. . . "Ibiza, Spain"@en . . . . . "SY 288"@en . "fire"@en . . . . . "Nico is one of the main characters of the anime series, BeyWarriors: Cyborg. He travels through Teslandia with his friends Al and Sola and his grandfather Dr. Prost to collect the most Tokens for the city of Lightning. His Cyborg Warrior is Spark Dragoon."@en . "15"^^ . . . . . . "Nico"@en . . . "Alive"@en . "Nico was a young boy who was friends with Justin Stewart of the Turbo Rangers. In the episode \"The Phantom Phenomenon\", the two of them discovered a cloaked spaceship in a park in Angel Grove, which turned out to belong to the Phantom Ranger. Despite the efforts of Divatox and her space pirates to destroy the ship, Phantom Ranger was able to save it and Nico."@en . "Part 1, Prologue: Under Grey Skies"@en . "22"^^ . "Pretty and Prettier"@en . . "Nico is the Chisin Star in Suikoden IV."@en . "Nico (born Christa P\u00E4ffgen; 16 October 1938 \u2013 18 July 1988) was a German singer-songwriter, lyricist, composer, musician, fashion model, and actress, who initially rose to fame as aWarhol Superstar in the 1960s. She is known for both her vocal collaboration on The Velvet Underground's debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967), and her work as a solo artist from the late 1960s through the 1980s. She also had roles in several films, including Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita (1960) and Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girls (1966), as herself. Nico died in July 1988, as a result of a heart attack while vacationing on Ibiza in the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain with her son."@en . . "right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A M\u00E9tier: P\u00EAcheur Marchand (\u00E0 partir de la fin de la qu\u00EAte Salty veut vendre sa poissonnerie): \n* Il vend du poisson (requin cru, hareng, carrelet cru). Qu\u00EAte: Salty veut vendre sa poissonnerie R\u00E9compenses de combat et/ou de vol \u00E0 la tire: \n* XP+50 \n* 1xfiole, 1xchampignon, 1xrhum, 1xpalourde et 1x\u00E9p\u00E9e rouill\u00E9e"@fr . "* Sergio \n* West"@en . . . . "Nico"@en . . "Niko"@es . . "\u2022 Lookout"@en . . . . . . "Nico performing the Exploding Plastic Inevitable in Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1966"@en . "Philippe Bergeron"@en . . . "Nico"@ca . . . . . "Stableman"@en . . . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Niko) is a Silver Key Celestial Spirit owned by Katja."@en . "\u30CB\u30B3\u30E9 Nikora"@en . "Kristin Sutton"@en . . . "* Botanical Girl x2\n* Dandylion\n* Gigaplant\n* Hedge Guard x3\n* Inmato x3\n* Level Eater\n* Naturia Beans x3\n* Sweet Corn x2"@en . . . . "Nico is the Chisin Star in Suikoden IV."@en . "Nico"@en . . . . . "Nico is a character from Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY."@en . . . . . . "Christa P\u00E4ffgen"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fritz"@de . . . . . . . . "The Canis Minor"@en . "Nico is a character from Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY."@en . . "250"^^ . . "2007"^^ . "1703"^^ . . . . "Nico (born Christa P\u00E4ffgen; 16 October 1938 \u2013 18 July 1988) was a German singer-songwriter, lyricist, composer, musician, fashion model, and actress, who initially rose to fame as aWarhol Superstar in the 1960s. She is known for both her vocal collaboration on The Velvet Underground's debut album, The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967), and her work as a solo artist from the late 1960s through the 1980s. She also had roles in several films, including Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita (1960) and Andy Warhol's Chelsea Girls (1966), as herself. Nico died in July 1988, as a result of a heart attack while vacationing on Ibiza in the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain with her son."@en . . . . . . "Nico \u2013 statek handlowy, o kt\u00F3rym pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 wzmianki w Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Z ksi\u0119gi Wynagrodzenie wynika, \u017Ce pad\u0142 \u0142upem pirat\u00F3w. Mo\u017Cliwe, \u017Ce jako statek handlowy z pewno\u015Bci\u0105 mia\u0142 du\u017Ce rozmiary i poka\u017An\u0105 \u0142adowni\u0119, przez co m\u00F3g\u0142 by\u0107 powolny i ma\u0142o zwrotny. \u0141adunek, kt\u00F3ry przewozi\u0142 by\u0142 wart prawie 10000 sztuk z\u0142ota. Kategoria:Bez grafiki Kategoria:Bez infoboksu Kategoria:Okr\u0119ty"@pl . "Character"@en . "Nico was a hot dog and hamburger vendor from Farmington."