. . "Deceased ; transferred to Ezri"@en . . "Vrouw"@nl . . . "Jadzia Dax"@it . . . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill and the eighth host of the Dax symbiont from 2367 to 2374. She was a Starfleet science officer who served on space station Deep Space 9 under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko."@en . . "Dax"@de . . . . . . "The eighth eventual Trill host of the symbiont Dax is the discoverer of the Bajoran wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, which catapulted the area into the galactic hotseat. The perspective of seven previous lifetimes has left her with an extremely broad view of life which surprisingly skews to the unpredictable and even mischievous rather than the staid and conservative, while symbiosis itself at times has proved to be problematic in her off-world career."@en . . . "Jadzia Dax in 2374"@nl . . . . . "2018"^^ . . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill Starfleet officer serving as science officer aboard Deep Space 9 from 2369 until her death in 2374. She was the Dax symbiont's eighth host. Jadzia Idaris was born in 2341 to her mother and father, Kela, on the Trill homeworld. She also had a sister, but she remained the ambitious one in her family. Her father died when she was young, but her mother and sister were still alive as of 2372."@en . . . . . . . "Worf"@de . . . . . "none"@en . . "2341"^^ . . "Dax"@fr . . . . . "Jadzia Dax was a Trill female, the eighth host of the Dax Symbiont and a member of Deep Space Nine crew. She was murdered by Gul Skrain Dukat in 2374, but was rejoined to the Xon Symbiont in 2385 when a cloned \"Jadzia\" was created."@en . . . "Il tenente Jadzia Dax"@it . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill and the eighth host of the Dax symbiont from 2367 to 2374. She was a Starfleet science officer who served on space station Deep Space 9 under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko."@en . "She was famous for having sex with Worf and kinda put her thingy into Ezri Dax. Jadzia had sex with Kira and Leeta in the holodeck in Quark's. Jadzia was played by noted vampire Terry Farrell. Like all members of the undead, Ms. Farrell could not be in contact with direct sunlight and preyed upon the living for sustenance. Many grips and interns were killed over the first six seasons of DS9 to keep the soulless actress nourished. She left the series once Paramount was acquired by a division of Van Helsing Enterprises."@en . . "2374"^^ . . "2369"^^ . . . . . "50"^^ . "Jadzia, der Wirt, wird 2341 auf Trill geboren. Jadzia ist ein sch\u00FCchternes und ruhiges Kind. Sie lebt mit ihren Eltern und ihrer Schwester auf Trill und wird immer schon von ihrem Ehrgeiz angetrieben, einmal ein vereinigter Trill zu werden. So konzentriert sie sich schon in ihrer Kindheit und Jugend darauf, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. (DS9: ) Sie ist das einzige Mitglied ihrer Familie, das mit einem Symbionten vereinigt wird. (DS9: ) Vor ihrer Vereinigung besucht sie erfolgreich die Sternenflottenakademie und erlangt dort akademische Abschl\u00FCsse in Exobiologie, Zoologie, Astrophysik und Exoarch\u00E4ologie. Auf der Erde lebt Jadzia einige Zeit in Rio de Janeiro. (DS9: ) Nach Abschluss der Sternenflottenakademie kehrt sie nach Trill zur\u00FCck, um sich mit einem Symbionten vereinigen zu lassen. Dieses