoto."@en . . . . . . "Wie bereits best\u00E4tigt von Miyamoto, gibt es viele verschiedene Inkarnationen der Links; jedoch teilen sie alle ihre einige eindeutige Attribute. In der Mehrheit der Zelda-Spiele finden die Abenteuer Links gr\u00F6\u00DFtenteils im K\u00F6nigreich von Hyrule statt, wo er durch das Land reist und eine gro\u00DFe Vielfalt von Feinden besiegt, um Prinzessin Zelda und ihr K\u00F6nigreich vor den b\u00F6sen Ganon zu retten. Ganon ist der Hauptb\u00F6sewicht in vielen Zelda-Titeln."@de . . "200"^^ . "Link is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series, and the star of many fanfics."@en . "Eroe del Vento"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Link"@en . . . . . "Deals 180"@en . . . . "{| style=\"width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';\" |- |rowspan=4 style=\"width:150px;\"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style=\"width:60px;text-align:center;\"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A\u2009 |rowspan=4|LinkNo description availible. |width=30% style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Strength:N/A |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Duration:N/A |- | style=\"padding-right: 6px;\" |Range:N/A |} {| style=\"width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';\" |- |rowspan=4 style=\"width:150px;\"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style=\"width:60px;text-align:center;\"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A\u2009 |rowspan=4|LinkNo description availible. |width=30% style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Strength:N/A |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Duration:N/A |- | style=\"padding-right: 6px;\" |Range:N/A |} {| style=\"width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';\" |- |rowspan=4 style=\"width:150px;\"|File:Mod Card image |rowspan=4 style=\"width:60px;text-align:center;\"|File:Ability image in gameENERGYEnergy requiredKEYDefault hotkey for ability\u2009 |rowspan=4|Ability nameIn-game Description of ability |width=30% style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Strength:Effectivenss of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Strength) |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Duration:Duration of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Duration) |- | style=\"padding-right: 6px;\" |Range:Range of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Range) |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-top:1px solid white;\" |Misc:Every statistic that is not affect by Ability Strength/Duration/Range |} {| style=\"width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';\" |- |rowspan=4 style=\"width:150px;\"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style=\"width:60px;text-align:center;\"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A\u2009 |rowspan=4|LinkNo description availible. |width=30% style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Strength:N/A |- |style=\"padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;\"|Duration:N/A |- | style=\"padding-right: 6px;\" |Range:N/A |}"@en . . "over 3 rounds to target and"@en . "Ja"@de . . . "Link's Awakening"@fr . . . . "Link"@en . . "Twilight Princess"@en . . "250"^^ . . . "Grash\u00FCpfer"@de . "Ringkeu"@it . . . "Deku-Link,"@de . . . . . "Theme Songs 1993-1999"@pl . . . . . . . "Gr\u00FCnbem\u00FCtzter Junge"@de . . . "Link Lapin"@fr . . . "The Wind Waker"@fr . . "Link is a fictional character and the main protagonist in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series of video games. Created by Shigeru Miyamoto, The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's core franchises, and has sold over 47 million copies worldwide as of 2007.[1] The series' enduring popularity has led to many incarnations of the Zelda story and Link himself; the character's first appearance was in the game The Legend of Zelda. Link has been featured in other video games from Nintendo, including its merchandising, comic books, and an animated television program. Link was awarded with a star on the Walk of Game in 2005, alongside Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog."@en . "Link is a small yellow Grundo/rabbit-like experiment with red eyes and long antennae-like ears that shoot a blue sticky substance that will only dissolve in mud. Designed to bind together incompatible individuals, usually by the hand or wrist. His one true place is helping arguing couples bungee jump."@en . "The Minish Cap,"@de . "Link; Link 0002.jpg"@en . . "Link is the Protagonist of all Games in The Legend Of Zelda Series. He's usually silent, but he talks in The Legend Of Zelda CD-I Games. In the CDI Games, he's portrayed as a dumb blonde ditz who's always happy. He's great friends with The King, to the point where The King calls him My Boy. He keeps sexually harassing Zelda for a kiss, and she always refuses him. At the End of The Faces of Evil, Link tells her that he saved her from Gannon, and she refuses to believe him, even when faced with undeniable evidence that he did, in fact, save her from Gannon. Link likes eating Oktoroks & bombing Dodongos. Link also appears to be a bisexual, as every time he is around the king he always starts to seem sexually excited."