. "L'et\u00E0 media dei wiccani bimbiminkia \u00E8 di 13-15 anni, anche se ne esistono molti 30-40enni. Si convertono alla Wicca perch\u00E9 cerebrolesi o talmente brutti (solitamente sono nerd e ciccione). Amano gli anglismi come \"wiccan\", molto meglio se storpiato in \"wikkan\" o \"wYkKaN\". Caratteristiche distintive dei Wykkans bimbiminkia: \n* Sono arciconvinti che la Wicca sia una religione antica di settordicimila anni e che sia l'unica religione pagana possibile ed esistente. \n* Comprano i loro strumenti al supermercato, e devono ancora spiegarmi come facciano. \n* Non sanno utilizzare correttamente gli accenti, partorendo obbrobri come \"e', andro', piu', bibbidibobbidibu'\". [Comma: si suppone che lo facciano per fingere di avere una tastiera inglese, cosa che supporterebbe la balla \"sono in Inghilterra alla Witchfest\" quando in realt\u00E0 sono a casa loro a Vergate sul Membro, chiusi nello scantinato per tutto il weekend] \n* Non hanno mai fatto conoscenza con un congiuntivo. \n* Spaziano rigorosamente tra un segno di punteggiatura e la parola precedente: \"Oddea , ma questa voce fa Proprio Schifo ! Era proprio da Dire !\" \n* Non sanno che i puntini di sospensione sono TRE: \"............mmmmmmmmmm.... vivaladdea benedizioni !!!!! )O(\" \n* I wiccolesi non guardano la televisione. Ci vivono. Forti dosi di Buffy, Streghe, Twilight e altre cagate commerciali che lobotomizzino il loro cervello. \n* Concludono sempre i propri messaggi con benedizioni puerili, ad esempio: \"Che il divino illumini il tuo cammino ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )O(\", oppure, \"Intense benedizioni ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )O(\""@it . . . . . . "Wicca"@in . . "La Wicca es una religi\u00F3n neopagana desarrollada en Inglaterra durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. La Wicca se populariz\u00F3 en la d\u00E9cada de 1950 y a comienzos de 1960 por Gerald Gardner, quien a la vez llam\u00F3 a la religi\u00F3n \"culto de brujas y brujer\u00EDas\", y a sus seguidores \"los Wicca, wiccas o wiccanos\". A partir de la d\u00E9cada de 1960, el nombre de la religi\u00F3n se normaliz\u00F3 y se redujo a \"Wicca\". Se cree que los paganos modernos (neopaganos, Wiccans o brujas) son descendientes lineales de brujas medievales. Algunos dicen que los Wicca descienden directamente - en el sentido de ser transmitido continuamente de una generaci\u00F3n a otra - de la \"vieja religi\u00F3n\" pre-cristiana, pan o polite\u00EDsta, que fue llevada a la clandestinidad, pero nunca completamente destruida por papistas advenedizos. No hay evidencia de una continuidad hist\u00F3rica entre las pr\u00E1cticas religiosas paganas de la antig\u00FCedad (incluso de la Edad Media) y la Wicca moderna. Por el contrario, hay un mont\u00F3n de evidencias de que la Wicca es una invenci\u00F3n moderna. Lo que es m\u00E1s, esto fue reconocido alegremente por muchos Wiccans principales, que se\u00F1alan que el ritual Wicca es una de sus grandes fortalezas. Se hace referencia a la obra de la respetada escritora Wicca Margot Adler. Adler afirma que: \"El renacimiento Wicca comienza con un mito, [de que] la brujer\u00EDa es una religi\u00F3n que se remonta a los tiempos paleol\u00EDticos, a la adoraci\u00F3n del dios de la caza y de la diosa de la fertilidad. Hoy en d\u00EDa las brujas m\u00E1s renovadores en Am\u00E9rica del Norte aceptan la \"Vieja Religi\u00F3n\" universal m\u00E1s como met\u00E1fora que una realidad literal, m\u00E1s una verdad espiritual que una geogr\u00E1fica\"."@es . "Wicca, also known as Modern Witchcraft, is a religion that reveres all life in nature. Followers refer to themselves as witches and do not perform harmful spells. (TXF: \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\"). Nurse Rebecca Waite , a practitioner of Wicca, was killed in 1996 when she was trying to protect the patients of a hospital's plastic surgery from a much more powerful evil wizard (TXF: \"Sanguinarium\"). In 1997, Dana Scully specifically looked for evidence of Wicca involvement in a case that Fox Mulder believed may have links to witchcraft. She did not find any. (TXF: \"Chinga\") In 2000, an FBI agent asked Betty Templeton if she was a practitioner of Wicca. She denied it. (TXF: \"Fight Club\")"@en . . . . "27"^^ . . "Wicca"@pt . "Wicca ist eine neopaganistische Naturreligion, die die Liebe zum Leben und zur Natur feiert und Magie anwendet. Ihre Mitglieder nennen sich