. . . . "Daimons are immortal spirits that are beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves."@en . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank in the Ferengi Alliance, roughly the same in rank to a Starfleet Captain. The title was commonly purchased, and a DaiMon would either be in command of a Ferengi starship or would be assigned to a similar political or military posting. The Ferengi Alliance gave power to DaiMons to enter into trade agreements on behalf of the Alliance, including new trade routes and agreements. They also had the authority to speak for the Alliance itself, including the Grand Nagus. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\", \"The Battle\")"@en . . "Tisiphone also considers the creature her son."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Bungo pack , Ouu army"@en . . "None"@en . . . "DaiMon ist ein Rang in der Ferengi-Allianz. Er ist in etwa gleichrangig mit einem Captain der Sternenflotte. DaiMons kommandieren zumeist Schiffe der D'kora-Klasse, auch \u201EMarodeur\u201C (engl. \u201EMarauder\u201C) genannt. (TNG: ) Ein DaiMon kann seines Ranges enthoben werden, wenn sich herausstellt, dass er unprofitabel arbeitet. (TNG: )"@de . . "Tisiphone also considers the creature her son."@en . . . . . "thumb|right|Jajko daimona Daimony (jap. \u30C0\u30A4\u30E2\u30FC\u30F3 Daim\u014Dn) \u2013 potwory stworzone przez Bractwo \u015Amierci. Pierwszym daimonem by\u0142 Germatoid, kt\u00F3ry zarazi\u0142 Profesora S\u014Dichiego Tomoe. Ob\u0142\u0105kany Profesor zamierza\u0142 znale\u017A\u0107 \u015Awi\u0119ty Graal i u\u0142atwi\u0107 Pharaoh 90 przej\u015Bcie na Ziemi\u0119. Wyprodukowa\u0142 wi\u0119cej jajek daimon\u00F3w i zacz\u0105\u0142 eksperymentowa\u0107."@pl . . . . "190"^^ . . . . . . . "Daimon to byt astralny b\u0119d\u0105cy przewodnikiem po danym Oneirosie \u015Bni\u0105cego, p\u00F3\u0142b\u00F3g jego w\u0142asnej psychiki. Jest tak oprowadzaczem, jak i ogrodnikiem, istot\u0105 wprowadzaj\u0105ca porz\u0105dek w chaosie Wewn\u0119trznych Kr\u00F3lestw. Jego celem jest zawsze jeden: udoskonalanie w\u0142a\u015Bciciel Oneirosa. W wype\u0142nieniu go nie cofnie si\u0119 przed niczym, razem z kontrolowaniem wizji \u015Bni\u0105cego, cho\u0107 zazwyczaj stara si\u0119 tylko przedstawia\u0107 dane zjawisko alegorycznie. Ma pokazywa\u0107 b\u0142\u0119dy, wady, czasem nawet naucza\u0107. Nale\u017Cy jednak pami\u0119ta\u0107 \u017Ce nie posiada on \u017Cadnej wiedzy kt\u00F3rej \u015Bni\u0105cy sam nie posiad\u0142 - mo\u017Ce sobie z niej nie zdawa\u0107 sprawy, ale zawsze s\u0105 to rzeczy kt\u00F3rych w\u0142a\u015Bciciel kiedy\u015B do\u015Bwiadczy\u0142 i mo\u017Ce pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 pozby\u0107 si\u0119 ze swego przytomnego umys\u0142u. W przypadku Czyni\u0105cych , dotyczy to te\u017C znajomo\u015Bci Arkan - Daimon, w obr\u0119bie Astrala, mo\u017Ce korzysta\u0107 ze wszystkich mocy swego gospodarza. Z tego powodu wielu Przebudzonych, zw\u0142aszcza tych z bardziej psychologicznym usposobieniem, uwa\u017Ca Daimona za wcielnie naszych w\u0142asnych nakaz\u00F3w i zakaz\u00F3w, naszego Superego , kiedy astralny podr\u00F3znik jest samym Ego osooby. W modelu tym, demony goetyckie s\u0105Id \u015Bni\u0105cego. Kategoria:Mag: Przebudzenie"@pl . . . "DaiMon \u00E9tait un rang semi-militaire utilis\u00E9 par l'Alliance Ferengie."@fr . . "Last appearance"@en . . . . "Japan's , Humans"@en . "Unknown or No Trademark.png"@en . "DaiMon to ranga quasi-wojskowa u\u017Cywana przez Sojusz Ferengi. Tytu\u0142 ten mniej wi\u0119cej odpowiada kapitanowi w Gwiezdnej Flocie. Upowa\u017Cnia\u0142 do dowodzenia okr\u0119tem Ferengi lub piastowania stanowiska wojskowego lub politycznego. W j\u0119zyku Ferengi, DaiMon, znaczy \"Kapitan\". (ENT: \u201EAcquisition\u201D) Wiadomo te\u017C, \u017Ce w rzadkich sytuacjach DaiMon dowodz\u0105cy okr\u0119tem, by\u0142 nazywany \"Przyw\u00F3dc\u0105\" przez swoj\u0105 za\u0142og\u0119. (TNG: \u201EPeak Performance\u201D)"@pl . . . "First appearance"@en . . "Daimons are a race of aliens that live on a planet called Damonar.currently not much is known about them aside from the fact that they resemble half humans half monsters and have the powers of said monsters."