@en . "Nico ist ein Stallbursche im Harilins Sprung in Jarra. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:M\u00E4nnlich Kategorie:Stallbursche Kategorie:Jarra (Person) Kategorie:Harilins Sprung"@de . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3, Niko ?, tambi\u00E9n Niko en ingl\u00E9s), es un personaje recurrente de la saga de The Legend of Zelda. Es miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n pirata de Tetra, haciendo aparici\u00F3n en los juegos The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass y Spirit Tracks. \u00C9l es el m\u00E1s peque\u00F1o y miembro de menor rango dentro de la tripulaci\u00F3n a bordo del barco pirata, a menudo teniendo que lidiar con tareas humillantes, como lavar la ropa interior sucia del resto de los piratas. Todo nuevo miembro a bordo del barco pirata de Tetra tiene que estar al servicio de Nico. En Spirit Tracks, Nico es el \u00FAnico superviviente de los piratas de Tetra, narrando la historia del juego al inicio."@es . "hide"@en . . . . . . "Dreaming, Drawing, Making Comics, Writing, Cooking, Pretty Much Anything That You Need Your Imaganation For."@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Rabbid Raccoons"@en . . "Nico is a tall, lean-built man with light skin, messy blonde hair, blue eyes and a frivolous smile. In his free time or when he is exploring places he wears a long white robe with orange strips running along the inside edges which is held together by a small black belt. On top of that is what appears to be a sleeveless orange coat with a darker orange diamond pattern also running along the inside edge. He wears light brown shoes with bandages underneath and has a pale green scarf around his neck along with a headband of the same color tied on the right side. The reason why he wears this is due to how cold it can get during the nights in the wastelands. When in his fits of madness Nico's hair turns white and his eyes start to spiral. Although rarely, his eyes will become red."@en . "220"^^ . . "Era una noche en rio de janeiro un canario y un guacamayo volaban a trav\u00E9s de la selva camino de sus nidos _Buenas noches blu _ dijo el canario _buenas noches nico_ Y dadas las despedidas cada uno entro en su nido nico vio como blu era abrazado por sus hijos mientras el se met\u00EDa en su nido.Volvio a mirarle ,le daba mucha pena que el no tuviese una novia ni una familia hab\u00EDa estado alguna vez con alguna chica pero siempre le quer\u00EDan o por sexo o dinero ( ya q el venia de una familia bastante rica y era el \u00FAnico heredero de muchos millones de dolares y de una peque\u00F1a parte del amazonas).Solo recordaba a una chica que le quiso por amor:una canaria llamada lina.Habia compartido a\u00F1os con ella d\u00EDas y noches en las q su amor no tenia l\u00EDmites hasta que...FLASHBACK(10 meses atr\u00E1s):El y lina estaban sentados en su cama ella le agarr\u00F3 ,por una raz\u00F3n q no entend\u00EDa y le empez\u00F3 a hablar _Nico llevamos tiempo juntos y a pasado algo q podria cambiar nuestra relaci\u00F3n_ Nico abri\u00F3 los ojos _\u00BFQue ocurre?_dijo asustado_No es nada malo creo Nico yo...._ en ese momento los padres de lina aparecieron _\u00A1Lina!_ papa dejame tengo 25 a\u00F1os tengo mi propia vida y no voy a dejarle_TU te vienes conmigo no volver\u00E1s a ver a este pajarraco jam\u00E1s_Lina intento soltarse pero su padre era muy fuerte.En un intento lina quiso decirle a Nico algo y grito_\u00A1NICO VAS A SER P...!_ No termin\u00F3 la frases porque su padre le tap\u00F3 la boca y la llevo lejos de alli.Olvidando el tema Nico entro en la sala principal de su casa,el nido de nico tenia 16 plantas entrada s\u00F3tano desv\u00E1n 4 dormitorios 2 ba\u00F1os y 5 habitaciones a las q no hab\u00EDa dado uso todav\u00EDa.Subi\u00F3 arriba,hacia su cuarto cuando se dio cuenta de q en su cama hab\u00EDa algo Nico tuvo la sensatez de coger algo con lo que defenderse y ir hacia la cama.Quedo petrificado con lo q vio:4 huevos y una nota q dec\u00EDa :Nico espero que te acuerdes de mi soy Lina necesito que te quedes con lo que vas a encontrar eres el \u00FAnico q puede mantenerlos.