. . . "Married"@en . "B'Elanna Torres wurde am 11.09.2351 auf Kessik IV als Tochter einer Klingonin (Miral) und eines Menschen (John Torres) geboren. Da B'Elanna mit ihrer Mutter die einzige Klingonin war hatte sie in ihrer Kindheit viele Probleme mit den anderen Kindern, zudem litt sie unter ihrem starken Temparament, das ihr \u00F6fters Schwierigkeiten bereitete. Im Alter von 16 Jahren bewarb sie sich an der Sternenflottenakademie und wurde aufgenommen, verlie\u00DF die Akademie jedoch wieder und trat dem Maquis bei, bis sie 2371 im Delta- Quadranten verschwand und ein Teil der Crew der Voyager wurde. Im Jahre 2378 kehrte sie in den Alpha-Quadranten zur\u00FCck und brachte auf dem Weg ihre Tochter Miral zur Welt und erhielt im Jahre 2386 ihr eigenes Kommando."@de . "B'Elanna Torres"@en . . . "B'Elanna Torres is a half-Klingon, half-Human female Starfleet officer in the 24th century. As of 2385, she is assigned to the Invincible-class fleet carrier-heavy battleship prototype USS Invincible as Assistant chief engineer, holding the rank of Lieutenant commander."@en . . . . "'B'Elanna Torres was a half-human, half-Klingon female born on Kessik IV in 2349. Abandoned by her human father, she hated her Klingon heritage, believing it had driven him away; her anger led to many disciplinary problems throughout her life. After dropping out of Starfleet Academy, she joined a Maquis cell led by Chakotay. Thrown into the Delta Quadrant in 2371, B'Elanna and the other Maquis joined the crew of the USS Voyager, where she soon became chief engineer, with the rank of lieutenant. During Voyagers seven-year sojourn in the Delta Quadrant, she began a relationship with Tom Paris; the two married in 2377, and had a daughter, Miral, born just as Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: \"Caretaker\", \"Parallax\", \"Day of Honor\", \"Drive\", \"Lineage\")"@en . . "2349"^^ . . . "Roxann Dawson\n Jessica Gaona"@de . . . . . . "zwei T\u00F6chter, Miral und Kathryn Paris"@de . . . "Roxann Dawson"@en . . "After a brilliant but troubled two years heading toward an engineering specialty at Starfleet Academy, subject Torres seemed to be constantly at odds with the Klingon heritage of her maternal side and after several disruptive episodes agreed to leave school. Having grown up on Kessik IV, where she and her mother were the only Klingon residents, her human father left when she was a child, and she has always blamed her Klingon heritage for driving him away. She later joined the Maquis rebellion in its early stages and by mid-2370 was acting as engineer for former Starfleet officer Chakotay's crew, her position at last report and the crew to which Lt. Tuvok of the U.S.S. Voyager under Captain Kathryn Janeway had infiltrated undercover. Her ship was last heard from a week before the Voyager went looking for it in the DMZ Badlands; both vessels are missing and presumed lost, last detected SD 48307.5. When she turns to recreation as an outlet, she has been known to play both hoverball and Parrises Squares. I have never regretted my decision to assign Torres the brevet rank of lieutenant or make her my chief engineer. She is tough, knowledgeable and independent, and sometimes seems an echo of myself at her age in her department, but her mixed heritage has manifested itself in a state of confusion and denial that I hope is not personally insurmountable. Now that B'Elanna is unable to release her frustrations through fighting the Cardassians, she must learn to accept herself and her conflicting heritage. I recall how far she has come since her diatribe against my order to destroy the Caretaker's Array when we first arrived, and her reaction to Tuvok's grumbling \"boot camp\" Maquis bears out my faith in her."@en . "Torres_1.png"@de . . . . "w"@de . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . "Miral"@de . "B'Elanna Torres, 2371.jpg"@en . "Memoryalpha"@en . . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@de . . . "Torres.jpg"@nl . . . . "Epoux: Tom Paris"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Membre du Maquis"@fr . . ";2349 : B'Elanna Torres is born on Kessik IV to John Torres and Miral . \n\n;2354 : B'Elanna's father leaves.\n\n;2366 : B'Elanna talks to her mother for the last time until 2376. \n; : Enrolls at Starfleet Academy. \n\n; : Has a short relationship with Maxwell Burke.\n\n;2368 : At age 19, drops out of Starfleet Academy.\n\n;2370 : Joins the Maquis shortly after their founding, after Chakotay saves her life. \n\n; : Forms a close friendship with Seska.\n\n; : Reprograms the Dreadnought to attack a Cardassian site.\n\n;2371 : Presumed dead when the Val Jean is lost in the Badlands; actually joins the crew of the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant with the provisional Starfleet rank of lieutenant junior grade. \n\n; : Kidnapped and split into two separate beings by the Vidiians. Later rescued. \n\n;2372 : Taken prisoner by the Mokra but later rescued.\n\n; : Kidnapped and forced to engineer a 'prototype' for a race of robots, later rescued.\n\n; : Has recurring nightmares about her time in the Vidiian Prison.\n\n; : Destroys the Cardassian missile Dreadnought. \n\n;2373 : Given a lifetime of memories by an Enaran women. \n\n; : Suffers Vulcan Pon Farr after being attacked by Vorik. \n\n; : Enters Borg Space with her crew. \n\n;2374 : Word of Voyager's survival reaches the Alpha Quadrant. \n\n; : B'Elanna receives news that the Maquis has been wiped out by the Dominion and secretly begins to run high risk holodeck programs with safety protocols off. \n\n;2375 : Enters a deep depression and suffers internal injuries from high-risk holoprograms, later treated with help from Chakotay. \n\n; :Attacked by an alien suffering severe injuries, but later saved by the Doctor with help from a holographic Cardassian war criminal Crell Moset. \n\n; : Leads an away team to a Malon freighter to prevent theta radiation contamination. \n\n;2376 : Meets Maxwell Burke after Voyager encounters another Federation Starship, USS Equinox, lost in the Delta Quadrant. \n\n; : After a near death experience, journey's to Klingon Hell to save her mother's eternal soul. \n\n; : Crash lands the Delta Flyer on a primitive planet and becomes the inspiration for a young poets stories. Later rescued. \n\n; : Assimilated by the Borg during a mission to deploy a virus into the central plexus of a Borg cube to help free drones in Unimatrix Zero, later rescued. \n\n;2377 : Marries Tom Paris. \n\n; : Helps Chakotay commandeer Voyager as part of Teero Anaydis's mind control plot. \n\n; : Becomes pregnant with Tom Paris' child. \n\n; : Memory is erased and identity reassigned by rogue Quarren, later rescued. \n\n; : Returns to Earth with Voyager. En route giving birth to her daughter, Miral.\n\n;2378 : Promoted to Lieutenant Commander. \n\n; : Goes to Boreth to find her mother Miral, whom is later killed by a wild animal. \n\n; : Permanently moves to Boreth to pursue prophecies about her daughter. \n\n; : Makes significant discovery in Klingon Scrolls threatening her daughter's life.\n\n;2381: Declared dead by Starfleet Command following the Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. \n\n:Found in the Delta Quadrant with her daughter Miral. Starfleet commission re activated and accepted position as chief engineer of the fleet as part of Project Full Circle."@en . . . "Lanna , BLT , Miss Schildkr\u00F6tensch\u00E4del"@de . . . . "Sternenflotte/Maquis"@de . . . "½ Human"@en . . "B'Elanna Torres"@it . . "B'Elanna Torres is half-mens en half Klingon en diende als hoofdingenieur op het Federatie sterrenschip USS Voyager."@nl . "B'Elanna Torres in 2377"@en . "220"^^ . . "Torres"@de . . "Sous-Lt provisoire"@fr . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@pl . . "Vorik"@en . . . . "B'Elanna naquit en 2349 sur Kessik IV, une colonie de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration. Son p\u00E8re John Torres \u00E9tait un Humain, sa m\u00E8re Miral \u00E9tait une Klingonne. B'Elanna passa une grande partie de sa jeunesse sur Kessik IV, mais \u00E0 cause des tensions qui existaient entre la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration et l'Empire Klingon, B'Elanna et sa m\u00E8re \u00E9taient les seules Klingonnes sur la colonie. Bien qu'il n'y avait pas d'animosit\u00E9 de la part des autres colons, elle ressentait qu'avec sa m\u00E8re, elles n'\u00E9taient pas accept\u00E9es comme les autres, un sentiment qui la mettait mal \u00E0 l'aise. (VOY: \"Faces\") Le fait d'\u00EAtre coup\u00E9e de ses racines klingonnes et de ses incertitudes, firent qu'\u00E0 cause de son apparence et donc de son h\u00E9ritage klingon, elle se faisait emb\u00EAter par Daniel Byrd, un Humain ; il se moquait de son ar\u00EAte klingonne et l'appelait Miss Turtlehead[\u00E0 traduire]Cat\u00E9gorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demand\u00E9e. Forc\u00E9ment cette insulte \u00E9nervait grandement B'Elanna, et un jour elle attaqua Daniel qui se trouvait sur un Gyro-swing[\u00E0 traduire]Cat\u00E9gorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demand\u00E9e, elle fit acc\u00E9l\u00E9rer la \"centrifugeuse\", et lorsqu'il fut \u00E9ject\u00E9, elle le tabassa au visage. Ce fut leur ma\u00EEtresse d'\u00E9cole, Miss Malvin qui les s\u00E9para. (VOY: \"Juggernaut\") L'exclusion s'intensifia lorsque son propre p\u00E8re commen\u00E7a \u00E0 prendre ses distances avec elle et sa m\u00E8re. Un jour, alors qu'elle faisait du camping avec son p\u00E8re, son oncle Carl Torres, ses cousins Dean, Michael et Elizabeth, elle entendit par inadvertance, son p\u00E8re se plaindre \u00E0 Carl, de sa mauvaise humeur et de ses col\u00E8res comparables \u00E0 celles de Miral ; que c'\u00E9tait dur de vivre avec 2 Klingonnes. (VOY: \"Lineage\") En 2354, John les quitta et s'en alla pour la Terre. Pendant des mois apr\u00E8s son d\u00E9part, elle pleurait la nuit, se sentait coupable, elle se demandait ce qu'elle avait bien pu faire pour qu'ils les abandonn\u00E2t. Elle ne parla jamais \u00E0 quiconque des sentiments de culpabilit\u00E9 et accepta ce chagrin et cette honte comme \u00E9tant dus \u00E0 son h\u00E9ritage klingon. Si bien qu'elle s'endurcit au fil des ann\u00E9es, et naturellement accusa son temp\u00E9rament klingon d'\u00EAtre la cause de ses troubles. En grandissant, elle essaya m\u00EAme de modifier son apparence en plus humaine. En 2377, la hantise de son h\u00E9ritage klingon la poussa \u00E0 penser qu'il fallait qu'elle f\u00EEt des modifications g\u00E9n\u00E9tiques de son enfant \u00E0 na\u00EEtre, con\u00E7u avec Tom Paris un Humain. (VOY: \"Faces\", \"Lineage\") Entre 2354 et 2377, elle ne reparla pas \u00E0 son p\u00E8re. (VOY: \"Author, Author\") D'apr\u00E8s \"Lineage\", John Torres auarit quitt\u00E9 sa famille quand B'Elanna avait 11 ans, mais cel est contredit dans \"Eye of the Needle\", \"Faces\" et \"Extreme Risk\", qui \u00E9tablissent qu'il est parti lorsqu'elle avait 5 ans. Apr\u00E8s le d\u00E9part de son p\u00E8re, B'Elanna et sa m\u00E8re partir vivre sur Qo'noS. Si bien qu'elle arr\u00EAta d'aller dans les \u00E9coles de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration et sa m\u00E8re la conduisit dans un monast\u00E8re klingon afin d'apprendre l'honneur et la discipline. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\") Cependant B'Elanna et Miral trouv\u00E8rent la vie sans John assez difficile. Finalement peu apr\u00E8s leur arriv\u00E9e sur Qo'noS, B'Elanna partit pour l'Acad\u00E9mie de Starfleet. (VOY: \"Eye of the Needle\") L'un des plats pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9s de B'Elanna \u00E9tait la cr\u00EApe \u00E0 la banane avec du sirop d'\u00E9rable que sa grand-m\u00E8re faisait pour elle. Ce plat lui cr\u00E9ait toujours un sourire. (VOY: \"Extreme Risk\") Ses autres aliments pr\u00E9f\u00E9r\u00E9s \u00E9taient la salade de pommes de terre avec du paprika et le poulet frit. (VOY: \"Renaissance Man\") Une fois Miral emmena B'Elanna \u00E0 la mer de Gatan ; B'Elanna s'y noya ; et apr\u00E8s avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 r\u00E9anim\u00E9e, Miral lui expliqua les croyances klingonnes sur la vie apr\u00E8s la mort, le Sto-vo-kor et le Gre'thor. (VOY: \"Barge of the Dead\")"@fr . . . . "F\u00F6deration/Sternenflotte"@de . . "2349"^^ . "2378"^^ . . "B'Elanna shared a tempestuous relationship with Tom Paris for over a year. The relationship was volatile at best according to both parties, and bystanders. B'Elanna often used Tom as a source for getting the best gossip, her relationship with him giving her a lot of influence over him. (JB: \"Just Between Us\") The couple did share sincere feelings for each other, B'Elanna going so far that she deliberately destroyed a letter from Tom's father to spare the young helmsman the harsh words it contained. When B'Elanna was transported to the Alpha Quadrant by a Bajoran Orb she met Tom's father while there. Upon her departure to return to Voyager she punched Admiral Paris in the face when he repeated his words to her. In her view she was defending Tom's honor. However the crew of Voyager had believed B'Elanna to be dead during her time in the alpha Quadrant. Upon her return to Voyager B'Elanna Tom confessed he had not adhered to the Klingon tradition of the proper mourning time. Whilst she had been away, for less then a month, Tom had briefly become involved with Jennifer Delaney. B'Elanna was insulted by his actions and ended the relationship rather violently. (JB: \"Just Between You & Me\")"@en . . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@en . "2349"^^ . . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@en . "Female"@en . "L'Naan, maternal grandmother;"@en . "B'Elanna Torres"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "B'Elanna Torres B'Elanna Torres fr\u00E5n Star Trek: Voyager f\u00F6ddes \u00E5r 2349 p\u00E5 kolonin Kesik IV hon \u00E4r h\u00E4lften Klingon h\u00E4lften M\u00E4nniska hon har brunt h\u00E5r och bruna \u00F6gon samt en Klingons temperament."@sv . . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@nl . "B'Elanna Torres"@en . "Miral Torres"@en . "//"@de . "Torres.jpg"@de . . . . "One daughter, Miral Paris"@en . "gold"@en . . "Married"@en . . . . . . . . . "Mujer, de padre Humano y madre Klingon, curs\u00F3 un a\u00F1o en la Academia de la Flota Estelar hasta que renunci\u00F3 y se uni\u00F3 a los Maquis; en el a\u00F1o 2371 se uni\u00F3 junto al resto de la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave de Chakotay a la USS Voyager cuando quedaron atrapados en el Cuadrante Delta."@es . . . . . . . . "Vrouw"@nl . . . "B'Elanna Torres ist halb Klingonin, halb Mensch und arbeitet als Chefingenieurin auf der USS Voyager, nachdem diese im Delta-Quadrant gestrandet ist."@de . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@nl . . . . . . "fed"@en . "Citoyenne de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . "John Torres"@en . "John Torres"@de . . . . . "half-Human, half-Klingon"@en . "2349"^^ . . "B'Elanna"@fr . . . . "M\u00E8re: Miral"@fr . . . "I think safe sex with Torres may involve a crash helmet."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "11092351"^^ . . . "Currently Federation Starfleet"@en . . "Klingonin/Mensch"@de . . "Grand-m\u00E8re:L'Naan"@fr . . . . . . "B'Elanna Torres"@sv . . "2349"^^ . . "Chief engineer of the"@en . . . . . "B'Elanna shared a tempestuous relationship with Tom Paris for over a year. The relationship was volatile at best according to both parties, and bystanders. B'Elanna often used Tom as a source for getting the best gossip, her relationship with him giving her a lot of influence over him. (JB: \"Just Between Us\")"@en . . "B'Elanna Torres"@es . . . "chief engineer,"@en . "Belanna.jpg"@en . . . "F\u00F6derationsb\u00FCrger"@de . . . . "I think safe sex with Torres may involve a crash helmet."