@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . . "In zeldzame gevallen wordt de CO door de bemanningsleden \"Leider\" genoemd. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\") DaiMons kregen toestemming van de alliantie om nieuwe handelsmogelijkheden te onderzoeken. Hieronder vielen onderhandelingen over nieuwe handelswegen of afspraken, waaronder ook piraterij. DaiMons mochten voor de gehele Ferengi alliantie spreken, misschien zelfs voor de Grote nagus. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\" \u2022 \"The Price\") Het was echter niet ongebruikelijk om winstmogelijkheden na te jagen die niet goedgekeurd waren door de alliantie. Als deze kans gemist werd verloor de DaiMon zijn leidende positie en zou zelfs door de overheid onteerd kunnen worden. (TNG: \"The Battle\" \u2022 \"Rascals\")"@nl . "Babylonian Demon"@en . "In the manga, the Death Busters used living hosts for Daimon eggs. Eventually the hosts would be unable to hold their original form and the Daimon would take over their body, transforming them into terrifying creatures. Once the Daimon was killed, most of the time the host would revert to their original form, still alive. However, the Witches 5 themselves were considered perfect Daimons, having completely and willing merged with the Daimon implanted in them. After Eudial and Tellu were severly damaged by the Senshi, they took on unique monstrous Daimon forms and would be destroyed by the Senshi. Kaolinite and Professor Tomoe became terrifying Daimons when they were forced to confront the Sailor Senshi directly. Daimons could be planted into a host and remain until the Death Busters activated them in order to assist in fighting the Senshi."@en . . . . . . "Daimon"@en . . "Status"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "DaiMon"@en . . . "Ghost"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No information"@en . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank in the Ferengi Alliance. A DaiMon was roughly equivalent in rank to a Starfleet Captain. The title was usually purchased, and a DaiMon would either be commanding a Ferengi starship or would be assigned to an equivalent political or military posting. The Ferengi Alliance empowered DaiMons to enter into trade agreements on behalf of the Alliance, including new trade routes and agreements. They also had the authority to speak for the Alliance itself - even for high officials such as the Grand Nagus. (TNG episodes: \"The Last Outpost\", \"The Battle\")"@en . . . . . . "thumb|right|Jajko daimona Daimony (jap. \u30C0\u30A4\u30E2\u30FC\u30F3 Daim\u014Dn) \u2013 potwory stworzone przez Bractwo \u015Amierci. Pierwszym daimonem by\u0142 Germatoid, kt\u00F3ry zarazi\u0142 Profesora S\u014Dichiego Tomoe. Ob\u0142\u0105kany Profesor zamierza\u0142 znale\u017A\u0107 \u015Awi\u0119ty Graal i u\u0142atwi\u0107 Pharaoh 90 przej\u015Bcie na Ziemi\u0119. Wyprodukowa\u0142 wi\u0119cej jajek daimon\u00F3w i zacz\u0105\u0142 eksperymentowa\u0107. W mandze daimony by\u0142y istotami bez okre\u015Blonej postaci, wygl\u0105da\u0142y mniej wi\u0119cej jak daimon, kt\u00F3ry zaatakowa\u0142 kiedy przebudzi\u0142a si\u0119 Sailor Uranus. Daimony rozwija\u0142y si\u0119 w ludzkim nosicielu. W anime ka\u017Cdy daimon ma w\u0142asny, indywidualny wygl\u0105d. Jest to zale\u017Cne od przedmiotu z jakim po\u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119 jego jajko. Ka\u017Cdy r\u00F3wnie\u017C ma na swoim ciele czarn\u0105 gwiazd\u0119, znak Bractwa \u015Amierci, kt\u00F3ry s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0142 do wykradni\u0119cia Kryszta\u0142u Czystego Serca. Kiedy daimony odzywa\u0142y si\u0119 na ko\u0144cu zdania powtarza\u0142y swoje imi\u0119 lub jego zdrobnienie."@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Daimons"@en . "DaiMon"@nl . "None"@en . "Name Meaning"@en . "None"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "To be added."