\"Nico suspiro despu\u00E9s de tanto tiempo su novia le env\u00EDa una carta junto a unos huevos.El hab\u00EDa sido padre y le dio miedo a si que incubo los huevos hasta la ma\u00F1ana siguiente.Al d\u00EDa siguiente Blu fue a verlo temprano para ver si se encontraba mejor_BLU_ le grito VEN DEPRISA _ blu obedeci\u00F3 y lleg\u00F3_ \u00BFq te ocurre? Nico se\u00F1alo los huevos-O dios nico desde cuando..._ paro de hablar al ver al canario tan triste _\u00BF q ocurre ? Trae a los dem\u00E1s pidi\u00F3 Nico-quiero deciros una cosa-Blu obedeci\u00F3 y cuando estuvieros n todos le dijo algo q no se hab\u00EDa atrevido a decir nunca-Voy a ser padre pero no se que hacer tengo miedo_ \u00BFDe que tienes miedo? Nico eres un chico estupendo y seguro q lo sera como padre_ le animo perla_ si _ dijo blu_ Solo cuidalo como te cuidaron tus padres_Nico se volteo y le grit\u00F3 _\u00A1Que estas LOCO NO voy a cuidarlos como lo hicieron mis padres!_ \u00BFpor que nico, por que no lo cuidar\u00E1s como tus padres? _ entonces Nico confeso par primera vez un secreto de su pasado_ Ver\u00E9is mi padre dejo embarazada a mi madre y se largo poco despu\u00E9s de tenerme mi madre se convirti\u00F3 en una borracha siempre beb\u00EDa y pagaba conmigo sus desgracias peg\u00E1ndome hasta q un d\u00EDa una familia me adopt\u00F3 ._perla le dijo _ olle nico te ayudaremos a criar a ese beb\u00E9.todos asintieron y el animado acepto.D\u00EDas mas tarde del huevo salio un polluelo identico a el, lo llamo Danny y lo cr\u00EDo como nunca lo criaron a el junto a sus amigos y tanto el como su hijo vive felices."@es . . . "Nico was the cook aboard the Blue Turtle. During a storm, a mast fell on the galley and injured his leg, causing him to limp. He was a minor character, not much else is known."@en . . . "Nico"@it . . . "nico es un personaje de la segunda temporada dePMMLS .Archivo:Nico.pngsu sprite Archivo:Nico_como_meta_knight.png:nico en la pel\u00EDcula de juby3"@es . . "Nico"@es . . . "Greece"@en . . . "tdr"@en . . "Nico"@en . . "Niko"@en . . "Peel first got to hear Nico when she shared the billing on the Velvet Underground's debut album, although she only appeared on three of its tracks. He may also have heard her first solo album Chelsea Girl in 1967, although he is not known to have played any tracks from it on his shows. Tracks from her 1969 album for Elektra, The Marble Index and the 1970 collection on Reprise, Desertshore, did receive airplay on Top Gear. Peel was so impressed with her voice that he invited her to perform a session on his show in 1971, and again in 1974, by which time she had become a cult figure and was recording for Island Records. (One of her Peel Session tracks, Secret Side was only released for the first time on a re-issue of her 1974 The End album, in 2012). Meeting her in 1971, he was less impressed with her personality, particularly when she got up and walked out of the studio in the middle of a conversation with him. As Sheila Ravenscroft recounts in Margrave of the Marshes (p.182) Peel wrote in his diary (on 4 February 1971) that Nico was \"stunningly rude\" and described her as \"Andy Warhol NY super cool rat shit.\" She became notorious for her drug habit, yet retained her cult reputation into the punk era and played at least once on the same bill as The Fall, in 1981 (account here). She also lived in Manchester (with John Cooper Clarke) at the time the city was home to Peel favourites such as The Buzzcocks, Joy Division, New Order and The Smiths, although her material only made an occasional appearance in Peel's later playlists."@en . . . . . "solo_singer"@en . . "Berserker"@es . . "Nico"@pl . . . . . "Nico was the cook aboard the Blue Turtle. During a storm, a mast fell on the galley and injured his leg, causing him to limp. He was a minor character, not much else is known."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Silver"@en . "Nico"@de . . . "Main"@en . . "show"@en . . . "Nico ist ein brauner Hase. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf hat er die Pers\u00F6nlichkeit Selbstbewusst, in Animal Crossing (GameCube) ist Nico ein Launischer Inselbewohner."@de . . "Nico's Fletchinder was introduced alongside with Chester's Fletchling when Serena mentioned going to the Battle Chateau. Fletchinder later battled Farrell's Dusknoir."@en . "Green"@en . . . "Pirates"@fr . . . . . "2.3"^^ . "flying"@en . . . . "Kalos"@en . . . "Nico was born Christa P\u00E4ffgen in Cologne. When she was two years old, she moved with her mother and grandfather to the Spreewald forest outside of Berlin. Her father was enlisted as a soldier during World War II, and sustained head injuries that caused severe brain damage; he was variously said to have died in a concentration camp, or to have faded away as a result of shell shock. In 1946, Nico and her mother relocated to downtown Berlin, where Nico worked as a seamstress. She attended school until the age 13, and began selling lingerie in the exclusive department store KaDeWe, eventually getting modeling jobs in Berlin. At five feet ten inches and with chiseled features and porcelain skin, Nico rose to prominence as a fashion model as a teenager.