. . . . "Kiki"@de . . . . . "5"^^ . . "Aprendiz de Santo"@es . "Fishing"@en . . . "Kiki is a bar owner in Nepal in 1934.She is later to revealed to be aiding the nazis albeit against her will.She is shot in the head by Walter Donovan because she questioned his motives. She was 32 at the time.She was also played by Sophie Marceau"@en . "ed7f10"@fr . "Chat"@fr . "Hiroko Emori"@en . . . "Kiki \u00E8 l'apprendista di Mu dell'Ariete (diventato anche suo fratello maggiore nell'adattamento italiano) che si unisce ai Cavalieri di bronzo nei loro combattimenti in difesa di Atena e della pace sulla Terra. Seppur non sia un Cavaliere nel volume 14 del manga si presenta come Kiki di Appendix. Il suo nome in giapponese significa \"terrificante\". Caratterialmente Kiki \u00E8 un vispo ragazzino di otto anni coi capelli rossi, e in quanto discendete del continente di Mu presenta (come gli altri appartenti alla sua etnia apparsi nella saga) le tipiche sopraciglia in stile Heian."@en . . . . "Normale"@fr . . . . . "Kiki"@en . "Virginia Carrera"@es . "OK, it's show time!"@en . . "Kiki was an individual living during the Galactic Civil War, who asked a spacer to reconnoiter a smuggler base."@en . "Upbeat, outspoken, smart but a little naive, independent, can be stubborn sometimes but overall very likable, responsible, enterprising, cute, sweet, beautiful, brave"@en . "Kiki, along with Danny are a pair of lesbians that Alan and Walden attempt to woe. However, Alan learns that she is actually bisexual, and nearly can seal the deal, when he is punched by Danny 3 times."@en . "Kiki (\u30B5\u30EB\u30AD\u30C3\u30AD Saru Kikki) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie, qui appara\u00EEt dans A Link to the Past et Link's Awakening. C'est un petit singe qui aide souvent Link au cours de ses aventures, en lui ouvrant de nouvelles voies. Il fait toujours payer ses services."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Caviar"@en . . . "Kiki"@fr . "Slight"@en . . "Rare"@en . "is a monkey and a trained circus animal."@en . . . . . "Kiki"@de . "Iron Tail with Nana's Hyper Beam"@en . . . . . "... Et il tint parole. Le plafond \u00E9tait en biscuit Gerbl\u00E9\u00AE, tout comme les immeubles Am\u00E9ricains, sp\u00E9cialement con\u00E7us pour r\u00E9sister aux tremblements de terre. Il a dans\u00E9 le flamenco \u00E0 l'\u00E9tage du dessus et il n'y avait plus qu'un flot de poussi\u00E8re de biscuits, et un vide intersid\u00E9rant sous ses pieds. Heureusement, il a appris la l\u00E9vitation tib\u00E9taine, et au moment de tomber, il m\u00E9dita, pour s'envoler par la fen\u00EAtre."@fr . "N/A"@en . . . "Magic Broom"@en . . "Chatte"@fr . "Kiki is a kind white cat who appeared on \"Puppy Princess Rescue\"."@en . . . "N/A"@en . . "Bombay"@fr . "Kiki ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh in der Plan\u00E8te Sauvage, einem Safaripark in Port-Saint-P\u00E8re bei Nantes. Kiki wurde etwa 1973 geboren. N\u00E4here Angaben \u00FCber Geburt und Herkunft fehlen. Auch Hinweise auf die \u00DCberf\u00FChrung von Kiki nach Europa gibt es kaum. Es wird angegeben, Kiki sei 1974 importiert worden. Allerdings sind keine Angaben vorhanden, wo sie vor dem Aufenthalt in der Plan\u00E8te Sauvage gewesen ist. Teilweise lesen sich die Angaben, als sei sie bereits seit 1974 in Port-Saint-P\u00E8re gewesen, der Safaripark wurde allerdings erst 1992 er\u00F6ffnet. \u00DCber diese Zeit gibt es also keine zuverl\u00E4ssigen Angaben. Wann Kiki also nach Port-Saint-P\u00E8re gekommen ist, l\u00E4sst sich nicht rekonstruieren. M\u00F6glicherweise waren sie und die etwa gleichaltrige Zulu schon recht fr\u00FCh in der Plan\u00E8te Sauvage. 1994 kamen das Bullkalb Jumbo und das Kuhkalb Bamba aus dem benachbarten Zoo La Boissi\u00E8re-du-Dor\u00E9 nach Port-Saint-P\u00E9re. 2003 folgten die Afrikanerinnen Flossie und Flora aus dem englischen Zoo Dudley. Mit dem Tod von Zulu im Jahr 2000, von Jumbo 2003 und von Flossie 2004 schrumpfte die Afrikanergruppe auf drei K\u00FChe, die alle aus verschiedenen Haltungen kamen. W\u00E4hrend Flora und Bamba etwa das gleiche Alter (geb. 1988 bzw. 1989) hatten, war Kiki f\u00FCr einige Zeit die \u00E4lteste der K\u00FChe. Im M\u00E4rz 2005 traf allerdings die noch \u00E4ltere Pretti aus dem Zoo K\u00F6ln in Port-Saint-P\u00E8re ein, die wegen der Neuausrichtung auf die Zucht Asiatischer Elefanten als letzte Afrikanerin abgegeben wurde. Kiki lebt heute mit den drei K\u00FChen Pretti, Flora und Bamba auf der Elefantenanlage, die im gr\u00F6\u00DFeren Safariteil des Parks gelegen ist und etwa sechs Hektar umfasst."