oft Hexen. Sie basiert zum gro\u00DFen Teil auf dem Freimaurertum und flechtet Aspekte uralter Naturreligionen mit ein. Dabei ist Wicca nicht zu verwechseln mit urspr\u00FCnglichen Naturreligionen: Wicca ist eine extrem junge Religion, die sich st\u00E4rker an der Zeremonialmagie orientiert als an naturreligi\u00F6sen Praktiken. Wicca versucht, die Wurzeln verschiedener religi\u00F6ser Systeme wiederzuentdecken und sie in das heutige, moderne Leben mehr einzugliedern. So soll die Natur wieder in den Mittelpunkt des allt\u00E4glichen Lebens ger\u00FCckt werden. Ziel dessen ist es, in Harmonie mit sich und seiner Umwelt zu leben und so zu Vollkommenheit zu gelangen."@de . "Wicca"@it . . . "Miki Nagasawa"@es . "Wicca (\u30A6\u30A4\u30C3\u30AB - Wicca) est une naine du Royaume de Tontatta. Elle fait partie de l'unit\u00E9 des \u00E9claireurs du Royaume de Tontatta. Elle vole souvent les objets des habitants de Dressrosa et est donc consid\u00E9r\u00E9e par les citoyens comme une \"f\u00E9e\"."@fr . . "808000"^^ . . . "Wicca ist eine neopaganistische Naturreligion, die die Liebe zum Leben und zur Natur feiert und Magie anwendet. Ihre Mitglieder nennen sich oft Hexen. Sie basiert zum gro\u00DFen Teil auf dem Freimaurertum und flechtet Aspekte uralter Naturreligionen mit ein. Dabei ist Wicca nicht zu verwechseln mit urspr\u00FCnglichen Naturreligionen: Wicca ist eine extrem junge Religion, die sich st\u00E4rker an der Zeremonialmagie orientiert als an naturreligi\u00F6sen Praktiken. Wicca versucht, die Wurzeln verschiedener religi\u00F6ser Systeme wiederzuentdecken und sie in das heutige, moderne Leben mehr einzugliedern. So soll die Natur wieder in den Mittelpunkt des allt\u00E4glichen Lebens ger\u00FCckt werden. Ziel dessen ist es, in Harmonie mit sich und seiner Umwelt zu leben und so zu Vollkommenheit zu gelangen."@de . "Wicca seperti semua para kurcaci lainnya, bertubuh kecil dan memiliki ekor berbulu tebal dan hidung runcing. Dia berambut biru, dan juga memakai topi besar warna biru dengan garis merah disekitarnya. Dia mengenakan gaun biru dengan syal warna putih."@in . . . "L'et\u00E0 media dei wiccani bimbiminkia \u00E8 di 13-15 anni, anche se ne esistono molti 30-40enni. Si convertono alla Wicca perch\u00E9 cerebrolesi o talmente brutti (solitamente sono nerd e ciccione). Amano gli anglismi come \"wiccan\", molto meglio se storpiato in \"wikkan\" o \"wYkKaN\". Caratteristiche distintive dei Wykkans bimbiminkia:"@it . "Wicca (\u30A6\u30A3\u30C3\u30AB Wikka?) es una enana perteneciente a la Tribu Tontatta. Forma parte de la quinta divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja, siendo miembro de la \"Tropa Tonta\"; adem\u00E1s de ser del Escuadr\u00F3n de reconocimiento. Fue vista por primera vez en Dressrosa, cuando intent\u00F3 robarle a Zoro la espada Shusui."@es . "Wicca is a modern pagan religion drawing from both ancient beliefs and hermetic principals. Mainly revolving around the belief in the Horned God and the Moon Goddess, this religion is considered duotheistic in nature. Traditionally, initiation is very strict and requires one to be in an organized coven with a priest or priestess. However, a large number of people have taken on the name of eclectic Wiccans, as they do not follow the strict beliefs of traditional Wicca."@en . . "27"^^ . . . . "D4FF00"@fr . . . . . . . "Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja"@es . "Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion and one (but not the only) form of Witchcraft."@en . "Wicca (\u30A6\u30A4\u30C3\u30AB - Wicca) est une naine du Royaume de Tontatta. Elle fait partie de l'unit\u00E9 des \u00E9claireurs du Royaume de Tontatta. Elle vole souvent les objets des habitants de Dressrosa et est donc consid\u00E9r\u00E9e par les citoyens comme une \"f\u00E9e\"."@fr . "27"^^ . . "Wicca is a polytheistic nature religion, that has grown out of the Celtic and Native American traditions. It practices rituals and claims to give its followers magic powers. Surprisingly, it has never been scientifically proven that a Wiccan can do anything that anyone else can't do. __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "[[Imagem:Pentacle.jpg|150px|thumb|left|Simbolo da Wicca]] A Wicca \u00E9 uma religi\u00E3o neopag\u00E3 fundamentada nos cultos da fertilidade que se originaram na Europa Antiga. O bruxo ingl\u00EAs Gerald Brusseau Gardner impulsionou o renascimento do culto, com o nome de Wicca, junto com outros bruxos e bruxas, em meados entre \u00E0s d\u00E9cadas de 40 e 50. Embora essa funda\u00E7\u00E3o tenha ocorrido provavelmente na d\u00E9cada de 1940, ela s\u00F3 foi revelada publicamente em 1954, quando da \u00E9poca da san\u00E7\u00E3o da \u00FAltima das leis contra a Bruxaria na Inglaterra. A tradi\u00E7\u00E3o Wicca e seus termos s\u00E3o baseados em diversas culturas do paganismo antigo, modificadas pelo que, segundo Gardner, era uma tradi\u00E7\u00E3o sobrevivente da bruxaria medieval, mas da qual o conhecimento que temos \u00E9 obscuro."