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Disability refers to the social effects of physical or mental impairment. This definition, known as the 'social model' of disability, makes a clear distinction between the impairment itself (such as a medical condition that makes a person unable to walk or unable to sit) and the disabling effects of society in relation to that impairment. As Frank Bowe put it in Handicapping America (1978), the real issue is the societal response to disability: if a community allows physical, architectural, transportation, and other barriers to remain in place, society is creating handicaps that oppress individuals with disabilities. If, on the other hand, a community removes those barriers, persons with disabilities can function at much higher levels. In simple terms, it is not the inability to walk or in A disability or handicap was a type of impairment of one's mind or body. The titular character of the novel Nicholas Nickleby had a handicapped friend named Smike. (ENT: "Cold Station 12") The founders of the Moab IV colony wished that none of their citizens would have to suffer from disabilities. (TNG: "The Masterpiece Society" ) In Picard's opinion, Dr. Crusher was asking too much of Worf to expect him to go from wanting to die to accepting his disabled condition following a freak accident in 2368. (TNG: "Ethics" ) The study and practice of the unspeakable arts of Daemonology and Necromancy soon take their toll on the magician's mind and body. Likewise, Evil and Chaotic magicians following other magical careers also suffer physical and mental degeneration. This is reflected by the acquisition of one or more Penalties at each level. Every time Daemonologists advance a level, they gain 1D6 Insanity Points, plus one of the Disabilities listed below. Necromancers also gain a Disability at each level and have a steadily increasing chance of contracting Tomb Rot. Evil or Chaotic magicians are slightly more fortunate, in that they only develop one Disability at each level. Other penalties, gained by summoning Daemons or using daemonic power-summoning spells, for example, are described in the introduction t Disability activism is based around the Social model of disability in which disability is analysed as a function of society being arranged so that certain mental or physical characteristics or impairments mean that an individual with them is less able to participate fully in society, ie is disabled. This is as opposed to other models in which those characteristics are viewed as inherently flawed or disabling, to be hidden, cured or pitied. Disney dvd Colloction [DVD] [2013]
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Disability activism is based around the Social model of disability in which disability is analysed as a function of society being arranged so that certain mental or physical characteristics or impairments mean that an individual with them is less able to participate fully in society, ie is disabled. This is as opposed to other models in which those characteristics are viewed as inherently flawed or disabling, to be hidden, cured or pitied. While the virtual nature of some geek communities means they can be less disabling than mainstream society for some people, geek communities are not therefore free of enacting the ableism of society at large or their own specific variants thereof. Disability is a topic that often comes up alongside the issue of women in geek communities. Geek communities often have few people with disabilities, and there are many ableist incidents just as there are sexist incidents. When people fall into two minority groups within the geek community -- eg. both disability and gender -- we start to also see issues of intersectionality, where the experience of being a disabled woman is different from that of being a member of just one group. A disability or handicap was a type of impairment of one's mind or body. The titular character of the novel Nicholas Nickleby had a handicapped friend named Smike. (ENT: "Cold Station 12") The founders of the Moab IV colony wished that none of their citizens would have to suffer from disabilities. (TNG: "The Masterpiece Society" ) In 2364, while under the control of the Beta Renner cloud, Jean-Luc Picard tendered his resignation from command of the USS Enterprise-D and Starfleet, with the intention of leaving the starship and beam into the cloud. Doctor Beverly Crusher then relieved him from duty, giving his being "disabled and mentally incapacitated" as reasons. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ) A common belief was that those who lost one ability compensated by increasing their other abilities. When Picard tried to discourage an non-empathic Deanna Troi from resigning her position by reminding her of this in 2367, she said it was a false belief probably created by normal people who felt uncomfortable around disabled ones. Picard started to tell her about a female teacher he had at the Academy who was a wheelchair user since birth, but she dismissed his "inspirational anecdote". (TNG: "The Loss" ) In Picard's opinion, Dr. Crusher was asking too much of Worf to expect him to go from wanting to die to accepting his disabled condition following a freak accident in 2368. (TNG: "Ethics" ) In 2373, Julian Bashir told an injured, reckless Martok that he should accept the fact that he had a disability after the one-eyed Klingon foolishly turned off the holodeck safety protocols during a battle simulation. (DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire ") The study and practice of the unspeakable arts of Daemonology and Necromancy soon take their toll on the magician's mind and body. Likewise, Evil and Chaotic magicians following other magical careers also suffer physical and mental degeneration. This is reflected by the acquisition of one or more Penalties at each level. Every time Daemonologists advance a level, they gain 1D6 Insanity Points, plus one of the Disabilities listed below. Necromancers also gain a Disability at each level and have a steadily increasing chance of contracting Tomb Rot. Evil or Chaotic magicians are slightly more fortunate, in that they only develop one Disability at each level. Other penalties, gained by summoning Daemons or using daemonic power-summoning spells, for example, are described in the introduction to the relevant careers. Some of these Disabilities are progressive, in that they get steadily worse over time. The effects of such Disabilities are therefore described in three stages. The character will suffer the effects of the first stage of the disability immediately as it has been acquired. The effects of the more advanced stages are cumulative and set in after 2D6 months or as soon as the character next changes career or career level (whichever is sooner). Thus, even if the character changes to a less obnoxious career, the disability will continue to get worse. Every time a character's advance scheme calls for the acquisition of a disability (or, in the case of Daemonologists and Evil or Chaotic Wizards, whenever the character rises a level), the GM should roll D100 and consult the appropriate column of the table below. Disney dvd Colloction [DVD] [2013] Disability refers to the social effects of physical or mental impairment. This definition, known as the 'social model' of disability, makes a clear distinction between the impairment itself (such as a medical condition that makes a person unable to walk or unable to sit) and the disabling effects of society in relation to that impairment. As Frank Bowe put it in Handicapping America (1978), the real issue is the societal response to disability: if a community allows physical, architectural, transportation, and other barriers to remain in place, society is creating handicaps that oppress individuals with disabilities. If, on the other hand, a community removes those barriers, persons with disabilities can function at much higher levels. In simple terms, it is not the inability to walk or inability to sit that prevents a person entering a building unaided but the existence of stairs or the lack of benches to lie down, that are inaccessible to a wheelchair-user or a person with sitting disability. In other words, 'disability' is socially constructed. The 'social model' is often contrasted with the 'medical model' which sees 'disability' as synonymous with 'impairment.'