. . "Assaut Inarr\u00EAtable"@fr . "167.0"^^ . . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion) is TimeGreen (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimu Gur\u012Bn) of the Timerangers. A 17 year old (28 as for the Great Legend War in Gokaiger) Hummardian from the planet Hummard. His planet was destroyed as the result of war and was thus he was raised on Earth in a laboratory, a subject of experiments."@en . . "passive"@en . "Plus grande encore que Jupiter, Sion est une g\u00E9ante gazeuse compos\u00E9e d'hydrog\u00E8ne et d'h\u00E9lium. Malgr\u00E9 son puits de gravit\u00E9 profond et ses radiations mortelles, une petite industrie d'extraction d'h\u00E9lium-3 s'y est install\u00E9e ; en effet, c'est la seule g\u00E9ante gazeuse dans le syst\u00E8me Utopia et donc la seule source de combustible locale pour les stations \u00E9nerg\u00E9tiques et les spatioports. Sion poss\u00E8de 112 satellites allant du simple ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde \u00E0 la lune Asphod\u00E8le, suffisamment grande pour retenir une atmosph\u00E8re."@fr . . . "Obszarowe"@pl . . . "troisi\u00E8me"@fr . "passive"@fr . . "Sion"@fr . "74333"^^ . "Zielony"@pl . "Hamard"@pl . . . . . . . . . "Sion"@en . . "mana"@en . . "112"^^ . . . "active"@fr . "Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare : \n* Cisalpino AGCat\u00E9gorie:Gare (Cisalpino AG). \n* Lyria SASCat\u00E9gorie:Gare (Lyria SAS)."@fr . . . "None in Known space. Plenty in Chiss Space"@en . . . . . "Sion s'immobilise pendant 2 secondes maximum pour pr\u00E9parer une attaque qui frappera une large zone devant lui. Plus Fracas meurtrier est charg\u00E9 longtemps, plus les d\u00E9g\u00E2ts augmentent. \nIl inflige entre et d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques aux ennemis dans la zone, les sbires re\u00E7oivent 80% des dommages. Les ennemis touch\u00E9s sont l\u00E9g\u00E8rement ralentis. \nSi Sion charge au-del\u00E0 d'une seconde, les ennemis sont envoy\u00E9s en l'air et \u00E9tourdis entre 1.25 et 2.25 secondes."@en . . "TF Green Time Force Ranger.jpg"@en . "100"^^ . . . "*La gare de Sion, sur la commune de Sion . La gare est desservi par les trains Cisalpino et Lyria."@fr . "Seelenschmelze.jpg"@de . "Secteur Exodus"@fr . "Magiczne"@pl . "* Podczas Chwalebnej \u015Amierci Sion mo\u017Ce u\u017Cywa\u0107 atak\u00F3w podstawowych i aktywnych przedmiot\u00F3w, ale nie mo\u017Ce rzuca\u0107 czar\u00F3w przywo\u0142ywacza i normalnych umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci bohater\u00F3w.\n* Podczas Chwalebnej \u015Amierci pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ataku Siona staje si\u0119 statyczna i wynosi 1.75 atak\u00F3w na sekund\u0119, niezale\u017Cnie, czy przed \u015Bmierci\u0105 podsiada\u0142 on wi\u0119cej lub mniej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci ataku.\n* Czas trwania o\u017Cywienia jest liczony od wej\u015Bcia w Chwalebn\u0105 \u015Amier\u0107 po \u015Bmierci Siona.\n* Czas odnowy \u015Amiertelnego P\u0119du mo\u017Ce si\u0119 kilka razy odnowi\u0107 podczas Chwalebnej \u015Amierci, ale jest na to ma\u0142o prawdopodobne z powodu \u015Bmiertelno\u015Bci Siona.\n* Chwalebna \u015Amier\u0107 nie zadzia\u0142a, gdy Sion zostanie zabity przez obelisk nexus.\n* oraz dzia\u0142aj\u0105 przed Chwalebn\u0105 \u015Amierci\u0105.\n* Je\u015Bli Sion posiada przed \u015Bmierci\u0105 ulepszenia typu: , to traci je w momencie pierwszej \u015Bmierci i walcz\u0105c pi\u0119\u015Bciami ju\u017C nie ma tych wzmocnie\u0144."@pl . "Masahiro Kuranuki"@en . . . "Sion is an old, traditionalist Jedi. He has been through a large variety of orders and has also fought in three Major wars between the Sith and Jedi forces, once as a newly promoted Knight and once as a padawan and once as a lone Jedi Knight. After that he has fought in several minor wars and conflicts and has been actively on the front of battle for awhile now. He is also the leading Jedi expert in Force Crystals, using his considerable knowledge of science and Force to create Force Crystals and research them."