[citation needed] According to conflicting accounts, Nico was raped by a member of the U.S. Air Force when she was 15. Nico's song \"Secret Side\" from the album The End makes oblique references to the rape."@en . . . "\u30CB\u30B3"@en . . . "Little Nico"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "Composer, singer, musician, fashion model, actress"@en . . . "Nicolas K\u00FCkelheim \"Nico\" (*09.08.1991, Marsberg) aka Voldemort, ist ein guter Freund von Jack8 und der besitzer der Filmfirma NK-Film."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Nico?) is a character who appears in Smile Pretty Cure!: Ehon no Naka wa Minna Chiguhagu!. She lives within the fairytales in the picture book."@en . . . . . "140"^^ . "Selbstbewusst"@de . . "\u30CB\u30B3"@en . . . "Lavender"@en . . . . . . . . "Nico is a trader in Harbour Town."@en . "Nico is a Daein boy who lives in Nevassa. He is saved by Micaiah and Edward from bandits raiding the city. He is awed the fact that they are in the Dawn Brigade and exclaims that all of his friends talk about it. Later, when Begnion Occupational Army is chasing the fleeing Dawn Brigade, he stands in their way along with the other townspeople, allowing Micaiah and her group to escape. Archers under Jarod shoot him, and he collapses in the street. Micaiah senses that something is wrong and returns. She uses her Sacrifice ability to heal him and saves his life. The Dawn Brigade then flees the city. Nico is not seen again until a Base Conversation in Chapter 3-12: The Price. He is enthused to see Micaiah again and expresses his convictions that the Dawn Brigade will save Daein."@en . . . "white"@en . "8"^^ . . . . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Nico?) is a character who appears in Smile Pretty Cure!: Ehon no Naka wa Minna Chiguhagu!. She lives within the fairytales in the picture book."@en . . . "Trainer"@en . . "Not Being Able To Dream, Flying"@en . . . . "right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A M\u00E9tier: P\u00EAcheur Marchand (\u00E0 partir de la fin de la qu\u00EAte Salty veut vendre sa poissonnerie): \n* Il vend du poisson (requin cru, hareng, carrelet cru). Qu\u00EAte: Salty veut vendre sa poissonnerie R\u00E9compenses de combat et/ou de vol \u00E0 la tire: \n* XP+50 \n* 1xfiole, 1xchampignon, 1xrhum, 1xpalourde et 1x\u00E9p\u00E9e rouill\u00E9e"@fr . . . . . "14"^^ . . . . "\u30CB\u30B3"@es . "Nico was born Christa P\u00E4ffgen in Cologne, five years after the Nazis came to power in Germany. When she was two years old, she moved with her mother and grandfather to the Spreewald forest outside of Berlin. Her father was enlisted as a soldier during World War II, and sustained head injuries that caused severe brain damage; he died in a concentration camp. In 1946, Nico and her mother relocated to downtown Berlin, where Nico worked as a seamstress. She attended school until the age 13, and then began selling lingerie in the exclusive department store KaDeWe, eventually getting modeling jobs in Berlin. Standing at five feet, ten inches tall and with chiseled features and porcelain skin, Nico rose to prominence as a fashion model as a teenager."@en . . "Nico (5 de juliol de 1987) \u00E9s un dels guitarristes puntuals dels Sva-ters."@ca . "Longinus Wielder"@en . . . "M\u00FAsic"@ca . . "Unnamed Mother"@en . . . "Gallery"@en . . . "Peel first got to hear Nico when she shared the billing on the Velvet Underground's debut album, although she only appeared on three of its tracks. He may also have heard her first solo album Chelsea Girl in 1967, although he is not known to have played any tracks from it on his shows. Tracks from her 1969 album for Elektra, The Marble Index and the 1970 collection on Reprise, Desertshore, did receive airplay on Top Gear."@en . "Nico is a trader in Harbour Town."@en . "* Magical Android x2\n* Queen of Thorns x2"@en . . "Nico"@de . . . "Nico is The Day Dreamer of the group."@en . "yes"@en . "hide"@en . . . . . . "199"^^ . . "Nico"@fr . "Civet"@de . . "Abomination"@en . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3, Niko ?, tambi\u00E9n Niko en ingl\u00E9s), es un personaje recurrente de la saga de The Legend of Zelda. Es miembro de la tripulaci\u00F3n pirata de Tetra, haciendo aparici\u00F3n en los juegos The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass y Spirit Tracks. \u00C9l es el m\u00E1s peque\u00F1o y miembro de menor rango dentro de la tripulaci\u00F3n a bordo del barco pirata, a menudo teniendo que lidiar con tareas humillantes, como lavar la ropa interior sucia del resto de los piratas. Todo nuevo miembro a bordo del barco pirata de Tetra tiene que estar al servicio de Nico. En Spirit Tracks, Nico es el \u00FAnico superviviente de los piratas de Tetra, narrando la historia del juego al inicio."@es . . "True Longinus"@en . . . . "Nico is The Day Dreamer of the group."@en . "Nico is a character in Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights. He is a monkey that assists the doctor and Sophie on their adventures underground. He is also seen on Marie's shoulder at one point in the game."@en . . . . . . . . "Nico was a hot dog and hamburger vendor from Farmington."@en . . . "Ghealdanin"@en . "Green"@en . . "Nico was a German singer, model, actress, and Warhol Superstar. Born in 1938, she started modeling when she was a teenager and later moved into acting, landing a minor blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in Fellini's La Dolce Vita. Later still, she started working with Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey on their experimental films, and it was Andy who inserted her into the The Velvet Underground's lineup. The collaboration ended rather quickly because she and the band didn't really get along and the Velvets soon broke their ties with Warhol. Nevertheless, her work with the Velvets became legendary in the rock community, despite the fact that her involvement was limited: she only sang 3 songs and added backing vocals to another on The Velvet Underground & Nico. Additionally, she received no writing credits and was credited as \"chanteuse\". Nico soon embarked on a solo career, using the opportunity to demonstrate the full range of her musical talent. Her debut album, Chelsea Girl, was met with praise, despite the fact that Nico wasn\u2019t really involved in the production of the album and was dissatisfied with it. She started taking control of her music starting with her second album. Because of this, her sound evolved into something more experimental and harmonium-driven. On July 18, 1988, Nico had a minor heart attack while riding a bicycle in Ibiza and hit her head as she fell. A passing taxi driver found her and had a hard time finding a hospital that would admit her. She was incorrectly diagnosed as suffering from heat-exposure instead of having a severe cerebral hemorrhage, and died as a result. Her legacy still lives on, as part of the Velvets and as a respected solo artist. Musicians influenced by her include Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bat for Lashes, Patrick Wolf, Bjork, Bauhaus, Coil, Elliott Smith, and Dead Can Dance. Also, despite their Creative Differences, the Velvets liked her voice enough that whenever they performed \"I'll Be Your Mirror\" (a song where they fought with Nico to get the final result) live, they'd sing it in a German accent."@en . . "Blonde"@en . "Nico"@en . "Nico ist ein Stallbursche im Harilins Sprung in Jarra. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:M\u00E4nnlich Kategorie:Stallbursche Kategorie:Jarra (Person) Kategorie:Harilins Sprung"@de . . . . . "Violet"@en . . "2"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "XY020"@en . "1988-07-18"^^ . . . . . . . "1938-10-16"^^ . "5"^^ . "Deceased"@en . "When the Avatar spoke with the mage Altomar in Britain, he revealed that Nico had went to Minoc in order to help his brother, Malcolm, but had never returned. The Avatar found him in the prison there. Nico was planned to be the next human sacrifice in Raxos's mad plan to restore the Shrine of Sacrifice, and Nico had understandably something against this. Nico told the Avatar that his brother had already been sacrificed at the shrine. Thankfully, after restoring the shrine, Raxos lost all power and gave up the key to Nico's cell. Nico didn't believe Raxos could change, but gave the Avatar his thanks by giving him the Orb of the Moons, explaining how it works."@en . "Small Whiteboard"@en . . . . "Nyarlathotep"@en . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3, Niko) is a member of the Clowns and a close friend of Itori. He used to act with Yamori and participated in Aogiri Tree. As of now, he has grown to become more involved with the other Clowns."@en . "1954"^^ . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 NikoJap) es una Androide que aparece en el juego arcade Dragon Ball Heroes y en el manga spin off Dragon Ball H\u00E9roes: Victory Mission."