Ansinnen wird von der Symbiosekommission auf Dr\u00E4ngen von Curzon Dax abgewiesen. Ihr Einspruch ist jedoch erfolgreich und sie wird in das Programm aufgenommen, zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte Trills wird damit eine Abweisung revidiert. Die Abweisung macht ihr noch Jahre danach zu schaffen und ist der Grund, warum sie nie positiv \u00FCber eine R\u00FCckkehr nach Trill denkt. Sie kann nie verstehen, warum sie von Curzon Dax aus dem Programm geworfen worden ist. (DS9: ) Nachdem sie in das Vereinigungsprogramm wieder aufgenommen worden ist, erf\u00E4hrt sie, dass es schlecht um Curzon Dax' Gesundheit steht und bewirbt sich daf\u00FCr, den Dax-Symbionten nach seinem Tod zu bekommen. Im Jahr 2367 wird sie Nachfolgerin von Curzon Dax als Wirtin von Dax. Sp\u00E4ter, w\u00E4hrend ihres Zhian'tara erf\u00E4hrt sie, dass Curzon Dax sie abgewiesen hat, weil er verliebt in sie gewesen ist. (DS9: ) Wenn man wissen m\u00F6chte, wer man ist, ist es wichtig zu wissen, wer man war.Jadzia Dax (DS9: ) Nach der Vereinigung \u00FCbernimmt Jadzia einige Angewohnheiten der fr\u00FCheren Wirte: Sie beginnt, ihre H\u00E4nde hinter dem R\u00FCcken zu verschr\u00E4nken, beginnt klingonische Kampfkunst zu lernen, interessiert sich sehr f\u00FCr klingonische Kultur und beginnt, das ferengische Spiel Tongo zu spielen, um nur ein paar aufzuz\u00E4hlen. (DS9: ) Schon als F\u00E4hnrich und Lieutenant Junior Grade hegt sie freundschaftliche Beziehungen zu vielen prominenten Offizieren. Sie ist bekannt mit Captain Keogh, obwohl die beiden nicht so gut miteinander auskommen und ist mit Captain Shelby befreundet, der ihr noch einen Gefallen schuldet, den sie dann bei Gelegenheit einfordert. (DS9: , )"@de . . . . . . . . "Lieutenant commander"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "2374"^^ . . . . . "Jadzia Dax"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Asignada a la estaci\u00F3n mas lejana de la Federaci\u00F3n en el a\u00F1o 2369. Desde ni\u00F1a trabaj\u00F3 duro para lograr el honor de ser hu\u00E9sped de un simbionte, logrando ser la \u00FAnica de su familia en alcanzar esa distinci\u00F3n. Se especializ\u00F3 en estudios de exobiolog\u00EDa, astrof\u00EDsica, zoolog\u00EDa y exoarqueolog\u00EDa y posee el grado de Piloto 3. Fue supervisada personalmente por su anterior hu\u00E9sped Curson Dax quien muere en el a\u00F1o 2367 y le transfiere su simbionte. Por su belleza es pretendida por muchos hombres, entre ellos el mism\u00EDsimo Julian Bashir. El capit\u00E1n Boday fue otro de sus amantes ocasionales."@es . . . "Jadzia naquit en 2341 sur la plan\u00E8te Trill. En grandissant, Jadzia a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 une enfant tranquille et timide. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 entour\u00E9e de ses p\u00E8re et m\u00E8re, de sa soeur, et a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 encourag\u00E9e dans son ambition d'\u00EAtre un jour unie \u00E0 un symbiote. Elle consacra les jeunes ann\u00E9es de sa vie \u00E0 \u00E9tudier afin d'arriver \u00E0 ce but. Elle \u00E9tait la seule de sa famille \u00E0 vouloir se joindre \u00E0 un symbiote. (DS9: \"Emissary\", \"Invasive Procedures\", \"Playing God\") Ayant comme priorit\u00E9 la Jonction et en attendant la d\u00E9cision de la Commission Symbiotique Trill, Jadzia cependant int\u00E9gra l'Acad\u00E9mie