@de . . . . . . . . . "Atagi Kiki (\u5B89\u5B85(\u3042\u305F\u304E) \u6A39\u5E0C(\u304D\u304D)) is a scout character."@en . "Male"@en . . "Kiki"@en . . . . . . . "Kiki"@en . "KiKi the monkey is an evil monkey sent by AIAI'S Greatest enemy. Her purpose for being created is to act so innocent around the monkeys so she can be trusted 100% and be a spy for Dr. Baboon. Age: 16 Likes: Dr. Baboon Bananas Dislikes: AiAi MeeMee GonGon Baby"@en . . "Casa de Aries"@es . . . "34.0"^^ . . . . . "34"^^ . . . "Roots"@en . "is the mysterious, youthful and well-respected kunoichi from the reestablished Hidden Rain. Her previous alias, , lied in her occupation and affiliation as an assassin that worked behind the scenes, with the attempt to overthrow the past leaders and assassinate the cult that led Ame at that time."@en . "Kiki was an individual living during the Galactic Civil War, who asked a spacer to reconnoiter a smuggler base."@en . . "You, silly!"@en . "Just a little bit of milk,"@en . "2"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "Balance"@fr . . "Infinite"@en . "Good"@en . "4"^^ . "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."@en . . . . . . . . . "Kiki2.jpg"@en . . "2"^^ . . . "300"^^ . . . "Civilian"@en . . . . "normal"@en . . . . . "Kiki ist eine Katze mit der Pers\u00F6nlichkeit Ausgeglichen."@de . . . "Kiki29.png"@en . . "4659"^^ . . . . . . "\u25BA Athena Exclamation"@es . "Continues flying on her new push broom and is a succcessful delivery girl."@en . . "Ana Orra"@es . "circus is about to begin!"@en . . . . . . . "Femelle"@fr . "\u25BA Psicokinesis"@es . . . . "Kiki \u00E8 l'apprendista di Mu dell'Ariete (diventato anche suo fratello maggiore nell'adattamento italiano) che si unisce ai Cavalieri di bronzo nei loro combattimenti in difesa di Atena e della pace sulla Terra. Seppur non sia un Cavaliere nel volume 14 del manga si presenta come Kiki di Appendix. Il suo nome in giapponese significa \"terrificante\". Caratterialmente Kiki \u00E8 un vispo ragazzino di otto anni coi capelli rossi, e in quanto discendete del continente di Mu presenta (come gli altri appartenti alla sua etnia apparsi nella saga) le tipiche sopraciglia in stile Heian."@en . . "You won't believe your eyes!"@en . . "8"^^ . "SR"@en . . . . . . . . . "Kiki now currently resides at the Hoopdee Doo Review at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort, and plays Dory in Finding Nemo: The Musical at Animal Kingdom."@en . . . "6"^^ . "Lune de diamant"@fr . . . . "Otras apariciones"@es . . . "The Kiki"@en . . "Clown Around"@en . . "Slender, thirteen years old, short dark brown hair, fair skin, purple medium sleeveed dress, red hair tie bow, white camisole, frilly white bloomers, orange shoes"@en . "Female"@en . . . "Kiki is a thirteen-year old witch-in-training who first appeared in Studio Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service as the main protagonist. She is voiced by Kirsten Dunst in the Disney dub and Lisa Michelson in the Streamline dub."@en . . . . . . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Kiki (\u8CB4\u9B3C\uFF08\u30AD\u30AD\uFF09, kiki) es el joven aprendiz y escudero del Santo de Oro Mu de Aries. Realiza su capacitaci\u00F3n y entrenamiento en las monta\u00F1as de Jamir, para alg\u00FAn d\u00EDa poder ser el sucesor del t\u00EDtulo de Santo de Oro de Aries. En los spin-offs Saint Seiya Episodio G - Assassin y Saint Seiya Omega, Kiki fue nombrado a Santo de Oro de la constelaci\u00F3n de Aries, en este \u00FAltimo spin-off, Kiki adem\u00E1s se convierte en el legendario reparador de Cloths."@es . "A Link to the Past"@en . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30AD Kiki?) is a recurring enemy in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced, monkey-based E-Series model created by Dr. Eggman that can generate bombs."