@en . . "mana"@fr . . . . . . "That's a good question"@en . ": Sion zyskuje dodatkowe 2 punkty maksymalnego zdrowia za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy zabije wrog\u0105 jednostk\u0119, 10 punk\u00F3w, gdy zabije du\u017C\u0105 jednostk\u0119, bohatera lub zdob\u0119dzie asyst\u0119."@pl . . . . . . "Je\u017Celi Ryk Zab\u00F3jcy trafi wrogiego stwora lub potwora, to zostanie on dodatkowo odrzucony na pewien dystans. Odrzucona jednostka zadaje o 30% wi\u0119cej obra\u017Ce\u0144 magicznych i spowalnia na 2.5 sekundy wszystkich wrog\u00F3w, przez kt\u00F3rych przeleci. Odrzucone w ten spos\u00F3b stwory i potwory nie mog\u0105 omin\u0105\u0107 przeszk\u00F3d.\n \n 1500"@pl . "Luminous Arc 3EYES"@en . ": Sion rozpoczyna szar\u017C\u0119 w wybranym kierunku przez 8 sekund, w tym czasie nie mo\u017Ce atakowa\u0107 podstawowymi atakami, nie mo\u017Ce u\u017Cywa\u0107 i , ale mo\u017Ce u\u017Cywa\u0107 i staje si\u0119 odporny na wszystkie efekty kontroli t\u0142umu. Trajektoria szar\u017Cy jest wyznaczana kursorem myszy i powoli zmienia si\u0119 w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od jego po\u0142o\u017Cenia."@pl . "Br\u00FCllen des Schl\u00E4chters"@de . "UnaufhaltbarerAnsturm.jpg"@de . . "Wind"@en . "Feu Int\u00E9rieur"@fr . . "Ryk Zab\u00F3jcy"@pl . "Sion is a fairly powerful mage who can be encountered in the Guarded Compound in Athkatla's Temple District."@en . "* Odrzucone stwory i potwory nie mog\u0105 omin\u0105\u0107 przeszk\u00F3d."@pl . . . "Sion"@pl . . . "* Old Man Jedi\n* Solari Jedi Master\n* Covenant Jedi Knight"@en . . . . "TimeGreen"@en . . "Suisse"@fr . . "Sion"@en . "Sion br\u00FCllt in eine gew\u00FCnschte Richtung, f\u00FCgt allen getroffenen Gegnern Schaden zu, verlangsamt sie und reduziert die R\u00FCstung um 20% des ersten getroffenen Gegners f\u00FCr 2,5 Sekunden."@de . . "sek."@pl . "Sion"@sv . . . . . "Sion po otrzymaniu \u015Bmiertelnych ran staje si\u0119 na kr\u00F3tk\u0105 chwile niewra\u017Cliwy i wpada w morderczy sza\u0142, odzyskuj\u0105c pe\u0142nie zdrowia kosztem utraty zdrowia na sekund\u0119 do momentu ostatecznej \u015Bmierci."@pl . . . . ": Sion otacza si\u0119 krwaw\u0105 tarcz\u0105, absorbuj\u0105c\u0105 obra\u017Cenia przez 6 sekund. Po 3 sekundach Ku\u017Ania Dusz mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 zdetonowana, je\u015Bli nie zosta\u0142a zniszczona, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia magiczne wszystkim wrogom w obszarze. Dodatkowe obra\u017Cenia magiczne r\u00F3wne wynosz\u0105 maks. 400 pkt. przeciwko stworom i potworom. Tarcza samowolnie detonuje si\u0119 po 6 sekundach.\n\nPodczas u\u017Cywania pozosta\u0142ych umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci Sion mo\u017Ce swobodnie aktywowa\u0107 i detonowa\u0107 Ku\u017Ani\u0119 Dusz.\n 1100"@pl . . . . "Sion \u00E4r en ras av m\u00E4nniska inf\u00F6dda i Pegasus. Deras hemv\u00E4rld var M9R-373. Teyla Emmagan m\u00F6jligen hade kontakter med dem i det f\u00F6rflutna, som hon k\u00E4nner till planeten beteckning. Deras v\u00E4rld var m\u00E5ltavla f\u00F6r Asuranerna f\u00F6r att utpl\u00E5na Wraith. Atlantis Expeditionen f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte evakuera sina hemv\u00E4rld, men Asuranerna \u00E4nd\u00E5 lyckats d\u00F6da ca. 2,000 Sion, liksom L\u00F6jtnant Kemp och hans team. Dem \u00F6verlevande Sion blev f\u00F6rflyttade till en ny planet. (ATL: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\")"@sv . . "Timeranger"@pl . . . "Gragas IVideo.ogv"@pl . . "Sion erh\u00E4lt, immer wenn er eine Einheit t\u00F6tet, 2 maximales Leben .\n 550"@de . . . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . "300"^^ . . . "Shion"@en . . . . "Chwalebna \u015Amier\u0107 to p\u00F3\u0142-ulepszenie.\n\u015Amiertelny P\u0119d to p\u00F3\u0142-ulepszenie."@pl . . . . "Ku\u017Ania Dusz to p\u00F3\u0142-ulepszenie.