@pt . . . . . "Throughout most branches of Wicca, all sexual orientations including homosexuality are considered healthy and positive, provided that individual sexual relationships are healthy and loving. Sexual orientation is therefore not considered an issue. Although Gerald Gardner, a key figure in Wicca, was arguably homophobic this historical aversion is not now commonly held. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are almost always welcomed in individual communities, covens, study groups, and circles. Many LGBT Neopagans were initially attracted to Neopagan religions because of this inclusion, in which their relationships are seen on an equal footing. In support of this philosophy, many Wiccans cite the Charge of the Goddess, which says \"All acts of Love and Pleasure are My rituals\". Therefore all forms and expressions of sexuality, as long as they are otherwise healthy and consensual, are accepted."@en . . "thumbWicca is een volks-religie. Het is een heidens geheel van opvattingen en een manier van leven die zijn gebaseerd op de wederopbouw van voorchristelijke hekserij die is ontstaan in Schotland, Ierland en Wales. Het wordt be\u00EFnvloed door Gerald Gardner."@nl . . "8.520552E8"^^ . . . "La Wicca es una religi\u00F3n neopagana desarrollada en Inglaterra durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. La Wicca se populariz\u00F3 en la d\u00E9cada de 1950 y a comienzos de 1960 por Gerald Gardner, quien a la vez llam\u00F3 a la religi\u00F3n \"culto de brujas y brujer\u00EDas\", y a sus seguidores \"los Wicca, wiccas o wiccanos\". A partir de la d\u00E9cada de 1960, el nombre de la religi\u00F3n se normaliz\u00F3 y se redujo a \"Wicca\"."@es . . . . . . "F"@it . . "Wicca \u00E8 una nana appartenente al regno di Tontatta facente parte della squadra dei ricognitori."@it . "Wicca"@de . "thumbWicca is een volks-religie. Het is een heidens geheel van opvattingen en een manier van leven die zijn gebaseerd op de wederopbouw van voorchristelijke hekserij die is ontstaan in Schotland, Ierland en Wales. Het wordt be\u00EFnvloed door Gerald Gardner."@nl . "Wicca is a Glamour Rune with the symbol of a unicorn. It is used to allow for the advent of the Talisman and summoning Unicorns."@en . . "Wicca seperti semua para kurcaci lainnya, bertubuh kecil dan memiliki ekor berbulu tebal dan hidung runcing. Dia berambut biru, dan juga memakai topi besar warna biru dengan garis merah disekitarnya. Dia mengenakan gaun biru dengan syal warna putih."@in . . . "808000"^^ . . "Wicca"@fr . . . "* piratessa;\n* ricognitrice"@it . "Throughout most branches of Wicca, all sexual orientations including homosexuality are considered healthy and positive, provided that individual sexual relationships are healthy and loving. Sexual orientation is therefore not considered an issue. Although Gerald Gardner, a key figure in Wicca, was arguably homophobic this historical aversion is not now commonly held. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are almost always welcomed in individual communities, covens, study groups, and circles. Many LGBT Neopagans were initially attracted to Neopagan religions because of this inclusion, in which their relationships are seen on an equal footing."@en . "[[Imagem:Pentacle.jpg|150px|thumb|left|Simbolo da Wicca]] A Wicca \u00E9 uma religi\u00E3o neopag\u00E3 fundamentada nos cultos da fertilidade que se originaram na Europa Antiga. O bruxo ingl\u00EAs Gerald Brusseau Gardner impulsionou o renascimento do culto, com o nome de Wicca, junto com outros bruxos e bruxas, em meados entre \u00E0s d\u00E9cadas de 40 e 50. Embora essa funda\u00E7\u00E3o tenha ocorrido provavelmente na d\u00E9cada de 1940, ela s\u00F3 foi revelada publicamente em 1954, quando da \u00E9poca da san\u00E7\u00E3o da \u00FAltima das leis contra a Bruxaria na Inglaterra. A tradi\u00E7\u00E3o Wicca e seus termos s\u00E3o baseados em diversas culturas do paganismo antigo, modificadas pelo que, segundo Gardner, era uma tradi\u00E7\u00E3o sobrevivente da bruxaria medieval, mas da qual o conhecimento que temos \u00E9 obscuro."