@en . "Wearing green clothes, eating octorocks, being the King's boi, being bored, killing Ganon , bombing MOAR dodongos"@en . . . . . . . . . "Link - G\u0142\u00F3wny bohater gier z serii The Legend of Zelda. Jego zadanie jest proste - Uratowa\u0107 Zeld\u0119... Mieszka on w magicznym \u015Bwiecie Hyrule."@pl . "Hyrule"@en . "H\u00E9roe del Viento"@es . . "Ancient Spinner"@en . . "Theme"@en . . . "Title:"@en . . "This is a link. There are many like it, but this one was linked from your page."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Resistencia de Hyrule"@es . "Link Defending .png"@es . "None"@en . "Hero"@en . . . . . . . . "Hero of Time"@en . . . "Other Appearances"@en . . . . . . . . "Link, sive Linea, est mira creatura quae vivit in castro regio apud regnum Hyrulia, alitus ab Harkiniane rege et delectatus a filia sua Zelda. Ille putat hunc locum tediosum quidem esse."@la . . . . . . . "ogniwo, po\u0142\u0105czenie, powi\u0105zanie"@en . . . . . "A Link Is a very useful item, allowing instant Teleportation to a set location. the current Links are as follows: Link to Oisvo Link to Altus Vicus Link to Bergville Link to Outpost Link to The Tower The Prices for each can be found here: Items List"@en . "The Wind Waker"@fr . . "Link"@en . . . . . "Link, der tollk\u00FChne Held ist auch dabei!"@de . . . . "This character is missing!"@en . . . "Secondary: Dim White"@en . "Link is the hero of the Legend of Zelda game series. He is extremely popular on GameFAQs as shown by his 4 time winning of the Character Battle Tournament (I,III,VII,VIII), the 2005 Tournament of Champions and the 2006 Battle Royal. Many people consider Link to be one of the most overrated characters in the contests. Then again, these are popularity contests, and he has won more contests than any other character, so saying that Link is overrated is like saying that he isn't as popular as he is."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Link \u00E8 il personaggio principale della saga di videogiochi The Legend of Zelda, creata dalla Mama Nintendo nel 1986 in Giappone."@it . . "2004"^^ . . . . . "The Wind Waker,"@de . . . . . . . . "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe"@en . "H\u00E9roe Legendario"@es . . . . . "Link is a playable character in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion and member of the Mushroom Kingdom Coalition. In addition, a previous incarnation of Link was a member of the Original Coalition."@en . "Link"@fr . . . . . "Link is a player of Smashtasm that uses Link. He believes that he is Link in real life. After the third episode and up until the eighth, every scene featuring Link has him trying to escape the DUMMY stage, where he was placed in, by 1337f0x via using a hack-ban. He finally gets out in Episode 8 after getting chased by KingKirb's army of Kirby Cousins. Link is a well-liked character in the series. Link often makes references to the three Goddesses of Hyrule, often saying things such as, \"For the love of Din!\" and \"Oh, thank Nayru!\" Link is voiced by Blade9932."@en . . . . "Artwork of Link from Breath of the Wild"@en . . . . . . . "Link in Mario Kart 8. In his home track of Hyrule Circuit on his bike the Master Cycle with matching tires and glider"@en . "Sword, Boomarang, Candle, Sword Beams, Magic Wand Bow"@en . . "Captain"@en . "Orejas"@es . . . . ">.<"@en . . "Slim Martin, code name Link, has a really serious case of GSD. He's got scales and speaks with a pronounced hiss. The skinny, scally guy here is Slim Martin but we call him Link."@en . . "Super Smash Bros. for N3DS / Wii U"@de . . . "Link is the main character of the Legend of Zelda video game franchise, and a CAW legend. He debuted in NoDQ CAW, where he was most successful and most known for being from in the world of CAW. Link has had runs in many CAW feds, including ACWL,CUWL, NAW, SCCWL, ACW, UWF, and UWO,"@en . "Kokiri"@en . . . "300"^^ . . "A sword-and-shield combo modified for use by left-handed warriors. Charge energy by holding down the Strong Attack button, and then release for a powerful Spin Attack."@en . . "none"@en . "The Hero of Time"@en . . "The Link is a M'Tar name for the role in which a programmed M'Tar clone or genetically engineered person acts as a link between a Liaison and the M'Tar, serving to process information whilst the Liaison remains in a waking state. Links can also be referred to as Treaties."@en . . . . "FFFB8B"@en . . "Link is a character on Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda."@en . . "Malphoid the Mailbox Bot"@en . . "A power-gauntlet-and-flail-combo set, perfect for devastating attacks. Pressing the Strong Attack button allows you to pick up and throw enemies."@en . . . . "Hero chosen by the Gods"@en . . . "3"^^ . . "A link is \"[s] behavioral, physical, or functional relationship between nodes in a system.\""@en . "Link er hovedfiguren i alle zelda-spillene."@no . . "Gauntlet - 1st Weapon .png"@en . "Tutorial Bot's Past"@en . . "Character name"@en . . "Magical Rod"@en . . . . . . . "Held des Windes"@de . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@es . . . . . "Link is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series, and the star of many fanfics."