@en . "Grass"@en . . . . "Name: Daimon Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Great Igva, Member of the Council of Four Powers and Abilities: Time Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Resurrection, Regeneration, Soul Manipulation, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Information Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Absorption, Non-Corporeal, Quantum Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Magic, Sealing, Immortality Attack Potency: Hyperverse level (He is an 507-dimensional entity) Stamina: Limitless Range: Hyperversal Weaknesses: Unknown"@en . . . . "In zeldzame gevallen wordt de CO door de bemanningsleden \"Leider\" genoemd. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\") DaiMons kregen toestemming van de alliantie om nieuwe handelsmogelijkheden te onderzoeken. Hieronder vielen onderhandelingen over nieuwe handelswegen of afspraken, waaronder ook piraterij. DaiMons mochten voor de gehele Ferengi alliantie spreken, misschien zelfs voor de Grote nagus. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\" \u2022 \"The Price\")"@nl . "The Guardian Spirit of Baelheit first revealed to exist after Sagi's meeting in Mintaka with the man; where after Sagi leaves he begins to discuss with her in much the same way Sagi does to his Guardian Spirit. As revealed during Baelheit's explanation of his tragic past; he met and bonded with Daimon in Nekton- the shrine of spirits in Mira. It is she who provides him with the knowledge necessary to create Machina. The legends of the power to shape the destiny of the world give Baelheit a new meaning in life that would ultimately corrupt him to the point of deciding that the peace of the world depended on his abilities to destroy any connections humanity had to Wings of the Heart; even despite his ironic connection to the very representation of such a thing. Over the years of his continued descent into this corruption of idealistic goals they remain together despite her no longer believing that what he does is right, perhaps out of some form of duty and friendship and the hope that he was still able to change his ways before it was too late. Ultimately this does not happen and she finally refuses to give him her power as he faces Sagi, making a stand and doing her part in righting the wrongs she and her host had done. Daimon is seen a final time breaking her bond with Balheit in order to let him die peacefully in a shower of cherry blossom petals, just as she had appeared when they had first met. Her name may be a reference to the Greek philosopher Socrates, who claimed that his decisions were influnced by an invisible being he called a \"daimon.\" The word eventually came to be \"demon\" in English."@en . . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank in the Ferengi Alliance. A DaiMon was roughly equivalent in rank to a Starfleet Captain. The title was usually purchased, and a DaiMon would either be commanding a Ferengi starship or would be assigned to an equivalent political or military posting. The Ferengi Alliance empowered DaiMons to enter into trade agreements on behalf of the Alliance, including new trade routes and agreements. They also had the authority to speak for the Alliance itself - even for high officials such as the Grand Nagus. (TNG episodes: \"The Last Outpost\", \"The Battle\") DaiMons were required to give sizable percentages of their claims to the Grand Nagus and the GuiMon in Chief. Occasionally a DaiMon could use a large discovery as leverage to demand a higher percentage. (TNG - The Lost Era novel: The Buried Age) Lwaxana Troi, in a habit of mispronouncing things, referred to DaiMon Tog as \"Demon Tog\". (TNG episode: \"M\u00E9nage \u00E0 Troi\")"@en . . . "None"@en . "In Ancient Greek mythology, a daimon was a good or malevolent supernatural being that was a level above mortals but below the Gods. The concept could include anything from a lesser god to the ghost of a dead hero. Plato famously described his mentor Socrates as frequently consulting with a daimon."@en . . . . . "Daimon in Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare"@en . . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank in the Ferengi Alliance, roughly the same in rank to a Starfleet Captain. The title was commonly purchased, and a DaiMon would either be in command of a Ferengi starship or would be assigned to a similar political or military posting. The Ferengi Alliance gave power to DaiMons to enter into trade agreements on behalf of the Alliance, including new trade routes and agreements. They also had the authority to speak for the Alliance itself, including the Grand Nagus. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\", \"The Battle\")"@en . . . "The Guardian Spirit of Baelheit first revealed to exist after Sagi's meeting in Mintaka with the man; where after Sagi leaves he begins to discuss with her in much the same way Sagi does to his Guardian Spirit. As revealed during Baelheit's explanation of his tragic past; he met and bonded with Daimon in Nekton- the shrine of spirits in Mira. It is she who provides him with the knowledge necessary to create Machina. The legends of the power to shape the destiny of the world give Baelheit a new meaning in life that would ultimately corrupt him to the point of deciding that the peace of the world depended on his abilities to destroy any connections humanity had to Wings of the Heart; even despite his ironic connection to the very representation of such a thing. Over the years of his continue"@en . . . . . "Daimon was the leader of a pack of 50 wild dogs in Bungo Province, Ouita Prefecture."@en . "In the manga, the Death Busters used living hosts for Daimon eggs. Eventually the hosts would be unable to hold their original form and the Daimon would take over their body, transforming them into terrifying creatures. Once the Daimon was killed, most of the time the host would revert to their original form, still alive. However, the Witches 5 themselves were considered perfect Daimons, having completely and willing merged with the Daimon implanted in them. After Eudial and Tellu were severly damaged by the Senshi, they took on unique monstrous Daimon forms and would be destroyed by the Senshi. Kaolinite and Professor Tomoe became terrifying Daimons when they were forced to confront the Sailor Senshi directly. Daimons could be planted into a host and remain until the Death Busters activat"@en . . . "Daimon is a Chinese restaurant owned by Dendai Don. This restaurant serves a wide variety of dishes."@en . . . "DaiMon to ranga quasi-wojskowa u\u017Cywana przez Sojusz Ferengi. Tytu\u0142 ten mniej wi\u0119cej odpowiada kapitanowi w Gwiezdnej Flocie. Upowa\u017Cnia\u0142 do dowodzenia okr\u0119tem Ferengi lub piastowania stanowiska wojskowego lub politycznego. W j\u0119zyku Ferengi, DaiMon, znaczy \"Kapitan\". (ENT: \u201EAcquisition\u201D) Wiadomo te\u017C, \u017Ce w rzadkich sytuacjach DaiMon dowodz\u0105cy okr\u0119tem, by\u0142 nazywany \"Przyw\u00F3dc\u0105\" przez swoj\u0105 za\u0142og\u0119. (TNG: \u201EPeak Performance\u201D) DaiMoni byli upowa\u017Cnieni do zdobywania nowych mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci handlowych w imieniu Sojuszu Ferengi. W\u0142\u0105cznie z negocjacjami nowych dr\u00F3g handlu lub um\u00F3w, nawet piractwem. Opr\u00F3cz tego mogli wypowiada\u0107 si\u0119 w imieniu Sojuszu, a nawet czasami i samego Wielkiego Nagusa. (TNG: \u201EThe Last Outpost\u201D, \u201EThe Price\u201D) Jednak\u017Ce, DaiMonom nie by\u0142o obce szukanie okazji do zysku, nawet wtedy gdy nie by\u0142o to popierane przez Sojusz. W wypadku fiaska owego przedsi\u0119wzi\u0119cia mog\u0142o si\u0119 to sko\u0144czy\u0107 utrat\u0105 dowodzenia, a je\u017Celi dodatkowo by\u0142a to dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 przest\u0119pcza (a w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci przypadk\u00F3w tak si\u0119 dzia\u0142o), odrzuceniem przez rz\u0105d Ferengi. (TNG: \u201EThe Battle\u201D, \u201ERascals\u201D)"@pl . "Affiliation"@en . . . . . "Mastiff"@en . . "DaiMon"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "?? kg"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "DaiMon \u00E9tait un rang semi-militaire utilis\u00E9 par l'Alliance Ferengie."@fr . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . "DaiMon"@de . . . . . . . . "Daimon"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Daimon was the leader of a pack of 50 wild dogs in Bungo Province, Ouita Prefecture."@en . "None"@en . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . "Daimon is a Chinese restaurant owned by Dendai Don. This restaurant serves a wide variety of dishes."@en . "Large Gate"@en . . "ShodaiDaimon"@en . . "Breed"@en . "DaiMon ist ein Rang in der Ferengi-Allianz. Er ist in etwa gleichrangig mit einem Captain der Sternenflotte. DaiMons kommandieren zumeist Schiffe der D'kora-Klasse, auch \u201EMarodeur\u201C (engl. \u201EMarauder\u201C) genannt. (TNG: ) Ein DaiMon kann seines Ranges enthoben werden, wenn sich herausstellt, dass er unprofitabel arbeitet. (TNG: )"@de . . "DaiMon"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Name: Daimon Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Great Igva, Member of the Council of Four Powers and Abilities: Time Manipulation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Resurrection, Regeneration, Soul Manipulation, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Information Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Absorption, Non-Corporeal, Quantum Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Magic, Sealing, Immortality Attack Potency: Hyperverse level (He is an 507-dimensional entity) Durability: Hyperverse level (he is an 507-dimensional entity) Stamina: Limitless Range: Hyperversal Standard Equipment: Unknown Intelligence: Limited Omniscience Weaknesses: Unknown Daimon is a multidimensional being (more than a 500 dimensions). He has a large number of avatars, from which consists her main body. He can be separated in the billions of avatars at once, or assemble all of them into one body. In his conception of the world Daimon's multidimensionality does not give him infinite strength, speed, and so on, but he is able to freely navigate in the multidimensional spaces, incomprehensible for three-dimensional beings, and it provides him high indestructibility. To destroy Daimon required to completely destroy all his physical and mental incarnations in all the universes and dimensions. Manipulating his body Daimon allow him to make absolutely any shape, including increased up to the size of the universe. Powerful magic allows Daimon manipulate any physical laws within the universe, changing them widely. Significantly controls the space-time continuum, which allows him to change the number of dimensions in a large region of the universe, or minimize space, or creating gaps in the metric, or encapsulate the enemy in black holes, or catch the enemy in multi-dimensional traps inside quark, etc. Able to teleport within the limits of the universe, can move between universes itself or by zhrugr. His senses fully embraces the universe, which is located inside, and a few next to it. \n* Mental Manipulation - Daimon able to make a powerful mental attack which destroy the mind and the memory of the victims, or makes them crazy and kill. He can attack the population of entire worlds. Ordinary people can be killed by his presence, even without his desire. \n* Control - He is able to implement her own mental projections into millions of people, subjecting them to his will and to gain full access to the knowledge and memory. \n* Manipulation of dimensions - Daimon is a specialist in dimensional manipulation, his changes of metrics are very subtle and skillful. He is able to create millions of endless pocket measurements in the local area of \u200B\u200Breal space, embedding itself in every as a physical law, so invulnerable for enemy who not owning dimensional manipulation at the same high level. \n* The pulling of vacuum of the universe - any movement to this universe from another space causes phase shift and annihilation. Automatic protection of his own universe. \n* Chaos Generator - weapons created by Daimon through research Lucifer to create absolute chaos. After firing from this weapons within the whole universe is growing tension of all fields, nuclear resonance begins, converting all matter in the universe into one nuclear explosion, rotation symmetry of particles and finally the collapse of the universe to the one-dimensional point. \n* Manipulation of the universes - With preparation Uitsraor can manipulate the billions of universes (which are more than 500-dimensional structures), creating complex structures of them with different purposes (and is able to destroy all of it). \n* Zhrugr - Daimon \"horse\", biomechanical unit, designed to quickly move within the metaverse. Being the size of two kilometers and has powerful built-in weapons. Able to make powerful mental attack, shots with powerful streams of various types of radiation, annihilation attacks. The most powerful weapon capable of causing convolution of space."