@en . . . "50"^^ . . . "B'Elanna Torres is a half-Klingon, half-Human female Starfleet officer in the 24th century. As of 2385, she is assigned to the Invincible-class fleet carrier-heavy battleship prototype USS Invincible as Assistant chief engineer, holding the rank of Lieutenant commander."@en . . . . . . . "Mi-Klingonne mi-Humaine"@fr . . "Kommandierender Offizier, \nU.S.S. San Diego"@de . . "B'Elanna Torres wurde am 11.09.2351 auf Kessik IV als Tochter einer Klingonin (Miral) und eines Menschen (John Torres) geboren. Da B'Elanna mit ihrer Mutter die einzige Klingonin war hatte sie in ihrer Kindheit viele Probleme mit den anderen Kindern, zudem litt sie unter ihrem starken Temparament, das ihr \u00F6fters Schwierigkeiten bereitete. Im Alter von 16 Jahren bewarb sie sich an der Sternenflottenakademie und wurde aufgenommen, verlie\u00DF die Akademie jedoch wieder und trat dem Maquis bei, bis sie 2371 im Delta- Quadranten verschwand und ein Teil der Crew der Voyager wurde. Im Jahre 2378 kehrte sie in den Alpha-Quadranten zur\u00FCck und brachte auf dem Weg ihre Tochter Miral zur Welt und erhielt im Jahre 2386 ihr eigenes Kommando."@de . . "Officier de Starfleet"@fr . . "married"@en . "Human/Klingon hybrid"@en . "Fleet Captain"@de . . "weiblich"@de . . "B'Elanna naquit en 2349 sur Kessik IV, une colonie de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration. Son p\u00E8re John Torres \u00E9tait un Humain, sa m\u00E8re Miral \u00E9tait une Klingonne. B'Elanna passa une grande partie de sa jeunesse sur Kessik IV, mais \u00E0 cause des tensions qui existaient entre la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration et l'Empire Klingon, B'Elanna et sa m\u00E8re \u00E9taient les seules Klingonnes sur la colonie. Bien qu'il n'y avait pas d'animosit\u00E9 de la part des autres colons, elle ressentait qu'avec sa m\u00E8re, elles n'\u00E9taient pas accept\u00E9es comme les autres, un sentiment qui la mettait mal \u00E0 l'aise. (VOY: \"Faces\")"@fr . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej (rezygnacja na drugim roku). \n* 2370-2371(?) W organizacji Maquis, w za\u0142odze \u201EVal Jean\u201D dowodzonej przez komandora por. Chakotay\u2019a. Torres pe\u0142ni funkcj\u0119 G\u0142\u00F3wnego In\u017Cyniera. \n* 2371-77 Wraz z za\u0142og\u0105 komandora por. Chacotay\u2019a, Torres przy\u0142\u0105cza si\u0119 do za\u0142ogi zaginionego w Kwadrancie Delta U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D, NCC-74656. Zostaje przydzielona do maszynowni w stopniu podporucznika. \n* 2371 Czas Gwiezdny: 48439.7. Podporucznik Torres otrzymuje awans do stopnia porucznika i stanowisko G\u0142\u00F3wnego In\u017Cyniera na U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D. \n* 2371 Czas Gwiezdny: 48642.5. Degradacja do stopnia podporucznika za z\u0142amanie rozkazu kapitan Kathryn Janeway dotycz\u0105cego transakcji z Sikarianami."@pl . "B'Elanna Torres B'Elanna Torres fr\u00E5n Star Trek: Voyager f\u00F6ddes \u00E5r 2349 p\u00E5 kolonin Kesik IV hon \u00E4r h\u00E4lften Klingon h\u00E4lften M\u00E4nniska hon har brunt h\u00E5r och bruna \u00F6gon samt en Klingons temperament."@sv . . . . . "female"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "B'Elanna in 2358."@en . "Krelik, maternal great-grandmother"@en . . . . . . "Maquis,"@en . "B'Elanna Torres"@de . . . . . . . "Beau-p\u00E8re: Owen Paris"@fr . . . "Brown"@en . . . "Klingone/Mensch"@de . . "Torres 2371.jpg"@en . . . . "B'Elanna Torres is half-mens en half Klingon en diende als hoofdingenieur op het Federatie sterrenschip USS Voyager."