@en . . . "Apprendista"@en . "Frank Welker"@es . . . . . "Robot"@es . . . . "48"^^ . "Jes\u00FAs Barrero"@es . "130"^^ . "Kiki can be found ingame in HKO in Paris in the Pantheon, together with Lala, his twin-sister. The Pantheon does not need a key to be opened. He will give you a bit different quests than his sister. At the Dream Carnival, Kiki is not with Lala but a little further away. You may want to seek him out to help Lala, who will give you quests at the Carnival - try to find Kiki afterwards! Kiki likes spring and summer, he loves to look down on fields of flowers like dandelions from high above riding a cloud. The twin stars were devised by Sanrio in 1975."@en . "40"^^ . . "34.0"^^ . "Owner"@en . . "Art\u00EDculo Principal"@es . "S\u00F3lo Pel\u00EDculas"@es . "KiKi"@zh . . . . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . . . . . "4235"^^ . . . "Monkey Kiki.png"@es . . "Umano"@en . . "4050"^^ . . . "Carmen Ar\u00E9valo"@es . "N/A"@en . . "Quest"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Jamir"@en . . . . "Especie"@es . . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30E3\u30D3\u30A2, Kyabia en japonais, Agata en espagnol, Lingling en chinois) est une chatte apparaissant comme villageoise dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing et sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival."@fr . . . . . . "Last appearance Episode Number of episodes Portrayed by Kiki was an old friend and former college sorority sister of Rachel's, played by Michele Maika. Her first appearance was The One With George Stephanopoulos and her final appearance was The One With The Flashback."@en . . . . . "This Delcatty, nicknamed Kiki, is a normal-type Pok\u00E9mon owned by Ruby."@en . "A Link to the Past"@en . "Power +3"@en . "Ruby Ruby"@en . "1"^^ . . "\"miausi\""@de . . . "Kiki"@es . "Kokiri and Okino's daughter, Jiji's owner, Tombo's girlfriend, Mrs. Osono and Mr. Osono's delivery girl"@en . "thumb|right|200 px thumb|left|200px|Ellos no sobrevivieron, pero al menos murieron felices. thumb|left|200px|\u00BFHabr\u00E1 sobrevivido? thumb|Esto literalmente va a ser kiki. thumb|left|200px|Si \u00E9l hubiera sobrevivido, vivir\u00EDa para contarlo. \"Snu Snu\" (Hispanoam\u00E9rica y paises angloparlantes) o \"Kiki\" (Espa\u00F1a) significa simplemente \"realizar el acto sexual (copulaci\u00F3n) con una mini-giganta\". El origen de este meme es la serie animada estadounidense Futurama, cuando los protagonistas llegan a una sociedad netamente matriarcal habitada por mujeres robustas de 2,5 metros (entran en la definici\u00F3n de mini-giganta). En esa sociedad, uno de los castigos es la Muerte por Kiki (Snu Snu), el cual consiste en una dolorosa (y placentera) copulaci\u00F3n con los pesados cuerpos de estas mujeres hasta el punto en que el \"condenado\" muera por la pulverizaci\u00F3n de su pelvis."@es . . "150"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "\"Kiki\" is Cleo's niece in \"Big Hearted T-Bone\". She has pink fur, and she loves to play with Cleo. But Cleo looks tired."@en . . "2014-06-12"^^ . . "Poteri mentali"@en . "Kiki"@en . . . . . "2006-10-14"^^ . . . . . . . "Paper"@en . . "Deal 300% DMG to all enemies / 20% chance"@en . "\"Kiki\" is Cleo's niece in \"Big Hearted T-Bone\". She has pink fur, and she loves to play with Cleo. But Cleo looks tired."@en . "Raki"@es . "\"The Squat and the Hover\""@en . . . . . "\u25BA Arte de Reparaci\u00F3n de Armaduras"@es . "I'm an acrobat and magician!"@en . "Tibet"@en . . "Light"@en . . . . . "Home and Another"@en . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30AD, Kiki) es un mono y un animal de circo entrenado."@en . . . "Riff's ferret; A former lab animal, she is hyperkinetic, has a microscopic attention span, and has a dark past as Dr. Crabtree's test animal. She belonged to Sam for a time after Bun-bun took over the lab and released the animals, then came into the care of Riff after Valerie made Sam get rid of her[1]. Kiki is like a small child in many respects; even though she can be annoying at times, most of the other characters, including Riff and Sam and even Bun-bun (who tends to be more condescending than hostile to her, labeling her a \"tube rat\" and often manipulating her), seem to have a soft spot for her, and will help her in