de Starfleet et en sortit laur\u00E9ate en Astrophysique, Exo-arch\u00E9ologie, Exobiologie et Zoologie. (DS9: \"Playing God\") En 2364, apr\u00E8s avoir travaill\u00E9 durement Jadzia fut rejet\u00E9e par la Commission et \u00E9limin\u00E9e du programme par Curzon Dax, son field docent[\u00E0 traduire]Cat\u00E9gorie:Memory Alpha Traduction demand\u00E9e. Mais elle reformula sa demande au cours de l'ann\u00E9e et devint la premi\u00E8re Trill \u00E0 r\u00E9ussir le programme apr\u00E8s avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 rejet\u00E9e. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\") Cette exp\u00E9rience la hanta durant des ann\u00E9es et ce fut l'une des raisons pour laquelle elle ne voulait pas revenir sur la plan\u00E8te Trill. Elle ne sut pas pourquoi elle avait \u00E9t\u00E9 \u00E9limin\u00E9e par Curzon. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Facets\") En 2367, Jadzia apprit que la sant\u00E9 de Curzon faiblissait et demanda \u00E0 \u00EAtre la suivante \u00E0 fusionner avec le symbiote Dax, ce qui fut autoris\u00E9. Suite \u00E0 cette symbiose, durant sa c\u00E9r\u00E9monie du zhian'tara, elle sut enfin pourquoi, il l'avait \u00E9limin\u00E9e: il \u00E9tait tomb\u00E9 amoureux d'elle. (DS9: \"Facets\") Apr\u00E8s s'\u00EAtre jointe \u00E0 Dax, elle s'accoutuma facilement aux exp\u00E9riences et aux souvenirs des 7 vies pr\u00E9c\u00E9dentes. Jadzia qui \u00E9tait timide, devint plus confiante en elle et une jeune femme pleine de vie. \"Afin de savoir qui vous \u00EAtes, il est importante de savoir qui vous f\u00FBtes.\" Elle se sentait bien avec elle-m\u00EAme. D'ailleurs, plus tard, Garak, une fois l'a d\u00E9crit ainsi: \"Essentielle, vivante... Ma\u00EEtre d'elle-m\u00EAme\" (DS9: \"Afterimage\") Elle prit les habitudes des h\u00F4tes pr\u00E9c\u00E9dents comme de mettre ses mains dans le dos, de pratiquer les arts martiaux klingon et la culture klingonnne, le tongo ferengi... (DS9: \"Dax\", \"Blood Oath\", \"Playing God\"; \"Business as Usual\") M\u00EAme en tant qu'Enseigne, puis Sous-lieutenant de Starfleet, elle avait des relations avec de nombreux officiers sup\u00E9rieurs ; comme avec le capitaine Keogh bien qu'ils ne s'entendirent pas. Elle \u00E9tait \u00E9galement amie avec le capitaine Shelby de l'USS Sutherland NCC-72015 qui lui devait une faveur, qu'il honora. (DS9: \"The Jem'Hadar\", \"You Are Cordially Invited...\")"@fr . . . "She was famous for having sex with Worf and kinda put her thingy into Ezri Dax. Jadzia had sex with Kira and Leeta in the holodeck in Quark's. Jadzia was played by noted vampire Terry Farrell. Like all members of the undead, Ms. Farrell could not be in contact with direct sunlight and preyed upon the living for sustenance. Many grips and interns were killed over the first six seasons of DS9 to keep the soulless actress nourished. She left the series once Paramount was acquired by a division of Van Helsing Enterprises."@en . . "Jadzia Dax, born Jadzia Idaris in the year 2341 on the planet Trill, was a joined female Trill in the 24th century. She had one younger sister, Ziranne. Her father's name was Kela Idaris. (DS9 episode: \"You Are Cordially Invited\"; DS9 short story: \"Reflections\"; DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)"@en . . . . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . "JadziaDax2374.jpg"@en . . "100.0"^^ . . "Jadzia, der Wirt, wird 2341 auf Trill geboren. Jadzia ist ein sch\u00FCchternes und ruhiges Kind. Sie lebt mit ihren Eltern und ihrer Schwester auf Trill und wird immer schon von ihrem Ehrgeiz angetrieben, einmal ein vereinigter Trill zu werden. So konzentriert sie sich schon in ihrer Kindheit und Jugend darauf, ihre Ziele zu erreichen. (DS9: ) Sie ist das einzige Mitglied ihrer Familie, das mit einem Symbionten vereinigt wird. (DS9: ) Auf der Erde lebt Jadzia einige Zeit in Rio de Janeiro. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . . . "Citoyen de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration"@fr . . . . . "Jadzia Dax"@pl . "2374"^^ . . . "Jadzia Dax, n\u00E9e Idaris"@en . . "Brown"@en . "Old Man"@en . . . "Lieutenant Commander"@de . "2367"^^ . . . . . . . . "Lieutenant"@fr . "Jadzia Dax, born Jadzia Idaris in the year 2341 on the planet Trill, was a joined female Trill in the 24th century. She had one younger sister, Ziranne. Her father's name was Kela Idaris. (DS9 episode: \"You Are Cordially Invited\"; DS9 short story: \"Reflections\"; DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)"@en . "The eighth eventual Trill host of the symbiont Dax is the discoverer of the Bajoran wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, which catapulted the area into the galactic hotseat. The perspective of seven previous lifetimes has left her with an extremely broad view of life which surprisingly skews to the unpredictable and even mischievous rather than the staid and conservative, while symbiosis itself at times has proved to be problematic in her off-world career. Jadzia has two parents and one sister, all still alive by 2372. Although she was not above breaking windows at night as a crack shot with rocks when younger, the quiet, shy and naive young woman had worked hard since childhood to qualify for the Trill hosting program and received academic degrees in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics and exo-archaeology at Starfleet Academy, although at the time of her DS9 posting at age 28 as a lieutenant she had never served on a starship. In 2367 at age 26, Jadzia made history as the only rejected Trill initiate to return successfully and pass the program. She had spent three years in all as an initiate and hardly ever left its complex; she didn't receive basic flight experience certification of Level 3 until her last year of training. Ironically, after acceptance she chose the Dax symbiont previously hosted by Curzon, her harsh field docent. He had rejected her in the first place after only two weeks of field training as unmotivated and unfocused \u2014 an act which dogged Jadzia for years, despite her success; she had studied his infamous record and was already nauseated with the pressure, crying herself to sleep each night until she was dropped. It was only later, after she redoubled her efforts and passed the training with his approval, that she learned he had really rejected her only out of misplaced guilt due to his sexual attraction to the attractive young woman. The Joining was completed as Curzon neared the end of a slow, lingering death in mid-year. Such a turbulent relationship with the previous host of the symbiont she now carries has haunted Jadzia, who has found herself in a love-hate relationship with his legacy that at times has bordered on sheer