\nKu\u017Ania Dusz to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa."@pl . "bis 1500"@de . . . . . . . . . "Sion is one of the protagonists of Luminous Arc 3. She is Sara's older sister whose power is yet to awaken. A kind-hearted girl who prefer to work behind the scene rather than letting herself shine."@en . . . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion?) is TimeGreen (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimugur\u012Bn?) of the Timerangers. A 17 year old Hummardian from the planet Hummard. His planet was destroyed as the result of war and was thus he was raised on Earth in a laboratory, a subject of experiments."@en . . . . "Niepowstrzymana Rze\u017A to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa."@pl . . "Sion s'entoure d'un bouclier de sang prot\u00E9geant de . Si le bouclier reste intact pendant toute sa dur\u00E9e, il explose et inflige d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques \u00E0 tous les ennemis proches. \n\nMaximum de 400 dommages suppl\u00E9mentaires sur les sbires et monstres. Sion peut faire exploser le bouclier pr\u00E9matur\u00E9ment en r\u00E9activant la comp\u00E9tence."@en . "Seelenschmelze"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . "blokuj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107."@pl . . . . . "mana"@de . "Sion"@fr . . "13.0"^^ . . . . "Dezimierender Schlag"@de . . . "500"^^ . . "Sion charge dans une direction pendant 8 secondes en suivant le pointeur de la souris. Quand il charge, il est immunis\u00E9 contre tous les contr\u00F4les de foule, et il tue instantan\u00E9ment tous les sbires sur lesquels il marche. R\u00E9activer le sort annule la charge de Sion. \nQuand Sion heurte un champion, il inflige d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques et le projette en l'air pendant 0.75. Les ennemis autour du champion pris dans l'impact re\u00E7oivent les m\u00EAmes dommages et subissent un ralentissement de pendant 3 secondes.\nSi Sion fonce dans un mur, il est \u00E9tourdit pendant 1 seconde et inflige des d\u00E9g\u00E2ts en zone. Ces d\u00E9g\u00E2ts augmente \u00E0 d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques, et le ralentissement passe \u00E0 1,75 secondes."@en . . . "*Exar Kun's Sith Empire\n*Revan's Sith Empire\n*Sith Triumvirate"@en . "Sion"@de . "Je\u015Bli Sion zderzy si\u0119 z wrogim bohaterem, , po ponownym u\u017Cyciu umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci lub po 8 sekundach do momentu zako\u0144czenia Niepowstrzymanej Rzezi, to wstrz\u0105\u015Bnie ziemi\u0105, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia fizyczne, podrzucaj\u0105c pobliskich wrog\u00F3w w obszarze i spowalniaj\u0105c dalszych. \n\nObra\u017Cenia s\u0105 , natomiast czas trwania spowolnienia i podrzucenia jest . Podczas szar\u017Cy Sion zyskuje z czasem na pr\u0119dko\u015Bci i tratuje wrogie stwory stoj\u0105ce na jego drodze."@pl . "SiOn"@es . . . . . "active"@en . . "Aki Toyosaki"@en . "Nie"@pl . . "175.0"^^ . "Ryk Zab\u00F3jcy to liniowa, koliduj\u0105ca umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 mierzona."@pl . "blokuj\u0105 obra\u017Cenia."@pl . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion) jest Time Zielonym (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimuguriin, Time Green) i najm\u0142odszym z Timerangers\u00F3w."@pl . "Timeranger Odcinek 51"@pl . . . . . . . . "Sion born in 1999 and now he's 30. He became so important because of his family. He dies at the 22th of March, 2029."@en . . . . . . "Sion"@fr . . . . . . . "Br\u00FCllendesSchl\u00E4chters.jpg"@de . "* Dziesi\u0105tkuj\u0105ce Uderzenie podobnie jak jest niewidoczne, gdy Sion jest niewidoczny dla przeciwnik\u00F3w, np.: stoi w zaro\u015Blach."@pl . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . "Sion \u00E4r en ras av m\u00E4nniska inf\u00F6dda i Pegasus. Deras hemv\u00E4rld var M9R-373. Teyla Emmagan m\u00F6jligen hade kontakter med dem i det f\u00F6rflutna, som hon k\u00E4nner till planeten beteckning. Deras v\u00E4rld var m\u00E5ltavla f\u00F6r Asuranerna f\u00F6r att utpl\u00E5na Wraith. Atlantis Expeditionen f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte evakuera sina hemv\u00E4rld, men Asuranerna \u00E4nd\u00E5 lyckats d\u00F6da ca. 2,000 Sion, liksom L\u00F6jtnant Kemp och hans team. Dem \u00F6verlevande Sion blev f\u00F6rflyttade till en ny planet. (ATL: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\")"@sv . . . . . . . . "The Sions were a race of Humans native to Pegasus. Their homeworld was M9R-373. Teyla Emmagan possibly had dealings with them in the past, as she is familiar to the planet designation. Their world was targeted by Asurans to wipe out the Wraith. The Atlantis Expedition tried to evacuate their homeworld, but the Asurans still managed to kill ca. 2,000 Sions, as well as Lieutenant Kemp and his team. (SGA: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\")"@en . "Gragas RVideo.ogv"@pl . "Timeranger Odcinek 1"@pl . . "Sion is a fairly powerful mage who can be encountered in the Guarded Compound in Athkatla's Temple District."@en . . . . . . . "Sion, Colosse Mort-Vivant est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . "Sion born in 1999 and now he's 30. He became so important because of his family. He dies at the 22th of March, 2029."@en . "Bow and Arrow"@en . "Les PV max de Sion augmentent \u00E0 chaque fois qu'il tue une unit\u00E9. 2 pour un sbire, 10 pour un monstre, champion ou lors d'une assistance."@en . . . "Wenn Br\u00FCllen des Schl\u00E4chters einen gegnerischen Vasallen oder ein Dschungelmonster trifft, so wirft Sions Schrei diese weit nach hinten. Die so zur\u00FCckgeschleuderten Vasallen und Monster f\u00FCgen Gegnern, mit denen sie kollidieren, Schaden zu und verlangsamen diese f\u00FCr 2,5 Sekunden."@de . . . "* Niepowstrzymana Rze\u017A zatrzymuje si\u0119 na przeszkodach stworzonych przez graczy typu: , , i .\n* Podczas Niepowstrzymanej Rzezi pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu Siona staje si\u0119 statyczna i wynosi 950 jednostek, niezale\u017Cnie od jego aktualnej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci ruchu."@pl . . . "Ku\u017Ania Dusz"@pl . "__NOWYSIWYG__SionKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . . "1.0"^^ . . . "Gragas QVideo.ogv"@pl . . "Sion, Colosse Mort-Vivant est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion) jest Time Zielonym (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimuguriin, Time Green) i najm\u0142odszym z Timerangers\u00F3w."@pl . . . "many"@pl . "Sion is one of the protagonists of Luminous Arc 3. She is Sara's older sister whose power is yet to awaken. A kind-hearted girl who prefer to work behind the scene rather than letting herself shine."@en . "10.5"^^ . . "Fracas Meurtrier"@en . . . . . "Unaufhaltbarer Ansturm"@de . "Utopia"@fr . "Dziesi\u0105tkuj\u0105ce Uderzenie to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa zadaj\u0105ca obra\u017Cenia fizyczne, spowalniaj\u0105ca lub podrzucaj\u0105ca wrog\u00F3w."@pl . "If you go near the giant watermill next to the mine's entrance, you'll see Sion. Sometimes his childish love for Ibbie might make him seem a little foolish, but love knows no age limits."@en . . "Assaut Inarr\u00EAtable"@en . "Csas'Ion'Inrokini"@en . "bis 7500"@de . "Podczas sza\u0142u Sion mo\u017Ce swobodnie porusza\u0107 si\u0119 i atakowa\u0107 podstawowymi atakami oraz zyskuje 100% premii do kradzie\u017Cy \u017Cycia, jego pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ataku stale wynosi 1.75, a jego podstawowe ataki zadaj\u0105 dodatkowe obra\u017Cenia fizyczne r\u00F3wne . Dodatkowo podczas sza\u0142u wszystkie jego umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci zostaj\u0105 zast\u0105pione ."@pl . . . "Tak"@pl . . "Lever"@sv . "sion.jpg"@pl . "Sion works as a waitress in a restaurant Kukai had been going to ever since he was a kid. Nadeshiko says the restaurant looked like one that would be in an American movie."