times of need. She has a deep love of shiny things matched only by the shortness of her attention span. After some Halloween strips, Kiki is occasionally fed candy, which the first time showed her ability to move at supersonic speeds. Bun-bun on more than one occasion has taken advantage of this to weaponize her (the ferret-bazooka), as when sugar-powered she moves fast enough to penetrate solid brick walls. She also enjoys karaoke, often to the rest of the cast's dismay. Kiki first appeared on December 15, 1997 [2]. At one point in the comic there would be No Content on Saturdays. The ever-curious Kiki would spend her saturdays looking for the \"no content\", which would be the filler strips for thuse saturdays."@en . . . . . "Robot"@en . . "\u25BA Levitaci\u00F3n"@es . . . . . . . . "kitty cat"@en . . "Kiki ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh in der Plan\u00E8te Sauvage, einem Safaripark in Port-Saint-P\u00E8re bei Nantes. Kiki wurde etwa 1973 geboren. N\u00E4here Angaben \u00FCber Geburt und Herkunft fehlen. Auch Hinweise auf die \u00DCberf\u00FChrung von Kiki nach Europa gibt es kaum. Es wird angegeben, Kiki sei 1974 importiert worden. Allerdings sind keine Angaben vorhanden, wo sie vor dem Aufenthalt in der Plan\u00E8te Sauvage gewesen ist. Teilweise lesen sich die Angaben, als sei sie bereits seit 1974 in Port-Saint-P\u00E8re gewesen, der Safaripark wurde allerdings erst 1992 er\u00F6ffnet. \u00DCber diese Zeit gibt es also keine zuverl\u00E4ssigen Angaben."@de . "Marcos Pati\u00F1o"@es . "\u25BA Crystal Vortex"@es . . . "kiki"@en . "Kiki now currently resides at the Hoopdee Doo Review at Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort, and plays Dory in Finding Nemo: The Musical at Animal Kingdom."@en . . "Deli"@en . "\u25BA Teletransportaci\u00F3n"@es . . . "Finding a Weakness"@en . "130.0"^^ . "\u8CB4\u9B3C\uFF08\u30AD\u30AD\uFF09"@es . . "8"^^ . . "Wind"@en . . . . "\u25BA Stardust Revolution"@es . . "Kiki (\u8CB4\u9B3C, Kiki\uFF1D\"noble ogre\") is a disciple of the gold saint Aries Mu."@en . "Archivo:Kiki.png Kiki ( \u30AD\u30AD ) es un badnik que aparece en Sonic Advance y Sonic Advance 2. Es un modelo de badniks creados por el Dr. Eggman."@es . "53"^^ . . "Atagi Kiki (\u5B89\u5B85(\u3042\u305F\u304E) \u6A39\u5E0C(\u304D\u304D)) is a scout character."@en . . . . . . "Kiki"@de . . . "thumb|right|200 px thumb|left|200px|Ellos no sobrevivieron, pero al menos murieron felices. thumb|left|200px|\u00BFHabr\u00E1 sobrevivido? thumb|Esto literalmente va a ser kiki. thumb|left|200px|Si \u00E9l hubiera sobrevivido, vivir\u00EDa para contarlo. \"Snu Snu\" (Hispanoam\u00E9rica y paises angloparlantes) o \"Kiki\" (Espa\u00F1a) significa simplemente \"realizar el acto sexual (copulaci\u00F3n) con una mini-giganta\"."@es . "Kiki is a prostitute working at Diosa."@en . "Kiki"@de . "Galer\u00EDa"@es . . "B"@es . "First Appearance"@en . "is the mysterious, youthful and well-respected kunoichi from the reestablished Hidden Rain. Her previous alias, , lied in her occupation and affiliation as an assassin that worked behind the scenes, with the attempt to overthrow the past leaders and assassinate the cult that led Ame at that time. With her past, Kiki has accomplished to gain the attention of their Lord, who had annihilated the cult by himself. He had proposed to her to become his personal assistant and attend his affairs, and while this had not been requested by her lord, Kiki has given herself the duty to protect her Lord's well-being at all time, along with several other individuals."@en . . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30AD Kiki?) is a recurring enemy in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced, monkey-based E-Series model created by Dr. Eggman that can generate bombs."@en . "Personnage du Cycle des magiciens"@fr . "KiKi the monkey is an evil monkey sent by AIAI'S Greatest enemy. Her purpose for being created is to act so innocent around the monkeys so she can be trusted 100% and be a spy for Dr. Baboon. Age: 16 Likes: Dr. Baboon Bananas Dislikes: AiAi MeeMee GonGon Baby"@en . "Cloth de Aries"@es . . "of tricks up her sleeve!"@en . . "Kiki from the novel of the same name by Eiko Kadono"@en . . . . . . "10"^^ . "Kiki est un animal du Cycle des magiciens."