competiion. In addition, due to her off-world posting, Dax has probably endured more conflict due to symbiosis than the typical Joined Trill. Accused of Curzon's alleged murder of Klaestron IV's General Tandro by the general's zealous son, she had preferred a death sentence rather than expose Tandro's role as a rebel collaborator and Curzon's affair with his wife, both eventually revealed. In 2370 she supervised her own first initiate trainee, Arjin, only three years younger than she, and came to grips with some suppressed bitterness about Curzon's treatment of her. Curzon figured again weeks later when she swore to uphold a blood oath of his on an unauthorized quest with Klingons Kor, Kang and Koloth that could have cost her life, much less her Starfleet career."@en . . "Jadzia Dax"@cs . . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill Starfleet officer serving as science officer aboard Deep Space 9 from 2369 until her death in 2374. She was the Dax symbiont's eighth host. Jadzia Idaris was born in 2341 to her mother and father, Kela, on the Trill homeworld. She also had a sister, but she remained the ambitious one in her family. Her father died when she was young, but her mother and sister were still alive as of 2372. Several non-canon sources have established Jadzia's pre-joined surname as Idaris, and, for purposes of this article, we will use this as her pre-joined surname. In Star Trek: Arcadia continuity, Jadzia's pre-joining surname was Kuran (k\u0289r'an). This name came from a \"spec script\" submitted to (and rejected by) DS9's producers."@en . . . . . . "Married"@en . . "\"A volte mi fa piacere quando sono i cattivi a vincere.\" - Jadzia Dax, 2373 Jadzia Dax era una Trill congiunta, l'ottavo ospite del simbionte Dax dal 2367 al 2374, ed un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare. Era nata nel 2341 su Trill ed era stata unita a Dax nel 2367 dopo la morte dell'ospite precedente, Curzon."@it . . "JadziaDax2374.jpg"@nl . . . . . . . . . "Flotta Stellare della Federazione, Casato di Martok"@it . . . . "Jadzia Dax"@en . "Jadzia Dax was a female Trill crewmember of Deep Space 9, born in 2341. She was joined to a symbiont called Dax after the previous host's death."@en . . . "2374"^^ . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej, San Francisco, Ziemia. \n* 2369-2373 Porucznik Dax s\u0142u\u017Cy na DS9 jako Oficer Naukowy. \n* 2372 Porucznik Dax otrzymuje awans do stopnia komandora porucznika. \n* 2373 Komandor por. Dax, wraz z personelem Floty, zostaje ewakuowana z DS9. \n* 2374 Komandor por. Dax otrzymuje dow\u00F3dztwo na U.S.S. \"Defiant\" NX-74205. \n* 2374 DS9 zostaje odbita z r\u0105k Dominium. Komandor por. Dax ponownie zostaje Oficerem Naukowym na tej stacji."@pl . . . . . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill, the eighth host of the Dax Symbiont from 2367 to 2375, and a Starfleet officer. She was born in 2341 on the Trill homeworld and was joined to Dax in 2367 after the death of its previous host, Curzon."@en . . . . "Lt. Jadzia Dax"@de . . . . . . . . "2374"^^ . . "Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax"@en . "2341"^^ . . "Jadzia Dax, 2369.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Deep Space 9"@fr . . . . . . . . "Getrouwd"@nl . . . . . "\"A volte mi fa piacere quando sono i cattivi a vincere.