@pt . . . . "Unit Pengintai"@in . "Episodio 635"@es . . "D4FF00"@in . . "Wikka"@es . "Wicca"@fr . . . "A Wicca was a male Witch (or \"Witcher\") among the Northrons.A female Witch was known as a Wicce. The Wizards of the Heren Istarion were also known as \"Wiccas\" among some Northmen and the Rohirrim."@en . . . . . . . . . "Wicca"@es . "Wicca (\u30A6\u30A3\u30C3\u30AB Wikka?) es una enana perteneciente a la Tribu Tontatta. Forma parte de la quinta divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Flota de Sombrero de Paja, siendo miembro de la \"Tropa Tonta\"; adem\u00E1s de ser del Escuadr\u00F3n de reconocimiento. Fue vista por primera vez en Dressrosa, cuando intent\u00F3 robarle a Zoro la espada Shusui."@es . . . . "Chapter 705; Episode 635"@in . "Wicca is an hilarious after-school activity in which overweight teenage lesbians form a circle and say funny words while lighting incense, with a Marilyn Manson CD playing in the background. While slightly more credible than Scientologists, Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in the 1930's or 40's, depending on who you ask. Despite Gardner's supposed magical powers, he failed to so much as cure his own asthma. It is also amusing to note that his own wife never converted to Wicca and continued going to the local Anglican Church her entire life; Gardner's schism may have rocked the nation, but it also ensured that he would never have sex again. God 1, Garder 0."@en . . . "Wicca is a Paganitic religion that focuses as much of balancing the spirit with the divine as it does practising in the Magical arts of spell casting, potion brewing and blessing. There are a lot of popular belief that Wiccans were (and still are) devil worshipers, but this is wrong. Think of it in the sense of \"A few bad apples spoiled the bunch\", one or two people thought to worship Satan, and the next thing you know it and we are being stereotyped as devil worshipers. But enough about that, lets get into some of the amazing stuff about Wicca."@en . . . "Wicca"@fr . "Wicca is a fertility-based religion founded in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner, supposedly based as much as possible on pre-Christian British traditions and ceremonial magic societies/orders. Exactly what defines a Wiccan depends on who you ask, but at least one rule is consistent: \"Wiccan\" is not a fancy word for \"witch,\" and \"Wicca\" is not a catch-all term for any neo-pagan religion. Neither is it term for someone who practices \"whatever feels right,\" even if they take some of their practices and beliefs from Wicca. (That's called eclectic paganism - not that there's anything wrong with it; it's just not Wicca.) Note that the number of people who term themselves Wiccan but do not meet this definition (often because they do not belong to an initiatory tradition or do not follow all these beli"@en . . "EnanosColores"@es . . . "Wicca \u00E8 una nana appartenente al regno di Tontatta facente parte della squadra dei ricognitori."@it . "Naine; Voleuse"@fr . "Wicca is a modern pagan religion drawing from both ancient beliefs and hermetic principals. Mainly revolving around the belief in the Horned God and the Moon Goddess, this religion is considered duotheistic in nature. Traditionally, initiation is very strict and requires one to be in an organized coven with a priest or priestess. However, a large number of people have taken on the name of eclectic Wiccans, as they do not follow the strict beliefs of traditional Wicca."@en . . "Caroline Combes"@fr . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Wicca/preload editintro=Wicca/editintro width=25 La Wicca es una religi\u00F3n neopagana. Pretende ser, al igual que otras tradiciones (como el \u00C1satr\u00FA y el druidismo), una recuperaci\u00F3n de antiguas tradiciones paganas de Europa existentes antes de la llegada e imposici\u00F3n del cristianismo. Sin embargo, a diferencia de \u00E9stas, que son reconstrucciones de religiones paganas antiguas adaptadas a los tiempos actuales, Wicca es una nueva religi\u00F3n, un estilo de vida que se basa m\u00E1s en la tradici\u00F3n esot\u00E9rica y m\u00E1gica occidental que en las religiones de la Antig\u00FCedad."