@en . . "%"@pl . "Gray"@en . . "Sion s'entoure d'un bouclier de sang prot\u00E9geant de . Si le bouclier reste intact pendant toute sa dur\u00E9e, il explose et inflige d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques \u00E0 tous les ennemis proches. \n\nMaximum de 400 dommages suppl\u00E9mentaires sur les sbires et monstres. Sion peut faire exploser le bouclier pr\u00E9matur\u00E9ment en r\u00E9activant la comp\u00E9tence."@fr . "Mirai Sentai Timeranger"@en . . "The Sions were a race of Humans native to Pegasus. Their homeworld was M9R-373. Teyla Emmagan possibly had dealings with them in the past, as she is familiar to the planet designation. Their world was targeted by Asurans to wipe out the Wraith. The Atlantis Expedition tried to evacuate their homeworld, but the Asurans still managed to kill ca. 2,000 Sions, as well as Lieutenant Kemp and his team. (SGA: \"Be All My Sins Remember'd\")"@en . . . "Devant Soi"@en . "8.5"^^ . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion?) is TimeGreen (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimugur\u012Bn?) of the Timerangers. A 17 year old Hummardian from the planet Hummard. His planet was destroyed as the result of war and was thus he was raised on Earth in a laboratory, a subject of experiments."@en . . . . "* Pandora Regent"@en . . "Sion, also known as Darth Sion or the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Old Sith Wars. He lived until 4,000 BBY when he gained infirmity and pain. He served as a Sith Marauder to Exar Kun's Sith Empire during the Great Sith War where he battled a number of Jedi. Sion was known to be immortal when the pain welled up to agonizing levels, driving Sion to rise once more and strike down his killer. This was when he met with Haazen who suggested that he was a possible name he could take. Eventually, Sion fled when the Sith Acolyte was later killed by Lucien Draay."@en . . . . . "13"^^ . . "Sion Yoshikawa"@en . . . . . "*4,000 BBY \n**3,996 BBY \n***3,963 BBY, Korriban \n****3,951 BBY, Malachor V"@en . . . "2.0"^^ . "DezimierenderSchlag.jpg"@de . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . . "17"^^ . "White right eye, brown left eye"@en . "Devant Soi"@fr . "6000"^^ . . "Niepowstrzymana Rze\u017A"@pl . . "Sion"@en . . . . . . "Fizyczne"@pl . . "Sion (\u30B7\u30AA\u30F3 Shion) is TimeGreen (\u30BF\u30A4\u30E0\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3 Taimu Gur\u012Bn) of the Timerangers. A 17 year old (28 as for the Great Legend War in Gokaiger) Hummardian from the planet Hummard. His planet was destroyed as the result of war and was thus he was raised on Earth in a laboratory, a subject of experiments."@en . . "45"^^ . . . . "Red"@en . "Feu Int\u00E9rieur"@en . "Gragas EVideo.ogv"@pl . . "Chwalebna \u015Amier\u0107"@pl . . "Blue"@en . . . "*Solari Jedi Order\n* Order of the Jedi Covenant\n*Jedi Praxeum\n*Telos Jedi Order"@en . . . . "Sion"@en . "52.8"^^ . . "__NOWYSIWYG__SionKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . "51"^^ . . . "51"^^ . . . "Sion is an old, traditionalist Jedi. He has been through a large variety of orders and has also fought in three Major wars between the Sith and Jedi forces, once as a newly promoted Knight and once as a padawan and once as a lone Jedi Knight. After that he has fought in several minor wars and conflicts and has been actively on the front of battle for awhile now. He is also the leading Jedi expert in Force Crystals, using his considerable knowledge of science and Force to create Force Crystals and research them. Sion focuses mainly on furthering his knowledge of the Force and Crystals, not overly concerned with the other Jedi. Sion also has a long history, going as far back as the Telos IV Jedi order where he was trained to be a Jedi Knight under his master, Pandora Regent. He also met Salem, also a padawan at the time, there