@en . . . "Never"@en . . . "Controls L Tilt Stage to Left R Tilt Stage to Right L+R Jump O A quick press lets Locoroco turn into smaller ones A long press makes Locoroco turn into bigger ones Start Pause Select Take a Photo(After Building the Nice Memory Camera in the Muimui House)"@en . "*Turbolasers \n*Ion batteries \n*Tractor beam projectors"@en . "Original: Niconico Broadcast"@en . . . "H\u00E9roe Elegido de la Diosa"@es . . . . "Spinner"@en . . "Gorons"@en . "Soldier"@en . . . . . . . . "Link iz a carachter made by teh elvil NINtendo. He likez to dress up like robin hood aand scream \"HYRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\" all the time."@en . "The Wind Waker"@en . . . . . "Mario Kart 8"@en . . . "The Minish Cap"@fr . "http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Ph\u1EA7n m\u1EC1m nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1, http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Qu\u1EA3n l\u00FD Nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1, http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Ph\u1EA7n m\u1EC1m qu\u1EA3n l\u00FD nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1 ti\u1EC1n l\u01B0\u01A1ng http://thamtuthanglong.com/ tham tu http://thamtuthanglong.com/ cong ty tham tu http://www.chiemhoa.vn/ ke sieu thi http://www.chiemhoa.vn/ quay ke"@en . . . "Damage"@en . . "Link .png"@en . "None"@en . . . . "8"^^ . "Link is a well-known Nintendo game character from The Legend Of Zelda series."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Goro-Link"@en . . . . . "Ashley Hayne"@en . . "Name"@en . . "6.31152E7"^^ . . . . . "Link es un Hyliano que vive en otro universo, el es el portador de la trifuerza del Valor y es conocido como el \"Heroe del Tiempo\". Link parece como personaje principal de la serie Ben and Link Adventures."@es . "Caballero de Hyrule"@es . . . "FFFFFF"@es . "Oracle of Ages"@en . "Link's Skyward Sword artwork."@en . "Majora's Mask"@en . "Warning!"@en . "Link, referred to as the Hero of Time in legends and prophecies, was the Hylian warrior famed for his constant overwhelming over Ganon. Link came to the Real World to help Mario and Luigi battle the likes of Nox Decious and the Darkness when they threatened the Real World."@en . . "Darkness"@en . "Hylian"@es . . "Hero of Hyrule"@en . "Link is from the legend of zelda series."@en . . "Water"@en . . . . "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe"@fr . . . . "A link, or \"circle,\" is the joining together of two or more channelers in order to increase their strength and effectiveness with the One Power to accomplish tasks beyond the ability of the individual channelers."@en . "Arley Swaby"@en . . "This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is \"blank\", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled \"discussion about this word\" - which will link you to a \"Discussion\" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under \"PRIRODNE JEZYKI\" (\"Natural Languages\") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)"@en . "Breath of the Wild"@en . . . . . "Zelda, Rupees, Breaking Pots"@en . "Link er hovedfiguren i alle zelda-spillene."@no . . . ""@en . "Gauntlet - 4th Weapon .png"@en . "Link"@de . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Jeffrey Rath"@en . . . . . . . "\"ULTIMATE\""@en . . . "\u6797\u514B"@it . . . . "8"^^ . "The ability to link was a rare power found amongst the Faellem, as well as blendings and triunes with Faellem blood. It allowed a person to link their mind to that of another person. A link between two people allowed them to communicate telepathically or to draw on eachothers strength to fuel their powers with the Secret Art."@en . . . . . "over 3 rounds to self."@en . . "Super Smash Bros."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|left Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku?) est un personnage imaginaire et le principal protagoniste de la s\u00E9rie de jeux vid\u00E9o The Legend of Zelda de Nintendo. Cr\u00E9\u00E9 par Shigeru Miyamoto, The Legend of Zelda est un des noyaux dur de Nintendo. En 2007 plus de 47 millions d\u2019exemplaires ont \u00E9t\u00E9 vendus \u00E0 travers le monde. La popularit\u00E9 persistante de la s\u00E9rie a conduit \u00E0 de nombreuses incarnations de l\u2019histoire de Zelda et de Link lui-m\u00EAme, sa premi\u00E8re apparition \u00E9tant dans le jeu The Legend of Zelda. Le personnage a \u00E9t\u00E9 repr\u00E9sent\u00E9 dans d\u2019autres jeux vid\u00E9os de Nintendo, mais \u00E9galement dans d\u2019autres produits commerciaux d\u00E9riv\u00E9s comme dans des bandes dessin\u00E9es ou encore dans un programme d\u2019animation \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9vision. Link a \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9compens\u00E9 d\u2019une \u00E9toile lors du Walk of Game en 2005, aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Mario et de Sonic le h\u00E9risson. Link est d\u00E9peint comme un gar\u00E7on hylien du pays imaginaire nomm\u00E9 Hyrule. A l\u2019origine jeune \u00E9p\u00E9iste, son identit\u00E9, apparence et r\u00F4le change d\u2019un jeu \u00E0 l\u2019autre. Son \u00E2ge varie suivant chaque jeu, se situant g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement entre 10 et 20 ans. Toutefois, certaines choses restent immuables : son \u00E9quipement de base est toujours constitu\u00E9 d'une tunique et d'un bonnet verts, d'une paire de bottes, d'une \u00E9p\u00E9e et d'un bouclier. Par la suite, Link acquiert au cours du jeu un arsenal important et h\u00E9t\u00E9roclite : grappin, boomerang, bombes, arc avec plusieurs types de fl\u00E8ches, ocarina, masques, diff\u00E9rentes tuniques, diff\u00E9rentes bottes, masse, \u00E9p\u00E9es plus puissantes (dont Excalibur, l'\u00E9p\u00E9e de l\u00E9gende, aussi connue sous son nom anglais Master Sword), etc. Le but r\u00E9current de la plupart des jeux de la s\u00E9rie est pour Link de combattre les forces de Ganondorf, sauver la Princesse Zelda et le Royaume d'Hyrule par la m\u00EAme occasion. Pour cela, il peut compter sur l'aide de plusieurs personnages (le plus souvent des Sages) qui peuvent lui confier leurs pouvoirs, et aussi sur le pouvoir de la Triforce du Courage qu'il poss\u00E8de."