@en . . . "74"^^ . . "Wicca"@fr . "Wicca (English pronunciation: /\u02C8w\u026Ak\u0259/) is a modern pagan religion that draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan religious motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice. The religion usually incorporates the practice of witchcraft. Developed in England in the first half of the 20th century, Wicca was later popularised in the 1950s and early 1960s by Gerald Gardner. Gardner was a retired British civil servant, and an amateur anthropologist and historian who had a broad familiarity with pagan religions, esoteric societies and occultism in general. At the time Gardner called it the \"witch cult\" and \"witchcraft\", and referred to its adherents as \"the Wica\". From the 1960s onward, the name of the religion was normalised to \"Wicca\"."@en . "Wicca is a Religion that involves casting spells and working magic doing ceremonies that believers imagine work magic. There's no evidence that magic is real or that any Paranormal stuff is real. Better Wiccans believe that magic should only be done for good purposes like healing, they believe magic carried out to do harm will rebound on the perpetrator. Wicca derived from Pre-Christian Pagan religions and has many Celtic elements. They worship a triple goddess, compare this with the Holy Trinity. She is seen as the maiden, the mother and the wise old crone, this is connected with the waxing Moon, the full moon and the waning moon. There is also a horned god. Wiccans have reverence for nature and tend to support Environmentalism, that makes them more Liberal than American Conservative Christians. Wiccans also give a stronger role for Women than traditional Fundamentalist Christians. Wiccans were persecuted in the past and today there is still Prejudice. At least Americans and Europeans don't burn Witches anymore."@en . . "Wicca is a Glamour Rune with the symbol of a unicorn. It is used to allow for the advent of the Talisman and summoning Unicorns."@en . "\u30A6\u30A3\u30C3\u30AB"@es . "Wicca is a polytheistic nature religion, that has grown out of the Celtic and Native American traditions. It practices rituals and claims to give its followers magic powers. Surprisingly, it has never been scientifically proven that a Wiccan can do anything that anyone else can't do. __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . "Wikka"@it . "Nani"@it . . "740"^^ . "Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that was created by the New Forest Coven, Gerald Gardner, and to a lesser extent Doreen Valiente. In its original form in the New Forest Coven, the word \"wica\" was a plural term that applied to the members of the coven, and was not a term used to denote the religion or practices. It wasn't until 1959, with the publication of Gerald Gardner's book The Meaning of Witchcraft, that the term \"wicca\" became popularized, and shortly thereafter it started to be used as the name of the religion, rather than its practitioners. Practitioners of Wicca are now called \"wiccans\"."@en . "manga"@in . . . . . "Wicca is modern religion based upon Witchcraft"@en . . . "Wicca (English pronunciation: /\u02C8w\u026Ak\u0259/) is a modern pagan religion that draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan religious motifs for its theological structure and ritual practice. The religion usually incorporates the practice of witchcraft. Developed in England in the first half of the 20th century, Wicca was later popularised in the 1950s and early 1960s by Gerald Gardner. Gardner was a retired British civil servant, and an amateur anthropologist and historian who had a broad familiarity with pagan religions, esoteric societies and occultism in general. At the time Gardner called it the \"witch cult\" and \"witchcraft\", and referred to its adherents as \"the Wica\". From the 1960s onward, the name of the religion was normalised to \"Wicca\"."@en . . . . . . "Wicca is modern religion based upon Witchcraft"@en . "Alli\u00E9 de L'\u00C9quipage du Chapeau de Paille ,Nain, Royaume de Tontatta"@fr . . "Wicca is an hilarious after-school activity in which overweight teenage lesbians form a circle and say funny words while lighting incense, with a Marilyn Manson CD playing in the background. While slightly more credible than Scientologists, Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in the 1930's or 40's, depending on who you ask. Despite Gardner's supposed magical powers, he failed to so much as cure his own asthma. It is also amusing to note that his own wife never converted to Wicca and continued going to the local Anglican Church her entire life; Gardner's schism may have rocked the nation, but it also ensured that he would never have sex again. God 1, Garder 0."