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Xenogears Walkthrough/Page 6
What's the Tower of Babel? Guess you'll just have to find out. There's a good reason this page is dedicated to it. Not because it's incredibly long and difficult, because it's not (some might have difficulty at some parts that require precise jumping...), but it is very much a major piece of the plot which we'll get to in a few minutes. After that, go W and through the first N door, then up the stairs. In this room, open the bag to find a GOLD NUGGET, then go to the S room to find 2 chests with an AQUASOL DX and a SEAL AR. Go back down to the basement hallway.
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What's the Tower of Babel? Guess you'll just have to find out. There's a good reason this page is dedicated to it. Not because it's incredibly long and difficult, because it's not (some might have difficulty at some parts that require precise jumping...), but it is very much a major piece of the plot which we'll get to in a few minutes. Right now, you'll want to be making a side-stop to get Billy a cool new weapon. Return to the Orphanage and go to that special bookshelf again in the N room. Inspect it (this is the room Billy remembers being touched in by Bishop Stone, hence the dialogue when you inspect it), then push against the resilient bookshelf from the S to the N to open the secret closet. Push past repressed memories to the chest and open it to receive a B&J M686 GUN and though it doesn't say, some B&JM686AAMMO (that's not a typo, it's spelled just like that). Get back on the Yggdrasil and if you like, get some precautions at the stores onboard. You can get more ammo for Billy's Gear and for himself (definitely get the G-M686A AMMO for Renmazuo's new handgun), you can restock on items, and you can upgrade Renmazuo's Frame by 1,200 HP. Remember, the Gear shop is N of the hallway and Ol' Maison's shop is S of the hallway. Go back to the Ethos HQ when you're ready to move on (NW of Orphanage and Tower of Babel). Once in the HQ, go N through the golden gates, then W through that door to the hallway we were in last time. Here you'll have to fight some Assassins of some kind. The weird ones with the claws look like Jigsaw mixed with Wolverine. Anyway, kill 'em all with your superior playable character skills, then go W until you see the open door to the S stairwell. Go S into it and down the stairs. You'll have another battle here. After that, go W and through the first N door, then up the stairs. In this room, open the bag to find a GOLD NUGGET, then go to the S room to find 2 chests with an AQUASOL DX and a SEAL AR. Go back down to the basement hallway. Go E and take the first N hallway. To the E at the turn are 3 prison cells. The first has nothing, but the second has a guy from Shevat inside it! Since it seems Shevat is in our future, rescue him by talking to him. If you're interested, Big Joe is in the final cell. He just runs off when you let him out. Go back to the corridor and continue E. At the last door is a lift, which you must take down. Go through the door at the bottom, then follow the hallway to the first door (and only side-door in the corridor) on the E. Your heart will burst from the excitement in this scene. Once you pull yourself together, leave the room, fight the dudes, then go out the N door to end this romp into the basement of a Masonic Temple (yes, they are watching, and waiting). After all of the drama, you'll be able to form a party. You should probably bring Elly if you aren't opposed to that. Citan is mandatory. Bring whoever else (Billy), and save your game when you're adequately prepared. When you're done, head to the Thames, post haste!