@fr . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . ""@de . . "Legend of Zelda"@en . . . . . . . . . . "100000"^^ . "Majora's Mask,"@de . . . . "Link was created for the Super Smash Bros. Brawl video game. He and the others were discovered by Darth Squidward. Their organization was against planet destruction because Darth Squidward couldn't blow up a planet while his old rival SpongeBob Squarepants could."@en . . . . . "Link is both, a character in the Nintendo Universe and a character in Philipnova798's Comics Factory 2.0."@en . . "Weight"@en . . . . . . "Link is a Person and the main character of The Legend of Zeldumb: Guitar of Rhyme, and The Legend of Zeldumb: Bob's Bandana. He is known for his skills at defeating evil Pigs, such as Ganon (who is really just Ganondorf in a Halloween costume, TBH). He has been given the nickname the Hero of Rhyme, for some reason. Some people have also said something about him having the Triforce of Wimpiness, but this has not been proven true. His favorite color is purple, but he can't seem to find a purple hat, so he just wears green."@en . "Link at his usual appearance"@en . . . "#94F2F1; color: #1C425E"@en . . "Waker of the Winds"@en . "Hero of Winds"@en . . . "Links are a very awesome thing in this world. That is why this article has nothing but links. Except when covered by previous linkage. The way of the link is to lead its clicker from one article to another. They are very useful in wikis for this reason."@en . . "''Mario Kart 8"@en . "Crackling Rod"@en . "Link"@es . "Triforce of Courage Bearer/Hero of Time/Hero of Winds/Hero of Twilight"@en . . "Link is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. Like most other main characters on the Nintendo Entertainment System Link didn't origionally talk, but unlike others like Mario he did not gain a speaking role later on, other than random noises made by him in later games."@en . . . . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) es el nombre de cada protagonista en la serie The Legend of Zelda. Hay muchas encarnaciones de Link, poseyendo el esp\u00EDritu del h\u00E9roe, con algunos de ellos siendo de sangre relacionada as\u00ED. Son elegidos por las diosas para proteger la tierra del mal cuando considere necesario. En la mayor\u00EDa de juegos de Zelda, sus aventuras tienen lugar dentro de Hyrule, viajando a trav\u00E9s de la tierra, recolectando art\u00EDculos importantes y derrotando a una gran variedad de enemigos mientras intentaban salvar tanto a la Princesa Zelda y su Reino de las garras de Ganondorf, Vaati u otros villanos. El primer Link fue introducido como un joven con espada en mano, pero desde The Adventure of Link, la identidad, aspecto, y papel de cada encarnaci\u00F3n de Link ha variado de un juego a otro. A muchos de los Links se le dan t\u00EDtulos para identificarlos, tales como el h\u00E9roe del tiempo en Ocarina of Time y el h\u00E9roe de los vientos en The Wind Waker."@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Slim Martin, code name Link, has a really serious case of GSD. He's got scales and speaks with a pronounced hiss. The skinny, scally guy here is Slim Martin but we call him Link."@en . "right|200px|thumb|L'\u00E9cran de d\u00E9marrage du Link. Le Link est un mode de jeu multijoueur apparaissant uniquement dans Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Il permet \u00E0 deux joueurs diff\u00E9rents de se mesurer l'un \u00E0 l'autre en mode local, avec leurs jeux de carte respectifs."@fr . "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars"@en . . . . . . . "Breath of the Wild"@fr . . "First Game:"@en . "abraham"@en . "Epona - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . . . "The Hero"@en . "This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is \"blank\", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled \"discussion about this word\" - which will link you to a \"Discussion\" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under \"PRIRODNE JEZYKI\" (\"Natural Languages\") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the \"Constructed Languages\" section - \"Postavjene Jezyki\" - which includes \"Slovio\" \"Novosloviensky\" (NeoSlavonic) and \"Slovianski\". The \"Slovio\" project is no longer active. \"Novosloviensky\" and \"Slovianski\", on the other hand, have joined together as \"INTERSLAVIC\" or \"MED\u017DUSLOVJANSKI\" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information."@en . . . "Magic Rod - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . "*Keeping this ability active when surrounded by high-level enemies will dramatically increase Trinity's survivability.\n**Be careful of Link's slow, immobile cast delay, lest you become overwhelmed by burst fire.\n*Use Trinity's Energy Vampire to fuel Link's high energy cost.