@en . "\u30A6\u30A3\u30C3\u30AB"@in . . . "Wicca"@in . "Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion and one (but not the only) form of Witchcraft."@en . . . . . . "A Wicca was a male Witch (or \"Witcher\") among the Northrons.A female Witch was known as a Wicce. The Wizards of the Heren Istarion were also known as \"Wiccas\" among some Northmen and the Rohirrim."@en . . . . "Wicca is a Paganitic religion that focuses as much of balancing the spirit with the divine as it does practising in the Magical arts of spell casting, potion brewing and blessing. There are a lot of popular belief that Wiccans were (and still are) devil worshipers, but this is wrong. Think of it in the sense of \"A few bad apples spoiled the bunch\", one or two people thought to worship Satan, and the next thing you know it and we are being stereotyped as devil worshipers. But enough about that, lets get into some of the amazing stuff about Wicca."@en . . "Wicca"@in . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Wicca/preload editintro=Wicca/editintro width=25 La Wicca es una religi\u00F3n neopagana. Pretende ser, al igual que otras tradiciones (como el \u00C1satr\u00FA y el druidismo), una recuperaci\u00F3n de antiguas tradiciones paganas de Europa existentes antes de la llegada e imposici\u00F3n del cristianismo. Sin embargo, a diferencia de \u00E9stas, que son reconstrucciones de religiones paganas antiguas adaptadas a los tiempos actuales, Wicca es una nueva religi\u00F3n, un estilo de vida que se basa m\u00E1s en la tradici\u00F3n esot\u00E9rica y m\u00E1gica occidental que en las religiones de la Antig\u00FCedad."@en . . "Wicca.png"@it . . . . . "Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions, and also has the largest followers out of all religions worldwide (going on the last census which measured waist circumferences). Their main rule of behavior is the \"Wiccan Rede\" which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense, such as their mom coming in and complaining about their music and weed, or dumping laundry on their altar."@en . "\u30A6\u30A4\u30C3\u30AB"@fr . "Wicca is a fertility-based religion founded in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner, supposedly based as much as possible on pre-Christian British traditions and ceremonial magic societies/orders. Exactly what defines a Wiccan depends on who you ask, but at least one rule is consistent: \"Wiccan\" is not a fancy word for \"witch,\" and \"Wicca\" is not a catch-all term for any neo-pagan religion. Neither is it term for someone who practices \"whatever feels right,\" even if they take some of their practices and beliefs from Wicca. (That's called eclectic paganism - not that there's anything wrong with it; it's just not Wicca.) Note that the number of people who term themselves Wiccan but do not meet this definition (often because they do not belong to an initiatory tradition or do not follow all these beliefs) is much greater than those who do. In general, there are two main types of Wicca. The first type is coven-based, where adherents gather together to pratise their religion. The oldest form of Wicca, established by Gardner himself (hence known as Gardnerian Wicca) is coven-based and is an orthopraxic mystery religion. Orthopraxic means that correct practice is more important than correct belief (orthodoxy). Like all coven-based forms, its core practices are oath-bound and are not taught to cowans, or outsiders. This means that you can't actually practice Gardnerian Wicca as you'll have no way of actually knowing what a good chunk of the vital practices and rituals actually are. While there are many books about Gardenarian Wicca, there are no books that actually contain these core practices or Mysteries; at best, the books contain \"outer court\" information comprising of some history and generic neo-pagan beliefs and practices(Your Mileage May Vary on this claim, however, since the original \"Gardnerian\" Book of Shadows has been printed multiple times, including what were (formerly) the secret names of the Goddess and God. Most Gardnerian and Alexandrian covens have since augmented the original material with additional, actually still secret stuff). Also, it should be noted that because some of