as well as many others such as Boba, Church, and more. After being Knighted, coincidentally at the same time as Salem, after about six months of training Sion was immediatly thrust into the Telosian War against Morpheus and helped fight on the front lines. A large number of Mandalorians joined the Jedi war effort for a time and he learned how to respect them and even speak their language, leading to many pleasant encounters with Mandalorians in his future. After a time Morpheus was defeated and the Jedi moved on but were sorely weakened. Enough so that for a long time other groups took charge of the scene. After a time the Jedi order was lured to the forests of Ziost and betrayed, their own padawans and Knights turning on the rest and the Masters the majority of the Order was struck down. Sion himself barely survived the massacre, and it created a fire and lonliness in him that defined the rest of his life. Sion has waited ever since, to help a new Jedi Order grow and take control. After awhile he joined the Jedi Covenant and tried to help his friend Lucas Atlantis, as well as Xoza, Kishoshima and Rykianna rebuild the Jedi. While bidding his time he was a significant annoyance to the Sith, his passion alike to that of a Sith he struck down many, leading covert operations to their homeworlds and inflicting as much damage as he could. Sion was never given the official title of Jedi master, nominated multiple times but ultimately never completing the process with the Jedi Covenant. The reason being his unconventional methods and the passion that never left him after the slaughter and dissolution of his order. However, his powers were on par with such and towards the very end of his known life he was substantially powerful though not always willing to use it. As he aged, he became more tolerant and started to return to the young Jedi knight who would negotiate with a sith and vie for a peaceful solution to conflict. He wandered for a long time, encountering many different characters, some who grew to become leaders of Armada's and some who faded from existence. He found purpose in guiding those less fortunate and truly following the path of the Jedi to be a beacon of light if not a leader in the dark places before he disappeared. Notably he was last known to sit on a bridge on Nar Shaddaa when the Revenant Armada had its base there and speak to passing Revenant staff and Sith, befriending a number and hoping to show them the value of acceptance and tolerance. After his successes on Nar, he was confronted by the ghosts of his many deceased friends and loved ones, convinced to finally rest as one of the last of his generation and kind. He went back into the Outer Rim to Chiss Space, old and battle-scarred but feeling accomplished. His respite lasted a span of years, leading memory of him and the generation of Jedi to which he belonged to fade from common talk. When he returned years later, older and significantly more grey haired, he was confronted with a new generation Jedi who by and large had never known his name or most of his peers. By chance he stumbled upon a small order, the Solari Jedi, led by a friend of his who had been mentored when he was a Knight. Serenity offered him a chance to teach and he took it, granted both a chance to help the new generation and to finally be given the title of Jedi Master. He taught there for several months before disappearing once more, to the edges of the Outer Rim he had found his passion for crystal rsearch re-ignited, leaving several artifacts to the young order in hopes it would serve them well. The aged Jedi came back after that time to Nar Shaddaa, where he quickly made friends and allies, such as the felactian Jay. The hunt for the alchemical sithspawn was already in progress and the protectors of the common folk found themselves another ally in him. He was critically injuried before the final attack on the origin of the sithspawn and took some time to recover. When