@fr . "K.K. Country"@en . . . "Boohoo! I blew it!"@en . . "The answer is...tee hee..."@en . "Kiki is a kind white cat who appeared on \"Puppy Princess Rescue\"."@en . . "Bill"@en . . "Unidentified"@en . "Kiki the Clown has all sorts"@en . . "KiKi is voiced by Ellen Kennedy."@en . "Hiroko Emori"@es . . . . . . . "*Swan Lake Basin"@en . . . "\u30AD\u30AD"@en . . . "Jasmine Laurenti"@en . "Requirements: Wizard job, 40 Scrolls, 20 Burial Bands, 20 Red Fragments, 10 Blue Fragments 1. \n* Image:Fine Bamboo.gifFind Kiki at X:333 Y:326 in Swan Lake Basin. She will give you a Green Bamboo Stick. 2. \n* Switch to the Wizard job, or get a Wizard into your team, and have 20 Scrolls in your inventory. 3. \n* Find Jean the Junior Servant at the bottom of the first floor in Farrell Family Crypt (X:399 Y:115). 4. \n* Find Brother Barebonce at X:491 Y:464 in Eversun North. 5. \n* File:Bug.svgBug! Suba: Brother Barebonce will repeatedly tell you the incorrect ingredients to give him. He actually needs 20 Red Fragments, 10 Blue Fragments and 20 Burial Bands. 6. \n* After giving him the ingredients, he will cast a 10 minute long buff on you called \"Spiritual Ward\". You must return to Jean the Junior Servant in the Crypt before this buff runs out. 7. \n* FIGHT: Speak to Jean the Junior Servant as a Wizard with another 20 Scrolls. You will be fighting 6 of her at once (level 19 metal Witch Doctor). In addition to the skill Creepy Wind, they do cast a poison on you called Grief-Stricken Heart. Receive 19,600 experience points after defeating them. 8. \n* Return to Kiki in Swan Lake Basin with the Green Bamboo Stick to receive your rewards. This quest is repeatable."@en . "Kiki"@en . . "Ren\u00E9 Garc\u00EDa"@es . . "I'm a maker of smiles,"@en . . . "She is a little shy but mostly carefree and playful, having fun and being close when playing games with people, and is very loyal to his owner Brook. She is constantly hungry and will whine when she is not being fed, but even when given food, she does not mind her manners and makes attempts to ask for more or steal others' food. Kiki is also incredibly naive, and childish."@en . . . . . . . "Amis ou fr\u00E8res"@fr . . "2006-10-10"^^ . "Libra"@en . "4345"^^ . . . "Kiki, along with Danny are a pair of lesbians that Alan and Walden attempt to woe. However, Alan learns that she is actually bisexual, and nearly can seal the deal, when he is punched by Danny 3 times."@en . . . . . . . . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesKiki (\u30AD\u30AD, Kiki) es un mono y un animal de circo entrenado."@es . "Duck"@en . . . "Kiki"@fr . . . "This Delcatty, nicknamed Kiki, is a normal-type Pok\u00E9mon owned by Ruby."@en . "5"^^ . . . . "Santo"@es . . . . . . "Kiki was a beautiful young woman who lived in Gotham City (Though she may have just been visiting Gotham, as Bruce Wayne replies that \"they're European\" when one of the waiters at Puccio's approached him with a complaint about Kiki and Soozey swimming in a decoration pool \"without proper swimwear\")."@en . "Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / 15% chance"@en . . . . . "\"In order to be a good witch, I need to train a year away from home.\""@en . "Kiki"@es . . . . . "Umeka Sh\u014Dji"@en . . "--10-08"^^ . "With Ruby"@en . . . . . . "Hiroko Emori"@en . . . . . . "Enfrentamientos"@es . . . "Kiki is a thirteen-year old witch-in-training who first appeared in Studio Ghibli's Kiki's Delivery Service as the main protagonist. She is voiced by Kirsten Dunst in the Disney dub and Lisa Michelson in the Streamline dub."@en . . . "Monkey"@en . . "Argyle Knit Shirt"@en . . . . . "130.0"^^ . . "Jahel Morga"@es . "Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / 20% chance"@en . . . . "3950"^^ . "N/A"@en . "Kiki2.jpg"@es . . . "Episodio 10"@en . "Shigeru Nakahara"@es . . . "Weiblich"@de . . "Artwork of Kiki from Link's Awakening"@en . . "Flying, listening to her radio"@en . "Kiki-g.jpg"@en . . "5214"^^ . . "When things go wrong , danger"@en . "Kiki is a bar owner in Nepal in 1934.She is later to revealed to be aiding the nazis albeit against her will.She is shot in the head by Walter Donovan because she questioned his motives. She was 32 at the time.She was also played by Sophie Marceau"@en . . . . "Early Adolescent"@en . . "ffffff"@fr . . "\u30AD\u30E3\u30D3\u30A2"@en . "Tombo, Mrs. Osono, Ursula, Mr. Osono, Madame, Barsa, Madame's Granddaughter, Her first customer, Clock Tower caretaker, Miss Dora, Lily, Ket, Ket's mother, Jeff, Young Senior Witch"@en . "thumb|300px|Kiki pr\u00E4sentiert NachrichtenKiki (im Original: Xixi) ist eine Turkan-Vogeldame und die Reporterin im K\u00F6nigreich von King Julien auf Madagaskar."