@nl . "Torres"@fr . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej (rezygnacja na drugim roku). \n* 2370-2371(?) W organizacji Maquis, w za\u0142odze \u201EVal Jean\u201D dowodzonej przez komandora por. Chakotay\u2019a. Torres pe\u0142ni funkcj\u0119 G\u0142\u00F3wnego In\u017Cyniera. \n* 2371-77 Wraz z za\u0142og\u0105 komandora por. Chacotay\u2019a, Torres przy\u0142\u0105cza si\u0119 do za\u0142ogi zaginionego w Kwadrancie Delta U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D, NCC-74656. Zostaje przydzielona do maszynowni w stopniu podporucznika. \n* 2371 Czas Gwiezdny: 48439.7. Podporucznik Torres otrzymuje awans do stopnia porucznika i stanowisko G\u0142\u00F3wnego In\u017Cyniera na U.S.S. \u201EVoyager\u201D. \n* 2371"@pl . . "2371"^^ . "'B'Elanna Torres was a half-human, half-Klingon female born on Kessik IV in 2349. Abandoned by her human father, she hated her Klingon heritage, believing it had driven him away; her anger led to many disciplinary problems throughout her life. After dropping out of Starfleet Academy, she joined a Maquis cell led by Chakotay. Thrown into the Delta Quadrant in 2371, B'Elanna and the other Maquis joined the crew of the USS Voyager, where she soon became chief engineer, with the rank of lieutenant. During Voyagers seven-year sojourn in the Delta Quadrant, she began a relationship with Tom Paris; the two married in 2377, and had a daughter, Miral, born just as Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant. (VOY: \"Caretaker\", \"Parallax\", \"Day of Honor\", \"Drive\", \"Lineage\")"@en . "Val Jean"@fr . . "Former Maquis"@en . . . . "Kessik IV"@en . . . . . . . . . "Federation Starfleet"@en . . . "Active"@en . . "B'Elanna"@de . "½ Klingon"@en . . "Kessik IV"@de . . . . . . . . "Belanna1.jpg"@en . . . . . "Fille: Miral Paris"@fr . . . "Arianne Borbach"@de . . "100.0"^^ . . . . . . "B'Elanna Torres ist halb Klingonin, halb Mensch und arbeitet als Chefingenieurin auf der USS Voyager, nachdem diese im Delta-Quadrant gestrandet ist."@de . . . . . "Getrouwd"@nl . "Alexander Honigsberg"@en . ";2371\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2372\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n** \n* \n* \n* \n;2373\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2374\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n** \n** \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2375\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2376\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2377\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2378\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2381\n* \n* \n* \n* \n* \n;2382\n* \n*"@en . . "Miral Paris"@en . "Lieutenant Commander B'Elanna Torres in 2381."@en . "Arri\u00E8re-grand-m\u00E8re: Krelik"@fr . . "P\u00E8re: John Torres"@fr . "Lieutenant Junior GradeLieutenant Junior Grade"@de . . "Mujer, de padre Humano y madre Klingon, curs\u00F3 un a\u00F1o en la Academia de la Flota Estelar hasta que renunci\u00F3 y se uni\u00F3 a los Maquis; en el a\u00F1o 2371 se uni\u00F3 junto al resto de la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave de Chakotay a la USS Voyager cuando quedaron atrapados en el Cuadrante Delta."@es . . "After a brilliant but troubled two years heading toward an engineering specialty at Starfleet Academy, subject Torres seemed to be constantly at odds with the Klingon heritage of her maternal side and after several disruptive episodes agreed to leave school. Having grown up on Kessik IV, where she and her mother were the only Klingon residents, her human father left when she was a child, and she has always blamed her Klingon heritage for driving him away. When she turns to recreation as an outlet, she has been known to play both hoverball and Parrises Squares."@en . "B'Elanna Torres"@en . . . . "Married"@en . . . . . . .