\n*Try using self-inflicted damage offensively! While using Blessing as a safety barrier, damage yourself with Castanas, Ogris, Penta, Stug, etc. to reflect their high damage to several enemies in range. Be wary of stacking damage upon yourself, though, as these weapons can kill you outright even with the damage reduction granted by Link and Blessing.\n** procs synergize especially well with Link's status reflection, as they will cause each linked enemy to trigger an electric chain attack dealing massive amounts of damage to clustered groups.\n*Link connects to enemies through walls and other obstacles, which serves as an early-warning system indicating if enemies are nearby. \n**Similarly, Link can connect to and track the position of cloaked enemies such as Capture targets and Manics.\n*Be wary of mods and effects which reduce Ability Range as they make it harder to maintain an active link, and with that, Link's defensive benefits."@en . . . . "A Link Between Worlds"@de . "Spinner - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . "Link is a playable character in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion and member of the Mushroom Kingdom Coalition. In addition, a previous incarnation of Link was a member of the Original Coalition."@en . ""@en . . . "Hero of Time"@en . "Power Gloves"@en . . . . "The ability to link was a rare power found amongst the Faellem, as well as blendings and triunes with Faellem blood. It allowed a person to link their mind to that of another person. A link between two people allowed them to communicate telepathically or to draw on eachothers strength to fuel their powers with the Secret Art."@en . . . . . "A link is a connection between two of the infinite preexisting Ages of the Great Tree of Possibilities. In the context of The Art, links are formed with the writing of Descriptive Books, which then \"chose\" one of the possible Ages that most closely match the descriptions. Links were unique, as only one Descriptive Book could exist for an Age. Books have a viewing panel called a Linking panel that shows a picture of the target location. The panel is interactive: by merely touching it, the person is linked to that Age."@en . "Breath of the Wild"@de . . "Sword & Shield - 2nd Weapon .png"@en . . . . . "Great Fairy - 3rd Weapon .png"@en . . "Hoso-Q"@en . . . "Link was Zion-born and married to Zee. After his brother-in-law Dozer was killed by the traitor Cypher, Link took over the functions as operator and pilot of the Nebuchadnezzar in respect to a promise he made to Dozer. Zee, after \"losing two brothers to that ship\" (Tank died before the beginning of The Matrix Reloaded due to his injuries in The Matrix), feels strongly that Link should find another ship to serve. She repeatedly tells Link that his Captain Morpheus is crazy and that because the Nebuchadnezzar spends more time out of Zion than the rest of the fleet, she spends much less time with Link than ideal. Link did not believe in the religious aspects that Zee believed (the specific religion is never discussed); but when the Nebuchadnezzar leaves Zion to meet the Oracle (never to return again), Link chose to wear a prayer chain given to him by Zee for luck. Link guided fellow crewmates Neo, Trinity and the ship's captain Morpheus while they were inside the Matrix. Link sat behind a series of screens that provided the crew weapons, maps, system and ship status, and views of the Matrix code that he could provide or relay to the crew. Link was very competent and skilled as an Operator, but could be very cautious and uneasy. This behavior annoyed Morpheus, who asked Link to instill more trust in what Morpheus asked of him. Part of Link's character development through Reloaded and Revolutions shifts him from initially uneasy to a firm believer not only in Morpheus' leadership abilities but also in the unspecified religion to which Zee is devoted. When the Nebuchadnezzar is destroyed at the end of The Matrix Reloaded, Link becomes a ship's hand on the hovercraft Hammer. After the hovercraft Logos, piloted by Trinity and Neo, leaves for the Machine City, Logos captain Niobe pilots the Hammer through the narrowest, normally unnavigable tunnels of the underground sewers of the ancient world in an attempt to return home to Zion. Zee aided the Kid in destroying the counterweights of the access doors on the Zion dock, allowing the Hammer to crash land. At that point, Link triggered the EMP weapon on the ship, disabling the first wave of Sentinels and drilling machines that were attacking the city. The crew of the Hammer received a hero's welcome, and Link was reunited with his wife to await the end of the Man/Machine war. In The Matrix Online, Link now trains all the newly awakened redpills (players) in various programs before they are allowed to enter the Matrix."@en . . . . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@de . . . . . . . "White Sword"@en . "Gender:"@en . "Small Fry"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "LINK \u2013 piosenka z musicali Sera Myu, wykonywana podczas scen bitewnych. Zosta\u0142a napisana dla musicalu Kaguya Shima Densetsu i oryginalnie w nim wykonywana. Wersja piosenki z pomini\u0119tymi kilkoma wersami pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 r\u00F3wnie\u017C w Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu."@pl . . . . "The Legend of Zelda Wiki"@es . "Memorial Album of the Musical 13 - New Legend of Kaguya Island"@en . "Linking is the process of adding lapis to equipment with empty slots. Linking can only be done by a Blacksmith. Adding Lapis Lapis generally have a very low success rate, but Linking Hammers will increase the chance of success by 10% - 50% and a high Blessing will also help to increase this further. The chance of successfully adding lapis will never exceed 50%, which means there will always be a risk of losing the lapis if it fails."@en . . "Link ist der Hauptprotagonist aus dem The Legend of Zelda-Universum. In jedem Spiel muss er Prinzessin Zelda retten, R\u00E4tsel l\u00F6sen und Dungeons erkunden. In Verbindung mit dem Mario-Universum kommt er durch die Super Smash Bros.-Serie und dem Mario Kart 8 x The Legend of Zelda -DLC. Dar\u00FCber hinaus hat er wenige Cameo-Auftritte in der Mario-Serie."@de . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Link is the protagonist of Nintendo\u2019s Legend of Zelda video game series. Link was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, and first appeared in the 1986 game The Legend of Zelda."@en . . "Link appears as a playable character in Mario Kart 8 in the first of the two DLC packs."@en . "Link"@no . . . "Caballeros de Hyrule"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "Game & Watch Zelda"@fr . "Der Link bezeichnet eine Falle. Daher auch der Begriff linken. Im Internet bedient man sich des Links (siehe auch Linksh\u00E4nder) um Leute f\u00FCr Jahre vor dem Monitor zu fesseln. Das funktioniert aber nur, wenn m\u00F6glichst viele Beitr\u00E4ge untereinander verlinkt sind, also keine Sackgassen sind. Mit einem Link beginnen 80% aller Urheberrechtsverletzungen."@de . . . . . . . . "experiment 251"@en . . . . "Link is the opening to Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa, also called the fifth opening. It is performed by L'Arc En Ciel, also the artists of FMA second opening: READY STEADY GO!!"@en . . . "Hylianer"@de . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Four Swords"@en . . "Alive"@en . . . "Knight"@en . . "Skyward Sword Link"@en . . . . "Link is the main character of The Legend of Zelda series"@en . . . . . "Likes:"@en . . . "Link"@en . . ""@de . "Link"@de . . . . . . . . "An Internal Link or Free linking is used to link to another page, article, template, etc. in the same wiki. By using double square brackets as following [[sample page]] for linking pages."@en . . "Mario Kart 8"@en . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Von Anfang an"@de . "75.0"^^ . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku) es el nombre de cada protagonista en la serie The Legend of Zelda. Hay muchas encarnaciones de Link, poseyendo el esp\u00EDritu del h\u00E9roe, con algunos de ellos siendo de sangre relacionada as\u00ED. Son elegidos por las diosas para proteger la tierra del mal cuando considere necesario. En la mayor\u00EDa de juegos de Zelda, sus aventuras tienen lugar dentro de Hyrule, viajando a trav\u00E9s de la tierra, recolectando art\u00EDculos importantes y derrotando a una gran variedad de enemigos mientras intentaban salvar tanto a la Princesa Zelda y su Reino de las garras de Ganondorf, Vaati u otros villanos."@es . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . "Apprentice to the Hero"@en . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword"@en . "Never"@en . . . . "Quest rewards"@en . . . "Brawlnk Eat, Brawlnk Alive"@en . "This page should be deleted."@en . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Link ist der Hauptprotagonist aus dem The Legend of Zelda-Universum. In jedem Spiel muss er Prinzessin Zelda retten, R\u00E4tsel l\u00F6sen und Dungeons erkunden. In Verbindung mit dem Mario-Universum kommt er durch die Super Smash Bros.-Serie und dem Mario Kart 8 x The Legend of Zelda -DLC. Dar\u00FCber hinaus hat er wenige Cameo-Auftritte in der Mario-Serie."@de . "Prism Rod"@en . "PSP"@en . . . "Link"@en . . . "Link"@de . . . . . . . "Hase"@de . . . . . . . . "Super Smash Bros. Melee"@en . . "Gender:"@en . "Aproximadamente entre 10 y 19 a\u00F1os"@es . "A link is a connection between two of the infinite preexisting Ages of the Great Tree of Possibilities. In the context of The Art, links are formed with the writing of Descriptive Books, which then \"chose\" one of the possible Ages that most closely match the descriptions. Links were unique, as only one Descriptive Book could exist for an Age. Books have a viewing panel called a Linking panel that shows a picture of the target location. The panel is interactive: by merely touching it, the person is linked to that Age. The act of linking by definition implies dimensional transfer. This means that a link can't \"teleport\" one from one point to another within the same world (eg. from the D'ni City to Ae'gura) as the Book and the destination exist in the same Age (Earth) at the same time."@en . . . . . "Horse"@en . "DIEd"@en . . . "Link, when used in reference to building/scripting, means to link two or more prims together to form one cohesive object. There are various script functions that have to do with linked objects. A linked object can also be referred to as a group but can be confusing. A link is also another name for a URL."@en . . . . "Link was a MC80a Star Cruiser belonging to the Rebel Alliance."