he returned to Nar Shaddaa he found one of his few living friends, Serenity, was now known as Akiva. Her memories shattered, Sion slowly became more involved with tracking down her assailant until he let his power consume him; he began to ruthlessly track down leads and use his power and experience from war to take what information he need. Nearing the end of his search as he prepared to confront the Sith who had laid waste to his friend's mind, he was confronted by Jay. The battle was reluctant on both sides and ultimately, before Jay could strike Sion down, he let himself fall off the platform they fought on, disappearing once more... He has currently returned after half a year, alive and well to the galaxy. After the confrontation with Jay and Akiva he had gone to meditate and to figure out his place in the galaxy. His age and experience made him a significant force, but he also needed to realize it did not give him the right to be the sole decider in the fates of others. He still has the fire that has defined his actions through his life, but he is more careful in how he lets it out. He is currently wanted for 50,000 credits for attempting to take down Verne and starting a riot after a public execution of the GLA. He was assisted by several Mandalorians in the fight, with a particularly brave Mandalorian leading the assistance."@en . . . . . "G\u00E9ante gazeuse"@fr . . . . . . . "Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare : \n* Cisalpino AGCat\u00E9gorie:Gare (Cisalpino AG). \n* Lyria SASCat\u00E9gorie:Gare (Lyria SAS)."@fr . "Sion, also known as Darth Sion or the Lord of Pain, was a Sith Lord who lived during the time of the Old Sith Wars. He lived until 4,000 BBY when he gained infirmity and pain. He served as a Sith Marauder to Exar Kun's Sith Empire during the Great Sith War where he battled a number of Jedi. Sion was known to be immortal when the pain welled up to agonizing levels, driving Sion to rise once more and strike down his killer. This was when he met with Haazen who suggested that he was a possible name he could take. Eventually, Sion fled when the Sith Acolyte was later killed by Lucien Draay."@en . "14.05"^^ . . . "Sion works as a waitress in a restaurant Kukai had been going to ever since he was a kid. Nadeshiko says the restaurant looked like one that would be in an American movie."@en . ": Sion ryczy w wyznaczonym kierunku, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia magiczne, spowalniaj\u0105c oraz os\u0142abiaj\u0105c pancerz o 20% na 2.5 sekundy pierwszego trafionego przeciwnika."@pl . . "Gragas WVideo.ogv"@pl . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "100"^^ . . "Les PV max de Sion augmentent \u00E0 chaque fois qu'il tue une unit\u00E9. 2 pour un sbire, 10 pour un monstre, champion ou lors d'une assistance."@fr . . . . . "Green"@en . . "If you go near the giant watermill next to the mine's entrance, you'll see Sion. Sometimes his childish love for Ibbie might make him seem a little foolish, but love knows no age limits."@en . . . "* Ku\u017Ania Dusz nie posiada czasu rzucania.\n* Wszystkie premi\u0119 do zdrowia s\u0105 liczone w przeliczniku do tarczy w Ku\u017Ani Dusz."@pl . "550"^^ . "3.0"^^ . . "Plus grande encore que Jupiter, Sion est une g\u00E9ante gazeuse compos\u00E9e d'hydrog\u00E8ne et d'h\u00E9lium. Malgr\u00E9 son puits de gravit\u00E9 profond et ses radiations mortelles, une petite industrie d'extraction d'h\u00E9lium-3 s'y est install\u00E9e ; en effet, c'est la seule g\u00E9ante gazeuse dans le syst\u00E8me Utopia et donc la seule source de combustible locale pour les stations \u00E9nerg\u00E9tiques et les spatioports. Sion poss\u00E8de 112 satellites allant du simple ast\u00E9ro\u00EFde \u00E0 la lune Asphod\u00E8le, suffisamment grande pour retenir une atmosph\u00E8re."@fr . . "Sion"@en . "Chiss"@en . . . . . "Thule"@en . "* Eva Lekach \n* Travist"@en . "7500"^^ . . "Fracas Meurtrier"@fr . . . . "Sion"@sv . "Venus"@en .