@de . "Creador"@es . . "Daisy et Kiki."@fr . . . . . . . . "Short"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "She is a little shy but mostly carefree and playful, having fun and being close when playing games with people, and is very loyal to his owner Brook. She is constantly hungry and will whine when she is not being fed, but even when given food, she does not mind her manners and makes attempts to ask for more or steal others' food. Kiki is also incredibly naive, and childish."@en . . . . . . "Kiki"@de . "Kiki"@en . . . . . . . . "Last appearance Episode Number of episodes Portrayed by Kiki was an old friend and former college sorority sister of Rachel's, played by Michele Maika. Her first appearance was The One With George Stephanopoulos and her final appearance was The One With The Flashback."@en . . . "5346"^^ . "Flight"@en . . . "Kiki is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. He is a Monkey that aids Link in his adventures."@en . "a trick to make you smile."@en . . . . "*E-01 Baby Kiki\n*E-20 Kiki"@en . "Ariete"@en . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesKiki (\u30AD\u30AD, Kiki) es un mono y un animal de circo entrenado."@es . . . . "10"^^ . "Kiki"@en . . . . . . . "thumb|300px|Kiki pr\u00E4sentiert NachrichtenKiki (im Original: Xixi) ist eine Turkan-Vogeldame und die Reporterin im K\u00F6nigreich von King Julien auf Madagaskar."@de . . . . . "B"@en . . . . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30AD, Kiki) es un mono y un animal de circo entrenado."@en . . "Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / 25% chance"@en . "Kiki"@fr . "\u7075\u7075 Lingling"@en . . . "\"chti minou\""@fr . . . "*Sonic Adventure 2\n*Sonic Adventure 2: Battle\n*Sonic Advance\n*Sonic Advance 2\n*Sonic Pinball Party\n*Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut\n*Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games\n*Sonic Generations \n*Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games"@en . . "Cavalieri di Atena"@en . "Evil"@en . . "Cycle des magiciens"@fr . . "--10-08"^^ . . . . "COCO"@en . "Gina Maril"@en . . "As the hardest working clown in the business, she stops at nothing to make people smile."@en . . . "Santo de Oro"@es . "Champions of the Force"@en . . . . . . "Chapter 12"@en . . "Mu dell'Ariete"@en . . . . . . "F"@en . . . . "N/A"@en . "Primera aparici\u00F3n"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Kiki"@es . "S\u00F3lo Pel\u00EDculas"@en . "10"^^ . . . . "Mocha,"@en . "KiKi"@en . "Human"@en . "15"^^ . . "8"^^ . . "13"^^ . . "Archivo:Kiki.png Kiki ( \u30AD\u30AD ) es un badnik que aparece en Sonic Advance y Sonic Advance 2. Es un modelo de badniks creados por el Dr. Eggman."@es . "Basic"@en . "DF"@en . "Lisa Michelson"@en . . . . "Kiki"@fr . . . . . "Riff's ferret; A former lab animal, she is hyperkinetic, has a microscopic attention span, and has a dark past as Dr. Crabtree's test animal. She belonged to Sam for a time after Bun-bun took over the lab and released the animals, then came into the care of Riff after Valerie made Sam get rid of her[1]. Kiki is like a small child in many respects; even though she can be annoying at times, most of the other characters, including Riff and Sam and even Bun-bun (who tends to be more condescending than hostile to her, labeling her a \"tube rat\" and often manipulating her), seem to have a soft spot for her, and will help her in times of need. She has a deep love of shiny things matched only by the shortness of her attention span. After some Halloween strips, Kiki is occasionally fed candy, which"@en . "3850"^^ . . "... Et il tint parole. Le plafond \u00E9tait en biscuit Gerbl\u00E9\u00AE, tout comme les immeubles Am\u00E9ricains, sp\u00E9cialement con\u00E7us pour r\u00E9sister aux tremblements de terre. Il a dans\u00E9 le flamenco \u00E0 l'\u00E9tage du dessus et il n'y avait plus qu'un flot de poussi\u00E8re de biscuits, et un vide intersid\u00E9rant sous ses pieds. Heureusement, il a appris la l\u00E9vitation tib\u00E9taine, et au moment de tomber, il m\u00E9dita, pour s'envoler par la fen\u00EAtre."