@es . "Nico was a young boy who was friends with Justin Stewart of the Turbo Rangers. In the episode \"The Phantom Phenomenon\", the two of them discovered a cloaked spaceship in a park in Angel Grove, which turned out to belong to the Phantom Ranger. Despite the efforts of Divatox and her space pirates to destroy the ship, Phantom Ranger was able to save it and Nico."@en . "Miguel Izaguirre"@en . . . "Nico is one of the main characters of the anime series, BeyWarriors: Cyborg. He travels through Teslandia with his friends Al and Sola and his grandfather Dr. Prost to collect the most Tokens for the city of Lightning. His Cyborg Warrior is Spark Dragoon."@en . . . "GA: 8"@en . "\"Scar Tissue\""@en . "Nico (ur. 27 wrze\u015Bnia 1988 r. w Glasgow) to basista w zespole Subdigitals. Pierwszy raz pojawia si\u0119 w odcinku \"Kurs komputerowy\", w kt\u00F3rym to dem\u00F3wka Aelity zosta\u0142a oficjalnie przyj\u0119ta na ich koncert. Bardzo si\u0119 ucieszy\u0142, kiedy dziewczyna zosta\u0142a wy\u0142oniona z tr\u00F3jki kandydat\u00F3w. Ma najprostsz\u0105 funkcj\u0119 w zespole \u2013 \"tylko\" gra na basie. Nico jest ze wszystkich w zespole najm\u0142odsz\u0105 osob\u0105. Waga to jego znak zodiaku. Kategoria:Bohaterowie"@pl . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Niko) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda. Il appara\u00EEt dans The Wind Waker et dans ses suites, Phantom Hourglass et Spirit Tracks, et est le seul personnage \u00E0 \u00EAtre dans trois jeux diff\u00E9rents (sans \u00EAtre une r\u00E9incarnation ou un descendant), avec \u00E9ventuellement Link et Zelda du d\u00E9but de la timeline de Link adulte."@fr . . "Breaking Titles at the Chateau!"@en . . "Nikora"@en . . . "Liz, Dorthy, Ilan, Serene, Suzy, Elias, Valeria,Kaori"@en . "Active"@en . . "Nico was born Christa P\u00E4ffgen in Cologne, five years after the Nazis came to power in Germany. When she was two years old, she moved with her mother and grandfather to the Spreewald forest outside of Berlin. Her father was enlisted as a soldier during World War II, and sustained head injuries that caused severe brain damage; he died in a concentration camp. In 1946, Nico and her mother relocated to downtown Berlin, where Nico worked as a seamstress. She attended school until the age 13, and then began selling lingerie in the exclusive department store KaDeWe, eventually getting modeling jobs in Berlin. Standing at five feet, ten inches tall and with chiseled features and porcelain skin, Nico rose to prominence as a fashion model as a teenager. At 15 years of age, according to various conflicting accounts, Nico was said to have been raped by a member of the U.S. Air Force who was sentenced to death. Her song \"Secret Side\" from the album The End, made oblique references to this. A review of the album The End examines the poetry of \"Secret Side\" and questions the validity of the rape legend."@en . . . . "Nico"@ca . "Lavender"@en . . "Hot dog vendor"@en . . . . "Nico"@fr . "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus"@en . . . "Nico is a young commoner boy and the younger brother of Toma."@en . . . "Nico was the estranged son of Cassus. After Cassus abandoned him at a young age (after the death of his mother), Nico became a street kid. When Cassus was trapped in the abandoned mine, dying, Iolaus was able to convince Nico to visit his father one last time. Nico held Cassus' hand as he died."@en . . "The Rent World"@en . "Darkness"@en . "Nico"@es . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Niko) is a Silver Key Celestial Spirit owned by Katja."@en . "37"^^ . . . . . . "nico es un personaje de la segunda temporada dePMMLS .Archivo:Nico.pngsu sprite Archivo:Nico_como_meta_knight.png:nico en la pel\u00EDcula de juby3"@es . "Nico is a tall, lean-built man with light skin, messy blonde hair, blue eyes and a frivolous smile. In his free time or when he is exploring places he wears a long white robe with orange strips running along the inside edges which is held together by a small black belt. On top of that is what appears to be a sleeveless orange coat with a darker orange diamond pattern also running along the inside edge. He wears light brown shoes with bandages underneath and has a pale green scarf around his neck along with a headband of the same color tied on the right side. The reason why he wears this is due to how cold it can get during the nights in the wastelands."