\" - Jadzia Dax, 2373 Jadzia Dax era una Trill congiunta, l'ottavo ospite del simbionte Dax dal 2367 al 2374, ed un ufficiale della Flotta Stellare. Era nata nel 2341 su Trill ed era stata unita a Dax nel 2367 dopo la morte dell'ospite precedente, Curzon."@it . . . . . . "Akademia Floty Gwiezdnej, San Francisco, Ziemia. \n* 2369-2373 Porucznik Dax s\u0142u\u017Cy na DS9 jako Oficer Naukowy. \n* 2372 Porucznik Dax otrzymuje awans do stopnia komandora porucznika. \n* 2373 Komandor por. Dax, wraz z personelem Floty, zostaje ewakuowana z DS9. \n* 2374 Komandor por. Dax otrzymuje dow\u00F3dztwo na U.S.S. \"Defiant\" NX-74205. \n* 2374 DS9 zostaje odbita z r\u0105k Dominium. Komandor por. Dax ponownie zostaje Oficerem Naukowym na tej stacji."@pl . . . "Lieutenant Jadzia Dax"@en . . "Maja D\u00FCrr"@de . . . . . "Jadzia Dax"@de . "P\u00E8re: Kela"@fr . . "Jadzia"@fr . . "220"^^ . . . . "Jadzia Dax was a joined Trill, the eighth host of the Dax Symbiont from 2367 to 2375, and a Starfleet officer. She was born in 2341 on the Trill homeworld and was joined to Dax in 2367 after the death of its previous host, Curzon."@en . "Terry Farrell"@de . . . "Deceduta"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jadzia Dax was een Trill en de achtste gastvrouw van de Dax symbiont, tussen 2367 en 2374, en een Starfleet officer. Ze was in 2341 geboren op de Trill thuiswereld en werd in 2367 de nieuwe gastvrouw van de symbiont na de dood van de vorige gastheer, Curzon."@nl . "Jadzia Dax"@en . "Jadzia Dax"@en . . . "Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax"@en . "Lieutenant Jadzia Dax"@en . . . "Officier de Starfleet"@fr . "Jadzia Dax"@es . . . . . . "Jadzia Dax was a Trill female, the eighth host of the Dax Symbiont and a member of Deep Space Nine crew. She was murdered by Gul Skrain Dukat in 2374, but was rejoined to the Xon Symbiont in 2385 when a cloned \"Jadzia\" was created."@en . "Science officer of Deep Space 9"@en . . . "Jadzia l\u00E4chelt 2369.jpg"@de . . . "Jadzia Dax was een Trill en de achtste gastvrouw van de Dax symbiont, tussen 2367 en 2374, en een Starfleet officer. Ze was in 2341 geboren op de Trill thuiswereld en werd in 2367 de nieuwe gastvrouw van de symbiont na de dood van de vorige gastheer, Curzon."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Asignada a la estaci\u00F3n mas lejana de la Federaci\u00F3n en el a\u00F1o 2369. Desde ni\u00F1a trabaj\u00F3 duro para lograr el honor de ser hu\u00E9sped de un simbionte, logrando ser la \u00FAnica de su familia en alcanzar esa distinci\u00F3n. Se especializ\u00F3 en estudios de exobiolog\u00EDa, astrof\u00EDsica, zoolog\u00EDa y exoarqueolog\u00EDa y posee el grado de Piloto 3. Fue supervisada personalmente por su anterior hu\u00E9sped Curson Dax quien muere en el a\u00F1o 2367 y le transfiere su simbionte. Lo primero que hace en la estaci\u00F3n es ir a visitar a su viejo amigo Benjamin Sisko, pero a este le resulta dif\u00EDcil aceptar al nuevo hu\u00E9sped en especial porque es mujer. En 2371 se da cuenta que parte de sus recuerdos fueron borrados, para ocultar la existencia de Joran Dax, el Trill asesino demente. En 2370 casi muere cuando un Verad quer\u00EDa apoderarse del simbionte. Un a\u00F1o mas tarde tiene la oportunidad de vengar a Curson matando a su archienemigo El Albino, lo hace en compa\u00F1\u00EDa de sus viejos camaradas Kor, Kang y Koloth, en el planeta Sikarus IV. Por su belleza