@fr . . . "Neutral"@en . "Yuzuriha"@en . . . . . . . "''Batman Begins"@en . . . . . "\u30AD\u30AD"@es . . . "--04-01"^^ . . . . "Kiki (otherwise known as E-20 Kiki or E-01 Baby Kiki) is a Badnik designed by Doctor Robotnik, presumably just before he slipped into total madness (or afterwards). The orange monkey robot acts much like the previous Coconuts and Monkey Dude models, swinging on objects before throwing bombs at their foes. Although it was not explicitly named, Kiki first appeared in Sonic the Comic Online story The Syndicate as a minor obstacle to Sonic the Hedgehog. Prior to this, Kiki made appearances in Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Advance as foes created by Robotnik. Some even drove go-karts and police cars."@en . . . "Champions of the Force"@en . "Kiki was still a young primate when he was wrenched from his mother's furry hands and taken out of the tropical rainforest. He was subjected to cruel government experiments for several months before being freed by a Roots commando opposed to animal experiments. Despite being traumatized by scientists, Kiki has become a symbol of hope to the clan."@en . . "Kiki is a minor character in Chrono Cross. Daughter of the Fisherman, famous for catching the Lion Shark, she resides in Arni Village with her mother and sister, who is older and wed. Kiki is extremely fond of Komodo Scales in Home World and Rainbow Shell Shards in Another World, causing a boy named Lolo and an Unnamed Suitor to seek these valuable crafting items to seek her affection. She shows no real affection toward these young men, and seems very concerned about her father worshiping Mojo, commenting that he was once a great fisherman. Despite the dangerous and wily nature of Komodo Pups, she keeps one as a pet in Home World. Little else is known about her."@en . . . . . . . . "I love how I don't have to do"@en . "Amiibo_card_back.png"@en . "Kiki was still a young primate when he was wrenched from his mother's furry hands and taken out of the tropical rainforest. He was subjected to cruel government experiments for several months before being freed by a Roots commando opposed to animal experiments. Despite being traumatized by scientists, Kiki has become a symbol of hope to the clan."@en . . "Cat"@en . "Frank Welker"@en . . . . . . "One spoonful of sugar"@en . . . "*Kiki's Quest"@en . "Kiki (\u30B5\u30EB\u30AD\u30C3\u30AD Saru Kikki) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie, qui appara\u00EEt dans A Link to the Past et Link's Awakening. C'est un petit singe qui aide souvent Link au cours de ses aventures, en lui ouvrant de nouvelles voies. Il fait toujours payer ses services."@fr . . "To be a good witch."@en . "Archwitch 10x dmg"@en . "Yolanda P\u00E9rez Segoviano"@es . "Kiki was a beautiful young woman who lived in Gotham City (Though she may have just been visiting Gotham, as Bruce Wayne replies that \"they're European\" when one of the waiters at Puccio's approached him with a complaint about Kiki and Soozey swimming in a decoration pool \"without proper swimwear\")."@en . . . . "B"@en . . "Minami Takayama"@en . "Bomb generation"@en . "34"^^ . . "Kiki's Delivery Service"@en . . "Daniel Abundis"@es . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Kiki (\u8CB4\u9B3C\uFF08\u30AD\u30AD\uFF09, kiki) es el joven aprendiz y escudero del Santo de Oro Mu de Aries. Realiza su capacitaci\u00F3n y entrenamiento en las monta\u00F1as de Jamir, para alg\u00FAn d\u00EDa poder ser el sucesor del t\u00EDtulo de Santo de Oro de Aries. En los spin-offs Saint Seiya Episodio G - Assassin y Saint Seiya Omega, Kiki fue nombrado a Santo de Oro de la constelaci\u00F3n de Aries, en este \u00FAltimo spin-off, Kiki adem\u00E1s se convierte en el legendario reparador de Cloths."@es . . "Kiki is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. He is a Monkey that aids Link in his adventures."