@en . . . . . . . "Master of the Rosa Sisters"@en . . "Loach"@en . "Oracle of Ages,"@de . . . . . . . . "H\u00E9roe de las Esencias del Tiempo y de la Naturaleza"@es . "Artwork de Link para The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"@es . . . . . . . "Shiguru Miyamoto"@en . . . . "Ocarina of Time"@en . . "Archived knowledge"@en . . . . "Earth \nHyrule"@en . . . "Club Nintendo C\u00F3mics"@es . . "1200.0"^^ . . "A Link is a communications device that allows users to maintain short range communications aboard spaceships, space stations and ground installations via the local communications grid. Links can come in a variety of different sizes, shapes and designs, and can also be programed to handle more than communication between users. Certain technologies and designs also allow Links to be secured to respond only to their assigned user, and be operated via voice commands, touch sensors, or both."@en . . . . "22"^^ . "\"Link\" is the second track on disc C of the Dead or Alive Ultimate Original Sound Trax."@en . . . . . "*The King"@en . "19"^^ . . "Link-a-dink-dink"@en . . . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF"@en . . "12.0"^^ . . . . . "7"^^ . "Memorial Album of the Musical - Marinamoon Special Edition"@en . "Link"@en . "\u00C9lu de la D\u00E9esse"@fr . . "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYqm1g6qMKg|album = Memorial Album of the Musical 7 - Legend of Kaguya Island"@en . . . . . "An official description for the Link is currently unavailable, however the concept art has been confirmed by Elijah McNeal as being the Xi'an Link fighter/bomber."@en . . . "Ja"@de . . . . "http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Ph\u1EA7n m\u1EC1m nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1, http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Qu\u1EA3n l\u00FD Nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1, http://ihrp.fis.com.vn/ Ph\u1EA7n m\u1EC1m qu\u1EA3n l\u00FD nh\u00E2n s\u1EF1 ti\u1EC1n l\u01B0\u01A1ng http://thamtuthanglong.com/ tham tu http://thamtuthanglong.com/ cong ty tham tu http://www.chiemhoa.vn/ ke sieu thi http://www.chiemhoa.vn/ quay ke"@en . "Hero Of Legend"@en . . . "A Link to the Past"@en . "Fire"@en . . . "Link is a cameo character from The Legend of Zelda and he appears in MySims Galaxy."@en . . . "Hippie Elf"@en . . "None"@en . "The Triforce of Faceage 1-5, Dinner Blaster, Dating Video, The King gets a Car, CD-i: The Movie"@en . . "Link is a character from The Legend of Zelda. He appears only in The Legend of Zelda location. The Kid can ride Link, however he will try to kill him with a sword. He also appears after the Treasures. To get past him The Kid has to jump over the diamond spike and do a double jump on the other side of the spike, to stay on one location and make link hit the diamond spike instead, when The Kid is already on the other side."@en . "Four Swords,"@de . "Want to see more Jackie Chan websites? You're in the right place! \n* Jackie Chan's Official Website: Contains pictures, wallpapers, news, information, videos and even Jackie Chan's own diary! \n* Jackie Chan: Kid's Corner: Aimed for kids, this website contains coloring book pages, crosswords, trivia and fun facts, stories from fans and much more! \n* Jackie Chan Fan Site: A fun site with information on Jackie Chan. Includes a forum too!"@en . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku ?, Archivo:Hylian L.gifArchivo:Hylian I.gifArchivo:Hylian N.gifArchivo:Hylian_K.gif en Hylian) es el nombre del protagonista de The Legend of Zelda. Es generalmente representado como un ni\u00F1o o joven valiente, con vestimenta de color verde que abandona su hogar para cumplir su destino: luchar contra las fuerzas malignas que amenazan la tierra de Hyrule, Termina, etc. En su viaje, aprende a utilizar diferentes armas y objetos con los que supera a los enemigos y obst\u00E1culos que encuentra en su camino. Tras un largo camino, Link finalmente vence a su enemigo y se convierte en un h\u00E9roe legendario. Se le considera un personaje icono y el s\u00EDmbolo de la franquicia Zelda, as\u00ED como uno de los protagonistas m\u00E1s populares del mundo del videojuego. Link, como h\u00E9roe elegido por la Diosa Hylia, se reencarna a lo largo de la saga de Zelda. Todas las encarnaciones de Link tienen una serie de caracter\u00EDsticas comunes, las cuales son su apariencia f\u00EDsica, su valent\u00EDa y abnegaci\u00F3n. Link tambi\u00E9n es conocido por no tener apenas di\u00E1logo. Sus caracter\u00EDsticas f\u00EDsicas var\u00EDan un poco de un juego a otro, aunque por lo general tiene el pelo de color claro (que va desde el marr\u00F3n al rubio) y ojos azules. Su edad oscila entre los diez y diecinueve a\u00F1os. En muchas entregas de la saga, Link es el portador de la Trifuerza del Valor. Adem\u00E1s en varios juegos se le da un t\u00EDtulo de h\u00E9roe, como el de H\u00E9roe del Tiempo en The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time."@es . . . . . . "Link aus Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@de . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Link]] linke probably from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Link]] *hlenkr, from Proto-Germanic. Used in English since the 14th century."@ia . "Eroe del Tempo"@it . . . "An ancient machine designed to float over land. Use a Strong Attack to deploy the Spinner, and then follow up with various types of combos to turn your enemies' worlds upside down!"