@en . . "* Book of Moon x2\n* Miracle Fertilizer x2\n* One for One"@en . . . . . . . . . "Planeta Tierra Ciudad Sat\u00E1n"@es . "* Limit Reverse x2\n* Plant Food Chain x2\n* Return from the Different Dimension\n* Torrential Tribute\n* Wall of Thorns x2"@en . "Nico (diminuitivo di Salvatore Pattagaiones Fisinighella Barrabbiu della Patonia) rappresenta l'apice dell'evoluzione del sardo. E non parliamo di formaggio."@it . . "\u30B5\u30F3\u30C7\u30FC \u30B5\u30F3\u30C8\u30B9 Santos"@de . "Nico"@ca . "Nico is the boyfriend of Clementine."@en . . . "Nico was a German singer, model, actress, and Warhol Superstar. Born in 1938, she started modeling when she was a teenager and later moved into acting, landing a minor blink-and-you-miss-it appearance in Fellini's La Dolce Vita. Later still, she started working with Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey on their experimental films, and it was Andy who inserted her into the The Velvet Underground's lineup. The collaboration ended rather quickly because she and the band didn't really get along and the Velvets soon broke their ties with Warhol. Nevertheless, her work with the Velvets became legendary in the rock community, despite the fact that her involvement was limited: she only sang 3 songs and added backing vocals to another on The Velvet Underground & Nico. Additionally, she received no writin"@en . "Nico is a young commoner boy and the younger brother of Toma."@en . . "Sucesos"@ca . "Blue"@en . . . "Ernesto"@de . . . "* Cherry Inmato x3\n* Glow-Up Bulb\n* Naturia Cherries x3\n* Spore x3\n* Twilight Rose Knight"@en . . . . "Two siblings"@en . . "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus"@en . "Black"@en . . "Nico \u2013 statek handlowy, o kt\u00F3rym pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 wzmianki w Gothic II: Noc Kruka. Z ksi\u0119gi Wynagrodzenie wynika, \u017Ce pad\u0142 \u0142upem pirat\u00F3w. Mo\u017Cliwe, \u017Ce jako statek handlowy z pewno\u015Bci\u0105 mia\u0142 du\u017Ce rozmiary i poka\u017An\u0105 \u0142adowni\u0119, przez co m\u00F3g\u0142 by\u0107 powolny i ma\u0142o zwrotny. \u0141adunek, kt\u00F3ry przewozi\u0142 by\u0142 wart prawie 10000 sztuk z\u0142ota. Kategoria:Bez grafiki Kategoria:Bez infoboksu Kategoria:Okr\u0119ty"@pl . . "\u30CB\u30B3"@en . . . . "Nico was born Christa P\u00E4ffgen in Cologne. When she was two years old, she moved with her mother and grandfather to the Spreewald forest outside of Berlin. Her father was enlisted as a soldier during World War II, and sustained head injuries that caused severe brain damage; he was variously said to have died in a concentration camp, or to have faded away as a result of shell shock. According to conflicting accounts, Nico was raped by a member of the U.S. Air Force when she was 15. Nico's song \"Secret Side\" from the album The End makes oblique references to the rape."@en . . . . . "Mother, Father"@en . "Burgundy, Blue Streak,"@en . . . "Nico (diminuitivo di Salvatore Pattagaiones Fisinighella Barrabbiu della Patonia) rappresenta l'apice dell'evoluzione del sardo. E non parliamo di formaggio."@it . "Nico is the boyfriend of Clementine."@en . "Celestial Spirit"@en . "Black"@en . . "Voyage of Slaves"@en . . "Nico"@nl . "Nico is a man who appeared in \"Traitor\"."@en . . . . . . "Niko"@en . "???cm"@en . "Male"@en . "Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nico was the estranged son of Cassus. After Cassus abandoned him at a young age (after the death of his mother), Nico became a street kid. When Cassus was trapped in the abandoned mine, dying, Iolaus was able to convince Nico to visit his father one last time. Nico held Cassus' hand as he died."@en . . . . . "Nico (ur. 27 wrze\u015Bnia 1988 r. w Glasgow) to basista w zespole Subdigitals. Pierwszy raz pojawia si\u0119 w odcinku \"Kurs komputerowy\", w kt\u00F3rym to dem\u00F3wka Aelity zosta\u0142a oficjalnie przyj\u0119ta na ich koncert. Bardzo si\u0119 ucieszy\u0142, kiedy dziewczyna zosta\u0142a wy\u0142oniona z tr\u00F3jki kandydat\u00F3w. Ma najprostsz\u0105 funkcj\u0119 w zespole \u2013 \"tylko\" gra na basie. Nico jest ze wszystkich w zespole najm\u0142odsz\u0105 osob\u0105. Waga to jego znak zodiaku. Kategoria:Bohaterowie"@pl . "Dr. Auto Genome Nim"@es . "Nico is a man who appeared in \"Traitor\"."@en . . . . . . "\"amigo\""@de . . . . "Niko"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "24"^^ . . . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . "Nico"@en . . . "Episode 177"@en . "Nico is a character in Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights. He is a monkey that assists the doctor and Sophie on their adventures underground. He is also seen on Marie's shoulder at one point in the game."