es pretendida por muchos hombres, entre ellos el mism\u00EDsimo Julian Bashir. El capit\u00E1n Boday fue otro de sus amantes ocasionales. Realiza la ceremonia de Zhian'Thara que la une con los dem\u00E1s hu\u00E9spedes pudiendo volver a vivir sus vidas. Se junta con la esposa de uno de sus hu\u00E9spedes, Torias Dax llamada Nilani, lo cual est\u00E1 muy mal visto entre los Trill. Reconoce una inusual atracci\u00F3n hacia el jefe de operaciones de la estaci\u00F3n Worf, de quien se enamora. Se casan no sin antes tener los problemas de toda pareja normal. Dax muere a manos del cardassiano Gul Dukat que estaba pose\u00EDdo por los enemigos de los Profetas Bajorianos. Antes de la morir como es la costumbre y despu\u00E9s de escuchar los gritos de Worf el simbionte pasa a un nuevo hu\u00E9sped, Ezri."@es . . . . "w"@de . . "Coniugata"@it . . . . "Jadzia naquit en 2341 sur la plan\u00E8te Trill. En grandissant, Jadzia a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 une enfant tranquille et timide. Elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 entour\u00E9e de ses p\u00E8re et m\u00E8re, de sa soeur, et a toujours \u00E9t\u00E9 encourag\u00E9e dans son ambition d'\u00EAtre un jour unie \u00E0 un symbiote. Elle consacra les jeunes ann\u00E9es de sa vie \u00E0 \u00E9tudier afin d'arriver \u00E0 ce but. Elle \u00E9tait la seule de sa famille \u00E0 vouloir se joindre \u00E0 un symbiote. (DS9: \"Emissary\", \"Invasive Procedures\", \"Playing God\") \"Afin de savoir qui vous \u00EAtes, il est importante de savoir qui vous f\u00FBtes.\""@fr . . . . . "Il tenente comandante Jadzia Dax"@it . . "Kdy\u017E vyr\u016Fstala, byla Jadzia v\u017Edycky velmi stydlivou a tichou d\u00EDvkou. \u017Dila se sv\u00FDm otcem, matkou a sestrou na Trillu a u\u017E od d\u011Btstv\u00ED snila o tom, \u017Ee bude jednou p\u0159ipojena k symbiontovi. Str\u00E1vila v\u011Bt\u0161inu sv\u00E9ho rann\u00E9ho \u017Eivota soust\u0159ed\u011Bn\u00EDm se na dosahov\u00E1n\u00ED sv\u00FDch vyty\u010Den\u00FDch c\u00EDl\u016F, zejm\u00E9na pak tohoto. Byla jedinn\u00FDm \u010Dlenem jej\u00ED rodiny, kter\u00FD byl kdy p\u0159ipojen k symbiontovi. (DS9: \"Invasive Procedures\") \"Abys zjistil kdo jsi, je d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E9 v\u011Bd\u011Bt k\u00FDm jsi byl.\" - Jadzia Dax"@cs . . "2341"^^ . . . . "Host of"@en . . "Trill"@de . . . . "2369"^^ . "Jadzia Dax was a female Trill crewmember of Deep Space 9, born in 2341. She was joined to a symbiont called Dax after the previous host's death."@en . . "Jadzia Idaris"@en . . . . "fed"@en . . . . . "Femmina"@it . . "Jadzia"@de . . . . . . . . . "Eventually Thirishar ch'Thane"@en . . . . . . . "Commanding officer of the"@en . . "F\u00F6derationsb\u00FCrger"@de . . "2341"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Jadzia Dax"@nl . . . "F\u00E9minin"@fr . . . . . "2341"^^ . . "teal1"@en . . "Haus des Martok"@de . "JadziaDax2369.jpg"@it . . "Jadzia Dax"@fr . . "Kdy\u017E vyr\u016Fstala, byla Jadzia v\u017Edycky velmi stydlivou a tichou d\u00EDvkou. \u017Dila se sv\u00FDm otcem, matkou a sestrou na Trillu a u\u017E od d\u011Btstv\u00ED snila o tom, \u017Ee bude jednou p\u0159ipojena k symbiontovi. Str\u00E1vila v\u011Bt\u0161inu sv\u00E9ho rann\u00E9ho \u017Eivota soust\u0159ed\u011Bn\u00EDm se na dosahov\u00E1n\u00ED sv\u00FDch vyty\u010Den\u00FDch c\u00EDl\u016F, zejm\u00E9na