@en . . . . . "Link (died May 23, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . . "Koridai Castle"@en . . . . . . . . . "Sworn Brother of the Gorons"@en . . . . "Mah Boi"@en . . . "See The Legend of Zelda (series)"@en . . . "Sachi Matsumoto"@en . "This is Link's story."@en . "A Bronze Swordsman who likes killing things. no questions asked"@en . . . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF, Rinku) is the main protagonist of Hyrule Warriors. He is the main hero of every major Legend of Zelda title. His fairy companion in this title, Proxi (\u30D7\u30ED\u30AF\u30B7\u30A3, Purokushii), often speaks on his behalf to preserve his silent protagonist role. Koei first used his likeliness for a collaboration costume in Shin Sangoku Musou VS based off his Skyward Sword appearance. They then used his Hyrule Warriors version as a costume in Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3."@en . . "Gay"@en . . . . . . . "Link (\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF Rinku?) is the protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo. Link is the wielder of the Master Sword and the holder of the Triforce of Courage. He appears as a playable fighter in all four Super Smash Bros. games."@en . . "Link ist der Held der Spielreihe The Legend of Zelda. Seine Markenzeichen, die er in bisher jedem Spiel hatte, sind das gr\u00FCne Gewand mitsamt einer Zipfelm\u00FCtze und die spitzen Ohren, die jeder Bewohner Hyrules besitzt. Au\u00DFerdem tr\u00E4gt er sein Schwert in der linken Hand (au\u00DFer in der Wii-Version von Twilight Princess)."@de . . "*Lou Albino\n*Darth Squidward\n*Harambe"@en . . . . . "Link ist der Held der Legend of Zelda-Serie. Er ist ein Schwertkaempfer und seit dem ersten Super Smash Bros. dabei. In jedem spiel ausser Melee ist er im untersten Tier in der Tier-Liste. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Zelda-Universum"@de . . . "H\u00E9ros du Vent"@fr . "LINK \u2013 piosenka z musicali Sera Myu, wykonywana podczas scen bitewnych. Zosta\u0142a napisana dla musicalu Kaguya Shima Densetsu i oryginalnie w nim wykonywana. Wersja piosenki z pomini\u0119tymi kilkoma wersami pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 r\u00F3wnie\u017C w Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu."@pl . "Link"@en . . . "Held der Essenzen der Zeit,"@de . "Hyrule Warriors Legends"@fr . . "Link"@it . . . . . "Full version: Dec.7.2009"@en . . "Stra\u00DFenkampf"@de . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@en . "310.0"^^ . . . "H\u00E9roe de Hyrule"@es . "Phantom Hourglass"@en . . . . . . . . "is teaching couples discussing doing things together."@en . "Blue"@en . "N/A"@en . "Artwork of link from Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U"@en . . . . . . . . "159"^^ . "Full version: 50,000+"@en . "Silver Gauntlets"@en . . "-5.680368E8"^^ . . . "Link appears as a playable character in Mario Kart 8 in the first of the two DLC packs."@en . "Knight's Sword"@en . "92"^^ . . "Stupid Mario Brothers"@en . "Link ist der Held der Spielreihe The Legend of Zelda. Seine Markenzeichen, die er in bisher jedem Spiel hatte, sind das gr\u00FCne Gewand mitsamt einer Zipfelm\u00FCtze und die spitzen Ohren, die jeder Bewohner Hyrules besitzt. Au\u00DFerdem tr\u00E4gt er sein Schwert in der linken Hand (au\u00DFer in der Wii-Version von Twilight Princess). Link ist meist ein ca. 10-18 j\u00E4hriger Junge mit blonden Haaren. Er tr\u00E4gt einen gr\u00FCnen Anzug, der unter anderem eine ebenfalls gr\u00FCne Zipfelm\u00FCtze beinhaltet. Zudem tr\u00E4gt er ein Schwert und einen Schild bei sich. Diese k\u00F6nnen in den verschiedenen Spielen in verschiedenen Variationen auftreten. Im Laufe seiner Abenteuer erh\u00E4lt Link viele verschiedene Items, mit denen er seine Reisen bestreitet. Darunter befinden sich zum Beispiel ein Bumerang, Bomben oder auch der Fanghaken. Diese Gegenst\u00E4nde verstaut der Held unter seinem Schild. Wo genau, wei\u00DF man bis zum heutigen Tag nicht."@de . "Link \u00E8 il personaggio principale della saga di videogiochi The Legend of Zelda, creata dalla Mama Nintendo nel 1986 in Giappone."@it . "right|200px|thumb|L'\u00E9cran de d\u00E9marrage du Link. Le Link est un mode de jeu multijoueur apparaissant uniquement dans Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Il permet \u00E0 deux joueurs diff\u00E9rents de se mesurer l'un \u00E0 l'autre en mode local, avec leurs jeux de carte respectifs."@fr . . . . . . . "Una singularidad acerca de este personaje es que existen varios h\u00E9roes con el mismo nombre de \"Link\" en la serie de The Legend of Zelda y tienen innumerables caracter\u00EDsticas cada uno. Por otro lado, seg\u00FAn lo sugiere Ganondorf en Wind Waker , tambi\u00E9n podr\u00EDa tratarse de un mismo h\u00E9roe que renace una y otra vez a trav\u00E9s de las eras. Esto significa adem\u00E1s, que a pesar de que Link se le es considerado un personaje \u00FAnico de la serie, sus versiones terminan muchas veces siendo un Link diferente, aveces con una personalidad \u00FAnica, como en los casos de Link en A link to the past, El H\u00E9roe de los vientos en Wind Waker, el H\u00E9roe del Tiempo de Ocarina of Time y Majora's Mask y el Link de Twilight Princess."@es . . "Art conceptuel pour Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U"@fr . "Skyward Sword"@fr . .