the rituals are sexual in nature (although a far cry from orgies), no-one under the age of 18 is allowed to be initiated for legal and moral reasons. Whilst Gardnerian Wicca was for some time the first and only form of Wicca, many other varieties have risen up around it. One of the first of these, founded by first-degree Gardnerian initiate Alex Sanders, is Alexandrian Wicca, loosely based on its predecessor. Together with a hadnful of other coven-based forms tracing their heritage back to New Forest region where Gardnerian Wicca sprang from, these sects comprise what is today known as \"British Traditional Wicca\", or BTW. However, many other \"denominations\" of coven-based Wicca have arisen since the evolution of BTW. The other type is solitary, which is almost the exact opposite of coven-based forms. Firstly, practitioners are given more leniency in their beliefs and practice. Whilst the core tenets of Wicca are there (e.g. belief in the God and Goddess, the Wheel of the Year, the 3-fold law & Rede, etc.), solitaries may also hold different opinions regarding various topics, such as with adherence to different theories of magic. Solitaries also differ from coven-based wiccans in that they freely share religious information, their primary sources being: the wide variety of books published regarding Wicca and similar metaphysical subjects, such as Buckland's complete guide to witchcraft; ideas inspired by their own personal meditations, known as Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG). Because of the accessibility of materials and and greater number of outlets for solitaries, it is this face of Wicca is the most familiar to non-Wiccans. Exactly who has the right to call themselves a Wiccan has been debated. Some argue that Wicca without the Mysteries isn't truly Wicca, the same as Catholicism without baptism and communion wouldn't be Catholicism. This isn't to say that the path isn't valid and that the person doesn't have the right to practice and believe what they feel is right, but simply that calling their practice and beliefs \"Wicca\" would be superficial and meaningless. Others argue that the term can be applied to any path derived from Gardnerian Wicca, Mysteries or no. However, most Wiccans and Pagans (Druids and such) separate Gardenarian\\Alexandrian Wicca from other types, and consider them all valid. Aside from this, Wicca is often misunderstood by other religions and Hollywood, and there are many unfortunate misconceptions. Wiccans do not worship the devil (the character simply doesn't exist in their theology), nor does their pentacle symbolize the devil. And before you ask, they typically consider spells to make specific people fall in love with you unethical, as it interferes with free will. Most do not go around cursing people, as they believe in the \"three-fold law,\" which states that any action you do, good or bad, will return to you thrice over. Whilst magic is a central theme of Wicca it is nothing like what you see in Hollywood or in role-playing games, but works in a manner more analogous to prayer (in fact, in Wicca, magic is most simply defined as \"focused prayer\"). Wiccans do not try to cast fireballs, nor do they fly on brooms, nor otherwise attempt impossible magical feats like you see in Harry Potter. Also, Wiccans do not sacrifice humans or animals (much less eat babies), nor do they proselytize. They are not on a mission to destroy or undermine Christianity (let alone lure Christians into a front group for Satanic worship). They are typically content to let Christians be as long as Christians let them be. Wiccans worship the \"God and Goddess of the [British] Isles,\" also referred to as the Lord and the Lady. Different covens have their own names for the Lord and Lady, but these are not revealed to cowans (solitaries also sometimes choose their own names to recognise the Lord and Lady by). They use the pentagram/pentacle to symbolize the five elements - air, earth, fire, water, and spirit. Others, even within traditions, may worship a personal patron (sometimes more than one), which may be chosen from the Norse, Greek or other pantheons, in addition to the Celtic, and may incorporate other practices (such as Shamanism and Reiki) which are of non-Celtic origin. Males who practice magic are simply called witches. The term \"warlock\" is said to refer to those who break the sacred oaths taken during initiation and divulge the Mysteries to