@en . . . "?? meters"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Daimons are a race of aliens that live on a planet called Damonar.currently not much is known about them aside from the fact that they resemble half humans half monsters and have the powers of said monsters."@en . . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank used by the Ferengi Alliance. A DaiMon was approximately equivalent to a Starfleet captain. The purchase of this title usually meant command of a Ferengi starship, or an official political or military posting. In the Ferengi language, DaiMon translated to \"Captain\". (ENT: \"Acquisition\") It was known that, on rare occasions, DaiMons in command of a starship were referred to as \"Leader\" by members of their crew. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\" ) DaiMons were authorized to explore new trade opportunities on behalf of the Ferengi Alliance. This may have included negotiating new trade routes or agreements, even piracy. DaiMons were often empowered to speak on behalf of the Ferengi Alliance, possibly even speaking for the Grand Nagus. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\" , \"The Price\" ) However, it was not uncommon for DaiMons to pursue profit opportunities that were not approved by the Ferengi Alliance. In such cases failed ventures could result in the loss of command for a DaiMon and, if criminal activity was involved (as may often be the case), disavowment by the Ferengi government. (TNG: \"The Battle\" , \"Rascals\" )"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Family or owners"@en . . . "Daimon to byt astralny b\u0119d\u0105cy przewodnikiem po danym Oneirosie \u015Bni\u0105cego, p\u00F3\u0142b\u00F3g jego w\u0142asnej psychiki. Jest tak oprowadzaczem, jak i ogrodnikiem, istot\u0105 wprowadzaj\u0105ca porz\u0105dek w chaosie Wewn\u0119trznych Kr\u00F3lestw. Jego celem jest zawsze jeden: udoskonalanie w\u0142a\u015Bciciel Oneirosa. W wype\u0142nieniu go nie cofnie si\u0119 przed niczym, razem z kontrolowaniem wizji \u015Bni\u0105cego, cho\u0107 zazwyczaj stara si\u0119 tylko przedstawia\u0107 dane zjawisko alegorycznie. Ma pokazywa\u0107 b\u0142\u0119dy, wady, czasem nawet naucza\u0107. Nale\u017Cy jednak pami\u0119ta\u0107 \u017Ce nie posiada on \u017Cadnej wiedzy kt\u00F3rej \u015Bni\u0105cy sam nie posiad\u0142 - mo\u017Ce sobie z niej nie zdawa\u0107 sprawy, ale zawsze s\u0105 to rzeczy kt\u00F3rych w\u0142a\u015Bciciel kiedy\u015B do\u015Bwiadczy\u0142 i mo\u017Ce pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 pozby\u0107 si\u0119 ze swego przytomnego umys\u0142u. W przypadku Czyni\u0105cych , dotyczy to te\u017C znajomo\u015Bci Arkan - Daimon, w obr\u0119bie As"@pl . . "Daimon"@en . "DaiMon was a quasi-military rank used by the Ferengi Alliance. A DaiMon was approximately equivalent to a Starfleet captain. The purchase of this title usually meant command of a Ferengi starship, or an official political or military posting. In the Ferengi language, DaiMon translated to \"Captain\". (ENT: \"Acquisition\") It was known that, on rare occasions, DaiMons in command of a starship were referred to as \"Leader\" by members of their crew. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\" )"@en . . . . . "Daimons are immortal spirits that are beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves."@en . . "In Ancient Greek mythology, a daimon was a good or malevolent supernatural being that was a level above mortals but below the Gods. The concept could include anything from a lesser god to the ghost of a dead hero. Plato famously described his mentor Socrates as frequently consulting with a daimon."@en . "Daimon"@en . "Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Volume 10"@en . . . . .