@en . "Nico"@en . "O'Hare"@de . . . . . . "\u30CB\u30B3"@en . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Demigod"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nico is a Daein boy who lives in Nevassa. He is saved by Micaiah and Edward from bandits raiding the city. He is awed the fact that they are in the Dawn Brigade and exclaims that all of his friends talk about it. Later, when Begnion Occupational Army is chasing the fleeing Dawn Brigade, he stands in their way along with the other townspeople, allowing Micaiah and her group to escape. Archers under Jarod shoot him, and he collapses in the street. Micaiah senses that something is wrong and returns. She uses her Sacrifice ability to heal him and saves his life. The Dawn Brigade then flees the city. Nico is not seen again until a Base Conversation in Chapter 3-12: The Price. He is enthused to see Micaiah again and expresses his convictions that the Dawn Brigade will save Daein."@en . "Azathoth"@en . . "Citizen"@en . . . "Nico ist ein brauner Hase. In Animal Crossing: New Leaf hat er die Pers\u00F6nlichkeit Selbstbewusst, in Animal Crossing (GameCube) ist Nico ein Launischer Inselbewohner."@de . "background:#ff8080"@en . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3, Niko) is a member of the Clowns and a close friend of Itori. He used to act with Yamori and participated in Aogiri Tree. As of now, he has grown to become more involved with the other Clowns."@en . . . . . "15"^^ . . "When the Avatar spoke with the mage Altomar in Britain, he revealed that Nico had went to Minoc in order to help his brother, Malcolm, but had never returned. The Avatar found him in the prison there. Nico was planned to be the next human sacrifice in Raxos's mad plan to restore the Shrine of Sacrifice, and Nico had understandably something against this. Nico told the Avatar that his brother had already been sacrificed at the shrine. Thankfully, after restoring the shrine, Raxos lost all power and gave up the key to Nico's cell. Nico didn't believe Raxos could change, but gave the Avatar his thanks by giving him the Orb of the Moons, explaining how it works. When meeting him later in Britain in his shop, he sold the Avatar reagents; with a discount, should the Avatar be a member of the guild of Buccaneer's Den."@en . . . "D\u221ED: \u042Fe-Verse"@en . "Launisch"@de . . . "Nico (5 de juliol de 1987) \u00E9s un dels guitarristes puntuals dels Sva-ters."@ca . . "Car Pullers"@en . "Nico"@en . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 NikoJap) es una Androide que aparece en el juego arcade Dragon Ball Heroes y en el manga spin off Dragon Ball H\u00E9roes: Victory Mission."@es . . . "Female"@en . "Artwork de Nico en The Wind Waker HD."@es . "Era una noche en rio de janeiro un canario y un guacamayo volaban a trav\u00E9s de la selva camino de sus nidos _Buenas noches blu _ dijo el canario _buenas noches nico_ Y dadas las despedidas cada uno entro en su nido nico vio como blu era abrazado por sus hijos mientras el se met\u00EDa en su nido.Volvio a mirarle ,le daba mucha pena que el no tuviese una novia ni una familia hab\u00EDa estado alguna vez con alguna chica pero siempre le quer\u00EDan o por sexo o dinero ( ya q el venia de una familia bastante rica y era el \u00FAnico heredero de muchos millones de dolares y de una peque\u00F1a parte del amazonas).Solo recordaba a una chica que le quiso por amor:una canaria llamada lina.Habia compartido a\u00F1os con ella d\u00EDas y noches en las q su amor no tenia l\u00EDmites hasta que...FLASHBACK(10 meses atr\u00E1s):El y lina estaban"@es . . . . . "Nico (\u30CB\u30B3 Niko) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie The Legend of Zelda. Il appara\u00EEt dans The Wind Waker et dans ses suites, Phantom Hourglass et Spirit Tracks, et est le seul personnage \u00E0 \u00EAtre dans trois jeux diff\u00E9rents (sans \u00EAtre une r\u00E9incarnation ou un descendant), avec \u00E9ventuellement Link et Zelda du d\u00E9but de la timeline de Link adulte."@fr . . . . . . . "Nicolas K\u00FCkelheim \"Nico\" (*09.08.1991, Marsberg) aka Voldemort, ist ein guter Freund von Jack8 und der besitzer der Filmfirma NK-Film."@de . "The Weakest Longinus Wielder"@en . . "Nameless Mist"@en . . "When Perrin, Loial, Moiraine and Lan came through the village while chasing Rand, Nico was asked to stable their horses."@en . . "N/A"@en . "When Perrin, Loial, Moiraine and Lan came through the village while chasing Rand, Nico was asked to stable their horses."@en . "Fanart"@en . . . . . . . . . . . .