non-Wiccans, though the etymology of the term 'warlock' leads in a different direction. It is also quite offensive to call one such. The terms \"wizard\" and sorcerer/sorceress (and similar) are almost never used. Wicca became \"mainstream\" to an extent during The Nineties. The polemic writings of the Silver Ravenwolf became popular, movies such as The Craft were released during this period, TV shows such as Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer featured Wiccan characters, and the Harry Potter books, while not about real-life witchcraft on any way, inspired a few young people to take up witchcraft. Such portrayals were almost always inaccurate, sometimes confusing Wicca with either Satanism, other varieties of Neopaganism, or straight-up wizardry. This page has some more in-depth information on the beliefs and origins of Wicca. Also, there are many, many myths and misconceptions about Wicca that would take forever to put up here, but are dealt with here, here, here, here, and here."@en . . . . "\u30A6\u30A3\u30C3\u30AB"@it . "Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions, and also has the largest followers out of all religions worldwide (going on the last census which measured waist circumferences). Their main rule of behavior is the \"Wiccan Rede\" which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense, such as their mom coming in and complaining about their music and weed, or dumping laundry on their altar. Most are solitary practitioners because not even other Wiccans want to associate with Wiccans. Part of becoming Wiccanised, means dedication to developing a highly tuned \"victim complex\" where you fear the world is out to get you and that Christians are oath-bound to burn you at the stake upon discovering you! Most of society would call this Paranoid Schizophrenia but Wicca book-writers (the lesser form of author) insist upon referring to it as \"the very real possibility of a second Burning Times\". Others form small groups of believers, called covens, whore houses or brothels. Because of centuries of religious propaganda and misinformation dating way back to 1954 A.D., many Christians, and others, associate Wiccans with Satanists. Wiccans can't seem to shift this mistaken belief when all they really do is hug trees, worship the Horny God and sacrifice cats and burn odd-smelling substances. They claim that although they worship Satan, they don't actually believe in it, so they can't be Satanists. A recent discovery unearthed neanderthal cave yielded the discovery of graves in which the deceased were buried with their seven season collection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs, indicating they were real Wiccans."@en . . "Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that was created by the New Forest Coven, Gerald Gardner, and to a lesser extent Doreen Valiente. In its original form in the New Forest Coven, the word \"wica\" was a plural term that applied to the members of the coven, and was not a term used to denote the religion or practices. It wasn't until 1959, with the publication of Gerald Gardner's book The Meaning of Witchcraft, that the term \"wicca\" became popularized, and shortly thereafter it started to be used as the name of the religion, rather than its practitioners. Practitioners of Wicca are now called \"wiccans\". The following are the beliefs, rules, and practices of Wicca:"@en . . "Wicca"@en . "Wicca, also known as Modern Witchcraft, is a religion that reveres all life in nature. Followers refer to themselves as witches and do not perform harmful spells. (TXF: \"Die Hand Die Verletzt\"). Nurse Rebecca Waite , a practitioner of Wicca, was killed in 1996 when she was trying to protect the patients of a hospital's plastic surgery from a much more powerful evil wizard (TXF: \"Sanguinarium\"). In 1997, Dana Scully specifically looked for evidence of Wicca involvement in a case that Fox Mulder believed may have links to witchcraft. She did not find any. (TXF: \"Chinga\")"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Wikka"@in . . "Wicca"@nl . . "Wicca is a Religion that involves casting spells and working magic doing ceremonies that believers imagine work magic. There's no evidence that magic is real or that any Paranormal stuff is real. Better Wiccans believe that magic should only be done for good purposes like healing, they believe magic carried out to do harm will rebound on the perpetrator."@en . . . . . . .