@en . . "\u25BA Crystal Wall"@es . "Hang in there, kiddo."@en . . "Concepto del Artwork de Kiki"@es . "but who will make mine?"@en . "Kiki the Witch"@en . . . "Kiki nell'anime classico"@en . . "Michele Maika"@en . . . "Kiki (otherwise known as E-20 Kiki or E-01 Baby Kiki) is a Badnik designed by Doctor Robotnik, presumably just before he slipped into total madness (or afterwards). The orange monkey robot acts much like the previous Coconuts and Monkey Dude models, swinging on objects before throwing bombs at their foes. Although it was not explicitly named, Kiki first appeared in Sonic the Comic Online story The Syndicate as a minor obstacle to Sonic the Hedgehog."@en . "Kiki can be found ingame in HKO in Paris in the Pantheon, together with Lala, his twin-sister. The Pantheon does not need a key to be opened. He will give you a bit different quests than his sister. At the Dream Carnival, Kiki is not with Lala but a little further away. You may want to seek him out to help Lala, who will give you quests at the Carnival - try to find Kiki afterwards! Kiki likes spring and summer, he loves to look down on fields of flowers like dandelions from high above riding a cloud. Kiki is very curious and a little cheeky sometimes. He likes fishing for stars and exploring planetes - like the earth. He came to earth with permission from Mother-Star and Father Star with the help of Lala's wand. Both twins like to spread happiness to everyone. The twin stars were devised by Sanrio in 1975."@en . "Requirements: Wizard job, 40 Scrolls, 20 Burial Bands, 20 Red Fragments, 10 Blue Fragments 1. \n* Image:Fine Bamboo.gifFind Kiki at X:333 Y:326 in Swan Lake Basin. She will give you a Green Bamboo Stick. 2. \n* Switch to the Wizard job, or get a Wizard into your team, and have 20 Scrolls in your inventory. 3. \n* Find Jean the Junior Servant at the bottom of the first floor in Farrell Family Crypt (X:399 Y:115). 4. \n* Find Brother Barebonce at X:491 Y:464 in Eversun North. 5. \n* File:Bug.svgBug! Suba: Brother Barebonce will repeatedly tell you the incorrect ingredients to give him. He actually needs 20 Red Fragments, 10 Blue Fragments and 20 Burial Bands. 6. \n* After giving him the ingredients, he will cast a 10 minute long buff on you called \"Spiritual Ward\". You mu"@en . . "Ladies and gentlemen, the"@en . . . "Miss Witch"@en . . "\u25BA Starlight Extinction"@es . . "Amiibo_034_Kiki.png"@en . "\u8CB4\u9B3C"@en . "Kiki"@en . . "4455"^^ . . "Umeka Sh\u014Dji"@es . "A replica aquarium"@en . "\u25BA Psicoquin\u00E9sia"@es . . "April, 1st"@en . "Kiki"@es . "Kiki"@es . . . "Ausgeglichen"@de . "Orange, gray"@en . . "Atena"@en . "1971"^^ . . . . . "Kiki (\u30AD\u30E3\u30D3\u30A2, Kyabia en japonais, Agata en espagnol, Lingling en chinois) est une chatte apparaissant comme villageoise dans toute la s\u00E9rie Animal Crossing et sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival."@fr . "Link's Awakening"@en . "Kiki is a minor character in Chrono Cross. Daughter of the Fisherman, famous for catching the Lion Shark, she resides in Arni Village with her mother and sister, who is older and wed. Kiki is extremely fond of Komodo Scales in Home World and Rainbow Shell Shards in Another World, causing a boy named Lolo and an Unnamed Suitor to seek these valuable crafting items to seek her affection. She shows no real affection toward these young men, and seems very concerned about her father worshiping Mojo, commenting that he was once a great fisherman. Despite the dangerous and wily nature of Komodo Pups, she keeps one as a pet in Home World."@en . "Kiki ist eine Katze mit der Pers\u00F6nlichkeit Ausgeglichen."@de . "\u30AD\u30AD"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Sonic Adventure"@en . "\u00C1gata"@de . . "Kiki (\u8CB4\u9B3C, Kiki\uFF1D\"noble ogre\") is a disciple of the gold saint Aries Mu."@en . . "Writer"@en . "Kiki is a prostitute working at Diosa."@en . . "Anna Bonel"@en . "Last Appearance"@en . . . . "\u00C1gata"@en . "*Black\n*Cyan"@en . . . . "Kiki est un animal du Cycle des magiciens."@fr . "\u30AD\u30E3\u30D3\u30A2"@de . "Marcella Silvestri"@en . "Quiz show host"@en . . "Shura"@en . . "Shion"@es . . "KiKi is voiced by Ellen Kennedy."@en . . "is a monkey and a trained circus animal."@en .