pak tohoto. Byla jedinn\u00FDm \u010Dlenem jej\u00ED rodiny, kter\u00FD byl kdy p\u0159ipojen k symbiontovi. (DS9: \"Invasive Procedures\") P\u0159ed p\u0159ipojen\u00EDm Jadzia studovala na Akademii Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily a byla Trillskou komis\u00ED pro symbiozu p\u0159ijata do programu, po jeho\u017E zd\u00E1rn\u00E9m absolvov\u00E1n\u00ED mohla b\u00FDt p\u0159ipojena k symbiontovi. Na Akademii mezit\u00EDm z\u00EDskala vyznamen\u00E1n\u00ED z astrofyziky, exoarchaeologie, exobiologie a zoologie. (DS9: \"Playing God\") Jadzia se velmi sna\u017Eila, ale u\u017E na po\u010D\u00E1tku byla z programu p\u0159ipojen\u00ED vylou\u010Dena jej\u00EDm zkou\u0161ej\u00EDc\u00EDm Curzonem Daxem, v roce 2364. Toho sam\u00E9ho roku, v\u0161ak byla do programu znovu p\u0159ijata. Stala se tak jedin\u00FDm Trillem v historii, kter\u00FD program \u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u011B dokon\u010Dil po p\u0159edchoz\u00EDm vylou\u010Den\u00ED. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\") Tato zku\u0161enost v\u0161ak nebyla jedna z t\u011Bch, na kter\u00E9 by r\u00E1da vzpom\u00EDnala. V\u017Edy kdy\u017E se vracela na Trill tak nem\u011Bla p\u0159\u00EDjemn\u00FD pocit. Nedok\u00E1zala pochopit, pro\u010D ji vlastn\u011B Curzon z programu vyhodil. Kr\u00E1tce pot\u00E9, co byla schv\u00E1lena pro p\u0159ipojen\u00ED, se Jadzia dozv\u011Bd\u011Bla, \u017Ee Curzon um\u00EDr\u00E1. Velice ji p\u0159ekvapilo, kdy\u017E Curzon vybral pr\u00E1v\u011B ji jako nov\u00E9ho hostitele Daxe. Byla k n\u011Bmu p\u0159ipojena v roce 2367. Pozd\u011Bji, b\u011Bhem jej\u00EDho ritu\u00E1lu Zhian'tara, zjistila, \u017Ee Curzonovy d\u016Fvody k jej\u00EDmu vylou\u010Den\u00ED z programu byly ryze osobn\u00ED, proto\u017Ee se do n\u00ED tehdy zamiloval. (DS9: \"Facets\") Po p\u0159ipojen\u00ED k Daxovi, se Jadzia sna\u017Eila p\u0159izp\u016Fsobit skute\u010Dnosti, \u017Ee m\u00E1 vzpom\u00EDnky z \u0161esti r\u016Fzn\u00FDch \u017Eivot\u016F. Vedla si v tom celkem dob\u0159e. D\u0159\u00EDv\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED stydliv\u00E1, pracovit\u00E1 a horliv\u00E1 Jadzia byla tatam. M\u00EDsto n\u00ED tu byla temperament\u00ED, sebejist\u00E1 a otev\u0159en\u00E1 \u017Eena s velk\u00FDm \u017Eivotn\u00EDm zaujet\u00EDm. \"Abys zjistil kdo jsi, je d\u016Fle\u017Eit\u00E9 v\u011Bd\u011Bt k\u00FDm jsi byl.\" - Jadzia Dax Po p\u0159ipojen\u00ED k symbiontovi Jadzia p\u0159evzala tak\u00E9 n\u011Bkter\u00E9 zvyky p\u0159edchoz\u00EDch hostitel\u016F, nap\u0159\u00EDklad no\u0161en\u00ED sev\u0159en\u00FDch rukou za z\u00E1dy, z\u00E1libu v Klingonsk\u00E9 kultu\u0159e nebo hran\u00ED Ferengsk\u00E9 hry jm\u00E9nem Tongo. U\u017E jako prapor\u010D\u00EDk a pozd\u011Bji podporu\u010D\u00EDk Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily, se st\u00FDkala s mnoha prominentn\u00EDmi d\u016Fstojn\u00EDky. Dob\u0159e znala tak\u00E9 kapit\u00E1na Keogha, nicm\u00E9n\u011B on ji nesn\u00E1\u0161el. Jej\u00EDm p\u0159\u00EDtelem byl nap\u0159\u00EDklad kapit\u00E1n Shelby, kter\u00FD j\u00ED dokonce dlu\u017Eil laskavost, \u010Deho\u017E Jadzia pozd\u011Bji vyu\u017Eila. (DS9: \"The Jem'Hadar\", \"You Are Cordially Invited\")"@cs . . . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . "Jadzia Dax"@nl . "Sternenflotte"@de . "2374"^^ . "Science Officer/Astrometrics"@en .